How to save the forest: a few simple and necessary rules. What can you do to save wildlife? What can you do to save the forest

A familiar picture. There is a village next to the forest, locals go to the adjacent forest for mushrooms and berries. And then people come, equipment, and the whole thing is put under the root, leaving only stumps and torn soil. It's a shame. And they themselves will no longer be used, and the children will wait until it grows again. The forest creates wind protection and retains moisture, is a source of springs, so the springs, when cut down, are likely to dry out and the yield of the garden will deteriorate. What can be done to save the adjacent forest?

There are several ways. We take the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, we read. Article 102 Protective forests and especially protective areas: forests.

1) forests located in specially protected natural areas;

2) forests located in water protection zones;

3) forests that perform the functions of protecting natural and other objects:

A) forests located in the first and second belts of zones sanitary protection sources of drinking and household water supply;

B) protective strips of forests located along railway tracks general use, federal public roads, public roads owned by constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

102.2 - if you have a river with a water protection zone, you can safely defend this place.

102.3.a - there is a source of water nearby, you can bring it into the sanitary zone.

102.3.b - saw a clearing along railway or a federal highway, a statement to the prosecutor's office for non-compliance with the forest code.

4) valuable forests:

A) state protective forest belts;

B) anti-erosion forests;

C) forests located in desert, semi-desert, forest-steppe, forest-tundra zones, steppes, mountains;

D) forests of scientific or historical importance;

D) walnut-commercial zones;

E) forest fruit plantations;

G) tape burs.

nut crops, tree species, giving fruits, known under the economic name "nuts". The fruits consist of a dry woody shell and an edible and nutritious core enclosed in it. Carry breeds of families: Walnut - Manchurian walnut, Gray walnut, Walnut, Black walnut, Rocky walnut, Kariya Pekan; Birch (subfamily Leshchinov) - Hazel or Hazel, Bear nut; Rosaceae - almonds; Beech - Edible chestnut, Beech; Sapindovye - Chekalkin nut; Pine - Cedar pines(Siberian cedar, Korean cedar, European cedar, Flexible pine); Sumakhovyh - Pistachio real, etc.

If you grow several cedars, Manchurian, gray nuts, hazelnuts and plant them in the adjacent forest, then you will not only have fruit-bearing trees, but you will also protect your forest as a nut-trading zone.

The same with fruit plantations: grow apple trees, pears, apricots, viburnums and other fruit crops, plant them in the forest, and you will have a Forest fruit plantation at your side. Do not be afraid to sow a lot of seeds, nuts: firstly, not everyone will sprout, and secondly, you will plant not on your site, but in the forest, any number will fit there, the more, the better to justify the fruit and nut zone forests.

From fruit:

Apricot (all types of the genus apricot), Cherry (all types of the genus cherry), Pear (all types of the genus pear), Ailantolium nut, Manchurian nut, Walnut, Bear nut, Yew berry, Tupolis pistachio, Mulberry, here (all types of the mulberry genus ), Apple tree (all species of the genus apple tree).

From valuable trees:

Amur velvet, Sakhalin velvet, Karelian birch, Maksimovich's birch, Radde's birch, Schmidt's birch, Scalloped oak, Curly oak, Glena spruce, Calopanax seven-lobed, Sowing chestnut, False maple, Japanese maple, Lapina winged, Olginskaya larch, White magnolia below, Fir whole-leaved, graceful fir, Cretaceous pine, Pallas pine, Pitsunda pine, Pointed yew, Berry yew, Woolly ash.

If you like apples, collect seeds, sow, something will sprout, plant, and some apple trees will retain their variety, the garden needs wild animals for pollination of varietal trees, again, they are useful, and any species are prohibited from cutting down. The same thing with pears, apricots: they sowed Manchurian, Siberian apricots, they are very frost-resistant, they planted apricot fruits in large quantities, and fruit plantations, and trees forbidden for cutting down throughout Russia.

There are red books of regions, look for your region, your list of plants, plant them. AT present time it is easy to find seeds of almost any plant, including those listed in the Red Book.

Approaching wisely and according to the law, having done a little work, protect your nearest piece of forest from cutting down - not only you, but also your children and grandchildren will be able to enjoy a forest with a great fruit variety. Don't wait for lumberjacks to come to your borders, start growing trees right now.

And literature

AT modern society one of the most pressing issues is ecological problem. It is necessary to reconsider the relationship of man to nature. If in the last century the problem of ensuring a balanced interaction between man and nature was considered as the main problem of social progress. Karl Marx pointed out that we should not be too deceived by our victories over nature. For each such victory she takes revenge on us, each victory has unforeseen consequences.

Environmental education and enlightenment is the formation of a person's conscious perception of the environment. natural environment, belief in the need careful attitude to nature, to the rational use of its wealth, understanding the importance of increasing natural resources. AT modern conditions environmental education and education are the foundations of the process of harmonizing the interaction of society with nature.

The task of such education is complex, complex, acquiring ever greater relevance. Its solution contributes to the formation of a highly conscious, responsible attitude towards providing a favorable environment in terms of quality. This task includes the awakening of a broad initiative and active life position citizens who are required to solve an environmental problem.

In my opinion, the formation of the correct perception of this problem is necessary from childhood. At the level of general educational institutions, it is necessary to educate this value in a modular way, that is, not only in subjects of the natural-scientific cycle, but also in the humanities. So why, studying such subjects as the Russian language, literature, history, music, art, where the beauty and richness of Russian nature is sung, we cannot, by placing the right accents, form a healthy attitude towards the nature around us in the younger generation. This is what is aimed traditional culture Russian people, which is sung in the works of Russian classics.

Working for the fourth year at Lyceum No. 000 "Educational Complex of the Moscow Region" as a teacher of the Russian language and literature, I clearly follow the goal, namely the formation of value attitude to ecology. But this goal is a priority at all stages. educational process our lyceum. Students in grades 5-7 delve into environmental problems in circle activities from the 8th grade. This year, I invited the children of grades 6-7 to reflect on the topic: “What I do and what I can do to save nature”, writing a short essay. In their works, the students realized, clearly formed the problem and are trying to find solutions using their own example. These works were diverse: some reacted formally, but most of the guys thought very seriously about the impending problem of ecology - environmental protection. I want to offer you two works in which the guys show their vision and solution to this problem.

Airfields, piers and platforms,

Forests without birds and lands without water...

Less and less - the environment

More and more environment

These lines by Robert Rozhdestvensky reflect an environmental problem modern life. After all, now few people remember about the protection of nature. Forests are being destroyed, various species of animals and plants are disappearing from the Earth. Great amount industrial enterprises and factories are thrown into the air a large number of toxic substances and we breathe this air. But the path to longevity - fresh air. Apparently, therefore, people living in the mountains are often long-livers. There are no industrial enterprises in the mountains, but only forests and plants, which play a big role in keeping the air clean.

Transport, and especially cars, also pollute environment. So what to do? It is difficult to manage in our dynamic life without a car. But if every person begins to take care of nature, cherishes it and protects it, then the situation will definitely improve. After all, it is not difficult at all, when you leave the city for a picnic, to clean up the garbage and completely extinguish the smoldering fire in order to avoid a fire. And if you still saw someone else's garbage, then do not be lazy and throw it into the nearest trash can. After all, the left garbage not only harms nature, but is also very unpleasant for others around. It's so easy not to wash cars in lakes and rivers. If you fish, then in permitted places. Do not hunt animals that need strict protection.

Let's go to school Saturdays, where we clean the school yard. We should also plant plants, water and care for them. In winter, we should hang feeders on trees. Birds need food too.

And most importantly, we must believe that from the contribution of each person to environmental protection, something is sure to change for the better. We must respect all living things, love and protect nature, be responsible for our own health and the health of those around us.

Ekaterina Kravchenko, student of 6 "A" class

Since ancient times, man has lived in harmony with nature. Nature "gave birth" to man and "raised" him. She was and remains the source of our blessings - she gives us shelter and food.

Using this source, a person did not even want to think that it would someday be exhausted. People decided that they were "kings of nature" and began to exploit it. At first, they burned, and then cut down huge forests, drained rivers, artificially changed the channels, plowed up vast expanses, and exterminated wild animals.

With the development of scientific and technological progress, people began to exploit nature even more.

Living nature was not only destroyed, it began to die from pollution. The consequences of rash human activity are terrible, and the most great harm humanity inflicted on all living things on the planet in the 20th and 21st centuries.

The scary thing is that the atmosphere is still being polluted, the composition and properties are changing. natural waters, the relief is changing, plants and animals are dying.

What can all people and I personally change? For example, at my mother’s work, all employees decided to participate in the Green Office program, which is promoted by the GREENPEACE nature protection society. Each employee puts used paper in a special container.

All schools in the city collect waste paper, and I am happy to participate in this event. Once I brought almost 100 kg. After all, 60 kg. save one tree. So I saved 5 Christmas trees during my studies. If at least one person will hand over waste paper, he will save one tree a year. Thus, the air would become cleaner, the city would be greener and it would look beautiful.

Nature - animals and plants, birds, fragrant herbs and flowers, the air we breathe, the blue sky overhead with fluffy white clouds, the vast ocean expanses - all this exists, has always existed and, as it seems to us, will exist forever.

You can talk a lot and for a long time about the relationship between man and nature, but the main thing is that nature is our past, our present and our future, and if harmony in nature disappears, then harmony will disappear in the world of people.

Alexander Ignatiev, student 6 "B" class

Problem #1

Forest fires are an annual tragedy throughout the country. In 2012 alone, more than 10 million hectares burned out, which is 20% higher than in 2011 and exceeds the figures for such European countries like Portugal or Austria. The restoration of such a territory, according to experts, will take decades. In addition, fluorine-containing surfactants are used in firefighting, which can cause serious environmental damage.

Advice. Follow the rules fire safety. Do not throw burning matches, cigarette butts, do not make fires on peat bogs, in places with dried grass, in areas of damaged forest, under tree crowns and in coniferous young growths, do not leave oiled and combustible materials.

Problem #2

It didn't burn down, so it went under the log house... This is a sad reality - after all, Russia is one of the major suppliers of timber abroad. Worse than that, are engaged in felling without special permission. According to official statistics, illegal logging is about 1.2 million cubic meters of wood per year. The state actively counteracts poachers, but it is almost impossible to track down everyone who is going to cut down a tree in the forest.

Advice. Do not engage in deforestation, including, as an exception, cutting down a Christmas tree under New Year. This is a crime that causes significant damage to the environment, and it is prosecuted by law up to criminal liability. For example, the minimum fine for illegal felling of one spruce in the Moscow Region is 7,800 rubles, and if you cut down a tree on a specially protected natural area, the fine can reach 100,000 rubles (Article 260 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Problem #3

Hunting as a hobby is not as rare as it might seem. Despite the fact that with the development of a civilized society, a person now does not have to get food in field conditions, some continue to kill animals for fun. An even sadder circumstance is the profit from poaching. Protected areas for this purpose they were created in order to preserve the diversity of flora and fauna on Earth, but many are ready to break the law and upset the ecological balance for the sake of banal profit. AT Everyday life we also face this - who has not seen people selling lilies of the valley listed in the Red Book near the metro? But demand creates supply - if we buy them, poachers will not stop trying to get them.

Advice. Do not engage in unconscious poaching! The concept of "poaching" refers not only to hunting animals, especially in forests under special state protection ( nature reserves), but also the collection of endangered plants, such as lilies of the valley or snowdrops. Remember that poachers break the law, and the punishment for this is also provided for by the Criminal Code of Russia.

Problem #4

May holidays, summer evenings- It's time for fun outdoor gatherings. Then, under each birch, we observe lying bags, packaging, bottles and other garbage that the "visitors" of the forest did not bother to collect. An even more deplorable picture is the self-organized dumps of unnecessary things at the edges of the forest. There you can find not only scrap metal or building materials, but also old household appliances that are dangerous from a human point of view, be it a refrigerator that can release freon into the environment, or an old gas stove. Careless car owners manage to throw away even old batteries, damaged tires, or even rusty cars entirely. Even if we omit the fact that such objects, in principle, do not decompose very long time, imagine what will happen if a fire starts, and in old stove gas is preserved. What if it happens next to holiday villages? Of course, the authorities are aware of the existence of especially large forest dumps, but a person has no right to organize new dumps wherever he wants.

Advice. It is worth starting small - just do not leave behind mountains of plastic, polyethylene and glass in the forest. To 1 plastic bottle completely disintegrated into natural conditions- it will take about 10 years, and glass - more than 100 years. The forest is a home for many living beings, remember that you are their guest, and not vice versa.

Being in the city

Problem #5

Even residents of megacities can contribute to the conservation of nature. It is not as difficult as it seems, but it has a lot of benefits. Trees are air, in conditions of urban smog and exhaust gases, green spaces- Lifebuoy. Annual subbotniks gather hundreds of citizens, activists environmental organizations, such as Greenpeace, together with everyone who wants to go out into nature and plant trees in places mass felling. Everyone can make a contribution to the cause of protecting the environment.

Advice. Take part in Saturdays. Accustom yourself and your children to the fact that everyone is responsible for the nature around him and can join in its restoration. Plant trees, take part in volunteer sanitation programs forest areas if there is not enough time - you can make a deduction in charitable foundations who organize planting trees and protecting them from harmful beetles - investments in the future of the forest will be appreciated by your descendants.

Problem #6

We try to preserve nature not only for ourselves, but also for the future of our children. In Europe, concern for the environment runs like a notorious red thread through all schooling. In our country Special attention eco-education of children began to be paid relatively recently. Nevertheless, parents can and should be an example for children in terms of caring for nature, and in particular, for forests.

Advice. The future generation should be eco-oriented, so from childhood it is worth teaching children to love and protect nature. You can simply explain to the child why you can’t throw candy wrappers out of the car window on the way to the dacha, or you can send the child to environmental classes in a group where the teacher during the game can explain to the child how important nature is in our life.

Everyone can help nature. Question - how? Someone has professional skills and can use their knowledge to save forests, and someone wants to take part in planting a forest, spending their day off on it. Someone is ready to clean up after themselves the garbage after a picnic, and someone at home collects waste separately and recycles recyclables. The main thing is not to be left behind. Join those who care!

Trees grow for a long time - at least 50 years, and die quickly - a couple of minutes is enough to cut down a tree. One of the most simple ways save forests - collect waste paper and hand it over for recycling. In this way, we will save wood, water and electricity, because recycling waste paper is a much more energy efficient process than pulping, which is used to produce ordinary paper. white paper. Plus, the amount of waste is reduced - they become raw materials.

If you have a rest in nature, come to the dacha, go to the forest, you can contribute to the conservation of forests by following the simple rules of behavior in the forest.

    Maybe there is not enough greenery around your house? Do you live in a region where there are very few forests? Then you can plant them with your own hands! Greenpeace, together with schoolchildren, has been restoring Russia's forests for several years. Children are not afraid to correct adult mistakes. Detailed information can be found on the pages of the Movement "". Greenpeace employees, based on their personal experience, developed recommendations for growing and planting various kinds trees.

    Fire is a real disaster for the forest. Fire destroys not only trees, but also birds, mammals, insects, burns out the soil, forest floor, herbaceous plants. Forest fires must be put out special services, but it would be nice to know in advance, ?

    Very often one has to deal with forest offenses - dubious felling, arrogant building of forest areas, garbage storage. Your right is to demand the elimination of these violations from the authorities! How to complain about a mess in the forest and get it fixed?

    If you are ready to provide all possible assistance to Greenpeace in the conservation of forests on a voluntary and gratuitous basis -. Can be stewed Forest fires or plant trees, organize environmental camps for schoolchildren, or assess the extent of illegal logging, receive training and participate in environmental actions, help with translations of news and reports from a foreign language.

    If you are reading this page, you have a computer and the Internet. So, you can help nature without leaving your home! !

    It is clear that not everyone can personally participate in the conservation of forests due to employment, place of residence and other reasons. But everyone who wants to help nature can support such work financially. Greenpeace works only on donations from individuals and, as a matter of principle, does not accept funds from governments, political parties and business. Helping Greenpeace is an opportunity to take a direct part in what concerns each of us - the preservation of nature around us, in the country, on Earth. How to support Greenpeace?

    In the summer of 2010, according to preliminary estimates, more than 8 million hectares of forest burned down in Russia. Now we have a lot of work. Within the framework of the Let's Restore Our Forest project, rural schoolchildren, with the support of Greenpeace, have been restoring forests in the central regions of Russia for more than 8 years. Schools participating in the project do not receive any public funding. All the work of creating forest nurseries, providing them with seeds and seedlings, conducting educational expeditions and forest planting camps is provided by Greenpeace - and therefore thanks to the donations of our supporters. Support Greenpeace! Support the project "Restore our forest"! Thanks to your donation, new schoolchildren will be involved in the Revive Our Forest project, and many thousands of young trees will become a real new forest!

The forest is one of the most valuable natural resources our state. The forest gives man wood - a valuable raw material for many industries. National economy. Look around at home and you will find a lot of things made of wood. In addition, wood is used, especially in rural areas, for heating and cooking. As you know, forests are the "lungs" of our planet, because plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

We willingly go to the forest, pick berries, mushrooms, medicinal herbs, relax, have picnics, make a fire… and forget to put it out. Then the most merciless enemy appears near the forest - fire, causing forest fires. It's a disaster that turns our beautiful places into scorched earth with charred tree trunks.

What should be done so that the forest does not suffer from fires?

First of all, you should know the causes leading to a fire. In the vast majority of cases, forest fires occur due to the fault of man. Most common cause fires - unextinguished bonfires, abandoned cigarette butts and matches, glass fragments.

Tourists and vacationers sometimes believe that smoldering firebrands in a fire should not be extinguished - they will go out on their own. But enough of the breeze that has appeared - and everything can ignite anew. The flame spreads to dry leaves or grass and is not far from trouble. In dry weather, a spark is enough to start a fire.

We know that smokers are potential arsonists in their homes. They are the same in the forest - he threw a smoldering match or a cigarette butt on the ground ... and now a small light ran through the dry grass, jumped onto the branches ...

The real disaster is the annual burning of dry grass, especially in areas adjacent to the forest. We talk and write about the fact that burning is not beneficial for the growth of soil fertility. But many do not know this and continue to violate fire safety rules.

Sometimes the occurrence of fire in the forest comes from bottles thrown by a person in the forest, broken glass. At special conditions and in hot weather glass can focus Sun rays on dry leaves and grass. First, smoke appears, then a light, and now a large flame covers more and more areas ...

It also happens that a tractor or a timber truck has passed, and after some half an hour a flame is raging in the forest with might and main. It all started with a spark flying out of the engine exhaust pipe.

The most serious threat to the forest are, of course, bonfires. Due to our negligence or ignorance of the rules for making fires, forest fires are blazing more and more often.

REMEMBER! To avoid fires, you must follow basic fire safety rules when visiting forests.

Stolin Emergency Department

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