Professional growth of a teacher Obtaining grants through the Teacher Career Portal. Republican Expert Commission for the Implementation of Grant Support for Professional Growth of Teachers of General Educational Institutions of the Republic of Tatars

Traditionally, at the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication. Leo Tolstoy passed regular November advanced training courses for pedagogical workers - teachers of the English language of the Republic of Tatarstan. A group of 20 students was represented by teachers from secondary schools in Kazan and various districts of the Republic of Tatarstan: Aznakaevsky, Aktanyshsky, Alekseevsky, Buinsky, Bugulminsky, Mamadyshsky, Nurlatsky, Sabinsky, Cheremshansky and many others. The advanced training program for teachers implementing programs of basic and secondary general education in a foreign language (English) "Improving the professional competencies of an English teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of the OO" takes into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of the LLC. After passing the remote stage, as part of full-time training, from November 14 to November 25, students attended the following courses: “The main provisions of the Federal Law No. 273 - FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”. Professional standard of a teacher”, “Activity of a class teacher in the prevention of religious radicalism, extremism and terrorism”, “Workshop on improving listening skills”; "Modern technologies for the formation of English speaking skills"; "Workshop on improving the skills of reading foreign texts"; "Ethno-cultural component in teaching English: intercultural parallels in languages ​​with different structures"; "Technology of integrated subject-language teaching - CLIL"; “Project activities of students and teachers in the information educational environment”, “Using GOOGLE cloud technologies in education” and others, got acquainted with such modern platforms as: “Coursera”, “Edx”, “FutureLearn”, which aroused great interest, as well as the Moodle platform on the site site. Teachers of the Department of Contrastive Linguistics Assoc. Mingazova N.G., senior lecturer Shelestova O.V., senior lecturer Subich V.G., Assoc. Gafiyatova E.V., Assoc. Samarkina N.O., Assoc. Deputatova N.A., Assoc. Fazlyeva Z.Kh., Assoc. Shangaraeva L.F., Department of Educational Technologies and Information Systems in Philology prof. Salekhova L.L., Assoc. Lukoyanova M.A., senior lecturer Khusainova A.Kh., Art. teacher Pimenova T.S., teachers of PMTsPKiPPRO KFU prof. Shaikhelislamov R.F., Assoc. Osipovskaya M.P. and Assoc. Shtreter Yu.N. presented meaningful lectures with a practical focus. Representative of Cambridge publishing house Pushkin A.E. introduced the audience to new teaching aids, and the most active and interested participants received gifts from the publishing house.

The students completed an internship at the IFMK KFU on the topics "Teaching EFL: a glimpse into History" (senior teacher Pimenova T.S.), "Preparation for the international exam in the methodology of teaching English" (Associate Professor Gafiyatova E.V. .), “The use of GOOGLE cloud technologies in education” (st. teacher Khusainova A.Kh.), as well as on the basis of the leading educational organizations of Kazan - internship sites recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan: MAOU “Secondary School No. 165 with in-depth study of English" Novo-Savinovsky district of Kazan on the topic "Using a communicative approach in teaching English" (director Shamsutdinov A.I.), and MBOU "Secondary school No. 132 with in-depth study of foreign languages" Novo- Savinovsky district of Kazan on the topic "Using a communicative approach in teaching English" (director Osipova O.A.).

The courses ended with a final certification, held in the form of a round table, at which teachers defended design work on the following topics:

The use of reading teaching technologies when working with texts in English in the USE format.

Opportunities and prospects for using interactive teaching methods in English lessons at school.

Technologies for teaching speaking in preparation for the oral part of the exam in English.

Interactive teaching methods in English lessons at school.

Master class - a quest as a way to increase the motivation of students' learning activities in English lessons.

The students of the program highly appreciated both the organized internship and the program as a whole, which gave them the opportunity to get acquainted with new trends in the development of the English language, learn not only to use electronic technologies in English, but also create blogs to improve their teaching activities. As a result of the advanced training course, the students agreed that thanks to the well-organized, efficient, highly professional work of teachers of Kazan Federal University, they managed to understand new trends in learning and teaching English, create a more streamlined system of their own knowledge in the field of learning English and apply them to practice using innovative teaching methods.

We hope that this program will contribute to the development of competitive youth of our republic, create a new energy-information field of interaction, uniting foreign language learners and professional teachers teaching it.

On August 16, 2016, in the city of Innopolis, within the framework of the Republican August meeting of educators, the section “ Professional growth and career of a teacher: main directions and results» with the participation of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov.

The main purpose of the section was to discuss the issues of professional formation and development of a young and creative teacher. About his role in the upbringing of a new generation of Tatarstan residents.

More than 300 representatives from the education system took part in the work of the section: these are teachers-mentors, young teachers (3-5 years of experience), chairmen of the board of directors of schools in municipalities, representatives of the DPO, deputy heads of the regional public organization for educational and educational institutions, heads of the regional public organization, heads of trade union organizations , teachers of the Higher School of Economics, educational organizations in Moscow, etc.

At the same time, within the framework of the section, a forum of young teachers " Professional growth and career of a teacher».

The forum was attended by 200 young teachers, graduates of universities and colleges, starting to work in educational institutions of the republic since September 2016.

The participants of the section and the forum were presented with the exhibition "Electronic Education-2016", a tour of the Technopark and the University "Innopolis".

More about the work of the section

The work of the section consisted of the work of 4 small plenums, which were held at the Innopolis University, where the participants were able to work fruitfully and creatively.

So within the framework of the small plenum 1 on the topic “How to build a career ladder for a teacher? Motivation for professional development and professional standard, which was hosted by Lenskaya Elena Anatolyevna, Dean of the Faculty of Management in Education, OANO Moscow Higher School of Social and Economic Sciences, Ph.D., Moscow, with the participants of the section considered the following questions:

  • Horizontal teaching career. What is a successful teacher afraid of?
  • What is the image of a modern young teacher of a mass school?
  • How to evaluate the work of a teacher?
  • What changes the new professional standard of the teacher?
  • The professional standard of the teacher as the basis for the formation of the personnel policy of the school and others.
  • Participants of the small plenum 2 on the topic: “ What is considered professional development? Models for advanced training of leaders of educational organizations» under the guidance of Logvinova Irina Mikhailovna, Deputy Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Education « Institute for Education Development Strategy» of the Russian Academy of Education, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Moscow discussed the following issues:

  • Why and who needs a system of advanced training?
  • What do experienced teachers and leaders expect from advanced training?
  • How to evaluate the quality of professional development programs?
  • Alternative forms of teacher training.
  • Small plenum 3 on the topic " What teacher do we need? Position of the employer". He worked under the guidance of Efim Lazarevich Rachevsky, director of the Tsaritsyno Education Center No. 548, People's Teacher of Russia, member of the Expert Council under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow. During the plenum, the participants had the opportunity to consider the following issues:

  • What do teachers think about their profession?
  • Teacher: professional development motivation
  • Readiness of teachers to work in modern conditions
  • Professional development in a changing world
  • Professional standard of the manager: issues of development and application.
  • Small plenum 4 under the guidance of Professor of the Higher School of Economics, Ph.D., Ushakov Konstantin Mikhailovich worked on the topic " Modern ways of professional development of teachers and leaders". Where the questions were discussed:

  • Professional development as an incentive and resource for a young teacher
  • New teacher competencies
  • Career strategies in an educational organization
  • Professional structure of an educational organization
  • At the plenary session of the section the hosts of the small plenums made presentations:

  • Professional development of teaching staff of the Republic of Tatarstan: main directions and results. Fattakhov EN, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan;
  • Professional growth and career of a teacher in the world: what and how teachers are taught? Lenskaya E.A., Head of the Center of the Higher School of Economics (Moscow);
  • Professional development of teachers: new meanings and practices. Logvinova I.M., Deputy Director of the Institute for the Strategy of Education of the Russian Academy of Education (Moscow);
  • Professional standard of the manager: issues of development and application. Rachevsky E.L., director of the Tsaritsyno Education Center No. 548 (Moscow);
  • Professional structure as a resource for the development of an educational organization. Ushakov K.M., Professor, Institute of Education Management, Higher School of Economics (Moscow).

    After the end of the section, all participants took part in the solemn ceremony of initiation of young teachers into the profession "Teacher".

    More about the work of the forum of young teachers

    Young teachers, graduates of universities and colleges, starting to work in general educational organizations of the republic since September 2016, met in the forum format for the first time.

    Within the framework of the forum, professional meetings were held: new teachers and teacher-mentors and master classes for young teachers.

    The President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov took part in the forum. The President visited the exhibition "Electronic Education-2016" and took part in the solemn ceremony of initiation into the profession "Teacher" of university graduates - new teachers.

    One of the important events of the forum was the solemn ceremony of initiation of young teachers into the profession of "Teacher".

    The ceremony of initiation into the profession was held in the republic for the first time. It is very important that young teachers, before starting their teaching career, heard parting words from the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov and many leaders who have achieved the highest results in the professional field of "Teacher".

    Young teachers were given personalized certificates to receive a laptop from the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as literature for professional development.

  • Photo from the site:

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    President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov took part in a solemn meeting with young teachers.
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    In order to further stimulate teachers of general educational organizations of the republic to increase the level of professional competencies in pedagogical activity and develop their creative potential, as well as disseminate the best pedagogical experience, increase the prestige of pedagogical work, I order:

    1. Approve the attached Regulations on grants for teachers of general education.

    2. Establish that the funding of grant support is carried out at the expense of the funds provided for by the summary estimate of the Ministry.

    3. I reserve control over the execution of this Order.

    Deputy Prime Minister
    Republic of Tatarstan - Minister


    by order
    Ministry of Education and Science
    Republic of Tatarstan
    dated January 12, 2017 N sub-33/17

    1. General Provisions

    1.1. Grant support for the professional growth of teachers of general educational institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan (hereinafter referred to as the Grant Support) was established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan (hereinafter referred to as the Ministry) in order to further stimulate teachers of general educational institutions of the republic to improve their professional competencies in teaching activities and develop their creative potential. Grant support will be provided in 2017.

    Grant support is intended for teachers of the first and highest category who meet the criteria and requirements established by this Regulation, relating to teaching staff of the education system of the Republic of Tatarstan, implementing the main educational programs of general education in general educational organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan in the following subjects: Russian language, Tatar language, literature , Chuvash language, Udmurt language, Mari language, English language, German language, French language, mathematics, computer science, chemistry, physics, biology, geography, history, social studies, physical culture, technology, fine arts (world art culture), teachers of fundamentals life safety, as well as primary school teachers (hereinafter referred to as the Grantee).

    1.2. For the implementation of Grant support for teachers with the first qualification category, two nominations are introduced: "Senior teacher" and "Master teacher".

    For the implementation of Grant support for teachers with the highest qualification category, two nominations are introduced: "Teacher-mentor" and "Teacher-expert".

    Teachers can take part in the competition for Grant support in 2017, including the winners of the Grant Support for Professional Growth of Teachers of the First Category of General Educational Organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan in 2016, teachers who are winners of the Grant Support for Professional Growth of Teachers of General Educational Institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan in the nominations: "Teacher- Mentor" and "Teacher-Expert" 2016.

    The Applicant for Grant Support in the category "Senior Teacher" must have the first qualification category received for the first time, provide a description of the project aimed at the professional development of the Grantee in 2017.

    An applicant for grant support in the nomination "Teacher-master" must have the first qualification category, repeatedly confirmed, have students - winners of the municipal stage of the republican Olympiads or be a teacher - winner and / or prize-winner of the municipal or republican stage of professional skills competitions over the past 3 years , propose a description of a project that could be implemented in the municipal area in 2017 and aimed at the development of students (in the subject area taught).

    An applicant for grant support in the nomination "Teacher-mentor" must have the highest qualification category. The applicant in the person of a subject teacher must have students - winners of the municipal stage of the republican Olympiads over the past 3 years (at least one student who is the winner for 2 years in a row, or at least two winners in one year); be a teacher - winner and / or prize-winner of the municipal or republican stage of professional skills competitions over the past 3 years. The applicant in the person of a primary school teacher must have students - winners and / or prize-winners of the municipal stage of the republican Olympiads over the past 4 years; be the winner and / or prize-winner of the municipal or republican stages of professional skills competitions over the past 3 years.

    An applicant for grant support in the nomination "Teacher-expert" must have the highest qualification category. The applicant must have students - winners and / or prize-winners of republican, and / or All-Russian, and / or international Olympiads over the past 3 years (one student who is the winner and / or prize-winner for 2 years in a row, or at least two winners and / or prize-winners for one year); be a teacher - a member of one of the expert groups of the republican level (attestation, state final attestation, subject Olympiads) for the last 3 years. The applicant in the person of a primary school teacher must have students - winners and / or prize-winners of the Republican Olympiads over the past 4 years; winners and / or prize-winners of the intellectual competitions "Kangaroo", "Bear cub" of the republican level over the past 4 years; be a teacher - a member of the expert group of the republican level for attestation during the last 3 years.

    Teachers whose students have had unsatisfactory results in the last three years following the results of the unified state exam (USE) have not received a certificate of basic general education (due to poor performance in the designated subject) , as well as primary school teachers who have unsatisfactory results of evaluation procedures within the framework of the republican system for assessing the quality of education (All-Russian testing works (hereinafter - VPR) in grades 2-4, the national study of the quality of education (hereinafter - NIKO)).

    The Grant Support Applicant must be a full-time employee of a general education organization in the position of "Teacher" at the main place of work.

    1.3. Grant support in the nomination "Senior teacher" is a monthly payment in the amount of 4,000 (four thousand) rubles, in the nomination "Teacher-master" - in the amount of 5,000 (five thousand) rubles, in the nomination "Teacher-mentor" - in the amount of 8 000 (eight thousand) rubles, in the nomination "Teacher-expert" - in the amount of 10,000 (ten thousand) rubles, excluding taxes on personal income and insurance contributions to the Pension Fund, the Social Insurance Fund, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

    Funds allocated for Grant Support are intended for monthly payment to Grantees within 11 months.

    Grant support is provided to 280 grant recipients in the "Senior Teacher" nomination, 300 grant recipients in the "Master Teacher" nomination; 150 grantees - in the nomination "Teacher-mentor", 108 grantees - in the nomination "Teacher-expert".

    1.4. Competitive selection of applicants for Grant support is carried out in two stages from February 7 to February 28, 2017 in the manner prescribed by these Regulations. At the first stage, a documentary competitive selection will be carried out, following which the second stage will be held - a face-to-face interview. The selection is carried out by the Republican Expert Commission for the implementation of grant support for the professional growth of teachers of general educational institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan, formed by the Ministry in accordance with Section 2 of these Regulations.

    1.5. The decision to provide Grant support is not made if knowingly false or false information about the teacher is revealed during the period of his participation in the competition for grant support and during its implementation.

    1.6. In case of termination of labor relations with the Grantee or the Grantee goes on parental leave until the child reaches the age of three years, the decision to provide Grant support is canceled, payments are terminated.

    The educational organization in which the Grant Recipient worked must inform the department (department) of education of the municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan about the termination of labor relations with the Grant Recipient or about the Grant Recipient going on parental leave until he reaches the age of three years within 2 (two) working days ( hereinafter - the department (department) of education), on the territory of which this educational organization is located. In turn, the department (department) of education of the municipal district is obliged to inform the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan within 5 (five) working days after dismissal or going on parental leave until the child reaches the age of three years.

    2. Republican Expert Commission for the implementation of the Grant support for the professional growth of teachers of general educational institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan

    2.1. The Republican Expert Commission for the implementation of the Grant Support for the Professional Growth of Teachers of General Educational Institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan (hereinafter referred to as the Republican Expert Commission) is formed by the Ministry in order to select teachers to provide Grant Support, consisting of the chairman of the commission, deputy chairman, secretary and members of the commission in the amount of 9 (nine) people .

    2.2. The Republican Expert Commission has the right to:

    request materials and information from the Republican Olympiad Center, the Republican Center for Monitoring the Quality of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan, municipal education authorities and other organizations on issues within the competence of the commission;

    if necessary, involve specialists for additional examination of competitive materials from the Republican Olympiad Center, the Republican Center for Monitoring the Quality of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan, municipal education authorities, 1 representative each.

    2.3. The meetings of the Republican Expert Commission are chaired by the Chairman of the Republican Expert Commission, and in his absence - by the Deputy Chairman of the Republican Expert Commission. Meetings of the Republican Expert Commission are considered competent if more than half of its members are present.

    2.4. The personal composition of the Republican Expert Commission is approved by the order of the Ministry.

    2.5. Decisions of the Republican Expert Commission are made by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Commission present at the meeting by open voting. In case of equality of votes, the chairman's vote is decisive.

    2.6. The decision of the Republican Expert Commission is drawn up in a protocol, which is signed by the chairman of the commission, and in his absence - by the deputy chairman of the commission.

    3. The procedure for submitting documents, applications and holding a competition for the provision of Grant support

    3.1. The competition for grant support is held on the basis of the order of the Ministry.

    3.2. The Ministry, no later than February 7, 2017, announces a competition for the provision of Grant support by posting an order "On grant support for the professional growth of teachers of general educational institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan" on the official website of the Ministry (

    3.3. To participate in the competition for grant support, applicants submit to the Ministry the documents specified in clause 3.4 of these Regulations and fill in the required fields on the website (

    name, patronymic, surname, date of birth, gender, place of work, name of the municipal district, subject, general teaching experience, academic degree, academic title, qualification category, awards, titles.

    3.4. Applicants for Grant Support - teachers of the first category submit the following documents for the competition:

    documents confirming the presence of the first qualification category received for the first time or repeatedly (extracts from the order);

    in the nomination "Teacher-master" - supporting documents on the presence of students-winners of the municipal stage of the republican Olympiads or on becoming a teacher-winner and / or prize-winner of the municipal or republican stage of professional skill competitions over the past 3 years;

    motivation letter:

    in the nomination "Senior teacher", based on the five competencies of the teacher's professional growth model of the Republic of Tatarstan, it is necessary to reflect the problems and prospects for the development of teaching in the subject area with a special emphasis on the personal contribution that the applicant can make to this work if he improves his professional level;

    in the nomination "Teacher-master", based on the five competencies of the model of professional growth of a teacher of the Republic of Tatarstan, it is necessary to reflect the vision of the problems and prospects for the development of students (in the subject area taught) in the schools of the Republic of Tatarstan and the contribution that the applicant can make to this work;

    in the nomination "Senior teacher" description of the project aimed at the professional development of the Grantee in 2017:

    in the nomination "Teacher-master" a description of the project that could be implemented in the municipal district in 2017, aimed at the development of students (in the subject area being taught);

    recall of the director of the general educational organization in which the applicant works, agreed with the head of the department (department) of education of the municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan (Appendices 1, 2 to this Regulation).

    Applicants for Grant support - teachers of the highest category submit the following documents to the competition:

    in the nomination "Teacher-mentor" - no more than 5 documents for subject teachers: 2 - 3 diplomas of students, 1 - 2 diplomas of teachers on the presence of students - winners of the municipal stage of the republican Olympiads over the past 3 years (at least one student who is the winner 2 years in a row; or at least two winners in one year); about becoming a teacher - winner and / or prize-winner of the municipal or republican stage of professional skills competitions over the past 3 years; no more than 5 documents for primary school teachers: 2 - 3 diplomas of students, 1 - 2 diplomas of teachers on the presence of students - winners and / or prize-winners of the municipal stage of the republican Olympiads over the past 4 years; about becoming a teacher - winner and / or prize-winner of the municipal or republican stage of professional skills competitions over the past 3 years;

    motivation letter:

    based on the five competencies of the model of professional growth of a teacher in the Republic of Tatarstan, describe the vision of the problems and prospects for the development of mentoring and tutoring in schools of the Republic of Tatarstan and what contribution can be made to this work;

    plan for the development of mentoring / tutoring activities of teachers of the Republic of Tatarstan;

    feedback from the head of the department (department) of the formation of the municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan (Appendix 3 to this Appendix);

    in the nomination "Teacher-expert" - no more than 4 documents for subject teachers: 2 - 3 diplomas of students, 1 teacher's document on the presence of students - winners and / or prize-winners of republican, and / or all-Russian, and / or international Olympiads during the last 3 years (one student who is a winner and/or prize-winner for 2 years in a row, or at least two winners and/or prize-winners in one year); about becoming a teacher - a member of one of the expert groups of the republican level (attestation, state final attestation, subject Olympiads) over the past 3 years; no more than 4 documents for primary school teachers: 2 - 3 students' diplomas, 1 teacher's document on the presence of students - winners and / or prize-winners of republican olympiads over the past 4 years; winners and / or prize-winners of the intellectual competitions "Kangaroo", "Bear cub" of the republican level over the past 4 years; about becoming a teacher - a member of the expert group of the republican level for attestation during the last 3 years;

    feedback from the head of the department (department) of the formation of the municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan (Appendix 4 to this Regulation);

    in the nomination "Teacher-expert" - a review of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan on the work of the applicant as an expert in his subject area (Appendix 5 to this Regulation).

    3.5. Documents are sent electronically to the official website ( no later than February 13, 2017. If documents are submitted later than the specified deadline, the applicant is not allowed to participate in the competition.

    3.6. Until February 16, 2017 for teachers of the highest category, until February 18, 2017 for teachers of the first category, the Republican Expert Commission conducts a preliminary examination of the submitted documents. At the same time, in relation to each package of documents, written expert opinions on the compliance of documents with the requirements of this Regulation are drawn up by two members of the Republican Expert Commission.

    3.7. Based on the analysis of the submitted materials, applicants whose documents meet the requirements of this Regulation are selected for further consideration by the Republican Expert Commission at the stage of in-person selection, which will take place from February 20 to February 21, 2017 for teachers of the highest category, from February 22 to February 24, 2017 for teachers the first category, according to the schedule approved by the chairman of the commission. The schedule no later than February 18, 2017 is sent in the electronic document management system to the educational authorities of the municipal districts of the Republic of Tatarstan.

    3.8. The Republican Expert Commission conducts an in-person stage of selection of applicants for grant support in the form of an individual interview.

    To select recipients of Grant support on the official website, each member of the Republican Expert Commission is provided with a login and password to enter the system. During the face-to-face interview, the commission reviews the teacher's profile and the results of the verification of documents, including the comments made by two experts in the analysis of the submitted materials. The applicant during the conversation is assessed on 5 competencies: a successful leader; innovative practitioner; active citizen; competent teacher; responsible mentor. Members of the Republican Expert Commission give points from 0 to 5 for all five competencies. As a result, an average score is displayed for each teacher, taking into account the assessments of all experts. Based on the rating of the points scored, the winners are determined in the amount specified in clause 1.3 of these Regulations, taking into account all subjects.

    3.9. According to the results of the competition, the Republican Expert Commission until February 24 and 25, 2017 forms and approves lists of grant recipients for teachers of the highest and first qualification categories, respectively.

    3.10. The Ministry posts the approved list of grant recipients on its official website until February 27 and 28, 2017 for teachers of the highest and first qualification categories, respectively.

    4. Final provisions

    4.1. Financing of the Grant support is carried out at the expense of the funds provided for by the summary estimate of the Ministry.

    4.2. Grant support is provided to the budgets of municipalities in the form of other interbudgetary transfers in accordance with the order of the Ministry "On the results of the grant support for the professional growth of teachers of general education organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan in 2017".

    The basis for the transfer of the subsidy is an agreement between the Ministry and the municipality of the Republic of Tatarstan on the provision of other interbudgetary transfers from the budget of the Republic of Tatarstan to the budget of the municipality for grant support.

    4.3. In the event of termination of the Grant Recipient's employment relationship with an educational organization, going on parental leave until the child reaches the age of three years, the decision to provide Grant Support is canceled and payments are terminated. At the same time, the Grantee must return to the budget of the Republic of Tatarstan the funds paid to him after his dismissal, going on parental leave until he reaches the age of three years.

    4.5. In December 2017, the Grantees are required to submit to the Ministry a report on the implementation of the project activities specified in the motivation letter. The final report on the effectiveness of the implementation of Grant support in 2017 is posted by the Ministry on its official website ( no later than February 20, 2018.

    4.6. Refusal to provide Grant Support may be appealed by the teacher in accordance with the procedure established by law.

    Annex 1. Feedback

    Appendix 1

    teacher professional development
    educational organizations
    Republic of Tatarstan

    Chairman of the Republican

    professional growth support

    general education teachers

    organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan

    science of the Republic of Tatarstan "Senior teacher" is sent


    (last name, first name, patronymic, qualification (in which year it was awarded), position,

    place of work)

    (Based on the five competencies of the Teacher Professional Growth Model of the Republic of Tatarstan, please describe the grant applicant and explain why he (a) should receive the "Senior Teacher" grant to realize his professional growth).

    I confirm that the grant applicant has no students with unsatisfactory results at the end of the Unified State Examination and who have not received a certificate of basic general education at the end of the Unified State Examination (due to poor performance in the designated subject) over the past three years.

    Director (name of educational institution) / /

    Head of department (department) / /

    education (name of the municipal area)

    Republic of Tatarstan MP

    Annex 2. Feedback

    Annex 2
    to the Regulations on grant support
    teacher professional development
    educational organizations
    Republic of Tatarstan

    Chairman of the Republican

    expert commission

    grant support

    teacher professional development

    educational organizations

    Republic of Tatarstan

    To participate in the competition for a grant from the Ministry of Education and

    science of the Republic of Tatarstan "Teacher-master" is sent



    Successful leader
    How successful was the teacher in initiating educational and educational activities for students in their school/municipal area? Please describe in detail

    Innovative Practitioner
    Does the teacher have experience in conducting non-standard activities in the area of ​​teaching for students in their school/municipal area (innovative forms and methods of conducting activities and/or innovative content of activities)? Please describe in detail

    Active Citizen
    How successfully does a teacher develop spiritual and moral values ​​and patriotic education in students? Please describe in detail

    Competent teacher
    How well does the teacher teach his subject to the students in his school? Please describe in detail

    Responsible Mentor
    How successful is the teacher as a mentor to students and/or teachers in his/her school? Please describe in detail

    Annex 3. Feedback

    Annex 3
    to the Regulations on grant support
    teacher professional development
    educational organizations
    Republic of Tatarstan

    Chairman of the Republican

    expert committee on grant

    professional growth support

    general education teachers

    organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan

    To participate in the competition for a grant from the Ministry of Education and

    science of the Republic of Tatarstan "Teacher-mentor" is sent



    (last name, first name, patronymic, qualification, position, place of work)

    Successful leader
    Did the teacher show initiative in organizing mentoring activities? Please describe in detail

    Innovative Practitioner
    Does the teacher have experience in developing innovative mentoring programs? Please describe in detail

    Active Citizen
    Does the teacher have experience in organizing (or participating in) mentoring programs aimed at developing spiritual and moral values ​​and patriotic education in students? Please describe in detail

    Competent teacher
    Do the mentoring programs implemented by the teacher comply with the educational standards of the Russian Federation and the best international practices? Please describe in detail

    Responsible Mentor
    Has the candidate contributed to the professional development of teachers at the school/municipal/republican levels? Please describe in detail

    Head of department (management)


    Annex 4. Feedback

    Appendix 4
    to the Regulations on grant support
    teacher professional development
    educational organizations
    Republic of Tatarstan

    Chairman of the Republican

    expert committee on grant

    professional growth support

    general education teachers

    organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan

    To participate in the competition for a grant from the Ministry of Education and

    science of the Republic of Tatarstan "Teacher-expert" is sent



    (last name, first name, patronymic, qualification, position, place of work)

    Successful leader
    How successfully has the teacher previously led research projects in their subject area? Please name these projects

    Innovative Practitioner
    Does the teacher have experience in developing innovative teaching methods in their subject area? Please describe in detail

    Active Citizen
    Does the teacher have experience in introducing elements of the development of spiritual and moral values ​​and patriotic education in the teaching of his subject area? Please describe in detail

    Competent teacher
    Is the teacher an expert in teaching and learning in their subject area? Please describe in detail

    Responsible Mentor
    What are the positive results of the teacher's work as a mentor for other teachers in the Republic of Tatarstan? Please describe in detail

    I confirm that the grant applicant does not have students with unsatisfactory results at the end of the Unified State Examination and who have not received a certificate of basic general education at the end of the Unified State Examination (due to poor performance in the designated subject), who have unsatisfactory results of assessment procedures within the framework of the republican system for assessing the quality of education of all-Russian testing works in 2 - 4 grades, a national study of the quality of education over the past three years.

    Head of department (management)

    formation of the executive committee / /


    Appendix 5

    Annex 5
    to the Regulations on grant support
    teacher professional development
    educational organizations
    Republic of Tatarstan

    Chairman of the Republican

    expert committee on grant

    professional growth support

    general education teachers

    organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan

    Feedback on the applicant for a grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan "Teacher-Expert"



    (last name, first name, patronymic, position, place of work)

    expert in his subject area, prospects for the development of his expert

    activities, availability of strategic planning skills, achieved

    results and growth areas).

    Position / /

    (Note: the review is signed by the head of the Department of General Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, if the applicant is a member of the expert group for the final certification, subject Olympiads of the republican level; the head of the personnel policy department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, if the applicant is a member of the expert group for certification of the republican level)




    dated 24.02.2016 N sub-265/16)

    In order to further stimulate teachers of general educational organizations of the republic to increase the level of professional competencies in pedagogical activity and develop their creative potential, as well as to disseminate the best pedagogical experience, to increase the prestige of pedagogical work, I order:

    1. Approve the attached:

    1.1. Regulations on grant support for professional growth of teachers of general educational institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan (Appendix N 1).

    1.2. Calendar plan for the implementation of grant support for professional growth of teachers of general educational institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan (Appendix N 2).

    1.3. The composition of the organizing committee for the implementation of grant support for professional growth of teachers of general educational institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan (Appendix N 3).

    1.4. The heads of structural subdivisions of the ministry and persons responsible for the implementation of measures to ensure the implementation of the calendar plan approved by paragraph 1.2 of this Order.

    1.5. GAOU DPO "" (to R.Kh. Khamitov):

    before February 29 of the current year, submit for approval the composition of the republican expert commission for the competitive selection of applicants and the award of a grant;

    provide organizational and methodological support for the grant, the implementation of the calendar plan approved by paragraph 1.2 of this Order.

    2. Department of Accounting and Reporting of the Ministry (G.F. Gatiyatullina) to provide funding for grant support related to the organization and holding of the event.

    3. To impose control over the execution of this Order on the Deputy Minister T.B. Alishev.

    Deputy Prime Minister
    Republic of Tatarstan - Minister


    Appendix 1
    to the Order

    Republic of Tatarstan

    (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan dated February 24, 2016 N sub-265/16)

    1. General Provisions

    1.1. Grant support for the professional growth of teachers of general educational organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan (hereinafter referred to as the Grant Support) is established by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan and will be implemented in 2016.

    Grant support is designed to further stimulate teachers of general educational organizations of the republic to increase the level of professional competencies in pedagogical activity and develop their creative potential.

    For the implementation of Grant support, two nominations "Teacher-mentor" and "Teacher-expert" are introduced.

    The main objectives of the Grant Support are:

    further improvement of the quality of education in the Republic of Tatarstan by increasing the number of teachers motivated in their educational activities to achieve better results in their professional activities;

    dissemination of the best pedagogical experience;

    increasing the prestige of pedagogical work.

    Grant Participants: Grantor and Grantee.

    Grantee - an individual who meets the criteria and requirements established by this Regulation, refers to the teaching staff of the education system of the Republic of Tatarstan, implements the main educational programs of general education and has passed the competitive selection.

    Grant support is a monthly allowance in the nomination "Teacher-mentor" - in the amount of 8,000 (eight thousand) rubles, excluding personal income tax and insurance contributions to the Pension Fund, the Social Insurance Fund, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation and in the nomination " Expert Teacher" - in the amount of 10,000 (ten thousand) rubles, excluding personal income tax and insurance contributions to the Pension Fund, the Social Insurance Fund, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

    Grant support on a competitive basis is paid to teachers who have shown results in their work in accordance with the stated criteria and continue to carry out general educational activities at their main place of work.

    1.2. Only teachers of the highest qualification category who implement the main educational programs of general education in general educational institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan in the following subjects can take part in the competition for grant support: Russian language, Tatar language, literature, English language, German language, French language, mathematics, computer science, chemistry, physics, biology, geography, history, social science, physical education, technology, life safety.

    1.3. To be eligible to participate in the Grant support in the "Teacher-mentor" nomination, the Grantee must:

    have students - winners of the municipal stage of the republican Olympiads over the past 3 years (at least one student who is the winner for 2 years in a row; or at least two winners - in one year);

    be a teacher - winner and / or prize-winner of the municipal or republican stage of professional skills competitions over the past 3 years.

    1.4. To be eligible to participate in the Grant support in the nomination "Teacher-expert", the Grantee must:

    have students - winners and / or prize-winners of republican and / or all-Russian and / or international Olympiads over the past 3 years (one student who is the winner and / or prize-winner for 2 years in a row; or at least two winners and / or prize-winners - in one year );

    be a teacher - a member of one of the expert groups of the republican level (attestation, state final attestation, subject Olympiads) for the last 3 years (Appendix No. 1 to this Regulation).

    1.5. Teachers are not allowed to participate in the Grant Support, whose students over the past three years, following the results of the unified state exam (hereinafter referred to as the Unified State Exam), have had unsatisfactory results, following the results of the main state exam (hereinafter referred to as the Unified State Examination), have not received a certificate of basic general education (due to poor academic performance). on the subject matter).

    1.6. The Grant Support Applicant must be a full-time employee of a general education organization (part-time employees are excluded).

    1.7. Competitive selection of grant applicants is held from February 15 to March 17, 2016 in accordance with the procedure and terms established by these Regulations.

    For the competition, grant applicants electronically submit a motivation letter, a plan of mentoring / expert work for 2016 in accordance with the proposed form and a review from the head of the department (department) of education of the municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan.

    1.8. Funds allocated for Grant Support are intended to pay a monthly allowance to grantees for 11 months.

    1.9. Grantees are determined by the Republican Expert Commission and approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan in the amount of: 102 - in the nomination "Teacher-mentor", 108 - in the nomination "Teacher-expert".

    1.10. The decision to provide Grant support is not made if knowingly false or false information about the teacher is revealed during the period of his participation in the competition for grant support and during its implementation.

    1.11. Information about the competition for grant support (conditions, requirements, terms of the competition) is posted on the official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan.

    1.12. The Grantor reserves the right to sum up the results of the competition for the Grant Support without creating an Appeal Commission.

    1.13. In the event of termination of employment relations with the Grant Recipient, the decision to provide Grant Support is annulled and payments are terminated.

    1.14. Departments (departments) of formation of municipal districts of the Republic of Tatarstan are obliged to notify about the termination of labor relations with the Grantee within 1 (one) week after the termination of labor relations.

    2. Submission of an application for participation in the competition for a grant

    2.1. The grant applicant must submit an application, as well as upload the documents specified in clause 1.8, to the official website ( no later than February 28 of the current year.

    2.2. If the application is submitted later than February 28, 2016, the applicant loses the right to participate in the competition.

    2.3. Until March 3, 2016, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan (hereinafter - the Ministry) conducts a preliminary examination of the submitted applications.

    2.4. Based on the results of the analysis of the submitted materials, applications that meet the requirements of this Regulation are selected for further consideration by the Republican Expert Commission of the Ministry at the stage of in-person selection, which will take place from March 4 to March 12, 2016.

    3. The order of the competition

    3.1. The competition for the grant is held on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan.

    3.2. The grantor, no later than February 15, 2016, announces a competition for the award of Grant support by posting his order "On the announcement of a competition for grant support for the professional growth of teachers of general education organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan" on the official website of the Ministry ( .

    3.3. On the basis of the applications received, in accordance with clauses 2.3 - 2.4 of the Regulations, the Republican Expert Commission of the Ministry conducts a competitive selection of applicants in accordance with the submitted documents.

    3.4. According to the results of the competition, the Republican Expert Commission of the Ministry until March 16, 2016 forms and approves the lists of Grantees.

    3.5. Until March 17 of the current year, the Grantor shall post the approved list of Grantees on its official website.

    4. Republican expert commission for the implementation of Grant support

    4.1. The Republican Expert Commission for the implementation of Grant Support is a permanent body for the competitive selection of applicants for Grant Support and is approved by order of the Ministry.

    4.2. The Republican Expert Commission forms and approves a consolidated list of Grantees.

    4.3. The Republican Expert Commission for the implementation of the Grant Support has the right to:

    Request materials and information (Republican Olympiad Center, Republican Center for Monitoring the Quality of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan, municipal education authority, etc.) on issues necessary for the work of the commission;

    If necessary, involve specialists for additional examination of competitive materials.

    4.4. Meetings of the Republican Expert Commission are held as necessary and are considered competent if more than half of its members are present at them.

    4.5. Decisions of the Republican Expert Commission are considered adopted if more than half of their payroll voted for them. In case of equality of votes, the vote of the chairman of the Republican Expert Commission is decisive.

    4.6. In December of this year, a report on the effectiveness of the implementation of Grant support during the year will be posted on the official website of the Ministry (

    5. Financing of the competition

    5.1. Financing of the Grant support related to the organization and holding of the event is carried out at the expense of the funds provided for by the summary estimate of the Ministry.

    5.2. Grant support in the form of other interbudgetary transfers is provided to the budgets of municipalities in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan "On the results of Grant Support".

    5.3. The basis for the transfer of the subsidy is an agreement between the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan and the municipality located on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan on the provision of other interbudgetary transfers from the budget of the Republic of Tatarstan to the budget of the municipality to provide grant support.


    Appendix No. 1
    to the position,
    approved by Order
    Ministry of Education and Science
    Republic of Tatarstan
    dated February 15, 2016 N sub-211/16

    Levels of the highest qualification category



    The amount of the allowance, excluding personal income tax and insurance contributions to the Pension Fund, the Social Insurance Fund, the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation


    Must have students - winners of the municipal stage of the republican Olympiads over the past 3 years (at least one student who is the winner for 2 years in a row; or at least two winners - in one year);
    be a teacher - winner and / or prize-winner of the municipal or republican stage of professional skills competitions over the past 3 years

    8 000 rubles

    Expert Teacher

    Must have students - winners and / or prize-winners of republican and / or All-Russian and / or international Olympiads over the past 3 years (one student who is the winner and / or prize-winner for 2 years in a row; or at least two winners and / or prize-winners - for one year);
    be a teacher - a member of one of the expert groups of the republican level (certification, state final certification, subject Olympiads) for the last 3 years

    10 000 rubles


    Appendix No. 2
    to the position,
    approved by Order
    Ministry of Education and Science
    Republic of Tatarstan
    dated February 15, 2016 N sub-211/16

    Teacher-mentor (municipal (and above) level)

    Questionnaire with personal information
    Uploading 2 documents: about the presence of students - winners of the municipal stage of the republican Olympiads over the past 3 years (at least one student who is the winner for 2 years in a row; or at least two winners - in one year); about becoming a teacher - the winner and / or prize-winner of the municipal or republican stage of professional skills competitions over the past 3 years.
    Motivation letter
    Based on the five competencies of the Teacher Professional Growth Model of the Republic of Tatarstan, write a motivation letter about your vision of the problems and prospects for the development of mentoring and tutoring in schools of the Republic of Tatarstan and about what contribution you can make to this work (from 500 to 700 words). Plan for the development of mentoring / tutoring activities of teachers of the Republic of Tatarstan. Review from the head of the department (department) of education of the municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan (in accordance with the template)

    Expert Teacher (Republican (and above) level)

    Questionnaire with personal information
    Uploading documents: about the presence of students - winners and / or prize-winners of republican and / or all-Russian and / or international Olympiads over the past 3 years (one student who is the winner and / or prize-winner for 2 years in a row; or at least two winners and / or prize-winners - for one year);
    about becoming a teacher - a member of one of the expert groups of the republican level (attestation, state final attestation, subject Olympiads) over the past 3 years.
    Motivation letter
    Based on the five competencies of the Teacher Professional Growth Model of the Republic of Tatarstan, write a motivation letter about the problems and prospects for the development of teaching in your subject area in the schools of the Republic of Tatarstan and about what contribution you personally can make to this work as an expert (minimum 500 words). Model (plan) for the strategic development of your subject area.
    Review from the head of the department (department) of education of the municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan (in accordance with the template) and from the head of the federal or republican level


    Appendix 1
    to the Order
    Ministry of Education and Science
    Republic of Tatarstan
    February 15, 2016 N sub-211/16


    Period of execution


    Meeting of the organizing committee on the implementation of grant support for the professional growth of teachers of general educational institutions of the Republic of Tatarstan (hereinafter - the Grant)

    February 2016

    Meeting with the heads of departments (departments) of education of the executive committees of municipal districts and the Board of Directors on the implementation of the Grant

    February - March 2016

    Institute for the Development of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan

    Meeting with the Public Council under the Ministry on the implementation of the Grant

    March 2016

    Personnel Policy Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, Organizational Department

    Placement of regulatory and methodological materials on grant support on the website of the Ministry

    April 2016

    Institute for the Development of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan

    Acceptance of documents from Applicants for participation in the Grant, electronic registration, consideration of tender documentation

    March 2016

    Institute for the Development of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan
    Republican Expert Commission

    Meeting of the expert commission, summing up

    March 2016

    Institute for the Development of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan
    Republican Expert Commission

    Issuance of the final order

    March - April 2016

    Department of Personnel Policy of the Ministry of Defense and NRT, Institute for the Development of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan


    Annex 2
    to the Order
    Ministry of Education and Science
    Republic of Tatarstan
    dated February 15, 2016 N sub-211/16

    (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan dated February 24, 2016 N sub-265/16)

    Place of work, position

    Fattakhov Engel Navapovich

    Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan

    Alishev Timirkhan Bulatovich

    Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan

    Prokhorov Yuri Petrovich

    Chairman of the Tatarstan Republican Committee of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers

    Fedorova Tamara Trofimovna

    Head of the Department of General Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan

    Ivanova Tatyana Alexandrovna

    Head of the Personnel Policy Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan

    Abdullin Denis Damirovich

    Head of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan

    Gatiyatullina Gulnur Faratovna

    Head of Accounting and Reporting Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan

    Gayfutdinova Rezida Fikratovna

    Leading Adviser of the Personnel Policy Department of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan

    Badrieva Rina Rinadovna

    rector of GAOU DPO "Institute for the Development of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan"

    Individual professional development plan

    Tatar language and literature teachers

    MBOU "Secondary School No. 1"

    Mendeleevsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

    Smirnova Gulnara Rashatovna

    for 2016-2019

    Theme of self-education:"Research activity as a means of developing the language competence of students."

    Implementation period: 3 years (until 2019)


    • be able to see problems for forecasting, for the introduction of innovations, for research work, for experimental work;
    • ensure the programming of their activities, creative reflection, the generation of ideas, the embodiment of a creative idea;
    • use ICT in the classroom and in extracurricular activities to increase students' motivation for the subject and the quality of education;
    • to develop the educational and cognitive competence of students through the improvement of general and special educational skills;
    • find new ways to introduce innovative technologies that increase motivation to learn the Tatar language outside the school curriculum.


    1. Continue the introduction of innovative technologies, methods in teaching the Tatar language and literature, thereby increasingscientific and theoretical level in the field of theory and methodology of teaching the Tatar language and literature;
    2. To study the psychological and age characteristics of schoolchildren;
    3. To teach students the basics of writing scientific and research papers;
    4. Development of methodological recommendations, didactic materials within the framework of the implemented innovation.

    Sources of self-education:

    Mass media, including: specialized literature (methodological, popular science, journalistic, fiction), Internet; media information on various media, seminars, conferences, lectures, experience exchange events, master classes, advanced training courses, excursions, theaters.

    Forms of self-education:

    • individual - through an individual plan,
    • group - through participation in the activities of school and district methodological associations of teachers of the Tatar language and literature, as well as through participation in the life of the school.

    Planned results of self-realization:

    • Development of a set of electronic lessons (including those integrated with subject teachers);
    • Development of a package of materials in electronic form, including:

    A set of didactics on the subject (independent, practical and control work);

    A set of handouts on the subject (cards, assignments and questions on the subject);

    A package of materials on one of the pedagogical technologies (personal-oriented learning,project method, research method,individual training, technology for the development of critical thinking, pedagogical workshop);

    Bank of creative and design research works of students;

    A package of scenarios for open lessons using information and communication technologies and an interactive whiteboard;

    A package of psychological and pedagogical materials for the teacher;

    • Presentation at seminars, conferences, master classes, publication of articles.

    The main sections of the work on self-education:

    Section 1. The study of psychological, pedagogical, scientific and methodological literature

    1. Study and analysis of scientific and methodological literature.

    2. Review of information on the Internet on the Tatar language and literature, rhetoric, pedagogy, psychology.

    3. The study of new programs, textbooks, teaching materials forTatar language and literature,elucidation of their features and shortcomings.

    3. Improvement of work with pedagogical technologies.

    Within 3 years



    Placement of links on the portfolio website

    Section 2. Development of software and methodological support for the educational process

    a) Scientific and methodological work

    1. Studying the methodology of writing scientific and research papers: theory, practice, master classes for students, a test of the pen.

    2. The study of the basics of rhetorical art: the study of the theory of rhetoric, practical exercises in expressive reading, the ability to argue with arguments.

    3. Development of lesson notes on the Tatar language and literature

    4. Development of individual and differentiated tasks for students


    of the year

    during each year



    of the year

    "Memo 5 misconceptions in the dispute"

    Training for working with gifted children "Technique and tactics of argumentation"

    b) Experimental work

    1. Involving students in research work.

    2. Participation in scientific and practical conferences, competitions.



    Training work programs

    Section 3. Generalization of own experience of pedagogical activity

    1. Participation in conferences, seminars, master classes.

    2. Promotion of a personal portfolio site on the Internet, correction of the main sections, placement of author's methodological materials on it.

    3. Development of a package of educational materials in electronic form.

    4. Publication of articles in scientific, pedagogical and methodological publications, including on the Internet.

    5. Generalization and registration of materials in the methodical piggy bank of the school.

    according to the MO plan


    During a year

    Sets of methodological and didactic electronic materials

    Electronic portfolio of achievements



    Section 4. Participation in the system of methodological work

    1. Conducting open integrated lessons as part of pedagogical activities.

    2. Organization of work with gifted children and participation with them in scientific and practical conferences, competitions of creative works, olympiads.

    3. Acquaintance with new forms, methods and techniques of teaching the Tatar language and literature.

    4. Improving the knowledge of the modern content of education of students inTatar language and literature.

    5. Monitoring the level of formation of subject competencies

    6. Monitoring the level of formation of social and motivational competencies of schoolchildren.

    2016-2019 year


    Placement of information, abstracts of open lessons on a personal website - portfolio

    Publication of results and projects on the school website.

    Section 5. Training in courses in the system of advanced training

    "Innovative technologies aimed at improving the effectiveness of teaching in the lessons of the Tatar language and literature in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the OO."


    March 2019

    Placing information on the personal website and the school website

    Section 6 Mentoring

    1. Holding events, master classes for teachers of the school, district


    Section 7. Mutual learning

    1. Consulting assistance to teachers of the Tatar language and literature on filling pedagogical piggy banks with methodological materials.

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