Why does the left nostril itch? What does medicine say about it? From the left side

Scratching any part of the body is a completely non-mysterious process from a medical point of view. Perhaps there is an annoying object, an allergy, a chronic disease, or an itchy organ just needs to rest. However, our ancestors firmly believed that scratching portends important events. In this article we will tell you about the superstitions associated with itching of the eyes, eyebrows, bridge of the nose.

Itchy eyes

Right eye itchy to tears, chagrin, a long-awaited meeting, a date with a loved one. Left- good luck, money, unexpected news. According to folk signs, if your eyes suddenly itch, grief, quarrels and other troubles cannot be avoided. Moreover, it is almost impossible to prevent them.

itches right eyelid ? Get ready for a quarrel (the fact that you will be the winner in it can be a consolation). Itching in the left eyelid- also to a quarrel and loss. To change the situation in this case, it is enough just to scratch the eyelid.

Eyebrows itch

Even in antiquity, it was noted that scratching left eyebrow indicates gossip around a person, dissatisfaction with his actions on the part of other people. Itching in right eyebrow, on the contrary, indicates that this moment time, someone praises you, and also predicts a new pleasant acquaintance or meeting with a pleasant person you already know.

Why do both eyebrows itch? You can rejoice: in the coming days you will find a monetary replenishment.

The bridge of the nose itches

Why does the bridge of the nose itch? According to the sign, a person whose bridge of the nose suddenly itches feels the approach of death. Anyone can be a dead person: a relative, an acquaintance.

Surely many folk superstitions seem a little funny to you. However, think about how firmly ancient beliefs and signs have entered the consciousness of almost every one of us, have become part of the mentality. Remember, after all, you too, repeatedly, feeling a slight scratching of one or another organ, automatically thought: what would it be for?

What signs do you know?

We told you the most famous and effective signs associated with scratching the eyes, eyebrows, bridge of the nose. What signs do you know?

Itchy nose does not always have a medical justification. The manifestation of this symptom can be explained in terms of folk signs. Moreover, only prolonged itching should be taken into account, the cause of which is not obvious. Consider why the nose itches, according to signs.

If the nose itches, you should be especially patient and attentive. According to folk beliefs, it promises controversy and conflict situations. To avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, you will have to moderate your ardor and not show discontent.

When the wings of the nose itch, this indicates that the person will soon be invited to christening. Sometimes a sign means the likelihood of becoming a godmother / father or organizing this event yourself.

A more subtle and detailed interpretation is as follows:

  1. If the left wing is worried, it's worth the wait bad news. Sometimes the event is accompanied by financial difficulties.
  2. Itching on the right side promises improvement financial situation. Pleasant, positive news will not keep you waiting.

If a person is left-handed, he can interpret itching in the specified area exactly the opposite.

To neutralize the effect of negative beliefs, it is supposed to scratch the disturbing area three times, after twisting the fingers into the muzzle.

A good omen is itching inside the nose. If this area is of concern, you can count on financial well-being and upcoming positive changes.

Signs can explain why it itches under the nose. Here are the most common interpretations:

  • Minor difficulties in the professional field.
  • Bright and positive emotions in a romantic way.
  • New acquaintances that will develop into a love relationship.

Sometimes the olfactory organ and the area under it itch before the upcoming deception. And the one who showed discomfort will be insincere.

When both nostrils are disturbed at the same time, this may portend an addition to the family. If the right nostril began to itch first, it is worth waiting for a girl, if the left one, a boy will be born.

The gender of the person who is concerned about itching also plays a role:

  • When a lady's right nostril itches, this portends the increased attention of males to her person at the next social event. In another variation - the nostril itches to failures, family problems and conflicts. Men, on the contrary, are waiting for success, fun and joy.
  • If the left nostril itches, a stormy but fleeting romance awaits a woman. Moreover, the second participant will be a man whom the lady was not interested in earlier. A different interpretation promises wealth and recognition. For a man, the left nostril itches to poverty, difficulties at work.

In males, such an itch portends conflicts that can end in assault. It will be possible to avoid a fight if a nearby person lightly knocks on the combed area.

Different interpretations of signs about what the tip of the nose can itch for are as follows:

  • Financial well-being, receiving unexpected profits.
  • Career growth, success in the professional field.
  • Establishment of personal life.
  • New pleasant and useful acquaintances.
  • Good news, long-awaited letter.

In a different interpretation, if the tip of the nose itches, its owner will receive an invitation to a large feast. If the tip of the nose is already combed during gatherings, it is important not to overdo it with alcoholic beverages.

When the bridge of the nose itches

Signs interpret what the bridge of the nose itches for in different ways:

  1. Negative - quarrels with loved ones, material difficulties, troubles and troubles at work. Serious illness and death are sometimes possible.
  2. Positive - favorable environment in the family, making big profits (especially for trade workers). In a different interpretation, it will be possible to make a profitable deal or purchase.

To avoid the fulfillment of a negative prediction, before scratching, you should cross the bridge of your nose three times.

The sign about what the nose itches for can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the day of the week. Here are the main options:

  • A nose combed on Monday promises serious problems in the near future. Difficulties will arise in solving work issues.
  • If the nose began to itch on Tuesday, be pleasant gatherings with old acquaintances.
  • An unexpected receipt of gifts and surprises awaits a person whose discomfort manifested itself on Wednesday.
  • On Thursday, the symptom may predict a romantic date. Moreover, a potential partner will be a person who has long been of interest and sympathy.
  • Itching on Friday, the organ of smell portends fun, dancing and drinking.
  • If discomfort manifested itself on Saturday, you should prepare for the loss of your wallet or a major purchase. A sign, one way or another, promises serious financial losses.
  • On Sunday, itching predicts conflicts and a violent showdown between loved ones and relatives. To avoid a quarrel, you will have to show tolerance and watch your language.

Signs on the days of the week can be interpreted a little differently, given the time at which the nose itches. The manifestation of a symptom in the morning promises the arrival of guests in the late afternoon. Itching in the afternoon promises an improvement in financial situation. Scratching in the evening is usually for money, as it promises a win in a money dispute or lottery.

Folk signs about a pimple on the nose

If a pimple pops up on the tip of the nose, it is good sign, since popular beliefs promise an unexpected declaration of love. Sympathy can be shown by a completely unexpected person. By the size of the jumped-up inflammation, one can judge the viability of a potential partner.

Pimples on the wings of this organ indicate excessive assertiveness in love affairs. Achieving someone's sympathy, you have to moderate the ardor a little.

When there are several acne and they are located on the bridge of the nose in a neat path, you should prepare for an emergency (usually within a month or two) trip. The journey ahead can be very long.

One portends pleasant and joyful messages. The subject can be a secret admirer or long-awaited news from distant relatives.

If inflammation has formed under the nose, this is an occasion to think about a possible split in a romantic relationship. Change of partner is not ruled out.

Most people know the sign of why the nose itches. To drink! But not everything is so simple.

Our ancestors carefully listened to the signs sent by the body, and then shared their observations with each other. Therefore, the sign has many additions and clarifications.

It is believed that discomfort can have a different interpretation depending on the accompanying factors - the day of the week or the time of day.

For a correct interpretation, other important points- for example, which part of the nose itches.

nose tip

When someone's nose starts to itch, others remember what it is for and smile meaningfully. After all, according to popular belief, this is a signal of the imminent use of alcohol.

This belief is passed down from generation to generation and has become one of the most popular signs in Everyday life.

Bridge of the nose

The most frightening sign is associated with the bridge of the nose.

It is believed that the bridge of the nose itches to imminent trouble.

It can be serious trouble, loss large sum or even quick death someone close.

But not all is lost.

Negative belief can be neutralized. To do this, you just need to rub the place that bothers you three times and not think about anything bad, because negative thoughts attract failures and problems to life. There is what psychologists call a "self-fulfilling prophecy."

Itching on the right

In signs about what the nose itches for, there is also a division into the left and right sides. All beliefs associated with the right nostril promise success.

There are several different interpretations who agree on one thing - luck will soon knock on your life.

If your nose itches on the right, then good news awaits you: a promotion at work, a nice gift, a trip, a profitable deal, long-awaited news, or a pleasant change of residence.

Discomfort on the left

If the left nostril itches, then you can’t count on good.

It is believed that this is a sign of the beginning of financial problems and failures at work. It may be followed by a demotion or a bad deal.

The sign has other meanings that are not connected with the material world, but with personal life. A severely itchy nose on the left may portend a breakup with a loved one or serious conflict in family.

Under the nose

Another sign that can promise problems in matters of the heart is severe itching under the nose.

What seemed easy to achieve will have to be won with serious effort. Quarrels and conflicts can be both in personal life and in business.

However, there is another interpretation of signs - completely opposite. Some believe that itching under the nose portends a new dizzying romance.

General itching

If the whole nose itches, then you will expect in the near future serious quarrel, which can even end in assault. Our ancestors believed that an itchy nose was a sign that a fight was coming soon.

The sign can be neutralized. To do this, ask any person to click on your nose. Thus, you seemed to have a fight and even received a blow from the enemy.

Interpretation for a woman

In women, the nose itches to changes in personal life, but not always favorable. Usually, an itchy nose on the right indicates increased attention from the opposite sex.

If the left nostril itches, then you are waiting for new love. But the relationship will bring little pleasant emotions - a man will not be faithful to you.

Interpretation for a man

In men, the nose often itches before conflicts. The left wing of the nose itches before a fight.

But the right nostril is haunted by a pay rise, winning the lottery, or other good news related to money.

Interpretation by time of day

The signs that fate has prepared for you can also be interpreted depending on the time of day.

  • In the morning, the nose itches before the arrival of guests. But the meeting will not be very pleasant.
  • If during the day the nose suddenly began to itch, then soon you will become a guest at a feast or party, where there will be a lot of strong drinks.
  • If discomfort arose in the evening, then perhaps a serious quarrel with relatives or friends awaits you soon. Be careful not to provoke loved ones into a conflict.
  • Does your nose itch at night and keep you awake? Soon your insomnia will pay off in full. The sign symbolizes close profit and good luck in business.

Interpretation by days of the week

The signs transmitted by your body may be different depending on the day of the week.

  1. Monday . You are waiting for difficulties at work and problems in business that will last all week.
  2. Tuesday . If your nose itches on Tuesday, old friends will visit you soon. The meeting will be warm and pleasant.
  3. Wednesday. A pleasant surprise from a secret admirer will bring a lot of joy.
  4. Thursday . An itchy nose that day is a good sign. Ahead of a pleasant acquaintance or romantic adventure.
  5. Friday . Feasts with alcoholic drinks can not be avoided.
  6. Saturday . Be careful with spending - there are unplanned expenses ahead of you.
  7. Sunday . Ahead of a conflict with relatives or friends.

How to neutralize bad interpretations?

If you believe in omens and have found an interpretation that is not very pleasant for you, then do not forget that negative impacts can be neutralized. Remember that signs warn of danger and help change the state of affairs in better side.

  • If the bridge of your nose itches, cross it before scratching.
  • If the left wing of the nose itches, then fold your fingers into a fig and scratch your nose that way.
  • If your whole nose itches, then just ask someone to click on it.

Don't forget about these simple rules to help you avoid bad news.

In addition, there are a lot of interpretations. And you may find a few different options interpretations depending on the circumstances. Choose the best of them and do not concentrate on bad thoughts.

medical explanation

It is important to keep common sense. If the symptom is tormented, then it is most likely not a matter of magic, but a state of health. The nose itches, usually from irritating odors, allergies, or when a cold is starting.

Often, itching occurs when there is a temperature difference, for example, when a person enters a warm room from a cold or, having frozen, begins to drink a hot drink.

There are many popular beliefs about why we feel judgment in one or another part of the body. These signs have not bypassed the nose, which, as the people believe, very subtly feels what is ahead of us. So what's the point itchy nose, and what do folk experts tell us about this?

Itchy nose: signs and superstitions

If your whole nose itches, then it is popularly believed that he sensed something was wrong. Such a sign portends conflicts, quarrels, showdowns. That is why, feeling the scratching of the entire nose, be careful.

Try not to be aggressive towards other people and be careful about what you say yourself.

If your nostrils began to itch along with the wings of your nose, then remember if any of your friends had a replenishment in the family. The fact is that such a sign is a promise that you will be invited to the christening.

You can act as just a guest or a godfather / godmother. And it is not necessary that such an event will concern someone else. Perhaps you will plan and organize the christening yourself.

There are also narrower interpretations. So, if only the right wing of your nose itches, you can rejoice, because this sign promises good news as well as financial returns. The left side of the nose, on the contrary, suggests that the news may be bad, and also hints at possible financial losses.

To prevent all negative predictions from coming true, twist your fingers into a “muzzle” and scratch the place where itching appeared three times. There is an opinion that such disrespect for the upcoming trouble will push it away from you.

Many signs change their meaning over time. So, some hundred years ago, the itching that manifested itself in the region of the bridge of the nose was considered an extremely negative sign and promised conflicts, health problems, all kinds of losses, and, according to some sources, death. Today, this sign has become more positive.

And this is a particularly good sign for those whose activities are related to trade - they can expect profit. And the folk sages advise everyone else to knock on a wooden surface and relax.

The less you think about the negative, the less likely it is to appear in your life. If the nostrils itch from the inside, this is a very good sign. Naturally, in case of excluding the common cold and allergies as causes.

It also happens that it is not directly the nose that itches, but the skin around it. In this case, either minor troubles in terms of professional activity or vivid emotions associated with love relationship. A sign can promise both a new hobby and bringing freshness to a relationship that has been going on for a long time. In general, you can rejoice.

Signs can be interpreted differently depending on the gender of the person who felt itchy. For men and women, the value may be different:

  • If a woman has an itchy right nostril, she can expect success in men. Going to a party, be sure of your own irresistibility. You can be sure that you will shine, and no one will outshine you.
  • But a lady who felt an itch in her left nostril may suddenly get carried away by a person who is not very pleasant to her, and all this will turn into a stormy and emotional romance.
  • A man's itchy nose hints that in the near future possible fights. If you don’t like to sort things out with your fists, ask someone who is nearby to lightly hit you on the nose. So the example will symbolically come true, your nose will calm down, and you will avoid negative consequences.

Why does the tip of the nose itch?

In accordance with many signs, the nose senses events that may happen to your future. If we talk specifically about the tip of the nose, then, as it is believed by the people, it remarkably feels exactly the upcoming feasts and booze.

Even if no festivities were planned, but the tip of the nose began to show a reaction, get ready for an invitation. If the tip of your nose begins to itch already in the process of noisy festivities, then this tells you that you will have to have fun for a long time, but in the morning everything you drink will make itself felt.

In this case, the itchy tip of the nose can be taken as a warning that alcohol should not be overdone, otherwise the hangover will be too severe.

In addition, it is believed that in addition to alcohol, the nose has a good flair for money. So, many noted that on the day when the salary is to be received, the nose may itch, therefore, among the people, this symptom is also a harbinger of financial profit.

In general, the sign of itching at the tip of the nose is considered positive, because among its other meanings, success in personal life, career and monetary terms stands out.

The meaning of signs by day of the week

The interpretation of the meaning of the sign may differ not only depending on the location of the itch, but also on the day of the week on which you felt it.

Here is what popular beliefs say about this:

  • If you feel itchy nose on Monday, then get ready to take will into a fist, because soon you will there will be problems that need to be addressed, and as soon as possible.
  • If you had such a feeling on Tuesday, then soon you will meet with one of your old friends. Therefore, you can prepare treats in advance. By the way, pastime promises to be pleasant.
  • Feeling an itchy nose on Wednesday, you can expect gifts. It is this meaning that this sign received among the people.
  • A nose that itches on Thursday promises you a date with a person you have been sympathetic for a long time. So prepare an outfit and think about how you will win a potential soul mate.
  • On Friday, the meaning of the omen will be classic - to be fun party with dances, songs and, of course, alcoholic drinks.
  • If your itching appeared on Saturday, then this symptom portends a large expenditure of money. What exactly it will be, the sign does not explain, but in any case, the money in the wallet can become much less.
  • The meaning of such a sign on Sunday is not very positive. In this case, you quarrels threaten and not the most pleasant showdown. It is worth paying close attention to what you say and not showing a violent reaction to what you hear from others.

For some reason, the most truthful among the people is considered a sign, according to which the nose itches inside. If at the same time you also sneeze, the accuracy only increases. Therefore, if the meaning of the sign is good, remember this and rejoice in the upcoming positive changes.

The values ​​\u200b\u200bare slightly different depending on the time of day when the itching appeared. So, the morning symptom promises guests in the evening. If your nose began to itch in the middle of the day, this is more likely to be associated with financial success. By the way, do not worry if what the omen promised did not come true.

Remember the specific day of the week on which you felt itchy - perhaps the belief will come true in the next seven days.

What does science say?

Everyone refers to signs by different reasons. To some, they just seem curious, others draw analogies for fun, and still others really believe in popular beliefs and try to follow their advice. But, no matter how much you believe in signs, it is important not to miss important physiological state of the body.

What reasons can lead to an itchy nose, according to science?

  • First, scratching can provoke the most common cold. If the unpleasant tickling lasts for a long time and is combined with constant sneezing, then buy some nose drops and prepare handkerchiefs, because a runny nose will not keep you waiting.
  • Allergy This is also a very common reason. If up to this point you have not noticed a sensitivity to some plant, animal hair, product, smell, then you still cannot exclude such a risk. Perhaps the allergy simply did not manifest itself before, so it’s worth visit an allergist.
  • Diabetes seems to be completely unrelated to the nose, however, it can provoke a sensation of itching in the nasal mucosa.
  • Please note that many external skin diseases, as well as polyps located inside the nose, can also manifest themselves for a long time only as a simple irritation and slight itching.
  • All kinds of insects, such as mites and even simple mosquitoes, can also get close to your nose while you sleep.
  • If for a long time you were in a room with very dry or smoky air, your mucous membrane could dry out and itch. It is important to provide the room with an influx into it more often. clean air and humidify the air.
  • In men, the reason may lie in the thick hairline in the nose, which provokes unpleasant itching.
  • stressreal horror for the entire human body. They can work and nerve endings in the nose, which is manifested by itching in this area.
  • Not everyone knows that the nose grows a little throughout life, and this physiological growth can also provoke itching.
  • Psychologists also contributed to the explanation of this sign. They identified a connection between an itchy nose and a person's desire to hide something or lie a little. It has been observed that people who lie unknowingly touch the tip of their nose at this time. There is something in common with the famous tale of Pinocchio.

As you can see, there are quite a few other causes of itchy nose. Therefore, if it bothers you often and for a long time, and is also accompanied by additional symptoms, it makes sense to turn not only to signs, but also to specialized medical specialists. So you can prevent many health problems and eliminate their unpleasant manifestations.

As for signs, to believe in them, or not to believe, is a personal matter for everyone. But if good omen, why not tune in to its implementation, thereby increasing your chances of positive changes?

There are many signs and superstitions associated with certain parts human body. For example, by how itchy nose, hand, ear or eye, our ancestors tried to determine what will happen in the foreseeable future.


So, if the head or the back of the head itches - to be scolded, “swear at yourself to hear,” Dahl reports in Proverbs of the Russian People. But in the book of Morok and Razumovskaya "Signs and Superstitions" it says: "The back of the head itches - to sadness." Temechko itches, according to the book by Kulmatov and Kulmatova "Russian folk omens and beliefs”, “to thoughts about family and kindred affairs”. But if other parts of the head itch, this is a quarrel with loved ones.


If your forehead itches, you will have to beat someone arrogant with your forehead. Itching on the right side - to beat a man with a forehead, on the left - to a woman. According to the Kulmatovs, in some cases this foreshadowed a meeting with a person of the opposite sex.


Itchy or burning cheeks means someone will shed tears. And it could also be news. If the right cheek itches, the news will come from afar, and the left cheek from nearby places.


The right eyebrow itches to meet a friend or to the fact that at the moment someone is praising you. Left - you will meet with an enemy or a hypocritical person, or someone is now scolding you.

According to another interpretation, eyebrows itch for bows. If the right eyebrow itches, the man will have to bow, the left - the woman. Another interpretation, according to Dahl: "The right eyebrow itches - they praise, the left one - they scold."

The Kulmatovs interpret it this way: “you will look at sweaty horses,” that is, you will meet a guest who has come from afar.

Bridge of the nose

The bridge of the nose itches - to the dead. Although the Kulmatovs claim that this could also be a meeting with a married couple.


The left eye itches - to tears. To avoid this, it was recommended to scratch both eyes at the same time and cross them three times. Right - you will look at any (or beloved) person. At the same time, Morok and Razumovskaya give the following interpretation: “if the right eye itches, you will cry, the left eye will rejoice.” And the Kulmatovs unequivocally define: "You will cry."


Ears itch either for early news, or for a change in the weather. Itching in the ears - one of your friends will have a newborn.


Itching in the nose - expect good news. The nostril itches - for christening or childbirth. If the left nostril itches, this is news. Right be beaten to you. But the tip of the nose itches to drink alcohol - "to look into a glass." The Kulmatovs clarify: "To be in honor and drink wine."

If it itches under your nose, you will either receive a refusal in something, or you will encounter someone's ingratitude.


The palate and gums itch - someone condemns you, but you will not be able to determine the ill-wisher. Teeth, according to Morok and Razumovskaya, itch for a date.


Lips itch - you will kiss. If it itches upper lip- with a man, if the lower one - with a woman or a child. Both lips itch - you will have to kiss with a married couple. It can also be a trip to visit or a hotel.


The tongue itches - to speak with the "windmill". The Kulmatovs explain that we are talking about a conversation with a person who came "from the wind", a stranger.

The tip of the tongue itches to unkind gossip and intentions from other people. To prevent trouble, it is recommended to tie a knot on something, prick the tip of the tongue with a needle, or sprinkle it with something spicy, such as tobacco, salt or pepper. Then all evil will return to those who plot it.


Mustaches itch - you will eat gifts or some kind of treat, as well as for a date or kisses.


The neck itches - either feast or get beaten. It can also mean that you are suddenly going on the road. If the neck itches from the back of the head, close person will return halfway and you will have a conversation with him.


If a woman's chest itches, it means that her lover yearns for her, Morok and Razumovskaya write. But the Kulmatovs assure that itching in the chest promises either grief or bad weather.


Shoulders itch - you will be going on the road. If your right shoulder itches, you will leave for a long time. Left - not for long.


Clavicles itch - you will be visiting or an honorary meeting. If the scruff of the neck itches, your plan will come true.


Under the armpits itches to the disease, but not too severe. At the same time, if it itches under the right arm, you will get sick yourself, if under the left, someone close.


The sides itch - either wait for the guests, or you will be returned the debt.


If your elbow itches, you will sleep in a new place, on someone else's bed. Dahl also gives another sign - to grief. According to Kulmatov, the right elbow itches for a dispute, quarrel or fight, the left elbow for a strange proposal.

Morok and Razumovskaya, in turn, report that the right elbow itches to joy, the left - to tears.


The right palm itches - to receive money. But if the left one itches, then the money will have to be given away or lost.


The soles of the feet itch - hit the road. If it itches right foot- the road will be early, the left - late. The knee itched - meet an unpleasant person.

“The soles itched - to be boots behind the shoulders (dangling boots on a staff),” Dahl writes. And "the knees itch - the road to hear." Heels itch - if in summer, to rain, in winter - to thaw. Toes or calluses on them itch for a change in weather or bad weather, but this only applies to the elderly or the sick.

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