Biography of Nikolai Drozdov: famous Russian zoologist. Drozdov Nikolai Nikolaevich

Ecology of consciousness: "I became a vegetarian in 1970, when I worked with Alexander Sguridi in India. I read books about the teachings of yogis, and realized that you should not eat meat for three reasons

Nikolai Nikolaevich Drozdov - Professor of Moscow State University, Doctor of Biology, host of the TV show "In the Animal World" since 1977, Member of the Commission International Union Conservation, Advisor Secretary General UN Environment, Academician Russian Academy television, winner of many international and domestic awards. Born June 20, 1937 (77 years old).

"I became a vegetarian in 1970 when I worked with Alexander Sguridi in India. I read books about the teachings of yogis, and I realized that there is no need to eat meat for three reasons, because: it is poorly digested; moral (animals should not be offended); spiritual, It turns out that a plant-based diet makes a person more calm, friendly, peaceful."

Naturally, a great animal lover even before this trip thought about a moratorium on meat, but after he got acquainted with the culture of this country, he became a staunch vegetarian and took up yoga. In addition to meat, Drozdov tries not to eat eggs, but sometimes he allows himself kefir, yogurt and cottage cheese. True, the TV presenter pampers himself with these products only on holidays. Drozdov prefers oatmeal for breakfast, because he considers it very useful, and he always eats pureed pumpkin. And during the day he eats vegetable salads, Jerusalem artichoke, cucumbers, cereals and zucchini. As Drozdov's wife Tatyana Petrovna says: "Nikolai Nikolaevich simply loves zucchini and eats them in any form."

from the interview "Benefits and harms of meat diets"

With age, meat must be abandoned - this is the secret of centenarians. And so says Nikolai Drozdov.
Nikolai Nikolayevich, your opinion is so authoritative, so I ask you to take what you are going to tell us with all responsibility.
I know that all your life you have been a person who loves to live, eat delicious food, try everything. But you gave up meat. How did it happen?

Yes! Well, that was a long time ago! A long time ago! In 1970.

Nikolai Nikolaevich, what was the reason for such a refusal?

I felt like I was overloading myself. Eat something and it takes so much energy to digest. It's a pity to waste time.
And here we came with Alexander Mikhailovich Sguridi, the founder of our program “In the World of Animals”, he invited me as a scientific consultant to shoot his film “Riki Tiki Tavi”, a story by Kipling. To India.
In India, we travel, we shoot. They traveled everywhere in more than two months. And everywhere I looked at the literature of yogis, which we then had in the corral. And now I see that I myself could have guessed that a person is not adapted by nature to a meat diet.
Here, let's see.
Mammals are divided by the dental system.
At first, small predatory shrews appeared, with predatory sharp teeth. And now they're running in the undergrowth. They catch insects, gnaw them with these teeth. This is the first stage.
After them came the primates. First, such primitive ones, similar to shrews, then half-monkeys appeared, then monkeys.
Half-monkeys still eat everything, and their teeth are sharp.
By the way, the larger the monkeys, the more they switched to a plant-based diet. And already the gorilla, orangutan and large gelada baboons that walk the mountains of Ethiopia just eat grass. There is not even tree food there, so they just graze in such herds.

Nikolai Nikolaevich, what product has replaced meat protein for you? How do you think?

There is so much protein in plants, vegetable. Especially in peas, various legumes, in spinach, in beans. This vegetable protein may well be for the construction of our body.
There is an old-vegetarian diet, when without dairy products and eggs.

The so-called pure vegetarianism

Yes. But already young vegetarianism allows dairy products and eggs. And it's better to consume dairy products, This is clear. Therefore, without meat, you can live perfectly.

From the interview

"In old age, living is fun, interesting and instructive, you learn more and more new things, you read more. Over the years, homo sapiens, that is, a reasonable person feels spiritual components in life more and more, and physical needs, on the contrary, decrease. Although some people do the opposite. But this does not lead to anything good. Here a man of age does not take care of himself, drinks, overeats, goes to nightclubs - and then is surprised that his health and appearance have deteriorated, he has grown fat, shortness of breath has appeared, everything hurts. Whom to blame but yourself? If in youth excesses can somehow be compensated, then in old age - no longer. Such an old age is God forbid, and the person punished himself. I can't even call him homo sapiens.

How do I stay fit and positive?
I won't open anything new. Life is motion. But the twentieth century has given us such civilizational conveniences, from which deadly hypodynamia develops. Therefore, I would advise you to forget about the sofa, soft armchairs, pillows and warm blankets, and get up early in the morning and simply go for a run. For example, I am fond of ice swimming, skiing and horseback riding. And for five years now I have not watched TV, although I myself work on television. All news comes from people. Eat less meat (and I don't eat it at all). And good mood won't go anywhere.

And speaking from a spiritual, moral point of view, I think my cousin great-great-grandfather, Metropolitan of Moscow Filaret (Drozdov), prayerfully supports me. Of course, my parents gave a lot, they were believers.

Not only love for nature, but, more importantly, faith in God, hope and love - these Eternal values became my credo, philosophy of life."published

Nikolai Nikolaevich Drozdov, the legendary host of "In the Animal World", celebrates his anniversary. Drozdov is 80 years old. How is the biography and personal life of the TV legend?

To list all the regalia and hypostases of Nikolai Nikolaevich, you need quite a few pages of text. His professional life was full of events, travels, discoveries and interesting meetings.

And the personal one, on the contrary, is a quiet backwater. He married late, but happily and once. Family for Drozdov is the most important thing. And a man without it, according to Drozdov, is like an ant without an anthill. Restless and lonely...

Nikolai Drozdov - zoologist and zoogeographer, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Candidate geographical sciences, Professor of Moscow State University, public figure, TV presenter and radio host, traveler, actor, starred in films and voiced cartoons, singer, recorded a CD with the songs “Have you heard Drozdov sing?”, Screenwriter, writer and journalist.

Since 1975, Nikolai Drozdov has been the host of the TV show "In the Animal World".

Born June 20, 1937 in Moscow in the family of a biochemist and a doctor. His father is Nikolai Sergeevich Drozdov (1902-1963), professor of the department organic chemistry 2nd Moscow Medical Institute.

Mom - Nadezhda Pavlovna Dreyling (1906-1993), general practitioner of the 5th City Hospital of Moscow, worked under the guidance of Academician P. E. Lukomsky.

Maternal great-great-grandfather - Ivan Romanovich von Dreiling, from an old Tyrolean, and then - Russian noble family. He was a guards cuirassier officer, at the age of 17 he participated in the Battle of Borodino, was an orderly of Field Marshal M.I. Kutuzov, and then fought his way to Paris, was awarded the Orders of St. Anna II degree and St. Vladimir IV degree with a bow, kept a detailed diary military operations, stored in handwritten form in the Historical Museum and published in the book “1812. Memoirs of soldiers of the Russian army.

His great-great-great-grandfather on his father's side is Metropolitan Filaret (Drozdov), who was canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church in 1994.

Even while studying at school in the summer, Nikolai Drozdov worked as a herdsman at a stud farm near Moscow, studied in the VOOP circle at the Darwin Museum.

After school, he entered the biological faculty of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, in 1963 he graduated from the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University, where he studied at the Department of Biogeography.

He worked at the Department of Biogeography of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University, since 2001 - Professor. He gave lectures on ecology, ornithology, nature conservation, biogeography of the world.

As a researcher, he participated in numerous scientific expeditions across the territory of the USSR - Kamchatka, the Far East, the Kuril Islands, the Pamir and Tien Shan mountains, the Karakum desert ...

In 1971-1972. Trained at the Australian Department of Zoology National University in Canberra. He wrote the book "Flight of the Boomerang" about his travels in Australia.

In 1980 he participated in the UNESCO expedition on the research ship of the USSR Academy of Sciences "Kallisto" to the islands of Fiji, Tonga and Samoa. In 1993 and 1995 participated in expeditions on the Russian icebreaker "Yamal" to North Pole and across the North sea ​​route, as well as on the ship "Discoverer" along the coast of Alaska and Canada.

Personal life of Nikolai Drozdov

Wife - Tatyana Petrovna Drozdova, works as a biology teacher at the Moscow Palace of Children and Youth Creativity.

Daughters: Nadezhda is a biologist, in 1997-1998 she was the host of the program “Very Far Outskirts of Moscow” on the Muscovy TV channel and Elena is a veterinarian. Grandson - Filaret.

“We have been together for 30 years,” Nikolai Drozdov said, “we raised two daughters - Nadia and Lena. I didn’t get married for a long time, and everyone told me:“ You, Kolya, will probably bring your wife from the expedition - from America or Thailand! And she lived just two floors below. I - on the seventh, Tanya - on the fifth. We met in the elevator. I can’t imagine how I would live without her. It seems to me that a person without a family is like an ant without an anthill. Restless and lonely ... "

Nikolai Nikolayevich Drozdov is a man of legend, a man of an era, a man whom every person remembers and loves, whose childhood was spent in the USSR.

He is an extremely versatile person, because he not only engages in his favorite zoology, but also explores the life of domestic and wild animals. Drozdov never ceases to amaze viewers and radio listeners with his entertaining stories about animals and their habits.

Nikolai Nikolayevich also teaches at Moscow State University, dubs foreign films and cartoons, writes articles and books.

Height, weight, age. How old is Nikolai Drozdov

For several decades, many fans managed to find out what height, weight, and age the oldest naturalist has. How old is Nikolai Drozdov - a question that can be resolved, knowing only the date of birth of the scientist.

Nikolai Nikolayevich was born in 1937, so he recently celebrated his eightieth birthday. According to the sign of the zodiac, Drozdov belongs to the restless, changeable, hardy and inquisitive Gemini.

By eastern horoscope Nikolai Nikolaevich received all the character traits of the Bull, including perseverance, perseverance, and incredible ability to work.

The growth of Nikolai Drozdov does not exceed one meter seventy-eight centimeters, and the weight is frozen at around seventy-five kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Nikolai Drozdov

The biography and personal life of Nikolai Drozdov have always been closely associated with animals and birds. FROM early years the boy went hiking with his father, while keeping a diary of nature in Latin. At the age of twelve, Kolya worked as a herdsman, and also dreamed of becoming a centaur.

He studied well, he was best given the natural sciences. Kolya attended the biological circle at the Darwin Museum in Ryazan. Naturally, after graduating from school, the guy easily entered Moscow State University to become a biologist. Soon he took academic leave and worked at a garment factory.

He trained in Australia, wrote the first books and taught at the biological department.

In his youth, Nikolai Nikolaevich traveled a lot national parks and nature reserves around the world. He not only studied nature and animals, but also made rare photos.

He not only became the idol of his students, but also among the children of the entire USSR and Russia, when he began to share his knowledge in the TV show "In the World of Animals." Nikolai Nikolaevich created films about animals and dubbed the Air Force programs about them, broadcast on the radio and took part in the show "The Last Hero", receiving the audience award.

Conducts political and social activities, calls for the protection of animals and their habitats, is part of expert commission National Prize "Crystal Compass"

Orthodox, a deeply religious person, which affects his personal life. Drozdov has been married for several decades to his beloved woman, who gave him beautiful and smart daughters.

Nikolai Nikolaevich does not eat meat, he is a staunch vegetarian. Leads healthy lifestyle life, often dives into the hole, skiing and loves horseback riding. Drozdov does not smoke or drink alcohol.

Family and children of Nikolai Drozdov

The family and children of Nikolai Drozdov are unusual, friendly and active, and also very easy-going. The family of Nikolai Nikolaevich is ancient, intelligent and famous, his ancestors were associated with medicine, the Orthodox Church, military service. They were canonized as saints and even awarded the highest state awards.

However, Nikolai and his older brother Serezha were taught not to boast of their famous ancestors, but to achieve everything on their own. Father - Nikolai Drozdov - was a professor at the Department of Organic Chemistry.

Mother - Nadezhda Dreyling - worked for a long time as a therapist at the Fifth City Hospital. Drozdov's parents died quite a long time ago.

Nikolai Nikolaevich has two daughters who were also fond of nature and went hiking to watch animals and birds. He often read books about nature to them, so they followed in their father's footsteps.

Daughter of Nikolai Drozdov - Nadezhda Drozdova

Daughter of Nikolai Drozdov - Nadezhda Drozdova - eldest daughter. She studied well at school and was engaged in a circle of young naturalists. At the same time, Nadia early childhood knew many habits of animals and birds, read a lot about them.

After graduation, the girl entered the Faculty of Biology and became a certified biologist. For several years she hosted a travel program called “Very Far Outskirts of Moscow”.

Hope has two children. Filaret was born in 2004, studies at the Cossack cadet corps Moscow and helps in the temple at the altar. He draws beautifully, is engaged in ceramics and plays the accordion.

Little Jan was born in 2012, he loves to travel and attends Sunday school.

Daughter of Nikolai Drozdov - Elena Drozdova

The daughter of Nikolai Drozdov, Elena Drozdova, is also a worthy daughter of her father. Since childhood, she adored nature and domestic animals with which her house was filled. The girl attended a circle of young naturalists at the Children's Children's and Youth Theater, she was especially fascinated by stories about dogs and cats.

Lena graduated high school, trained as a veterinarian. She is a very pious woman, she constantly visits the temple. by the most the best vacation for herself, Lena calls trips to the summer cottage and communication with her beloved and understanding family. She considers her father her friend, teacher and guide to life path.

Nikolai Drozdov's wife - Tatyana Drozdova

The wife of Nikolai Drozdov, Tatyana Drozdova, appeared in his life unexpectedly. All his associates, relatives and friends said that Nikolai would bring a foreign wife from a distant and mysterious country. However, the man surprised everyone around when he said that he met his Tanya in the elevator. The woman lived in the same entrance, but several floors below.

Tatyana taught biology in a circle of naturalists at the Children's and Youth Theater in Moscow, she recently retired. She worries if Nikolai Nikolaevich takes part in dangerous television projects, but does not try to dissuade him.

Funeral: Nikolai Drozdov died? The date of death has not yet come

Funeral: Nikolai Drozdov died? The date of death has not yet come and will not come soon, because famous TV presenter leads a healthy lifestyle, plays sports and eats right.

The question of the death of Nikolai Nikolayevich was raised several times. At first, when on the set of the show "The Last Hero", the film crew ate poison frogs and got poisoned.

Then it was rumored that Drozdov got into a terrible car accident and died. But the fact was that in 2016 a man hit a woman with a car when he was returning from suburban area. Nikolai Nikolaevich was not injured, but the poor thing received minor injuries.

Wikipedia Nikolai Drozdov

Wikipedia Nikolai Drozdov is official, rich in facts and reliable. On the page of Nikolai Nikolaevich you can read information about his family and personal life, childhood and education.

Quite a lot of space is occupied by information about the creative and scientific activity. Nikolai Drozdov is a person who has a huge number of awards, prizes and orders.

Wikipedia has a list of films, clips, TV programs, cartoons in which this magnificent and peculiar person who lives in harmony with nature took part.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Drozdov. Born June 20, 1937 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian zoologist and zoogeographer, doctor of biological sciences, candidate of geographical sciences, professor at Moscow State University, public figure, TV presenter and radio host. The host of the TV show "In the world of animals."

Father - Nikolai Sergeevich Drozdov (1902-1963), Professor of the Department of Organic Chemistry of the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute.

Mother - Nadezhda Pavlovna Dreyling (1906-1993), general practitioner of the 5th City Hospital of Moscow, worked under the guidance of Academician P. E. Lukomsky, was his assistant.

Maternal great-great-grandfather - Ivan Romanovich von Dreiling, from an old Tyrolean, and then - Russian noble family, was a guards cuirassier officer, at the age of 17 he participated in the Battle of Borodino, was an orderly of Field Marshal M. I. Kutuzov, and then reached Paris with battles, awarded the Orders of St. Anna II degree and St. Vladimir IV degree with a bow, kept a detailed diary of military operations, stored in handwritten form in the Historical Museum and published in the book “1812. Memoirs of soldiers of the Russian army.

His great-great-great-grandfather on his father's side is Metropolitan Filaret (Drozdov), canonized by the Russian Orthodox Church as a saint.

As the TV presenter said, as a child he wanted to become a centaur. “I even asked my father: “How to have an operation to become half a horse?” My father worked at a research institute for horse breeding. We lived in the suburbs near a stud farm. The windows of the house overlooked meadows where herds of horses grazed. I admired horses, read legends and myths ancient greece. Thus was born the dream of becoming a centaur. And from the age of 12, during school holidays, I worked part-time as a junior herdsman.

While studying at school, Nikolai worked as a herdsman at a stud farm in the Rybnovsky district of the Ryazan region.

After school, he worked at a garment factory, first as a student, then he reached the 7th category master in tailoring men's outerwear. "Sewed very good coats. Lots of complex operations mastered. And when he sat down "on the stream", instead of seven coats a month he sewed two. I tried too hard. And then the time came to go to the army or get higher education. And I applied to the university," he said.

He entered the biological faculty of Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov. In 1963 he graduated from the Department of Biogeography of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University.

From 1964 to 1966 he studied there as a postgraduate student.

In 1968, he took part in the popular TV show "In the animal world"- as a speaker (with the presenter A. M. Zguridi) and scientific consultant of films about animals "Black Mountain", "Riki-Tiki-Tavi", etc. Since 1977, he became the host of the program.

In 1968 he defended his Ph.D. thesis on the topic "Cultural landscapes of the arid regions of the USSR and their avifauna". Works at the Department of Biogeography of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University - first as a junior, then as a senior researcher, since 1979 - associate professor, now - professor. Reads courses in ecology, ornithology, nature conservation, biogeography of the world; constantly lectures.

From 1971 to 1972 he completed a 10-month scientific internship at the Faculty of Zoology of the Australian National University (Canberra, Australia). He traveled to many areas of Australia and described this journey in the book "Flight of the Boomerang".

In 1975, he worked as part of the Soviet delegation at the XII General Assembly of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and natural resources(IUCN) in the city of Kinshasa (Zaire). Elected member of the IUCN Commission on National Parks. Visited the eastern part of Zaire and the Virunga and Kahuzi-Biega national parks. For the first time, a group of zoologists from the USSR managed to see mountain or eastern gorillas in nature. Photos and a trip report were published in the journal Nature.

Participated in numerous scientific expeditions across the territory of the USSR.

In 1979 he climbed the top of Elbrus.

In 1993 and 1995 he was on expeditions of the Russian icebreaker Yamal (to the North Pole and along the Northern Sea Route) and the ship Discoverer (along the coast of Alaska and Canada).

In 1980, he was on a 4-month UNESCO expedition aboard the research ship of the USSR Academy of Sciences "Callisto" to the islands of Fiji, Tonga and Samoa (project "Protection and rational use resources of island ecosystems”).

The asteroid (18334) Drozdov, discovered by Lyudmila Karachkina on September 2, 1987 at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, is named after N. N. Drozdov.

In 1989, he was included in the Honorary List of Leading Ecologists and Conservationists. environment all countries of the world "Global-500" UNEP.

In 1992 he was awarded the "Golden Panda" ("Green Oscar") "3a outstanding achievement" at the largest film festival about nature in Bristol (UK).

In 1995 he became the winner of the UNESCO Prize in the field of popularization of science "Kalinga" for 1994, the owner of the silver medal of Albert Einstein.

In 1996, Drozdov was elected a member of the Russian Television Academy. In the same year, the "In the World of Animals" program was awarded the "TEFI" award as the "Best Educational Program".

Elected member of the International Explorers Club (1994) and the New York Academy of Sciences (1995).

From 1996 to 1998 he was a member of the Supreme Advisory Council for Sustainable Development under the UN Secretary General.

In 1998 he was awarded the Honorary Diploma of the World Wide Fund for Nature Conservation "3a outstanding contribution to the conservation of nature in Russia and around the world."

In 2002, as part of the International Expedition, he landed at the North Pole and spent a week at the Barneo ice camp.

In 2000 he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences on the topic "Fauna, animal population and conservation biodiversity in arid regions of the Earth.

In 2001 he was elected a full member of the Russian Academy natural sciences(RANS).

Since 2002 - full member of the Russian Ecological Academy.

In 2002 - Member of the Expert Council national award"Crystal compass".

In 2014, he was elected to the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation of the 5th convocation (2014-2017).

Author and co-author of many television films and video films about nature and animals: the series "Through the Pages of the Red Book", "Rare Animals", "Standards of the Biosphere" (made by order of UNESCO) and others. He dubbed BBC films from the cycle " Live nature". The largest work is the 6-episode television movie "The Kingdom of the Russian Bear" (1988-1992), created jointly with the Department natural history BBC.

He has repeatedly been a member of the jury of film and television festivals of popular science films about animals and nature in Great Britain and Italy.

Author of about 200 scientific and popular science articles, more than 20 books, textbooks and manuals. Wrote textbooks: "Biogeography of the World" (together with A. G. Voronov and E. G. Myalo), "Biogeography with the Basics of Ecology", "Ecosystems of the World".

Posted by tutorial for teachers "Biogeography of the Continents" and a book for schoolchildren "Stories about the Biosphere" (co-authored with P. P. Vtorov).

He took part in writing the books "In the world of animals" (together with A. K. Makeev) - based on the materials of the program of the same name. A total of 12 books in this series were published, one of them (“They Must Not Die”, 1991) was published in Paris in French.

Co-author of the scientific monograph "Deserts", the seven-volume edition "The Life of Animals" (two editions, the author in three volumes - about reptiles, birds and mammals, 1985-1989), a manual for teachers "Key to the bird fauna of the USSR").

Participated in a TV show. In 2003 and 2004 he took part in the reality show "The Last Hero" (the fourth and fifth seasons). In 2008 he became a laureate of the "Symbol of Science" medal. On April 1, 2005, he played as part of the Channel One host team, which played in the anniversary series of games “What? Where? When?” dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the game. In 2006, he starred in the reality series Rublyovka. Live".

In 2008, he hosted the program “In the World of People” on Channel One, but it did not last long, but it caused a lot of negative emotions and critics. In 2014, he hosted the ABC of the Forest program on Children's Radio, where he read N. Sladkov's stories about nature. On October 10, 2014, he took part in the performance of the Soyuz team in KVN (STEM with a star), thereby helping the team reach the final of the Major League.

Actively advocates for the protection of animals and for the preservation of their habitats. For many years fruitfully cooperating with domestic and international environmental organizations. Supports organizations and individuals that promote conservation. He supported the protest against cutting down the reserved forest in the Khimki region.

He supported the annexation of Crimea to Russia.

Nikolai Drozdov in the program "Alone with everyone"

The growth of Nikolai Drozdov: 178 centimeters.

Personal life of Nikolai Drozdov:

Was married twice.

The first wife is Irina. It was a student marriage. The couple had a daughter, Nadezhda.

Nadezhda is a biologist, in 1997-1998 she was the host of the program “Very Far Outskirts of Moscow” on the Muscovy TV channel. For a long time Lived and worked in Thailand. Nadezhda's personal life did not work out, there are no children.

In November 2018, Drozdov reported that he had fallen down the stairs.

Nadezhda is the eldest daughter of Nikolai Drozdov

The second wife, Tatyana Petrovna Drozdova, works as a biology teacher at the Moscow Palace of Children and Youth Creativity.

“I didn’t get married for a long time, and everyone told me: “You, Kolya, you will probably bring your wife from the expedition - from America or Thailand!” And she lived only two floors below. I met. I can’t imagine how I would have lived without her. It seems to me that a person without a family is like an ant without an anthill. Restless and lonely, "said Nikolai Drozdov.

The couple had a daughter, Elena. She is a veterinarian and has sons Filaret and Jan. She lived with her husband in Australia, then returned to Russia.

Elena - youngest daughter Nikolai Drozdov

Likes to perform old Russian folk songs, romances and modern popular songs. In the 1990s, he released a video for a song for the program "In the World of Animals". In 2005 he released a CD with his favorite songs. Served as science editor for a series of books on interesting places Russia (Buryatia, Kamchatka, Losiny Ostrov), published in 2006 by the MTsFER publishing house (author N.V. Laidinen).

Is a vegetarian. He does not drink alcohol and does not smoke, he is fond of yoga, is engaged in winter swimming.

"I really like the saying: "He who does not smoke and does not drink will die healthy." In my opinion, save yourself, be healthy until last day life is a great happiness," he said.

“Physical education and sports are different things. Once I played football, I loved to stand at the gate, but is it really a sport? So, village running around. I lived with my parents in the Moscow region. pines - one gate, two pines - the other. I also push up quite weakly from the floor. I have an asthenic physique, you can’t make a Schwarzenegger out of me, no matter how hard you swing. Yes, I never tried to set any records. The main thing is health. And vegetarianism is true life position coming from the philosophy of yogis. I believe that this path is very correct for a person. Our stomach is well adapted to plant foods, but animal digestion requires a lot of energy. In addition, I am calm - they don’t kill animals for my sake, ”Drozdov said.

Filmography of Nikolai Drozdov:

1981 - Woman in white - Mr. Gilmore, lawyer
2010 - The Irony of Love - Minelai Skvortsov, presenter on TV
2010 - Kings of the game - TV presenter
2012 - Adventurers 3D - grandfather of the main character

Voice-over of cartoons and dubbing by Nikolai Drozdov:

2005 - The extraordinary adventures of Karik and Vali - Professor Enotov
2016 - Zootopia - sloth Blitz / voiceover
2016 - Norms and Invincibles
2016 - Finding Dory - voice in the aquarium

Discography of Nikolai Drozdov:

2005 - Have you heard how Drozdov sings?

Bibliography of Nikolai Drozdov:

1960 - Vtorov P.P., Drozdov N.N. - Summer-autumn population of birds in the taiga landscapes of the Vologda region
1969 - Vtorov P. P., Drozdov N. N. - Some aspects quantitative analysis bird population
1974 - Vtorov P.P., Drozdov N.N. - Biogeography of continents
1976 - Bannikov A.G., Vtorov P.P., Drozdov N.N. - V national park Virunga
1976 - Vtorov P.P., Drozdov N.N. - Kahuzi-Biega - the home of the gorilla
1976 - Vtorov P.P., Drozdov N.N. - Stories about the biosphere
1978 - Vtorov P.P., Drozdov N.N. - Biogeography
1980 - Vtorov P.P., Drozdov N.N. - Key to the bird fauna of the USSR
1980 - Drozdov N. N. - Flight of the boomerang
1985 - Voronov A. G., Drozdov N. N., Myalo E. G. - Biogeography of the world
1986 - Babaev A. G., Drozdov N. N., Zonn I. S., Freikin Z. G. - Deserts
1999 - Drozdov N. N. Petr Petrovich Vtorov - Moscow ornithologists

Born June 20, 1937 in Moscow. Father - Drozdov Nikolai Sergeevich (1902-1963), professor of the Department of Organic Chemistry of the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute. Mother - Dreyling Nadezhda Pavlovna (1906-1993), general practitioner of the 5th city hospital in Moscow, worked under the guidance of academician Lukomsky, was his indispensable assistant. Wife - Tatyana Petrovna Drozdova, works as a biology teacher at the Moscow Palace of Children and Youth Creativity. Children - Nadezhda and Elena.

Genealogical tree Drozdov is unique. On the side of his father, who was a famous chemist, he knew Latin, Greek, English perfectly, German languages, was fond of paleontology, astronomy, botany, the roots of the family go back to the upper strata of the Russian clergy. The great-great-grandfather of Nikolai Nikolayevich was Metropolitan Filaret of Moscow (in the world - Vasily Mikhailovich Drozdov, 1783-1867). Thanks to his deep mind and strong will, he had a strong influence on Russian society beginning and middle of the 19th century. On behalf of Alexander II in 1861 he wrote the Manifesto on the liberation of the peasantry. He corresponded with A.S. Pushkin. His services to the Russian Orthodox Church are especially great. Under his leadership, the translation of the Bible into Russian was carried out. In 1994, Metropolitan Philaret was canonized by the Council of the Russian Orthodox Church. Grandfather - Sergey Ivanovich, was a Cavalier of the Orders of St. Stanislav and St. Anna of the 3rd degree. Maternal great-grandfather - I.R. von Dreiling, from an old Tyrolean noble family, was a Guards cuirassier officer, participated in the Battle of Borodino, and then fought his way to Paris, was awarded the Order of St. Anna 2nd class. and St. Vladimir 4th Art. with a bow, kept a detailed combat diary, published in the book "1812 Memoirs of the Warriors of the Russian Army" (Moscow, ed. "Thought", 1991).

The fact that the profession of N.N. Drozdov will certainly be connected with nature was determined by the very family in which he was born. While still at school, in the summer he worked as a herdsman at a stud farm near Moscow. After school, Nikolai entered the biological faculty of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, but after studying for two years, he left to work. I wanted to prove that I can earn money myself. For two years he worked at a garment factory, first as an apprentice, then he reached the level of a seventh-class men's outerwear tailor. But the vocation in my soul felt different, so I returned to the University. In 1963 he graduated from the Department of Biogeography of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University. From 1964 to 1966 - studied there in graduate school. In 1968 he defended his Ph.D. thesis in biogeography. The theme of the dissertation is "Birds of the desert regions of Central Asia". Since then, he has been working at the Department of Biogeography of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University - first as a junior, then as a senior researcher, and since 1979 - as an associate professor.

N.N.Drozdov is one of the most respected scientists and teachers of Lomonosov Moscow State University. He gives lectures on ecology, ornithology, nature conservation, biogeography of the world, constantly delivers lectures in schools, palaces and youth houses, through the "Knowledge" society. As a researcher, he participated in numerous scientific expeditions across the territory of the USSR - to Kamchatka, Far East, Kuril Islands, Pamir, Tien Shan, Karakum, etc. In 1971-1972. passed a ten-month scientific internship at the Department of Zoology of the Australian National University in Canberra (Australia). He traveled to many areas of Australia, published a book about this journey - "Flight of the Boomerang". The book was published in two editions (in 1980 and 1988) - 100 thousand copies each. Both editions sold out within a week.

From 1968 to the present - more than thirty years - he has been taking part in the popular television program "In the World of Animals", first as a speaker (with the host Alexander Mikhailovich Zguridi), and since 1977 as a presenter and author. The show airs weekly on Saturdays. Guests N.N. Drozdov in the program were well-known nature conservation figures, scientists and travelers - Jacques-Yves Cousteau, Thor Heyerdahl, Peter Scott, Bernhard Grzimek, Gerald Darrell, Frederic Rossif, Heinz Silman, Ivan Hutting and John Sparks. In 1995, the program "In the world of animals" was awarded the TEFI prize as the best educational program. In 1996, N.N. Drozdov was elected a member of the Academy of Russian Television.

N.N. Drozdov is the author and co-author of many television and video films about nature, about animals, created in addition to the program "In the Animal World", such as: the series "Through the Pages of the Red Book", "Rare Animals", "Standards of the Biosphere" ( commissioned by UNESCO) and others. The largest work is the six-episode television movie "The Kingdom of the Russian Bear" (1988-1992), created jointly with the Natural History Department of British Television (BBC). N.N. Drozdov is the host, one of the authors and scientific consultant of this film, dedicated to nature Russia and former USSR. The film had big success in the UK, USA and Australia, then was translated into Spanish and German, was successfully shown on television in Spain, Austria and Germany. In 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991 He has been a jury member of film and television festivals of popular science films about animals and nature in the UK and Italy. In 1975 he took part in the XIIth General Assembly International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in Zaire, Kinshasa. He was elected a member of the IUCN National Parks Commission, where he still works. In 1978 he lectured for two months on the biogeography of the world at the Department of Geography of the University of Havana, in the city of Havana, Cuba. In 1979, 1980 and 1981 he taught weekly courses on environmental issues in Czechoslovakia and Hungary, at the University of Dar es Salaam (Tanzania), at the University of Lusaka (Zambia).

In 1979, with a group of climbers, he climbed to the top of Elbrus. In 1980, he took part in a four-month UNESCO expedition under the project "Protection and rational use of resources of island ecosystems" on the research ship of the USSR Academy of Sciences "Kallisto" to the islands of Fiji, Tonga and Samoa. In 1993 and 1995 participated in expeditions on the Russian icebreaker "Yamal" to the North Pole and along the Northern Sea Route, as well as on the ship "Discoverer" along the coast of Alaska and Canada. N.N. Drozdov is the author of about 200 scientific and popular science articles, more than 20 books, textbooks and manuals for schoolchildren, students and teachers. Among them: a textbook for universities "Biogeography of the World", a textbook for teachers "Biogeography of Continents" (two editions, translations into Polish, Bulgarian and Ukrainian), "Stories about the Biosphere" - a book for school students, a series of books "In the world of animals" (with A.K. Makeev) - based on the materials of the program of the same name; in total, eight books of this series were published, one was published in Paris in French - "They must not die" (1991). N.N. Drozdov - co-author of the scientific monograph "Deserts of the World" (1985), co-author of a seven-volume publication on animal life (two editions; author of articles in three volumes - reptiles, birds and mammals, 1985-1989), as well as "Key to the Birds of the Fauna of the USSR" (1980).

In 1989, N.N. Drozdov was included in the UNEP Global 500 Honorary List of Leading Ecologists and Environmental Protection Specialists of all countries of the world, in 1992 he was awarded the Golden Panda (Green Oscar) "For outstanding achievement at the largest nature film festival in Bristol (UK). In 1994 he was elected a member of the International Explorers Club. In 1995, he was awarded the UNESCO "Kalinga" prize for the popularization of science and the Albert Einstein medal.

In 1995, N.N. Drozdov was elected a member of the New York Academy of Sciences. In 1996-1998 he was a member of the Supreme Advisory Council for Sustainable Development under the UN Secretary General. In 1998 he was awarded an Honorary Diploma World Foundation Conservation of Nature "For outstanding contribution to the conservation of nature in Russia and around the world."

In his spare hours at home, Nikolai Nikolayevich likes to work with living creatures, among his favorites are snakes, tarantulas, phalanges, scorpions. He is fond of horse riding, skiing, swimming in an ice hole, studying yoga, and has not eaten meat for many years. In music, he prefers the classics, romances, folk music and the songs of the bards. He plays the guitar and loves to sing songs and romances in Russian and foreign languages.

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