Parting speech to the newlyweds from the mother of the bride. Congratulations to the mother of the bride at her daughter's wedding: ideas and tips. Bright Wishes for your Daughter

Beloved children! I wish you such strong love, which world has not yet seen. May your every day be filled with passion, heat, the fire of your feelings and the thrill of relationships. Notice each other's successes, support in difficult situations and like two swans, carry love through all the long and happy life! rating: 40 ↓

Let flowers bloom in your house
There will be no room for disagreement
The family will soon be replenished with children,
And in life there will be only happiness
And peace and joy await in the house,
And there will be a friendly family,
Let all bad weather bypass you
And there will be best friends! 38 ↓

Dear children, how time flies! Now you are leaving the parental nest and entering into a joint family life. We wish you to live in love and harmony, to live not for yourself, but for each other. They say that love is not when you look at each other, but when you look in one direction, and we wish that you always look in one direction - forward, towards new joys. Well, we will support you and help in difficult moment! 33 ↓ - Congratulations on the wedding from mom

Dear children, I want to wish you that there will always be peace in your family. Peace in the soul, and understanding, and agreement between you. So that your family is friendly and that you solve all problems together. No wonder people say - if the whole family is together, then the soul is in place! 39 ↓

Our dear son, today we want to congratulate you with dad on the fact that you have become a real man, husband and the basis of the family. Appreciate your marriage, love and protect your wife, raise children and take care of prosperity. We will always help you and support you, be yourself, be loved, may happiness and luck be always there! 37 ↓

Daughter, I congratulate you on this day,
Live happily, together, together.
Please each arc every day,
So that the shadow of sadness does not fall.
Warm hearts and souls with love,
So that the smiles do not leave the face,
Never forget feelings
And invite us to visit more often! 37 ↓

Congratulations on your daughter's wedding! I wish you to continue to be as kind, cheerful and not be afraid of difficulties in life. Love your husband and live happily, take care of family comfort and warmth. May your heart always be light, light and joyful! Happiness to you, young people, in your future family life! 37 ↓

Years run and quickly fly by
The children are leaving Father's house.
But we only congratulate you on this
Under the joyful glasses ringing!
We want you to be happy
To always please the eye!
You are young and dazzlingly beautiful -
And we are very happy for you! 37 ↓

Daughter as if from a picture
She came down to us in a dress,
Now she and her husband
Splendid family!
you suit each other
There are even some similarities
Hold hands together -
This does you credit!
Save you for years
respect and dreams.
Let adversity bypass you
Arguing for the right.
Let there be peace in your house
May joy always live.
Luck in life will not decrease
Feelings and love - bloom! 42 ↓

Happy smile, white veil,
Dear girl - you are now a wife!
Your beloved will be next to you now
Life will be beautiful - believe in the future!
I would like to wish a lot today -
Kindness and patience, live, do not lose heart!
Go through life boldly, love dear,
Love for him and feelings to keep forever! 37 ↓

My dears! Be happy, take life's problems as trifles, solve them together and try to understand each other in any situation. Smile at life's adversities, look with joy into a happy future, not paying attention to trifles and circumstances. Bitterly! 42 ↓

My daughter is already a bride,
Today is amazingly good!
And in new house, instead of native,
Now he will enter without delay.
Let this house reign
Peace and quiet and children's laughter.
Daughter will be happy in it
Will live the most beautiful of all!
Please take care of each other, children,
To carefully keep feelings,
Did you understand that in the world
Now you a strong family.
Well, don't forget about us.
For us, you are like a light in a window.
Reach the heights of all in life,
Love - that's my advice to you! 37 ↓

Daughter's wedding is no joke
In the heart of joy and sadness -
My little one has grown
Before her all the breadth and distance!
Take care of yourself and your husband
Keep the family comfortable
The main thing that a husband needs -
Know that they are waiting for him at home! 35 ↓

Dear children, let them be happy
Your nights and days will be
Let it bloom in a beautiful soul
A fairy tale romance of your love.
May the sun always smile at you
Life and the house will be in order,
Dreams come true -
With tenderness, smile and kindness.
Let everyone treat you with soul,
It sounds like a child's laugh.
All that is in the plans - let it come true,
Be the happiest of all! 41 ↓

My congratulations to you
Son, remember this moment!
Your bride is a gift
Keep love for her heart fire!
I bless you children
I wish you happiness and love
To make your home cozy
And happiness settled in him,
So that life is beautiful
And always led to joy! 37 ↓

A daughter's wedding day is one of the most exciting moments in a parent's life.

Emotions, experiences, tears of joy and sadness - all this fills the wedding day for mom and dad of the bride.

And at the moment when you need to say parting words to your child, say important words, excitement can confuse the thoughts of parents.

For this occasion, we offer some touching congratulations-parting words for the daughter on her wedding day.

Congratulations from parents at their daughter's wedding in their own words in prose

Our beloved daughter! In all fairy tales, everything ends with a wedding. But know that marriage is only the beginning. The beginning of a long and happy family life. This is the very beginning of love, and not just passionate love. This is the beginning of your children's lives. And in order for the life of your family to last and please both of you, you, daughter, must be wise, patient and loving. A family rests on a woman, and we wish your family to live happily ever after!

My dear daughter! Now you are married. You have your own family. It will have its own traditions and laws. First you educate each other, and then pass it on to your children. I really want you to be an exemplary hostess, faithful friend, caring mother and reliable support for their children. Try to be wise and compliant. This is the most winning option in the family. You'll see, having learned to be wise, you will get the desired result in everything. Know that your mother is always there, but your family should be closer to you. I will always be waiting for you!

Daughter! This is the exciting magical moment. Remember how little you dreamed of a prince, a ball gown, a veil and a bunch of gifts .... Today this dream has come true! Now try to make this children's fairy tale turn into an adult story and be just as gentle, airy and magical. Everything is possible in a family! Just do not allow long sadness, resentment, quarrels, disappointments. Let lies and betrayal never look into the window of your house. Know that you are one and if something happens to one half, the other will definitely feel it. Take care of each other, love each other dearly. May healthy children be born in your marriage. Daughter, protect your hearth!

Beloved daughter and beloved son-in-law! Congratulations on your first family holiday! We want to wish that today's date is celebrated by you every year, and that your love grows stronger every year. Your admiration for each other grew. So that you respect each other more and more. And so that every year on this day your eyes also shine with happiness! Be happy!

Today my daughter gave me a son. Yes! Yes! Having fallen in love with (name), and having married him, she assured me that her husband had become native to me too. I loved him and will consider him my son. My dear children! The long road of life stretches out before you. There will be different reliefs on it: plains, mountains, rocks, waterfalls, and maybe cliffs .... If you always hold on to each other, you can overcome all obstacles. Don't forget about it. Fate has connected you, so you need to be one team! I wish you a big, friendly family, beauty in your relationships, reliability in your plans. Be happy!

Pretty Girl! You have become quite big. You are already a wife! I am sure that you will easily cope with this position. You will be the most beautiful, gentle, devoted and caring hostess, the most affectionate mother, the wisest daughter-in-law and the kindest daughter ever. If you need my advice, I will give it to you at any time. Never make hasty decisions and do not draw quick conclusions, they may be erroneous. Listen to your heart, it won't let you down. Do not argue with your husband, it is better to be silent. you chose smart spouse, he will not let his wife get angry and grumble. Love each other more and more every day. Bitterly!

Dear daughter! You are the most beautiful bride. And we believe that from today you will be the most beautiful wife. Most beloved wife. most happy wife. We know how lucky your chosen one is.
And we wish ourselves that over the next long years we will be more and more convinced that you are just as lucky with your husband. We want to see happiness in your eyes. After all, if a woman is happy, then her family is strong. So her man is happy. Her children are happy. Be happy, daughter, because this is the key to the well-being of your new family.

Dear daughter! We raised you with love and care.

We tried to make you beautiful woman, sensitive and decent person, interesting personality and, of course, a great hostess.

We know that we raised you ideal wife for your chosen one (name).

Now it's your turn to give birth and raise ideal people to save their relationships and their families for them.

Be happy, love and take care of each other! Bitterly!

Wedding congratulations from the bride's parents in verse

Dear daughter, beautiful bride,
Be insanely happy on this day.
May this sparkle of your joyful eyes
It will be a reward and happiness for us.

On this day new life starts,
In happiness, your family is born,
Let love and advice live in it
For many years.

May there be peace and joy in your house,
There will be no place for bitter insults,
May the first months of happiness and sweetness
On the long years loyalty will last.

Putting a signature in the registry office is not a problem.
Loving when romance is easy.
What kind of veil to take - no, not a dilemma,
When you are in love and look wide.
It's harder when there are quarrels in the house
And everyday issues presses the load.
In love, sometimes there are congestions,
But let it be only for the benefit!
Beloved daughter, you are the bride!
From mom to great-grandmother is your way.
But stay gentle, interesting,
Be beautiful, sweet for your husband.
Beloved son-in-law, we wish you strength
And perseverance, and courage always.
May God keep love and beautiful marriage,
Discord - no! And fortunately, the world - yes!


Daughter, be wise, patient,
Always take care of your husband, understand
And like today, always be beautiful,
Don't let your hands drop.

There will be joys, there will be quarrels,
After all, this is the only way to strengthen the union.
Remember that strife is so fleeting
May they not break the bonds of marriage.

Be happy! Be loved!
Cherish every moment together!
Your hearts will be inseparable
We believe in it! That's what we drink to!

I heartily congratulate my daughter
With marriage and wedding day.
I wish her for life today
Burn in the family with a beautiful spark.

The fire of love, hope and accomplishments,
Care, tenderness and joy in the eyes.
So that the husband and children repeat every day:
“Our mom is just super-ah!”

We wish our daughter
Be happy - period!
Take the lottery -
Wish you son-in-law!
A wedding is a touching celebration
But we don't need to cry
Let the prankster answer us
At least one: why?
Because we celebrate the merging of hearts.
This is forever, which means
A wedding is not the end!
You adore each other
Give us grandchildren.
You are family already, but know:
We must remember dads and moms!

Our girl, I can't even believe it
That you became a wife today.
There is no one happier and more beautiful,
And so your young husband shines.

Our girl, but as if recently
You were small, sweet, funny,
Cried loudly, laughed funny,
Slapped loudly through the puddles in the spring.

In the summer I broke my knees,
In winter, Santa Claus wrote a letter,
You dragged homeless cats home,
Though we banned, but still.

Well, now in this wedding dress,
Boldly enter on a new path.
Only today is happiness
You save and do not forget in your soul.

Let it be comfortable in family life,
Every moment together will be warm
All troubles will pass by absolutely,
In the house from your eyes it will be light!

Our girl, love, be loved!
You were born under a lucky star.
Be necessary to each other!
May your husband be with you!

Happy wedding! Here we stand for a place of honor.
So unusual - we are the parents of the bride!
And these people are already kindred to us ...
Both matchmaker and matchmaker - we are one family!
We have nothing to share - we have one concern -
For the young to live in peace
Children will be born - we will have work,
So that children and grandchildren are happy ..

Today everything has changed for everyone
Today a couple is turning into a family,
And the feeling of light turned into a big one,
"Thank God!" I speak softly
Let the children be happy, without grief,
So that they have only good
Let the grandchildren give us "gold",
We will help make it easy for them.

Today the sun peeked through the windows,
Illuminating the path into the lives of my children,
And now I'm looking at you
God bless the hearth of young families.
We bless you, our children.
We wish you with parental care:
The foundation is strong, a full bowl,
But happiness does not come without work.
Let it be easier to master,
Let your financial question be easier,
All contentment and peace,
And the children are in time for the stork to bring you.

This day is an added date,
In the calendar, like a bright number,
We wish that we live together
We walked hand in hand, and we were lucky in everything!
You two look so good together
Like doves cooing in your ear
Beautiful decoration - a wedding ring,
Happy wedding! And add together:
“Oh, sad! Sweeten up, young ones!
We drink to the bottom for a new family,
Make decisions easier
As a mother, I will help you!
We wish you hearts filled to the brim:
Each other, the sun, the light...
May you give birth to children on the appointed day,
And you will feel double joy ...

My good relatives
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Today on this wonderful holiday
I want to give you my order:
Live, you are with each other in peace
And cherish every day.
Save kindness and tenderness
Let success not go out in him.
Go through all the obstacles together
Know how to forgive pranks
Then through life, as a reward,
You have to know love.
Love is huge, earthly
Where you can't live without each other...
When and small decision
You can't decide without a half.
All people are looking for a miracle
Not everyone can find it.
I wish you my family
Approach the cherished love!

I want to close my eyes and for a moment,
So to see little you.
And reality seems like a dream to me
My daughter is getting married.
Happiness to you, let life be dear without a blizzard,
Without potholes, bumps and spikes.
It leads you to your goal.
Rewarding the results of work.
Let love be a noisy river
Washing, erasing the corners,
So that there is always peace in the house,
In the wardrobe - an outfit, on the table - pies ...

I'll pour myself some wine for a toast
And I will say from the two of us:
We are very happy for you - sincerely, in full!
I will multiply this happiness by six:
Matchmaker, matchmaker, my husband and I, young -
It's a whole family...
How can I not rejoice today
If the family has multiplied.
Let's drink guests to the health of the young,
May our family multiply
Let them give birth to golden children,
Shout "Bitter!", Dear people!

Magical day poured into glasses
AT beautiful evening let it flow.
And we want the daughter-bride to know:
With family and husband - no, not everyone is lucky.
You take care of him, because he is priceless,
Treasure is one in a million.
A wonderful husband, he is a precious stone,
And know that I am in love with you without memory!
Our dear son-in-law, you are our dear son,
Today we give you a daughter,
She is tender, our beloved flower,
You surround her with your warmth.
And we wish peace and patience,
Love you tender, like clouds.
In everyday life, as at work, inspiration,
Go boldly you - hand in hand!
Love walked the planet
And no one could resist.
And you got into her network,
And your feelings are under lock and key.
Love has been looking for you since birth
Finally found two.
And in tribute to Love and Respect
You, daughter, are the bride, son-in-law is the groom.
A long and thorny path awaits you,
But the nightingales will sing to you.
Everything can be endured, but with a clean,
By the mutual power of Love!

Ah, my daughter, she has already put on her veil.
But it seems like yesterday
You are a schoolgirl, white chalk squares
And I could draw on the asphalt.
Our dear son-in-law, yesterday as a boy
You drove the robbers in the yard,
And the exploits read in books,
Described in a notebook in September.
Now you are husband, wife, family, foundation.
And soon you will have children.
Let love always be in a new family,
But don't forget about us.
Wife and husband, but still you are our children.
We want to bless you for marriage.
And remember these words:
He is happy who is always loved in the family!
Love has two wings, like a song
And the soul is wide open.
You in life now only together
There is a long way to go.
You, dear daughter,
Take care of your home.
We got the best son-in-law, we know.
He will support the whole house on his shoulders!
There will be many decisions in the future
And questions, where without them.
Let love, as a guarantee of relationships,
It will warm you two under the wing!


Husband and wife lived for more than half a century. Their love was hidden behind everyday reproaches, senile grumbling and age-related illnesses. The wife could not stand it and went to the sorceress to exterminate her husband, but so that everything would come out naturally. The sorceress gave the woman a vial of potion and ordered her husband to drip a certain dose into tea every evening, and then to massage, knead his shoulders and back so that the husband would not suspect his wife of anything bad. The wife sighed: his shoulders still wrinkle his back, and the drugs, look, are already enough for two months! How much more to endure! I paid and left to do everything "strictly according to the instructions." At first, the husband was surprised: he liked the attention of the old wife so much, and then he himself began to show signs of attention to his wife - either he would make a sandwich for her, then he would buy his beloved’s cookies for tea, then her beloved would switch to the series. A month later, the wife and husband were unrecognizable! But one day the woman noticed that there was almost no drug left in the vial of poison, which means that her husband would soon leave her. She burst into tears, clutched her heart - and ran to the witch. But the wise old woman reassured the elderly wife: there was ordinary water in the vial. The sorceress added: love can always be saved not by magic spells, but by ordinary care and a little self-sacrifice. But the sorceress did not return the money. Let there be science to the woman! Dear daughter! Sometimes it happens that we forget about love. But remember our words with dad: three whales family well-being never let your family go to the bottom. It is respect, care and the ability to yield. Dear son-in-law! Women are sentimental and live by feelings. If you want to be taken care of and listen to your words, arrange for your wife, my daughter, a romantic dinner or a trip to the cinema every couple of months - and then your married life will never lose its color!

Once an angel, the messenger of God, asked King Solomon what he wanted. The ruler thought: money - so they will end anyway, and they won’t save you from troubles; health - so old age comes even to those who have never known illness; respect and power - this is how you can achieve it yourself. The king thought about it - and decided to ask for real wisdom. The angel fulfilled the desire of the ruler, and also gave him something that Solomon never pursued: reverence, the favor of women, a state, because wisdom is the most revered human quality. Dear daughter and son-in-law, we wish you always to live and act wisely! And you already have love. Take care of each other!

You can watch a beautiful and touching congratulation at the wedding from the bride's parents on the video (verses by Fazu Aliyeva, music by Alexander Zakharenko):

Our dear, dear, a beautiful couple- daughter and son-in-law! We wish you the whole alphabet married life.
In order:
(A) - mouth-watering dinners;
(B) - big and small holidays;
(B) - evenings when staying at home with the family is a pleasure;
(D) - Dutch roses;
(D) - sincerity;
(E) - to be unique and unique for each other;
(Yo) - do not use capacious expressions;
(G) - only welcome guests;
(H) - wonderful family friends;
(I) - diligence in household chores;
(J) - brevity in requests, infinity - in their implementation;
(K) - a flirtatious relationship, but only with her husband;
(L) - love, of course;
(M) - the courage to admit one's mistakes;
(H) - tenderness;
(O) - adoration;
(P) - friendliness every day;
(P) - reasonableness in choosing children's names;
(C) - family warmth;
(T) - patience and diligence for the benefit of relatives and friends;
(U) - respect;
(F) - fantastic holidays;
(X) - housekeeping;
(C) - purposefulness in saving money for a new family car;
(H) - honesty to each other;
(Sh) - to joke sometimes, because a sense of humor can save any situation;
(Sch) - a pinch of jealousy, which, like a good spice, improves the taste of relationships;
(b) - be gentle and indulgent to each other's weaknesses;
(S) - so that you have everything in plural: fur coats, plane tickets, awards;
(b) - firmness in their intentions;
(E) - enthusiasm, when hands drop;
(Yu) - youth in the soul until old age;
(I) - you need to forget about your “I” in married life, but we wish you that soon you will have many small “I” to which you, by inheritance, will read this alphabet at the wedding!

Sharing ideas for

In our life there is no closer and beloved person than mom. That is why they turn to congratulations from mom on their wedding day Special attention. This may not only be a parting word that will become the basis of a happy family life. The mother should congratulate her daughter so that she understands that this person can be contacted even in the most difficult periods of life.

Mother of the bride speech at the wedding

Of course, the text of congratulations can be completely different. These words are important for the bride, because she must feel love and support. loved one. Congratulations must be arrested not only for the bride, but also for her groom. Mom should make it clear to her daughter that she approves of her choice and will respect her son-in-law in the future. After the wedding, the life of the parents will change, because the daughter will start building her own family.

From the words of congratulations, the bride should understand that after she leaves the walls of her home, there will be no cardinal changes. Yes, mom won't spend as much time with her as she used to. But in the life of a young family she will take Active participation. Mom will always help in difficult times and lend a hand in many difficult situations. Therefore, often the congratulations of the daughter on the wedding from the mother sound touching and good-natured and longing.

The daughter wants to hear words of support from her mother. She enters into adulthood and is responsible not only for himself, but also for his spouse. Of course she's worried. Your task is to support her and let her know that you will always be there.
Do not speak in banal phrases. Think carefully about your speech. Only in this case, the bride will not lose confidence that in home she is always expected.

Too sentimental speech will also be superfluous. A wedding is a day that leaves only pleasant and positive memories in your memory. You do not want your daughter to remember only your tears shed during the pronunciation of congratulations? A wedding farewell is a kind of toast that should be understood not only by your daughter, but also by her lover. Words of congratulations should be simple and clear. Can you give some advice based on personal experience family relationships.

Template phrases are not what you need for good congratulations. Also, do not memorize a speech that you found on the Internet. Say congratulations from the heart. Only in this way will the daughter understand that you sincerely wish her happiness. Keep in mind that beautiful phrases unable to disguise falsehood.

Such a solemn and responsible day as a wedding requires careful preparation not only on the part of the newlyweds. Parents of the bride and groom, friends and relatives are involved in the preparation process. But sometimes, because of the hustle and bustle, one important point is missed. This applies to congratulations that sound on the day of the celebration. After all, experiences and emotions at a wedding can unsettle, a large number of guests bring some embarrassment and it is quite difficult to concentrate and it is not always possible to say what you want. Therefore, it is better to prepare in advance the congratulations of the bride's mother at her daughter's wedding in a normal setting.

What congratulations to choose?

What words a mother can say to her beloved daughter, only she knows. After all, they should not be invented, but come from the heart and soul, they touch to tears. Congratulations from parents must be touching and sincere, but it is very important not to allow an ambiguous meaning here. Indeed, unfortunately, it happens that the choice of a daughter does not always suit the parents, perhaps the mother is simply not ready to let her child go and believes that it is still very early. Therefore, there is some discontent in the congratulatory speech.

But no matter how difficult it is, you should understand the most important thing - this choice made the daughter happy, and the wedding day should be the most pleasant, joyful and remembered by bright colorful emotions. It is the parents who can help in this by saying gentle and approving words.

What should not contain congratulations

  • Any dissatisfaction (“everything is fine, we are happy, but ...”);
  • Regrets ("sorry that ...");
  • Warnings and threats to her husband (“you will offend, then ...”);
  • A large number of tips;
  • Jokes that are understood only by the bride's relatives;
  • All kinds of accusations.

Unfortunately, such moments are often present in congratulations, and I do them not intentionally and not from evil. But they are perceived with resentment and can hurt a person, this cannot be allowed. When preparing a beautiful congratulation for your daughter, you need to show your happiness for her, pride and approval regarding the choice.

There are several options for what congratulations can be, in verse, in your own words, or perhaps it will be a song.

Touching, soulful poetry

Now it is absolutely not difficult to find congratulatory verses of talented authors on the Internet. They are full of affectionate and tender words, you can choose both long and short congratulations. In addition, they can be with funny cool phrases or just solemn.

Main rules:

  • Do not be afraid to choose long congratulations, they will be more than appropriate. There is so much to say on this day. The only thing, when choosing such verses, you need to pay attention to the meaning, because memorized and banal phrases are of no interest to anyone and the guests will get bored in a minute, and on this day you need to take into account the interests of all those invited.
  • You can choose and short poems Still, this is much better than the usual congratulations. Here, when choosing, preference should be given to those verses that can convey the most important thing that you want to say to your daughter.

  • This may be a poetic greeting that contains deep meaning, emotions and beautiful phrases.
  • You can also choose congratulations on the wedding day for the bride and groom, the daughter will be pleased that her mother accepts the choice, approves and is happy with her.

As you can see, days only verses suggest a choice, it will depend only on individual preferences. Only a mother knows that it will be nice to hear her daughter, what phrases she wants to hear on this important day.

sincere prose

Here each loving mother, can tell how dear the daughter is, how important it is for her to be happy. The main thing is to avoid double meaning in prose.

  • It is necessary to focus on the fact that the mother is happy for her daughter. A new, strong family is being created, for which parents wish respect, understanding, love for many years, as boundless as on this day.

  • Do not forget that there should be words for the groom, as this holiday is for both of them.

  • You can note important points in family life and talk about values. How important it is for spouses to feel each other's support in any situation. That a wife is first and foremost wise woman who knows how to understand and give in, show care and affection.

  • Even if the newlyweds have only career plans and they don’t think about children, don’t be afraid to mention it. After all, it is on this day that new family who will have their children and they will also be parents who say touching words at the wedding.

You must always remember that the most dear words, those that are said sincerely. They are able to penetrate into the very heart and remain in memory forever, causing gentle, pleasant emotions.

Not many, trust me friends
They have experience to understand me.
Of all the sacred things, the family is the most important.
The saddest thing in the world is only a mother,
What gives in today's time,
Covered by a veil of ignorance,
own daughter, the support of your soul ...
Now you're moving away from fate.
How much I already told you
How much more I want to say.
How glad I am - you found love,
God won't let me lie now.
You are given the gift of building a family,
Create a hearth. Having created, always keep
And take care of family foundations,
Do not allow ice in your eyes.
Love and do everything to be loved
Support and just inspire.
Then you will be happy too
Then you will not be afraid of sadness together.
You, daughter, always think first,
And then say. And don't forget:
To offend with a word is so easily gloomy,
And it's harder to build a paradise nearby.
Walk with him through everything, be a support,
And he will give you back everything.
You do not hide wisdom in the abyss of controversy
And keep pride not for show.
May you path of marriage and happiness
Always leads without turning into the distance,
Away from cliffs and bad weather.
May your union remain like steel.


I want to congratulate my daughter
Let me read poetry
And remember every line
What did mother say in farewell.
I want everything to work out
You are on a long journey.
So that you always smile
After all, only the best lies ahead.
So that you can support each other
Love reigned in your house,
Could not defeat her disputes,
But would boil in the veins so that the blood.
Mother's covenant you accept:
No matter how hard it is for you,
You just love each other.
Well, you're lucky with your husband.

My dears! A wonderful event happened today - you became
husband and wife. Live always in love, peace and harmony. And remember
that you are now one. I wish you replenishment in the family,
financial well-being, mutual patience and respect for
for many, many years. And if it gets difficult, we, the parents, will always help.
kind word and give good advice. Be happy!

My mother's order
In wedding fun
It will sound sweet
Will be the very first.
Children! Sweet fate to you
Happiness endless,
So that you live together
Yes, with eternal love.
So that without quarrels and without worries,
With tenderness and affection
Built a family life
They lived like in a fairy tale.

Today you have connected
Not only hands, but hearts.
I wish you to be
Love and happiness without end.
You keep these feelings
In myself for many years.
After all, this is the main thing, believe me:
Keep love always, always
And I, like a mother, smile,
After all, I see that marriage is strong.
Help, if necessary, I will try,
Sometimes you can't do without it!

Dear and dear children,
Today you have become husband and wife.
You are now responsible for each other,
You now go along the path alone.
Save your feelings
Do not let insults, separations into your house.
Respect your family, appreciate
After all, a family is a union of hearts and hands.
I wish you kids soon
So I want to be a grandmother.
Let there be two or three
And what gender - you decide.

A simple parting word
I want to give you children:
Family is sacred
The most valuable thing in the world.
You take care of her
As difficult as it may be
learn patience
And compromise too.
And even in small things
Understand each other
So that there are no caustic quarrels,
Give up wisely.
Your big love
Cherish and keep.
And most importantly, I'm waiting
Give me grandchildren.

My children, I am a happy mother.
I wish you health and long love,
I want your marriage to be strong.
May all your days be bright.
Love one another, do not quarrel in vain.
The kids are healthy, let them be with you,
Let everything be fine in your life,
So that your love does not go out.

Dear children, congratulations
With this bright, very kind day.
I wish to live in love until old age,
To be in trouble and in joy together!
Kindness, tenderness, just understanding
Will be with you every moment and hour.
Let love confessions sound
Bringing you happiness every time!
May God give more patience
Be wise and kind people.
Let troubles, shocks bypass,
All year round nightingales sing to you!

Be patient with each other
Don't quarrel over little things.
You always pity each other
To be an example for children.
Don't hide resentment inside
So that the wall does not crack the feelings.
Do not take rubbish out of the hut,
Hold hands always.

Honorable, nice
Responsible, sweet
Raise a toast to you
Yes, tell you guys:
Relatives, you have become a family today,
And I, your mother, with warmth and soul,
With all my heart I wish you great love.
Oh, happiness, please, live next to them!
Cosmic feelings, and in the hearts - magic.
... if mom wants, then mom is right!
Real hopes and fulfillment of desires,
Smiles, kindness and mutual recognition!

Congratulations on the wedding from the bride's parents in sincere prose

Our beloved daughter! In all fairy tales, everything ends with a wedding. But
Know that marriage is only the beginning. The beginning of a long and happy
family life. This is the very beginning of love, not just passionate
falling in love. This is the beginning of your children's lives. And so that the life of your family
lasted and delighted you both, you, daughter, must be wise,
patient and loving. A family rests on a woman, and we wish that
your family lived happily ever after!

My dear daughter! Already
you got married. You have your own family. It will have its own
traditions and laws. First you will teach each other, and then you will pass
to my children. I really want you to be an exemplary hostess, faithful
friend, caring mother and reliable support for their children.
Try to be wise and compliant. This is the most advantageous option in
family. You'll see, by learning to be wise, you'll get what you need.
result in everything. Know that your mother is always there, but closer to you
your family should be fresher. I will always be waiting for you! Daughter! This is the exciting magical moment. Remember how
you little dreamed of a prince, a ball gown, a veil and a bunch of
gifts .... Today this dream has come true! Now try this
the children's fairy tale turned into an adult story and was just as tender,
airy and magical. Everything is possible in a family! Just don't let
long sadness, resentment, quarrels, disappointments. Let lies and betrayal
never look in the window of your house. Know that you are one and
if something happens to one half, the other is sure
will feel. Take care of each other, love each other dearly. Let in
your marriage will have healthy children. Daughter, protect your hearth! Beloved daughter and beloved son-in-law! Congratulations on your first family
holiday! We want to wish today's date to be celebrated
you every year, and so that your love grows stronger every year. Yours grew
admiration for each other. So that you respect each other more and more. And
so that every year on this day your eyes also shine with happiness!
Be happy! Today my daughter gave me a son. Yes! Yes!
Falling in love with (name), and marrying him, she assured me that her
my husband became my family too. I loved him and will consider him my son.
My dear children! The long road of life stretches out before you. On the
it will have different reliefs: plains, and mountains, and rocks, and waterfalls, and
maybe cliffs .... If you always hold on to each other,
you can overcome all obstacles. Don't forget about it. Fate
connected you, so you need to be one team! I wish you big
, friendly family, beauty in your relationship, reliability in
plans. Be happy! Pretty Girl! You have become quite big.
You are already a wife! I'm sure you can handle this with ease.
position. You will be the most beautiful, gentle, devoted and caring
mistress, the most affectionate mother, the wisest daughter-in-law and the most
always a good daughter. If you need my advice, I will give it to you.
ladies anytime. Never make hasty decisions and do not
quick conclusions, they may be erroneous. Listen to your heart, it
will not let you down. Do not argue with your husband, it is better to be silent. you chose smart
wife, he will not allow his wife to get angry and grumble. love friend
friend more and more every day. Bitterly! Dear daughter! You -
the most beautiful bride. And we believe that from today you
be the most beautiful wife. Most beloved wife. The happiest
wife. We know how lucky your chosen one is. And we wish ourselves
ourselves, so that over the next long years we will more and more
more convinced that you were just as lucky with your husband. We
We want to see happiness in your eyes. After all, if you are happy
a woman means her family is strong. So her man is happy.
Her children are happy. Be happy, daughter, because this is a guarantee
the well-being of your new family. Dear daughter! We raised you
in love and care. We tried to make you a beautiful woman,
a sensitive and decent person, an interesting personality and, of course,
excellent hostess. We can say with confidence that we brought you up
an ideal wife for your chosen one (name). Now it's yours
turn to give birth and educate ideal people, to save for them their
relationships and family. Be happy, love and take care of a friend
friend! Bitterly! Once an angel, the messenger of God, asked the king
Solomon, what he wants. The ruler thought: money - so they all
they will end equally, and they will not save you from troubles; health - so old age
comes even to those who have never known sickness; respect and power
- so you can do it yourself. The king thought and decided
ask for real wisdom. The angel fulfilled the desire of the ruler, and
also gave him what Solomon never pursued: reverence,
favor of women, fortune, because wisdom is the most
revered human quality. Dear daughter and son-in-law, we wish you
always live and act wisely! And you already have love. take care
each other! Most recently, we rejoiced at your first steps,
words. They smeared green paint on abrasions on their knees, went to parental
assembly. And today our children are the culprits of a huge celebration,
great holiday for two families. There will be many wonderful
wishes for the bride and groom on this bright day. But first
young people accept congratulations on their wedding from
parents. Daughter! You leave your father's house, your parent's nest. Where
whatever your family hearth is now, it will certainly become your
relatives. But always remember your father's house! Be grateful to your father-in-law and
mother-in-law. Remember: they gave you a beloved spouse. Honor, respect
them. Dear son-in-law! Whatever tales may go about the relationship between
son-in-law and mother-in-law, know: from now on, our dream of a son has come true. For you
our doors and hearts are always open! Do not quarrel, children, over trifles.
Please us grandchildren. Let from the sonorous children's laughter again
the silent walls of our house will come to life ... Know: in difficult times you
there is support. Of course, it's us. Let, starting from tomorrow
day, everything will be sweet in the life of the newlyweds. Why only
tomorrow? Yes, because today for the dear bride and groom - only
bitterly! I congratulate you on your solemn marriage.
I had the great honor of not only attending your wedding,
but also to play the role of an honorary witness. I can't describe all those
feelings that are now boiling in my soul. I am infinitely happy for my
best friend who finally found himself such a beautiful
half. Today you look just great, I wish you
stay at this level for another hundred years. And at the same time during these hundred
years, increase not only your family capital, but also the number
members of your family. A dove walked along one path, and along the other -
dove, and it was for them to go damp and lonely. But God saw them and brought them
tracks into one. And now the dove and the dove, embracing their wings,
walk along one wide path. So let's wish them to go happily and
together, love each other and breed chicks! Wishing you all the best
good to our newlyweds, I want to give them at the same time wise
advice: never forget those who gave you life - your parents
their own. Do not spare them a kind word. After all sweet word not
difficult, but challenging. Come closer to them, but bow down to them lower,
as they said in the old days. After all, the young work with his hands, and the old - the mind
gives. Attach to your mind yes parental - a comfortable life
live. For mutual understanding of parents and newlyweds! Expensive
our kids! You cannot even fully imagine now what
feelings overwhelm us today. This is both pride for you and endless
parental love for you, and the desire to beg fate as much as possible
longer, as complete happiness as possible for your only
nascent family. You are so good and beautiful, so smart and
talented, so we know and believe that you deserve the highest
measures of happiness: let your house be a full bowl, friends are always ready
lend a shoulder, find support and understanding in your spouse, let fate
will prepare joyful twists and turns. And most importantly, we want your
the family tree turned out to be rich in fruits and in your house at the right time
an hour there was a ringing children's laughter, which will remind us even then
grandparents, how defenseless and glorious you were,
today's bride and groom, and now husband and wife. Be
happy, our loved ones! The flower withers without water.
and love withers without constant care. She needs to be taken care of
need to be watered: pamper with understanding, attention, tenderness and
fidelity. It does not grow just like that: the souls of people living together give
her warmth, the whole depth of her own meaning of life. And she is not
simply gives them its aroma and beauty, and keeps the family from everything
bad that can be in life, making life infinitely bright and
Love is a very delicate flower. Take care of her and she will
will reveal all the beauty of this world. Thanks to what you're watching
now on the world together, you can see much more. rejoice
life and your love! Dear and beloved children, we congratulate you on
the most important day in your family's life. Because today you
formed a new unit of society called "Family". Know that
the family is very much like a ship. And from what kind of relationship will be between
spouses, how much they will understand each other depends
ship strength. And strength is very important. Because ahead of you is waiting
the vast sea is life. And this sea won't always be calm and
smooth. Sometimes you have to get into storms. Sometimes on your way
icebergs will occur. And so that your ship remains intact and
unharmed, it must be strong. After all, if his mast falls,
the deck will be damaged, a gap will appear in the skin, your ship will slowly but
surely go down. Today we wish the newlyweds and their ship
calm sea and fair wind! Our dear daughter! Has come
the day that all girls dream of since childhood. White dress,
wedding rings, a loving groom... May your married life
will be full of mutual understanding, and every year you will become
even more confident in what she did right choice! My dears,
today you are taking an insanely responsible step, you are creating your own family.
I confess, when I got married, I was very worried that I could not
make grandma happy, and everyone thought that she was at the last moment
will refuse me. But as you can see, this did not happen and we
We have been living soul to soul for many years, and we wish you the same. I know that your
the family will be special, exemplary, and for many will become an example for
imitations. Good luck to you my dears! Save your love
sincerity and understanding. Live in joy until the years when
your turn will come, congratulate your grandchildren just like today
congratulations. Happy wedding to our beloved daughter! We will always be
remember you as a first grader with bows in your hair, but this is not
means that we are not happy about your imminent wedding. Be happy
together with your spouse and may there be no dark streaks in your life, but
just bright and clean. The greatest happiness for every mother
- the birth of her child. The second such happiness we can experience,
when our child has a family, because next to mine
I see my daughter as a son. I would like to wish the young people that they
future could also stand at the wedding of their children and take in their
family with a new smile. Love and family mean in a person's life
lots of. To be able to carry through the years their warm feelings
to each other, you must learn to hear each other without words. I
I wish you that even miles apart, you hear what
your other half thinks. Parents are people who always
look at their children and see children in them. When it comes
understanding that the child finds his own family, I want
to believe that it does not become separate, but only expands already
existing families and at the table for the holidays will not less people. I
I wish you to expand your family when your children and grandchildren appear,
but do not separate from them. Indestructible is the family where the husband and wife
trust each other, do not argue over trifles, and when they sound behind
condemning exclamations, only hold each other's hand stronger. I
I wish you always hold each other's hand and feel them
warmth. I would like to wish not only long family years life, but
patience and the ability to build the ship that can withstand
during them, any storm. Family happiness depends on skill
women to smooth out conflicts and the ability of men to hug in a difficult
minute. Let the wife in your family be smart, and the husband be sensitive and then
you can happily meet old age together. If you want to be
happy, you need to make someone like that. I wish that you
rejoiced not only in each new day, but also in the coming opportunity
once again say words of love to each other. To understand how
you are happy, you need to wake up in the morning, close your eyes and imagine
that you are alone. Completely alone. And then suddenly open your eyes and realize that
you will never be alone, because now you are next to me
there will always be your other half. I would like to wish you
you never wanted, not in a year or two to close your eyes and
enjoy the fact that you can be alone. The hardest thing is
give birth to a child and then realize that the time has come when he
his family appears and he leaves his father's house. I would like
wish the young that in which of the parental houses they were not,
they always felt comfortable.
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I would like to wish today
newlyweds, so that all obstacles in their path are surmountable, there
where it is difficult for one to cross the river for another to help, and where
scary to another, instilled confidence first. Only by common efforts
the happiest families are created. For a marriage to be happy
not only to speak in time what worries, to discuss common problems.
You also need to be able to be silent in time, and sometimes it is silence that becomes
the foundation of a strong family. I wish you to know the golden mean and be able to
always find a common language. The most important thing in life is not only
well-being, but also the health that brings it. To be in
prosperity, it is important that the forces expended by both are valued, and
fatigue was another reason to spend time together. To
the family hearth was always burning, it was necessary that the firewood be laid by a woman, and
the fire was kindled by a man. So the marriage will be strong and understanding in
the family will not leave. I wish you that your hearth does not go out even after 20
years, but only flared up with renewed vigor. It can be said that
love, but not know what it is. You can wait and not wait.
You can promise, but forget your promise. I wish you to
their family always fulfilled the promise, waited for each other and
loved from the heart. Love is not just chemical
reaction in the body, this is colossal patience, faith in a common future,
the desire to create beauty around you. I wish the young
they, creating beauty around themselves, always allowed their parents
touch it and do not forget the father's house. The biggest
Happiness happens to us only a few times in a lifetime. first when
we fall in love, and then when we have a baby. So here I am
I want to wish the young so that they can experience this feeling not alone and
not twice in your life, but experienced it every time
were next to each other

Congratulations on the wedding from parents in prose

Our dear children, congratulations on the main event in your life - with
wedding day! May your life path be easy and bright,
filled with love and joy! Good luck, prosperity, mutual understanding and
mutual support. Love each other and be happy!

The goal of every parent is to raise healthy and happy children and
make sure that their lives are better than those of their parents.
Strong family to you, cute kids, so that you be an example for them
to emulate. We wish you a reasonable distribution of household duties,
but don't forget to help each other. Start individual traditions
in the family, trust each other and provide support. We are very happy
for you.

Our dear, dear, beloved children, we congratulate you on your day
marriages. We wish you peace and prosperity, fidelity and
love, happiness and good luck. May your family become every day
stronger and stronger, may understanding and
respect, may your joint path never diverge and lead
constantly towards mutual success.

Dear children, today is an important day in your life, a great event and
wonderful holiday. We congratulate you on your marriage and
we wish that your family does not have contradictions, disputes and offensive
quarrels, so that you always find a compromise, accept the right
joint decision, carefully kept the hearth of their love and happiness,
filled the house with comfort and brought up wonderful children.

Our dear, beloved children! We are so glad that you have connected your
fate and now go through life together! We wish you a cordial
kindness to each other, the warmth of the family hearth, great patience and
compliance in relationships and great, simply immense love! Let with
you will always be God and instructs and accompanies you through life!
Be friendly, help each other, give birth and raise happy
children and be very happy every day, every second!

Our beloved children, we congratulate you on this wonderful event -
happy your wedding day. We wish you a long, happy and
prosperous life together, not knowing failures and grievances. Let healthy
there will be your family, may your house be filled with love and prosperity,
May your hearts never get tired of loving each other!

With all their hearts, parents always wish their children only
well-being and goodness. Today, on your wedding day, our dear ones, we
sincerely happy for you and want to wish you a long joint
road, build an impenetrable fortress for your family, make
each other's happy people and give your children a wonderful life.

Dear our children! Today we, the happiest parents,
we bless your marriage for a long, strong and
happy! Good to you, love, peace, joy, mutual understanding. Be
happy, dear newlyweds!

Our relatives, loved ones, today is your wedding. accept as
guide our wisdom, let it help to avoid trouble and
empty insults. In this life, everyone has their own privileges: a woman
it is permissible to be weak, sometimes capricious, but wise. The man fell out
honor is condescending towards female eccentricities and to be
courageous, able to take responsibility for the family. We
We wish you to use your privileges wisely. And then love
respect and mutual understanding will surely become your permanent

Our dear children, today is a joyful and happy day, a day
creating your family. We wish you, relatives, to go on a joint
road happily and cheerfully, with sincere love in your hearts and
bright hopes in the soul. We wish you peace and prosperity in your home,
happy events and sunny weather in family.

Congratulations to the newlyweds on the wedding from the groom's parents in their own words

Our dear children,
Can't take my eyes off you
Your happiness shines like that!
We want to wish you
keep holy fidelity
And cherish the flower of love
Never want to
Swim to the left bank.
Let there be no boredom in the family,
No routine, no worries.
Give us grandchildren as soon as possible,
May your family grow!

Congratulations from your parents.
On your wedding day, simple instructions:
Take care of each other, respect, appreciate,
We will give birth to pretty grandchildren sooner.
And carry love through the years
Never hurt your loved ones.
And let adversity all go away, bad weather,
And your happiness will always be with you. Our dear children,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
And we want to live as a family
You are at least a hundred years old.
You can do more, we don't mind.
Together, remember, you are strength.
Love brought you together
Save this light.
Let the wife be obedient
Husband - support and head.
Never the road to home
Let it not grow with grass.
May your children be born
How without them in the world?
You only live in friendship.
And today we will shout: "Bitterly!". We, as parents, are proud
The fact that we have such children.
We strive to help you in everything,
So let the sun shine brighter for you!
Congratulations to the newlyweds
Happy wedding day, bright and beautiful.
We sincerely bless
May life be easy and clear.
May love give you wings
Health will bring hope
And all problems will become dust.
Let fate be gentle to you.
May your every day be bright,
May joy await you everywhere.
Let the stork fly with a gift
Wonderful will give a miracle! Two hearts met one day
And they fell in love once and for all.
And on this day, it is very important for you,
We wish you never to leave!
Live happily and amicably
The kids will bring comfort to your house,
We wish to live a hundred years in perfect harmony!
So let's shout "Bitter!" - guests are waiting! Our dear children,
We want to wish you
Live always in love and in peace,
And sorrows, troubles do not know.
Let the house be a full bowl
There will always be peace
And adversity and misfortune
Let them bypass.
Save your feelings
You for many, many years
Carry through the years
You are in the soul and in the heart of the light! Today you have become a family
Native, beloved children.
So let never behind
Does not dare to pass through the winter wind.
Let in your house never
The heat of the fire does not go out,
May your life, as if in paradise,
Blooms like a spring flower.
May your union be fastened forever,
Let children's laughter ring in the house.
Today is your day, our children,
So be happy everyone! Among the loud congratulations,
And constant cries of "Bitter!"
Our toast, as the most frank,
For the two of you, and only.
We wish you confident and long
Carry your love through difficulties.
Let the feeling of duty not leave you,
May luck help you along the way.
Let your hearth cry like a child
It will be filled as a symbol of unity.
And happiness in joyful eyes
On the contrary, it will be your reflection!
And no matter how many years pass,
We will warm hope in ourselves,
What are you, even though you yourself are already a mother and father,
Remain children for us as before ... Let you be just children for us,
But on life path
Could you meet your love
And get half.
We wish you to appreciate each other,
Protect from grief and adversity
And sunny "weather in the house",
To love stronger from year to year.
And always understand each other,
Know how to compromise
Get rid of an illness
From quarrels, insults that pull down.
And holding hands together
Pass all the thorns of obstacles.
After all, you are a family, which means
Owners of the best award! Dear our children!
On the day of consent and love
You yourself became the answer
For family steps.
We wish only joy
share with each other,
Love and understanding
Don't get lost along the way.
And most importantly, remember:
From today
You are the whole, the one
You are a new family.
stick together, never
Don't let go of your hands
And we will always support you
On the path of life. On this day, at this hour
Rings of life intertwined.
Congratulations kids.
Happiness, wisdom, love!
Divide everything in half:
Happiness, joy and success.
You will give us grandchildren,
The house needs children's laughter! Grow up, dear children,
Here is your wedding
You are the happiest person in the world
Let life be even more beautiful!
Be happy folks
Protect your hearth
You have become a family, from now on,
Love each other, respect.
In any situation, know
You are always a support to each other,
Now you are husband and wife, get used to it
Let the trouble go around and the quarrel subside.
The parent command is simple:
So that they live in happiness and do not know grief,
And so that at your wedding is golden,
Your children also congratulated you! How beautiful you are, white doves,
That they will fly away from us through the window.
Let those birds be on your wings, dear,
They only bring joy and happiness.
Let all the troubles that are not found,
Your house will be bypassed at once,
And love and luck are capricious
Your hearth will be kept young.
Be happy, dear pigeons!
Accept congratulations from us.
You always go hand in hand
Like now at this festive hour! What to wish you, dear children,
Let mutual understanding grow in it,
Good luck, and passion does not fade.
You have enough love - save it.
Do not lose tenderness and warmth,
And this memory of joyful events -
No wonder her heart was spared.
What to wish, young spouses,
When did one family grow so big?
So that now she grows further,
And so that the thread twisted offspring.
To make your home a place of concessions,
For inconspicuous little bounties,
For work to be a place for perseverance,
But only not vice versa. Today is your holiday, the birth of a family,
You are beautiful today without a doubt.
We wish you, of course, love
And in life only joyful moments.
Let there be a good path, in all agreement
And hearts always beat in unison.
We wish you cloudless happiness
And we expect grandchildren from you in due course. And tears can not be held back, and a smile cannot be hidden,
Oh, how could you fall in love so much?
Well, kids, it's time
We say goodbye to you - and that's the trouble.
We sincerely congratulate you on this day
And we remind you not to forget.
Love each other and be a mountain
Wife to husband, husband to wife. Everyone thought it over, decided
Bought a white dress
All friends were invited
Having planted them, they are denser.
Mom, dad and relatives
Tears of happiness do not shed in vain,
Coloring bride
She has a place at the head of the table
Next to her sits the groom,
All the hype is because of them.
Pour, congratulations,
Wish you happiness and children
So that the family lives together,
Songs are pouring louder
Contests, gifts, laughter,
Our wedding is the best. An important day for everyone today -
Family Day -
Our children are finally
They found their happiness.
Do not swear and do not quarrel
Be polite in everything
Build a strong family
Bring happiness into your home.
If anything, we will always help,
Feel free to contact us
Nobody is more valuable
For parents of children! For us, you are children forever,
May God keep you forever
May trouble not touch you
And your marriage will be like granite!
All my life so that together, hand in hand,
Be each other's strength,
Let children's laughter fill the house
And any blizzard is not terrible.
Let every moment be bright
Like the chapters of the kindest books,
And if it's bitter
Let from cucumber ass only! Let luck help
to your young family,
We wish you the best
Glory to husband and wife!
You gave us joy
With your sweet holiday,
Let your home good power
It will be safe and sound.
Your plans, undertakings
Let success crown.
Happiness and prosperity to you,
We love you the most! Today the wedding is ringing
Plays until the morning.
parent word
It's time for you to listen.
We bless you
Keep your hearth
Let the feelings be strong
And a strong family!
Let there be joy in the house
And boredom does not come
Love lives in the hearts..
And so we want grandchildren! The day is full of joy, full of excitement,
And generous investments in family life -
Pride to parents - after all, the family has become
More, wish you prosper
You, our children! With the wedding, relatives,
Together, overcome any obstacles,
We congratulate you - and share happiness
We wish you success, wealth,
Lots of patience and love - strong
Every day there was joy - so that it is stable,
So that there is comfort, warmth, affection in the house,
To live every day - like in a fairy tale! We congratulate you today, cheers!
From parents, listen to the words:
We wish you to live in peace,
Bypass all problems.
When you do not swear
Stay young.
So that health is not lame,
And there was little hassle.
And love was to be eternal,
Gentle, warm, endless! Happy wedding day, our children,
We congratulate you!
Most beautiful in the world
Today you are with us!
We are so proud of you
You are a couple - just class!
Let's steal a tear
From joy for you!
Let the sky be clear
Live in love.
Happy and beautiful
May your days be! Our dear children,
Please accept wishes:
On this bright day of life
You take care of each other.
You have connected forever
Both hearts and souls.
There are two of you now
And you only listen to yourself!
Your wedding is our pride:
We raised you, we tried.
And we wish you prosperity
So that you love, laugh.
Additions to the family
We still wish you
To grandma and grandpa
Soon everyone called us!
Be happy folks
And take care of each other.
Every moment, moment is near
You cherish and appreciate! Our dear children! We want to wish you
Let life become more beautiful, but do not know losses and troubles.
May love accompany you for many years,
And nothing will prevent happiness from always being there. We want to wish you only happiness on this day,
Always only together to go to the goals.
May your love never fade away
Though many obstacles will meet you on the way.
May there always be prosperity in your house,
Children's, cheerful, joyful laughter rings!
And every day, like honey will be sweet,
May only success await you in your life together! Today is such a beautiful day
The sun is shining high
And the sky is big and clear
Not far from us
And at such an hour they united
Forever loving hearts
You, our children, got married,
May there be joy without end! Our children are dear
You have become very big -
You are now married
Run away, let the ailments!
Enjoy your "fairy tale"
And fall in love even more
Don't hide, don't be ashamed
Plunge into the feeling of passion!
Give birth to sweet children
And inspire each other
Take care of your feelings
Long together you live! Beautiful, children, your union!
We congratulate you on it.
Let your pulse beat in unison
Keeps big love.
Let it be warm every moment
care and participation,
And let the family brig sail
To harmony and happiness. Our young children
Growing up so fast
At the wedding table
Loved and tender.
parent word
Please accept from us
With light and love
Live in your soul.
Be suddenly in feelings
Take care of each other
And future kids
Bring us babysitting! Dear children, blessed!
From now on, you have become husband and wife.
From now on sacred bonds have bound you
From now on, and forever.
Do not know sadness to you, nor grief.
Walk hand in hand, with love in your eyes.
May wisdom come to you
And with it, patience.
May the angel keep your family hearth. Today is a great holiday in the world,
Today is the beginning of a happy family,
We congratulate you, dear children,
We wish you joy, prosperity ahead.
May the minutes be filled with happiness
Hearts burn from tenderness and warmth,
And may the routes be lucky
And family life will give miracles! Today you kids have grown up
Leave your native yard.
While the bride and groom
And tomorrow is a strong family.
You have joined your hearts forever
Soar together like two wings.
Our children take an oath today
That they will be together forever.
On your wedding day, wished you a lot
And from parents, remember the words:
Whatever obstacles you encounter
Keep always together, you are family!

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