Message about an outstanding work of art. The influence of historical events on Soviet art. Two paintings in one

If you look at our planet from space, it is predominantly blue. The predominance of this color over others means the presence of a large expanse of water that dominates all the others. Water is the source of life, necessary for every living being on Earth. A person can do without food for quite a long time, but without water - a very limited period. That is why nature has so generously taken care of everyone who inhabits our planet by creating such a large amount of liquid. However, as you know, people become enemies to themselves, destroying the primordial environment around them and causing irreparable harm to the natural resources of the Earth. This is especially true for reservoirs, rivers and lakes.

Are there many polluted rivers

Everyone, of course, knows that in Russia there are many rivers where it is forbidden to swim and from where it is forbidden to use water for drinking and cooking. However, this situation is not only in our country, but all over the world. Many rivers of the world, which make up an impressive percentage of the total number of water bodies, are in an extremely disastrous state. It is difficult to even imagine this state, it is so depressing, and looking at the photographs, it is impossible not to shudder, just imagining swimming in such a reservoir. But in such rivers, not only is bathing impossible, and even a boat trip will not bring pleasure.

For example, the dirtiest river in the world, Citarum, causes only bitter regret about the once so beautiful and majestic river, which was the wealth and decoration of its land. Now she has become a disgrace to the entire Indonesian people. However, there are many such polluted rivers around the world, but the Citarum River is a topic for a separate discussion.

Why rivers are polluted

Sources of river pollution are natural and man-made. The first ones are irreversible, but also not causing serious damage to the reservoir. Natural sources of pollution of water resources arise as a result of passing from one state of aggregation to another, irreversibly carries with it impurities of minerals, chemical compounds, rocks, bacteria and various microorganisms. Reservoirs tend to self-purify, which successfully occurs with natural sources of pollution.

As for man-made sources of pollution, the situation is such that the situation is simply out of control. Settlements, various industrial enterprises "supply" the entire composition of the periodic table, which is characterized by toxic, hardly decomposable chemical compounds and radionuclides, to the water source. As a result, in nature, all this spreads around the world, replenishing underground water supplies.

The dirtiest river in the world

Not far from Jakar is the river Citarum. Its length is about 300 km, and about 500 industrial enterprises were built on its banks. Waste from all enterprises, including almost nine million metropolis, and to this day merge into this river. Today, the dirtiest river in the world is a giant garbage dump, where any manifestation of flora and fauna has long been absent. This river is not a spectacle for the faint of heart, so much so does its appearance cause rejection and even a feeling of disgust. But the water from this river is still used for agricultural purposes and many people continue to draw water from it for their needs!

The Citarum can no longer be called a river in the proper sense of the word. Every day, hundreds of people who are below the poverty line come here to choose from that mountain of garbage, which is a river, waste suitable for processing. The dirtiest river in the world is a silent reproach to humanity and proof of what a person is capable of doing who does not care about the consequences of his deeds. Even the efforts of the world community, which allocates large sums of money to the Indonesian authorities to clean up the river, are unable to reverse the situation, everything has gone too far.

The dirtiest rivers in Asia

There are many countries in Asia with a low standard of living, and this is one of the main reasons for such a wild and negligent attitude towards water bodies. As a rule, in these countries there is no money for waste processing, so they simply merge into the body of water closest to the enterprise.

So which rivers in Asia are in distress?

First of all, it is which is considered sacred in India. More than 500 million people, as well as various industrial enterprises, pour tons of waste and waste products into this river every day. However, this does not stop religious Hindus; every year they perform ritual ablutions prescribed by religion in this river. As a result of this rite, hundreds of people die, especially children.

The next most polluted river is a branch of the Ganges - this is Buriganga, it is located near Bangladesh. Officially, this river has long been recognized as dead, but people continue to use the water from it for their own needs.

Famous in China, the fate of polluted rivers also did not escape. Its water has also been declared unusable, the reason for this being the daily emissions of waste from chemical and oil refineries.

The dirtiest rivers in Russia

Unfortunately, in Russia there are also many water bodies that are in distress. The reason for this is similar to the rivers in Asia - these are industrial enterprises. One of the most polluted rivers is the Volga, which from time immemorial has been the source of life for many Russian people. Now she is in a critical condition and even the ability to self-cleanse does not help anymore.

The Moscow River is also polluted to the extreme, although many reckless citizens still continue to swim in it and fish. Despite the efforts of the government, allocating large amounts of money for the situation is not improving.


Polluting the rivers of the world, man saws the branch on which he himself sits. After all, he is also a part of nature, which cannot exist separately from the rest of the parts, although he desperately hopes for it. Lack of respect for nature and a sense of responsibility for one's actions will sooner or later lead to an ecological catastrophe, for the consequences of which everyone will have to answer.

Ecologists tirelessly talk about the fact that the world is on the verge of a water crisis. But despite such depressing prospects, humanity is in no hurry to change its attitude to water resources. Some reservoirs are so polluted that it is no longer possible to bring them back to life. We bring to your attention the ten most polluted rivers in the world:

1. Citarum River, Indonesia

This is not a garbage dump - this is a river, which, by the way, is one of the main water arteries of Indonesia. Agree, in the list of the most polluted rivers in the world, it is not in vain in the first place! The river flows near the 9 million city of Jakarta, where there is no such luxury as garbage collection services or sewage treatment systems - all waste is sent directly to the water. It is hard to believe, but once the Citarum was full of life. Today, the water is almost invisible from under a thick layer of garbage, and the locals have already forgotten that there was once a fish.

2. Yamuna River, India

Yamuna - the largest tributary of the Ganges, flows through the Indian states of Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, and also crosses the capital New Delhi, which dumps about 60% of all garbage produced by the city into the river. The Indian government is trying to solve the problem of pollution of the Yamuna and even investing a lot of money in this good cause, but all efforts to clean up the river are in vain.

3. Ganges River, India

It is no wonder that the Ganges itself, given the deplorable state of its tributaries, was on the "black" list. The rapid growth of the population of India, the development of industry in the absence of modern treatment systems - these factors, of course, adversely affect the state of the country's main river. In response, the Ganges "rewards" local residents with diseases such as cholera, hepatitis, typhoid and dysentery. About 80% of all health problems and a third of deaths in India are due to poor quality water.

4. Buriganga River, Bangladesh

Buriganga - another "metropolitan" river, flows near Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. Buriganga is rightfully considered one of the most polluted rivers in the world: its water cannot be not only drunk, but even used for technical purposes. Despite the country's ban on dumping waste into rivers, Buriganga receives about 1.5 million cubic meters of industrial waste every day. It is clear that with such an attitude, this river has long turned into a biologically dead channel.

5. "Yellow River", China

The Yellow River is the second largest river in China and is the source of drinking water for millions of people in Northern China. True, how the population manages to use this resource for domestic purposes is completely incomprehensible, because the Yellow River is heavily polluted with oil products.

6. Marilao River, Philippines

The waters of this river are not just polluted - they are life-threatening as they contain various toxins such as chromium, cadmium, copper and arsenic. Despite attempts by the authorities to contain the pollution of Marilao with a system of fines, the local population, as well as numerous businesses, continue to shamelessly use this river as a dumping ground.

7. Songhua River, China

The river in northern China, the largest tributary of the Amur in terms of water content, flows into it from the right along the stream. On the Songhua River are the cities of Jilin, Harbin, Jiamusi. In November 2005, Sungari was contaminated with benzene. An environmental disaster led to the closure of Harbin's water supply.

8. Mississippi River, USA

This greatest river in the world has not escaped the fate of pollution either. A major economic and natural resource for the United States, the Mississippi adds thousands of tons of nitrogen pollution to the Gulf of Mexico each year.

9. Sarno River, Italy

Sarno flows south of Pompeii and empties into the Gulf of Naples at Castella Mare di Stabia. Large-scale dumping of untreated agricultural and industrial waste makes this river the most polluted in Europe.

10. King's River, Australia

They treat this river in a completely unroyal way: the water artery is polluted with chemical waste from the mining industry. Since 1995, about 1.5 million tons of sulphides have entered the Royal River annually.

It has long been no secret that most human activities have a destructive effect on the environment. For the desire to live in comfortable conditions, humanity pays with dirty air and poisoned water bodies. Regrettably, but over the past hundred years, marked by an unprecedented rise in various spheres of production, people have destroyed more natural resources than in the entire previous history of their existence. Today we invite you on a virtual tour of the dirtiest river on the planet that you can imagine - the Citarum River, which flows in the west.

Citarum River, Indonesia

It's hard to believe, but just half a century ago, no one would have dared to call the Citarum River the dirtiest in the world. She calmly carried her waters through the territory of West Java, being a source of livelihood for all the surrounding inhabitants. The main way for the local population to earn a living was fishing and growing rice, the water for which also came from Citarum. The river was so full-flowing that on Lake Saguling, which it feeds, French engineers were even able to build the largest hydroelectric power station.

But the rise of industry that came in the 80s of the last century put an end to the ecological well-being of the entire Tsitarum river basin. More than 500 different industrial enterprises appeared on the banks of the river like mushrooms after the rain, each of which sends all its waste directly into the river.

Despite the fairly rapid development of industry, in terms of sanitary conditions, Indonesia has been and remains at the lowest level. Therefore, here we are not even talking about centralized removal and disposal of household waste, or about laying sewers and building treatment facilities. All of them indiscriminately go into the waters of the Citarum River.

Today, the state of the Citarum River can be called critical without any exaggeration. An unprepared person today is unlikely to be able to guess that a river is hiding under piles of all sorts of rubbish. Only light boats slowly sailing through huge heaps of rotting waste can suggest that there is water below.

Given the circumstances, most of the local residents changed their specialization. Now the main source of income for them is not fishing, but objects thrown into the river. Every morning, local men and teenagers go to the floating dump, hoping that their catch will be successful, and the things found can be washed and sold. Sometimes they are lucky, and scavenger hunts bring in about 1.5-2 pounds a week. In most cases, the search for treasure leads to severe illness, and often to the death of the miner.

But even those of the locals who can afford not to collect waste are not entirely immune from the risk of getting sick. The thing is that despite the off-scale content of harmful substances, Citarum, as before, remains the only source of drinking water for all the surrounding settlements. That is, local residents are forced to cook food and drink water almost from the garbage heap.

More than 5 years ago, the Asian Development Bank allocated more than 500 million North American dollars to clean up the Citarum. But, despite such a powerful monetary infusion, the banks of the Citarum are still hidden under piles of garbage to this day. Ecologists foretell that in the near future the garbage will so shallow the river that the power plant that feeds from it will also stop working. Perhaps then, after the closure of the enterprises standing on the banks of the Citarum, the situation will improve at least a little.

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