Municipal cultural center lod israel. Israel, Lod - tours, photos, reviews of tourists. History and description

Located in the center of the country, the town of Lod is one of the oldest cities in Israel. Its history began 3.5 thousand years ago, and during this time the city knew the times of prosperity and fall, but retained many sights and architectural values. Wars constantly raged in this territory, as a result of which rulers changed regularly: the ancient Greeks, Romans, Ottoman Turks and crusaders. All of them passed through Lod, while either turning the city into ruins or into a prosperous land of Israel.

The first mention of Lod dates back to the 15th century BC, when the Egyptian pharaoh Thutmose III conquered these lands. The Bible mentions that Lod was founded by Elaal, one of the sons of Benjamin. Jews settled the city after being expelled from Babylon.

After some time, the Romans approached Lod, who drove out all the Jews and populated the city with pagans.

Then came the era of Byzantine rule and the city was settled by Christians, who renamed it Georgiopolis in honor of St. George, who was buried here.

In 1191, Lod was liberated from the crusaders by Salladin, after which the Jews again settled the city, though not for long. After the arrival of the Turks, Lod was practically destroyed, and there were no inhabitants left in it.

Many sights from different rulers have been preserved in Lod, most of which are located in the historical area. Gan Shalom deserves great attention - the place where the shrines of three world religions are located, which reflect the history of Lod. On Golomb Street there is an ancient al-Omari mosque, built in the middle of the 13th century, under the rule of Sultan Baybars. Next to the mosque is the Greek church of St. George, built in the 19th century, and even earlier there was a church built by the Crusaders.

On Hashmonaim Street, an ancient device called a-sawil has been preserved, which supplied drinking water to Lod.

Other sights include the Jindas Bridge, the ruins of the Khan al Hilo Fort, and ancient rooms with special presses for the production of olive oil.

In 1990-93 Several new micro-districts were built in the city, which were settled by repatriates from the CIS countries. Russian television appeared here, shops, restaurants and even ads on the street are written in Russian.

In the immediate vicinity of the city is the Ben Gurion Airport, thanks to which Lod began to be called the air gate of Israel. Two highways pass through the city, allowing you to quickly get to the major cities of the country - to Tel Aviv in 10 minutes, and to Jerusalem in half an hour.

20 km southeast of Tel Aviv (Israel) is the Temple of George the Victorious in the city, which is now called Lod, and in ancient times it was called Lydda. The city is very old - for the first time its name is mentioned in an inscription from the time of the Egyptian pharaoh Jehutimes III (XV century BC!).

By the 5th century BC. Jewish sages lived here. During the II Jewish War, the Romans tried very hard to storm and destroy the city. After all, the local population offered very stubborn resistance to the conquerors. What does it say about Lydda as a Jewish spiritual center. The planting of a foreign faith and culture is usually more actively resisted by those who wish to pray to their God and observe their own laws. On the site of Lydda, a Greek settlement arose - Diospol. During the Muslim conquest, for some time it was the center of Arab Palestine. Then he moved to the newly founded Ramla. The "nickname" of the city in Byzantine times was Georgiopol. Since it was believed that the most famous great martyr lived and died here for some time.

Church of St. George the Victorious.

The Church of Saint George, Lod can be called the main cult attraction of the small town. This is a Greek Orthodox temple, which is located in the Peace Park quarter. It stands on the site of a destroyed Byzantine basilica, like so many Christian churches in Eretz Israel. In its current form, the Church of St. George the Victorious was rebuilt in 1870. Then the ruins of the building became the property of the Jerusalem Patriarchate. Patriarch of Jerusalem Kirill II asked the authorities of the Russian Empire to help restore the temple. The House of Romanovs did not stint on donations, and the Church of St. George the Victorious rose from the ashes. It was consecrated on November 16, 1872.

Nearby, the El-Omri mosque and the Shaare Shamaim synagogue are located very "symbolically". In the current Lod, Christians, Jews, and Muslims really live.

Who is Saint George?

The existence of George as a historical figure has not been documented, however, this is the case of many saints of the early Christian period. Perhaps it is he who is mentioned by Eusebius of Caesarea, who lived from 263 to 340. AD in his Church History. Allegedly, in Nicomedia, a certain person of high position at the court of Emperor Diocletian tore up the decree of the ruler nailed to a post on the beginning of the persecution of Christians. And then calmly and firmly withstood the cruel punishment for his misconduct.

The lives of George the Victorious differ in many details of his biography; other rulers are mentioned in them, and not Diocletian. The most common version is as follows: the future great martyr was born in the 3rd century. AD in Cappadocia. In a wealthy Christian family, which then moved to Lydda. The young man entered the service of Diocletian. And soon he became his commander (legate or commander of personal guards). He was in Nicomedia when he learned about the beginning of the imperial persecution of Christians. And then he distributed his considerable tribal wealth to the poor and announced to the ruler that his soul belongs to Christ.

He was immediately captured and subjected to the most severe tortures (the authors of the lives and apocrypha seem to compete with each other in describing these horrific tortures). But God kept healing his wounds. And George himself did not even think of renouncing the faith. On the 8th day, the stubborn man was executed. He bequeathed to his servant to take his body to Palestine, which was done.

Serpent winner.

After death, the holy great martyr appeared to people! So he created a Miracle with a serpent (or dragon) - a monster terrorized the city of Beirut. The “dinner” for the Serpent was chosen by the frightened inhabitants by lot, and one day the choice fell on the daughter of the local lord. But Saint George on horseback struck the monster with a spear. And according to another version, he humbled him with a prayer and took him to the city. The population, seeing this, decided to be baptized en masse, and only then George killed the monster in the city square.

This legend is interpreted symbolically: either Satan is meant by the serpent, or the saved princess symbolizes the Christian Church. And the serpent is paganism.

The iconographic and heraldic image of St. George the Victorious most often depicts a spear-bearing warrior on horseback fighting a monster. For example, on the coat of arms of the Russian capital and the state of Georgia. Also a popular Christian image associated with it is the George Cross - scarlet on a white background. It appears on the state flags of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, England separately, the Italian city of Milan and Georgia.

A brave warrior, unshakable in his faith, St. George is revered by the entire Christian world under the names of George, Yegoriy, Yuri, Jerzy, Uastirdzhi, George. And even Muslim - under the names of Girgis, Jirjis, El-Khudi and El-Khidr.

The small town of Lod Israel is located not far from the central air gate of the state - the name of Ben Gurion in Tel Aviv. From Lod to the airport, only some 20 kilometers.

The Israeli city is one of the most ancient cities in the country, which has a rich history. More than once, Lod was destroyed and rebuilt again due to various life circumstances: earthquakes, wars. It can be compared to a phoenix that has risen again and again from the ashes. In the place of modern Lod, in ancient times, the city of Lydd stood in the fifth century BC, then it was a very "smart" city, as it was considered the center of learning for all Jewry.

During the Second Jewish War, the Romans completely destroyed the city. Then its history is closely intertwined with the era of the Crusades, because it was then that the Lod of Israel became the center of the state of the servants of Christ with swords in their hands - the crusaders. And already in the not so distant past - at the beginning of the last century, the city became a key railway interchange, thanks to the construction of the railway.

The city of Lod in Israel is a city of mixed type, that is, its composition is diverse: Jews and Arabs, Russians and other nationalities. 20% of Lod's population today are Arabs. In total, about 70 thousand people live in the city, including 20 thousand people from the former Soviet Union.

In addition to the fact that Lod has an ancient history, today it is also a modern industrial one. However, in Israel everything is so: antiquity and modernity are closely intertwined, creating a unique flavor and atmosphere. I must say that Lod has a huge industrial zone, they say, today Lod in Israel is the center of the aerospace industry.

Not far from Lod is Israel's main airport - Ben Gurion. The geographical position of Lod is quite convenient for traveling. As already mentioned, it is located near the international airport, and in addition, it is also a railway interchange, which provides excellent transport accessibility of the city to anywhere in the country. In the immediate vicinity of the city, there are also motor transport lines that connect different parts of the country and different cities and villages of Israel.

For the first time, the ancient historical city of Lod Israel is mentioned as early as the 15th century BC in the Canaanite list of cities. Its history spans more than 3 thousand years, during its existence it was repeatedly destroyed, and then again and again revived, rebuilt, becoming a major political, social, commercial and cultural center.

At the beginning of the 20th century, very few people lived in the town - a small Jewish community of several hundred families. But when the railway was built in Lod, and the city became a railway interchange and a junction station, population growth began to increase dramatically.

In 1936, construction began on the airport near Lod Israel, which today is international and bears the name of Ben Gurion. Immediately after the declaration of Independence, the army of the Arab countries invaded the territory of the young state. Lod occupied, most of the Arab inhabitants of the city left, and repatriates began to settle in their place. Over the history of the existence of an independent state, Lod has become a modern industrial city with a developed industry, infrastructure, and educational institutions.

Out of the 70,000 population of today's Lod, repatriates who arrived in the 90s now make up 20% of the total population.

The city is being intensively built, both industrial and residential construction is underway, and in the last few years several small microdistricts have grown in the city. In one of them, called Ganei-Avi, which means “Spring Garden” in Hebrew, people from the Union live. If we talk about housing prices, then in Lod Israel it is relatively inexpensive. For example, renting an apartment with three rooms will cost 350-400 dollars a month, and if you buy it, the cost of a three-room apartment will be about 90 thousand dollars. There is already a long-term plan for the development of Lod, which provides for the construction of another 130,000 units of additional housing.

The main part of the city's population works in the industrial zone, they also work at the international airport, in the service sector and in trade.

Enterprises of the Israeli aircraft concern Taasiya Avirit are located in the industrial zone. Not far from the city, the construction of an industrial park designed for high-tech enterprises has begun. Due to the excellent geographical location of Lod, as well as the fact that the main transport routes pass nearby, the city is a railway junction station, the inhabitants of the city also work in other cities located in the neighborhood. And these are Petah Tikva, Rishon Lezion, Tel Aviv, Rehovot and others.

The city has a well-developed education system. The services of kindergartens, schools and other institutions of the urban education system are used by all residents of Lod Israel. The Israeli education system includes several levels: nurseries and kindergartens, primary and intermediate schools, gymnasiums, the latter can be both religious and general. Schools in Lod are computerized, and school computers are connected to the Internet system, powerful air conditioners work in the classrooms. There is a technical college in Lod Israel where you can get an engineering profession.

A city with a rich history, with a huge number of attractions and monuments. The main historical attraction of the city, which attracts tourists and pilgrims, is an ancient mosque built in the 13th century, as well as a medieval inn that has survived to this day and a church erected in honor of St. George on his tomb. The church was erected in the last century on the old ruins of buildings that have been preserved since the time of the crusaders.

Sports lovers will be able to visit swimming pools and gyms, football and basketball courts in this city. The infrastructure of the city is also well developed here - cafes, restaurants, bars, shops and shopping centers.

As you know, Israel has the best medicine in the world and the city of Lod confirms this. There are clinics and modern medical facilities equipped with the most advanced equipment and medical equipment. From many countries, patients rush to the clinics located in Lod to treat a wide variety of diseases.

But, in fairness, it must be said that today in the city not everything is so cool and perfect, for example, there is some tension between the Arab and Jewish population. One of the reasons is the Jews, the inhabitants of the city of Lod in Israel are protesting against the illegal construction and settlements of Arab families. And yet, the city lives quite peacefully - Lod, like all of Israel, is a city of three religions. On the central square of the city there are a church, a synagogue and a mosque nearby. Believers of three religions live peacefully here.

According to legend, once St. George the Victorious was buried in Lod, and a church was erected on the supposed burial place of the Saint. In memory of the fact that a saint is buried here, the city once bore the name of Geogiopolis, it was a very long time ago, before the Arab conquest.

Like the rest of Israel, Lod combines seemingly incompatible things - historical heritage and traditions with advanced innovations in science and technology, antiquity and modernity, which creates an extraordinary flavor for it, gives its appearance a unique charm, and goodwill to its inhabitants. To visit Israel and not visit this beautiful town is just a crime. Don't make this mistake! It is full of historical and holy places, sights. It has many parks, squares, old buildings and other architecture. Here everyone can find something interesting for themselves, learn something new.

But the city of Lod in Israel is not only ideal for sightseeing trips. In it you can perfectly relax, as well as improve your health. Hurry up and you won't regret it!

Here is a map of Lod with streets → Central District, Israel. We study a detailed map of the city of Lod with houses and streets. Real-time search, coordinates

More about the streets of Lod on the map

A detailed map of the city of Lod with street names will be able to show all the routes and roads where the street is located. Rimon. Located close to.

For a detailed view of the territory of the entire region, it is enough to change the scale of the online scheme +/-. On the page is an interactive scheme-plan of the city of Lod (israel) with addresses and routes of the microdistrict. Move its center to find Eli Cohen Street now.

The ability to plot a route across the country and calculate the distance - the Ruler tool, find out the length of the city and the path to its center, addresses of attractions, bus stops and hospitals (Hybrid type of scheme), view railway stations and borders of the Central District.

You will find all the necessary detailed information about the location of the city's infrastructure - stations and shops, squares and banks, highways and highways.

An accurate satellite map of Lod (Lod) in Russian with Google search is in its own rubric, panoramas as well. Use Yandex search to show the desired house on the map of the city in Israel / in the world, in real time. . st. Eilat will help you navigate the terrain.

Coordinates - 31.9517,34.8935

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