The name of the women's rhythmic gymnastics team. Group exercise in rhythmic gymnastics. Interesting team names and mottos on a sports theme

The history of the creation of the Madonna team

Having received an offer to develop a new sport in Russia in 2002, Liliya Morozova Morozova, a lecturer and coach in rhythmic gymnastics at the Department of Physical Education and Sports of Moscow State Pedagogical University, decided to compile an exercise according to the rules for the university team (at that time the leader in rhythmic and rhythmic gymnastics among universities in Moscow). aesthetic gymnastics.

The exercise is ready, the team needed to be given a name! Divine, pure, beautiful, noble woman. Beautiful feminine face! How to reflect this in the team name? Lilia Petrovna decided that all these descriptions are close to the Madonna. Not exactly a sports name, but it has the loftiness, inaccessibility and femininity that is so inherent in this sport. And the coach, dreaming of a high level of sportsmanship and brilliant sports results, was not mistaken in the name of the team. "Madonna" has reached the highest sporting heights. And in terms of nobility, she lived up to the expectations of her mentor. Because the gymnasts of the Madonna team always sincerely cheer for other teams in competitions, never offend rivals and do not conflict with anyone.

The first competition of the Madonna team was the 2002 Russian Championship in Stupino, Moscow Region. A few years later, Lilia Petrovna invited one of her students, who had finished her sports career, Natalya Shcherbakova, to train the team with her. Natalia did an excellent job of coaching for 5 years. The creation of the team later became the impetus for organizing aesthetic gymnastics for children. And so in 2004 the school of dance and gymnastics "Madonna" was created. All students of Lilia Petrovna who wish to try themselves as coaches could and still have the opportunity to show their talents at this school. The main assistant Morozova L.P. in the development of the direction of the EG and the foundation of the school of dance and gymnastics "Madonna" was the athlete of the first composition of the team "Madonna" - Kovaleva (Smirnova) Ekaterina. A person who sincerely loves children, always delicate and restrained. A teacher from God, as Lilia Petrovna always says about her.

The Madonna team honed its skills by performing competitive programs at various venues for mass sports and cultural events in Moscow. Thus, the coach tried to ensure the practice of performances for her team. competitions in aesthetic gymnastics, in which the Madonna team could take part, were not enough at that time. And in order to master a large number of motor skills and abilities, gymnasts invited choreographers of various dance styles to work together. Slowly but surely the team moved to the podium! Step by step, increasing your rating. In 2009, the team won the international Miss Valentine tournament for the first time. Then Lilia Petrovna had her first tears of joy for her Madonna.

At the World Championship in Moscow in 2009, the team became a bronze medalist. It was a big success. But in the same 2009, the requirement of the International Federation of Aesthetic Group Gymnastics that the team coach did not have the right to be a judge from the federation was harshly voiced. By that time, the volume of work of the vice-president of the WFEG and the head of the MFEG had become significant and took more and more time from work in the hall. How was it to explain everything to the team, find the right person and make the right decision?

A few years before 2009, the team began working with choreographer Sania Valentinovna Glyzina. Over the years of communication, it became clear that Sonya is a professional in gymnastics and an intelligent, refined woman, with excellent taste and upbringing. And she has all the qualities that personify the very conceived image of the Madonna. Only to her could Lilia Petrovna entrust her brainchild, her beloved girls. There was a risk of rejection, and the girls were afraid of a new person. But her intuition did not fail her. Saniya Valentinovna agreed to be the official coach of the team. Her brilliant work, knowledge, diligence and full dedication to the team helped the gymnasts repeatedly rise to the highest step of the podium.

Since the founding of the team, its composition, of course, has changed. And almost every year new stars came to the hall. The last champion line-up has not changed much over the past 4 years. These are special gymnasts, all, according to Lilia Petrovna, are very talented. Each of them is revealed more and more every year both in technical preparation and in emotional terms.

Excellent successes, an honest beautiful sports road and a great contribution to the development of Moscow and Russian sports. Good team history. There is something to be proud of.

Compiled from the words of the vice-president of the WFEG Morozova L.P.

During the performance of the team of gymnasts, consistency and synchronism in the performance of exercises should prevail. One of the requirements for the performance of exercises by gymnasts is the most diverse use of the entire space of the site, with smooth and varied transitions and rebuilding from one movement or formation to another. Supports that are logically included in the composition are allowed.

The all-Russian public organization "All-Russian Federation of Aesthetic Gymnastics" was established on April 5, 2002. The first president of the WFEG was the multiple world champion in rhythmic gymnastics Natalia Lipkovskaya.

"EXPRESSION" (category "women"), Moscow
The team was formed in 2006 on the basis of the Moscow State University of Communications (MIIT).
Main achievements:
- World champion in aesthetic gymnastics (2016)
- European champion in aesthetic gymnastics (2017)
- Five-time world champion in aesthetic gymnastics in the classification of countries (2013-2017)
- Two-time World Cup winner in the overall standings (2015-2016)
— Champion of Russia (2016)
- Repeated winner of the world championships and stages of the World Cup (2014-2017), silver medalist of the Russian Championships (2014-2015)
– Winner of EUSA CUP (European Cup among Universities) (2015-2016)

The largest international rhythmic gymnastics competitions include not only individual championships, but also group exercises. Nevertheless, today it turns out that gymnasts who win medals in individual exercises are loved and honored, and many do not know the athletes performing in the group by sight and by name. This fact does not at all mean that group exercises are less important. Moreover, the complexity of the performances of athletes in the group is much higher. The need for gymnasts to interact with each other makes their performances more vivid and spectacular.

Features of group exercises

The emergence of group exercises has become one of the stages in the development of rhythmic gymnastics. The first major international competition for groups was held in 1967. Then they were included in the World Cup program. By the way, the USSR national team won at that first start.

There are five gymnasts in the group and, accordingly, five apparatus are used. This does not necessarily mean that all items will be the same. A combination is possible. For example, three hoops and two clubs or three ribbons and two ropes, as was the case at the London Olympics. From this, the program only becomes more complicated and effective. That is why, as a rule, the competitive program includes exercises with one and with different objects.

Individual or group exercises - which is more difficult?

Working in a group is not for every gymnast. To do this, the athlete must have certain personal qualities. First of all, it is responsibility and sociability. A girl should be able to work in a team and feel her partners.

Gymnasts performing in a group have a huge responsibility, because they are responsible not only to themselves, but to the whole team. While a small blot can be forgivable in individual routines, making the same mistake to every gymnast in a group will almost certainly cost them a medal.

During the performance of the group, the judges pay attention not only to the complexity of the elements, but also to the synchronism of their implementation. Throws must be made simultaneously and to the same height, collisions of objects must not be allowed, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of construction. Another important requirement is that gymnasts performing in a group must have a similar appearance. This is achieved with the help of the same swimsuits, hairstyles, makeup.

Just don’t scold))) it so happened that my daughter goes to gymnastics for the third year, and I don’t understand it at all!
The child trained three times a week, and now five times.
But the children of her group (6-7) years old perform in groups A and B.
Actually what is the question:

What are these groups? I didn’t find anything about them (maybe I didn’t look well?), On the Internet they write only about discharges. In our sports school, I have never seen information about the categories. It is difficult to find out something from the coach (((she is always in a hurry ...
Can a child qualify for the category. If he is in Group B?

Wait a minute..DID YOU go to competitions, did your daughter perform some kind of programs? You can apply for a category in HCG if you show a certain level of exercise at competitions of a certain level. The coach is usually involved in recording children for competitions, because the higher the rank, the higher the salary of the coach, well, if the sports school .. And how are you?
Groups A and B are introduced from the evil one - in order to distinguish girls of obviously different levels in some thread of small-town competitions and evaluate accordingly in different ways ... To assign ranks, you need to get a certain number of points for a program of a certain level of complexity ..
What is your girl doing?

I have never heard of groups A and B in gymnastics. But we, however, did not reach the competition, I may not know. In figure skating, groups A and B are divided as follows: A is a competition for a level (category) corresponding to age, and group B is not appropriate .. That is, if a child at 10 years old must perform 1 category, then 10-year-olds , those who are younger) by 1 rank will compete in group A, and those who are older will compete in 1-rankers in group B. (age and ranks led from the bulldozer). That is, in group B, you can perform a category, but it will not correspond to age. And in figure skating, group B is not allowed to compete at the All-Russian level. That is, they can practice, they can receive categories, but they will not be considered in "high sport".
Maybe you have something similar? But you write that the age of the children is the same .. Maybe the level is different?
In general, for normal sports results in artistic gymnastics (and there is a lot of competition in it), from the second year of training, you need more than 3 times a week .. 5 is normal. 2 hours minimum. With this, you can at least move somewhere.

Group A - stronger, in B a simpler program or beginners who perform 1 time. But I won’t say for sure about the category, it seems to me that it’s possible to get a category in the B group, if any 3 youthful ones, I don’t know higher

We performed once at the sports school itself and without a subject. But these were sports school competitions. I know for sure that there are traveling ones, but older girls mostly go to them.

It's just that before 3 times a week, so to speak, "without tension", but now every day, + fees, so I'm trying to decide what "threatens" us.

A nanny takes me to gymnastics, I don’t see a coach at all, and if I see she is always in a hurry, she explains quickly, so I wanted to approach her, but with some kind of knowledge. and so he will say - you are the 3rd !!! a year, and still not up to date (I understand my troubles, but nevertheless ...)

so I'm trying to decide, if you do so much, then there should be results, and if there are no results, then you need to find something "for the soul" and do it not so often ... the child is ready to plow 6 hours daily, but us this year in school! so I'm worried .... translate easier or vice versa to review all the charts ...

Groups A and B (there are also C and C streams) differ in the degree of complexity and the number of subjects performed (group B below, for example, at a certain age, competes only in BP) It all depends on the year of birth of the athlete and her skills. Depending on the group, elements, objects of a certain complexity are declared on the cards) For example, group A in 2008-2007 now performs two or three types: BP and optionally: a hoop or a skipping rope or both a hoop and a skipping rope. Further, more objects and elements are added in the older groups. But for example, there are gymnasts who still perform only 1 type even in G.R. 2006 (. Previously, such a division was only at commercial and club competitions, because children were allowed to amateur sports (between SDUSHOR) by definition of approximately the same level. Now occurs in such competitions too

Alas, artistic gymnastics is such a highly competitive sport that it is just a base in it 5 times a week for 2-3 hours. At the same time, it will not be that “results”, it will be called “doing gymnastics” ... And in order to have results that can be presented, you must first have a very strong desire of the child himself, so that he sits at home on the twine and in his free time walked on the bridge. That is, 2-3 hours of classes will be only at the classes themselves, and the same amount at home ... (+ fees ..)
And secondly, he had good data ... In particular, long legs are needed .. I'm not talking about weight. Well, plus good flexibility, of course.
We did gymnastics for 2 years in the mode 3 times a week + 2 individual ones, the child has good flexibility, we passed the summer training camp - and left safely from there .. We are torn off with arms and legs in all other places, but in thin gymnastics we did not shine nothing at all. They even refused to transfer us to a sports group, although we were head and shoulders stronger than our classmates. As we were told - "if you stretch out like carrots - come" ... but I know for sure that we will not stretch out ... and why so much effort in thin gymnastics, when the same efforts in other sports, less competitive, give normal results.. I am very satisfied with two years in synchronized swimming... My daughter has a super-back now. In acrobatics, they were waiting for us and promised competitions ... but it didn’t work out. And in gymnastics ... And the attitude there was - "there are hundreds like you ... we sneeze at you" .. In general, think ...

Isn't synchronized swimming a more hellish sport than CG?

At what age did you switch to synchro?
Is this a sports school?

he is less competitive if we discuss the age of up to 9 years old .. And then it’s hard for me to compare, I don’t know how much thin gymnasts plow in order to achieve something. Probably everyone plows the same way, 5 hours a day. Just thin gymnasts in one direction, and synchronized swimmers in the other. But we're not talking about big sport, but "for health", right?
We came to synchronous at the age of 5, studied for 2 years before school. Artistic gymnastics was practiced at the age of 4 and 5 years. Figured from 5 to the present, that is, 3 years.
Synchronous yes, sports school. Now our group has workouts 5 or 6 times a week, 2 hours of water and an hour of the gym. But a group of sophomores, 8-year-olds. We were a year younger than the group, lagged behind, got upset and decided to finally stop.
Moreover, all other synchro groups I know are doing much less than us, including a group a year younger ... if for myself, then this is a great option, for my taste. There is also a strong commercial sports school, where our friends study. Already competed (also 2nd grade).

But SG, by all accounts, is a very traumatic sport ... Everything else is very entertaining, as it turned out. And even figure jumps are not as traumatic as I initially thought.

On the curly attitude towards boys, of course, it is better, but there are not a million girls here. In figure skating, they look into their parents' wallets very much, because classes are very expensive. And where it is expensive - there is not a million.
As for synchronous, it is so unpopular (in comparison with other girlish activities) that there is rather a shortage, a friendly attitude. And by the age of 4-5, people run away, so there are only a few left ... whoever lives up to this age in synchronous will be appreciated. But, of course, you have to plow .. I heard that even swimmers are horrified by the training of synchronized swimmers. But it's not about first class...
The best thing is the attitude and friendliness and the prospects for competitions and in general - in pair acrobatics .. (from what we had to do with).

Thanks for the answer.

In FC, we tried with my son to enter CSKA ... Really, a million people came to the selection))))
We were not taken. Now sometimes I cross paths with the mothers of figure skaters from CSKA ... 2nd year of classes, but it's terrible ... One way or another, I'm busy 5-6 days a week ... 4 official trainings + tricks, additional choreography. At the same time, the schedule is floating ... it's impossible to plan anything!
Well, the end is expensive ... And the competition is very high, everyone is shaking and going to skates.
In general, it’s a cool sport, I’m thinking of giving up my daughter ... but I can’t stand such a schedule ((((and financially 25-30 per month is too much for us ...
And there is no sports school nearer ((((

I don’t consider SG ... just maybe a couple of years for pumping muscles. Figure skaters just walk.
For CG, our legs are short (((girl friend, 7 years old, training 5 times or 6 even for 5 hours ...
Synchronized swimmers, of course, train a lot (((

I’ll watch acrobatics again ... but I myself don’t really like it ... but maybe the child will like it))))

CSKA yes.. it's number 1 now... Loads there...
Classes are in the morning, so it's easy to plan - "the whole first half of the day is busy spending it on the skating rink"
I had a nanny who sat there with her daughter all morning ... and after the skating rink, lunch and a synchronized
But we are not in CSKA, so we spent a lot of time on the rink, but little on the ice, and the results are so-so ...
For pumping muscles, go for synchronous. Believe me, it's worth it ... a lot of training will be when you leave there. My daughter is now like a fish in water... in all styles

Often, slogans for sports competitions are created in order to raise the spirit of competition, cheer and set the team to achieve a certain goal. The most striking and famous throughout the world is the motto of the Olympic Games "Faster, higher, stronger!" It is the best of its kind, and has collected the following features of a good slogan:

  • Sportiness and spirit are emphasized. Such a motto sets up a player or team for victory, at the same time it raises morale;
  • Brief, and in all three words the essence of a sporting event is displayed. Long mottos tend to look unattractive and unmemorable;
  • The rhythm and dynamics are observed. Good chants should be pronounced without hesitation, quickly, clearly and rhythmically.

A team whose slogan is designed according to all of the above criteria can stand out from the rest in competitions, thereby attracting support from fans and spectators. However, bands do not always have good slogans, although it is not so difficult to come up with them.

Is it difficult to come up with a motto for sports competitions?

As says:

A motto is a word or short phrase that defines the behavior and aspirations of a group of people or an organization.

In life, this happens when it turns out to be composed quite by accident, for example, as a result of insight into some successful events. However, thousands of different slogans have already been invented in our time, and perhaps the one you created quite by accident is not unique, and someone has already come up with it before.
And yet, a unique motto for a team for sports competitions can be made even today, and in order to make it better than others, you need to be guided by the following:

  • Study the history of the team, if any, and make a chant based on this;
  • Analyze previously created mottos and select some words, individual phrases in them or replace them with synonyms;
  • To give clarity to the slogan, you should use verbs that encourage action;
  • The speech should not be long. Brevity is the soul of wit.

If you still can't come up with a motto, don't worry! Perhaps you can find something suitable here.

The best mottos and emblems for a sports team


Run in the morning, jump in the afternoon

What could be better than sports and lifting

Always be ready for any obstacles,

Everyone needs a sports drive.

The youth

Our team is very young.

You can't take it without pressure.

Very fast and smart

We are a youth team!


Run, hurry and jump

Ready all day

To win a cup in sports

We are not too lazy to work!


You don't need to fight at all

Let friendship reign in the world!


We have the best team in the world

We are ready to play every moment

You don't need luck to win us

No one will ever defeat us!


We came to the stadium

Let's kick the ball now.

We are the champion team!

We will confirm this.


Our team is always ready

Luck will never leave us

We are marching with a firm gait to victories,

And we will definitely take the first place!

fast and furious

Let's move forward to victory

Our whole squad is invincible,

We are not lazy to train -

We definitely won't miss the prize.


Head up, stand up straight

We entered the ring, it means to hold!

The Bears

So fearless

So dangerous.

That we will defeat everyone in a row without fear.


Forward, forward to victory

We say no to defeat!

To us young athletes -

There are no barriers to victory.


Our team is brave

Always ready to fight

And the most skillful

Any area.


Go forward and don't give up.

Our motto: "Compete to the end"!


To be healthy and strong

Everyone needs to love sports

Swim, jump, temper -

Squat and push up!


Sport is power, sport is life

For champions, victory makes sense

The main thing is to be ahead of the rest

Work hard to be better than others.


We don't stand still

Driving progress -

After all, in a sports theme,

There are no delays!


Bad weather is not a problem

There is always time for sports

Hormones in the blood play

The snipers are predicting victory.


We are starting the relay.

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How to come up with a team name and motto for sports competitions

The name should correspond not only to the type of competition, but also to the nature of the group as a whole. It should uplift the spirit and unite the competitors. The motto helps the team to show their advantages to others.

  1. Initials.
  2. This is an ideal option for those whose team consists of both men and women. As a rule, such a name not only reflects the character of all participants, but also makes everyone feel needed, bring something of their own to the game. All names with a generalizing addition at the end or beginning can serve as a motto.

  3. Celebrity names.
  4. More than once it was possible to meet such detachments of "stars" who definitely felt confident. Now this idea has faded a bit. If you decide on such a plan, then remember that you need to choose a celebrity in your sport or industry, as the team will “follow” her example. An ideal slogan would be a quote from a selected famous person, but in most cases there is no such quote and the teams are forced to take just an interesting statement about their sport.

  5. Advantages.
  6. If you are thinking about how to rally athletes with a name and a slogan, then pay attention to the advantages of the team. Give each participant a piece of paper and a pen and let him write down his or someone else's merits. Choose the most interesting ones, arrange them in an attractive order, leave only the first letters - it's done. The motto can be an explanation of the abbreviations, so make sure that the description of the team rhymes well.

  7. Vice versa.
  8. If you've already seen a suitable name for a team, but it's already being used by opponents, don't frown. Find the usual team names and read them backwards. Of course, you can’t read the motto on the contrary, so you need to invent it yourself.

  9. Captain.

Since the captain is a leader and role model, it is quite possible to use his last name as the name of the team. The chants of such teams can be different: both comic and serious.

Rhythmic gymnastics. Description, development history

Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport in which various gymnastic and dance exercises are performed to music without objects or with objects (ribbons, ropes, hoops, maces, balls).
Lately no apparatus has been performed at world class competitions. In group performances, either two types of objects are used simultaneously (for example, hoops and balls) or one type (five balls, five pairs of maces). The winners are determined in the all-around, in individual types and group exercises.
All exercises are accompanied by musical accompaniment. Previously, they performed under the piano or one instrument. Now orchestral phonograms are used. The choice of music depends on the wishes of the gymnast and coach. But each exercise should be at least 1 minute 15 seconds and no more than one and a half minutes. Competitions are held on a gymnastic carpet measuring 13x13 meters. Classic all-around (4 exercises) - Olympic discipline. In addition to the all-around, gymnasts performing in the individual championship traditionally compete for sets of awards in certain types of exercises (except for the Olympic Games).
Performances have recently been evaluated on a twenty-point system. One of the most spectacular and elegant sports. In the USSR, rhythmic gymnastics as a sport arose and took shape in the 1940s. Since 1984 it has been an Olympic sport. Until recently, an exclusively female sport, however, since the end of the 20th century, thanks to the efforts of Japanese gymnasts, competitions have also been held between men.


Rhythmic gymnastics is a fairly young sport, which owes its appearance to the ballet masters of the famous Mariinsky Theater. In a relatively short period of its existence, this sport has won worldwide recognition and has numerous fans around the world.
In 1913, a higher school of artistic movement was opened at the Leningrad Institute of Physical Culture named after P.F. Lesgaft. Her first teachers were Roza Varshavskaya, Elena Gorlova, Anastasia Nevinskaya, Alexandra Semenova-Naypak. Before joining the Higher School of Art, all these teachers had their own experience in teaching: "aesthetic gymnastics" - Francois Delsarte, "rhythmic gymnastics" - Emile Jacques del Croze, "dance gymnastics" - Georges Demini and "free dance" - Isadora Duncan. The fusion of all these areas of gymnastics contributed to the emergence of this elegant sport.
In April 1941, the first championship of Leningrad in rhythmic gymnastics was organized and held by graduates and teachers of the school. In the 40s, the development of rhythmic gymnastics, as well as all Soviet sports, practically stopped due to the Great Patriotic War.
In 1948, the first USSR Rhythmic Gymnastics Championship was held. In 1945, the All-Union Section of Rhythmic Gymnastics was created, which in 1963 was transformed into a federation of the USSR. In the late 1940s, a classification program and competition rules were developed. And then the development of this sport proceeded with extraordinary speed, covering an increasing number of young participants.
Since 1949, championships of the USSR have been held annually, since 1965 - competitions for the USSR Cup in rhythmic gymnastics, since 1966 - all-Union children's competitions. The first champion of the USSR in 1949 in Kyiv was Lyubov Denisova (coach Y. Shishkareva). And in 1954 the first masters of sports appeared. Gymnastics begin to travel outside the USSR with demonstration performances in Belgium, France, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia.
After that, rhythmic gymnastics was recognized as a sport by the International Gymnastics Federation. In 1960, the first official international meeting was held in Sofia: Bulgaria - the USSR - Czechoslovakia, and 3 years later, on December 7-8, 1963, the first official international competition, called the European Cup, was held in Budapest.
Summing up, it was found that gymnasts not only from Europe took part, and then it was decided to consider these competitions the first world championship, and its winner, Muscovite Lyudmila Savinkova, the first world champion in rhythmic gymnastics. In Budapest, the competitions were held according to the rules adopted in the USSR, but only according to the free program.
In 1967, a fundamentally new team type appeared in world rhythmic gymnastics - a competition in group exercises. In 1967, the first World Championships in group exercises took place in Copenhagen. Then the Soviet team won gold medals. European championships have been held since 1978. In Madrid, the Soviet gymnast Galima Shugurova becomes the owner of the European crown. In the period from 1963 to 1991, the World Championships were held every two years in odd years, and in even years, from 1978 to 1992, the European Championships were held. Since 1992, the World and European Championships have been held annually.
1980 - became a turning point for rhythmic gymnastics. After the completion of the Olympic Games in Moscow, the IOC Congress decided to include this sport in the program of the Olympic Games. The Olympic history of rhythmic gymnastics begins in 1984, when Canadian Lori Fang won the first Olympic gold in Los Angeles.
Four years later, Marina Lobach became the Olympic champion in Seoul, Alexandra Timoshenko won in Barcelona, ​​Ekaterina Serebryanskaya in Atlanta, Yulia Barsukova in Sydney, and Alina Kabaeva in Athens. Since the Olympic Games in Atlanta, rhythmic gymnastics has been represented entirely by two sections: competitions in individual and group exercises.

Grading system and judging

The International Gymnastics Federation changed the scoring system in 2001, 2003 and 2005 in order to emphasize the technical elements and reduce the subjectivity of the scoring. Until 2001, the score was given on a 10-point scale, in 2003 it was changed to a 30-point scale and to a 20-point scale in 2005.

It should be noted that the evaluation of the results of performances in this sport is an extremely subjective thing. More than once there were serious scandals and even disqualification of judges due to unequal treatment of athletes.
One of the most high-profile incidents occurred at the European Championship in Zaragoza in 2000 with Elena Vitrichenko. Because of this, questions have been repeatedly raised about changing the procedure for refereeing or about removing this sport from the Olympic program.
Rhythmic gymnastics was not spared the problem of doping drugs. They are not taken to increase endurance or increase muscle mass. The main problem of gymnasts is overweight. Therefore, the main drugs used are diuretics, which, in turn, are prohibited by the anti-doping committee.

Features of rhythmic gymnastics

It is advisable to start the first steps in rhythmic gymnastics at the age of 3-5, because the child's body at this age is much more susceptible to the development of flexibility, coordination and speed of movements. The main qualities of a gymnast are willpower, endurance and plasticity. As a rule, already at the age of 14-16, many athletes have to part with gymnastics or move on to sports ballet. Only a few gymnasts continue their sports career until the age of 20-22.
If we compare rhythmic gymnastics with artistic gymnastics, then rhythmic gymnastics is a safer and more accessible sport. However, there are quite high requirements for the appearance of athletes. More recently, rhythmic gymnastics has begun to transform into aerobics and fitness, so many athletes can continue their lives in sports. In sports aerobics, most of the participants are former gymnasts. Rhythmic gymnastics develops flexibility, endurance, dexterity, disciplines a person, improving his body, teaches him to handle it beautifully and gracefully, strengthens a sense of self-confidence, which is very important in today's world.
Find a section of rhythmic gymnastics in Moscow, St. Petersburg

Rhythmic gymnastics

Rhythmic gymnastics is one of the most spectacular and graceful sports, the essence of which is to perform gymnastic and dance exercises. Exercises can be performed both with the use of objects (hoop, ball, rope, ribbon, maces), and without it. Rhythmic gymnastics is an Olympic sport.

Gymnasts should have good flexibility, stretching, high push, slender figure, good coordination of movements. But even if the gymnast does not have all these qualities, almost everything can be achieved through regular training and under the supervision of a good coach.

The International Gymnastics Federation (FR. Federation Internationale de Gymnastique, FIG or English International Federation of Gymnastics, IFG) is a federation of gymnastic sports, including rhythmic gymnastics. This organization develops regulations and rules for performances in rhythmic gymnastics, and also unites national federations (the official website of the All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics).

The history of the emergence and development of rhythmic gymnastics

Rhythmic gymnastics is considered a young sport, it appeared thanks to the masters of the Mariinsky Theater. In 1913 at the St. Petersburg Institute of Physical Culture. P.F. Lesgaft, the Higher School of the Art Movement was opened. All teachers of this school before joining it had their own unique experience in teaching aesthetic gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, dance gymnastics or free dance. The combination of all these styles into one gave a powerful impetus to the emergence of rhythmic gymnastics.

In 1941, the first Leningrad Rhythmic Gymnastics Championship was held. Later, all Soviet sports and rhythmic gymnastics were waiting for a stagnation in development due to the Great Patriotic War. But already in 1945, the first section of rhythmic gymnastics was created, later transformed into a federation of the USSR. The further development of rhythmic gymnastics took place at an incredible speed, covering more and more participants.

In 1948, the first USSR Rhythmic Gymnastics Championship was held. Since 1949, these championships have been held annually. Later, the USSR Cup (1965) and all-Union children's competitions (1966) appeared.

After the gymnasts began to travel outside the USSR with performances, rhythmic gymnastics was recognized by the International Gymnastics Federation and officially began to be considered a sport.

In 1960, the first official meeting took place in Sofia: Bulgaria - the USSR - Czechoslovakia, and 3 years later the first official international competitions called the European Cup were held in Budapest.

In 1967, a fundamentally new team type appeared in world rhythmic gymnastics - a competition in group exercises. In the same year, the first World Championships in group exercises took place in Copenhagen.

1980 was a turning point for rhythmic gymnastics, after the completion of the Olympic Games in Moscow, at the IOC Congress it was decided to include this sport in the program of the Olympic Games. Since 1984, the Olympic history of rhythmic gymnastics begins.

Rhythmic Gymnastics Rules

As mentioned above, performances can be held with or without apparatus, but in recent times world-class competitions have not been performed without apparatus. In group exercises, one or two types of objects should be used at the same time.

All exercises go under the phonogram. The choice of music depends entirely on the wishes of the gymnast and coach. But each exercise should be between 75 and 90 seconds long. Competitions in rhythmic gymnastics are held on a gymnastic carpet measuring 13x13 meters.

Performances in rhythmic gymnastics are evaluated on a twenty-point system. Three teams of judges evaluate the performances:

  • Difficulty (D) is evaluated by two subgroups of judges - D1 (2 judges, evaluate the technique of execution) and D2 (2 judges, evaluate the technique of working with the apparatus). When calculating the mark, the arithmetic mean of the teams D1 and D2 is taken into account.
  • Artistry and choreography (A) are evaluated by 4 judges.
  • Execution (E) is evaluated by 4 judges. They deduct points for mistakes.

At any competition, there is always a coordinating judge who monitors the formal side of the performance.

The final grade is calculated using the formula: Grade = (D1+D2)/2+A+E

Items for rhythmic gymnastics

Rope for rhythmic gymnastics. There are hemp or synthetic jump ropes. The rope should be proportional to the growth of the gymnast and should not have any handles, instead of them one or two knots are tied at the ends.

Hoop for rhythmic gymnastics. There are wooden or synthetic hoops. The inner diameter must be between 80 and 90 cm and the minimum weight must be 300 gr.

Ball for rhythmic gymnastics. There are rubber or synthetic balls. The diameter of the ball is approximately equal to 18-20 cm. The weight must be at least 400 gr.

Clubs for rhythmic gymnastics (clubs chakot). They are made of plastic or rubber (earlier gymnasts used wooden maces). Maces are allowed to use velvet handles. The length of the clubs should be within 40-50 cm.

Performance with a ribbon in rhythmic gymnastics. The ribbon itself can be satin or other similar material. Length at least 6 m (made from one piece). Weight not less than 35 gr. The wand can be made of wood or plastic. Its length should be from 50 to 60 cm, and its diameter should be 1 cm at its widest point.

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