The role and features of regional innovation policy. Features of the regional component of the state innovation policy

Subject: Regional innovation policy




At present, the issues of orientation of the economy towards an innovative path of development and the creation of regional innovation systems are becoming increasingly important. The state carries out all types of regulation of innovation activity - organizational, economic, financial, regulatory and legal. The highest form of regulatory activity is the development and implementation of innovation policy, management of innovation activity. Such a policy is developed on the basis of the affirmation of the priority importance of innovation activity for modern social development. The state creates organizational, economic and legal conditions for innovative activity.
Implementation of the state innovation policy as an integral part of the social economic policy state, which is a set of goals and tools to achieve them, in the field of innovation will stimulate an increase in the country's GDP and the well-being of the population based on the growth of production and the sale of competitive high-tech products on the world market.
The role of the state in the development of an innovative economy is to create the necessary infrastructure and legal environment, regulate the issues of using the results of intellectual activity, and create conditions for the effective use of scientific and technological achievements for the production of a commercial product by Russian enterprises.
The implementation of an active state innovation policy solves the main task: to bridge the gap between the scientific and technical sphere, personified mainly by the state, and the industrial sector, personified by private business, and create an effective system for transforming scientific and technical reserves into science-intensive, competitive products. The share of domestic high-tech production and technical products and consumer demand products, both in exports and in domestic consumption, is significantly increasing.
The management of the regional innovation process takes place through the development of a regional innovation policy capable of solving the state tasks of increasing the competitiveness and sustainability of the economy.
Innovation policy in the regions of the Russian Federation has its own characteristics. However, the basic means of its implementation remain the same: the legislative framework, targeted programs, and concepts.
At the present stage of the implementation of the regional innovation policy, such deformations in the structural and investment sphere as the lack of motivation to invest in the production of fixed capital, the extremely low level and significant differentiation of investment activity are clearly manifested. In this regard, the federal center and the regions face the problem of forming a structural investment policy, which enhances the role of regional power structures.
To solve the problems of implementing the state innovation policy, the Russian government has developed a set of measures aimed at both developing the innovation infrastructure and maintaining the priority areas of the scientific and technological sphere, creating a special, innovation-oriented environment in all Russian regions.
This work is devoted to consideration of the issues of developing a regional innovation policy, problems associated with the development of innovation activity in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The main directions of the state innovation policy at present, economists include the following:
- development and improvement of legal and regulatory support for innovation, mechanisms for its stimulation, mechanisms for its stimulation, a system of institutional transformations, protection of intellectual property in the innovation sphere and its introduction into economic circulation;
- creation of a system of comprehensive support for innovation, development of production, increasing competitiveness and export of high technology products. In the process of enhancing innovation activity, it is necessary to involve not only government bodies, commercial structures, financial and credit institutions, but also public organizations, both at the federal and regional levels;
- development of the innovation process infrastructure, including an information support system, an examination system, a financial and economic system, production and technological support, a system for certification and promotion of developments, a system for training and retraining personnel. The backlog that has accumulated over many years is based not on the low potential of domestic research and development, but on the weak infrastructure of innovation activity, the lack of motivation of commodity producers to implement innovations as a way of competition. This leads to the lack of demand for the potential of domestic applied science and technology;
- development of small innovative entrepreneurship by creating favorable conditions for the formation and successful functioning of small high-tech organizations and providing them with state support at the initial stage of activity;
- improvement of the competitive system for selecting innovative projects and programs. The implementation of relatively small and quickly payback innovative projects in the sectors of the economy with the participation of private investors and with the support of the state will help support the most promising industries and organizations, increase the inflow of private investment into them;
- implementation of critical technologies and priority areas capable of transforming the relevant sectors of the economy of the country and its regions. The key task of the formation and implementation of innovation policy is the selection of a relatively small number of the most important basic technologies that have a decisive influence on increasing the efficiency of production and the competitiveness of products in the sectors of the economy and ensuring the transition to a new technological order;
- use of dual-purpose technologies. Such technologies will be used both for the production of weapons and military equipment, and for civilian products.
The same tasks are also solved by the regional innovation policy, which at the same time is focused on solving territorial problems, which include the effective use of the existing material and technical, raw materials and labor potentials, and meeting the needs of the domestic market.
Regional innovation policy is an integral part of the economic policy of regional authorities to create favorable conditions for trade-industrial, agro-industrial, construction-industrial and scientific-industrial integration of all institutional forms of management.
The measures to implement the regional innovation policy are programs to increase the competitive potential of priority industries for the region by attracting private institutional investors to the implementation of innovations; formation of a regime of economic stimulation of innovation activity.
Innovation policy in different regions of the Russian Federation has its own characteristics. However, the basic means of its implementation remain the same: the legislative framework, targeted programs, concepts, and so on. It is possible to single out the internal and external components of the region's innovative potential. Among the internal ones are: the financial and credit system, the economic structure, the research base, the system for the formation and development of the human resources potential of the region. The external elements include: integration interaction with other regions, socio-economic competitiveness of the region, the possibility of entering the world level.
Let us consider the main mechanisms for the implementation of the regional scientific, technical and innovation policy.
Concentration on priority areas. In order to concentrate resources on the most important areas of social and economic development, priority areas of scientific and technical activity are established in the regions. The selection of priority areas and critical technologies includes: analysis of the results of the scientific and technical activities of the region and global trends in scientific and technological progress, forecasting the needs for scientific products, generating proposals for regional priorities, determining selection criteria and conducting expert evaluation, coordination and approval.
The grounds for setting priorities are:
- a list of priority areas for the development of science, technology and engineering and a list of critical technologies of the Russian Federation;
- proposals of the scientific community of the region;
- innovation forecast data (in terms of organizing the release of competitive science-intensive products);
- directions of socio-economic development programs and the results of their implementation, as well as other information about the needs of the economy of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
In forecasts and development programs, an assessment is made of the resource capabilities of the region, the experience of implementing the scientific, technical and innovation policy of other regions of Russia and economically developed countries. When considering proposals, the existence of a scientific, technical and industrial base for their implementation, the presence of financial or other resource restrictions are taken into account. When establishing regional priorities for scientific and technical activities, it is necessary to proceed from the prospects for the development of market niches by industry through the introduction of new technologies, as well as solving the most acute problems of the region (social, environmental).
Priorities are documented in the form of a list of areas of scientific and technical activity, including critical technologies, approved by the authorities of the relevant subject, or in the form of a regional scientific and technical program, or a section of the regional program of socio-economic development.
The approval of regional priorities is the basis for financial support of scientific and technical activities at the expense of the budgetary funds of the region or the republic, as well as at the expense of the federal budget in the case of equity financing of programs and projects, for the formation of a state order for research and development, to support innovation , to the use of other measures of state support, including measures of protectionism.
Development of personnel potential. The tasks associated with the formation and distribution of labor resources in the implementation of the strategy for the economic development of the region require comprehensive and in-depth scientific support, aimed primarily at creating a reliable dynamic model of the personnel structure of the economy and social sphere taking into account demographic processes, strategic and operational forecasts for the development of the region.
The reproduction of scientific personnel is one of the main factors for the sustainable development of the scientific and technical potential of the subject. The system of training scientific personnel should be consistent with the needs and priorities of the development of the scientific and technical sphere. A comprehensive solution to the problem of personnel for innovative development requires the organization of training and retraining of specialists, taking into account the requirements of a developing economy. We need thoughtful integration forms that combine the capabilities of scientific, industrial and educational structures for training personnel, as well as for using and building up the existing material and technical base for research and development work.
Development of information support. Information support of scientific activity is an important aspect of the integration of the subject of the Russian Federation into the federal and even the system of division of labor in the field of science and technology and the growth of its role in solving the problems of modern civilization. The use of information technologies in science should, on the one hand, develop within the informatization of the country, and on the other hand, ensure closer interaction between science, education, industry and the social sphere, and should also improve the quality and accelerate the implementation of knowledge-intensive investment projects in the regions.
When implementing the regional science and technology policy Attention should be paid to the creation of an information and telecommunications infrastructure and support for new forms of scientific activity that involve the use of modern information technologies: electronic journals and libraries, intellectual property fairs and exchanges, teleconferences, etc. The telecommunications infrastructure should provide opportunities for remote access to its constituent databases, data banks and other information resources on various terms, including commercial ones, for all interested organizations of various organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership. Consumers should be able to receive information about the market for scientific services, the market for innovative products and projects, and about the needs of the regional economy. This will create new prerequisites for the restructuring of scientific organizations and the improvement of research and development methodology.
An important problem that requires its actual solution in the conditions of an innovative economy is the anticipatory creation in the regions of an effective mechanism for information support of innovative activity. The effectiveness of this mechanism largely depends on the quality of continuous socio-economic monitoring of the regions. Such monitoring should cover the observation, analysis, assessment and forecast of the economic, social, environmental, scientific and innovative situation in the region in order to prepare management decisions and recommendations aimed at improving and developing innovative activity.
Monitoring both innovative processes and more general processes of structural transformations of the economy in the region aims the regions at the effective management of these processes. Therefore, one of the main functions in the field of information support of the innovative economy should be the function of automated monitoring of structural transformations in the region. In this regard, it seems appropriate to create automated centers for innovation and information support (ARCI) in the regions to constantly update and operate innovative data and knowledge banks.
Work on the development of the information and telecommunications system of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation should be carried out within the framework of the federal target programs "Electronic Russia (2002-2010)", "Development of a unified educational information environment (2001-2015)", "Creation of an automated system for maintaining the state land cadastre and state registration of real estate objects (2002-2012)", as well as in accordance with the activities carried out by leading organizations in this area, telecommunications companies.
Financial and economic support of scientific, technical and innovative activities. Financing of scientific, scientific, technical and innovative activities is carried out at the expense of state and market sources. The task of the regional authorities is to improve the mechanism of public procurement of scientific and technical services, to stimulate effective demand for scientific services, to attract extrabudgetary funds for scientific and innovative activities, to create regional and interregional specialized organizations that provide financial resources (credits). As the economy develops, the share of spending on science in the gross domestic product of the Russian Federation should be brought up to the level of developed countries.
It is necessary that the funding from the regional budget for the costs of conducting fundamental research, implementation of high-performance applied research and development, development of innovative infrastructure. The system of state financing of research and development and spending by organizations of the allocated appropriations should be "transparent" in order to exclude abuses and ensure the efficient use of budgetary funds.
Funding from the regional budget for fundamental research projects should be carried out within the framework of regional and federal target programs and on a shared basis with federal state customers (for example, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation, and other specialized funds). At the same time, maximum objectivity should be ensured during the competitive selection of projects and their examination.
State financial support for scientific, technical and innovative activities involves the use of the following methods of financing innovative activities:
- provision of targeted subventions for the repayment of tax benefits to innovative organizations;
- compensation of the interest rate of bank loans received for the implementation of innovative projects;
- acceptance to the budget of a part of the costs of maintaining the objects of material infrastructure used by innovative infrastructure organizations (maintenance of premises, utilities, electronic communications services, acquisition of the right to use paid information resources);
- state order for the organization of participation and holding presentations of developments and technologies of scientific organizations and institutions of the region at international, interregional exhibitions and fairs.
The most important condition for the activation of innovation activity is the attraction of finance from non-state sources for the purpose of technology commercialization. Great prospects for attracting private capital to the scientific and technical sphere open up the possibility of forming an interregional system of venture and leasing financing of technological projects.
Development of regional innovation infrastructure. The innovation infrastructure is defined as a set of interrelated, complementary production and technical systems, organizations, firms and relevant organizational and management systems that are necessary and sufficient for the effective implementation of innovative activities and the implementation of innovations.
The innovation infrastructure predetermines the pace (speed) of the development of the country's economy and the growth of the well-being of its population. The experience of the developed countries of the world confirms that in the conditions of global competition in the world market, the one who has a developed infrastructure for the creation and implementation of innovations, who owns the most effective mechanism for innovation, inevitably wins. Therefore, for the effective functioning of the country's innovation economy, the innovation infrastructure must be functionally complete.
For organizations engaged in innovative activities, the presence of infrastructure organizations allows them to carry out work with a small number, to compensate for the lack of many components necessary for successful work, by acquiring the services of specialized organizations.
The development of innovation infrastructure provides for the creation of information technology centers, technology transfer centers, science and technology parks, business incubators, a network of other organizations providing consulting, information, financial and other types of services aimed at supporting and developing innovative activities in the region.
Infrastructural functions can be performed by both small organizations created on the basis of existing scientific and educational institutions, and specialized organizations that have their own material and personnel base. Small business support infrastructure should be an integral part of the region's innovation infrastructure.
We can single out the following general principles for the formation of the region's innovation infrastructure:
- the innovation infrastructure should be comprehensive, provide services at all stages of the innovation process;
- innovative infrastructure should be able to quickly adapt to changes in demand for infrastructure services in terms of volume, composition and quality;
- innovation infrastructure organizations should coordinate their actions in the provision of services (work not as separate organizations, but as a single mechanism), as well as interact with similar organizations from other regions;
- in the formation of infrastructure, it is necessary to rely on domestic and foreign experience.
As the experience of the developed countries of the world shows, the main core of the innovation infrastructure, the most adequate mechanism for implementing innovations is the infrastructure of innovative engineering centers (firms, enterprises), which should accumulate the best domestic and foreign knowledge and technologies and act as a system integrator for the customer and a guarantor of successful implementation. innovative project and ensure coverage of the full innovation cycle: from studying the market situation for the final innovative product, feasibility study of the innovative project and its development to the complete supply of equipment, its system integration, turnkey delivery with staffing and subsequent service maintenance.
Production and technological support system. The system of production and technological support for scientific and technical activities is being created both in order to support the actual sphere of scientific research and development, and in order to organize pilot production. Leasing organizations, technology parks, associations for the joint use of expensive scientific equipment should become elements of the system.
The most important regional problem of the formation and development of the innovation economy is the solution of scientific, methodological, organizational and technological issues related to the development, creation and development of automated integrated design and production systems that automatically carry out an end-to-end "paperless" cycle and combine innovation-oriented research, development work, processes of technological preparation and production planning, ultimately aimed at creating innovative products. In such systems, three main stages typical for the creation of a new science-intensive system should be automated in an end-to-end chain: designing innovations; production and assembly of the prototype of a new science-intensive system; commissioning and testing of a new science-intensive system.
System of examination of scientific, technical and innovative programs and projects. In the transition to a market system of relations and to the commercialization of scientific products, a system of independent expertise is needed. For this reason, the creation in the region of an institution that carries out an independent examination of scientific products is an important part of the infrastructure of scientific, technical and innovative activities. Examination of scientific products should be a mandatory element of the expert selection of projects, performers of scientific research and development in regional and federal targeted programs.
Certification system for science-intensive products. The quality control system for scientific and technical services and innovative products is a necessary condition for the activity of the scientific services market. This system should provide quality control of innovative products on the basis of federal legislation on technical regulation, certify the compliance of products with regulatory requirements and specifications, provide organizations developing and producing these products wide range services in the field of metrology, standardization, etc. Product certification includes an examination of consumer properties of products, certifies the conformity of products to the requirements of markets for the upcoming sale of products.
A system for promoting scientific and technical developments and science-intensive products to the market. This system is designed to solve a dual task - to ensure the occupation and consistent expansion of a certain segment ("niche") in the market for the created developments and products, while maintaining and effectively protecting all the rights and benefits associated with them for the owners of these developments and product manufacturers. It should include marketing, advertising and exhibition activities, patent and licensing work. Regional authorities should have at their disposal such promotional tools as providing exhibition space, organizing presentations, supporting specialized publications, organizing interaction between potential consumers and product manufacturers, and creating specialized organizations to provide information about innovations. An important tool in the system of promoting science-intensive products to the market is state support for new markets on the demand side.
Thus, each of the listed systems included in the infrastructure complex of scientific, technical and innovative activities must have mechanisms for the implementation of its functions and appropriate organizational elements in the form of specialized or multifunctional organizations that will ensure the operation of these mechanisms.
The formation of an innovative infrastructure of any region or region of the Russian Federation should be carried out in close connection with the infrastructures of neighboring regions, corresponding federal district, the country as a whole. Regional infrastructure should be considered as an integral part of the overall infrastructure for the needs of the national innovation system.


Economic development of the regions of the Russian Federation in modern conditions depends on their scientific, technical and innovative potential, which is determined by the level of material and technical, labor, information and financial resources. In addition, the prospects for the scientific and technological development of the regions are largely determined by their capabilities and ability to create and use new technologies.
The table shows the main ways of regulating innovation activity.

Types of regulation
Ways of regulation
Organizational regulation of innovation activity - development of innovation infrastructure,
- ensuring the priority of innovation,
- moral encouragement of the authors of innovations,
- promotion of modernization,
- development integration processes,
- development of international relations
Economic and financial regulation of innovation activity - development of innovation supply,
- increasing demand for innovation,
- promotion of competition in the innovation sphere,
- development of entrepreneurship,
- providing employment in the innovation sphere,
- development of leasing of science-intensive products
- investments in innovations, increasing their efficiency,
- creation of a favorable investment climate
Legal regulation of innovative activity - protection of the rights and interests of subjects of innovative activity,
- protection of the rights of possession, use and disposal of innovations,
- protection of industrial, intellectual property,
- development of contractual relations

Russia inherited from the USSR an enormous scientific and technical potential (both according to the estimates of world experts and the testimony of domestic scientists). Russia still has enough high level development of science, world-famous scientific schools, a large proportion of specialists with higher education in national economy.
Russia continues to be a world leader in a number of fundamental areas in physics, mathematics, chemistry, physiology, medicine, in applied developments in the field of laser and cryogenic technology, new materials for aerospace technology, communications and communications, etc. The country has accumulated a significant stock of unrealized inventions (foreign experts name 200,000 unused patents, including 120,000 technologies for sale). At present, the problem of preserving this potential and adapting it to market conditions comes to the fore.
In modern conditions, the most important aspect regional policy RF is its innovative component. It should be taken into account that the subjects of the Russian Federation differ significantly in economic, natural resource and scientific and technological potential, in terms of the level of socio-economic development. Therefore, each region (or group of regions) of the Russian Federation requires an individual approach to solving the problems of innovative development. In each region or group of regions, national regional innovation systems should be created, and at the federal level, an innovation system that meets the objectives of macroeconomic policy. The federal and regional systems will form a unified Russian innovation system.
To date, multi-level relations have already been established in this area between the regions and the Federation, within which quite specific tasks are being solved. At the federal level, priorities for the development of the economy as a whole are determined, programs and projects that are important for all regions are developed and implemented. At the regional level, the priorities of the subject of the Russian Federation are determined, regional programs and projects are formed and implemented.
At the federal-regional level, a unified regulatory framework for innovation activity is being formed, the interests of the state and regions are harmonized, the degree of participation of the federation in solving regional problems, and the regions in solving federal problems, is determined. At the interregional level, the problems of interaction between regions are solved in the implementation of tasks that are of interest to several regions, in particular, within the framework of federal districts. At the municipal level, specific measures are being taken to ensure the life and development of territories.
There are a number of objective reasons that determine the increased role of regional governments in the development of scientific and technical activities. First, innovation activity by its nature gravitates towards decentralized management. Regional levels of management are better suited to solving its problems.
Secondly, at the regional level, on the basis of existing non-formal contacts and common interests that unite various organizations and local authorities, as a rule, the necessary interaction between education, science and high-tech production, the connection of educational, scientific and industrial potentials, which is a key condition for the successful promotion of innovations along the innovation chain.
The participation of regions is key in creating an innovative infrastructure. However, at present, the problem of forming a developed innovation infrastructure remains quite acute for all subjects of the Russian Federation, which hinders the commercialization and dissemination of research and development results. In the regions, only its individual elements have been created. It is not possible to single out the leading regions in this direction, since single structures function in the regions.
The main reasons hindering the development of innovation infrastructure are the decline in demand for R&D and the lack of tangible government support. This indicates that the economy of the country and regions has not yet approached the state of innovation susceptibility.
As already mentioned, the most important condition for the successful implementation of regional innovation policy is appropriate financial support. Currently, the main financial source is various regional innovation funds, which are formed at the expense of mandatory contributions from enterprises owned by municipalities. Funds are used for technical re-equipment and modernization of existing enterprises, reconstruction of buildings, engineering and transport communications; financing of work on the development of new types of science-intensive products.
One of the problems of creating and implementing innovations at enterprises in the regions is that there is no mechanism for financing organizations in the scientific sphere for conducting exploratory research and development work at the expense of innovation funds, since these organizations are generally not payers of these funds. Therefore, in order to conduct an effective innovation policy in the regions, it is necessary to improve the financial mechanism, and, first of all, the procedure for the formation and use of innovation funds.
It is advisable to recommend to regional and local authorities to establish a standard for spending on supporting innovation activity in the amount of at least 10% of their development budgets. The catalyst for the development of infrastructure should also be the more efficient use of state property, which involves the organization of the state scientific and technological sector.
At present, the organizational structure of the management of scientific and technological progress in the regions is being formed: scientific and technical councils, departments are being created or staff units are being introduced responsible for coordinating, monitoring and auditing the innovative development of enterprises and organizations. At the same time, scientific and technical councils have not yet been created in all regions, even in the capital of the Russian Federation there is no such structure, and the existing ones do not always manifest themselves as an active coordinating element of innovation activity.
Regional innovation policy involves the creation of favorable conditions for the formation of an innovation climate. These include the systematization and efficient use of information resources, their integration into the global information space and market entry. information services based on the development and implementation of technologies for high-performance processing, storage and transmission of data over telecommunication networks, as well as the creation of databases and knowledge banks.
When forming a regional innovation policy in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, special attention should be paid to the following factors.
1. The experience of the last decade has shown that it is unrealistic to count on foreign investment in volumes that can significantly influence the development of science and technology. The main sources of investment in innovation are currently the own funds of enterprises (87%). The share of financing from the federal budget, federal budgets and regional budgets is 4.2%, from extra-budgetary funds - 3.8%. Foreign sources account for about 5%. Foreign investments are used by approximately 2% of economic entities in the regions.
2. According to available estimates, Russia's share in the world market for high-tech products is only 0.3%.
3. The domestic market of Russia is still, as a rule, not able to withstand the competition of many foreign goods.
4. Insufficiently effective management of innovation processes. This problem can be solved through the creation of an Interdepartmental Coordinating Council on the problems of innovation activity from representatives of federal and regional government bodies and the Russian Academy of Sciences. Simultaneously with the solution of organizational and methodological problems, the Council could ensure a coordinated distribution of state resources allocated to the development of innovation activities.
The total investment in innovation, according to leading economists, should not be less than a certain percentage of GDP. World practice shows that it is necessary to allocate budgetary funds in the amount of at least 1% of GDP to maintain the scientific and technical complex of the country. Otherwise, the degradation of the scientific and technical potential is inevitable. In the US, Germany, Japan, this figure is about 3%, and in the UK and France - more than 2%.
In the regions of the Russian Federation, programs aimed at supporting domestic producers, increasing the competitiveness of products, and implementing large innovative projects should be based primarily on completed R&D, ensuring the creation of new high-tech industries, and financed, since the level of industrial privatization is 83-97%, primarily business owners.
Of course, in many regions of the Russian Federation, large-scale work is currently underway to enhance innovation and investment processes at enterprises and organizations; development of interaction between industrial enterprises, scientific institutions and universities; increase in the number and increase the prestige of workers engaged in scientific, technical and innovative activities.
This is facilitated by the Strategy for the Development of Science and Innovation in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2015, adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation, developed in accordance with the minutes of the meetings of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 8, 2004 No. 24, dated December 15, 2005 PP-48-01 and instructions of the Chairman Government of the Russian Federation dated July 30, 2004 No. MF-P13-4480, dated December 28, 2004 No. MF-P13-40pr.
This program is aimed at creating economic, organizational and legal conditions for the development of scientific and innovative activities in the regions. It is a system of complex measures, innovative projects aimed at solving both state tasks and the most important problems facing enterprises in the regions.
The main objectives of the policy are:
- improving the mechanisms of state assistance to the commercialization of the results of scientific research and experimental development;
- increase in the number of organizations in the region using innovations;
- development of infrastructure for innovation activities;
- development of small science-intensive manufacturing business;
- increase in the volume of competitive innovative products produced by regional organizations;
- creation of a permanent system for monitoring the scientific and technical potential;
- financial and credit support for priority developments;
- target orientation of training specialists in universities in the interests of promising areas of development of industry and the social sphere on the basis of "personnel support".
Thus, the main directions of innovation policy common to all regions should be:
- effective use of regional innovation funds for solving regional problems and updating the fixed production assets of public utilities on a new technological basis;
- strengthening the use of administrative resources to solve the problems of innovative development;
- assistance in the development of innovative infrastructure, including at the expense of entrepreneurship support funds;
- development of program-targeted financing of innovative projects of enterprises and organizations of the region, reflecting its problems, by improving the system of concentration of investment resources and the mechanism for selecting investment objects;
- financing at the expense of the regional budget of the most significant research projects and programs of leading research institutes and universities of the regions;
- organizing and conducting monitoring of the scientific and innovative potential of the regions in order to increase the effectiveness of the scientific and technical regional policy.

The economic development of regions in modern conditions depends on their scientific, technical and innovative potential, which is determined by the level of material, technical, labor, information and financial resources. In addition, the prospects for the scientific and technological development of the regions are largely determined by their capabilities and ability to create and use new technologies. In this regard, the task of increasing the effectiveness of existing mechanisms and regional methods of managing scientific, technical and innovative activities is an urgent task.
To ensure the conditions for sustainable development of the country's economy based on the intensification of innovation activity, first of all, a federal-regional innovation policy should be developed and approved by law, which provides for the development of regional innovation programs.
Regional innovation policy is understood as a set of established goals and priorities for the development of scientific and innovative activities in the region, ways and means of achieving them based on the interaction of regional and federal governments.
The regional component of the state innovation policy in our country is just beginning to take shape: organizational management structures and mechanisms for regulating innovation activity in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are being created. However, they do not yet have a tangible impact on regional development.
The effectiveness of innovation activities is largely determined by the innovation infrastructure. Therefore, the innovation infrastructure is the basic component of the innovation economy, the innovation potential of society.
At present, for all regions and republics of the Russian Federation, the problem of forming a developed innovation infrastructure remains quite acute, the lack of which hinders the commercialization and dissemination of research and development results. In the regions, only its individual elements have been created.
Therefore, one of the most urgent tasks at the present stage of the economic development of Russian regions is the construction of a competent innovation policy, the development of a full-fledged innovation system.


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1. Innovation policy in foreign countries

2. Regional innovation policy

The state innovation policy is an integral part of the socio-economic policy, which expresses the attitude of the state to innovation, determines the goals, directions, forms of activity of public authorities in the field of science, technology and the implementation of scientific and technological achievements.

Main goals of the state innovation policies are:

· creation of economic, legal and organizational conditions for innovative activity;

· increasing the efficiency of production and competitiveness of products of domestic producers on the basis of the creation and dissemination of basic and improving innovations;

· promoting the activation of innovation activity, the development of market relations and entrepreneurship in the innovation sphere;

· Expansion of state support for innovation activities, increasing the efficiency of the use of public resources allocated to the development of innovation activities;

· assistance in expanding the interaction of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the implementation of innovative activities;

· implementation of measures to support domestic innovative products on the international market and to develop the export potential of the Russian Federation.

In the course of studying the foundations of the state innovation policy, it is advisable to refer to foreign experience in this area.

Innovation policy in foreign countries

All models of economic development that have shown their effectiveness in the second half of the twentieth century are characterized by a close relationship between the industrial, social and innovative (scientific and technical) policies of the state.

Conducting an innovation-industrial policy in a single complex with social policy makes it possible to combine economic and social progress. To this end, many states have pursued and are pursuing a policy of increasing the effective demand of the population. The purpose of such a policy is the outstripping growth of wages in relation to the growth rates of consumer prices.

According to research conducted by the International Monetary Fund in 23 industrialized countries, from 1965 to 1994 in this group of leading countries, the average monthly wage increased by 8.2 times, and consumer prices - by 5.4 times. The result of a significant increase in effective demand is the expansion of production and the renewal of its structure.

The policy of increasing the effective demand of the population was also carried out in China, South Korea and some other Asian countries that had high rates of economic growth. At the same time, the relationship between economic growth rates and wage increases in developing countries was observed no less clearly than in developed ones.

In recent decades, the leading industrial countries have developed effective mechanisms for the implementation of social policy. With the help of targeted programs, many social issues are solved, which has a positive impact on the development of economic systems. Separately, they note the role of the state in creating conditions for the effective functioning of non-state investment funds, which take on the functions of accumulating the savings of the population and directing them to investments, including in the innovative sector of the economy. It is the state social policy aimed at reducing income differentiation that ensures the formation of a middle class whose savings are used by institutional investors for economic development.

The relationship between the industrial and innovative (scientific and technical) policy of the state in recent years can be traced no less clearly. At present, economic growth is characterized by the leading importance of scientific and technological progress and the intellectualization of the main factors of production. The economic systems of the most developed countries are increasingly transforming into a knowledge economy, the use of which multiplies the results of economic activity much more efficiently than the use of any other production factor. In such conditions, a purposeful state policy and concentration of national efforts on the most promising areas of scientific, technological and socio-economic development are necessary.

Obviously, in the context of increased international competition, the modernization of industry is a necessary condition for ensuring high-quality economic growth. Modernization, in turn, is impossible without the development and implementation of a purposeful industrial policy and the unification of the efforts of the state and private capital to solve this nationwide task.

The experience of foreign countries shows that the participation of the state in the innovation process is becoming significant. In the US, for example, there is a special term semi-state (semipublic) economy, which reflects the trend towards stronger ties between private companies and public authorities. This trend arose because today the formation of national competitive advantages depends not only and not so much on foreign investment and the activity of companies, but on the purposeful policy of the state at the national and international levels. In addition, an industrial policy focused on stimulating innovation is impossible without an appropriate social policy of the state.

When studying foreign experience formation and implementation of innovative and active industrial policy, there is another important feature: regional programs of socio-economic development in developed industrial countries began to be developed and implemented much earlier than national programs. This is explained by historical features, in particular, by the fact that the anti-crisis aspect initially prevailed in the state industrial policy of these countries, and the crisis processes in industry proceeded differently in individual territories.

Two of the most characteristic type anti-crisis regional policy. The first is related to the renewal of the technological and industrial structure of the old industrial regions. The goal is to update technologies in traditional industries and increase the share of new industries in the industrial structure of the region. Thus, the industrial policy for this type of region is mainly focused on the restructuring of industry.

The second type of anti-crisis regional policy is aimed at the socio-economic development of depressed regions. As a rule, their depression was associated with the exhaustion of opportunities for the development of the coal or other extractive industries. Other industries in such regions had to be practically created anew. Accordingly, the program for the development of such a region should have contributed to the formation of an optimal structure of industrial complexes created in this territory.

Quite often, they try to solve the problems of reforming the industrial structure of regions by creating special zones. As practice shows, special zones can contribute to solving the following problems: restoring the productivity of previously abandoned lands and industries, creating jobs for residents of areas, developing cooperation between the public and private sectors, and developing innovations.

The experience of creating special zones in Belgium, France, Spain, Great Britain and the USA allows them to be classified as follows:

1. free trade zones;

2. industrial and production zones;

3. technology and innovation zones;

4. service zones (service zones);

5. complex zones.

The programs of special zones provide for a variety of incentives from the tools of regional policy (Table 1).

It is necessary to emphasize the limited period of operation of special zones, and, consequently, the duration of benefits. In the UK and Belgium, for example, special zones are limited to 10 years. In Spain, the duration of such zones is 3 years (with the possibility of extension for another three years). In the United States, in most states, the duration of special zones is 10-20 years.

Table 1 Toolkit for Special Areas

Tools used in special areas States using them
1. Tax incentives: - in the field of income taxation - in the field of lending - in the field of property taxation France, Belgium, USA, UK, Spain
2. Exemption from customs duties for imported equipment (which has no national analogues) Spain
3. Capital subsidies Spain
4. Exemption from taxes on corporate income France, Belgium
5. Exemption from taxes on shares Belgium
6. Investment loans United Kingdom
7. Exemption from local taxes on property and other local taxes UK, Spain, France
8. Stimulation of employment USA
9. Refusal of work bonuses and loans to foreign personnel (except for rare professions) Belgium
10. Exemption of foreigners from income tax in case of rare professions Belgium
11. Support for investment funds USA
12. Subsidizing projects Spain

In connection with the transition in the 1980s of the economically developed countries of the world from an industrial to an information economy, the processes of deindustrialization of the regions began to gain momentum, in which the old industry was deployed, rapidly losing its competitiveness in the global market. The regions that lost the most were the leaders of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. These are the coal and metallurgical regions of the USA (Pennsylvania), Germany (Ruhr industrial region), Great Britain (Birmingham, Liverpool, Newcastle, Sheffield), France, Belgium, etc. In Japan, the last coal mine closed in January 2002.

For this reason, in recent decades, many regional programs of industrial countries are aimed at creating optimal conditions for the emergence and growth of knowledge-intensive industries in the regions. This is the most effective option for the economic development of the region, providing employment and improving the living standards of the population. In particular, in the USA, the states themselves develop and participate in various kinds of scientific and technical programs that ensure the construction of factories, laboratories or service enterprises. At the same time, tax incentives, financial assistance programs and targeted training of personnel are provided.

In the 1990s, the application of advanced scientific knowledge across the entire spectrum of industrial technologies, including traditional ones, came to the fore in the innovation policy of developed countries. At the same time, 50 macrotechnologies for science-intensive products have been formed, and highly developed countries provide competitive production for most of these macrotechnologies (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Development of macro technologies by advanced countries

In order to improve the conditions for innovation and technology renewal, the following measures are being taken in most developed countries:

· Creation of innovation centers and agencies for the dissemination of technologies;

· improvement of infrastructure support of the territories as a condition for the placement of high-tech enterprises;

· stimulation of small high-tech firms, which are at the same time high-risk;

· Creation of a special fund for the encouragement of innovations, etc.

Another direction of modern regional innovation policy is participation in the creation of scientific and technical parks based on universities or research institutes. Such parks are designed to provide private firms with access to innovations developed with government support. There are about 400 science parks in the world today.

Almost every region has a program of support and technical assistance to small businesses. Local authorities take on marketing research for small firms, training of personnel, organization of consultations. A significant part of small business devotes its activities to the innovation process. According to the national scientific fund In the United States, small businesses per employee produce 2.5 times more innovations than large firms (in US industry, small businesses account for 50% of large inventions). Small innovative enterprises in relative terms invest more in R&D than large ones. In addition, the final (innovative) process takes place at such enterprises, on average, a year faster.

Speaking about the financial mechanism of regional innovation policy abroad, it should be taken into account that in developed industrial countries, legislation prohibits the use of budgetary funds of territories in the interests of private firms. Since the development of private enterprises the latest technologies occurs on a commercial basis, the authorities do not have the right to directly finance this process from the budget. For the purpose of spreading innovations, non-profit venture organizations and funds are being created, through which the authorities pursue a scientific and technological policy. At the same time, the territorial authorities give innovative firms and funds the right to issue loans, shares for specific projects, lending to new companies, etc. Venture funds use grants from the central government, budget allocations from the territories. They are allowed to issue bonds and even lotteries to finance innovation.

It should be noted that such a form of innovative activity as venture entrepreneurship has become widespread in all developed countries of the world. In the late 1990s, the global venture capital market exceeded $100 billion. It is this financial and economic mechanism that ensures the intensive development of new science-intensive industries, although in recent years there has been an increase in the share of venture financing in traditional industries and in the service sector.

Venture capital funds owe their appearance to the United States, where this moment they manage financial resources estimated at $10 billion. In Western Europe (Great Britain, the Netherlands, France), venture funds annually invest about 7 billion dollars in the economy, and along with national projects, large international projects in the field of high technologies are also financed.

Another additional measure to stimulate innovative development in foreign countries was targeted programs for the formation of high-tech territorial and sectoral clusters.

It should be noted that in world practice the development of industrial clusters is considered one of the factors in the formation of sustainable competitiveness of regions and entire states. Since the mid-1990s, studies on the analysis of competitiveness clusters have been widely discussed by the world scientific community. Cluster analysis methods are constantly being improved and become quite popular.

In particular, the experience of Finland is interesting, where the cluster approach has become one of the basic analytical tools in analyzing the structure of the economy. Taking into account global economic processes, specialists from the Finnish Economic Research Institute (ETLA) have identified nine main clusters with obvious or potential competitiveness: forestry, information and telecommunications, metallurgy, energy, business services, healthcare, engineering, food, construction. For the purpose of formulating industrial policy, clusters were classified according to their degree of “maturity” (strong, sustainable and potential).

Since the 1960s, the Finnish state has been actively creating a national innovation system. In 1967, the Finnish National Research and Development Foundation was established, which pursued an independent policy of forecasting the country's technological growth and direct financing of companies and their creative projects. In addition, in the 1970s, twenty public free universities were opened in Finland, which were directed by the Council for Science Policy, created in 1963. In 1983, the National Technology Agency was founded to fund research and development.

Regional innovation policy

Regional innovation policy has significant features compared to federal policy. In particular, one of the main tasks of the regional policy in the field of innovation is to promote the development of small innovative entrepreneurship. The experience of the developed countries of the world shows that for the development of small innovative businesses on the ground, it is of great importance not so much to provide various kinds of tax benefits, but to develop an innovative infrastructure, which is the basic component of the innovative potential of the territory.

The management of innovation processes at the regional level must be approached from the standpoint of strategic management. Attempts to solve operational problems in the field of innovation are much less effective than an innovation strategy that sets the goals of innovation, the choice of means to achieve them, and the sources for attracting these funds.

The results of the implementation of the innovative strategy of the region should be: a qualitatively new level of resource conservation, an increase in labor productivity, capital productivity, a decrease in material intensity, energy intensity, capital intensity of products, the achievement of its high competitiveness and, as a result, the transformation of the structure of the territorial economy towards increasing the contribution of manufacturing industries.

State support for innovation at the regional level can be carried out in the following forms:

· Direct state stimulation of R&D by distributing budgetary and non-budgetary financial resources (government orders, grants, loans) between various areas scientific research and development in accordance with the developed system of scientific priorities;

· indirect state stimulation of science and the development of its achievements in the public and private sectors of the economy through tax, depreciation, patent, customs policy, as well as by supporting small innovative enterprises;

Providing various kinds of benefits to the subjects of the innovation process (both directly to entrepreneurs implementing innovations, and to those elements of the infrastructure that provide them with one or another support);

· formation of a favorable innovation climate in the economy of the region and the infrastructure for providing research and development (including services for scientific and technical information, patenting and licensing, standardization, certification, statistics, etc.).

When it comes to state support for innovative businesses, most often they mean first of all provision of tax incentives.

Particular attention should be given to regional authorities development of small business in the innovation sphere. It is known that when it comes to the development of one or another innovation that does not require large investments and large ones, the efficiency of a small company engaged in R&D is often higher than that of a large organization.

Thus, for the successful implementation of the innovation strategy in the region, a whole range of scientific, organizational and technical measures should be carried out:

1. development of a concept for the development of innovation activity and innovation infrastructure with the definition of strategic goals and means to achieve them;

2. development of a program for the region's innovative development in the near future (in the form of an address document indicating, by resources, executors and terms, a set of measures aimed at achieving the goals of the region's innovative development);

3. inclusion of the main provisions of the innovative development program in the strategy of socio-economic development of the region;

4. organization of practical activities of bodies local government on the adoption and implementation of relevant regulatory legal acts and the implementation of organizational and informational activities in support of innovative activities.

It is obvious that the development of innovations is necessary to diversify the economy, but projects in this area often have a high level of risk, and the state must share some of the risks with entrepreneurs. In particular, some scientific ideas need to be brought to a stage where entrepreneurs can pick them up. Technoparks, technology commercialization centers and other elements of innovation infrastructure should be created with the participation of the state.

With the help of various elements of the innovation infrastructure, such basic tasks of promoting innovation activities are solved as:

· Information Support;

· production and technological support of innovation activity;

· objectives of certification and standardization of innovative products;

· promotion of effective developments and implementation of innovative projects;

· holding exhibitions of innovative projects and products;

provision of consulting assistance;

· training, retraining and advanced training of personnel for innovative activities and others.

By analogy with transport infrastructure, we can say that innovative infrastructure is all information, organizational, marketing, educational and other networks that help a new idea (as if on "rails") to get to its practical implementation and find its consumer (Fig. 9.3) .

Rice. 2. Composition of the innovation infrastructure

Key elements of innovation infrastructure

1. Technopark structures:

· science parks, technological and research parks;

· innovative, innovative-technological and business-innovation centers;

Technology transfer centers

· business and technology incubators;

· virtual incubators;

Technopolises, etc.

2. Information technology systems:

bases of scientific and technological information,

technical-legal and technical-economic information,

other databases.

Technopark structures.

Currently, there are a wide variety of forms of technopark structures in the world. There are fundamental differences between some of these forms associated with different functional purposes, the specifics of the organizational form, the range of tasks to be solved, while the difference between other technopark structures is more of a terminological nature, sometimes associated with the peculiarities of the development of innovation infrastructure in a particular country.

There are three main groups of technopark structures:

1. incubators;

2. technology parks;

3. technopolises.

Incubators- These are multifunctional complexes that provide a variety of services to new innovative firms that are at the stage of emergence and formation.

All incubators created and functioning with the aim of supporting new innovative companies and promoting innovative entrepreneurship can be divided into two main types. The first includes those that operate as independent organizations. To the second - the incubators which are a part of a technopark.

The business incubator provides the following basic services:

Lease (sublease) of non-residential premises to small businesses;

Implementation of the technical operation of the building (part of the building) of the business incubator;

postal and secretarial services;

· consulting services on taxation, accounting, lending, legal protection and enterprise development, business planning, advanced training and training;

access to information databases.

Under technopark It implies a research and production territorial complex, the main task of which is to create the most favorable environment for the development of small and medium-sized knowledge-intensive innovative client firms.

Consequently, technoparks, compared to incubators, imply the creation of a more diverse innovation environment that allows providing a wider range of services to support innovative entrepreneurship by developing the material, technical, socio-cultural, informational and financial base for the formation and development of small and medium-sized innovative enterprises.

The main structural unit of the technopark is the center. Typically, the structure of the technopark includes:

· innovation and technology center;

· The educational center;

· consultation center;

· information Center;

marketing center;

· Industrial Zone.

Each of the centers of the technopark provides a specialized set of services, for example, services for retraining specialists, searching for and providing information on a particular technology, legal advice, etc. The technopark may include an incubator as its separate structural element.

It should be noted that parks as an element of innovative infrastructure in different countries have received different definitions. If in Russia they are called “technological parks” (“technoparks”) or “science and technology parks”, then in the USA these structures are mainly called “research parks”, in the UK they are called “science parks”, in China they are called “scientific and technological parks”. industrial parks.

Technopolis, which is often also called a scientific city or a science city, is a large modern scientific and industrial complex, including a university or other universities, research institutes, as well as residential areas equipped with cultural and recreational infrastructure.

The purpose of the construction of science cities and technopolises is to concentrate scientific research in advanced and pioneer industries, to create a favorable environment for the development of new high-tech industries in these industries. As a rule, one of the criteria that a technopolis must meet is its location in picturesque areas, harmony with natural conditions and local traditions.

In Russia there are quite a few success stories creation and development of technopolises. Among them - Pushchino, Dubna, Obninsk.

Questions for self-control:

1. Define innovation policy and describe it in foreign countries

2. What regional programs of socio-economic development in developed industrial countries can you single out

3. Features of regional innovation policy

Introduction. 2

1. Formation of the state innovation policy. 3

2. Main directions of innovation policy. 5

3. Regional innovation policy: goals and development priorities. ten

Conclusion. nineteen

In the conditions of the general economic crisis, the intensification of innovative activity in the region can be ensured only with the support of the regional and municipal levels based on the development effective program regional innovation policy.


One of the most urgent problems of the Russian economy is to increase the competitiveness of industry through its technological re-equipment and the rise of science-intensive industries that create high added value. Therefore, there is an urgent need for enterprises to gain access to advanced technologies.

Theoretically, there are two approaches. You can go the way of acquiring licenses and know-how for well-known technologies, products and trademarks of large foreign companies. Another way is to rely on our own scientific and technical potential, which is largely unclaimed by the domestic industry today. It is more promising from many points of view, however, it requires overcoming a number of financial, organizational and managerial barriers.

In Russia, until recently, innovation activity was carried out exclusively in large public institutions managed through volitional decisions of budget financing and planning, but without taking into account the peculiarities and patterns of the innovation process itself.

Innovative business is the most vulnerable part of Russian small business. Small enterprises in the field of innovation were actively created in 1990-1993. Many of them broke up after not even two years. This was facilitated by unfavorable conditions for the development of innovative business, emerging during this period:

High taxes;

Difficulties with renting premises;

High cost of raw materials and energy.

At the same time, innovative enterprises did not have to rely on significant state support. What was done in this area did not even solve some of the problems that entrepreneurs involved in innovative business had to face. The decline in business activity in the scientific, technical and industrial sphere, which is currently observed, confirms the conclusion that without well-thought-out state support, it will be difficult for Russian innovative businesses to get on their feet.

First of all, it is necessary to maintain the functioning of the already existing scientific infrastructure (equipment, stands, installations, etc.). The strategy here is divided into three stages. At the first stage - the preservation of the existing (surviving) scientific potential, while the return on investment in R&D is practically zero.

Further, it is necessary to develop information systems, subsidize the costs of using information networks and databases, and import scientific literature. At this stage, the primary task is to prevent the technological lag that was laid down by the “close” attention to science after 1991. The priorities are the import of technologies, the computerization of science (scientific centers, universities), and the reform of higher education in accordance with new needs. At this stage, it is necessary to solve the problem of “brain drain”. Identify specialties in which leakage is high. It is in the relevant areas of production and science that the greatest funds should be invested (in order to preserve the possibility of realizing specialists in their homeland). Considering that with free education there is a problem of a kind of subsidizing “importers of brains” (Russia invests in training, and “importers” get the effect), it is possible to introduce paid education in the specialties characterized by the greatest leakage with an extremely wide system of scholarships that fully cover the cost of education and obliging fellows to work for a certain period of time in state institutions (ie universities, research institutes, etc.). In addition, by the end of the period, it is necessary to start creating new research and production complexes (technopolises). At the end of the second stage, the private sector should begin to play some role in R&D financing.

The next stage is characterized by the introduction of innovations into production, an extremely high share of R&D expenditures in GDP (4-5%), a constant increase in the number of students in scientific specialties, an increasing role in the financing of R&D by the private sector, the creation of a network of state-supported networks of research and production laboratories - branches of Russian companies, state insurance of large-scale private scientific projects.

Support for the creation of R&D can be carried out by purposefully directing financial resources to this area, for example, by legislatively fixing the direction of the share of budget expenditures in the field of R&D at a level of 2% of GDP with an output of 4-5% of GDP by 2010. Expenditure on R&D should be exempted from taxes.

With regard to the development of new technologies, the following measures can be listed:

Identification and support of technologies, the development of which will provide Russian enterprises with competitive advantages;

Development of federal programs for the development and dissemination of key technologies;

Creation, with the help of the state, of an infrastructure that ensures the commercialization of R&D results;

Formation of a mechanism for stimulating the transfer of technologies from military to civilian production - an analogue of DARPA in the United States;

Development and implementation of technopolis development programs;

Subsidizing the import of new foreign technologies;

State purchases of modern equipment (including imported ones) and its leasing to enterprises for the modernization of fixed assets.

Finally, support is needed in the development of R&D (technology implementation). It is necessary to move from funding scientific organizations to funding specific R&D, to focusing on enterprises. Subsequently, it will be necessary to move from R&D financing to their support (subsidies, tax deferrals, concessional loans), selecting the most promising projects.


1. Federal Law “On innovation activity and state innovation policy”

2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On the concept of innovation policy of the Russian Federation for 1998-2000"

3. The concept of innovation policy of the Russian Federation

4. Action Plan for 1999-2001 for the implementation of the Concept of Innovation Policy of the Russian Federation

5. Betekhtina E., Poisik M. World practice of formation of scientific and technical policy. - Chisinau.: 1990

6. Perevalov Yu.V. et al. Innovative Program Territories: Creation Methodology and Development Prospects. - Yekaterinburg, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1998

7. Santo B. Innovation as a means of economic development. Per. from Hung. - M.: Progress. – 1990

8. Twiss B. Management of scientific and technical innovations. Abbr. per. from English. - M.: Economics. - 1989

9. Financial and economic mechanism of state support for innovation activity and its regional forms, M.: Publishing House of the RAGS, 1997

10. Economics of the enterprise. / Ed. V.Ya. Gorfinkel, E.M. Kupryakova. -M.: Business and Banks, UNITI.- 1996

11. Volsky A. Innovative factor in ensuring sustainable economic development.// Questions of Economics, 1999, No. 1

12. Dagaev A. Technology transfer from the public sector to industry as an instrument of state innovation policy. // PTiPU, 1999., No. 2

Perevalov Yu.V. et al. Innovative Program Territories: Creation Methodology and Development Prospects. Yekaterinburg, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1998, p.19.

Financial and economic mechanism of state support for innovation activity and its regional forms, M.: Publishing House of the RAGS, 1997, p.16.

A. Volsky. An innovative factor in ensuring sustainable economic development.// Questions of Economics, 1999, No. 1, p.5.

A. Volsky. An innovative factor in ensuring sustainable economic development.// Questions of Economics, 1999, No. 1, p.6

World experience shows that the regionalization of innovation policy, which began in the early 1980s, is the most important trend in its development at the present stage. In modern conditions, for any country, the most important condition for sustainable development is its internal organization, including the ability of both individual regions and the country as a whole to quickly respond to changes in internal and external conditions, to quickly adapt through a huge arsenal of innovation policy tools. The importance of the regionalization of innovation policy is due to the nature of the innovative development of the world economy, where science-intensive production dominates. The ability to constantly update products through the introduction of new technologies begins to play a decisive role in strengthening the competitive position of the nation in the world market. As a result, a large role is assigned to small and medium-sized businesses. In such an economy, local alliances between scientists, entrepreneurs, and local governments are a significant factor in achieving market success.

In addition, the deepening of industrial and commercial specialization is becoming a condition for high competitiveness and stability of many countries in the world market. Therefore, in order to increase the competitiveness of the country's economy as a whole, it is necessary to focus certain types industries in regions with comparative advantages. This will not only allow achieving "one-off" success in the market, but also provides opportunities for reorientation of sales markets and the development of new technologies.

An important reason for the strengthening of the role of regional innovation development is the fact that in the modern world the success of innovation policy largely depends on how new knowledge is formed depending on the nature of the tasks in the implementation of plans for the economic development of the region. The spatial proximity of the creators of "intellectual capital", "technological resources" and business is crucial for the success of innovation.

In addition, the regionalization of innovation policy is updated by the uneven and even polar distribution of scientific, technical and innovation potential across the country. This is typical for all states of the world without exception, but especially for Russia. Here it is appropriate to note that the uneven development of innovative potential is objective. All regions should not have equality here. However, modern global trend is that regions, specific territories in the developed countries of the world are still increasing their scientific and innovative potential, creating favorable conditions for attracting intellectual resources to the territorial economic complex. At the same time, in our regions over the past decade, since the moment of liberal reforms, there have been significant losses, which significantly undermined the regional potential in scientific and innovative fields. In our country, unevenness has taken its extreme form, the form of polarization of innovation potential, and this is already a dangerous trend.

Table 1.1. Distribution of scientific and innovative parameters of Russia's development by federal districts, 2003

federal district

R&D organizations

R&D personnel,

Internal costs for R&D, million rubles

R&D fixed assets

Innovation-active organizations

The volume of shipped innovative products,


from it: Moscow


St. Petersburg




Far Eastern

In the domestic literature, there is no single point of view on such concepts as "regional science and technology policy", "regional innovation policy".

In some works, regional scientific and technological policy is considered as a general direction in the development of science and technology, providing for the solution of economic and social problems that ensure the highest possible rates of development and the efficiency of social production in the Federation and the region, the solution of national economic and regional scientific and scientific and technical problems in the direction of specialization of the scientific complex of the region.

Regional scientific and technical policy from an economic point of view can be considered as a set of socio-economic relations between regional authorities and subjects of scientific and technical activities located in a given territory, regarding the creation, transformation and use of innovations to update all industries based on the balance of interests of all participants in scientific, technical and innovative activities, as well as subjects of the federal level.

Regional innovation policy is understood as a system of measures of a legal, economic, organizational, political nature aimed at developing the economic potential and improving the quality of life of the population of a particular territory through appropriate innovations, especially in the scientific and technical field.

In some studies, regional scientific and innovation policy is understood as a set of established goals and priorities for the development of scientific and innovative activities in the region, ways and means to achieve them based on the interaction of regional and federal governments. This is a formulation of the directions in which and how the development of the scientific and innovative sphere in the region should be addressed.

Analysis of the above definitions of the essence of regional innovation policy allows us to conclude that when developing a definition of regional innovation policy, the following points should be taken into account.

Firstly, the innovative activity of the region is simultaneously part of two systems, namely the innovation sphere of the country and the socio-economic sphere of the region, and, therefore, is affected by both federal and regional governments of the respective systems. Therefore, its effective development is determined by the constructive interaction of the governing bodies of these two systems.

Secondly, the regional innovation policy should be an integral part of the state's economic policy.

Regional innovation policy, in comparison with the national one, has a number of distinctive features. One of them is related to its clearer focus on solving specific socio-economic problems of its region. A clearer economic and social orientation of the innovation policy of the regions, in contrast to the policy of the federal government, is confirmed by the following data. Thus, almost a third of the spending on science from the budgets of the territories goes to the implementation of industrial projects, and half of them are associated with the creation of software products. Research and development in the field of construction (9.7%); light (8.8%) and food (6.7%) industries; transport (6.3%); local industry (1.8%). In addition, the fourth part budget funds allocated by the regions for science are occupied by social programs, primarily on health protection (14.2%) and the environment (5.8%); development of education, social protection of the population, culture and recreation, solution of other social problems (4.3%). (Figure 1.1).

Rice. 1.1. The structure of expenditures on science from the budgets of the territories

The most important feature is the formation of an innovation policy focused on reforming the structure of the regional industrial system in the direction of knowledge-intensive industries. For example, the Government of the Saratov region considers the goal of conducting a targeted innovation policy in the region to stimulate the introduction high technologies and development of production of competitive high-tech products. With this, it will be possible to achieve the full realization of the intellectual and industrial potential of the region to achieve technological leadership.

Another feature is the greater orientation of regional budgets towards program-targeted financing of research and development and the programmatic solution of key problems in the development of the economy of the territories. For example, three-quarters of the funds allocated in the subjects of the federation for science are directed to the implementation of their own scientific and technical programs; another 9-12% falls on programs funded jointly with federal ministries and departments, and only 8-10% goes to support subordinate organizations.

Another important feature of the implementation of innovation policy in a particular region is related to the fact that the authorities of the subjects of the federation began to actively reorient the existing scientific potential to solve key problems of the socio-economic development of a particular territory.

It is possible to single out the key directions in the formation and implementation of scientific, technical and innovation policy in the subjects of the federation. These include the following activities.

Firstly, the development and adoption of the legislative framework for scientific, technical and innovative activities, scientific and innovative policy and the regulation of these issues regulations administration. To date, relevant laws have been adopted in most regions of the Russian Federation.

Secondly, the creation of an organizational and legal mechanism for the interaction of authorities with developers and consumers of scientific and technical products, aimed at intensifying research work and introducing their results into production through a system of economic levers and benefits.

Thirdly, the development of priorities for scientific and technical activities, both with a focus on the existing scientific and technical potential, and the formation of a list of promising technologies related to new directions in the development of science and technology.

Fourth, the formation of regional organizational structures for managing scientific and technical activities. To date, such structures are functioning in many regions of the Russian Federation. However, the nature of their activities is traditionally associated with issues of vocational and general education, and only in a few subjects of the federation are they focused on a close connection with the problems of the real sector of the economy.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the role of regional innovation policy is difficult to exaggerate. It has its own characteristics applicable to each specific region. The need for its development is determined by the current socio-economic situation in the country.

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1 . Theoretical and methodological foundations for the development and implementation of innovation policy

1.1 Essence, concept and types of innovations

In the modern world, the dynamic development of the economy increasingly depends on its ability to introduce and master advanced technologies, new markets, generate knowledge and human capital. An increasing number of Russian experts are coming to the conclusion that without innovation in Russia there can be no long-term and powerful economic recovery.

This requires a transition to an innovative type of management, which will determine the new role of science in modern and future economic systems.

For a clearer understanding of the essence of the issue under discussion, it is necessary to define its basic concepts - "innovations" and "innovative activity".

Innovation (innovation) - the end result of innovative activity, embodied in the form of a new or improved product introduced on the market, a new or improved technological process used in practice, or in a new approach to social services.

Innovation is the introduction into practice, implementation and use of a new idea, proposal, people, scientific and technical solution.

Innovation is the profitable use of innovations in the form of new technologies, types of products and services, organizational, technical and socio-economic decisions of an industrial, financial, commercial and administrative nature.

An innovation is an object introduced into production as a result of a scientific research or service discovery, qualitatively different from the previous analogue.

The analysis of the above definitions shows that they contain the following points: firstly, a new idea, product, service; secondly, it is the introduction of something new into the production system, as a result of which the production system itself changes, it passes into a new qualitative state, and, thirdly, this is the result of innovative activity.

In our opinion, we can offer the following definition: innovation (science-intensive innovation) is the end result of intellectual activity ( scientific ideas, scientific and technical research, discoveries and inventions) in the form of some fundamentally new object (systems of machines, technologies, equipment, goods and services, software, management systems and production organization, etc.) or in the form of some object that is qualitatively different from the previous analogue, which finds realization in one or another sphere of human life,

Contributes to meeting the needs of the market and the customer,

Brings a positive social - economic effect.

The above definition says that:

1. when creating and implementing (commercializing) innovations, new results of fundamental and exploratory research, inventions and discoveries, as well as scientific and technological achievements (knowledge, technologies, systems, equipment, etc.) that can be optimally integrated;

2. innovation is something new that did not exist before, or something better than what existed before it;

3. innovation is something more effective than the existing one, which has a positive socio-economic and environmental result;

4. Innovation is something that is sold on the market, something that is commercialized, i.e. this is a market product or product that is transferred to the customer for further use in production.

The specificity of innovation as a new product and as a service is determined by the following properties:

A high degree of uncertainty in obtaining the final scientific and technical result or service;

The special nature of financing associated with the risk of a temporary gap between the costs of creating an innovation and the income received as a result of its implementation;

The uncertain nature of demand, whereby the supply of innovation in the market must play an active and proactive role.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the incentive motives for creating and offering innovation in the general case should be divided into internal motives for innovation activity, which are associated with the interests of increasing the competitiveness of products manufactured by enterprises, and external motives for innovation activity, which are determined by the economic policy of the state.

According to the theory of innovation management, it is advisable to distinguish between the concepts of "innovation" and "innovation". Innovation is a formalized result of fundamental, applied research, development or experimental work in any field of activity to increase its effectiveness. Innovations can take the form of: discoveries; inventions; patents; trademarks; rationalization proposals; know-how. Innovations can be purchased or self-developed, intended for accumulation, sale or implementation in products manufactured by the company, i.e. turn into a form of innovation. Investing in the development of innovation is half the battle. The main thing is to introduce an innovation, turn it into a form of innovation, that is, complete the innovation activity and get a positive result, then continue the diffusion of innovation.

Thus, innovation is the end result of introducing innovation in order to change the object of management and obtain an economic, social, environmental, scientific, technical or other type of effect.

The complex nature of innovations, their versatility and variety of areas and ways of using them require the development of a classification of innovations according to a number of fundamental features. Moreover, such a classification is necessary to establish the significance of a particular type of innovative product or service, to identify the degree of their impact on improving the welfare of the population, as well as for a comparative quantitative and qualitative assessment of innovations.

1 According to their importance in economic development, innovations can be divided into the following:

Integrating (complex) innovations - innovations obtained through the use (integration) of the optimal set (complex) of achievements previously accumulated and tested in world practice (knowledge, technologies, systems, equipment). A distinctive feature of integrating innovations is their origin depending on the needs of the market;

Basic innovations are innovations based on new fundamental scientific achievements that allow creating innovative products of the next generation. Basic innovations can be realized both on the basis of new discoveries and by applying new methods to "old" discoveries. Implementation of new scientific discoveries or pioneering inventions requires a full cycle of research and development work and the availability of a developed base for conducting a significant amount of applied research and development work. Basic innovations involve the restructuring of a number of related industries, they are associated with increased initial investments and are designed for the long term;

Improving innovations - innovations that involve the use of the results of scientific, design, technological or organizational work, ordered in order to improve the characteristics of goods (services) available on the market. This type of innovation contributes to the development and better satisfaction of existing needs and the implementation of new generations of these goods (services).

Grocery (new products and goods, new services) designed to meet certain needs for new goods, new services or the needs of new consumers;

Market, opening up new areas of application of products, goods, allowing the implementation of innovative products and services in new markets;

Innovation-processes (technology, organization of production, management processes) designed to meet the needs for new, functionally oriented physical, chemical and information processes, processes of social and industrial organization of enterprises, industries and regions, as well as in new forms of managing these processes.

3 According to the reasons for the emergence of innovations can be divided into the following:

Reactive, which act as a reaction to new transformations and actions carried out by competitors; they are aimed at ensuring the survival, preservation and further development and prosperity of the company, enterprise;

Strategic, aimed at solving long-term tasks, obtaining decisive competitive advantages in the future, the implementation of which is of a proactive nature.

4 According to the degree of novelty of innovation, it is necessary to single out:

Radical innovations, which refer to fundamentally new products, services or processes;

Incremental, relating to a significant improvement in existing products or processes;

Innovation associated with the introduction of new or greatly improved production methods.

The classification of innovations according to the degree of novelty is also carried out according to technological parameters and from market positions. According to technological parameters, innovations are divided into product innovations, when new materials, semi-finished products, components are used and products and goods with fundamentally new functions are obtained (productive innovations are mainly new products); process, when new production technologies are used, a higher level of automation, new methods of organizing production.

Thus, it can be noted that the world of innovation is as diverse as the types of human activity. The understanding of the term innovation and its definitions is also diverse.

In this regard, it is necessary to pay attention to the definition of innovation given in the Law of the Saratov Region "On Innovations and Innovative Activities" dated January 29, 2003. Innovation (innovation) - the result of scientific (research) and scientific and technical activities, recognized in accordance with the current legislation as an object of intellectual property. In our opinion, based on the above definitions, the definition given in the Law is more consistent with the concept of innovation, rather than innovation. And, accordingly, the concept of innovation as an activity that has the main goal of implementing innovations in social practice through their practical development also contradicts the conclusion that innovation is the result of innovation. In turn, innovation is a type of activity associated with transformation ideas (usually the results of research and development or other scientific and technical achievements) into a new or improved product introduced on the market into a new or improved technological process used in practice, or in a new approach to social services. Thus, there is a difference in understanding key concepts at the regional and federal levels, which is caused by the lack of a clear definition of innovation and innovation activity in the legal framework of the country. Such a legal gap leads to the fact that at the level of individual subjects there are different understandings of innovations and, accordingly, the subjects of regulation themselves. This fact does not contribute to the formation and implementation of a unified coordinated innovation policy in the state. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly consolidate the concepts related to the innovation sphere in the framework of the definition of innovation policy.

1 .2 Innovation policy: concept, goals, objectives, directions of development and implementation

The development of innovation activity largely depends on the state policy in the field of support and stimulation of innovation. In this regard, the study of the theoretical foundations of innovation policy, its state and key areas of implementation in modern Russia are relevant for overcoming the scientific and technological backwardness of our country from the leading states of the world and ensuring its competitiveness and national security.

There are practically no special monographic studies on innovation policy in the domestic literature. This is a relatively new direction of research, which began to take shape since the mid-90s of the last century. The main part of the publications is devoted not to theory, but to specific issues of the formation and implementation of innovation policy in modern Russia.

In the domestic literature, three approaches to the definition of innovation policy have been identified.

The first approach - structural - considers innovation policy through the totality of its elements: goals, objectives, directions, principles. This approach is the most common in the literature. In project federal law"On innovation activity in the Russian Federation" the state innovation policy is considered as the activity of state authorities and authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, aimed at regulating innovation activity and developing a mechanism for its implementation, supporting innovation entities, small and medium-sized innovative businesses, protecting intellectual property in the process innovative activity, observance of national interests in the implementation of external relations in this area.

The second - political and economic - reveals the innovation policy through the system of economic relations between the participants of innovation processes. In our opinion, the approach of A.N. Folomyev, who considers the state innovation policy as a set of socio-economic relations between the state and other subjects of scientific and technical activity regarding the creation, transformation and use of innovations to update all spheres of people's life while balancing the interests of all participants in innovation processes.

So, a similar definition is given by other authors. For example, A.I. Nikolaev and B.K. Lisin, who heads the Institute for Strategic Innovations, see innovation policy as part of the national policy in the development and implementation of program-target tasks for the development of the innovation sphere, legal regulation of the functions of subjects and objects of innovation policy, their relations; organization and control of innovation activity, taking into account the rights and interests of all its subjects, incl. states.

The third approach consists in the actual identification of innovation policy with government regulation, or rather with activities aimed at promoting new or improved products to the market.

In its most general form, innovation policy is understood as a set of scientific, technical, industrial, managerial, financial, marketing and other activities related to the promotion of new or improved products to the market. Such a definition, in principle, not only does not contradict the above, but is also their logical continuation, since without the creation of appropriate conditions, as well as a set of measures that stimulate innovation, it is impossible to implement an effective innovation policy. The above formulation reflects the most important function of innovation policy - overcoming the discrepancy between science and production, establishing various relationships between the subjects of innovation activity and forming on this basis an innovation system at various levels of management.

Of course, all the identified approaches do not contradict each other, but indicate that innovation policy is a capacious concept that requires a systematic approach to its study. In this regard, it must be borne in mind that when forming an innovation policy and its implementation, all three of the above directions should be taken into account simultaneously.

Innovation policy is closely related to industrial, structural, technological and other types of economic policy, but they are often confused. So, for example, in the "Guidelines of the Russian Federation's policy in the field of the development of the innovation system for the period up to 2010", the policy of the Russian Federation in the field of the development of the innovation system is defined as an integral part of the state scientific, technical and industrial policy, which is a set of socio-economic measures implemented by the state, aimed at creating conditions for the development of the production of competitive products based on advanced achievements of science, technology and technology and increasing the share of such products in the structure of production, as well as a system for promoting and selling products and services in the domestic and world markets.

Undoubtedly, industrial, structural policy today is unthinkable without the implementation of innovations, the creation of fundamentally new technologies in promising areas of scientific and technological progress. In turn, innovation policy is aimed at solving problems in various industries. However, this different phenomena closely related and intersecting, even overlapping. Therefore, in order to more clearly define the essence and specifics of innovation policy, it seems necessary to position it relative to other types of economic policy, in particular industrial and structural.

Structural policy is a set of measures in the field of public investment and financial incentives aimed at structural changes in the country's economy. This policy involves the transition from industries that have lost their development and growth prospects to other priority industries. An important direction of structural policy is to support science-intensive industries and high technologies. It is in this part that it intersects with innovation policy, without which it is impossible to achieve the effectiveness of structural reforms. The innovation policy, in turn, is aimed at defining the goals and priorities for the development of innovation activity and transforming the existing scientific and technological potential in accordance with structural changes in the economy. The dynamic development of the economy increasingly depends on its ability to introduce and master advanced technologies, which primarily concerns industries. Therefore, the most important tasks of industrial policy are to optimize the structure of industry, stimulate industries that develop and implement import-substituting science-intensive and resource-saving technologies. However, it is also aimed at solving specific problems existing in the sphere of industrial production. Thus, structural, innovative and industrial economic policies are closely interconnected with each other and the effectiveness of their implementation depends on the degree of consistency in their development.

The formation of state policy, regulation and management of the development of innovation activity should be based on a systematic, comprehensive, reproductive, regulatory, integration and directive approaches. The systematic approach determines the construction of the entire system of innovation management and determines the direction of its development and policy in this area. An integrated approach ensures coverage of all elements and areas of innovation, and not just priority areas or sectors of the defense complex. The normative approach involves the development of a system of state standards for the development of the innovation sphere. The reproduction approach is based on the constant resumption of production as an object to meet the needs of a particular market with lower total costs per unit of useful effect compared to the best similar object in this market. The integration approach provides interconnections across all levels of innovation management, across regions and industries. The directive approach means the obligatory execution of normative, legal and legislative acts. The integrated use of these approaches, management principles can ensure the rational construction of a system of state regulation, incentives and state policy in the innovation sphere, and contribute to the construction of a national innovation system.

The "Main Directions of the RF Policy in the Field of Development of the Innovation System for the Period up to 2010" defines the goals, objectives, directions and mechanisms for implementing the state policy in the field of development of the innovation system.

The goal of the state policy in the development of the innovation system is to create economic conditions for bringing competitive innovative products to the market in the interests of implementing the strategic national priorities of the Russian Federation: improving the quality of life of the population, achieving economic growth, developing fundamental science, education, culture, ensuring the defense and security of the country by combining the efforts of the state and the business sector of the economy on the basis of mutually beneficial partnership.

To achieve the goal of state policy in the field of innovation system development through the introduction and commercialization of scientific and technical developments and technologies, the accelerated development of science-intensive high-tech and resource-saving industries, it is necessary to solve the following main tasks:

Form the priorities of innovation activity;

Provide regulatory and legal regulation of innovation activities;

Ensure a rational combination of mechanisms of state direct and indirect incentives and market mechanisms in the implementation of innovative activities;

Create conditions for the development of the human resources potential of domestic science and ensuring continuity in the scientific and technological fields;

Ensure the active development of innovative activities of enterprises and organizations working in the field of technology commercialization;

Strengthen state regulation and support for research and development work in competitive areas, which primarily include: the military-industrial complex, nuclear and aerospace industries, communications and telecommunications, pharmaceuticals and biotechnology, software production;

Ensure development innovative technologies aimed at improving the efficiency of the use of the country's energy and natural resources, including unique technologies created in the military-industrial complex;

To ensure the acceleration of the processes of integration of scientific, educational and production activities to improve the competitiveness of the Russian economy;

To carry out state assistance in the formation of scientific, educational and industrial integrated structures focused on the serial production and sale of innovative products in cooperation with small high-tech enterprises;

To ensure an increase in the effectiveness of public-private partnerships in the implementation of the most important innovative projects of national importance;

Stimulate the involvement of Russian and foreign investment in science-intensive high-tech sectors of the country's economy.

The state policy in the field of development of the innovation system is implemented in the following areas:

Creation of a favorable economic and legal environment for innovation activities;

Formation of the infrastructure of the innovation system;

Creation of a system of state support for the commercialization of the results of intellectual activity.

The main mechanisms for the implementation of state policy in the field of innovation system development:

1) formation of an integral system of organizational, legal, economic and other norms for stimulating, supporting and regulating innovation activities, including:

Establishing the procedure for securing and transferring rights to the results of civil and dual-use intellectual activity created at the expense of the federal budget, with the aim of introducing them into economic circulation;

Improving the legislative framework for the development of venture entrepreneurship;

2) transition to the program-target principle of state support for innovation activity through the coordination of federal, regional, interdepartmental and departmental target programs, including support for innovation activity in academies of sciences with state status, state scientific centers of the Russian Federation and higher educational institutions;

3) increase in the share of extrabudgetary resources as the stages of innovative projects are completed, including:

Creation of institutions for financing small high-tech enterprises at the initial stage of their creation of innovative products;

Assistance in the formation of a system of regional and industry venture funds;

4) development of the domestic market for innovative products;

5) attracting small and medium-sized businesses to participate in targeted programs and innovative projects;

6) formation of motivation among entrepreneurs to develop innovative activities, including through:

Expansion of state-funded programs of fundamental and exploratory research, research and development work;

Participation of the state in the development of the infrastructure of the innovation system;

7) formation of economic indicators in the field of innovation to assess the level and dynamics of commercialization of scientific and technical developments;

8) development of criteria for selecting the priorities of the state policy in the field of development of the innovation system and identifying potential opportunities for the production of competitive innovative products at the stage of research and development work.

The main measures for the implementation of state policy in the field of development of the innovation system:

1) organization of monitoring the state of the domestic and world markets for innovative products, analysis of the parameters and dynamics of their development, development of forecasts for the country's innovative and technological development;

2) formation and development of a system for accounting and monitoring the results of scientific and technical activities;

3) development of state support for domestic participants in innovative activities, including through the purchase of their innovative products for state needs and the placement of state orders for its development on a competitive basis for enterprises of any property;

4) development of conditions for stimulating import substitution of domestic competitive innovative products;

5) development of state support for competitive export innovative products with protected intellectual property rights;

6) development of conditions for the creation of public-private partnerships in innovation;

7) promoting the development of trading in securities of enterprises of science-intensive high-tech industries in order to increase their liquidity, including trading in options for the right to acquire rights to the results of scientific and technical activities;

8) improvement of the system of financial lease of unique scientific and production equipment;

9) creation of conditions for the implementation of long-term lending and stimulation of investment projects of companies that carry out innovative activities;

10) creating conditions for attracting and retaining talented youth in the field of innovation;

11) development of a system of continuous training of specialists in organization and management in the field of innovation;

12) promotion of success and experience in the field of innovation in the media, including support for holding innovation exhibitions and venture fairs in the regions of the Russian Federation;

13) creation of a system of statistical observation in the field of innovation activity on the main indicators of the development of the innovation system.

The essence of modern innovation policy cannot be disclosed without taking into account its spatial features. The fact is that the sustainable economic development of our country depends on the maximum consideration of the specifics of the regional factor. In this regard, the territorial aspect of the state innovation policy is of great importance. It seems that the innovation policy in Russia should be built not according to the traditional "state-business" scheme, but according to the "federal government - regional administrations - business" scheme. . The government should develop key areas of innovation policy that are in line with national goals and implemented primarily through budget funding. However, in view of the fact that the innovation economy is, first of all, a flexible dynamic economy in which new ones are constantly being created, obsolete companies are disappearing, new markets are being sought and new market niches are being developed, taking on all the initiative and responsibility in the development and implementation of innovation policy seems inappropriate. This is explained by the fact that the regions have strongly pronounced differences in the existing potential and level of development. Therefore, the regional aspect of innovation policy will take into account all the features of the territories and make the most efficient use of available resources. Moreover, in the literature there are often statements that innovation policy can initially be developed and implemented at the regional level, coming from the region. This, of course, has its rational grain. Perhaps the most critical, incl. subsidized regions, from which, as world experience shows, the process of restructuring will begin, will become the locomotives of the innovation process. And a step in this direction should be the formation of a new model of regional development, changes in the transfer policy of the federal center, stimulating innovation processes and maximizing the use of internal resources for the development of regions to overcome various economic problems on the path of sustainable development through the creation and introduction into production of fundamentally new innovative products.

1 .3 Role and features of regional innovation policy

World experience shows that the regionalization of innovation policy, which began in the early 1980s, is the most important trend in its development at the present stage. In modern conditions, for any country, the most important condition for sustainable development is its internal organization, including the ability of both individual regions and the country as a whole to quickly respond to changes in internal and external conditions, to quickly adapt through a huge arsenal of innovation policy tools. The importance of the regionalization of innovation policy is due to the nature of the innovative development of the world economy, where science-intensive production dominates. The ability to constantly update products through the introduction of new technologies begins to play a decisive role in strengthening the competitive position of the nation in the world market. As a result, a large role is assigned to small and medium-sized businesses. In such an economy, local alliances between scientists, entrepreneurs, and local governments are a significant factor in achieving market success.

In addition, the deepening of industrial and commercial specialization is becoming a condition for high competitiveness and stability of many countries in the world market. Therefore, in order to increase the competitiveness of the country's economy as a whole, it is necessary to concentrate certain types of production in regions that have comparative advantages. This will not only allow achieving "one-off" success in the market, but also provides opportunities for reorientation of sales markets and the development of new technologies.

An important reason for the strengthening of the role of regional innovation development is the fact that in the modern world the success of innovation policy largely depends on how new knowledge is formed depending on the nature of the tasks in the implementation of plans for the economic development of the region. The spatial proximity of the creators of "intellectual capital", "technological resources" and business is crucial for the success of innovation.

In addition, the regionalization of innovation policy is updated by the uneven and even polar distribution of scientific, technical and innovation potential across the country. This is typical for all states of the world without exception, but especially for Russia. Here it is appropriate to note that the uneven development of innovative potential is objective. All regions should not have equality here. However, the current global trend is that regions, specific territories in the developed countries of the world are still increasing their scientific and innovative potential, creating favorable conditions for attracting intellectual resources to the territorial economic complex. At the same time, in our regions over the past decade, since the moment of liberal reforms, there have been significant losses, which significantly undermined the regional potential in scientific and innovative fields. In our country, unevenness has taken its extreme form, the form of polarization of innovation potential, and this is already a dangerous trend.

Table 1.1. Distribution of scientific and innovative parameters of Russia's development by federal districts, 2003

federal district

R&D organizations

R&D personnel,

Internal costs for R&D, million rubles

R&D fixed assets

Innovation-active organizations

The volume of shipped innovative products,


from it: Moscow


St. Petersburg




Far Eastern

In the domestic literature, there is no single point of view on such concepts as "regional science and technology policy", "regional innovation policy".

In some works, regional scientific and technological policy is considered as a general direction in the development of science and technology, providing for the solution of economic and social problems that ensure the highest possible rates of development and the efficiency of social production in the Federation and the region, the solution of national economic and regional scientific and scientific and technical problems in the direction of specialization of the scientific complex of the region.

Regional scientific and technical policy from an economic point of view can be considered as a set of socio-economic relations between regional authorities and subjects of scientific and technical activities located in a given territory, regarding the creation, transformation and use of innovations to update all industries based on the balance of interests of all participants in scientific, technical and innovative activities, as well as subjects of the federal level.

Regional innovation policy is understood as a system of measures of a legal, economic, organizational, political nature aimed at developing the economic potential and improving the quality of life of the population of a particular territory through appropriate innovations, especially in the scientific and technical field.

In some studies, regional scientific and innovation policy is understood as a set of established goals and priorities for the development of scientific and innovative activities in the region, ways and means to achieve them based on the interaction of regional and federal governments. This is a formulation of the directions in which and how the development of the scientific and innovative sphere in the region should be addressed.

Analysis of the above definitions of the essence of regional innovation policy allows us to conclude that when developing a definition of regional innovation policy, the following points should be taken into account.

Firstly, the innovative activity of the region is simultaneously part of two systems, namely the innovation sphere of the country and the socio-economic sphere of the region, and, therefore, is affected by both federal and regional governments of the respective systems. Therefore, its effective development is determined by the constructive interaction of the governing bodies of these two systems.

Secondly, the regional innovation policy should be an integral part of the state's economic policy.

Regional innovation policy, in comparison with the national one, has a number of distinctive features. One of them is related to its clearer focus on solving specific socio-economic problems of its region. A clearer economic and social orientation of the innovation policy of the regions, in contrast to the policy of the federal government, is confirmed by the following data. Thus, almost a third of the spending on science from the budgets of the territories goes to the implementation of industrial projects, and half of them are associated with the creation of software products. Research and development in the field of construction (9.7%); light (8.8%) and food (6.7%) industries; transport (6.3%); local industry (1.8%). In addition, a fourth of the budget funds allocated by the regions for science is occupied by social programs, primarily on health protection (14.2%) and the environment (5.8%); development of education, social protection of the population, culture and recreation, solution of other social problems (4.3%). (Figure 1.1).

Rice. 1.1. The structure of expenditures on science from the budgets of the territories

The most important feature is the formation of an innovation policy focused on reforming the structure of the regional industrial system in the direction of knowledge-intensive industries. For example, the Government of the Saratov region considers the goal of a targeted innovation policy in the region to be to stimulate the introduction of science-intensive technologies and the development of competitive high-tech products. With this, it will be possible to achieve the full realization of the intellectual and industrial potential of the region to achieve technological leadership.

Another feature is the greater orientation of regional budgets towards program-targeted financing of research and development and the programmatic solution of key problems in the development of the economy of the territories. For example, three-quarters of the funds allocated in the subjects of the federation for science are directed to the implementation of their own scientific and technical programs; another 9-12% falls on programs funded jointly with federal ministries and departments, and only 8-10% goes to support subordinate organizations.

Another important feature of the implementation of innovation policy in a particular region is related to the fact that the authorities of the subjects of the federation began to actively reorient the existing scientific potential to solve key problems of the socio-economic development of a particular territory.

It is possible to single out the key directions in the formation and implementation of scientific, technical and innovation policy in the subjects of the federation. These include the following activities.

Firstly, the development and adoption of a legislative framework for scientific, technical and innovative activities, scientific and innovative policy and the regulation of these issues by regulatory acts of the administration. To date, relevant laws have been adopted in most regions of the Russian Federation.

Secondly, the creation of an organizational and legal mechanism for the interaction of authorities with developers and consumers of scientific and technical products, aimed at intensifying research work and introducing their results into production through a system of economic levers and benefits.

Thirdly, the development of priorities for scientific and technical activities, both with a focus on the existing scientific and technical potential, and the formation of a list of promising technologies related to new directions in the development of science and technology.

Fourth, the formation of regional organizational structures for managing scientific and technical activities. To date, such structures are functioning in many regions of the Russian Federation. However, the nature of their activities is traditionally associated with issues of vocational and general education, and only in a few subjects of the federation are they focused on a close connection with the problems of the real sector of the economy.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the role of regional innovation policy is difficult to exaggerate. It has its own characteristics applicable to each specific region. The need for its development is determined by the current socio-economic situation in the country.

2 . Analysis of the practice of developing and implementing innovation policy in the region

2.1 Characteristics of scientific, technical and innovative activities in the Saratov region

At present, favorable conditions have been created in the Saratov region for the intensification of scientific, technical and innovative activities, stimulating the effective and purposeful use of advanced scientific technologies and developments in the field of industrial production. The most important task for the development of the region at the present stage is the innovative renewal of production, which is the basis for increasing the competitiveness of products.

Now the question of how to develop industrial enterprises is particularly acute. There are two ways: the first is to increase production volumes by increasing the output of traditional, often outdated and significantly inferior to foreign counterparts, the other way is to radically accelerate scientific and technological progress and introduce innovations.

The basis of the scientific and technical potential in the Saratov region is traditionally academic structures, industry research institutes and design bureaus, science and technology parks, innovation and technology centers, scientific institutions, universities, as well as a number of industrial enterprises conducting research and development work in the field of industrial production.

The share of organizations in the Saratov region that perform research and development is on average 10% of the number of organizations in the Volga Federal District. The number of organizations in the Saratov region, performing research and development, in 2005 increased by 1.8% compared to the previous year. From 2000 to 2005, there has been a steady trend towards maintaining the number of such organizations. However, at the national and district level, there is a noticeable downward trend. This is most likely due to the low demand from the industry for the results of scientific research and development (Table 2.1).

Table 2.1. Population dynamics Russian enterprises and organizations performing research and development

Thus, Scientific research and development in 2005 was carried out by 57 organizations and enterprises, including 36 organizations engaged in the development of research in the field of natural, technical and medical sciences, 7 - in the field of education, 6 - in the production of electrical equipment, electronic and optical equipment, 1 - in the field of agriculture economy and 7 - in the provision of other types of services (Table 2.2). In 2005, the annual volume of scientific research carried out on our own amounted to 1,349.2 million rubles. (90.9% of the total), which is 14.5% less than in the previous year (1578.4 million rubles).

The share of employees engaged in research and development in the Volga Federal District accounts for over 17% of the total number of employees in Russia as a whole, and in the Saratov Region about 7% of the Volga Federal District. From 2000 to 2004, there was a positive trend in the increase in the number of personnel by almost 5%. However, by 2005 the number of scientific and technical personnel amounted to 6,677 people, which is 1.5 times less than in 2004 (Table 2.3). The main reason for the decline is, in our opinion, the existing problem of underfunding of science and the deterioration of conditions for scientific and technical activities, which leads to an outflow of personnel from the scientific sphere.

Table 2.2. Execution of research works in 2005, thousand rubles

Number of enterprises

Completed scope of work


Research and development

scientific and technical services

Total by type of activity


agriculture, hunting and fishing


real estate transactions, rental and representation services,

science and scientific service


Against the background of a decrease in the number of scientific personnel, changes are taking place in its structure. The number of highly qualified scientific personnel with degree Doctors of Sciences, compared with 2004 decreased by 3% and amounted to 164 people, Candidate of Sciences - decreased by 0.2% and amounted to 572 people.

The bulk of domestic current R&D spending in 2005 fell on technical sciences (50.1%) and natural sciences (28.8%). In total domestic current expenditure on R&D, 64.8% is for development, 22.1% for applied research, and only 13.1% for basic research.

Table 2.3. Number of personnel engaged in research and development, people

Saratov region in the rating of regions of the Volga Federal District in terms of innovation activity in 2000-2004. occupied: 7th place for invention applications filed with Rospatent, 5th place for utility models and 6th place for trademarks. Thus, the growth in the number of applications for inventions in 2004 was 17.3%, for utility models - 13.6% and for trademarks - 4.2%. (Table 2.4)

Table 2.4. Dynamics of inventive activity in the Saratov region

In the Saratov region, 91 inventions were used in production in 2004 (18% less than in 2003), 25 utility models (92% more than in 2003), 13 industrial designs (18% less than in 2003). ). According to these indicators, the Saratov region ranks among the 15 regions of the district: in the use of inventions - 7th place, in useful models - 11th place and in industrial designs - 9th place (Table 2.5).

Table 2.5. Use of industrial property objects in the Saratov region

Thus, the region by the number of submitted applications has steady trend to growth, which positively characterizes its innovative activity. However, according to the indicators of the use of industrial property objects, there is a low demand for domestic inventions, and not because they are inefficient or non-progressive, but due to the fact that industrial enterprises are not able to finance their industrial development.

In the Saratov region, 52 industrial enterprises and organizations carry out innovative activities. In the structure of industrial production, the share of such high-tech industries as the fuel and energy complex (over 35%), mechanical engineering (19%) and the chemical industry (about 14%) is significant. It is these industries that account for the largest share of all technological innovations in industry: mechanical engineering and metalworking - 22.5%, chemical and petrochemical industry - 45%, fuel and energy complex - 27.5%. Most enterprises carry out innovations related to expanding the range of products, improving their quality and reducing dependence on imported raw materials and materials.

In 2005, the volume of innovative products produced by industrial enterprises in the region amounted to 4.9 billion rubles, or 8.9% of the total output, which indicates an increase of 35.5% compared to 2004 (Table 2.6).

Table 2.6. The volume of shipped innovative products by industrial innovation-active enterprises, thousand rubles.

Expenses for technological innovations in 2004 amounted to 1.1 billion rubles, and in 2005 already 3.2 billion rubles, which indicates a growth of 190%. Among the costs of technological innovation, the largest share is occupied by the costs of purchasing machinery and equipment (50.9%) and production design, other types of pre-production for the release of new products, the introduction of new services or methods of their production (36.5%) (Table 2.7 ).

Table 2.7. Technological innovation spending by type of activity in 2005

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