Life at your fingertips: incredible facts about the prima ballerina Ekaterina Kukhar. Keeps postcards from friends and fans

He does it gracefully and with a smile. She is the prima ballerina of the National Opera, which conquered the scenes of Europe, America, Japan, and in Ukraine a grateful audience is always waiting for her.

By the birthday of the ballerina - on January 18 she turned 36 years old! We have prepared seven interesting facts about Ukrainian prima ballerina Ekaterina Kukhar.

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1. For the sake of the career of Ekaterina Kukhar, her relatives sacrificed themselves

Ekaterina Kukhar: “My grandmother Lena, for my sake, resigned from the position of the head and got a job at the choreographic school for the first vacant vacancy to take me to classes and pick me up after rehearsals. Physical exercise at the school were colossal, since the emphasis is more on the specialty, and often I came home completely exhausted, fell to sleep, and my grandmother sat down and finished writing essays for me, finishing my homework. In general, she studied with me. Grandma fulfilled her dream and helped me become a prima ballerina.”

2. She was nicknamed “Jennifer Lopez” at school, although now she weighs only 42 kilograms.

Ekaterina Kukhar: “Many girls are expelled from school because of excess weight. This is a difficult hormonal period when a girl becomes a woman. I also faced this problem, at the age of 15 I had a secret nickname "Jennifer Lopez". My husband and partner Alexander regrets that he did not find that period. Now all my jeans are falling off me, and then they scolded me and lowered my marks for the “rear and profile view”.

Ekaterina Kukhar in the ballet "Scheherizade"

3. Officially not married.

“Due to the fact that Alexander Stoyanov and I are a couple not only on stage, but also in life, we know each other thoroughly. When we enter the stage, we almost don’t think about the technical side of the duet dance, but surrender ourselves to feelings, emotions and the fusion of dance with music.”

Ballet "The Master and Margarita"

5. Mother of two children.

Ekaterina Kukhar: “My eldest child Tima is 7 years old, my youngest daughter Nastenka is 2 years old. A month after giving birth, I began to study in the hall, after three - I led the play "Swan Lake" on tour in Spain.

6. Danced at an altitude of 5 thousand meters

Ekaterina Kukhar: “Once in Latin America we danced under the skies at an altitude of almost 5 thousand meters. Where not only to dance, it was impossible to breathe. When we came on stage and saw oxygen tanks with masks, we had a slight shock ... But after the first number, we felt the need for them.

Ballet "Raymonda"

7. Keeps postcards from friends and fans

Ekaterina Kukhar: “After each performance, my fans give me very beautiful flowers. In bouquets I find small messages from them - postcards. They are all very different, someone simply signs their names, and someone writes poetry, talks about their impressions of the performance. For me, these messages are not just pleasant, but dear to my heart.”

The prima ballerina spoke about the main tragedy of her life.

The ballerina of the National Opera and the judge of "Dances with Stars" Ekaterina Kukhar, who, for the first time, spoke about her painful daughter, says in "Secular Life".

A lot of time has passed since then, but the pain of the loss remains. According to Catherine, this tragedy turned her whole life upside down and changed her as a person, taught her a lot.

Katerina Kukhar

“The loss of the child was because her lungs did not open. And when Alexander (Ekaterina’s husband – ed.) was offered to help Okhmatdit a year ago and purchase an artificial respiration apparatus, it was like a sign from above,” Kukhar said with tears in her eyes .

This child was desired and long-awaited for the ballerina.

The ease of flight on stage and a number of trials in life - the path of Ekaterina Kukhar to recognition and popularity was thorny. About the main tragedy of her life - the loss of a child - she cannot speak without tears. Together with the troupe of the National Opera of Ukraine and in a pair with her husband Alexander Stoyanov, Ekaterina toured France for almost two months, and completed her tour in Belgium. There, Ekaterina Osadchaya met with Ukrainian stars, looked at the preparations for the final performance of the tour, and also asked about personal questions.

"When this tragedy happened, and it happened on later dates, when they are almost giving birth, I could not get out of bed for about a month. I used very strong antidepressants, sleeping pills and cried, cried, cried. In life, probably, each person is sent his test and his cross," Kuhar said.

Katerina Kukhar

Catherine admitted that after the tragedy she even wanted to leave the ballet forever. The teacher brought her back to life. She invited Kuhar to prepare a new part and play Juliet.

"When I went on stage, I was able to pour out the pain of loss, when Juliet loses Romeo, when she realizes that he is dead, into the auditorium," the ballet star added.

Has the right to criticize participants. Her innate talent and hard work on herself made her one of the best ballerinas in the world, for whose performances people buy tickets just to see Catherine on pointe. There were ups and downs in her life. They cut her pointe shoes, but no one managed to beat off her passion for dancing ...

Childhood and youth

Ekaterina Kukhar was born on January 18, 1982 in Kyiv. Also in early childhood she became interested in dancing. She was invited to the gymnastics group, seeing on the playground of one of the districts of Kyiv. However, in training, the girl was brought to tears, and she did not go to these classes anymore, choosing ballet.

Ekaterina Kukhar

1997 for Ekaterina Kukhar was marked by a victory in the competition, the prize of which was an internship in Switzerland. In 1999, she graduated with honors from the Kiev Choreographic School, where Tatyana Tayakina was her teacher. A professional from Kukhar was made by titanic trainings and eminent teachers Valery Kovtun, Lyudmila Smorgacheva, Nikolay Pryadchenko, Eleonora Steblyak, Raisa Khilko, Elvira Tarasova, Abdyev Rejepmyrat. Even while studying in the first year, the girl made her debut on stage as Masha from the Nutcracker on stage Bunka Kaikan in Japan.


In 1999, the girl was invited to the troupe of the National Opera. T. Shevchenko. With performances by Ekaterina Kukhar, who traveled the whole world. She has performed leading roles on stages in Europe, Canada, USA, Japan, Korea and China. Now she, together with her partner (and husband) Alexander Stoyanov, hold the position of premieres of the National Opera. T. Shevchenko. The couple performs all the main roles of classical ballet productions.

Ekaterina Kukhar became a multiple winner of many international festivals, later becoming jury member. One of the highest achievements was her judging at a competition in France Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris. Kuhar herself explains this by the fact that the ballet school of France is a very closed society, and getting into a jury of such a level is a great honor for a foreigner.

In 2014, Ekaterina was invited to perform in Palace of Congresses in Paris. Together with her partner Alexander Stoyanov, she brought the ballet Romeo and Juliet. There were 3723 seats in the hall allocated for performances, and all Kukhar's performances were held with a full house. One of the contemporary critics, Maggie Foer, called the pair of Ekaterina Kukhar and Alexander Stoyanov the best in Europe. She singled out their grace, lightness, and also noted that it was impossible to take your eyes off their tandem.

MONATIK, Ekaterina Kukhar and Vlad Yama

In 2017, she was invited to the role of one of the judges of the country's favorite dance show Dances with stars. They made her company Vlad Yama and MONATIK. Ekaterina Kukhar was remembered by many viewers as the strictest of all judges, and it is her wrath that many participants fear. In 2018, Kuhar continued her mission in the dance show.

Personal life

Ballerina Ekaterina Kukhar does not like to talk about her personal life. It is known that the ballerina was already married, and left her husband for Alexander Stoyanov, being 7 months pregnant. She gave birth to a son, Timur, who is already 8 years old, the man is raising him as his own. She did not sign with Alexander Kukhar, but only got married. She explained her decision by the fact that for her the stamp in the passport does not mean anything.

Ekaterina Kukhar and Alexander Stoyanov

By the way, the love story between the two dancers is very tender. The acquaintance of young people took place in 2006, they were paired for ballet Nutcracker. When Alexander came to work at the National Opera of Ukraine, Kateryna Kukhar was already a prima. After training, she gave a new partner a deuce. He, in turn, left her goodies on the nightstand.

Since then, there have been ups and downs in the life of the spouses. One of the greatest tragedies of a ballerina still brings her to tears. The fact is that in 2014 she. Relatives and the stage helped her to survive the pain - she transferred all the suffering to Juliet, who was left without a lover. This role Kuhar leaves no one indifferent.

Ekaterina Kukhar and Alexander Stoyanov with their son Timur

Two years ago, Ekaterina and Alexander became the parents of the first common child. The girl was named Nastya, she is already predicting a dancing future. Catherine notes the flexibility and musicality of her daughter, and hopes that she will choose the profession of parents. Son Timur during a visit to the ballet Nutcracker with told my mother "No". In turn, the parents decided not to put pressure on him.

Watch the video in which Ekaterina Kukhar plays the role of Carmen:

Recall that previously discussed on the Web,. The singer frankly admitted that she never feels sorry for the money. Details can be found in our material.

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The prima ballerina of the National Opera managed to complete the Dancing with the Stars project, which attracted the attention of fans of the show. The journalists of TSN.Tyzhden decided to learn more about the ballerina.

In particular, Katerina told how she met her husband, Alexander Stoyanov. When he entered the hall of the National Opera after the ballet school, Katerina was already a prima ballerina there. A talented guy and a famous ballerina were paired. They were supposed to perform the main part in the play "The Nutcracker". After each rehearsal, Katya gave Sasha a grade and it was always a deuce.

“I slammed the door quite often. I thought I wouldn't be back. But, nevertheless…”, recalls Oleksandr, the Prime Minister of the National Opera of Ukraine Oleksandr Stoyanov.

But when Katerina returned to the dressing room, she found a cake from him on the table. AND . Over time, real, not feigned tenderness began to appear in their movements honed to automatism.

British critic Maggie Foer called them the most beautiful ballet couple in Europe. They were lured to go to the Bolshoi Theater, but they remained in Ukraine. Envious people cut ribbons on pointe shoes to Katerina right before the performance, but she always had spare ones. Now it is difficult for this couple to remember the point of the world, wherever they perform.

But world recognition did not deprive Katerina of memories that weigh on the soul. The ballerina lost her first child. Dancing helped her out of her depression. After severe trials the ballerina gave birth to a son, Timur. He is already eight years old. Also, Katerina and her husband Alexander have two year old daughter Anastasia.

The couple admitted that they did not plan to marry, because they had already made another, more important oath - before God:

“We got married, but we don’t need a stamp in the passport.”

She talked about how she manages to maintain such an ideal physical shape. Read about it in the Clutch article.

The main thing that Ekaterina has been doing for many years is starting the day with a glass pure water. After that, the prima eats tasty, healthy and balanced food.

ballerina breakfast

A sprig of grapes, cheese, whole grain bread with nuts and dried fruits is one of the famous ballerina's breakfast options. At the same time, Kukhar believes that morning reception food should be mandatory, because it is he who must start all the processes in the body.

Meals on the road

During the flight, Ekaterina Kukhar can not only get enough sleep, but also please herself with something tasty, for example, light dessert. Kukhar can afford it, because in her life there is a constant physical activity.

Gourmet Preferences

Dinner must be delicious.

At home, Ekaterina loves to dine with seafood. In a restaurant, she can enjoy a glass of wine along with a tender steak and salad.

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