Renat Ibragimov: biography, personal life, family, wife. Renat Ibragimov - biography, photo, personal life of the singer, songs People's Artist Renat Ibragimov

Name: Renat Ibragimov

Age: 69 years old

Place of Birth: Lviv, Ukraine

Growth: 176 cm

The weight: 90 kg

Activity: singer, producer, actor

Family status: married


Renat Ibragimov - a singer who is already over sixty, still conquers his listeners and fans with his bewitching voice.

Childhood, the Ibragimov family

The boy of Tatar nationality was born in Lvov in a military family. Parents often changed their place of residence, and the son was taken to Tatarstan by his grandmother. The boy got acquainted with his native language, village life and Tatar traditions. Renat used to get up early from childhood, start the morning with hot tea. From the age of 5, teachers in kindergarten already noted the boy's artistic gift.

Renat's parents soon moved to Kazan and began to educate and raise their son themselves. They sent their baby to the 1st grade of a regular school and a music school. All music competitions were held with the participation of Renat. At the music school, the boy studied classical vocals. Graduating from high school, the guy has already decided on his future biography. But it was very difficult to find a use for his talent.


Renat decides to enter the Kazan Conservatory. But Ibragimov was drafted into the army in the Volga Military Song and Dance Ensemble. In this composition, tours began in the singer's creative biography. The singer graduated from the Conservatory a little later and entered the Tatar Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre.

The biography of the young performer developed successfully. He was trusted to perform solo parts in famous operas. He was successful in the roles in "Eugene Onegin", "Faust", "Queen of Spades". These roles brought not only the appreciation of the public, they allowed the singer to become recognizable and in demand.

Not a single concert in his native Kazan was held without the participation of a vocal star. Admirers of his talent appear, but the performer cannot stand still. He begins to take part in many competitions. The first was his participation in the Fifth All-Union Competition of Variety Artists. The jury awarded the first prize to Ibragimov and Chemodanov. The singer decides to participate in the Scarlet Carnation contest.

The song contest is prestigious, all-Union level. Renat conquered the jury and managed to win the main prize in the Sochi final stage of the competition. The performer does not leave the theater, works in the Philharmonic Society of the capital of Tatarstan, at the same time trying himself as a film actor. The lyrical comedy, in which Ibragimov starred, became the starting point in changing the place of residence and career of the singer.


The long-term career of the performer has given fans and connoisseurs of vocal art a huge number of wonderful musical compositions. The songs performed by Renat Islamovich sounded not only in Russian, he performed his works in many languages, finding new fans among the foreign-speaking audience. Genre diversity Ibragimov demonstrated at every concert.

There were arias from operas and folk songs, there was a huge number of pop songs. Renat managed to work on stage with celebrities of the songwriting of the Soviet period: Lyudmila Senchina, Eduard Khil, Tamara Gverdtsiteli. It was a great success for young novice singers to get on the list of performers for Ibragimov's concert, because after appearing on stage with a star, they began to talk about little-known talents, they began to recognize them. Thus, their career began.

Twist in fate

Gazprom invites Ibragimov to Moscow. In the capital, the singer fulfilled his dream: he created the Song Theater, which he gave his name to. The performer traveled all over the Soviet Union with concerts, recorded more than forty song albums. Now Renat successfully combines several outstanding personalities: he is a singer, film actor, TV presenter, composer and producer. He has the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation, has the State Prize of the Tatar Republic. The singer's popularity is growing in his native country and abroad, in Italy his name is none other than "Russian Pavarotti".

Personal life

Renat married more than once. In his first marriage, he lived with his wife and two daughters, Vera and Nadezhda, for fourteen years. Now his daughters live in Moscow in apartments bought by their father.

When Renat met Albina, he married without hesitation. The couple lived together for 25 years, raising two children, Aya and Sultan. According to Muslim laws, a husband can have several wives, but Albina did not want to share her beloved husband with anyone and filed for divorce. Within 2 years, the Ibragimovs divorced.

The third wife, Svetlana, is 39 years younger than her husband. She has already given her husband three daughters and a son. The singer is a believer, so he does not touch alcohol. Prayer together with wife. To date, Renat Islamovich is happily married, which is registered according to the usual laws in the Moscow registry office. In addition, he is married to his wife Svetlana according to the customs of the Muslim religion.

Currently, the idol of many generations is rarely shown on stage, he spends more time with his family. Not all of the singer's children live with him. The Sultan lives in Cyprus, three daughters from his first marriage continue to live in the capital of Russia.


- Love melody
- Goodbye
- And life goes on
- The king of rock and roll
- I'm calling you
– Besame mucho
– Snowdrop
– forest girl
- The night of our love
- Black eyes
- Old campfire
– carousel
– Dreams
- love has arrived
- Waltz melody

No wonder many are interested in the biography and personal life of Renat Ibragimov, who has become a prominent figure. Renat Ibragimov is a singer, performer of the world's best compositions and just a good person. This year, the talented master turns 70 years old and it should be noted that many foreign publications wrote about him.

Despite such a great age, he does not correspond to him at all: fit, handsome, bright, stylish and young. The baritone of this singer for several decades sounded in the best halls across the country.

Rinat Ibragimov: b iography

Those who are interested in Renat's work know that he is a Tatar, but was born in Ukraine. The singer's birthplace is Lviv. Here, in 1947, a child appeared in a military family, who had to travel half the country as a boy. The father constantly had to move, so the family was always with him. The biography of Renat Ibragimov is full of interesting facts.

A considerable amount of time the young guy spent in the homeland of his ancestors in Tatarstan. In order not to torment him with constant moving, the parents sent the boy to his grandmother. Here he was able to get acquainted with the traditions and culture of his people. From early childhood he was already a creative and artistic person. Many teachers noted his love for music. Studying in high school, enters the music.

After school, he decides to take a more interesting step, enters the Academy of Arts in Kazan, where he is today an honored guest.

In 1967, he had to postpone his studies and go to the service, but even there his talent did not go unnoticed. He gets into the ensemble of songs and dances, where his talent was in demand. In 1973, after the army and the academy, he graduated from the conservatory. By invitation, he goes to the Academic Opera and Ballet Theater in Kazan.


Many young talents have to be in the shadow of their experienced colleagues for a long time, but this fate bypassed Renata. Immediately he receives roles in such operas as Carmen, The Queen of Spades, Prince Igor and others. This talented person was able to achieve recognition from management and critics.

In addition to cooperation with the Opera and Ballet Theater, he also works with other institutions, the Philharmonic, and even makes attempts to find himself as an actor. The first film, which was shot in 1992, was called The Italian Contract.

Few people know that Renat Islamovich left his native Kazan only because he received an offer to create his own song theater, which today bears his name. It was an incredible event for the singer, and he could not refuse it.

Renat Ibragimov made a film called "Italian Contract"

Today, Renat has about 40 different albums on his account, which deserve attention:

  • love melody
  • Image of love
  • Happiness has no age

The singer found himself not only in the music industry, but also worked as a TV presenter, composer, and actor. We can say that a talented person is talented in everything.

For almost 40 years he has been a people's artist and has repeatedly become the hero of foreign publications. In particular, Italian publications were interested in his work.

Personal life

At the moment, the singer lives with his wife Svetlana Minnekhanova. This marriage was the most important in his life. According to the couple, their marriage took place according to Islamic traditions. Of course, the personality of such an artist could not just be associated with only one woman, before that he was married more than once.

Almost nothing is known about the first marriage. He lived with his family for almost 14 years, but the fateful meeting with his second wife destroyed the marriage.

From the first wife there are two daughters who are already adults and live in Moscow, the father helps them in every possible way. Thus, the personal life of the singer Renat Ibragimov developed at that time.

The second marriage did not become less interesting. The young girl Albina gave birth to Renata, a son and a daughter. According to many friends, it was a happy couple, which nothing could destroy. One fine day, again, Renat Ibragimov's sympathy was shown towards another woman. According to the singer himself, he offered his second wife to become the eldest and live together, since according to Muslim traditions this is not prohibited. In general, Albina did not agree. Then there were lengthy litigations over the division of property.

At 70, Renat Ibragimov connected his personal life with Svetlana, who is 39 years younger than him. According to him, the girl gives him an irreplaceable boost of energy. It should be noted that in this marriage he had three daughters and a son, for which he is grateful to his wife. The last child was born very recently at the beginning of 2017. The family idyll of Renat Ibragimov will not be destroyed by anything.

An outstanding singer, composer, producer throughout the country declared that he could freely maintain a whole harem - in life he follows his principles, however, he does not live with several wives at the same time, but changes them one after another. First wife of Renat Ibragimov Tamara lived with him for fourteen years and gave birth to two daughters - Nadezhda and Vera. They are already adult independent people, they live and work in Moscow.

In the photo - Renat Ibragimov with his second wife Albina

With his second wife Albina, the “Tatar nightingale” lived for twenty-five years and also exchanged her for a young girl. Albina still cannot calmly think about her ex-wife, to whom she has many claims. The second wife, Renata Ibragimova, fell in love with her future husband when she was only fourteen years old. She saw him on TV and fell in love at first sight, but did not even dream that she would ever marry him. Life itself brought them together - Albina's family moved to the house where the Ibragimov family lived, and one day she dared to ask her idol for an autograph - from that moment their unforgettable romance began.

In the photo - Renat Ibragimov and Svetlana

Then Albina was not stopped by the fact that Ibragimov was not free - he had a wife and two daughters. But her parents were categorically against her union with a famous singer, nevertheless, Renat packed up and came to their house, where they lived with Albina, who was fifteen years younger than him. It so happened that she repeated the fate of Renat Ibragimov's first wife - having lived with Albina for a quarter of a century, having given birth to two children - a son and a daughter, the singer found her a younger replacement.

Secretary Renata Svetlana Minnekhanova, a graduate of the Faculty of International Economics of the State University, was forty years younger than her boss, which did not prevent Ibragimov from having a stormy romance with her. When Albina found out about Svetlana, it didn’t even occur to her that for the sake of this girl Renat would leave her and the children, but that’s exactly what happened.

The young secretary became the third wife of Renat Ibragimov, with whom he not only signed, but also got married according to Muslim customs. Svetlana bore him two more children, the last of which was born when the singer was sixty-three years old. For a long time after the divorce from Albina, they shared property - the abandoned wife was offended that she received only four and a half thousand rubles of alimony for her son, and when he was to study at an elite school, Ibragimov refused to pay twenty thousand a month for education, saying that he left expensive real estate to his ex-wife.

Renat Islamovich Ibragimov(November 20, 1947, Lviv, Ukrainian SSR, USSR) - Soviet and Russian singer. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1981), People's Artist of the Tatar ASSR, laureate of the Republican Prize of Tatarstan. Producer.


Born in the city of Lvov, in the family of a military man. Tatar. The musicality and artistic talent of the child were noticed even in kindergarten. Simultaneously with receiving secondary education at school No. 6 in Kazan, Renat also graduated from a music school. In 1967-68. Renat served in the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Volga Military District. In 1973, Ibragimov graduated from the Kazan State Conservatory and began his career on the stage of the Tatar Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. M. Jalil, where he performed leading roles in operas, including Prince Igor, Escamillo (Carmen), Valentin (Faust), Eugene Onegin (Eugene Onegin), Yeletsky (The Queen of Spades).

All-Union success and fame came to Ibragimov after his participation in the song contest "Scarlet Carnation" in Sochi in 1975, where Renat Ibragimov received the main prize. Ibragimov's creative path covers several decades. Along with musical performances, Ibragimov also starred in a number of films, the most famous of which is The Italian Contract (1993). In Italy, the press called him the "Russian Pavarotti". He owns the deep secrets of vocal mastery, knows how to excite the hearts of listeners.

Former member of the United Russia party.

Personal life

Married. From the previous two marriages, the singer has a 17-year-old son Sultan and three adult daughters - Nadezhda, Vera and Aya.

In October 2009, R. Ibragimov married for the third time - a native of Tatarstan, Svetlana Minnekhanova, from whom he had two daughters.

The singer left two children and left his wife, with whom he lived for 25 years, for a girl 40 years younger than him!

For the third year, litigation has dragged on between singer Renat Ibragimov and his ex-wife Albina. And all because of the young wife, to whom Ibragimov left. “I still can’t believe that my husband traded me for one that suits him as a granddaughter,” Albina Ibragimova sighs.


Albina was 14 years old when she saw Renat on TV in Blue Light. She immediately fell head over heels in love with the singer, but she could not even imagine that she would become his wife. Albina's parents received an apartment in the same house where the Ibragimov family lived. Once the girl plucked up courage and asked the singer for an autograph. Thus began their whirlwind romance.

Everything would be fine, but Renat was married and raised two daughters. “I didn’t understand how hard and painful it is when you are separated from your loved one. If only then I knew how it would come back to me ... Renat left his wife, but always helped her ... ”Albina recalls with tears in her eyes. When Ibragimov left his first wife, he really left all his property to his children.

I collected two bags of things and came to Albina. For the first three years, the lovers lived in the house of the girl's parents, who were categorically against their union, because Renat is 15 years older than their daughter! But over time, they believed the singer's promises - to love and be responsible for Albina until the end of their days.

Renat Ibragimov and Albina not only signed in the registry office, but held a Muslim wedding ceremony - nikah. During this ceremony, the newlyweds were asked if they agreed to a second wife. “I said no, and Renat said he would never offer it,” recalls Albina.

And years later, a deeply religious Ibragimov suggested to her ... to bring her younger wife into the house. The woman's eyes darkened from such a request ... “No polygamy! Either I, or she,” said Albina. And her beloved Renat chose another ...

The fact that Renat had a young secretary, Svetlana, Albina knew, but did not suspect anything bad. Although it could! This girl was attached to Ibragimov to work by the hated Albina "friend" of the family, whom she escorted out of the house more than once. In response, this man became angry and often vindictively said: “I will divorce you!”

Albina also knew that he was offering all his friends to marry some poor girl from Tatarstan. He also suggested Renata, but not just like that. Ibragimov had problems in the male part, which he told his vengeful friend about. He blamed Albina for these troubles and assured the singer that he would remove everything as if by hand if he marries a young one. Ibragimov believed!

Well, wifey!

Ibragimov's new marriage was not discussed in the best colors, especially by believers. “He and Sveta went through nikah when we were still married,” Albina explains. The children tried to reason with their father. The singer's daughter Aya even found Svetlana's page on the social network. In one of the photos, this girl was in a bathing suit, and some young man was grabbing her breasts.

“Aya started a correspondence with her on behalf of a man,” says Albina. - Sveta, thinking that she was talking to a man, flirted willingly. And my daughter found her friend, who admitted that Sveta once told me that she had finally met an elderly rich man and now she would provide for herself for life. The children immediately told their father about these facts, but ... he did not believe them.

Judicial disgrace

After a divorce from Albina, Renat wanted to take away her mansion in the Moscow region, but Albina defended the jointly acquired property. In retaliation, Ibragimov decided to sue for every little thing - he even fought for an old car that had been in accidents more than once. And he also made a certificate of low income in order to pay the minimum alimony for his son - 4,500 rubles a month.

Now the Sultan will have to leave the elite school. The boy does not understand why his father does this to him. And the young wife only grins: “Let his children dig potatoes, and Albina washes the floors. We don't owe them anything."

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