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The formation of posture in a child is carried out in childhood. During this period, adults should not only control the correct position of the spine, but also create all the necessary conditions for the baby to develop correctly and comprehensively. It is very important to do physical exercises for children from an early age for proper posture. This is not only an excellent prevention, but also a means to strengthen the children's spine and the whole body.

Each child has a certain position when sitting, walking, being in a horizontal position. At the same time, it is important that the head is kept straight, the shoulders are turned, the back is even, the stomach is pulled in, the legs are not bent at the knees. Correct posture is not only a beautiful visual appearance, but also a guarantee of the full-fledged healthy development of the child. In children with a smooth and flexible spine, the respiratory and circulatory organs function perfectly, and muscle muscles develop perfectly.

Risk and danger of bad posture

The development of his musculoskeletal system and the organism as a whole depends on what position a child takes during movements and a passive state. Incorrect posture leads to spinal deformity and many problems of other organs that arise in connection with this. Therefore, it is necessary from childhood to instill in the child the principles of the correct position of the body, to know what exercises develop the correct posture. For children, this is very important.

Factors that influence the formation of correct posture in children

At a young age, the spine is very flexible and plastic, it develops a little faster than muscle tissue. The formation of posture in childhood can be influenced by a large number of different factors, namely:

  1. Proper balanced nutrition with the addition of vitamins, minerals, trace elements necessary for the body plays a very important role. If the child lacks protein, calcium and essential nutrients, then this can lead to spinal deformity, even if all other rules are followed.
  2. hereditary factors.
  3. Daily regime. With full physical activity, timely and sufficient sleep, balanced nutrition, spending time in the fresh air, not only the musculoskeletal system develops correctly, but the whole body.
  4. Excessive physical activity, improper weight lifting can lead to spinal deformity, so it is important to talk with your child about this topic.
  5. Overweight. It is important to monitor the child's body weight from early childhood, as extra pounds will interfere with full development and can lead to spinal deformity and, accordingly, incorrect posture.
  6. Workplace, arrangement of a children's room. It is necessary to create all the optimal conditions for work and rest for the child. Be sure to consider the lighting in his room. Watch how the child sits, sleeps. Choose an orthopedic mattress for the bed.
  7. Exercises for children for correct posture allow the spine to receive the necessary physical activity and develop fully.
  8. Shoes for a child also play an important role, they must be special, so as not to contribute to the development of flat feet. Many do not consider this factor important, and its influence on the spine is great.

Reasons for the formation of incorrect posture in a child

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the spine at an early age is very vulnerable and easily deformed. Posture can be affected by a constant incorrect sitting posture, physical inactivity, flat feet, living conditions, as well as childhood complications after an illness. In order to prevent serious disorders of the musculoskeletal system, adults should be very careful about this issue and control their child. It is very important to choose exercises that develop the correct posture for children.

Prevention of posture disorders

In order not to make a lot of efforts for treatment later, it is best to prevent a violation of posture, to engage in its prevention, it can be attributed to:

  1. Relaxation of the muscles of the musculoskeletal system. It is important to take a horizontal position at least an hour a day to relax the muscles.
  2. Create an optimal workplace with good lighting, this is especially important for schoolchildren.
  3. Be sure to choose exercises for children for the correct posture for each child individually, taking into account the characteristics of his body and physical development.
  4. Swimming is an excellent and most effective way to prevent postural problems in children.

The psychological aspect of correct posture in children

The child must develop personally, he must be praised, supported. After all, often stoop, lowered shoulders - this is an indicator of the internal tightness of children. It is necessary to create the most friendly joyful atmosphere in the house and in the place where he spends a lot of time (kindergarten, school), so that the child feels joyful, happy and a full-fledged member of the team. After all, correct posture also carries a psychological factor: all confident successful people walk correctly, with their heads held high, so if parents want to see their children happy and successful, this nuance must be taken into account.

Exercises for the formation of correct posture in children

It is very important to accustom the child to physical activity from an early age, which not only allows you to strengthen the spine, but also create the habit of holding it correctly, not hunching or slouching. Exercises for children for correct posture develop the habit of the desired body position, fix the correct position. It is best to start with movements that include walking, climbing, crawling. Walking has a positive effect on the development of feet, is the prevention of flat feet. Next, running and exercises with a ball, a rubber band are introduced.

A set of exercises for correct posture for children

Systematic physical activity and sports are the best prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Given the age, physical development, characteristics of the body, you can choose individual exercises for children for proper posture, for example:

  1. In a standing position, hands on the belt. It is necessary to spread the elbows back, while shifting the shoulder blades. Take a breath. Return to starting position. Repeat five times.
  2. Spread your arms to the sides and make circular swings with your arms back. Repeat ten times.
  3. Spread your legs, put your elbows on your shoulders. Lean forward - inhale. Return to starting position, exhale. Repeat five times.
  4. In a standing position, lay your hands behind your back, lean to the right, to the left. Do five times.
  5. Pick up a stick. Stretch your arms with a stick forward, while bending over. Inhale. Come back. Exhalation. Repeat five times.
  6. Repeat the squat with a stick five times.
  7. Take a horizontal position. Raise your legs five times.
  8. Lie on your stomach, hands on your belt. Unbend the body, repeat five times.
  9. Stand up, hands on your belt, jump for thirty seconds, alternating them with walking (one minute).
  10. Put your hands in front of your chest, spread and reduce. Repeat five times.

It is important to remember that it is better to start taking preventive measures in time from childhood than to treat the spine later in adulthood.

Good, correct posture is not only beautiful, aesthetic and fashionable.

A straight back indicates excellent health, but curvature should cause well-deserved fears.

After all, stoop provokes violations of the functioning of internal organs.

A child with a curved back often suffers from colds and bronchitis, suffers from constipation and gastritis. Such problems threaten the abnormal development of the heart or lungs. Even before visiting the doctor, the parent will be able to determine if the baby has a violation of posture.

Particular vigilance must be exercised if there are:

  • Frequent fatigue, clumsiness.
  • Refusal of outdoor games.
  • Headaches, soreness in the neck. Pain in limbs after walking.
  • Placement on a chair with an emphasis on the hands.
  • Unwillingness to stay in one position for a long time.
  • Cracking joints when moving.

If you observe one or more of these symptoms in your child, you should consult a doctor.

Only the attending physician will select medications and procedures according to the type and degree of posture disorder. Massages, hydroprocedures, health-improving gymnastics are used.

Formation of correct posture in children

To acquire a beautiful, correct posture, you should perform such a simple set of exercises:

  1. Stand up straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, place your hands on your belt. While inhaling, spread your elbows until the shoulder blades touch. As you exhale, return to the starting position. You need to repeat the exercise at least five times.
  2. Move your hands to the side. Perform backward movements in a circle at least ten times. Breathing may be voluntary.
  3. Put your legs wider, press your hands to your shoulders. At the exit, bend forward, while inhaling, return to the starting position. When performing the exercise, the back should remain straight. Perform at least five tilts.
  4. Put your hands behind your back. Make five or six tilts to the sides.
  5. Take a gymnastic stick in your hands, stretch your arms in front of you. Exhale as you squat, inhale as you return to the starting position. The back should remain straight. It is necessary to carry out four or five approaches.
  6. Holding the stick in your hands, while inhaling, stretch forward and up. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat four or five times.
  7. Lie on your back, place your arms along your torso. Raise your legs alternately. You need to perform the exercise three to four times.
  8. Lie on your stomach, place your hands on your belt. Raise your body up as you inhale, lower as you exhale. Do three or four sets.
  9. Place your hands on your waist and perform a high jump. Alternate these jumps with walking.
  10. In conclusion, perform the dilution of the hands in a standing position. As you exhale, spread your arms wide, while inhaling, join them.

Exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back

Such a complex will help in the formation of posture, and in the prevention of various diseases.

The duration of each exercise varies from thirty seconds to three minutes.

  1. Lie on your back. Perform circular movements with your legs, simulating cycling.
  2. Remaining in a supine position, swing with straight legs in a horizontal plane. At the same time, the legs are crossed, as if imitating the movement of scissors.
  3. Sit on the floor, pull your knees towards you and wrap your arms around them. Roll on the floor on your back. Try to return to the starting position.
  4. Lie on your back, place your hands along the body. Bend your legs at the knees. Raise your pelvis off the floor as far as possible. Hold it in this position for five seconds, gently return to the starting position.
  5. Lie on your back, arms, as in the previous exercise, place along the body. With straight legs, try to reach the floor behind your head. Carefully return to the starting position.
  6. Lying on your stomach, grab your ankles. Stretch up as high as you can.
  7. Lie on your stomach. Perform simultaneous arm and leg raises. Lock in this position for a few seconds.
  8. Rest on the floor with your knees and hands. Perform back bends down, while raising your head, and back bends up (head should be lowered).
  9. Also, the parent can help the child complete the following very effective exercise.. The kid needs to rest his hands on the floor, and the adult needs to take him by the ankles. Walk on your hands for a couple of minutes.

To correct any violations, a more functional complex will be required.

Correction of the back with a curvature

  1. Lie on your back, put your hands on the back of your head. Extend your elbows out to the sides. On an inhale, return to the starting position.
  2. Lie flat on your back. Try to raise your head and shoulders while keeping your whole body still.
  3. Lying on your back, alternately pull your knees to your stomach as you exhale. As you inhale, lower your leg to the starting position. The exercise should be performed three to five times.
  4. Lie on your stomach, put your palms down. Alternately raise your legs, try to lift the entire body. Do three or four times.
  5. Lie on your stomach, place your hands under your chin. Slowly raise your head and shoulders. Move your hands to the belt. When bending, try to connect the shoulder blades. Gently return to the starting position. Do the exercise ten times.
  6. Change from lying on your back to a seated position. The back should remain in the correct, even position.
  7. Lean on your knees and hands. At the same time, raise your right arm and left leg up while inhaling. Repeat the exercise five times. Do the same exercise for the other leg and arm.
  8. Lean on your hands and knees. Bend your arms all the way with your chest to the floor. Perform the movement five times.
  9. Walk on your toes and outer edges of your feet within thirty seconds.

Load features

After all, each age period is characterized by different features and requires an individual approach to the development of a system of physical exercises.

So it should be noted that for preschoolers are characterized by high activity and at the same time, fast fatiguability. These features are explained by the structure of the cardiovascular system of babies. In children under six or seven years of age, the rate of blood circulation is much higher than in adults. That is why the children so easily have a violation of heart rhythms.

Given this specificity, you should correctly plan exercises for a preschooler. Do not overload your child. Also, for classes, you must choose a period of time in the morning or in the afternoon, since evening exercises can overexcite the baby. But keep in mind that a young athlete needs much less time to rest. After a quarter of an hour of rest, your child can already continue to actively play and study.

As for school-age children, according to the findings of physicians, the older the child, the more intense his training should be. For example, a student up to ten years old needs 4.5 hours of physical activity during the day. In this case, the body must spend up to three thousand kilocalories. These indicators for high school students are 3-4 hours and four thousand kilocalories, respectively. For teenagers, it is necessary to develop a plan for a short, but more difficult lesson.

Correct posture is important at any age.. Take care of the condition of your baby's back, and he will delight you with good health and enviable endurance. And even if your child already has some posture defects, it is not too late to take care of his health.

Exercises for violations of posture in children

If your posture is already impaired and the doctor has told you about it, we recommend that you pay attention to the following exercises. You will need a mirror.

We stand near the wall, touching it with shoulder blades, heels, buttocks and the back of the head. We spread our arms to shoulder level with palms away from the wall. We slowly slide along the wall with our hands, without changing the position of the back - as before, everything that touched the wall and should touch it, up and down. During the exercise, the muscles of the back and arms should be tense. Chin forward, stomach pulled in. Do 10 reps and relax. You can do 10 times three approaches.

The mirror plays an important role in this exercise. Stand in front of him and press against the wall as described in the previous exercise. Now your task is to move away from the hay so that the back remains in the same position, as if you continue to lean against the wall. We slowly move away from the wall, checking our posture in the mirror. So three or four times.

The starting position is the same as in the previous two exercises - against the wall. Put your hands on your belt. Elbows should touch the wall. We slide along the back with the buttocks, hands, shoulder blades and the back of the head and slowly sit down, and then just as slowly get up. Please watch yourself in the mirror. And your two children will be your “mirror”. Five such slow squats and you can take a break. When you get used to doing this exercise, you can add the number of squats.

Exercises for correct posture

The purpose of this section is to show that correct posture must be maintained, as the child grows, to form it in the right direction. We offer the following simple and effective exercises for this:

Starting position - lying on your stomach, arms extended in front of you. Have your child raise their arms and legs slowly at the same time, arching slightly at the waist. At the top point, you need to linger for a couple of seconds and slowly return to the starting position. Five repetitions.

The starting position is the same, but the child's palms should rest on the floor. Without taking your hands off the floor and leaning on them, you need to stretch your head up to rise as high as possible and bend back. Then slowly return to the starting position.

Starting position - standing. The child should bend his arms at the elbows, then press the hands to the shoulders as much as possible, the thumb must touch the shoulder. After that, in a tense state, spread your fingers to the sides. Elbows are pressed to the body - do everything according to the description one by one, so it will be easier for you to understand what to do. So, a child with spread fingers and pressed elbows stands, stretched out in line and slightly tilting his head back. Now the path slowly leads the elbows forward until they touch, and at the same time puts the head on the elbows. Then relax and count to five. Slowly move your elbows and head back. At the same time, tension in the muscles of the cervical region and pressure of the chin are acutely felt. Repeat the exercise five times.

Starting position lying on the floor with your stomach down. Folded palms at the chin, then you need to make such a movement, as if you are in the water and spread the water with your hands to the side. The child spreads his palms away from himself, then bends his elbows in front of him, lowers his head on his hands and rests a little. The muscles of the cervical region, shoulders, back and arms work. Five repetitions.

Starting position - lying on your back, the child should raise two legs by forty-five degrees and “turn the bike” in the air. Ten rotations forward, then you can lower the legs and let the child rest, then ten rotations back. So there are three approaches. The child's lower back should be pressed to the floor, the child's hands can rest on the floor from behind.

The child is in the starting position on the back, stretched out evenly, arms along the body. You need to keep your legs together and slowly raise them low above the floor (but beginners can do it a little higher - the exercise is quite difficult), then let them spread the legs wide, count “one, two, three”, bring them together again and lower them to the floor. Ten repetitions. Watch the child's breathing - it should be smooth, calm.

To maintain proper posture, you need to take 15-minute breaks in the process of doing homework. One break per hour. In this case, the child should stand up, walk around, or do a couple of exercises. You can do it this way - kneel on a chair, put your head on the table on your folded hands, while straining your back and bending it with a bridge. Then relax the muscles of the back and lie down a little while relaxing.

Exercises for correcting posture in children

Correct posture is the correct blood supply to the organs, excellent lung function, good emotional state. People who slouch more often and feel depressed, this has already been proven by scientists Explain this to your child and he will understand you.

The easiest exercise to correct your posture is walking on your toes with a book on your head. You can also put a book on your head and walk with your child. Arrange competitions - whoever falls first book, he lost.

There is a good exercise for children called "cat". The child is on his knees, resting his hands on the floor, head down. You say: “The cat sees the mouse! And the child arches his back with a bridge. You say: “The cat is looking at mom! And the child bends the back, raising his head high, arching in the opposite direction.

Good exercises for the back are plank pose and push-ups. It's hard for kids to push up. Therefore, you can start training them to do push-ups from their knees. The emphasis is on hands and bent knees. The arms are wide and symmetrical relative to the head, spread apart. The back is straight. The head is not lowered - look ahead. A couple of push-ups in three sets is enough. Gradually increase the number of push-ups, and then let the child do push-ups, resting on his toes. Moms and dads will also not be harmful to join the child. Competitions are also possible here - who will do push-ups better, who will do more push-ups.

Plank Pose. You can rest on your elbows and socks. The body is elongated in a string, the back is straight, the eyes look forward, not down. The abdomen is tense. Count up to 30 - this is enough for the child at first. Let the child try the same Planck pose, resting on outstretched arms.

Another good exercise is to have the child sit on the floor in a Turkish way, keep his back straight, and stretch his arms above his head and stretch his arms as high as possible. Do it several times - as long as he is comfortable.

A set of exercises for posture for children

A set of exercises for posture for children provides exercises that strengthen the muscular corset and contribute to the formation of correct posture.

In order to prevent the occurrence of posture pathology in very young children (up to 4 years old), it is recommended to carry out several specific exercises in the form of a game throughout the day:

  • Crawl under a chair or under a stretched rope.
  • Put a rope on the floor and walk along it like a tightrope walker.
  • Crawl on all fours without lowering your head.
  • Perform an exercise - a woodcutter, when the child seems to "chopping wood", while performing inclinations.

For older preschool children (from 4 years old) and school-age children, the following set of exercises for a beautiful posture is recommended:

  • Exercise is a wave. The child should lie on his stomach, on the floor with arms outstretched forward. After that, it is necessary to raise both arms and legs up at the same time, pause in this position for several seconds and return to the original position. The number of repetitions is at least five.
  • Exercise - crocodile. To perform this exercise, the child lies on his stomach, on the floor, while his arms are extended forward and rest their palms on the floor. Then you need to slowly raise your head, bending in the lumbar region and keeping your hands on the floor. Then return to the original position and relax the body. The number of repetitions is at least five.
  • It is necessary to lie on the stomach, and place the upper limbs perpendicular to the body, i.e. to the sides. From this position, you need to raise the body, bending in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe thoracic spine and stretch up, then return to its original position. There should be five repetitions.
  • In the supine position, you need to bend your arms at the elbow joints, and on the shoulder blades you need to hold a gymnastic stick. Next, you need to raise the body so that it bends through the gymnastic stick, then return to its original position. The number of repetitions is five.
  • Lying on your stomach, place your hands in the waist area. It is necessary to lift the body up and the left leg while inhaling, then return to its original position while exhaling. Then the exercise must be done with raising the right leg.
  • It is necessary to lie on your back and put your hands perpendicular to the body. After, raise the upper limbs up and forward while raising the left leg so that it touches the arm, then do the exercise with the right leg.
  • Exercise - bike. To perform it, you need to lie on your back and use your lower limbs to make movements similar to riding a bicycle from five to ten rotations. Next, lower the lower limbs to rest for a few seconds and continue the exercise the same number of times.
  • It is necessary to lie on your back on a plane with a slope, while grasping its side surface with your hands. Then bend the lower limbs at the knee joints, pull them to the stomach and exhale. Then straighten the lower limbs and inhale.
  • In a standing position, it is necessary to hold the gymnastic stick with your hands in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades. Next, you need to tilt the body forward, raise the upper limbs up with the removal of the stick. After - return to the original position.
  • In a standing position with a lowered gymnastic stick in your hands, you need to lift the stick forward and up as you exhale, then return to the original position while inhaling.
  • In a standing position with a lowered gymnastic stick in your hands, you need to sit down and raise your hands with a stick forward, and then return to the original position. The back should remain straight.
  • The initial position is standing with legs shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbow joints, while being on the shoulders. Next, you need to tilt the torso forward on the exhale and return to its original position on the inhale. The back should be straight.
  • In a standing position, place your hands on your belt. After that, the arms bent at the elbow joints turn forward while inhaling and return to their original position while exhaling.

These exercises are recommended for daily classes in the morning or evening, depending on the activity of the child. The number of repetitions of exercises should be from five to ten, you need to start small - with five repetitions, with a gradual increase. Classes must begin one hour after eating or before it.

The presented set of exercises is used more with a preventive purpose, because it is better to prevent a disease than to treat it. Also for the same purpose, an annual visit to a pediatric orthopedist is recommended. For the correct formation of posture is also useful:

  • swimming,
  • volleyball,
  • basketball,
  • skiing,
  • small physical exercises for ten to fifteen minutes, every hour and a half.

Ideally, the formation of correct posture should be observed not only by parents, but also by kindergarten teachers and school teachers.

Exercises for curvature of posture (scoliosis) for children

Let's see what scoliotic posture is and how it differs from scoliosis? The medical definition of scoliotic posture is the displacement of the spinal column to the side (frontal plane). This pathology can be easily seen. But the difference from scoliosis is that the asymmetry, irregularities and bulge of the vertebrae disappear if the person leans forward or lies down. The child will have to take a lateral x-ray of the spine to obtain an accurate diagnosis. Then - after receiving the diagnosis - taking into account the advice of a doctor, you need to treat the child using an integrated approach. And exercises for scoliotic posture for children will be very useful to you. You can also connect an orthopedic corset to the exercises (as indicated by a doctor), control how your child sits and stands, and work with him to eliminate bad habits. Perhaps you will be recommended to study in special centers with professional instructors.

Scoliotic posture is a forerunner of scoliosis. These two pathologies are similar - both with scoliotic posture and with scoliosis there is a curve of the spine, the shoulder blades and shoulders are not symmetrical, asymmetry is also observed in the waist area. The position of the pelvis, as a rule, can be even.

Exercises for scoliotic posture in children can stop the deformation of the spine and make the posture more correct, while the muscles of the body are strengthened and there is no muscle imbalance.

Exercises for curvature of posture (scoliosis) for children should be performed daily, with a gradual increase in load and include the following complex:

  • In a standing position - the lower limbs are shoulder-width apart, and the hands are on the belt. On the count of one or two, it is necessary to tilt the body forward, down and touch the floor with your fingers as you exhale, after which, on the count of three or four, return to its original position and inhale. The number of repetitions is at least seven.
  • In a standing position, place your hands behind your head, your back should be straight, make circular movements with your torso. In the position of the body behind, we inhale, in front - exhale. Repetitions should be at least seven.
  • In a standing position, place your arms perpendicular to the body and turn your torso to the right, return to the original position, and then turn to the left. The exercise should be repeated six to ten times.
  • In a standing position with arms located on the sides, turn the head to the right and left. The number of repetitions of the exercise is not less than six.
  • From a standing position, with arms located on the sides, turn the body as deeply as possible - to the right on inhalation - the initial position - to the left on exhalation. The exercise is repeated six to ten times.
  • Standing with legs shoulder-width apart, behind your back, you need to hold a gymnastic stick at the level of the shoulder blades and tilt the body forward, return to its original position while inhaling and make a slight tilt of the body back while exhaling. The exercise should be repeated at least six times.

  • In a kneeling position, hands rest on the floor with palms, while inhaling, you need to raise your head and look up, after which you need to lower your head and arch your back as you exhale. The number of repetitions is from six to ten times.
  • In the prone position, the feet should be secured and a weight of approximately two to two and a half kilograms should be held in the hands (for example, a bag of sand, dumbbells). While inhaling, you need to bend and raise your arms with a load, then exhale and return to the starting position. The exercise is performed at least six times.
  • It is necessary to sit on the floor and lean back with your palms on the floor, then, while inhaling, simultaneously raise the lower and upper limbs by forty-five degrees, then return to the original position while exhaling. The number of repetitions is from six to ten times.
  • Standing with your feet shoulder-width apart, you need to hold the expander in your hands behind the back of your head, then, at the expense of one or two, spread your arms to the sides and bend in your chest while inhaling. Then, on the count of three or four, return to the original position and exhale. Repeat the exercise six to ten times.
  • Having placed the palms of the hands on the surface of the forehead, it is necessary to tilt the head forward, overcoming the resistance from the hands and holding the breath. Then return to the original position, inhale and exhale. The exercise is repeated four times, with a break of no more than ten seconds, muscle tension during the exercise should be four seconds.
  • Standing with the hands located on the occipital surface, it is necessary to take the head back, while overcoming the resistance of the hands. Next, you need to gently lower your hands and inhale and exhale. This exercise is also performed four times, with a break of ten seconds, with muscle tension for four seconds.
  • Standing with the lower limbs located shoulder-width apart, it is necessary to tilt the torso forward and shake with relaxed hands, and then return to the original position. The number of repetitions is not less than seven.
  • It is necessary to lie on your back in the form of a star, i.e. spread the upper and lower limbs apart, relax all the muscles for fifteen seconds.
  • An exercise that requires walking with occasional walking on toes. It can be supplemented by simultaneously raising your hands up. Repeat at least four to five times.

The above complex is recommended to be performed one hour after or before meals, in the morning or evening. This set of exercises is an auxiliary component of the complex treatment of curvature of the spinal column (scoliosis), which is prescribed, controlled and corrected by a pediatric orthopedist throughout the entire treatment process.

We hope that the article is useful to you and you will help correct the posture of your child. The main thing is to prevent a permanent deterioration of the situation. All in your hands. And you shouldn't put them down.

The key to the health of an adult is his correct posture in childhood. And these words should be heeded, because a curved spine can lead to damage to internal organs, which is fraught with malfunctions for the whole organism. To this end, doctors advise practicing posture exercises for children from an early age. Starting from 2-3 months, the most ordinary massage and gymnastics for children should be used, because it is always better to prevent a disease than to try to eliminate it later.

Exercise therapy for violation of posture

Exercise therapy for the spine is a series of physical exercises for posture disorders in children. With the help of therapeutic physical culture, you can:

  • Correct the wrong curvature of the spine;
  • To tone the child's muscle corset;
  • To instill in the baby the habit from childhood to hold his back correctly, no matter what position the body is in.

Usually physical therapy for children of school and preschool age is prescribed 3-4 times a week for 2-3 months with a possible break of 1.5-2 months. During the course, the child needs to complete 4 such “approaches”. To quickly achieve the desired results, doctors advise constantly complicating the set of exercises about once every three weeks. If you do not pay attention to this recommendation, the muscles may soon get used to the same loads, and therefore the fruitfulness of your exercises will noticeably drop.


Physiotherapy exercises for children with posture problems have contraindications. The following cannot be admitted to physical therapy classes:

  • Children with severe muscle tension, formed by the wrong position of the spine;
  • Children who have an infringement of the nerve root;
  • Children with a large number of vertebral and cerebral vessels;
  • Guys with a low pain limit.

  • See also: How to identify scoliosis at an early stage?

Therapeutic gymnastics for schoolchildren

This type of gymnastics plays a significant role in the formation of a normal posture in a child. This problem is often faced by the most ordinary schoolchildren sitting in a bent and half-bent position in the classroom. They have to sit in one position for quite a long time, after which the back muscles begin to feel tired, and, as a result, hurt. In this regard, children have to strongly arch the spine back, or lean to the side in order to relieve incredible tension from the muscles.

If you notice that your child attending classes at school has developed a violation of posture, you should immediately seek help from a doctor, and not try to solve the problem on your own, as many parents do. Indeed, in the case of independent exercises, it is possible to inadvertently stretch or tear the muscles of the back, which will attract even more problems.

Remember that only a doctor can answer the question of what set of exercises for your child can develop a normal posture. Having considered the individual characteristics of the student, he will select measures to correct his back.

  • All ways to correct posture - corsets, massage, exercise therapy

A set of exercises for prevention

Now there are a lot of activities that can help the child in the development of correct posture. Moreover, exercises for correcting posture in children are also suitable for adults who are faced with this problem.

To acquire an even and stately posture, you must perform the following easy set of exercises:

  • We stand on our feet and hold them wider than our shoulders. We put our hands on the belt. When inhaling, we spread our elbows until the shoulder blades close. When exhaling, we come to the starting point. We repeat the exercise five times.
  • We perform rotational movements with our hands. To do this, we place them on the sides, after which we rotate back and forth. You can breathe freely when performing one of the charging elements.
  • Position your legs as wide as possible, press your hands tightly to your shoulders. When exhaling, bend forward, while inhaling, take the starting position. Remember to keep your back straight during the exercise. Such slopes must be performed at least seven.
  • Next, carefully join your hands behind your back. In this position, we perform slopes. Back - forward, right - left. And so six times.
  • We take the bodybar in our hands, and pull it out in front of us. While exhaling, do a squat. As you exhale, return to the starting point. Keep your back as straight as possible. Do five to six of these sets.
  • Hold the bodybar in your hands. When inhaling, we stretch forward and up. On the exhale, we return, and repeat the exercise.

The next exercise is performed lying down. At the same time, the arms are located along the body, and the legs alternately rise and fall. Four repetitions will be enough for this.

  • We lie down on our stomach again. When inhaling, slowly raise the body, while exhaling - lower it. Do four sets.
  • Put your hands on your belt and jump up. Jumping should be alternated with walking around the room.
  • Finally, do the exercise while standing with your arms outstretched. On the exhale, the arms are divorced, on the inhale, they are brought together.

Exercises for severe curvature

If the posture of your baby is already impaired, and the attending doctor told you about it, then we recommend that you contact us in case of posture disorder in children for special purposes.

First exercise

The essence of the exercise is that the patient needs to stand near the wall or any other flat surface so that you can lean against it with the back of your body. Next, the arms are bred, raised at shoulder level with palms from the surface. Then we slowly slide along the wall with our hands, without changing the position of the back. All those parts of the body that touched the wall should not change their position. As you complete the task, your back and arm muscles must be tense without fail. This type of exercise is performed 7-8 times.

Second exercise

The next exercise involves the use of a mirror in it. According to him, you should stand in front of this reflective object and snuggle up to the wall as described in the first exercise. Next, try to move away from the wall so that the back does not change its position relative to the wall. . From the outside, everything should look as if you are still “holding on” to the wall. Move away from her very slowly, and do not forget to look at the mirror. Are you holding your posture correctly? This exercise is performed in three sets.

Third exercise

Again we stand near the wall. We position our elbows so that they touch the flat surface we have chosen. We slide along the wall with our hands, buttocks, the back of the head and shoulder blades and slowly sit down. Then, at the same slow pace, get up. It is important at this moment to look carefully at the mirror. For your child, you will be a kind of reflection. After five such squats, you can rest, and repeat this exercise a couple more times.

  • Must see: fish back exercise

Physical education for correct posture

Normal posture is a guarantee of good blood supply to organs, normal functioning of the pulmonary system and good mood. Slouching children and teenagers often feel oppressed, and this fact has been scientifically verified by experts. Try to convey this fact to your baby, and he will surely hear you.

The easiest exercise to create good posture is walking on toes with an object on your head. As an object, for example, you can use a book. Try to arrange a tournament - whoever misses the book from his head first, he lost. A useful exercise for the back will develop into a game, and you can lure the baby for a while.

Also a wonderful exercise - "Cat". To do this, you need to get on all fours and lower your head down. To turn a difficult task into a game, say the phrase - “The cat sees the mouse!”, In which the child must arch his back with a bridge. And with his head down. And then say the phrase - “The cat sees mom!”, After which the baby should raise his head high and bend his back in the other direction. And by the way, this exercise is also good for adults, so feel free to do it with your child in a playful way. This, in addition to the benefits of posture, will bring you closer together.

In order for the posture to be correct, push-ups and the so-called bar will not interfere. To facilitate push-ups, you can start on your knees. Don't be lazy either. You can, for example, do push-ups every day with a child, and at the end of the month, organize competitions for who can do push-ups better and more.


Types of strikes

Kicks can be free kicks or free kicks.

In both free kicks and free kicks, the ball must be stationary when the kick is taken, and the kicker may not touch the ball a second time before the ball has touched another player.

Free kick

- if the ball from the free kick hits directly into the goal of the opposing team, the goal is counted

If the free kick goes directly into their own goal, the opposing team is entitled to a corner kick.

free kick


The referee signals an indirect free kick by raising his arm above his head. He holds his hand in this position until the kick is taken and the ball touches another player or is out of play.

Hitting the ball into the goal

The ball can only be scored if, after the kick and before it enters the goal, the ball touches another player.

If the free kick goes directly into the opposing team's goal, a goal kick is awarded

If a free kick goes directly into their own goal, the opposing team is entitled to a corner kick.

Venue for free kicks and free kicks

Free kick or free kick within the penalty area

Free kick or free kick taken by the defending team:

All opposing players are at least 9.15 m (10 yds) from the ball

All players of the opposing team remain outside the penalty area until the ball is in play

The ball is in play when it leaves the penalty area

A free kick, which must be taken in the goal area, is taken from any point in it.

Free kick taken by the attacking team:

All opponents are at least 9.15 m (10 yds) from the ball until it is in play, unless the players are on the line between their goalposts

The ball is in play when it is kicked and in motion

An indirect free kick scheduled to be taken in the goal area is taken from that part of the goal area line that is parallel to the goal line, at the point closest to the place of infringement.

Free kick or free kick outside the penalty area

- all opponents are at least 9.15 m (10 yds) from the ball until it is in play

The ball is in play when it is kicked and in motion

A free kick or free kick is taken from the place where the infringement occurred.

Violations / penalties

If, when taking a free kick or free kick, one of the opponents is closer than the allowed distance to the ball:

The blow is repeated.

If, when a free kick or free kick is taken by the defending team from their own penalty area, the ball is not put directly into play:

The blow is repeated.

Free kick and free kick taken by an outfield player and not by the goalkeeper

If, after the ball is in play, the kicker touches it a second time (other than with his hands) before the ball has touched another player:

If, after the ball is in play, the kicker intentionally plays the ball with his hand before the ball has touched another player:

The opposing team is entitled to a free kick taken from the place where the infringement occurred.

If the infringement occurs within the penalty area of ​​the kicker's team, a penalty kick is awarded.

Free kick or free kick taken by the goalkeeper

If, after the ball is in play, the goalkeeper touches the ball again (other than with his hands) before the ball has touched another player:

The opposing team is entitled to a free kick taken from the place where the infringement occurred.

If, after the ball is in play, the goalkeeper intentionally plays the ball with his hand before the ball has touched another player:

The opposing team is entitled to a free kick if the infringement occurred outside that goalkeeper's penalty area;

The opposing team is entitled to a free kick if the infringement occurred inside that goalkeeper's penalty area;

The kick is taken from the place where the infringement occurred.


This situation often arises during matches when the player in possession of the ball, either after a power struggle within the rules, or simply slipping, falls, the attack stalls, the ball ends up with the opponent. In this case, no one interfered with the player of the attacking team, but he was let down by a damp, slippery lawn after the rain - the player ended up on the ground. But he was not taken aback - so that the ball would not go to the opposing side, he clamped it with his feet. "Here's a dodger!" - someone from the audience admired. Do you agree with this assessment? Should the referee do something?

Professional football may seem like entertainment to spectators from the outside, but for football players it is a serious job. In addition to the fact that they have to tirelessly run around the field for an hour and a half, while trying to surpass their opponents in all respects, they also need to remember a lot of rules that are extremely important in this game. In fact, there are more than a hundred rules, and various amendments are constantly being made to them, aimed at increasing fairness. This article will consider one of the most common moments in this sport - a free kick. In football, this is a kick that is awarded to the team against which the violation of the rules was committed. And here there are little things, features and details that you always need to remember. Now you will learn everything about what a free kick is to a free kick, how they differ and what features they have.

Free kick

The free kick is very common in football - it is the most common penalty for breaking the rules against players. The most important thing you should know about this punch is that it is also called a straight punch. What does this mean? This means that if a player shoots a free kick directly on goal and scores a goal, then this goal will be counted. However, it is worth noting that if the ball enters an own goal, then the goal will not be counted, but instead the players of the opposing team will be entitled to a corner. The likelihood that such a situation will occur in a real match is extremely small, however, the rules must cover absolutely all possibilities, so there is such a clarification. Well, now you know what a free kick is in football. It's time to figure out what constitutes a free kick.

free kick

When you learn the technique of how to take free kicks, the first thing you will be told is that in the event of a free kick, you should never shoot on goal. This is the main difference between the two strikes. A free kick is direct, meaning you can shoot straight away to score a goal, while a free kick is indirect and you can only kick directly at the goal from the second touch. In this case, the second touch must be performed by another player. You can learn how to take free kicks with incredible accuracy and send the ball with amazing trajectory, but a basic knowledge of the difference between free kicks and free kicks should come first.

Kick from outside the box

Regardless of whether a free kick or free kick has been awarded, if the place where the infringement was committed is outside the penalty area, the course of action is clearly described by the rules of football. Briefly, a free kick or free kick must be taken from the spot where the foul was committed. Players of the opposite team can build a so-called "wall", which should prevent the ball from flying straight, complicating the striker's task. But this “wall”, like any other solo players of the opposite team, cannot be less than nine meters from the ball until the kicker (or passer) touches the ball. What is the penalty for? For kicks, pushes, foul play and so on. Depending on the severity of the foul, the offending player may receive a verbal warning, a yellow or even a red card, which will result in him being sent off the field. To learn more, you will have to study the rules of football much more actively. Briefly, all the information is described in this article, and with the help of it you can get a basic idea about this aspect of this sport.

Shot from own box

Free kicks and free kicks can also be awarded in your own penalty area - these kicks are given for the so-called offensive foul, that is, when an opponent's attacking player violates the rules against your defender or even the goalkeeper. By and large, in these conditions, practically nothing changes compared to the previous paragraph - opponents cannot approach the ball closer than nine meters before the kick, while they must not be within the penalty area. The main difference is the fact that the goalkeeper who takes the most kicks in this case, or any other player on the team, has the right to kick from anywhere in the penalty area, and not exactly where the violation of the rules was committed. Otherwise, exactly the same conditions apply as described above.

Kick within the penalty area

A special case is a violation of the rules by defenders within their own penalty area - for this a special free kick is awarded, which has its own name: a penalty kick. Penalty is a penalty kick, which is executed according to special rules. It is a duel between the kicker and the goalkeeper, as all other players must be outside the penalty area until the kick is taken - and the goalkeeper must not cross the goal line or move at all until the kicker has touched the ball. In this case, it is forbidden to give passes - the player must make a direct hit on goal from the penalty spot. Most infringements within the penalty area will be awarded a penalty kick, however there are some infractions for which a penalty kick cannot be awarded in accordance with the rules. What to do in this case?

Free kick inside the penalty area

So, as you already understood, if a defending player breaks the rules in his own penalty area in relation to an attacking player of the opposing team, a penalty kick will be awarded, that is, a penalty kick. However, penalties are awarded only if there was a violation of the rules by a player of one team in relation to a player of the other. There are also completely different situations in which only players of one team - the defending team - take part. For example, the goalkeeper has the right to keep the ball in his hands only a certain amount of time. What happens when that time expires and the goalkeeper still hasn't dropped the ball to the ground? Or, for example, the goalkeeper does not have the right to take the ball in his hands if he was passed to him by the foot of a player of his own team. Head, chest, hip - you can, but it is the leg that is prohibited by the rules? What then? After all, players of only one team took part in violation of the rules. In this case, not a penalty is awarded, but a free kick. It is not made from the penalty mark, but from the place of violation of the rules, and all the same free kick rules apply here as in other parts of the field - opposing players must be at a distance of at least nine meters from the ball, it is forbidden to make a direct hit on goal, can only be hit after the second touch made by another player.

If one of the players on the football field has violated the rules of the game, the referee stops the match and awards a free kick. Free kicks are either direct or indirect. Direct free kicks are also called free kicks, while indirect free kicks are called free kicks. As a rule, free kicks are awarded for less significant violations of the rules. A significant difference between a free kick and a free kick is that a direct free kick can score a goal, and a goal after a direct free kick will not be counted.

What is a penalty kick for?

The referee may award a free kick if:

  • The player trips;
  • A footballer attacks another player;
  • The player deliberately uses his hand to handle the ball (while not being a goalkeeper);
  • The player pushes, hits, jumps on the opponent.

Free Kick Rules

An indirect free kick may be awarded in the following cases:

  • The goalkeeper delays time by holding the ball in his possession;
  • The goalkeeper receives the ball with his hands after a pass from a teammate (if the pass was not given by the head);
  • The goalkeeper takes more than 4 steps with the ball in his hands;
  • Dangerous play (for example, raising a leg to the level of the head of an opponent player);

Free Kick Rules

A free kick or free kick is taken from the point of the football field where the violation of the rules occurred, which resulted in the award of a free kick. At the moment of hitting (drawing) a set piece, the ball must be stationary, and the players of the opposing team must be at least 9 meters away from the place where the ball was placed. The player taking the free kick is not allowed to touch the ball until any other player has touched the ball. Permission to draw a free kick is given by the referee by means of a whistle.

Some nuances

When taking a free kick from your half of the field, it is very important to make sure that your team has the ball. The easiest option is to pass to another player.

If your team gets the right to play a free kick within its own penalty area, then the ball must be knocked out of the penalty area during a set piece.

An indirect free kick awarded for a violation in the opponent's goal area is always taken from the goal line. In this case, the opponents have the right to be on the goal line.

Rough and dangerous play close to the own penalty area greatly increases the direct threat to the goal. Statistics show that at world championships up to 40% of goals are scored after set pieces. This is the price of breaking the rules near the penalty area or knocking the ball over the own goal line for a corner. Often the team pays for this with a defeat not only in a match, but also in a responsible tournament, the fate of which can be decided by just one free kick or penalty kick.

Most often, when appointing a free kick or free kick in the strike zone, the defenders build a "wall", the purpose of which is to protect part of the goal from a direct hit. In such cases, it is difficult to hit the other half of the goal (protected by the goalkeeper), even if there is a player in the team with a very strong shot. Overcoming the "wall" can be done by a football player who knows how to strike or cut, able to give the ball an arcuate trajectory or hit the corner of the goal farthest from the goalkeeper, throwing the ball over the "wall".

The two-time world champion Brazilian Didi, who perfectly mastered the cut shot, hit the same corner of the goal even from the inside of the “wall”.

In order to eliminate the obstacle ("wall") that prevents shelling the entire area of ​​the goal, you must be armed with several standard combinations.

1. The simplest one: opening the gate with a short pass away from the “wall”, break into the vulnerable corner of the gate. True, in most cases, the opponent will easily find opposition to this. There is no secrecy in the combination, no disguise of the true intentions of the performers.

2. At the starting position for a strike - two. One runs up, but does not hit the ball, but runs next to the ball. Returning to the starting position, he explains the reason for the deception, indicating that the opponent tried to prevent him with a premature attack. Near the ball, a partner approaches him (from the side) and whispers something in his ear, distracting the attention of his opponents and riveting him to himself. At this moment, one of the partners secretly makes a short pass, and the third delivers a direct blow to the open goal. The goalkeeper's attention is inevitably scattered.

3. Two of the attacking team are attached to the inside of the "wall". Naturally, the defending goalkeeper moves closer to the goalpost (to keep the ball in sight during the kick) or, fearing some kind of trick, takes up a position in the center of the goal. At the moment of a strong blow (more precisely, a moment earlier) directed at partners, the latter “hide” (one behind the “wall”, the second in front of it). The goalkeeper, if he was closed by the “wall”, does not have time to react to the blow, or, if he was standing at the goalpost, does not have time to get the ball.

4. The striker's partners take their starting positions from the outside of the "wall": one is on the verge of an "offside" position, and the second is 12-15 m behind. At the moment of the striker's takeoff, the first one suddenly takes off in the direction of the "wall". The striker changes his intention and instead of hitting, makes a pass to the vacated zone, where the second, supposedly passive, partner is rapidly running. The goalkeeper, focusing all his attention on the striker, may not have time to get into position to repel a blow from the flank.

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