Vyborg College of Civil Aviation. Vyborg Aviation Technical School of Civil Aviation. Secondary vocational training

one of the oldest secondary specialized educational institutions of civil aviation. In November 2009, he turned 60 years old. As a civilian educational institution, the school has existed since 1960 as the assignee of the Air Force Aviation Technical School. Since 2007, the school has been part of a single educational complex with the St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation as a branch. Until 1993, the school produced only aviation mechanics. Today the school is a modern polytechnic educational institution that provides secondary vocational education in four specialties:

  • Technical operation of aircraft and engines
  • Technical operation of electrified and flight and navigation systems
  • Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
  • Economics and Accounting

Over the years of its activity, the school has graduated more than 2,000 young specialists for the Air Force and more than 15,000 for civil aviation. At the same time, the school is the leading educational institution for the training of engineering and technical staff for new types of helicopter technology. Since 1960, more than 1,500 engineers and technicians of civil aviation enterprises have been retrained for new equipment at the school.

The educational process includes theoretical and practical training. Theoretical training is carried out by the training department, which includes the mechanical department, the department of aviation and radio-electronic equipment and the technical and economic department.

The mechanical department has been operating since the founding of the school and specializes in the theoretical training of mechanical technicians in the operation of aircraft and engines.

The learning process begins with general technical, humanitarian and general professional disciplines and ends with the study of the design, maintenance and operation of specific types of aviation equipment. The mechanical department includes cycle commissions: general technical subjects, socio-economic disciplines, aerodynamics and aircraft design, theory and design of aircraft engines, technical operation, as well as the subject commission of physical education.

The AiREO department was established in 1993 and provides theoretical training for electronics technicians on the technical operation of electrified and flight-navigation systems. Along with general technical and humanitarian disciplines, cadets of the department study such subjects as "aviation instruments and information-measuring systems", "on-board digital computing devices", "on-board radio-electronic systems" and many others.

The main types of aviation equipment, on which the theoretical and practical training of cadets of the mechanical department and the department of AiREO is based, are Mi-2, Mi-8T and Mi-8MTV helicopters.

Education at the departments is conducted only on a full-time basis on a budgetary basis. Cadets are on full state support.

The technical and economic department trains mechanics for the maintenance of road transport and accountants-economists. The department has its own base of practical training. Education at this department is conducted on a commercial basis, both full-time and part-time.

The training and production department, which includes training and production workshops and a training aviation technical base, is responsible for the practical training of cadets.

In the training workshops, an internship program for obtaining primary professional skills is being implemented. Here, cadets are taught the skills to master the basic tools used by aviation technicians, work out technological methods for performing standard operations on inspection, installation and dismantling of units and devices, locking work, etc. on helicopters and engines. practice in the profile of the specialty and practical training in the design of helicopters and aircraft engines. Under the guidance of masters of industrial training, cadets perform a set of maintenance works for Mi-2 and Mi-8 helicopters, master the operation of ground equipment. Theoretical and practical training within the walls of the school lasts for 2.5 years, after which future aviation technicians are sent for internships at existing civil aviation enterprises or factories. The learning process ends after passing the internship by passing the final state exams.

Cadets who have achieved the greatest success in mastering theoretical and practical disciplines can continue their studies at the engineering or command faculties of the St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation.

The distribution of school graduates to jobs in civil aviation enterprises is carried out according to the applications of aviation enterprises and only on a voluntary basis.

The basic training received by our graduates allows them, after appropriate retraining in training centers, to operate any type of aviation equipment. At the same time, graduates of the mechanical department, who are fit for health reasons, can be included in the helicopter crew as onboard technicians.

Training in the school is conducted by experienced teachers and masters of industrial training. Most of the teachers have the highest qualification category. A number of them were awarded the titles of Honorary Worker of Secondary Vocational Education, Excellence of Aeroflot, Excellence of Air Transport.

The school has a developed modern educational base, including specialized classes for studying aviation technology, laboratories, operating simulators and stands, samples of many types of helicopter equipment - from the single-seat Mi-1 to the world's largest Mi-26 helicopter. A significant part of the educational equipment was made by the hands of cadets and teachers of the school. An increasing place in the educational process is occupied by electronic computers. In addition to the laboratory of informatics and computer technology, a number of classrooms at the mechanical department and the department of A&REO are equipped with modern personal computers.

For sports and leisure, the school has a shooting range, three sports halls, a stadium, a library with a reading room with Internet access, a club for 400 seats.

Educational work in cadet groups is carried out by full-time educators and teachers-organizers, united as part of the organizational and educational department. In recent years, the school has paid more and more attention to improving the social and living conditions of cadets. The cadets' dormitories, canteens and classrooms are being repaired and reconstructed. New equipment for laboratories is being purchased, helicopter equipment is being repaired. Preparatory work is underway for the transition to the study of new, promising types of aviation technology.

A. F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation >>>

License for educational activities dated March 23, 2016 No. 002021
Certificate of state accreditation dated November 16, 2016 No. 002359

The annual increase in the number of aircraft carriers in the Northern Navy created an acute shortage of qualified specialists for servicing carrier-based aviation during the post-war five-year plan.

History of the institution

For the staffing of crews, according to the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, in the summer of 1949, recruitment was opened at the School of Aviation Mechanics in the city of Pionersk, which trains service personnel for military bases in the Kaliningrad region.

In mid-1952, the educational institution became the Naval Aviation School, which trained pilots and navigators for sea-based fighters and helicopters.

According to the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, in the middle of 1956, the institution was transferred to Vyborg with the renaming of the institution into the Aviation School of the Air Force, which began to master helicopter technology.

According to the order of the main department of the Civil Air Fleet under the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the Technical School began to work on the basis of the institution, which began to produce aircraft maintenance technicians.

In accordance with the order of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in mid-1968, the institution becomes the Vyborg Civil Aviation School. S.F. Zhavoronkov, who began to master the Mi-24 and Ka-26 series helicopters, which took an active part in the geological exploration of oil and gas fields in Western Siberia.

Close economic ties with the base enterprises helped the institution to overcome the crisis period of the nineties, and according to the order of the Government of the Russian Federation in July 2007, the institution becomes the Vyborg branch of the St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation.

Features of the institution

At the moment, the training of specialists at the "VF SPbGUGA" is carried out on a full-time and part-time basis. The following areas of study are involved in the educational process:

  1. Features of the technical operation of aircraft.
  2. Technique for setting up electronic navigation systems for piloting.
  3. Ground support for the safety of flights of civil aviation ships.
  4. The composition of the briefing of passengers of an airliner before a scheduled flight.

Over the course of sixty-eight years, the institution has trained more than 18,300 specialists.

In addition to the basic qualification, students can study the following professions:

  • flight engineer,
  • mechanic,
  • service technician.

Promising cooperation with food universities allows graduates to continue their education at MTUGA, MSTU and MADI.

Form of study: full-time

Type of training: Paid, Free

Cost of education: 32700 - 64300 rubles per year

Education is based on 9 or 11 classes

Supervising university: St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation


25.02.01 Technical operation of aircraft and engines 25.02.03 Technical operation of electrified and flight and navigation systems 43.02.06 Service in transport 25.03.04 Operation of airports and aircraft flight support

Exam subjects:

certificate competition, Russian language, mathematics, physics, computer science, foreign language

Vyborg Aviation Technical School of Civil Aviation

From here: http://www.vatuga.ru/spravka.html


Historical chronicle of the ShMAS, stationed in the city of Pionersk, Kaliningrad Region, and which became the Vyborg Aviation Technical School of Civil Aviation
The history of the school dates back to August 1949, when the 56th school of aircraft mechanics was established in the city of Pionersk, Kaliningrad Region, by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Aviation.
In 1952, on the basis of the school, the 66th Naval Aviation Technical School was formed, designed to train technical officers for naval aviation. Colonel D.I. was appointed head of the school. Borovikov (in this position from 1949 to 1952).
The school studied the most modern technology at that time - jet fighters MiG-15 and MiG-17. The first graduation from the school was in 1952. In the same year, Major General B.P. became the head of the school. Putsikin (in this position from 1952 to 1959).
In the summer of 1956, the school was relocated to Vyborg and housed in a building on Puteyskaya Street, 8. This address is still the main administrative, educational and residential building. The building at that time was in a dilapidated state. Its restoration and reconstruction was carried out by cadets and permanent staff until 1964, when it acquired its modern look. It was then that a club was built with an auditorium for 400 seats and rooms for group work.
In the same period, a training airfield was created on an unfinished runway in wartime, 14 kilometers from the city, on which the training aviation and technical base of the school is currently located. At the same time, new aviation equipment was mastered - the MiG-19 and Yak-25 fighters.
In 1957, the Naval Aviation Technical School was transferred to the Air Force and became known as the 66th Air Force Aviation Technical School. In the same year, an event occurred that later determined the specialization of the school - the first sample of the latest technology at that time appeared - the Mi-4 helicopter. For many years, this helicopter, which can now only be found in aviation museums, has become one of the main types of equipment studied at the school.
In 1959, Colonel A.T. was appointed head of the school. Bovkun (in this position from 1959 to 1965).
The "war period" in the life of the school, which trained more than 2,000 specialists for the Air Force, ended in 1960, when by order of the head of the Main Directorate of the Civil Air Fleet under the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 341 dated June 28, 1960, an aviation technical school of the Civil Air Fleet was organized on its basis.
At the same time, the main profile of the new-old educational institution was determined - the training of mechanical technicians for "small aircraft". The main types of equipment for the school were: An-2 aircraft and helicopters with Mi-1 and Mi-4 piston engines. Later, more modern helicopters with Mi-2 and Mi-8 gas turbine engines were added to them, and then the Ka-26 helicopter.
The school made the first graduation of specialists for civil aviation already in 1961 - 167 mechanical technicians for the operation of helicopters, aircraft and engines.
In May 1965, by decision of the collegium of the Ministry of Civil Aviation, A.D. Bogdanov in this position from 1965 to 1990).
From 1968 to the present, the school, according to the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR No. 528 of August 5, 1968, is called the Vyborg Aviation Technical School of Civil Aviation named after Air Marshal S.F. Zhavoronkov.
The end of the 1960s and 1970s were characterized by continuous improvement and expansion of the educational base of the school.
At the training airfield in 1970, the building of the training aviation technical base was built on its own, docks-hangars were installed, and parking lots for helicopters were equipped.
In 1973, a new educational and laboratory building was put into operation with 28 classrooms, two sports halls, a library and a shooting range.
The training airfield constantly received new aviation equipment - Mi-8, Mi-2, Ka-26, Mi-24, Mi-26 helicopters. By the 90s, the helicopter and aircraft fleet of the training ATB amounted to more than 30 units.
A significant contribution to the improvement of the educational base of the school was made by cadets and teachers of the school, whose hands created various operating installations, stands, simulators and other educational equipment. In the field of inventive and rationalization work, the staff of the school repeatedly won first and prize-winning places among educational institutions of civil aviation.
The school regularly took part in exhibitions at VDNKh of the USSR, while receiving 4 silver and 8 bronze medals and 3 letters of encouragement.
The possibilities of the school staff at that time are also evidenced by the fact that in 1983-1986, the legendary ANT-4 aircraft with tail number H-137 was recreated at the school with the help of cadets, teachers and aircraft technicians. Now it is in the Museum of Civil Aviation in Ulyanovsk.
In the early 1970s, intensive development of the West Siberian oil and gas region began, and as a result, the need for specialists capable of servicing new helicopter equipment has sharply increased. At the same time, the Vyborg School was the only educational institution in the country that trained mechanical technicians for the operation of helicopters and engines. Therefore, the enrollment of cadets at the school also increased rapidly, and by 1970 it had reached 720 people.
Simultaneously with the training of young specialists in the school, a lot of work was carried out to retrain the engineering and technical staff of civil aviation enterprises for helicopters.
In 1990, by order of the Minister of Civil Aviation, M.G. was appointed director of the school. Russian (in this position from 1990 to 2006).
In the difficult 1990s, when the centralized management system, economic and economic ties were broken, the school was able not only to survive, but also continued to develop. During these years, a course was taken for the transition from a single-profile educational institution to a multi-profile one. Now the school trains not only mechanical technicians, but also electronics technicians, accountants-economists and road transport maintenance technicians. It was during this period that electronic computers began to be actively introduced into the educational process.
Without the help of government agencies and in the absence of funding, a new type of aviation equipment was mastered - the Mi-8MTV helicopter with a TV3-117VM engine. At the same time, the school's team of authors prepared for publication the textbooks Mi-8MTV Helicopter and TV3-117VM Aircraft Turboshaft Engine, published by central publishing houses.
In 2006, V.Z. was appointed director of the school. Denefner.
In recent years, more attention has been paid to improving the living conditions of cadets and permanent staff, modernizing the educational and laboratory facilities, further computerization of the educational process and management activities. Work is underway to prepare for the development of new types of aviation equipment - Mi-171 and Mi-172 helicopters.
Since 2007, the Vyborg School, by order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 827-r dated July 26, 2007, has been included in a single educational complex with the St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation as a branch.

The basis of the branch was an aviation school, which was established in 1949 in the city of Pionersk (Kaliningrad region) as a naval aviation technical school. In 1956, the school was relocated to the city of Vyborg, and in 1957 it was transferred to the Air Force. The school studied MiG-15, MiG-17, MiG-19 aircraft. In 1960, the school was transferred to the Main Directorate of the Civil Air Fleet and switched to the study of Mi-2, Mi-8, Mi-4, Ka-26 helicopters. Since December 2009, it has been transformed into a branch of the GA University. At present, it is a modern educational complex providing training in three specialties.

Over the years of its activity, the Vyborg branch of St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation has trained more than 2,000 young specialists for military and 15,000 for civil aviation. 2,500 engineering and technical workers of civil aviation enterprises improved their skills at the educational institution.

The infrastructure of the branch includes: two educational and laboratory buildings, a training aviation technical base; training and production workshops; three sports halls; shooting range; stadium; library; museum; a club for the work of amateur art circles and leisure activities; hostel; dining room.

Contact Information

  • 188800, Vyborg, st. Puteyskaya, 8
  • From St. Petersburg: by electric train from the Finland Station (metro station "Ploshchad Lenina"); by bus number 850 from the station. metro station "Parnassus" (journey time 2 hours).
  • (813-78) 2-11-89 (admission committee)
  • (813-8) 2-14-90 director/fax
  • (813-78) 2-49-70 (training department)
  • [email protected]; [email protected]
  • vatuga.ru
  • www.spbguga.ru

Acceptance of documents

    List of documents:
  • Statement;
  • original or copy of the applicant's identity document (passport);
  • original or copy of a state document on secondary general (basic general) education;
  • medical certificate in the form 086 / y.

Educational program

Secondary vocational training

25.02.01 "Technical operation of aircraft and engines"
In this specialty, multilateral and detailed training of aviation technicians - mechanics for the technical operation of helicopters and aircraft engines is carried out. Aviation equipment studied: Mi-8, Mi-8MTV, Mi-2 helicopters.

Awarded qualification: technician

Number of budget places: on the basis of basic general education - 60; based on the general average - 30.

Entrance tests: according to the average score of the following subjects - mathematics, physics, computer science, Russian language

Terms and cost of training:

25.02.03 "Technical operation of electrified and flight and navigation systems"
This specialty provides in-depth training of aviation electronics technicians for the operation of aircraft instruments and electrical equipment of aircraft. Cadets study the basics of electrical engineering and electronics, radio navigation, automation and control, and in detail - electrified and flight-navigation systems of Mi-8, Mi-8MTV, Mi-2 helicopters.

Awarded qualification: technician.

Number of budget places: on the basis of basic general education - 40; based on the average general - 15.

Entrance tests: according to the average score of the following subjects - mathematics, physics, computer science, Russian language.

Terms and cost of training:

Full-time form: on the basis of basic general education - 3 years 10 months. (38,960 rubles/year); based on the average general - 2 years 10 months. (38,960 rubles/year).

43.02.06 "Service in transport (air transport)"
This specialty provides knowledge in service activities, management and marketing, planning and operation of transport services, transport law and air transport service systems.

Qualification awarded: transport service specialist.

Number of budget places: based on the average general - 15.

Entrance tests: according to the average score of the following subjects - mathematics, physics, computer science, Russian language, foreign language.

Terms and cost of training:

Full-time education: on the basis of the general secondary - 1 year 10 months.
Tuition fee: 42,610 rubles / year

general information

The scholarship is provided.

The hostel is available.

Military department - reprieve.

Branch prestige

Student time at the Vyborg branch of St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation is not limited to the study of disciplines, lectures, seminars and tests, during this period there is an opportunity to show oneself and one's abilities in a wide variety of situations.

Our children take an active part in sports events held in the branch, city and district, visit exhibitions as part of general cultural development, and participate in various city events.

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