new populism. Gleb Kuznetsov: "The biography of a public person is a public matter"

"Over and over again I stumble upon headlines like "Who is behind the shaft of compromising evidence on Grudinin." similar) stands Grudinin's status as a presidential candidate of one of the largest and most important countries in the world from the largest opposition party in this country, and not at all someone evil intent", - the political scientist writes on his page in Facebook.

"His biography cannot but arouse interest and close attention. Two weeks ago he" traded in strawberries ", and now he is potentially the number 2 politician in the country. National newspapers in Russia, the USA and Europe write about him, and not just Domodedovskaya Nov. ".

They talk about him at foreign policy briefings in administrations largest states and supranational organizations peace. The surname "Grudinin" was written and pronounced in two weeks many orders of magnitude more often than in his entire previous life.

And his headquarters, instead of realizing this and somehow learning how to tell adults about their candidate in an adult language, decided to play the "victim of the regime." How so? Damned hacks say that the state farm is them. Lenin and OJSC "Sovkhoz im. Lenin" are different things! And, oh, the horror!, in the structure of the owners, the OJSC has citizens and organizations that are completely unrelated to happy peasants. But how can such things be so directly into the public space? What does it mean "so it is the same!". Stop telling the truth that we didn't include in official list good deeds of the candidate!

I must say that in the United States, for example, every land deal signed by Grudinin in the entire history of his management would be examined under a magnifying glass, every former shareholder who exchanged a share in a collective farm during its rebirth into an open joint-stock company for something medium-sized or even large, would tell in live federal TV channels in detail about how it was. And this is to start a conversation. So we have everything - in accordance with the political tradition - gently, intelligently, sparingly. And there are even people who see this kind of thing as a great benefit to the candidate.

The biography of a public person is a public matter. Understanding this, by the way, Sobchak's headquarters did not show signs of indignation when, during the first couple of weeks after the nomination, such a tub of public interest was poured on her that the devil in hell was sick. And most of the comments were by no means related to the analysis of the current opinions of Ksenia Anatolyevna on key issues of our time. On the contrary: "Ksenia Sobchak insults children/women/peasants/workers" or there "Look at the naked candidate!". And nothing, the broad public masses, having studied the naked candidate in detail, indignant and spitting at her enough, have shifted the focus of their interest. And the candidate moved on.

This is all included in the conditions of work in politics, sports, show business. And there is one very good way avoid it all. Not to be public person. Well, if you took up the tug, then you don’t have to pretend to be a victim of the regime. You are not a victim of the regime and not enemies. But his own, voluntarily accepted status.

It seems that the world is changing before our eyes beyond recognition. European and American voters support ideas and candidates that only yesterday seemed marginal. Political scientist Gleb Kuznetsov recalls that we have a variation for a long time known to science political phenomenon - populism. Only this is the “new populism”, which has its own characteristics. What will the wave of populism lead to and will it reach Russia?

What is a "populist wave"?

In the classical sense, "populism" is political position or just political rhetoric appealing to interests populace against the interests of the elites. Populists say what the masses want to hear, relying neither on political tradition nor on the reality of their promises. In this they differ from the so-called "systemic politicians" who (allegedly) are bound by some responsibility to society and its future in their promises. In fact, everything is more difficult.

Who are the current populists? First of all, these are people who speak loudly, including about the problems that were long years in the "grey zone" of traditional politics. "Systemic politicians" preferred not to talk about entire layers of problems of interest to society, because these topics are complex, there are no obvious solutions, and any possible steps are painful, they will inevitably cause tension and conflicts.

Donald Trump skillfully used populist slogans in his election campaign,

And as a result, the so-called “populist wave” is gaining strength around the world. SYRIZA in Greece, Podemos in Spain, Chavista regimes in Latin America, Left Bloc in Portugal, 5 Stars in Italy, nationalists of all stripes in Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, Austria achieve impressive results in parliamentary elections. success. And finally on presidential elections in the United States, the charismatic Donald Trump won, and in Britain, the referendum on leaving the EU was successfully passed. Yes, and our homegrown "populists" from the Liberal Democratic Party this year almost took second place in the parliamentary elections, short of this impressive achievement of some tenths of a percent in the fight against the "traditional left" from the Communist Party.

Is there a difference between "left" and "right" populism?

At its core, in the mechanisms used, no. And in the achieved result - also not. Which populists will become popular in a given territory is determined, perhaps, to a greater extent by its political history.

That is, for the traditionally "left" countries like the Mediterranean and Latin American populism will be primarily "left", for the Anglo-Saxon and German - "right". In a practical sense, this division has no meaning. The "left" has long ceased to be left, and the "right" - right.

The fundamental difference between right and left populism is the image of the enemy. The enemy of right-wing populism is “emigrant”, “alien”, “other”. The enemy of leftist populism is the "world of capital", "oligarchy", "banks". But both of them agree on one thing: "officials sold out and do not represent society."

Where did populism come from and why is it so popular?

The traditional view is that populism is just one response to a perceived threat to culture and identity. That is, people began to feel that something threatened their way of life, traditional views and values. Children have turned to computers instead of going to dances, as they used to, in their favorite pub, a Pakistani, who is cheaper to hire, stood at the counter, cozy parks are full of some dark-skinned migrants. Moreover, in addition, they are expelled from work, because the migrant should be paid less, and all production was transferred to China.

A wave of protests against refugees swept across Europe

The threat is obvious, and the perpetrators are obvious. Hence the close attention of populists to the problems of immigration and criticism of globalism/multiculturalism. But isn't this a substitution of cause and effect? Perhaps the very sense of identity threat that is the reason for such popularity of populism is primarily due to economic reasons, and the topic of immigration is just an attempt " simple explanation economic problems". It is necessary to find the enemy and the guilty one, and in the “other”, “unlike” this is the easiest to do.

For the first time since the Second World War, a new generation in the West is living worse than the previous one. And there are no prerequisites and expectations that the next generation will live better. Unique historical community - " middle class of the golden billion” – begins to shrink, is in crisis. It is not inequality itself that creates economic anxiety, but the fear of loss of status and lack of prospects. In this respect, preaching about life at the roots becomes extraordinarily effective.

Voters against the "establishment"

The second reason for the popularity of populism around the world is the strong anti-elite sentiment. Voters do not like the "establishment" and are ready to vote against it. Politics has turned into a closed club, where only “lists” are allowed. Democratic politics has lost all its charm and brilliance, it has turned into a banal administration. Thus, 75% of the deputies of the French Parliament come from the civil service system, professional officials. Before the eyes of one or two generations of voters disappears essential function democratic authorities, the function of representation.

And this washing out of real politics from the political process helps another important prerequisite for the emergence of populism - political correctness, which is mandatory in the so-called developed countries, whose main function is to emasculate the political language. The bright, figurative, sometimes defiant language of politicians of the recent past is hard to imagine today. Political language today it has become a tool for serving an incomprehensible ritual of power: the average voter cannot even really understand what this or that candidate stands for - their true intentions are hidden behind a heap of streamlined and very neutral phrases.

The shopkeeper, the townsman, seeking to gain political representation, will never be able to fit into this "ritual", he will not be able to become a "herald", a participant in the political process. His everyday language is not politically correct, he does not know the rules, procedures. He is "unprofessional". But still he has something to say about his fears, the main of which is the fear of poverty. And this is where populists come to the rescue. Actually, today's populism is a declaration of values ​​as opposed to the policy of pronouncing the ritual.

And, finally, people are simply tired of total government control on the one hand and the total irresponsibility of the authorities on the other. The government constantly promises to take care of the electorate, to make their life “better and better”, closely monitors their moods and actions, but at the same time, the life of each individual person remains unchanged or changes for the worse. At the same time, don’t say it, don’t do it, taxes are growing, and a whole colony of dark-skinned people has settled on their favorite street, who cannot even be called Arabs without being accused of fascism.

Britain successfully passed a referendum on leaving the EU. And this is a consequence of the policy of populism,

This gives rise to a crisis in the perception of politics itself: "nothing depends on my vote." Politics has become a whole "technology": nice-looking and well-dressed middle-aged men and women gather and perform rituals that they alone understand - make statements about the welfare state and world peace. And from the outside, for an uninitiated person, all this looks like some kind of indistinct muttering. This is where the solution lies: the populists propose bright ideas, capable of captivating people, they return them to the space of struggle, hope for some significant changes.

Why are populists “for Russia”?

Russians, to be exact Russian media, now and then find new friends among Western populists. They are welcome guests at various events, in-demand commentators on TV reports, special spokesmen for “alternative” points of view on numerous talk shows. But are they really our friends and do they really love the strong leader Putin so much?

Populists see Russia and Putin as "the enemy of their enemies." Not a friend at all. If populists come to power, they will most likely not pursue a pro-Russian policy. And Putin, speaking today against the "world oligarchy", will become the leader of a country whose interests, to put it mildly, do not coincide with the interests of their countries. After all, having come to power, they will become part of that very world oligarchy, and it will turn out that Russia is not challenging the bad "establishment", but good populists.

The hope that Trump’s “friend” or Le Pen’s “girlfriend” will come, that Europe will fall apart due to Brexit, and California will separate from the United States and life will improve in Russia, is infantilism, the eternal Russian hope that that our being can miraculously change due to the efforts of other people.

The main problem of populism and its future

The main problem with populism is that it doesn't change anything. He only says that everything needs to be changed. Not a single populist force, from Podemos to Trump, has a clear image of the future. The anti-elite and anti-bureaucratic vote in the UK - Brexit - has only created work for a few hundred bureaucrats who have begun to work out the exit procedure at great expense. Ministries, commissions, subcommittees have been created, people are working. Courts and conciliation procedures are underway. And to a simple question: “When will Britain activate the clause of the Lisbon Memorandum allowing it to leave the EU?” - There is no clear answer. Maybe in 2017, maybe in 2018. Or maybe something else will happen. Moreover, the courts forbid it, and a lot of all sorts of difficulties interfere.

Trump, who achieved victory under the slogans of fighting nepotism, clans and lobbying, led to White House own children, wife - the leader of the republican majority of the Senate, numerous relatives, friends and business partners. He promised to back up all lobbyists and "dry up the Washington swamp," but now the lobbyists are wielding a power in the US that they never had before.

Are Putin and Trump Friends Forever? Russia and Putin are rather “enemies of enemies” of US populists,

The appointment of Rex Tillerson, the head of the largest US oil company, to the post of Secretary of State is associated with the lobbying efforts of former Vice President Cheney and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. And Trump's contacts with Taiwan, which cause serious irritation to Beijing, are initiated and provided by the lobbying company of the influential Republican Bob Dole. The “lobby swamp” was not drained, water was added there, and now it is a whole lake, where those who used to lurk in the corners and act from the shadows freely splash.

The future of populism has two things in store for it. First, the total disappointment of voters who will not wait for what was promised. And secondly, the interception of the initiative by “systemic politicians”. They are already adopting everything that the populists use: Merkel goes to the polls with the ideas of banning the veil, the new head of the Laborites, Corbyn in England, says that the Laborists will oppose “left-wing populism” to the Brexite nationalists. Populism is a shake-up, not a fundamental change in the landscape.

Is a full-scale populist wave possible in Russia?

In the form in which populists manifest themselves in other countries, we will not see this wave in our country. For two reasons. First, Trump and Brexit activists and many other Western populists would sit in Russian prison about a week after the start of his election campaign.

Their whole program is based on incitement to hatred against “sustainable social groups” – from the Chinese and Arabs to bankers and immigrants. To conduct a political discussion with such ideas, the Russian Criminal Code prudently came up with Article 282.

It is also hard to imagine the existence in Russia of a completely legal Italian parliamentary party, the League of the North, which actually advocates the division of the country. In Russia, and for this case there is separate article UK - No. 280.1. That is, real populists, if they dared to wage their struggle in Russia, they would wage this struggle from prisons.

Secondly, in a soft version, many populist slogans and tricks are used with might and main by Russian “systemic politicians”: the ONF, which is fighting against bureaucrats and corrupt officials, the Liberal Democratic Party, calling from posters “We are for the poor! We are for the Russians! Yes, and Putin himself appeals to “basic values”, “bonds” ordinary people and folk tradition. All of them quite successfully use populist tools. It is very difficult to come to this field with some fresh idea, and not yet covered by the Criminal Code. And most likely impossible.

(the article is published in abbreviation)

Elected from a non-profit organization

Organization: Foundation for Support of Socially Oriented Projects and Programs "Petropavlovsk"

Line of business: 09. Development of the information society, media and mass communications

Occupation: Public relations, political consulting, GR

Place of work Foundation for Socially Oriented Projects and Programs "Petropavlovsk". Position Director

The brightest projects for 2 recent years work: Creation and organization of the activities of a non-profit organization - the Petropavlovsk Foundation, which united the social projects of the industrial group of the same name, which made it possible to carry out complex reputational work through projects in social sphere.

Development and promotion of regions through the implementation of humanitarian projects, research and popularization of the historical past. Implementation of the cultural and historical project "Albazin expedition", which aims to attract the attention of the general public to the history of the Amur region and the Russian Far East, to promote cultural and historical education of the inhabitants of the Amur region.

Membership in professional associations: Individual member of RASO

Information about work experience in the relevant field social activities(at least 3 years) Gleb Sergeevich Kuznetsov - columnist for the publications "Izvestia", " Russian newspaper”, “Forbes”, “Moscow Times”,,, expert of the Russian News Service and a number of leading Russian online media. Author of comments and articles on socio-political topics. For three years - more than 2248 mentions in the media. 1600 mentions in 2016. At the end of 2016, he took 36th place in the rating of mentions in the media among Russian political scientists (according to the Regional Comments portal based on data search engine"Medialogy"). Since 2010, heading a non-profit organization - the Petropavlovsk Foundation, led the implementation social projects and comprehensive information coverage of the work of a non-profit organization. Under the leadership of Gleb Sergeevich Kuznetsov, the Petropavlovsk Foundation initiated and organized projects to develop communications and increase information accessibility in the field of history and culture. Annual growth of publications in regional and federal media: from 6 publications in 2010 to 748 publications in 2016. Gleb Sergeevich Kuznetsov is the author and initiator of the historical and humanitarian project "Albazin Expedition" (2010 - present), aimed at popularizing and attracting the attention of the general public to the history of the Amur region and the Russian Far East, promoting cultural and historical education of the inhabitants of the Amur region. As part of the project, 7 press conferences were organized, 55 videos were released, more than 400 publications, 15 social videos, and a monograph was published. On the initiative of Gleb Sergeevich Kuznetsov and under his leadership, a regional information edition- magazine "Rhythm of Petropavlovsk". The first issue came out in 2011. The circulation of the publication is 5000 copies. The magazine became the Laureate of the VII All-Russian competition "Central Black Earth Prize in the field of public relations "RuPoR" (2011); Laureate of the All-Russian competition of corporate media "The Best Corporate Media of Russia - 2012!", organized by the Association of Communications and Corporate Media Directors Russia (AKMR).The created personal page of Gleb Sergeevich Kuznetsov in the social network facebook has become a platform for the exchange of views of Russian experts on socio-economic issues. The page has more than 4.5 thousand subscribers. professional standards and approaches to reporting non-profit organizations in the media, expanding information coverage (Coverage of the problems of the non-profit sector at IX annual conference"Charity in Russia", organized by the newspaper "Vedomosti"). Individual member of the Russian Association for Public Relations (RASO).
Information about participation in projects, programs, grants and competitions At the initiative of the director of the Petropavlovsk Foundation, Gleb Sergeevich Kuznetsov, in order to comprehensively economic development regions of the Far East from 2010 to 2017 more than 250 projects in the field of information openness, culture, education, healthcare, and sports have been developed and implemented. Projects of the Petropavlovsk Foundation under the leadership of Gleb Sergeevich Kuznetsov received grant support: 2015 Russian Grant geographical society for the implementation of the project “Albazinskaya archaeological expedition. The study of the Albazinsky prison - the first Russian settlement on the Amur"; 2016 Grant of the Federal Target Program "Culture of Russia (2012-2018) of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation for archaeological fieldwork at the archaeological site federal significance settlement "Albazinsky prison"; 2016 Grant of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation within the framework of state support NPO in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 04/01/2015 No. 79-rp for conducting sociological research"Social well-being of the inhabitants of the Amur region (Amur region, Jewish Autonomous Region, Khabarovsk Territory)". Humanitarian projects led by Gleb Sergeevich Kuznetsov received public and state recognition and were awarded: Prize of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation in the nomination " Best Program Contributing to the Development of Local Communities and Improvement of the Social Climate in the Region of Presence” as part of the “Leaders of Corporate Charity” competition (2012); experts in the field of corporate philanthropy and social activities (in the top 10 of the ranking "Leaders of Corporate Charity 2012" organized by the Vedomosti newspaper, PwC, Donor Forum); the highest award the nationwide action "Patron of the Year 2014" of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation (2014); national award "Silver Archer" in the nomination " Best project for the development and promotion of territories" (2014); IV National Prize"Crystal Globe" in the nomination "Travel and Expedition" (2016); All-Russian competition"Central Black Earth Prize in the field of development of public relations "RuPoR", Laureate of the competition regional edition - the magazine "Rhythm of Petropavlovsk") (2011); All-Russian media competition "The Best Corporate Media of Russia - 2012!", Organized by the Association of Directors for Communications and Corporate Media of Russia (AKMR), Laureate of the competition regional edition - the magazine "Rhythm of Petropavlovsk"; National competition "Silver Threads", the book "Formation and establishment of Orthodoxy in Far East from pioneers to the present day” received the Grand Prix of the competition (2011).


    Foundation for Support of Socially Oriented Projects and Programs "Petropavlovsk"

    The Fund for Support of Socially Oriented Projects and Programs "Petropavlovsk" was established in 2010 by the Petropavlovsk Group. The foundation's focus is on the social, humanitarian and cultural development of the Far East.

    The Petropavlovsk company has been operating in the Far Eastern regions for almost two decades. All these years, the activities of Petropavlovsk, which created a number of modern metallurgical industries from scratch, contributed to the industrial, economic and social development Far Eastern regions. At the same time, as one of the largest companies in the region, Petropavlovsk Group was actively social policy helping to expand the infrastructure necessary for a decent life in the Far East.

    The creation of the Fund for Socially Oriented Projects and Programs has become a new stage in the activity of the Petropavlovsk Group in the social sphere. The fund with the same name is intended to unite a wide range of activities and projects in the social sphere carried out by the Group and bring them to a new level.

    The activities of the Petropavlovsk Foundation are aimed at increasing the socio-economic, cultural and scientific potential of the Far East and Transbaikalia, promoting the socio-economic, cultural development this region, improving the quality of life of those who work in this region. For us, Russia begins in the Far East. We are working for its present and future.

    The Petropavlovsk Foundation sees its mission in unlocking the potential of the Far East - a region whose economic, social, and humanitarian development is not yet commensurate with its enormous geopolitical significance in the present and, most importantly, in the future.

    The main objectives of the Foundation:

    • improvement of the Russian Far East, ensuring the social and cultural growth of the region;
    • improving the quality of life of the population in the Far East;
    • cultural, educational, social rapprochement of the Far East and Central Russia.
    • We believe that the priority for the development of the Far East is not only the creation of new jobs and the development of industry and economy, but also the bringing of social infrastructure to a decent level.

    How we see the future of the Far East

    • sustainable socio-economic development;
    • investment attractiveness;
    • continuous development of infrastructure;
    • attractiveness for competent personnel, growth of human capital;
    • growth of employment and incomes of the population;
    • constant level increase social services, quality of life.

    Operating principles


    You can easily get acquainted with the activities of the Fund, find out the directions of our work, and see the results of completed projects. This information is available to everyone: you will find it in the annual report and on the Foundation's website, where we try to convey all our news to you as quickly and fully as possible.


    The volume of tasks facing the Fund, as well as the scale of the territory - the largest in Russia federal district- huge. Their solution requires joint work of the state, business and society. Therefore, we strive to involve in cooperation all those who are close to the problems of the Far East and who share our confidence that the development of Russia as a whole is possible only with the uniform and harmonious development of its territories. We hope that the work of the Fund will become an important factor and a unifying platform for projects for the development of the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District.

    Focus on long-term projects

    Working in the Far East, we realized that changing the vector of development of this vast region requires an integrated approach. That is why in its activities the Fund intends to combine operational targeted assistance with strategic long-term projects.

    Priority of educational projects

    We rely on a new generation of Far Easterners, realizing that a good start often plays a decisive role in life. The Foundation will focus its work on cooperation with educational institutions: schools, vocational schools, colleges and universities. It implements its own training programs, providing young people with access to quality education in the Far East.

Candidate Data Checksum:

Over and over again I come across headlines like “Who is behind the shaft of compromising evidence on Grudinin”. And it really takes me by surprise.

Behind the so-called “shaft of compromising evidence” (this “shaft”, to be honest, it looks like a shaft) is Grudinin’s status as a candidate for the presidency of one of the largest and most important countries in the world from the largest opposition party in this country, and not at all is a malicious intent.

His biography cannot but arouse interest and close attention. Two weeks ago he was "trading strawberries", and now he is potentially the number two politician in the country. National newspapers in Russia, the USA and Europe write about him, and not just Domodedovskaya Nov.

It is spoken about at foreign policy briefings in the administrations of the largest states and supranational organizations of the world. The surname "Grudinin" was written and pronounced in two weeks many orders of magnitude more often than in his entire previous life.

And his headquarters, instead of realizing this and somehow learning how to tell adults about their candidate in an adult language, decided to play the “victim of the regime”. How so? Damned hacks say that the State Farm. Lenin and JSC "Sovkhoz im. Lenin" are different things! And, oh, the horror, in the structure of the owners of OJSC there are citizens and organizations that are completely unrelated to happy peasants. But how can such things be so directly into the public space? What does it mean "so it is the same!". Stop telling the truth that we have not included in the candidate's official list of good deeds!

I must say that in the United States, for example, every land deal signed by Grudinin in the entire history of his management would be examined under a magnifying glass, every former shareholder who exchanged a share in a collective farm during its rebirth into an open joint-stock company for something medium-sized or even large, would tell in live on federal TV channels in detail about how it was. And this is to start a conversation. So we have everything - in accordance with the political tradition - gently, intelligently, sparingly. And there are even people who see this kind of thing as a great benefit to the candidate.

The biography of a public person is a public matter. Understanding this, by the way, Sobchak's headquarters did not show signs of indignation when, during the first couple of weeks after the nomination, such a tub of public interest was poured on her that the devil in hell was sick. And most of the comments were by no means related to the analysis of the current opinions of Ksenia Anatolyevna on key issues of our time. On the contrary: "Ksenia Sobchak insults children / women / peasants / workers" or there "Look at the naked candidate!". And nothing, the broad public masses, having studied the naked candidate in detail, indignant and spitting at her enough, have shifted the focus of their interest. And the candidate moved on.

This is all included in the conditions of work in politics, sports, show business. And there is one very good way to avoid all this. Don't be a public person. Well, if you took up the tug, then you don’t have to pretend to be a victim of the regime. You are not a victim of the regime, and not enemies. And their own, voluntarily adopted status.


Hacking "Twitter", and then Email Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev - an event out of the ordinary only at first glance.

There are no accidents in big politics. We can absolutely say that it was a planned action with fairly clear objectives.

For Medvedev, what happened does not bear any consequences. For his career, for his relationship with Putin - the only person on which it depends - it does not play any role.

So this is an attack not so much on Medvedev, but on Medvedev's very idea of ​​Internetization, openness, publicity of officials, of ordering them to conduct different kind blogging and being present on social networks. The hackers of the prime minister's accounts simply showed, using the example of the initiator of this idea, what this could lead to.

The question is not even whether there is something compromising in the prime minister's mail or not. And the fact that it is very unpleasant when your private correspondence, your personal belongings - whether dirty or clean linen - are simply “shaken up” in public. I think it's a big hint: don't want your laundry to be shaken in public regardless of how clean it is, don't have iPhones, don't have twitter accounts, and so on and so forth.

Now it's summer, the time is quite sluggish. But the signal has been sent - and it will be heard in the fall.

There has long been talk of banning officials from using all sorts of iPhones and sophisticated communicators. It seems to me that now people will begin to abandon such things themselves, "at the call of the heart", switching to more simple phones. This will be followed by news about the closure of accounts in social networks, the refusal of officials from public Internet representation, and so on.

The version that Medvedev's electronic hacking will be used to pass new laws on the Internet does not seem tenable to me. What for? We do not need any reasons to tighten regulation: as a rule, we do this without any reasons.

How will the trend towards creating personal blogs change? I believe that the practice of some semi-official accounts, which, according to tradition, are maintained by press secretaries and assistants, will begin to develop, where there will be nothing personal. A form of media rather than personal activity will emerge. The addressee of such platforms will be the media, not citizens. The representation of an official in social networks will turn into a space for posting press releases.

It makes no sense to talk about a certain response from voters from being on social networks in our conditions. As for the reputation of this or that official, I would not argue that blogging definitely plays a plus or a minus here. Social network is space. Whether you act in this space to your advantage or to your own detriment depends primarily on yourself, there are no universal scenarios here.

On the other hand, it is difficult to mention someone from Russian officials who would benefit from being on social media; Rather, we can talk about harm. Let's remember the governor of the Tver region Zelenin with a "worm" at the Kremlin dinner, remember the former Deputy Minister of Economic Development Sergey Belyakov, who apologized on Facebook for the government's policy, remember the last case with Medvedev or Nikita Belykh, who led Twitter during meetings. It turned out somehow more just to get into the story. So our social networks are a space of vulnerability and risks for scandals.

A week ago, there was a lot of noise about Ramzan Kadyrov, who became the most searched figure on Yandex. His blogs are an example for many. But in fact, Kadyrov's life does not depend in any way on his Twitter, Instagram and other social networks. This is such a fad - a person wants, he does this.

In any PR project, the formulation of the task is important. What task are Medvedev, Kadyrov, anyone else solving with their “Twitters”? The fact that you have become the most popular in a week, maybe you are personally pleased with it. But for work - neither for communicating with voters, nor for communicating with the only (most important) voter in the Kremlin - this does not play any role. B

Kuznetsov Gleb Sergeevich , political strategist, political scientist, public relations specialist.

Since 1996, he has participated in dozens of political campaigns, incl. gubernatorial elections in Moscow, Sverdlovsk regions, St. Petersburg, elections of deputies State Duma and local dumas of many subjects of the Federation, mayors of cities, elections in the CIS countries - Ukraine, Moldova, Kazakhstan. He worked in partnership with well-known companies on the Russian market - Ostrovsky Group, Novokom, Propaganda - and as an independent consultant.

In 2006-2008 - Deputy, then head of the Situation Center regional policy» FEP.

In 2006, he founded the Civil Alliance PR agency.

Since 2009 - Deputy Director of NIRSI ( National Institute development of modern ideology).

Participated in diverse PR projects of large Russian corporations.

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