Foreign Europe countries and capitals table. Capitals of European countries in alphabetical order

43 countries, not counting Russia, are located on the western part of the major continent. It is believed that the most developed, and some of them belong to the "Big Seven". These are such countries as Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany.

Europe: countries and capitals (list)

It is customary to divide the whole of Europe into eastern, western, northern and southern, but the countries are located unevenly, and somewhere there are 9, and somewhere 15. In addition to 44 countries, there are states that were not recognized or partially recognized - Kosovo, Transnistria and Sealand. There are also countries in Europe with capitals that are dependent states (countries that are not considered independent, but have their own territory, borders, population), there are 9 of them, and most of them belong to the UK, such as Guernsey, Gibraltar or Jan- Mayen.

It is impossible to answer unequivocally and divide all countries into parts, because each organization (UNPO, CIA, GNSS, etc.) differentiates them for its own reasons. In this article, the list of countries will be shown according to the UNPO resolution.

Eastern Europe

Before giving brief description given region, it is necessary to provide their capitals. To Eastern Europe include 10 countries, some of which were part of the USSR until 1991: Ukraine (Kyiv), Poland (Warsaw), Romania (Bucharest), Bulgaria (Sofia), Slovakia (Bratislava), Moldova (Chisinau), Hungary (Budapest), Russia (Moscow), Czech Republic (Prague), Belarus (Minsk).

Many believe that Russia does not belong to Europe at all, someone also separates Ukraine. But if you follow the UNPO resolution, then the population of this part is about 135 million inhabitants, not counting Russia. The most large numbers population - in Poland, the smallest - in Moldova, and the majority of the population belongs to the Slavic group: Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians and others.

Ukraine is considered in the eastern part, then Poland and Belarus follow.

Much has changed since the collapse of the Soviet Union. political structure, and the economies of most Eastern European countries have been hit hard, which is why they are not in the first positions in terms of development today state structure and life.

Northern Europe

The list of countries in Europe (and their capitals) is much shorter when looking at the northern part of Europe, and here, mainly on the Scandinavian Peninsula, the following states are located. First of all, this is Finland (Helsinki), as well as Norway (Oslo), Denmark (Copenhagen), Estonia (Tallinn), Lithuania (Vilnius), Sweden (Stockholm), Iceland (Reykjavik), Latvia (Riga).

Northern Europe is not most of throughout Europe and occupies only 20% of the total area, and the population is only 4%. These are small states, the largest country is Sweden, where about 9 million people live, and the smallest is Iceland, where the population does not even exceed 300 thousand people.

(in the northern part) - one of the most developed in terms of economic indicators and living standards. Compared to other regions, their economy is stronger, the percentage of unemployment and inflation is low, external and national resources are used more efficiently.

Only high-tech equipment and skilled workers are involved in the production; quality, not quantity, is considered a priority in the economy.

Western Europe

The list of European countries (and their capitals) in the western part mainly takes into account the states where the peoples of the Romano-Germanic and Celtic mainly live. language groups. It is one of the most developed regions in the whole world and includes the following countries: Great Britain (London), Austria (Vienna), Ireland (Dublin), Germany (Berlin), Switzerland (Bern), Belgium (Brussels), Liechtenstein (Vaduz) , the Netherlands (Amsterdam), Monaco (Monaco) and France (Paris).

About 300 million people live in Western Europe, of which 20 million are immigrants. It is in Western Europe that the so-called immigration hotbed is located, where people come from all over the world, including from poor African countries.

In Western Europe, the area is France, besides, it is the oldest and richest.

Southern Europe

The largest list of European countries (and their capitals) is presented in the southern part, which includes 16 states: Italy (Rome), Portugal (Lisbon), Greece (Athens), Serbia (Belgrade), Malta (Valetta), Albania (Tirana), Bosnia and Herzegovina (Sarajevo), Spain (Madrid), San Marino (San Marino), Slovenia (Ljubljana), Andorra (Andorra la Vella), Montenegro (Podgorica), Macedonia (Skopje), Croatia (Zagreb), Cyprus (Nicosia).

Many countries of the southern part are located mainly on the coast mediterranean sea, and the population is 160 million people. Italy is considered the largest country, and San Marino is the smallest, with no more than 30 thousand people living there.

Good location and subtropical climate allows many countries to farm and export food. European countries and their capitals are actively developing tourism. For example, Spain is considered the most visited country after France. Many travelers love to relax on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, which is why they choose these countries.

Apart from Agriculture, the economy develops due to mining industry, production of machinery and equipment, fabrics and leather.

How many European capitals can an adult name? Without prior preparation, perhaps no more than twenty. Full list capitals of European states, not everyone can verbally provide. There are forty-four in all. This article presents the capitals of European states in alphabetical order.

A small introduction

Before naming the capital of a European state, which ranks first in our list, it is worth saying that cities can be classified according to various criteria. And by area, and by population, and by age. But in this article, we will not give preference to any city. All of them will be named exclusively in alphabetical order. You can tell a lot about the capitals of European cities, but only brief information is presented below.

On "A"

Amsterdam is the capital of the European state of the Netherlands. Exact date the foundation is unknown, but the first information about the city dates back to the beginning of the 13th century. In the 14th century, Amsterdam became a major trading center.

Andorra la Vella- chief and most Big City country called Andorra. A little over 20 thousand people live here and there are interesting architectural monuments created back in the Middle Ages.

Which city is the capital of Greece? Even a child can answer this question. Athens is the city where the government of the country sits, which, according to legend, has everything.

On "B"

Belgrade is the capital of a European state, founded earlier than Berlin, Paris and other famous cities. Under modern name first mentioned in the ninth century.

There are many European states and their capitals. But there is a city in whose history there is incredible fact. For several decades, it was divided into two parts by a high wall. This is the city of Berlin.

What is the name of the capital of the state in which the best chocolate and cheese are produced? Berne! And it is perhaps one of the most picturesque cities in the world. However, the one named below is not inferior to him in the beauty of urban landscapes.

In the center of Europe is a city that was once the capital of Hungary, but today it leads Slovakia. This is Bratislava.

Capital of Belgium - small city With difficult history— Brussels. About 150 thousand people live here. At the same time, the population is quite heterogeneous in ethnic terms.

Budapest was founded in late XIX century. It is the largest city in Hungary.

In Bucharest, the main events in the cultural and economic life of Romania take place. Its population is 180 thousand people.

On "B"

There is a very tiny country in Europe in which they speak exclusively German. It gained independence in the sixties of the XIX century. In the capital of this state - Vaduz - only five and a half thousand people live.

Valletta is the economic and political center of Malta.

Warsaw is an old European city that was almost completely destroyed during the terrible war 20th century.

The name of which capital is consonant with the name of the state in which it is located? Of course, the Vatican.

Which city hosts the most famous music festivals? Of course, in the Austrian capital - in Vienna.

And finally, which Baltic city starts with "B"? Many of these can be named. But only one of them is the capital. This is Vilnius.

From "G" to "L"

by the most big city of those located on the island of Ireland is Dublin. And the largest in Croatia is Zagreb. On the picturesque banks of the Dnieper lies the ancient majestic Kyiv. And on the river Bic, which flows into the Dniester, is Chisinau. The cultural, governmental and economic center of Denmark is Copenhagen. The capital of Portugal is Lisbon.

Even schoolchildren, for whom geography is the most hated subject, know that the main city in the country, so often called Foggy Albion, is London. But they are unlikely to be able to answer the question of where the main political and economic institutions of Slovenia are located. And they are all concentrated in Ljubljana. Another capital whose name coincides with the name of the state is Luxembourg.

From "M" to "O"

Madrid is located in the central part of the Iberian Peninsula - main city countries of bullfighting and flamenco. And on southeastern slope of the Minsk Upland stands Minsk, founded in the tenth century. The next item on this long list is the capital of the largest state in the world. It is sometimes called White Stone, although the architectural ensemble, located in the very center, is dominated by completely different shades. Just like Rome, it stands on seven hills. Of course, this is Moscow. And after it in our list is the largest Norwegian city - Oslo.

From "P" to "X"

The Eiffel Tower, the Champ de Mars, the Seine River are all symbols of Paris. And what associations do people have when they hear the name of the Montenegrin capital? If he has been to Podgorica, then he may remember the Cathedral Church or the palace complex of King Nikola I Petrovich-Negosh. But the symbols of Prague are considered to be St. Vitus Cathedral, Charles Bridge and the Powder Tower.

Among European capitals there is one whose name can be translated into Russian as "smoking bay". This is Reykjavik, a city located on the Seltjadnarnes peninsula. The political center of Latvia is Riga. And the capital of Italy bears the name once mighty empire, birthplace of Julius Caesar: Rome.

San Marino is the capital of the state of the same name. Sarajevo is the political and economic center of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Skopje is the birthplace of the famous Mother Teresa and the capital of Macedonia. And what can be said about the Swedish capital? Several decades ago, most of the inhabitants of our country associated this city with self-confident Carlson. Today, Russian citizens have a deeper knowledge of the culture of Stockholm.

Our list has come to an end. It remains to name only three cities. It's about about the capitals of Estonia, Albania and Finland. political, economic and cultural centers these states are Tallinn, Tirana and Helsinki respectively.

"How many countries are located in the European part of the world?". This question interests many travel enthusiasts. It is also curious which of them are the most famous, and which are the smallest and inconspicuous on the map? This article will focus on European states and their capitals.

General information

Europe is one of the parts of the world, which is located on the territory of more than 10 million km 2. The population is 10% of all people living on Earth and has about 730 million people.

Currently, there are 43 countries on the European part of the Eurasian continent, excluding Russia. Among them are major states, such as Germany, France or Poland, as well as very tiny ones, including Liechtenstein, Andorra, San Marino and others. Russia is not included in this list, since geographically, one part of it belongs to Europe, and the other to Asia.

European states and their capitals are very different: large and not very large, with different populations, having high level life and poorly developed. They are all completely different. Geographically, Europe is divided into parts: Southern, Northern, Western, Eastern and Central. There is a lot to be said about each country. interesting facts, but first of all, you should get acquainted with their main cities.

Majors and their capitals

A significant place in terms of area and population is occupied by the eastern part, where 34% of the population of Europe lives, the second place is the western side, the third is the south, and the last place is the north. But we should not forget that some organizations also single out and include several countries from different parts.

Major European states and their capitals include:

  • In the southern part: Spain (Madrid), Greece (Athens) and Portugal (Lisbon).
  • There are no large countries in Northern Europe, except for Sweden (Stockholm), where 9.6 million people live.
  • In the Western part, this list includes Belgium (Brussels) and the Netherlands (Amsterdam).
  • Eastern Europe is Ukraine (Kyiv), Poland (Warsaw), Romania with the capital Bucharest and the Czech Republic (Prague).

One of the most important states in the European part are those that are included in the "big seven". These include: Germany (Berlin), France (Paris), Great Britain (London), and Italy (Rome).

The most sparsely populated countries, where the number of citizens does not reach 3 million people, are:

  • Montenegro - Podgorica;
  • Slovenia - Ljubljana;
  • Malta - Valletta;
  • Macedonia - Skopje;
  • Albania - Tirana;
  • Estonia - Tallinn;
  • Lithuania - Vilnius;
  • Latvia, Riga;
  • Iceland - Reykjavik;
  • Luxembourg - Luxembourg.

A separate list should include states where the population does not exceed 100 thousand people, but there are few of them, although some of them occupy a rather large area. This includes the isolated Vatican, the Principality of Liechtenstein (Vaduz), the Principality of the Principality of Andorra (Andorra la Vella) and San Marino (San Marino).

Other European Capitals

The list of countries located in Europe can be continued further. It includes the so-called "medium" states, where several million people live. These include:

  • Croatia - Zagreb;
  • Serbia - Belgrade;
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina - Sarajevo;
  • Finland - Helsinki;
  • Norway - Oslo;
  • Denmark - Copenhagen;
  • Slovakia - Bratislava;
  • Moldova - Chisinau;
  • Hungary - Budapest;
  • Bulgaria - Sofia;
  • Belarus - Minsk;
  • Switzerland - Bern;
  • Ireland - Dublin;
  • Austria Vienna.

Each country is amazing in its own way and rich in its historical heritage, traditions and culture. If you are going to travel around Europe, look carefully at the map and make an itinerary by selecting the countries you want to visit.

Europe is part of the world, which, together with the other part of the world, Asia, forms a single continent - Eurasia. On its vast territory there are 44 independent states. But not all of them are included Foreign Europe.

Foreign Europe

In 1991 was established international organization CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States). Today it includes the following states: Russia, Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan. In relation to them, the countries of Foreign Europe are singled out. There are 40 of them. This figure does not include dependent states - possessions of a state that are not formally its territory: Akrotili and Dhekelia (Great Britain), Aland (Finland), Guernsey (Great Britain), Gibraltar (Great Britain), Jersey (Great Britain) ), Isle of Man (Great Britain), Faroe Islands (Denmark), Svalbard (Norway), Jan Mayen (Norway).

In addition, this list does not include unrecognized countries: Kosovo, Transnistria, Sealand.

Rice. 1 Map of Foreign Europe

Geographical position

The states of Foreign Europe occupy a relatively small area - 5.4 km2. The length of their lands from north to south is 5000 km, and from west to east - more than 3000 km. extreme point to the north is the island of Svalbard, and to the south - the island of Crete. This region is surrounded by seas on three sides. In the west and south it is washed by the waters Atlantic Ocean. Geographically, Foreign Europe is divided into regions:

  • Western : Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Netherlands, Portugal, France, Switzerland;
  • Northern : Denmark, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Estonia;
  • South : Albania, Andorra, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vatican, Greece, Spain, Italy, Macedonia, Malta, Portugal, San Marino, Serbia, Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro;
  • Eastern : Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic.

From ancient times to the present day, the development of Greece, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Great Britain, Norway, Iceland, Denmark, the Netherlands is inextricably linked with the sea. In the west, it is difficult to find a place that would be more than 480 km away from the water, and in the east - 600 km.

general characteristics

The countries of Foreign Europe vary in size. Among them are large, medium, small and "dwarf" states. The latter include the Vatican, San Marino, Monaco, Liechtenstein, Andorra, Malta. As for the population, one can mainly observe countries with a small number of citizens - about 10 million people. According to the form of government, the vast majority of countries are republics. In second place - constitutional monarchies: Sweden, Netherlands, Norway, Luxembourg, Monaco, Denmark, Spain, Great Britain, Andorra, Belgium. And at the last step in singular- theocratic monarchy: the Vatican. The administrative-territorial structure is also heterogeneous. The majority are unitary states. Spain, Switzerland, Serbia, Montenegro, Germany, Austria, Belgium are countries with a federal structure.

Rice. 2 Developed countries of Europe and their capitals

Socio-economic classification

In 1993, the idea of ​​European unification received a new breath: that year the treaty establishing the European Union was signed. At the first stage, some countries opposed joining the ranks of such an association (Norway, Sweden, Austria, Finland). Total countries that are part of the modern EU - 28. They are united not only by the name. First of all, they "profess" a common economy (single currency), a common internal and foreign policy as well as the security policy. But within this alliance, not everything is so smooth and uniform. It has its leaders - Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy. They account for about 70% of the total GDP and more than half of the population of the European Union. The following are small countries, which are divided into subgroups:

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  • First : Austria, Denmark, Finland, Luxembourg, Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden;
  • Second : Greece, Spain, Ireland, Portugal, Malta, Cyprus;
  • Third (developing countries ): Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia.

In 2016, the UK held a referendum to leave the EU. The majority (52%) was in favor. So, the state is on the threshold complex process exit from the big "European family".

Rice. 3 Rome is the capital of Italy

Foreign Europe: countries and capitals

The following table lists the countries and capitals of Overseas Europe in alphabetical order:



Territorial device

Political system



Andorra la Vella





A constitutional monarchy




Bosnia and Herzegovina



Theocratic monarchy




Great Britain


A constitutional monarchy








A constitutional monarchy









A constitutional monarchy











































San Marino

San Marino




































What have we learned?

In this article, we talked about the countries and main cities of Foreign Europe. Foreign Europe is a region of Europe. What is included in its composition? It includes all countries located in the European part of Eurasia, except for the states belonging to the CIS. On the territory of foreign Europe there is an association European Union, which rallied 28 states under its roof.

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So, the list of European countries in alphabetical order. But first, two words about this continent.

Europe- part of the world, with an area of ​​​​about 10.5 million square meters. km. Washed by the Atlantic and North Arctic oceans. The population is 830.4 million people.




Bosnia and Herzegovina


Great Britain

















San Marino











1. Austria (capital - Vienna)
2. Albania (capital - Tirana)
3. Andorra (capital - Andorra la Vella)
4. Belarus (capital - Minsk)
5. Belgium (capital - Brussels)
6. Bulgaria (capital - Sofia)

Bosnia and Herzegovina (capital - Sarajevo)
8. Vatican (capital - Vatican)
9. Hungary (capital - Budapest)
10. Great Britain (capital - London)
11. Germany (capital - Berlin)
12. Greece (capital - Athens)
13. Denmark (capital - Copenhagen)
14. Ireland (capital - Dublin)
15. Iceland (capital - Reykjavik)
16. Spain (capital - Madrid)
17. Italy (capital - Rome)
18. Latvia (capital - Riga)

Lithuania (capital - Vilnius)
20. Liechtenstein (capital - Vaduz)
21. Luxembourg (capital - Luxembourg)
22. Macedonia (capital - Skopje)
23. Malta (capital - Valletta)

Moldova (capital - Chisinau)
25. Monaco (capital - Monaco)
26. Netherlands (capital - Amsterdam)
27. Norway (capital - Oslo)

Poland (capital - Warsaw)
29. Portugal (capital - Lisbon)
30. Romania (capital - Bucharest)
31. San Marino (capital - San Marino)

Serbia (capital - Belgrade)
33. Slovakia (capital - Bratislava)
34. Slovenia (capital - Ljubljana)
35. Ukraine (capital - Kyiv)
36. Finland (capital - Helsinki)
37. France (capital - Paris)

Montenegro (capital - Podgorica)
39. Czech Republic (capital - Prague)
40. Croatia (capital - Zagreb)
41. Switzerland (capital - Bern)
42. Sweden (capital - Stockholm)
43. Estonia (capital - Tallinn)

How many countries are in Europe?

On the political map There are 50 independent states in Europe, most of which are highly developed industrial and agricultural countries. Among the largest European countries are Russia, Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy, Ukraine, Spain, Poland.

This figure also includes six dwarf states: Andorra, Vatican, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino.

Full list of European countries

Austria, Azerbaijan, Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Vatican, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, Greece, Georgia, Denmark, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, Italy, Kazakhstan, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Macedonia, Moldova, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine, Finland, France, Croatia, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia.

To give a correct answer to the question: "How many countries are there in Europe" it must be taken into account that the exact count of the number of states located in Europe depends on the definition of the borders of Europe and the criteria for including unrecognized and partially recognized states, taking into account dependent territories.

It should be borne in mind that since the Caucasian ridge and the Black Sea straits are traditionally considered the geographical borders of Europe and Asia, the inclusion of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Cyprus, Kazakhstan and Turkey in the list of European countries is based primarily on political, economic and cultural considerations and is not unambiguous. .

Unrecognized and partially recognized states of Europe: Abkhazia, Kosovo, Transnistria, Sealand, South Ossetia.

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General information about Foreign Europe

Foreign Europe is one of the centers of world civilization, and is of incomparable importance for world politics, economics and culture.

On its territory there are 40 sovereign states, which are interconnected by a historical past, close cultural and political relations.

If we talk about the economic and geographical position of countries, then it is determined by two main criteria.

The countries of foreign Europe are relatively close to each other, they either closely border on natural boundaries, or there is an insignificant distance between them, which does not affect the convenience of transport links.

The second main criterion is the coastal position of most countries that are connected to each other and countries of other continents by sea.

Countries such as Italy, Spain, Portugal, Great Britain, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands have been connected with the sea since ancient times.

Political pictureForeign Europe

The political picture of foreign Europe changed significantly three times during the 20th century.

The First and Second World Wars significantly changed it, and at the end of the century there were significant changes associated with the Social Democratic parties that came to power.

As for the structure of states in this territory, in foreign Europe there are republics, unitary states, monarchical and federal.

By the 21st century, the Organization for Security and Cooperation - the OSCE, was formed, which is represented by 56 countries (it also includes the USA, Canada and the CIS countries).

Natural conditions and resources

On the territory of foreign Europe there are many minerals.

The northern part includes ore and fuel minerals.

And hydropower resources fall on the territory of the Alps, Dinaric and Scandinavian mountains.

Forestry is developed in Sweden and Finland, for which forest landscapes are typical.

Population of foreign Europe

The number of inhabitants of this part of the world is growing very slowly; a rather difficult demographic situation has been recorded in foreign Europe.

The territory is a hotbed of world labor emigration; there are about 20 million foreign workers here.

It is important to note that most European countries are highly urbanized, with the highest rates of urbanization being in Belgium, Great Britain and the Netherlands.

The countries of Europe belong to the Indo-European family, there are four main types of states according to their national composition.

These are mononational (Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark), with a sharp predominance of one nation (Great Britain, France, Finland), binational (Belgium) and multinational (Switzerland, Latvia).

EconomyForeign Europe

Europe occupies a leading position in the world economy in terms of agricultural and industrial production, for the development of tourism and the export of goods and services.

The most powerful countries in terms of economic situation name Great Britain, France, Germany and Italy.

They have the most developed complexes various industries, unlike other countries that have one or two industries that are highly developed.

The leading sectors of Europe are mechanical engineering (especially automotive), the chemical industry, the fuel and energy sector and the metallurgical industry.

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