Russian Geographical Society. Russian Geographical Society Honorary Members of the Society

The Russian Geographical Society is a public organization aimed at a deep and comprehensive study of the geographical, ecological and cultural aspects in the history of Russia. This organization brings together not only specialists in the field of geography, travelers, ecologists, but also people who seek to gain new knowledge about Russia and are ready to help preserve its natural resources and wealth.

The Russian Geographical Society (abbreviated RGO) was founded in 1845 by decree of Emperor Nicholas I.

From 1845 to the present time, the Russian Geographical Society has been active. It should be noted that the name of the Society changed several times: at first it was called the Imperial Geographical Society, then it became the State Geographical Society, then the Geographical Society of the USSR (All-Union Geographical Society), and finally it became the Russian Geographical Society.

The founder of the Russian Geographical Society is Admiral Fyodor Petrovich Litke. He created the Society in order to master Russia and study it comprehensively.

Among the creators of the Russian Geographical Society, one can distinguish famous navigators such as Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern, Ferdinand Petrovich Wrangel. Members of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences took part in the creation of the Society, for example, naturalist Karl Maksimovich Baer, ​​statistician Peter Ivanovich Koeppen. Military leaders also contributed to the development of the Russian Geographical Society: geodesist Mikhail Pavlovich Vronchenko, statesman Mikhail Nikolaevich Muravyov. Among the Russian intelligentsia, who took an active part in the creation of the Society, one can single out the linguist Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl, the patron Vladimir Petrovich Odoevsky.

The leaders of the Society were members of the Russian Imperial House, travelers, researchers and statesmen. These are representatives of the Romanov Imperial House, and the presidents of the Society, such as the Russian and Soviet geneticist, geographer Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov, who participated in dozens of expeditions and created the doctrine of the world centers of origin of cultivated plants. The Russian Geographical Society was also headed by the Soviet zoologist, geographer Lev Semenovich Berg, who made a huge contribution to science. He collected materials about the nature of different regions, in addition, he created a textbook called "Nature of the USSR." L.S. Berg can be considered the creator of modern physical geography, as he is the founder of landscape science. By the way, the landscape division proposed by Lev Semenovich has survived to this day.

For the past 7 years (since 2009), the post of President of the Russian Geographical Society has been occupied by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu. And in 2010, the Board of Trustees was formed, headed by the President of the country Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. At the meetings of the Council, the results of the work of the Russian Geographical Society for the year are summed up, and plans for the future are also discussed. In addition, various grants of the Russian Geographical Society are awarded at the meetings.

The Russian Geographical Society has its own charter. The first one came out on December 28, 1849 under Nicholas I. And the charter that exists today was approved on December 11, 2010 during the 14th Congress of the All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Geographical Society". In accordance with this, the society received the status of an “all-Russian public organization”.

The main goal of the Russian Geographical Society is a comprehensive knowledge of Russia and the world in all its diversity. To achieve this goal it is necessary:

1. active participation of society in its activities;

2. collection, processing and dissemination of various information about Russia in the field of geography, ecology, culture, ethnography.

3. drawing attention to the historical, cultural sites of Russia for the development of tourism.

The Russian Geographical Society is trying to involve representatives of the youth environment in its activities in order to reveal their creative potential for organizing various competitions, as well as to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

The Company closely cooperates with environmental, geographic, environmental and charitable organizations, educational institutions (including federal universities), research and scientific centers, commercial organizations working in the field of tourism and education. The Russian Geographical Society also cooperates with the media.

Today, the Society has about 13,000 members in Russia and abroad. The Russian Geographical Society is a non-profit organization, therefore it does not receive state funding.

The Russian Geographical Society is covered in a variety of media. For example, in the magazine "Arguments and Facts", in the newspapers "Kommersant", "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", on the TV channels "St. Petersburg", "Channel 5", "NTV"

There is a website of the Russian Geographical Society, which contains all the necessary information about the Society, as well as a library, grants and projects. One of the most important projects is the youth movement, which was created in 2013. To date, about 80 thousand schoolchildren and students from all regions of Russia, as well as about 1 thousand specialists in the field of geographical and environmental education, are participants in the movement. The youth movement was created in order to organize all-Russian youth projects, with the help of which the participants could show their activity, creativity and initiative.

The Russian Geographical Society awards special awards for achievements in the field of geography or for assistance to the Russian Geographical Society.

This award is given to members of the Russian Geographical Society for their achievements and usefulness in geography. The Konstantinovsky medal was received by Vladimir Ivanovich Dal for "The Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" (1863), Vladimir Afanasyevich Obruchev for his works on the geology of Asia (1900) and many others.

2. Big gold medal:

The award is given for work in the field of science every 2 or 3 years. Only those scientists who have accomplished a brave feat can receive it. Another criterion is successful expeditions, which resulted in some important discovery. A large gold medal was received by Nikolai Vasilyevich Slyunin for his essay "The Okhotsk-Kamchatka Territory" (1901), Grigory Nikolayevich Potanin for his work entitled "Essays on North-Western Mongolia" (1881).

3. Big silver medal:

The award is given for works in the field of science once every 1 or 2 years for a contribution to the Russian Geographical Society, or for success in the field of geography.

4. Gold medal to them. Fyodor Petrovich Litke:

Only scientists who have made the most important discoveries in the oceans and polar countries can receive such an award. For the first time, the medal was awarded to Konstantin Stepanovich Staritsky for hydrographic research in the Pacific Ocean (1874). Over the years, the medal was awarded to Mikhail Vasilievich Pevtsov for his work “Essay on a trip to Mongolia” (1885), Leonid Ludvigovich Breitfus for the study of the Barents Sea (1907 d) and others.

5. Gold medal to them. Petr Petrovich Semyonov:

This medal is awarded for the study of environmental issues, scientific works on soil geography and description of vast parts of Russia and other countries. It was founded in 1899 and was awarded to Pyotr Yulievich Schmidt for studying water conditions in the Far East (1906), Lev Semenovich Berg for studying the Aral Sea (1909) and other scientists.

6. Gold medal to them. Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky:

The medal is awarded for discoveries in deserts and mountainous countries, for expeditions to explore the peoples of Russia and other countries. It was established on August 29, 1946 and was awarded once every 2 years. One of those who received this award is Alexander Mikhailovich Berlyant.

7. Gold medal to them. Alexander Fedorovich Treshnikov:

The medal is awarded to participants of expeditions to the Arctic and Antarctic, dedicated to the study of climatic conditions, as a result of which scientific discoveries were made, as well as to the development of the polar regions.

8. Gold medal to them. Nikolai Nikolaevich Miklukho-Maclay:

Awarded for research in the field of ethnography, historical geography, cultural heritage.

9. Small gold and silver medals:

They can be obtained once a year. The authors of scientific papers in one of the areas of the Russian Geographical Society, which systematize the results of research done on any subject, were awarded a small gold medal. Silver is awarded for selfless assistance to the Society. Both medals were established in 1858. Petr Petrovich Semyonov received small gold medals for the work and services rendered to the Society (1866), Venedikt Ivanovich Dybovsky and Viktor Aleksandrovich Godlevsky for researching Lake Baikal (1870) and others. Small silver medals were awarded to Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky for the article "Non-town population of the southern part of the Primorsky Region" (1869), Alexander Andreevich Dostoevsky for his help in compiling the "History of the Society" (1895) and many other scientists.

In addition to medals, the Society annually awards the following awards:

1. Prize to them. Semyon Ivanovich Dezhnev:

2. Honorary diploma:

Scientists are awarded for research in geography and related sciences. The decision to award a diploma is published on the website of the Russian Geographical Society.

3. Certificate of honor:

The diploma is awarded for contribution to the development of the Society. As a rule, the presentation takes place on an anniversary or is associated with an important date.

4. Nominal scholarship:

Awarded at least 10 times a year. It is awarded to young scientists in the field of geography for the best scientific works.

The Russian Geographical Society provides grants in priority areas - funds to finance research and educational projects aimed at achieving the goals and solving the tasks of the Society.

Grant projects should be of great public importance and be oriented toward achieving practical results in the interests of Russia.

Grants have been awarded every year since 2010 on a competitive basis. The competition is organized at the end of the year, its duration is a month. For example, in 2010, the Russian Geographical Society provided financial assistance to 13 projects in the amount of 42 million rubles, a year later the number of projects increased greatly - up to 56. More than 180 million rubles were allocated for them. In 2012, almost 200 million rubles were allocated for 52 projects. And in 2013, grant support in the amount of more than 100 million rubles was provided to 114 projects.

The Russian Geographical Society has many periodicals. For example, "Bulletin of the Imperial Geographical Society", "Living Antiquity", "Questions of Geography", "Geographic News", etc.

The Russian Geographical Society has 85 regional branches in the Russian Federation. Their activity is to increase the level of knowledge of citizens about their region, increase the number of activists of the Russian Geographical Society, and draw attention to the environmental environment.

All-Russian Public Organization "Russian Geographical Society"(abbreviated VOO "RGO") is a geographical public organization of Russia, founded on August 18, 1845. One of the oldest geographical societies in the world after Paris (1821), Berlin (1828) and London (1830).

The main task of the Russian Geographical Society is the collection and dissemination of reliable geographical information. The expeditions of the Russian Geographical Society played a big role in the development of Siberia, the Far East, Central and Central Asia, the World Ocean, in the development of navigation, the discovery and study of new lands, in the development of meteorology and climatology. Since 1956, the Russian Geographical Society has been a member of the International Geographical Union.

Official names

During its existence, the society changed its name several times:


Society establishment

Among the founding members of the Society were also geographer and statistician K. I. Arseniev, director of the Department of Agriculture of the Ministry of Internal Affairs A. I. Levshin, traveler P. A. Chikhachev, linguist, ethnographer, personal secretary and official at large of the Minister of Internal Affairs V. I. Dal, Orenburg Governor-General V. A. Perovsky, writer and philanthropist Prince V. F. Odoevsky.

Start of activity

The Russian Geographical Society was conceived as a geographic and statistical society, under the Ministry of the Interior, but by order of the emperor it was called the Geographical Society. The initial financing of the Society was state-owned and amounted to 10 thousand rubles a year, later patrons made a significant contribution to the financing of enterprises of the Russian Geographical Society.

The society quickly covered all of Russia with its divisions. In 1851, the first two regional departments were opened - Caucasian in Tiflis and Siberian in Irkutsk, then departments were created: Orenburg, North-West in Vilna, South-West in Kyiv, West Siberian in Omsk, Amur in Khabarovsk, Turkestan in Tashkent. They conducted extensive surveys of their regions.

During the imperial period of its activity, the Society served as a platform for an informal dialogue between departments that carried out cartographic, statistical and research work: “In its (Society’s) environment, the heads of various state institutions involved in cartography of Russia converged to discuss the subjects of their studies.”


  • Department of Physical Geography
  • Department of Mathematical Geography
  • Department of Statistics
  • Department of Ethnography
  • Political and Economic Committee
  • Commission for the Study of the Arctic
  • Seismic Commission

The creation of a permanent commission of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society (IRGS) for the study of the Arctic made it possible to systematize expeditionary activities and summarize the unique information received about the nature, geology and ethnography of the Far North. The world-famous Chukotka, Yakutsk and Kola expeditions were carried out. The report on one of the Arctic expeditions of the society interested the great scientist D. I. Mendeleev, who developed several projects for the development and exploration of the Arctic.

The Russian Geographical Society became one of the organizers and participants of the First International Polar Year, during which the Society created autonomous polar stations at the mouth of the Lena and on Novaya Zemlya.

The Seismic Commission of the Russian Geographical Society was established in 1887 after a strong earthquake in the city of Verny (Alma-Ata). The commission was created on the initiative and with the active participation of IV Mushketov.

On March 5, 1912, the Council of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society approved the regulation on the Permanent Environmental Commission.

Honorary members of the Society

During the imperial period, members of foreign royal families were elected honorary members of the society (for example, a personal friend of P. P. Semyonov-Tian-Shansky, the Belgian King Leopold I, the Turkish Sultan Abdul Hamid II, the British Prince Albert), famous foreign explorers and geographers (Baron Ferdinand von Richthofen, Roald Amudsen, Fridtjof Nansen and others).

In addition to the immediate leaders of the Russian Empire and members of the royal family, more than 100 ministers, governors, members of the State Council and the Senate were active members of the Geographical Society in different years. It was fruitful work in the Geographical Society that helped many of them to achieve such high results: D. A. Milyutin, who restored the prestige of the Russian army after the defeat in the Crimean War, Ya. V. Khanykov, who received the post of Orenburg governor thanks to outstanding Asian studies, senator and academician V. P. Bezobrazov and many others. others

The public opinion of those years was shaped by members of the Russian Geographical Society Metropolitan of Moscow Philaret and Bishop of Nizhny Novgorod Jacob, book publishers Alfred Devrien and Adolf Marx, editors of major Russian and foreign newspapers E. E. Ukhtomsky and Mackenzie Wallace (Donald Mackenzie Wallace).

Benefactors of the Society

The Russian Geographical Society also laid the foundations of the national nature reserve business, the ideas of the first Russian specially protected natural areas (PAs) were born within the framework of the Permanent Environmental Commission of the IRGS, the creator of which was Academician I. P. Borodin.

With the assistance of the Russian Geographical Society in 1918, the world's first higher educational institution of a geographical profile, the Geographical Institute, was established.

In 1919, one of the most famous members of the Society, V.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, founded the first geographical museum in Russia.

In the Soviet period, the Society actively developed new areas of activity related to the promotion of geographical knowledge: a commission of the corresponding direction was established, an Advisory Bureau was opened under the leadership of L. S. Berg, the famous lecture hall named after. Yu. M. Shokalsky.

In the post-war period, a rapid increase in the membership of the Society was recorded, if in 1940 it consisted of 745 people, then in 1987 the number of members reached 30 thousand, that is, it increased almost 40 times.

Patrons and Trustees of the Society

Charter of the society

The Russian Geographical Society is the only public organization in Russia that has continuously existed since its inception in 1845. The statutes of the Russian Geographical Society convincingly demonstrate the legally impeccable succession of the society throughout its 170-year history. The first charter of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society was approved by Nicholas I on December 28, 1849.

The current charter, in accordance with which the Russian Geographical Society received the status of an “All-Russian public organization”, was approved by the XIV Congress of the All-Russian public organization “Russian Geographical Society”, protocol dated December 11, 2010.

Society Management

Over the years, the Russian Geographical Society was led by representatives of the Russian Imperial House, famous travelers, explorers and statesmen.

Chairmen and Presidents

From 1845 to the present, 12 leaders of the society have changed:

Years of leadership FULL NAME. Position
1. 1845-1892 Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolaevich Chairman
2. 1892-1917 Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich Chairman
3. 1917-1931 Shokalsky, Yuliy Mikhailovich Chairman
4. 1931-1940 Vavilov, Nikolai Ivanovich The president
5. 1940-1950 Berg, Leo Semyonovich The president
6. 1952-1964 Pavlovsky, Evgeniy Nikanorovich The president
7. 1964-1977 Kalesnik, Stanislav Vikentievich The president
8. 1977-1991 Treshnikov, Alexei Fyodorovich The president
9. 1991-2000 Lavrov, Sergey Borisovich The president
10. 2000-2002 Seliverstov, Yury Petrovich The president
11. 2002-2009 Komaritsyn, Anatoly Alexandrovich The president
12. 2009-present in. Shoigu, Sergey Kuzhugetovich The president

Honorary Presidents

  • 1931-1940 - Yu. M. Shokalsky
  • 1940-1945 - V. L. Komarov
  • 2000- present in. - V. M. Kotlyakov

Vice Chairs (Vice Presidents)

  • 1850-1856 - M. N. Muravyov (vice-chairman)
  • 1857-1873 - F.P. Litke (vice-chairman)
  • 1873-1914 - P.P. Semyonov (vice-chairman)
  • 1914-1917 - Yu. M. Shokalsky (vice-chairman)
  • 1917-1920 - N. D. Artamonov (vice-chairman)
  • 1920-1931 - G. E. Grumm-Grzhimailo (Vice Chairman)
  • 1931-1932 - N. Ya. Marr (since 1931, deputy heads began to be called vice presidents)
  • 1932-1938 - position remained vacant
  • 1938-1945 - I. Yu. Krachkovsky
  • 1942-19?? - Z. Yu. Shokalskaya (acting vice-president)
  • 19??-1952
  • 1952-1964 - S. V. Kalesnik
  • 1964-1977 - A. F. Tryoshnikov
  • 1977-1992 - S. B. Lavrov
  • 1992-2000 - Yu. P. Seliverstov
  • 2000-2002 - A. A. Komaritsyn
  • 2002-2005 - ?
  • 2005-2009 - ?
  • 2009-2010 - ?
  • 2010- present in. - A. N. Chilingarov (First Vice-President); N. S. Kasimov (First Vice-President); A. A. Chibilev; P. Ya. Baklanov; K. V. Chistyakov;

Heads of staff

Chiefs of staff (assistants to the chairman, academic secretaries, executive directors)

Governing Bodies

According to the current Charter (section 5), the structure of the governing bodies of the Society includes: the Congress, the Board of Trustees, the Media Council, the Governing Council, the Academic Council, the Council of Elders, the Council of Regions, the President of the Society, the Executive Directorate and the Audit Commission.

Headquarters operate in Moscow and St. Petersburg

Society Congresses Media Council

In 2010, the My Planet TV channel became the winner of the Golden Luch award in the Best Educational TV Channel of the Year nomination.

There is a program of the Russian Geographical Society on Radio Mayak.

Governing Council Academic Council Council of Elders Council of Regions Executive Directorate Audit Commission

Regional branches

The first "peripheral departments" of the society were created in:

  • 1850 - Caucasian in Tiflis
  • 1851 - Siberian in Irkutsk

Other branches of the society were established in Vilnius (1867), Orenburg (1867), Kyiv (1873), Omsk (1877), Khabarovsk (1894), Tashkent (1897) and other cities. Some organizations were completely autonomous - such as, for example, the Society for the Study of the Amur Territory, established in Vladivostok in 1884 and only formally included in the IRGO in 1894. In 1876 the departments in Vilnius and Kyiv stopped their activity.

Awards of the Russian Geographical Society

The system of awards of the Russian Geographical Society includes a number of medals of various denominations (large gold medals, nominal gold medals, small gold, silver and bronze medals); various awards; honorable mentions and diplomas. No awards were made between 1930 and 1945.

  • Big gold medals
    • Konstantinovskaya medal, existed as the highest award of the Russian Geographical Society until 1929 (from 1924 to 1929 it was called the "Highest Award of the Society"). In 2010 and 2011, remakes of the medal were awarded without the status of an award, as a commemorative medal.
    • Big Gold Medal of the Geographical Society of the USSR (1946-1998), Big Gold Medal of the Russian Geographical Society (since 1998).
    • Large gold medal of the departments of ethnography and statistics (1879-1930).
  • Named gold medals
    • Gold medal named after P. P. Semenov (1899-1930, since 1946).
    • Medal named after Count F. P. Litke (1873-1930, since 1946).
    • Gold medal named after N. M. Przhevalsky (since 1946).
  • Small gold and equivalent medals
    • Small gold medal (1858-1930, since 1998) - awarded for useful geographical research that does not fit the conditions of the Konstantinovsky medal (S. V. Maksimov in 1861; B. Ya. Schweitzer; N. A. Korguev; A. N. Afanasiev; P. N. Rybnikov; P. O. Bobrovsky)
    • Medal named after N. M. Przhevalsky (silver, 1895-1930).
  • Unnumbered small medals
    • Small Silver Medal (1858-1930, since 2012).
    • Small bronze medal (1858-1930).
  • Prizes
    • N. M. Przhevalsky Prize
    • Tillo Award
    • Honorary reviews and diplomas

Library of the Russian Geographical Society

In 1845, simultaneously with the Russian Geographical Society, its library was also created. The beginning of the book collection was laid by books donated by members of the Society and personally sent by the authors. The acquisition of the fund included the purchase of books and the exchange of publications with Russian and foreign scientific institutions. The creation and operation of such a library is of great cultural significance for Russia. Realizing this, 4 years after its founding, the leadership of the Society entrusts the first work to put the library in order to Petr Semenov (later - Semenov-Tian-Shansky, the most famous Russian geographer and statesman).

The Library Fund of the Russian Geographical Society (490,000 copies) includes publications on the entire spectrum of geographical sciences and related disciplines - from physical geography to medical geography and geography of art. Foreign publications make up a significant part of the fund, which emphasizes the scientific nature of the library.

As part of the collection of rare books of the XVI-XVIII centuries. there are publications Rossica(messages from foreigners about Russia), publications of the era of Peter I, classic descriptions of travels and discoveries.

The cartographic collection, numbering 42,000 copies, contains rare and single copies of handwritten maps and atlases.

The richest reference fund is represented by encyclopedias, dictionaries, guides, bibliographic publications.

The Publications Fund of the Russian Geographical Society contained copies of all publications published under the heading "Russian Geographical Society". Unfortunately, the lack of funding from the regional offices in the 1990s broke this tradition. Today, the fund of publications of the Russian Geographical Society can no longer be characterized by maximum completeness.

The fund includes books from the personal libraries of the members of the Russian Geographical Society who stood at its origins - Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich, Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky and other prominent Russian geographers - Shokalsky, Pavlovsky, Shnitnikov, Kondratiev.

From 1938 to the present day, the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences (BAS) has been participating in the acquisition of publications for the Library of the Russian Geographical Society. Since the middle of the 20th century, the library of the Russian Geographical Society has been a department of the BAN.

The history of the Library of the Russian Geographical Society is inseparable from the history of Russia. During the years of the Civil War, the Library of the Society was a kind of "club" of geographers of Petrograd. During the Great Patriotic War, the library was not intended for evacuation from besieged Leningrad, providing its funds to soldiers and commanders of the Soviet Army even at night, when time was freed up for studying literature. Materials on the hydrometeorological regime of Lake Ladoga were used for laying the Road of Life.

The uniqueness of the RGS Library fund is emphasized by books signed by famous travelers and researchers of the 2nd half of the 20th century - T. Heyerdahl, Yu. Senkevich, Soviet cosmonauts, L. Gumilyov.

The constant task of the Library is to provide information support for the professional and social activities of members of the Russian Geographical Society and employees of academic institutions in Russia.

Library leaders

Publications of the Russian Geographical Society

  • Izvestia of the Russian Geographical Society is the oldest Russian geographical scientific journal published by the Society since 1865. It comes out in a very small circulation (about 130 copies), known mainly to specialists. Editorial office in St. Petersburg.
  • Questions of geography - a series of scientific thematic collections on geography, published since 1946. By 2016, more than 140 collections have been published in all branches of geographical science.
  • Ice and snow is a scientific journal covering the issues of glaciology and cryolithology.

At present, among the publications of the Russian Geographical Society is the popular science magazine "Around the World", published since 1861, editorial office in Moscow.

Scientific archive of the Russian Geographical Society

Simultaneously with the founding of the Society (1845), the Scientific Archive began to form - the oldest and only specially geographical archive in the country. The first manuscripts received by the archive were private donations. Somewhat later, the archive began to be systematically replenished with personal funds of members of the Russian Geographical Society.

Especially many manuscripts were received from members of the Society, lovers of geography from the broad masses of the rural intelligentsia: teachers, doctors, clergy, in response to the ethnographic program of the Society, published in 1848 and sent out in the amount of seven thousand copies to all corners of Russia. The program included six sections: on appearance, on language, on domestic life, on the peculiarities of social life, on mental and moral abilities and education, on folk traditions and monuments.

Of the large number of programs developed by the Department of Ethnography, some should be pointed out that had a noticeable impact on the replenishment of the manuscripts of the archive, these are: “The program for collecting information on folk superstitions and beliefs in South Russia” (1866), “The program for collecting folk legal customs "(1877)," A program for collecting information about wedding ceremonies from the Great Russians and foreigners of Eastern Russia "(1858). Manuscripts are distributed by provinces. The collections of the Caucasus, Central Asian Russia, Siberia, the Baltic region, Belarus, Poland, and Finland are highlighted. Manuscripts of entire groups of nationalities - Slavs (eastern, western, southern), nationalities of Central Asian Russia, Siberia, European Russia have been identified. Materials related to foreign countries are systematized by parts of the world: Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Australia and Oceania.

In total, there are 115 ethnographic collections in the archive - this is more than 13,000 items of storage.

Among the documentary materials of the archive, the fund of the office of the Russian Geographical Society stands out for its richness and diversity, numbering more than 5,000 items. These are manuscripts on organization and creation. Societies, materials on scientific and organizational activities, materials on the organization of numerous expeditions equipped by the Society, correspondence on the international relations of the Society, and so on.

A unique collection of documents are the personal funds of the great Russian geographers and travelers: P. P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, N. M. Przhevalsky, N. N. Miklukho-Maclay, P. K. Kozlov, G. E. Grumm-Grzhimailo A. I. Voeikov, L. S. Berg, V. L. Komarov, V. A. Obruchev, N. I. Vavilov, Yu. M. Shokalsky, B. A. Vilkitsky and others. Being prominent scientists and travelers, they left the most interesting descriptions of the natural conditions, economy, life, and folk art of the places they visited. For example, the personal fund of N. M. Przhevalsky - 766 items, including manuscripts and field diaries of all five trips to Central Asia.

At present, there are 144 personal funds in the archive of the Society - this is more than 50,000 items of storage.

The photo archive is rich and varied, with more than 3,000 items.

These are photographs from expeditionary research, photographic landscapes, types of population, everyday scenes, views of cities and villages, and so on. Photos of the Resettlement Administration.

The collection of drawings is especially highlighted - 227 storage units.

As historical relics, medals are stored in the archive - these are 120 items of storage.

The archive contains 98 objects of historical value - these are objects of Buddhist worship, unique vases made of bronze and porcelain of Japanese and Chinese work, and so on.

The archive of the Russian Geographical Society is a scientific department where representatives of various specialties study its materials.

The Society's archive participates in various international exhibitions and is engaged in publishing activities. Archive employees consult and select documents for documentaries and feature films and so on.

Heads of the scientific archive

A significant contribution to the development of the scientific archive of the Geographical Society was made by E. I. Gleiber, who was in charge of it from 1936 to 1942. During the blockade of Leningrad, on January 14, 1942, he died of exhaustion in the archive room.

  • After the death of E. I. Gleiber, B. A. Valskaya was appointed head of the archive.
  • After B. A. Valskaya, the archive was headed by T. P. Matveeva for several decades.
  • 1995 - present - Maria Fedorovna Matveeva.

Museum of the Russian Geographical Society

In 1860, Academician K. M. Baer headed a commission for the scientific selection of exhibits that were to be included in the fund of the museum of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. But only 100 years later, in 1970, the V Congress of the USSR Civil Defense adopted a Resolution on the organization of the museum, approved and funded by the Museum Council under the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The Museum of the Geographical Society of the USSR was included in the list of museums of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

The museum was opened on December 9, 1986 in the mansion of the Society, built in 1907-1908 according to the project of the architect G. V. Baranovsky, where the rich and vibrant history of the RGS was reflected.

The exposition of the museum clearly showed authentic documents and exhibits, paintings and ancient folios, which arouse the sincere interest of visitors to this chamber and very cozy corner of the building.

During the construction of the house of the Russian Geographical Society, there were no rooms for the museum, but the interiors of the building itself - the lobby, stairs, library, archive, offices and assembly halls - are museum premises, one of which houses the Museum.

Small in area, but voluminous in terms of documentary content, the museum did not become an exhibition of documents or an "iconostasis" of portraits. Planar material in showcases is decorated with artistic techniques, not monotonously, but lively and interesting. After all, back in 1891, the IRGS transferred large exhibits to the museums of St. Petersburg: the Hermitage, the Russian Museum, the Botanical and Zoological Museums, the Museum of the Mining Institute (due to lack of space for their placement in the IRGS).

The exposition contains many historical photographs, letters and maps of famous explorers-travelers: A. I. Voeikov, N. M. Knipovich, R. E. Kols, G. Ya. Sedov, I. V. Mushketov, S. S. Neustruev, V. K. Arseniev, B. P. Orlov, Yu. M. Shokalsky, I. D. Papanin, S. V. Kalesnik, A. F. Treshnikov. But there are also big things. Among the materials of V. A. Obruchev are nice little things from a field first-aid kit, an old preparation, and a smoking pipe. Next to the diary kept during the expedition to the Pamirs in 1885-1886, written in the amazing handwriting of G. E. Grumm-Grzhimailo, a barometer and a box for pens; well-preserved drawings of butterflies, which he collected together with Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich (later chairman of the IRGO). There is also a “correspondence” of these entomologically interested researchers. And next to it is the “visiting card” of Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich Romanov, the chairman of the IRGS, with his request to remove the powers of the chairman of the IRGS in connection with the change of power in the country.

"The main idea of ​​the founders of the Society to involve in the study of the native land and the people living in it all the best forces of the Russian land"

P.P. Semenov-Tyan-Shansky

The Russian Geographical Society was founded by the highest order of Emperor Nicholas I in 1845. On August 18 (August 6, old style), 1845, the emperor approved the provisional charter of the Russian Geographical Society.

The idea of ​​creating the Society belonged to Admiral Fyodor Petrovich Litka, educator of the future first Chairman of the Russian Geographical Society, Grand Duke Konstantin Nikolayevich. The main task of the new organization was to gather and send the best young forces of Russia to a comprehensive study of their native land.

Among the founders of the Russian Geographical Society were famous navigators: Admirals Fyodor Petrovich Litke, Ivan Fyodorovich Kruzenshtern, Ferdinand Petrovich Wrangel, Pyotr Ivanovich Rikord; members of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences: naturalist Karl Maksimovich Baer, ​​astronomer Vasily Yakovlevich Struve, geologist Grigory Petrovich Gelmersen, statistician Pyotr Ivanovich Koeppen; prominent military figures (former and current officers of the General Staff): Quartermaster General Fedor Fedorovich Berg, surveyor Mikhail Pavlovich Vronchenko, statesman Mikhail Nikolaevich Muravyov; representatives of the Russian intelligentsia: linguist Vladimir Ivanovich Dal and philanthropist Prince Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky.

Here is how the famous geographer, traveler and statesman Pyotr Petrovich Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky described the essence of the Russian Geographical Society: "Free and open to all who are imbued with love for their native land and deep, unshakable faith in the future of the Russian state and the Russian people, the corporation".

Since its foundation, the Russian Geographical Society has not stopped its activities, but the name of the organization has changed several times: it had its modern name in 1845-1850, 1917-1926 and from 1992 to the present. It was called Imperial from 1850 to 1917. In Soviet times, it was called the State Geographical Society (1926–1938) and the Geographical Society of the USSR (or All-Union Geographical Society) (1938–1992).

Over the years, the Russian Geographical Society was led by representatives of the Romanov Imperial House, famous travelers, explorers and statesmen. The chairmen of the Russian Geographical Society were: Grand Dukes Konstantin Nikolaevich (1845–1892) and Nikolai Mikhailovich (1892–1917), and the Vice-Chairmen were: Fyodor Petrovich Litke (1845–1850, 1857–1872), Mikhail Nikolaevich Muravyov (1850–1856 ), Pyotr Petrovich Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky (1873–1914), Julius Mikhailovich Shokalsky (1914–1917), who was the Chairman of the Society from 1917 to 1931. Since 1931, the Society has been headed by the following Presidents: Nikolay Ivanovich Vavilov (1931–1940), Lev Semyonovich Berg (1940–1950), Pavlovsky Evgeniy Nikanorovich (1952–1964), Stanislav Vikentievich Kalesnik (1964–1977), Alexei Fyodorovich Tryoshnikov (1977–1991 ), Sergei Borisovich Lavrov (1991–2000), Yuri Petrovich Seliverstov (2000–2002), Anatoly Aleksandrovich Komaritsyn (2002–2009), Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu (2009–present).

The Russian Geographical Society has made a major contribution to the study of European Russia, the Urals, Siberia, the Far East, Middle and Central Asia, the Caucasus, Iran, India, New Guinea, polar countries and other territories. These studies are associated with the names of famous travelers, such as Nikolai Alekseevich Severtsov, Ivan Vasilyevich Mushketov, Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky, Grigory Nikolaevich Potanin, Mikhail Vasilyevich Pevtsov, Grigory Efimovich and Mikhail Efimovich Grumm-Grzhimailo, Pyotr Petrovich Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, Vladimir Afanasyevich Obruchev , Pyotr Kuzmich Kozlov, Nikolai Nikolaevich Miklukho-Maclay, Alexander Ivanovich Voeikov, Lev Semyonovich Berg and many others.

Also an important tradition of the Russian Geographical Society is the connection with the Russian fleet and sea expeditions. Among the full members of the Society were famous marine researchers: Pyotr Fyodorovich Anzhu, Vasily Stepanovich Zavoyko, Zagoskin Lavrenty Alekseevich, Platon Yuryevich Lisyansky, Fyodor Fyodorovich Matyushkin, Gennady Ivanovich Nevelskoy, Konstantin Nikolaevich Posyet, Stepan Osipovich Makarov.

During the imperial period, members of foreign royal families were elected honorary members of the Society (for example, a personal friend of Pyotr Petrovich Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky, the Belgian king Leopold II, the Turkish sultan Abdul Hamid, British Prince Albert), famous foreign explorers and geographers (Baron Ferdinand Richthofen, Roald Amudsen , Fridtjof Nansen and others).

The largest benefactors who directed significant funds for the activities of the Society were: the merchant Platon Vasilyevich Golubkov, the tobacco manufacturer Vasily Grigoryevich Zhukov, after whom one of the most prestigious awards of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society - Zhukovskaya was named. A special place among the patrons of the Russian Geographical Society is occupied by the gold miners Sibiryakovs, who financed a number of expeditionary and educational projects.

In 1851, the first two regional departments of the Russian Geographical Society were opened: the Caucasian in Tiflis and the Siberian in Irkutsk. Then new departments are created: Orenburg, North-West in Vilna, South-West in Kyiv, West Siberian in Omsk, Amur in Khabarovsk, Turkestan in Tashkent. They conducted extensive surveys of their regions. By 1917, the Imperial Russian Geographical Society consisted of 11 departments (including the headquarters in St. Petersburg), two sub-departments and four departments.

In Soviet times, the work of the Society changed. The Russian Geographical Society focused on relatively small, but deep and comprehensive regional studies, as well as large theoretical generalizations. The geography of regional branches has significantly expanded: as of 1989–1992, the Geographical Society of the USSR had a Central Branch (in Leningrad) and 14 republican branches. In the RSFSR, there were 18 branches, two bureaus and 78 departments.

The Russian Geographical Society also laid the foundations of the national nature reserve business, the ideas of the first Russian specially protected natural areas were born within the framework of the Permanent Nature Conservation Commission of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, the creator of which was Academician Ivan Parfenievich Borodin.

The most important event was the creation of the Permanent Commission of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society for the Study of the Arctic. The world-famous Chukotka, Yakutsk and Kola expeditions became the result of her work. The report on one of the Arctic expeditions of the society interested the great scientist Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, who developed several projects for the development and exploration of the Arctic.

The Russian Geographical Society became one of the organizers and participants of the first International Polar Year, during which autonomous polar stations were created at the mouth of the Lena and on Novaya Zemlya.

With the assistance of the Russian Geographical Society in 1918, the world's first higher educational institution of a geographical profile, the Geographical Institute, was established. And in 1919, one of the most famous members of the Society, Veniamin Petrovich Semenov-Tyan-Shansky, founded the first geographical museum in Russia, during the heyday of his collection, he occupied the third place in Russia after the Hermitage and the Russian Museum.

During the Soviet period, the Society actively developed new areas of activity related to the promotion of geographical knowledge. The famous lecture hall named after Yuli Mikhailovich Shokalsky began its work.

In November 2009, Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu was elected President of the Russian Geographical Society, a Board of Trustees representative of the composition of the participants was formed, the chairmanship of which was assumed by the President of Russia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

Today, the Russian Geographical Society has more than 25,000 members in Russia and abroad. Regional offices are open in all 85 subjects of the Russian Federation.

The main activities of the Russian Geographical Society are expeditions and research, education and enlightenment, nature conservation, book publishing and work with youth.

The Russian Geographical Society is a non-profit organization that does not receive government funding.

Strategy of the Russian Geographical Society for 2011-2015 is a system of measures that ensures the achievement of long-term goals and objectives of the Company.
The areas of activity laid down in the Strategy continue the path traveled by the Russian Geographical Society over its long history.
The basis of the new strategy for the development of the Russian Geographical Society is the national geography of Russia - a comprehensive knowledge of the country in all its diversity, which contributes to the realization of the potential of our Motherland and its citizens.
With our work, we, members of the Russian Geographical Society, want to inspire people to love Russia. To love your Motherland, you need to know it well. And therefore it is important to collect, process and disseminate reliable information about our country.
It is necessary to direct the public initiative towards a deep and comprehensive study and popularization of the geographical, ethno-cultural and historical identity of Russia. The Russian Geographical Society should promote scientific creativity and education, the development of geography and related sciences. It is important to encourage the active participation of society in environmental activities.
The preservation of natural heritage and ecological balance, the revival and popularization of the culture of the peoples of Russia, the development of the national economy is impossible without public participation. Therefore, the task of the Russian Geographical Society is to unite people who are not indifferent to the fate of the Motherland.
Russia has a unique geographical position. Our country is the largest and one of the most multinational in the world. The richest historical, cultural and natural heritage arouses in us a sense of national pride.
We want to show the whole world how unique and distinctive Russia is!

I. Purpose and tasks of the Society
The key goal of the Russian Geographical Society is to consolidate the forces and aspirations of the Russian society in the study and popularization of national geography in order to realize the potential of the country and its citizens.
To achieve its goal, the Company sets itself the following tasks:
Formation, support and direction of public initiative for a comprehensive study and a deep understanding of the geographical, ethno-cultural and historical identity of Russia. Stimulation and organization of the active participation of society in environmental activities, the formation of an ethic of responsible attitude to the environment. Popularization of the historical, cultural and geographical heritage of Russia as a subject of national pride. Collection, processing and dissemination of reliable global and national geographical, environmental, ethnographic and statistical information in Russia and abroad. Assistance to scientific creativity, development of geographical and related sciences about nature and society, large-scale dissemination and implementation in practice of the best achievements of domestic science. Attracting wide attention of the Russian and international community to the unique historical, cultural and geographical objects of our country for the intensive development of tourism in Russia.
II. Operating principles
To achieve the best results, the Company is guided by the following principles:
The principle of following the interests of Russian society.
Implementation of the activities of the Russian Geographical Society in accordance with the national interests of RussiaThe principle of dedication and loyalty to the glorious name of the Russian Geographical Society
Acceptance of the Company's value system and taking actions aimed at strengthening its reputationPrinciple of conscious participation
Understanding the goals and objectives of the Society and active participation in their implementation The principle of promoting the realization of the potential of each member of the Society
Creation of a favorable environment for the growth and disclosure of the potential of each member of the SocietyThe principle of adherence to traditions and continuity of generations
Respect for the historical experience (legacy) of the Society and its transmission from generation to generationPrinciple of caring for nature
Awareness of the uniqueness and exhaustibility of natural resources The principle of striving for a comprehensive knowledge of the world
Encouragement of initiative, creativity and innovationResponsible Information Policy
Carrying out the activities of the Company on the basis of reliable data obtained taking into account all available sourcesPrinciple of openness
Constructive cooperation and exchange of opinions both within the Society and with other organizationsPrinciple of the unity of the organization
Compliance with the principles of the Society by all its members and structural divisions in order to achieve common goals
III. Strategic directions of activity
To achieve long-term goals, the Company identifies the following areas of activity.

1. Research activityThe research activity of the Russian Geographical Society is a theoretical and applied work aimed at obtaining, systematizing and interpreting geographic information to solve urgent problems facing Russian society.
The Russian Geographical Society conducts and supports comprehensive research, the results of which can be applied.
The priority areas in the research of the Russian Geographical Society are:
The study of the geographical, ethno-cultural and historical identity of Russia, including unique natural complexes, historical and cultural monuments, which are the basis of the national identity of the peoples of Russia. Research in the field of environmental protection and achieving sustainable development that contribute to the conservation of nature in key regions of Russia and the development of a network of specially protected natural areas .Studying the heritage of the Russian Geographical Society.Regular production and distribution of specialized and popular reports, as well as cartographic materials for practical use.Formation of the expert community of the Russian Geographical Society, within which consulting and expert activities will be carried out in the field of competence of the Russian Geographical Society.2. Information activity of the Russian Geographical SocietyThe information activity of the Russian Geographical Society is aimed at creating a system for collecting, storing and disseminating geographic information.
Since the founding of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society, its members have set themselves the task of collecting, processing and disseminating reliable geographical information about Russia.
The information system will be built on the basis of the information portal with the participation of all regional branches of the Society. This system will allow you to quickly and at the lowest cost collect, process and analyze information based on the unified standards of the Russian Geographical Society.
The information obtained in this way will make it possible to form an integral geographical picture of Russia, which will become the basis of educational, outreach and information projects.
The Russian Geographical Society intends to:
continue to collect geographic information. The activities of the Society will be aimed at increasing the amount of information about Russia, replenishing archival, library and museum funds, especially electronic cartographic materials. To develop geoinformation standards. To carry out active activities to disseminate the collected and processed geographic information using all communication channels available to the Society and those created by the Russian Geographical Society): printed publications, television and radio programs, exhibitions, lectures, the Internet, etc. A special role in this should be played by the electronic system for collecting and processing information - the Russian Geographical Navigator. In its activities, the Russian Geographical Society will be guided by the principle of a responsible attitude to information and will disseminate data obtained from all available reliable sources.
3. Educational and outreach activities The educational and outreach activities of the Russian Geographical Society mean promoting the level of geographical and environmental culture of the population by attracting the interest of the general public, especially students, to the study of geography and related sciences.
As part of educational and outreach activities, the Russian Geographical Society will develop the following areas:
Providing access to resources and information related to geography education, including in the field of sustainable development. Encouraging the development and use of electronic, audio, video and multimedia educational tools, as well as visual aids. Supporting the media in the creation of educational materials in the field of geography and sustainable development, focused primarily on children and youth. Participation in public discussion of school and university curricula and teaching aids in the field of geography, ecology and sustainable development. Support for non-formal forms of education and education, that is, activities carried out outside the education system .4. Nature Protection Under nature protection, the Russian Geographical Society understands a set of public measures that contribute to the preservation of the natural environment on the territory of Russia, as well as the rational use of natural resources.
The activities of the Russian Geographical Society are based on the desire for a balance between the conservation of Russia's nature, the development of the national economy and the realization of the potential of Russian society.
In the environmental concept of the Russian Geographical Society, a key role is given to the formation and development of the ethics of caring for nature among Russians.
The environmental activities of the Russian Geographical Society are implemented through:
Promotion of examples of respect for the nature of Russia on the part of citizens, government agencies and public organizations, with the involvement of various media. Conducting public environmental events of a scientific (seminars, forums), educational (lectures, schools) and practical (eco-expeditions, subbotniks) nature. Network development public geoecological monitoring.Information support for environmentally innovative industries (elements of the "green" economy).5. Expeditions and TravelsThe expedition activity of the Russian Geographical Society is a system of complex activities aimed at the direct study of the natural and cultural heritage of Russia.
Conducting complex expeditions is one of the main reasons why scientists from various fields of scientific knowledge and public figures of Russia have united around the Russian Geographical Society.
The expeditionary activity of the Russian Geographical Society is the main tool for collecting and updating reliable geographical information about Russia and its inhabitants.
The Russian Geographical Society intends to develop and support:
Scientific and practical expeditions to provide information support for research activities in the field of national geography of Russia. Educational expeditions aimed at training new specialists in the field of geography and related sciences. Educational expeditions and travels to popularize the unique historical, cultural and natural monuments of Russia. Youth and volunteer expeditions. Hiking, tourist rallies, tourist and sporting events. A complex of expeditionary activities aimed at familiarizing young generations of Russians with the nature and culture of their native country. Local history expeditions are a practical study of the small Motherland: its natural and cultural heritage. Tourism. Information and organizational support for the development of tourism infrastructure in the Russian Federation and the development of new tourist routes (eco-paths, unique natural objects, etc.).6. Publishing activityThe publishing activity of the Russian Geographical Society implies the release of printed materials dedicated to the national geography of Russia.
Continuing its rich publishing traditions, the Russian Geographical Society intends to:
Issue a wide range of publications, including monographs, periodicals, popular science books, materials of expeditions and field research. Publish cartographic materials and atlases, including electronic ones, the creation of which will use information collected on a voluntary basis. works in the field of geography and related sciences, as well as the works of prominent members of the Society. Contribute to the publication of works by progressive scientists. Participate in the release of reference books, albums, calendars and other printed materials.7. Grant activitiesGrant activities of the Russian Geographical Society are aimed at supporting projects in the field of Russian national geography.
Within the framework of grant activities for 2011-2015. The Russian Geographical Society plans to support the following priority areas: ecogeographic education, theoretical and applied scientific research, organization of expeditions and travels, conservation of wildlife, preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of Russia, implementation of youth geographical programs, publishing work.
The Russian Geographical Society intends to award grants annually on a competitive basis.
Grant projects should be of great public importance and be oriented toward achieving practical results in the interests of Russia.
In its grant policy, the Russian Geographical Society is guided by the principles of openness, equal accessibility and transparency.
8. Organization and holding of public events The Russian Geographical Society plans to organize and hold public events of a scientific, educational, environmental, charitable and recreational nature.
Public events of the Russian Geographical Society should become a platform for the development of a constructive dialogue between government agencies, representatives of business, science and the public in order to realize the interests of Russia.
The Russian Geographical Society will pay great attention to promoting tourism, sports and promoting a healthy lifestyle
9. International activities The international activities of the Russian Geographical Society are a set of activities aimed at popularizing the national geography of Russia in the international professional community in the public space - abroad.
In achieving the goals and objectives of the Russian Geographical Society, international activities should play a significant role:
Creation and development of RGS Centers abroad. Such centers are necessary for the implementation of the task of popularizing the historical, cultural and natural heritage of Russia abroad. Revival and expansion of the network of like-minded Russian Geographical Society abroad. The society intends to increase the number of foreign members. On the basis of international cooperation, an exchange of experience and geo-information will be carried out. Participation in international events. The Russian Geographical Society intends to take part in organizing and holding international events, the topics of which correspond to the development strategy of the Society. Establishing partnerships and implementing joint projects with geographic societies of the world, international organizations, research centers, universities and public associations of foreign countries. This area of ​​activity is designed to promote scientific creativity, the development of geography and related sciences about nature and society, the large-scale dissemination and implementation of the best achievements of science into practice.

IV. Regional development
The Russian Geographical Society is an all-Russian public organization.
The system of regional branches is the foundation of the Society.
Regional branches are created according to the principle of the administrative-territorial division of the Russian Federation, thus, the regional network of the Russian Geographical Society covers the entire country.
Uniform standards of regional management ensure the integrity of the organization, efficiency and purposefulness of activities.
In the work of regional offices, initiative and independence are welcomed and encouraged.
Regional branches of the Russian Geographical Society actively work towards achieving the long-term goals and objectives of the Society, based on its principles and in accordance with the Charter of the Russian Geographical Society.
Each branch of the Russian Geographical Society strives to become the center of national geography in its region. This means that the priority of the activities of the regional offices will be a thorough, detailed and in-depth study of their region.
The implementation of large-scale and complex tasks facing the Company implies the participation of a wide range of like-minded people. Regional branches will accept new members, as well as help to attract to the activities of the RGS all those who share the ideas of the Society and are ready to actively act to achieve its goals and objectives.
Regional offices will maintain close ties with each other and interact through projects and activities.
For the implementation of projects, the regional branches of the Society have equal opportunities to receive grants from the Russian Geographical Society, and can also independently raise funds within their competence.
Regional offices will develop their own grant programs aimed at research projects, expeditions and travels, publishing activities, public events, including environmental events.
Regional departments will support theoretical and applied research in every possible way, as well as carry out educational and outreach activities aimed at studying the region.
Each regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society, as well as the Society as a whole, will pay great attention to working with young people, for which the regional branches will implement educational and educational projects, support initiatives to organize additional educational programs for schoolchildren and students.
Members of regional chapters will do their best to ensure that information about the activities of the regional chapter is publicly available.
Information about the department's activities, as well as collected information about the region, is published on the department's website in the domain space. In addition to information about the region, the regional branch disseminates information about the achievements of science in the region, the work and opinions of members of the regional branch, discussions and exchanges of views on issues of importance for the development of the region are held.
The main results of the activities of the regional branches of the Russian Geographical Society should be: increasing the level of awareness of citizens about the region in which they live, increasing the number of active supporters of the Russian Geographical Society, increasing the degree of public participation in environmental activities and expeditions.
Through their work, the regional branches of the Russian Geographical Society, as centers of national geography, should benefit their region and all of Russia.

V. Youth initiative of the Russian Geographical Society
Youth participation is the key to the development of any public organization.
The youth policy of the Russian Geographical Society is based on the following main areas:
Organization and support of youth research, including the innovative activities of young scientists, as well as amateur enthusiasts in collecting and disseminating reliable geographical information about Russia. Promoting the disclosure of the creative potential of young people through the organization of competitions, etc. Forming among young people the ethics of a responsible and careful attitude to nature .Engaging young people to actively participate in the activities of the Russian Geographical Society
VI. partnership
The Russian Geographical Society is open for long-term cooperation with public and commercial organizations, authorities, individuals who share our goals and objectives.
The Russian Geographical Society attaches great importance to the formation of partnerships with environmental, environmental and charitable organizations, educational institutions, research centers, as well as with commercial organizations working in the field of education, the "green" economy and tourism.
The basis of the interaction of the Russian Geographical Society with partners is the desire to form long-term ties and joint projects to ensure the success of the common cause.

VII. Communications
The Russian Geographical Society attaches great importance to the issue of building an effective communication system as a tool for interaction between members of the Society, its supporters and partners.
The communication system will allow the Company to interact with the largest possible audience.
The Russian Geographical Society has already created and will develop an official website through which it will inform the public about its activities, attract supporters, and maintain contact with residents of Russian regions. The Society is also developing an English version of the site in order to establish and maintain contacts with foreign audiences.
The portal is also a means of internal communication between members of the Russian Geographical Society and coordination of their actions.
Each regional branch has its own website in the domain space, where it posts information about its activities and its region.
The portal will provide various groups of members of the Russian Geographical Society - scientists, experts, students and public activists - with a convenient and reliable platform for exchanging opinions and information. The portal will allow them to unite on a regional basis, according to interests and specialization, within the framework of individual actions and projects to solve specific problems facing the Company.

In adopting the Development Strategy for 2011-2015, the Russian Geographical Society declares its intention and readiness to:
become an organization whose activities cover the entire territory of Russia; attract new members, especially young people; establish close partnerships with organizations that share the goals and objectives of the Society; rely on innovative technologies and an integrated approach in our activities. We strive to ensure that so that by 2015 the Russian Geographical Society will become a comprehensive platform for the study of the national geography of Russia.
We will create a unified network for the collection, processing and dissemination of geographic information, which will provide access to data to all interested parties. The Society will create an extensive regional network, which will make it possible to form a complete picture of Russia's national geography.
We will direct the scientific and educational potential of the Society to ensure that every Russian can receive reliable eco-geographical knowledge.
We want the Russian Geographical Society to become a source of public initiative in the preservation of the Russian natural heritage, to unite and coordinate the work of organizations and enthusiasts involved in the protection of Russia's nature, to involve the public, especially the younger generation, in environmental activities.
We will make every effort to ensure that the expeditionary activities of the Russian Geographical Society contribute to the increase in the amount of useful knowledge about Russia, its territorial development and the growth in popularity of Russian natural and cultural heritage sites.
We will focus our publishing activities on the creation of a modern library, which will present the most complete and up-to-date information about the national geography of Russia, the most important research in the field of geography and related sciences, as well as the research activities of members of the Russian Geographical Society.
We will improve the grant policy of the Russian Geographical Society in order to support scientists, students and schoolchildren, talented enthusiasts whose projects are aimed at studying Russia.
We will present the results of our activities at the leading international discussion platforms dedicated to the most pressing issues in the field of the study of our planet, nature conservation and international cooperation.
We will make every effort to ensure that the Russian Geographical Society takes one of the leading positions, both among the geographical societies of the world and among world-renowned public, scientific and environmental organizations.

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