Donetsk Humanitarian Institute of Donetsk National University. Promotions Humanitarian Institute of Donetsk National University (GI DonNU). See what the "Humanitarian Institute of Donetsk National University" is in other dictionaries

Canyo Cristales(Spanish) Cano Cristales ) is a tributary of the river Losada, it is known as "the most beautiful river in the world". The mouth of the river is located in the central part Colombia, within the department Meta in the south of the mountain range Macarena(Sierrania De La Macarena ), and flows to the east in a certain selva, before flowing into the river Guayabero. The mountainous region of Macarena is considered by the scientists of the world to be the “seed of biodiversity”. Its age is 1,200,000 years. It is the western extension of the so-called Guyanese shield of venezuela, a mountain range that crosses Guyana and Brazil, and considered the most ancient on the planet since the formation Andes and it was from here, according to experts, that the distribution of species began in this territory.

For a long time, the entire territory of the national park was under the protection of partisan detachments. And this means that the river was closed not only for tourists, but also for researchers and scientists!

The length of the river does not reach and 100 kilometers, and the width - 20 meters, which is why it cannot be called large, especially in comparison with Amazon. Translated from Spanish, the name of the river means "crystal river" . Once you see it, you can't forget it. The possibilities of nature to create miracles are truly endless. It is enough to go ashore to understand that you are in a unique place. As if on the canvases of the Impressionists, real rainbow fireworks, bright colors, an incredible number of shades - all this Cano Cristales. It is known for changing its color due to different types of algae, which is why the locals call it river of five colors .

If you come during the dry season, you will not find a river - only a dry, sun-scorched bed. If you come here during the rainy season, you will see a turbulent stream washing away everything in its path, in which the algae do not receive enough light. For most of the year, Caño Cristales is no different from any other river, with bluish water, whose bed is overgrown with muddy green mosses. But for a short period of time at the very beginning of spring, between an excessively dry and excessively wet season, as soon as the water level and its speed become optimal, a huge amount of various algae and moss explode in color along the bottom and banks. The river is flecked with yellow, blue, green, black, red, and a thousand shades in between.

Where there is less sun, long strands of greenishalgae, cover the bottom with a bright, soft carpet, wriggling under the pressure of water. All of them are a product of the vital activity of numerous algae and, depending on the time of year, the saturation of colors either weakens or intensifies. In summer, the sun dries up a plant called macarenia claviera , which grows only here, and the river acquires a rich red color.

The complete absence of a person, only the sun, the jungle, the sky, green, moss-covered warm stones, a falcon frozen somewhere high in the hot air, looking for prey, and this crystal-colored cool water penetrating into every cell of the body ... Swimming in these creeks - like being born again. Extraordinary, universal peace, lightness and no thoughts in my head. The water in it is so clear that the bottom can be seen even at a decent depth. Recent studies by local naturalists have shown that the water in the river is so pure that it is practically distilled. River water lacks salts and minerals. Since rain and mountain, oxygenated water and rocky bottom do not contain silt, do not bring sedimentary materials with them, there is practically no other underwater vegetation. The fish simply have nothing to eat. Only unpretentious small fish are found in the river.
The Caño Cristales River is an extraordinary series of so-called rapids, depressions, waterfalls, and whirlpools. The river bed and river rocks are covered with green and brown mosses and seaweed throughout the year. The bottom of the river in deeper places consists of many mysterious pools, similar to the traces of some giant animal, these bottom irregularities form natural depressions: deep, multi-colored, round wells - “ moyas ". Bizarre flat stone blocks, as if thrown in disorder on the shore by someone's giant hand.

Also here you can take a walk at the stepped cascade, called "stairs" , where secluded grottoes hide behind a sparkling wall of water, and bats nest in the rocks. The rocky terrain hides many caves with ancient hieroglyphs from pre-Columbian times. Dark damp caves, the abode of sorceresses and Colombian mermen - Mokhanov hiding from people countless treasures. It is not for nothing that rivers, lakes, caves were for the Indians who lived here long before the Spaniards, a symbol of the "lower world" - the world of moisture, night, femininity, maternal womb, the mystery associated with birth.

Surrounding the river is the Canyo Cristales National Natural Park, home to many rare animals and endemic plants. In winter and spring, it is impossible to get on the banks of the "crystal river" - the status of the UNESCO Natural Heritage of Humanity site obliges to take extreme measures for the safety and protection of its basin.

In Macarena there are also other rivers with red algae, for example, this color is painted in winter Siete Machos. These algae adhere strongly to the rocks, where the river flows most rapidly, but they cannot be compared with the beauty of Caño Cristales.

How to get to Cano Cristales

Every year, thousands of tourists visit this place to see the "river that runs away to paradise." The place is almost wild and it will not be easy to get there.

Since the riot of color occurs during the hot season, the river is open to tourists from June to November.

To get to it, you need to fly by plane from Vilvicencio before Macarena, then by horseback or boat ride on the Guayabero River (about an hour), and, finally, walk along the hitherto untrodden sandy paths in the Colombian savannah to this natural wonder.

Colored reservoirs are one of the most unusual natural phenomena for our planet. A person is accustomed to the transparent blue of the waters, to the blue-green hues of rivers, seas and lakes. Therefore, rare exceptions to this rule attract the enthusiastic attention of tourists.

Among such phenomena is the colorful river Cano Cristales, which flows through the humid jungles of Colombia. You can find two translations of this name into Russian: Crystal River and Canyo Cristales.

Still, Caño Cristales is not quite a colorful body of water. The fact is that the water in the river is clear! This distinguishes Caño Cristales from those colored rivers in which the water has a certain color due to impurities.

The unusual color of the waters of Canyo Cristales is provided by algae and mosses. For the same reason, the shades of water in the river change periodically - in accordance with the life cycles of algae.

The most beautiful Caño Cristales is from June to November. At this time, tourists come here, on the territory of the Macarena Reserve, to admire the surprisingly rich palette of the Crystal River.

From most other bodies of water with colored water. Caño Cristales is distinguished by its amazing multicolor. Usually in a colored pond, one shade dominates. But in Canyo Cristales there are algae and mosses of different colors: yellow and red, blue and lilac, green and black. During the period when the color of the algae is most saturated, the river becomes like an abstractionist's canvas, over which spots of paint are spilled.

Caño Cristales flows along a rocky channel. The underwater landscape is extremely bizarre. The river bed is dotted with natural depressions, in some places miniature cascades, small waterfalls or natural "baths" are formed. Tourists like to take pictures in such stone baths. The unusual rocky landscape adds to the beauty of Canyo Cristales. If the color of the river resembles an artistic canvas, then the relief is the work of an abstract sculptor!

The water, as already mentioned, is exceptionally transparent (so the river fully justifies its name). Nothing prevents you from seeing the relief of the bottom and admiring the fluffy algae - sometimes purple, sometimes green, sometimes pink, sometimes yellow, sometimes lilac ...

You can swim here, but you can't drink the water. An amazing thing: the water in Cano Cristales is not poisonous, moreover, it is almost distilled. But it does not contain minerals and salts necessary for the human body, and therefore this water is not suitable for drinking.

Humanitarian Institute of Donetsk National University- higher educational institution of the state form of ownership in Donetsk. Has III level of accreditation.

The Institute is divided into two faculties: culturological and musical-pedagogical; Departments of Cultural Studies, Musicology, Philology. Has full-time and part-time education. The bachelor and specialist in the specialties "Culturology" (specializations "Organization of cultural and leisure activities", "Theory and History of Culture"), "Music Pedagogy and Education" (specialization "World Artistic Culture"), "Russian Language" and Literature” (specialization “World Artistic Culture”).

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The Institute unites three departments:

Department of Sociology and Political Science;
- Department of Philosophy;
- Department of history and law.

The Social and Humanitarian Institute was established in 2015 by the decision of the Academic Council of DonNTU, its director is Ragozin Nikolai Petrovich, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Honorary Professor of DonNTU, Head of the Department of Sociology and Political Science.

Department of Sociology and Political Science founded in DonNTU in 1991 as a department of cultural studies. Over time, the department absorbed the Department of Political Sciences and the Department of Sociology and Psychology. At present, the department has become a multidisciplinary educational and scientific university-wide division, uniting specialists from various socio-political and humanitarian disciplines.

The department consists of three sections - cultural studies, sociology and political science, psychology and pedagogy. The department has 1 doctor of science, professor, 6 candidates of science, associate professors and 1 teacher.

The department provides reading in DonNTU of courses on sociology, political science, psychology and pedagogy, history of Ukrainian culture, as well as special courses for the master's degree in public administration and for students of economic specialties.

In September 1958, at the Donetsk National Technical University (at that time - an industrial institute) was established Department of Philosophy, the initial teaching staff of which consisted of 7 people.

In the late 90s - early 2000s, a postgraduate school was opened at the department, which continues to train scientific personnel in the specialty 09.00.01 "Social Philosophy" even today.

From November 2014 to the present, the department is headed by T. E. Ragozina, Ph.D. n., associate professor.

Research work, which began at the department in the 60s, has traditionally been devoted to the study of the problems of humanization of science, technology, and education for many years. This scientific direction was developed in the cathedral guests, scientific conferences, collections of materials prepared and published by the department. The most significant among them were: "Scientific and technical creativity: methodological and socio-economic problems" (1990); "Humanization of Education at a Technical University" (1994); "Philosophy and humanistic values ​​in modern engineering education" (1998). The traditional "Vernadsky Readings" became an important scientific event. Since 2001, this conference has gained international status and was regularly held in DonNTU (2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2010, 2013). The teachers of the department have also accumulated a versatile experience in educational, methodological, research and educational work. In recent years, the creative team of philosophers of DonNTU has written and published textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine - "Philosophy for students of technical universities", "Philosophy of science and technology", "Logic", "Ethics and aesthetics", "Religious studies".

In the autumn of 2014, the second birth of the Department of Philosophy of DonNTU took place. In the most difficult conditions, the staff of the department not only survived, but also replenished its ranks, accepting new employees.

The scientific life of the department did not stop and did not stop for a minute either. This found its expression in the approval of the new cathedral hospitality, which became "Culture and Civilization: Methodological Problems of Cultural and Historical Development", which determined a new direction in the development of philosophical problems submitted to scientific conferences. So, since the spring of 2015, the department has held four international scientific conferences, in which not only representatives of the philosophical community of the DPR and LPR, but also scientists from Russia and Belarus took part (in particular, such cities as Smolensk, Voronezh, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Belgorod, Tula, Volgograd, Rostov-on-Don, Simferopol, Omsk, Minsk).

As a result of the conference, collections of scientific papers were published:

  1. "Culture and spiritual production" / Proceedings of the international scientific conference on April 24, 2015 / Ed. editor Ph. philos. n., Assoc. Ragozina T. E. - Donetsk, 2015. - 250 p.
  2. "Forms and mechanisms of socio-historical continuity" / Proceedings of the international scientific conference on April 22, 2016 / Ed. editor Ph.D. in Philosophy, Assoc. Ragozina T. E. - Donetsk, 2016. - 236 p.
  3. "Subjective and objective in the historical process" / Proceedings of the international scientific conference on April 21, 2017 / Ed. editor Ph.D. in Philosophy, Assoc. Ragozina T. E. - Donetsk, 2017. - 402 p.
  4. "Marxism and modernity: alternatives of the XXI century" / Proceedings of the international scientific conference on April 27, 2018 / Ed. editor Ph.D. in Philosophy, Assoc. Ragozina T. E. - Donetsk, 2018. - 220 p.

In the spring of 2015, the Department of Philosophy, under the auspices of the Educational and Scientific Center "Social and Humanitarian Institute" of DonNTU, which she entered together with the departments "Sociology and Political Science" and "History and Law", established and registered a new scientific philosophical journal "Culture and Civilization (Donetsk)”, the first seven issues of which were published from December 2015 to December 2018. The journal is included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications of the Higher Attestation Commission of the DPR (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the DPR No. 1134 dated November 1, 2016), the scientometric database of the RSCI (agreement with the RSCI No. 425-07 / 2016 of June 14, 2016), and is also included in the scientometric database " CyberLeninka.

The good tradition of holding debatable student clubs and conferences was not forgotten either. In particular, from May 2015 to May 2018, regular scientific student conferences were held, culminating in the publication of collections of students' abstracts, a special place among which is occupied by the collection of materials "Socio-political and ideological foundations of extremism and terrorism" / Materials of the student scientific conference on May 19 2017 // Rep. Editors - Ragozin N. P., Sarzhan A. A., Ragozina T. E. - Donetsk, DonNTU, 2017. - 143 p.;

In the fall of 2018, the staff of the department celebrated its 60th anniversary. All this suggests that the Department of Philosophy is focused on the future, that its staff is full of creative plans and ideas.

Department of History and Law On August 8, 1958, on the basis of the Department of the Foundations of Marxism-Leninism, founded in 1938 and which provided the teaching of historical courses, 2 independent departments were created: “History of the CPSU” and “Philosophy”. In May 1990, the Department of the History of the CPSU was renamed the Department of Political History, and in June 1992, the Department of History. Since September 1994, the section of jurisprudence has been included in its structure. In January 2001, the department was renamed to the Department of History and Law. Over the years, the department was headed by: R. I. Roytblat (1943-1945), V. I. Savchuk (1945-1949), S. S. Goltsova (1949-1953), M. V. Arambalik (1953-1956), M. F. Khoroshailov (1956-1960), G. Ya. Ponomarenko (1960-1973), M. P. Titenko (1974-1984). Since 1984, the head of the department is Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor A. A. Sarzhan. The department has 2 doctors of sciences, professors, 9 candidates of sciences, 3 senior lecturers and 1 assistant.

Over the years of its existence, the department has carried out a significant amount of educational, methodological and scientific work, actively participated in the education of students. Its team provides teaching of historical and jurisprudence courses for students of all faculties and specialties. To improve the efficiency of the educational process, various teaching methods are used that activate cognitive activity. Prepared and published a number of original teaching aids: in 1990 - 1993. - three parts of the manual for the course "Political history of the twentieth century"; in 1992 and 1998 - on the course "History of Ukraine". The department for the first time among the technical universities of Ukraine issued a textbook on the course "Science and Technology in the History of Society" (1992). A number of methodological manuals on jurisprudence have been prepared. In 1998, Professor Sarzhan A. A., based on a comprehensive analysis of modern history, issued the first textbook entitled “The Recent History of Donbass (1945-1999)” certified by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine. In total, over the past decade, more than 80 teaching aids have been developed.

Teachers of the department constantly and actively carry out research work. A significant contribution was made to the study of the history of the Donetsk region. Professor M.F. Khoroshaylov published 2 monographs on the history of the development of Donbass at the beginning of the 20th century, Assoc. L. T. Prokofiev - on the history of the partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War. Many teachers took part in the preparation of fundamental scientific publications: “History of the technical development of the coal industry of Donbass” (1969), “History of the workers of Donbass” (1981), “History of cities and villages of the Ukrainian SSR. Donetsk region "(1976) and others.

The modern direction of the scientific work of the department is the study of socio-economic, political, ethno-cultural processes of the modern history of Ukraine. In 1998 prof. A. A. Sarzhan published the monograph "Socio-economic and political processes in the Donbass (1945-1998)", and prof. VV Lipinskiy in 2000 published a monograph "Formation and development of a new system of education in the Ukrainian SSR in the 20s". The department has repeatedly taken part in the organization of scientific conferences. In 1991, the first republican conference "Political parties and social movements in the USSR: theory, history and modernity" was organized, in 1993-1996. the team took part in a number of regional conferences "Donbass: past, present, future", from 2003 to 2006. three All-Ukrainian scientific conferences "Regional policy of Ukraine: history, modern conceptual foundations, prospects" and others were held. Much attention is paid to student scientific work. In recent years, the department has consistently ranked first at the university among the departments of the humanities. In May 2007, the third International Scientific and Practical Student Conference "History of the statehood of Ukraine: new ideas and modern views" was held.

In 2007, an agreement of intent was signed between the Department of History and Law of the Donetsk National Technical University and the Department of Cultural Studies of the Grodno State University (Belarus).
The joint work of the departments provides:

  • information support;
  • joint holding of conferences;
  • exchange of scientific and pedagogical personnel with the aim of improving qualifications, exchanging experience, giving lectures and courses;
  • joint development of research topics;
  • facilitating the publication of works in scientific journals of their educational institutions.

Further development of this agreement provides for reaching the level of interuniversity cooperation.

The educational process at the department is conducted by 2 doctors of sciences, professors, 5 candidates of sciences, associate professors, 1 candidate of sciences, senior lecturer, 3 senior lecturers.

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