Voronoi V.V. Etymology of the names of military units in the modern Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Paronyms military - military - military How the military calls civilians


Voronoi Vsevolod Viktorovich
National Research Tomsk State University
student of the faculty of foreign languages

The paper examines the origin of the terms denoting the main types of military units (formations) in the structure of the modern Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The etymology of the names of military units, the sources of borrowings, in some cases, the historical circumstances of the occurrence of the term in use in the Russian (Russian) army are established. The conclusion is made about the ways and reasons for the appearance of terms for the designation of military units.


Voronoy Vsevolod Viktorovich
National Research Tomsk State University
Student at the Faculty of Foreign Languages

This article considers the origins of terms denoting the main military elements of the Russian Armed Forces. It shows the etymology and historical sources of linguistic borrowing and circumstances that caused these borrowings. It concludes with the ways and reasons of introducing new terms of military elements.

Bibliographic link to the article:
Voronoi V.V. The etymology of the names of military units in the modern Armed Forces of the Russian Federation // Humanitarian scientific research. 2016. No. 4 [Electronic resource]..03.2019).

Throughout its history, the Russian army has undergone many reforms, during which its structure and the hierarchy of military formations have changed. Among the most significant domestic historians are the military reforms of Ivan IV (1550-1571), Peter I (1698-1721), D.A. Milyutin (1862-1874), reforms of 1905-1912, military reform in the USSR (1924-1925). The reform of the army took place under the influence of changing historical, political, economic, social conditions, as well as progressive foreign models. All these circumstances left their mark on the formation, change and development of military terminology. Modern terms denoting military units have a different origin and history of functioning in modern Russian.

This article discusses the origin of terms denoting only specific units (formations) in the structure (or hierarchy) of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In order of growth in the number of personnel, these are: squad, platoon, company, battalion, regiment, brigade, division, corps, army, front. Thus, the special names of units in aviation and navy (for example, a link, squadron, crew, fleet) and some types of troops (for example, a battery in artillery), grouping concepts (for example, a unit, a formation) that have fallen out of use, remain outside the scope of the study. or rarely used terms (eg team, detachment), names of special types of formations (training, disciplinary, etc.).

The subject of the study is the origin of the names of military units in the modern Russian army. The object of the study is a group of words that, in military terminology, designate the main specific military formations in the Ground Forces of the Russian Federation: squad, platoon, company, battalion, regiment, brigade, division, corps, army, front. The purpose of the study is to consider the etymology of this group of words, to establish the main sources of origin of military terms of a particular lexical group (names of military units).

We will consider the origin of the names in order of increasing the number of personnel of the units - from the smallest to the largest.

Branch - the lowest military unit of 6-12 people. It is available in the armed forces of most states, is part of a platoon - motorized rifle (infantry), reconnaissance, sapper, communications, etc. The verb "separate" (hereinafter from the Proto-Slavic deliti) comes from.

A platoon is a combat and administrative unit of a company, squadron or battery. In the etymological dictionaries of M. Fasmer and P.Ya. Chernykh's dictionary entries "platoon" are missing. The word comes from the verb cock. The National Corpus of the Russian Language (NKRYA) records the first use of the word platoon by A. Radishchev in 1773-1774 (the term plutong is also used at the same time). The last use of the word plutong was recorded by the NKR in 1817. Therefore, it can be assumed that for some time the names of the units platoon and plutong functioned in parallel, and then a more understandable term of Slavic origin replaced the foreign name. According to some reports, this happened after 1815 (see Kersnovsky A.A. "History of the Russian Army").

A company is a military unit, consisting of two or three platoons, which is part of a battalion. In Russian, the word company has been known since the first half of the 17th century, since 1632, when the organization of the "regiments of the new system" began. Borrowed from German. Modern German Rotte - row, crowd, military unit, military detachment. Rotte was borrowed in the Middle Ages from Old French (rote, route - crowd, detachment).

Battalion - part of a regiment of several companies, containing up to 1000 soldiers. It has been known in Russia since 1702. Borrowed directly from the French. bataillon, it. battaglione or through it. Bataillon.

Regiment - the formation of armed forces numbering from 900 to 2000 people, including headquarters of several battalions or divisions. According to M. Vasmer, it comes from the Proto-Slavic language, from which, among other things, the Old Slavonic pulk and Old Russian pulk originated. It is also indicated that “loans. from other German. *fulkaz and “primordially Slavic. the origin of the word rъlkъ is less likely. There are other versions of the origin of the word. For example, S. Kolibaba in the article “Regiment - Etymology” indicates that the term regiment appears in the “Tale of Bygone Years” - in 946, when Princess Olga began a war with the Drevlyans, and “in the plot of the chronicler of the XII century, regiments mean Drevlyansk and Kiev militia; those. militia territorial, regional”. Consequently, the term regiment, in the opinion of this author, should have the meaning of "fellowship, district, region, district" in its content. The author connects the origin of the word regiment with the biblical pelakh (district, region, district), analyzing the content of concepts, the graphic and phonetic design of words, the rules for transliterating Jewish names into Russian. Nevertheless, most of the sources we used indicate the Slavic origin of the word "regiment", and we will adhere to this version.

A brigade is a military unit consisting of two or three regiments. As a military term, the word brigade has been known in Russian since the beginning of the 18th century. Borrowed from French. Fr. brigade - from the Italian brigata (team, crowd, company, society).

A division is a large tactical unit in the army, which is a combination of several regiments in the ground forces. In Russian, the word division has been known since the beginning of the 18th century, when a division consisted of several infantry brigades. The word comes from lat. divisio - division, separation. In many European languages ​​there are similar words: fr. division, German die Division division. It is possible that the word division appeared as a military term earlier than in the West.

A corps is a large military formation, consisting of other formations (divisions, brigades), as well as units and subunits of various branches of the military. In Russian, the word corpus has been found since 1705, borrowed through Polish. corpus or German. das Korps (XVII century). Comes from lat. corpus - "body, organism".

Army - an operational military formation of several corps or divisions of various branches of the armed forces for conducting combat operations during the war. It was recorded in Russian in 1705 by Prince Kurakin; also met in 1704 in the form of an army. Borrowed directly from the French or through the German die Armee. In this case, the ending -iya may be an erroneous regularization instead of the old -ey, which is perceived as vulgar.

The front is a large operational-strategic association of troops of the armed forces of the state in the conditions of continental hostilities. Russian front (also front and folk front) has been known since 1703. Borrowed from the German language: die Front - “front, system”. Derived from the Latin frons "forehead".

Of the ten names of military units whose origin was considered in this study, seven are borrowed from foreign languages: four from French, three from German. At the same time, six of the seven borrowed terms came into use in the 18th century. Thus, the most active military terms and designations of military units, in particular, were borrowed during the period of military reforms of Peter I (1698-1721). The strongest and most effective European armies were taken as samples, in addition, Peter I invited many foreign military leaders to serve - F. Lefort, P. Gordon, A. Weide, G. Ogilvy and others, who introduced not only new principles for the organization of troops and conduct of hostilities, but also the corresponding military terms. Also extremely conducive to lexical borrowing circumstances are prolonged hostilities. Close interaction between military personnel has created favorable conditions for the adoption of a certain layer of vocabulary. The terms borrowed in this era, naming military units (battalion, brigade, division, corps, army, front), to one degree or another, have retained their meaning to this day.

Three of the ten names considered are of Slavic origin. At the same time, two of them (squad, platoon) are relatively new and designate grassroots, the smallest, military units. These terms, as a rule, are used to designate units in the Ground Forces; in different branches of the military, they may have other or parallel names (crew, calculation, etc.). The most interesting of this group is the word regiment - the oldest of all ten terms considered, used as far back as the 10th century. Compared with the modern meaning of the term, in the early period the word regiment actually called any more or less large military formation, most often an association formed on the principle of belonging to one territory or under the command of one military leader. The modern term has a narrower and more specific meaning, although it has retained its universality and is used in all military branches. Accordingly, the knowledge of these terms is an important component of the professional competence of a military translator.

  • Veremeev Yu.G. Army anatomy/ http://army.armor.kiev.ua/
  • Fasmer M. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language: Per. with him. - M .: Progress, 1984. Part 1-2.
  • National Corpus of the Russian Language / http://www.ruscorpora.ru
  • Kersnovsky A.A. History of the Russian army. - M .: Voice, 1994.
  • Chernykh P.Ya. Historical and etymological dictionary of the modern Russian language. - M .: Russian language, 1994.Ch. 1-2.
  • Kolibaba S. Polk - etymology / http://www.proza.ru/2014/07/29/1656
  • Mitchell P.D., Akhtambaev R.P., Ignatov A.A. The influence of military contacts on French borrowings into English. // Language and culture. 2014. No. 2 (26). pp. 69-73.
  • Tikhonova E.V., Belov D.N. Professional competence of a military translator (based on the Chinese language) // Young scientist. 2015. No. 14. S. 525-528.
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    The topic is interesting. But complicated. For those who did not serve in the army and couch analysts - especially. Yes Yes! Information about the structure, hierarchy and number of military units of the army in peacetime - information that goes under the heading "OO" - is top secret! It is available only to military commissars of districts and more senior chiefs.

    Why secret?

    The explanation for this is extremely simple. Knowing the numbers of units, their location and the number of soldiers in the structural unit, which a drunken demobilization can tell a fellow traveler on the train, agent "007" does not have to figure out what gang of "horror in bearskins" can fall on the peacefully grazing Dutch, Danish or French warriors protecting democracy in Europe.

    In 1941, history taught Adi G. a cruel lesson! The vaunted "Abwehr" & Canaris failed to accurately determine the number of Red Army soldiers, got confused in the names and numbers of units. As a result, the 4 weeks allotted for the “blitzkrieg” stretched out 6 months. And the error in the assessment was marked in the 45th victorious salute over the Reichstag.

    Jokes aside. Let us consider the traditional structure that is preserved to some extent in the hierarchy of the Russian armed forces, without mentioning the number of soldiers serving in a squad, regiment or division.

    Tradition and modernity

    Traditionally, two number systems have developed: classical formations and separate ones.

    classical structures - this is a military formation, the basis and name of which was laid in the old days of the formation of the Russian army during the Romanov dynasty: 1613-1917. Almost completely the hierarchy of subordination was adopted by the Red Army by 1941.

    Separate military formation - were formed on the basis of the conditions for the development and transformation of the structure of troops. The cavalry went into oblivion, the Strategic Missile Forces and the Submarine Fleet developed and occupied the dominant positions. The army did not stand aside from these changes. Being a labile (sedentary) structure, within the framework of existing units (divisions), it carried out their enlargement or reduction. Depending on the tasks solved by the department. Thus, intermediate links appeared, which began to be called "separate": companies, battalions, regiments, divisions.

    In the modern army, military formations include:

    1) divisions;

    2) military units;

    3) connections;

    4) associations.

    1. Any military formation has the status of a legal entity. Military formations conclude and execute civil law contracts and agreements.
    2. Each military formation has a name: real or conditional.
    3. The conventional name consists of the inscription "military formation" and a combination of numbers. Also, the "No" sign is put. As a result, the entire code name looks like this: "military unit No. NNNN."
    4. The official name includes the peacetime combined arms number, staff name, honorary name (if any) and the name of state awards (if the military formation has been awarded orders). For example: 1234 Arkharinsky Guards Order of Lenin Red Banner Separate Tank Regiment.
    5. For military formations, starting with a separate company, buildings, structures, premises, equipment, machinery, weapons, inventory and material resources necessary for the implementation of activities are assigned to ensure their activities.

    HIERARCHY sample 1945-1991

    The main hierarchical structures of the troops that have retained historical names:


    In the Soviet and Russian armies, a branch is the smallest military formation with a full-time commander. The squad is commanded by a junior sergeant or sergeant. Usually in a motorized rifle department there are 9-13 people. In the departments of other branches of the armed forces, the number of personnel of the department is from 3 to 15 people. In some military branches, the branch is called differently. In artillery - crew, in tank troops - crew.


    Several squads make up a platoon. Usually there are 2 to 4 squads in a platoon, but more are possible. The platoon is led by a commander with an officer's rank. In the Soviet and Russian armies, this is a junior lieutenant, lieutenant or senior lieutenant. On average, the number of personnel in a platoon ranges from 9 to 45 people. Usually in all companies of the troops the name is the same - a platoon. Usually a platoon is part of a company, but can exist independently.


    Several platoons make up a company. In addition, a company may include several independent squads that are not included in any of the platoons. For example, in a motorized rifle company there are three motorized rifle platoons, a machine-gun squad, and an anti-tank squad. Usually a company consists of 2-4 platoons, sometimes even more platoons. A company is the smallest formation of tactical importance, that is, a formation capable of independently performing small tactical tasks on the battlefield. Company commander Capt. On average, the size of a company can be from 18 to 200 people.

    Motorized rifle companies are usually about 130-150 people, tank companies 30-35 people. Usually the company is part of the battalion, but often the existence of companies as independent formations. In artillery this type of formation is called a battery, in cavalry a squadron.

    Companies began to be created for the first time in Western Europe at the end of the 15th - beginning of the 16th centuries. The number of companies in peacetime reached 100-150, and in wartime - 200-250 people.


    It consists of several companies (usually 2-4) and several platoons that are not included in any of the companies. The battalion is one of the main tactical formations. A battalion, like a company, platoon, squad, is named according to its type of troops (tank, motorized rifle, engineer-sapper, communications). But the battalion already includes formations of other types of weapons. For example, in a motorized rifle battalion, in addition to motorized rifle companies, there is a mortar battery, a material support platoon, and a communications platoon. Battalion Commander Lieutenant Colonel. The battalion already has its headquarters. Usually in the average battalion, depending on the type of troops, it can number from 250 to 950 people. However, there are battalions of about 100 people. In artillery, this type of formation is called a division.

    Initially, the term "battalion" meant "order of battle", but then it began to be used as the name of a military unit. In the Russian army, battalions were first created by Peter I. They consisted of four companies of the same type and were part of the regiment. The number of the battalion is up to 500 people.


    In the Soviet and Russian armies, this is the main tactical formation and a completely autonomous formation in the economic sense. The regiment is commanded by a colonel. Although the regiments are named after the branches of the military, in fact this is a formation consisting of units of many branches of the military, and the name is given according to the predominant branch of the military. The number of personnel of the regiment is from 900 to 2000 people.


    Just like the regiment, it is the main tactical formation. Actually, the brigade occupies an intermediate position between the regiment and the division. A brigade may also consist of two regiments, plus auxiliary battalions and companies. On average, there are from 2,000 to 8,000 people in a brigade. The brigade commander, as well as in the regiment - colonel.


    The division is the main tactical unit in various branches of the armed forces. Divisions are designed to conduct combat as part of larger formations: armies, corps, squadrons. A division usually consists of several regiments or brigades, units or divisions. For the first time, divisions appeared in the sailing fleets of a number of states in the 17th century, as an integral part of a squadron of ships.

    According to the state - a major general, in reality - usually a colonel.


    The corps is an intermediate formation between the division and the army. The corps is already a combined-arms formation, that is, it usually lacks the sign of one type of troops. It is impossible to talk about the structure and strength of the corps. How many buildings existed or exist, so many of their structures exist. Corps Commander Lieutenant General.


    This term is used in three main meanings:

    a. Army - the armed forces of the state as a whole;

    b. Army - ground forces of the armed forces of the state (as opposed to the fleet and military aviation);

    in. Army - a military formation.

    In this article we are talking about the army as a military formation. The army is a large-scale operational military formation. The army includes divisions, regiments, battalions of all types of troops. Usually, armies are no longer subdivided according to the types of troops, although there may be tank armies, where tank divisions predominate. An army may also include one or more corps. It is impossible to talk about the structure and size of the army, because how many armies exist or have existed, so many structures existed. The soldier at the head of the army is no longer called "commander", but "army commander". Usually the staff rank of the army commander is Colonel General. In peacetime, armies as military formations are rarely organized. Usually divisions, regiments, battalions are directly part of the district.

    Front (district)

    This is the highest military formation of a strategic type in wartime. Larger formations do not exist. The name "front" is used only in wartime for a formation conducting combat operations. For such formations in peacetime, or those located in the rear, the name "okrug" (military district) is used. The front includes several armies, corps, divisions, regiments, battalions of all types of troops. The composition and strength of the front may be different. Fronts are never subdivided according to the types of troops (that is, there cannot be a tank front, an artillery front, etc.). At the head of the front (district) is the commander of the front (district) with the rank of army general.


    In wartime, this is the name given to military formations that solve operational tasks inherent in the front, but operate in a narrower sector or a secondary direction and, accordingly, are much smaller and weaker than such a formation as the front, but stronger than the army. In peacetime, this was the name in the Soviet Army of formations stationed abroad (Group of Soviet Forces in Germany, Central Group of Forces, Northern Group of Forces, Southern Group of Forces). In Germany, this group of troops included several armies and divisions. In Czechoslovakia, the Central Group of Forces consisted of five divisions, three of which were combined into a corps. In Poland, the group of troops consisted of two divisions, and in Hungary of three divisions.

    As part of these units, the Russian army is ready to repel any attack and solve any tactical and strategic tasks. No one doubts this!

    25.10.2018 at 14:27, views: 3130

    More than 100 thousand women serve in the Russian army. Such data is provided by the publication "Army Standard". Representatives of the "weaker" sex occupy positions in the service not only typically "female" - cooks, nurses, clerks, signalmen or storekeepers. They feel quite confident even at training grounds and command posts. Today, when the army offers servicemen a very decent "social program" - sometimes an order of magnitude higher than in the "civilian" - psychologists still advise applicants trying on shoulder straps to weigh all the pros and cons.

    As it turned out, romance - remember "Soldier Jane" - is far from the main thing that makes women stand up in line with men. They are known to be much more practical than men. And therefore, in the army they are more attracted by social security, the prospect of getting housing, a good salary and the opportunity to successfully marry a “normal man”.

    At the same time, as psychologists note, it is much more difficult for women in the service than for men. Despite the fact that they are inferior to men, according to military psychologist Alexander Zabrodin, only in one thing - in physical strength. He notes that female military personnel are hardy, hardworking and even no less determined than their male counterparts. And when it comes to responsibility and accuracy, men, as a rule, are no match for them.

    “There is an opinion that women are less psychologically stable - this is not at all the case,” says Zabrodin. - Stress resistance in no way depends on gender. And the increased physical vulnerability of women for the general condition of the army is rather not a minus, but a plus.”

    Zabrodin explains this unexpected statement of his as follows: it is for the sake of the fair sex that army conditions willy-nilly have to be made more convenient and comfortable, which has a positive effect on male military personnel. Moreover, thanks to women, the Armed Forces are becoming more progressive and diversified.

    If you are a representative of the fair sex and are already considering whether to try on a military uniform for you, then military psychologists warn that such a decision must be carefully weighed. And they tell where exactly a woman in the army can be disappointed.

    In particular, a woman may regret her decision if she was motivated by excessive romantic ideas about military service. Or, if the woman turned out to be overly ambitious and aims straight at the generals. Then, according to experts, it would be better for her to try to prove herself in the police, the prosecutor's office or the FSB, where it is more realistic.

    Main external military dangers:

    a) the desire to endow the power potential of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) with global functions implemented in violation of international law, to bring the military infrastructure of NATO member countries closer to the borders of the Russian Federation, including by expanding the bloc;

    b) attempts to destabilize the situation in individual states and regions and undermine strategic stability;

    c) deployment (build-up) of military contingents of foreign states (groups of states) in the territories adjacent to the Russian Federation and its allies, as well as in adjacent water areas;

    d) the creation and deployment of strategic anti-missile defense systems that undermine global stability and disrupt the existing balance of forces in the nuclear-missile sphere, as well as the militarization of outer space, the deployment of strategic non-nuclear systems of high-precision weapons;

    e) territorial claims against the Russian Federation and its allies, interference in their internal affairs;

    f) proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, missiles and missile technologies, an increase in the number of states possessing nuclear weapons;

    g) violation by individual states of international agreements, as well as non-compliance with previously concluded international treaties in the field of arms limitation and reduction;

    h) the use of military force in the territories of states adjacent to the Russian Federation in violation of the UN Charter and other norms of international law;

    i) the presence (emergence) of outbreaks and escalation of armed conflicts in the territories adjacent to the Russian Federation and its allies;

    j) the spread of international terrorism;

    k) the emergence of hotbeds of interethnic (inter-confessional) tension, the activities of international armed radical groups in areas adjacent to the state border of the Russian Federation and the borders of its allies, as well as the presence of territorial contradictions, the growth of separatism and violent (religious) extremism in certain regions of the world.

    Main internal military dangers:

    a) attempts to forcibly change the constitutional order of the Russian Federation;

    b) undermining the sovereignty, violating the unity and territorial integrity of the Russian Federation;

    c) disorganization of the functioning of state authorities, important state, military facilities and information infrastructure of the Russian Federation.

    Main military threats:

    a) a sharp aggravation of the military-political situation (interstate relations) and the creation of conditions for the use of military force;

    b) obstructing the operation of the state and military control systems of the Russian Federation, disrupting the functioning of its strategic nuclear forces, missile attack warning systems, space control, nuclear weapons storage facilities, nuclear energy, nuclear, chemical industries and other potentially dangerous facilities;

    c) the creation and training of illegal armed formations, their activities on the territory of the Russian Federation or on the territories of its allies;

    d) demonstration of military force during exercises in the territories of states adjacent to the Russian Federation or its allies for provocative purposes;

    e) revitalization of the activities of the armed forces of individual states (groups of states) with partial or complete mobilization, transfer of state and military control bodies of these states to work in wartime conditions.

    source of potential regional military danger Russia and other CIS countries are states bordering the territory of the former USSR in the south, which are capable of individually creating quite powerful groupings of troops against their northern neighbors. At the same time, regional military threats of a different nature have been smoothed out to a certain extent by bilateral agreements (economic, border, military, cultural, etc.) and have practically not grown into a military threat to Russia, although they have a great explosive potential.

    Local military danger at present, it has a more mobile character, more pronounced and specific symptoms of contradictions and a shorter process in time of transition to an immediate threat or to an armed conflict. Local military danger to Russia practically exists around the perimeter borders Russia with far-abroad countries. It is fed by existing purely military and territorial contradictions, which, under certain conditions, can escalate into armed conflicts.

    At present, tendencies of increasing military danger within the CIS and Russia, which can develop into armed conflicts, play an increasingly important role. different scale and intensity caused by the following reasons: first- non-coincidence of ethnic and administrative borders of a number of states of the CIS and Russia. The same problem takes place within the Russian Federation between its subjects. The desire of some republics to revise and clarify borders can lead to armed conflict; second- political and economic contradictions both within Russia and with the CIS states can provoke armed conflicts that cause instability and pose a threat to the statehood of Russia; third- the desire of power nationalist structures of some autonomies for complete sovereignty and the creation of their own national formations.

    Based on military threats, dangers and measures to ensure the security of Russia, the alignment of military and political forces in the world and states adjacent to Russia, as well as the possible geopolitical goals of the aggressor, military conflicts at the beginning of the 21st century will be characterized as: - frontier wars where the aggressor will pursue goals: breaking through the state border to allow smugglers, terrorists or refugee flows to pass; implementation of territorial claims against Russia; -local wars, which can be unleashed with the following goals: implementation of territorial claims against the Russian Federation; support for armed separatist movements on the territory of Russia with the task of separating certain regions from it, as well as ousting Russian peacekeeping contingents and Russian military bases in other states;

    -regional wars- these are wars of a larger scale that will be carried out with the aims of: defeating the main military forces of the Russian Federation in the theater of operations (theater of operations), seizing a significant part of the territory, weakening the military-political leadership of the state and promoting the territorial disintegration of the Russian Federation, weakening Russia's international positions;

    -large-scale (world) war, where the aggressor - a state, a coalition of states or their block, will pursue the goals of the military and economic defeat of the Russian Federation and its allies, the dismemberment and liquidation of Russia as a state - a subject of international relations. All this puts forward new requirements for the structure of the military organization of the state, including the system of medical support for the population in wartime. It becomes obvious the need to maintain the structures of the medical service of civil defense in high combat and mobilization readiness. Even in a border armed conflict, a local war, one cannot do without civil defense activities with partial mobilization, especially in regions where such aggression has been committed, and in other regions in order to make up for losses in personnel, equipment, materiel, etc.

    Aviation, Air Force - a type of armed forces for fighting in the air and attacking ground and sea targets, equipped with aircraft and helicopters. Performs both independent tasks and support of other types of troops.
    Automatic - small arms. Effective fire up to 400 m, rate of fire up to 100 rounds per minute. One of the best in the world is the Kalashnikov assault rifle.
    Army - a set of armed forces; military association of formations and units.
    Artillery is a branch of the armed forces, the main striking firepower is guns, mortars, rockets, etc.
    An attack is a decisive moment in the offensive actions of troops - fire and forward movement.
    A battalion is a subdivision of a regiment or a separate unit. Consists of 3-4 companies and special platoons.
    Biological weapons - pathogenic bacteria, viruses, toxins. Forbidden.
    BMP - infantry fighting vehicle. Armored, allows you to fight without leaving it.
    A platoon is a unit within a company. Consists of 2-4 departments.

    Rifle - small arms with a rifled barrel.
    The navy, the navy is a branch of the armed forces. Designed for operations at sea and on land. Includes ships, marines, aviation,
    Coastal artillery.
    War is a large-scale armed conflict, the achievement of political goals by violent means.
    Air defense troops - designed to repel enemy air strikes.
    The guard is a select, privileged part of the troops.
    Grenade - ammunition for defeating enemy personnel and equipment at a distance of up to 100 m. Designed for firing from grenade launchers and throwing (hand grenades).
    Landing troops - designed to land on enemy territory.
    The division is the main tactical unit. It consists of regiments, separate 6 tadions, etc.
    Military doctrine is an accepted system of views on the goals and methods of warfare.
    Military rank - is assigned personally to each serviceman and conscript. Determines seniority in the armed forces.
    Caliber is one of the main characteristics of a weapon, the diameter of the barrel of a firearm in millimeters or the mass of an aerial bomb in kilograms.
    Surrender - the cessation of armed struggle and the surrender of the troops of one state to another.
    A corps is the highest combined-arms formation or operational-tactical association, consisting of several divisions, separate regiments, etc.
    A sailor is a private in the navy.
    Mina - explosive ammunition for firing mortars; military means for the device of explosive barriers.
    A mortar is a smooth-bore gun for mounted firing at covered targets.
    Offensive - a type of conducting military operations with the aim of defeating the enemy and capturing important lines or areas.
    Defense - a type of military action used to disrupt the enemy's offensive.
    Weapons - the general name of devices and means used to destroy manpower, equipment and structures of the enemy.
    Branch - a military unit of 6-12 people as part of a platoon.
    Retreat - the withdrawal of troops from their positions for tactical purposes or under pressure from the enemy.
    A truce is a temporary cessation of hostilities by agreement of the belligerents.
    Infantry - motorized rifle units, formerly the oldest type of ground forces.
    A regiment is a military unit, an organizationally independent combat unit.
    A submarine is a ship capable of navigating and performing combat missions both above and below water. Can carry intercontinental missiles.
    An order is a written or oral order from a superior to a subordinate, which is law for him.
    A cannon is an artillery gun with a firing range of up to 30 km, caliber 20-100 mm.

    Rocket troops - a type of armed forces armed with missiles capable of hitting targets in any region of the globe.
    A branch of service is an integral part of a branch of the armed forces, distinguished by its inherent weapons, military equipment and characteristic combat properties.
    A company is a unit of several platoons as part of a battalion or a separate one.
    Connection - the general name of a brigade, division, corps in various branches of the military.
    A soldier is a soldier. In a narrower sense - the military rank of private.
    Spetsnaz - units and subunits trained and equipped to perform especially important tasks.
    Strategy is the highest field of military art. 06ensures the fulfillment of the tasks set by the policy.
    Tactics is an integral part of the art of war, subordinate to strategy. Includes theory and practice of combat.
    A tank is an armored tracked fighting vehicle. The main weapon is a cannon with a caliber of up to 152 mm, a machine gun. Crew - 3-4 people. Speed ​​up to 70 km/h.
    The rear is the entire territory of a belligerent country, except for the area of ​​military operations.
    The charter is an official document that regulates all aspects of life in the armed forces.
    The front is the line of deployment of the armed forces and their contact with the enemy.
    Chemical weapons - poisonous substances and means of their use (shells, bombs).
    Part - a military formation as part of a formation; it includes divisions.
    Nuclear weapons are a type of weapon of mass destruction; operating factors: shock wave, light radiation, penetrating radiation and radioactive contamination.

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