An extra-curricular event dedicated to the All-Russian day of reserves and national parks. Scenario day of reserves and national parks in the library Day of reserves and national parks name of events

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 1"

Yelabuga municipal district Republic of Tatarstan

Classroom hour on the topic: « Reserves of Russia

Prepared by: teacher

primary school

Zabirova T.M.

Subject: « Reserves of Russia

Goals and objectives:

Raising a sense of responsibility, respect for nature and its constituent parts;

Development of students' speech;

Acquaintance of students with one of the forms of protection nature reserves;

Acquaintance of students with some of the most famous reserves in Russia;

Acquaintance of students with the features of the National Park of Tatarstan "Nizhnyaya Kama";

Disclosure on specific examples of the role of man in nature protection;

Acquaintance of students with some species of animals and plants listed in the Red Book.

During the classes

Teacher: Today we will go on a trip to the reserves of Russia. Each of you is going to travel not empty-handed, but with a wealth of knowledge. We will go not just to unwind and relax, but to once again think about the fate of the world around us.

Reserve. Hear this word. What root did it come from? And why they named some territories of Russia.

Students: Reserves - from the word "commandment". Reserves are the main form of the strictest, special protection natural areas.

Teacher: Only thanks to the reserves managed to save many rare species animals and plants. Only nature reserves made it possible to restore already extinct species to the required number.

Nature reserves can be found in all corners of Russia, in all natural areas our Motherland.

The teacher shows the reserves on the map.

Student 1: The Taimyr Nature Reserve got its name from the peninsula on which it is located. around the tundra. Frosts and snow occur even in July, and the thickness of ice on the rivers reaches up to two meters.

Who is being protected here?

Under the protection of the reserve are musk oxen, wild reindeer, rare birds: red-breasted geese, peregrine falcons.

The red-throated goose is a small goose of amazing bright coloring. He is a good swimmer. Leads friendship with a predatory falcon - a peregrine falcon. Why? Everything is very simple. Arctic foxes often attack the nests of red-breasted geese, and they go to the trick and build them near the nests of the peregrine falcon, which does not allow predators to nest.

The story of the students is accompanied by the display of illustrations.

student 2: In 1969, the Galichya Gora reserve was formed on the territory of the Lipetsk region. It is located in the forest-steppe zone and protects forb, feather grass steppes and pollinating animals.

Galich Gora is often called a "living museum" of plants. Here you can find - golden flower, flax, Russian cornflower, spring adonis, valerian, feather grass, goose onion, sleep-grass, violet and other medicinal, ornamental, fodder and essential oil plants

Galichya Gora is the realm of insects. Who is not here! Bumblebees, wild bees, flower flies, hermit beetles, dragonflies and many more.

The main thing is that they are all protected.

The student's story is accompanied by illustrations. .

Teacher: Speaking about the most - the most, it is impossible not to say about the oldest reserve - Barguzinsky. It was founded in 1916, back in Tsarist Russia.

The teacher shows the reserve on the map.

Student 3: Bargun Reserve - national pride Russia. It is located near Lake Baikal in the taiga. He is known for his cedars, beautiful lakes, mountain rivers and hot springs. In the reserve you can meet brown bear, wolverine, squirrel - flying squirrel, seal, hazel grouse.

Let's get acquainted with some of them.

Wolverine is large animal with long shaggy hair, who feeds on carrion, he is a forest attendant.

Flying squirrel this is a small animal that plans for a distance of up to 50 m, for which it was nicknamed the flying squirrel. Instead of wings, the squirrel has skin folds between the front and hind legs.

Nerpa is a seal. She can swim and dive. The seal feeds on fish.

Teacher: Our next nature reserve is unusual and interesting in that its name contains the word "sea" Why? And because under protection there are animals and plants of the seas and oceans. So, get acquainted - the Far Eastern State Marine Reserve.

Student 4: The Far Eastern State Marine Reserve was established in 1978. Its area is more than 64 hectares. It is located south of Vladivostok.

As if in a kaleidoscope, the pictures of the marine reserve are changing: flocks of black-tailed gulls are circling in the sky, seals and fur seals are resting on coastal stones, dolphins are swimming in the sea. The seabed is decorated with colorful starfish, algae, lazy crabs. AT clear water jellyfish hover. Special attention attracts an octopus. Except commercial fish, mackerels, sardines, ivasi here you can meet exotic fish: hammerhead shark, swordfish, sailboat, flying fish.

The student's story is accompanied by illustrations.

Teacher: Guys, it's time for us to go on the road again. Altai Reserve connected not with the seas and oceans, but with the Altai mountain range.

The teacher shows the reserve on the map.

Student 5: Altai in translation means "golden". Altai Reserve was founded in 1932. On the territory of the reserve there is Lake Teletskoye - one of the most beautiful lakes in our country. Its depth is 325 m. Altai forests consist of cedar, fir, spruce. Giant herbs grow between the trees. The animal world is represented by a bear, weasel, roe deer, ermine, lynx, deer. Rare animals are especially protected - the Siberian ibex, Snow Leopard, Altai goat. Of those living here, the Altai Snowcock is listed in the Red Book.

The student's story is accompanied by illustrations.

Teacher: I heard more than once that in the Belovezhskaya Pushcha Reserve, located in Belarus, they are engaged in the conservation of bison. But few people know that not far from the city of Serpukhov in the Moscow region there is the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve, in which bison also live.

The teacher shows the reserve on the map.

Student 6: South of Moscow in the valley itself big river Moscow region - Oka - is located Prioksko - Terrasny Reserve. It was formed in 1945. The territory of the reserve is located in the zone mixed forests, so here you can find coniferous forests, pine forests, oak forests and birch forests. Diverse animal world reserve. Noble, spotted deer, wild boar, Siberian roe deer, otter, squirrel, beavers have taken root on its territory.

But still, the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve is considered to be the central bison nursery in Russia. The bison is an ancient animal, it is considered a contemporary of the mammoth. Now these forest old-timers are listed in the Red Book.

The bison is a strong beautiful animal with hollow horns and a long beard, a bit reminiscent of a domestic cow. Growth up to two meters. Weight up to one ton.

The student's story is accompanied by an illustration

Teacher: The last point of our trip is the Nizhnyaya Kama National Park. The Lower Kama is a national park on the territory of the Republic of Tatarstan, founded on April 20, 1991. It is located in the north-east of the Republic of Tatarstan within the Eastern Pre-Kama and Eastern Trans-Kama regions, in the valley of the Kama River and its tributaries the Toyma, Kriush, Tanaika, Shilninka.

Student 7: The area of ​​the national park is 26601 ha. Mammals are represented by 41 species. Among them are the typical inhabitants of the forest: elk, roe deer, wild boar, lynx, badger, pine marten, squirrel, weasel; and inhabitants of reservoirs and their coastal parts: beaver, muskrat, otter, raccoon dog. The water bat, brown ear bat, forest bat, forest mouse and chipmunk living in the national park are rare species and are listed in the Red Book of Tatarstan. The avifauna is quite diverse (more than 180 species, including 136 nesting species). Most of the species are forest, open space and wetland species. The background includes the black kite, goshawk, common mallard, gray heron, great spotted woodpecker, woodcock, lake gull, gray owl, jay, etc. Rare are 22 species of birds (listed in the Red Book of Tatarstan) - eagle owl, gray owl, long-tailed owl, polar owl, white-tailed eagle, common kestrel, remez, nutcracker, black-headed gull and other. Also, the fauna is represented by 10 species of amphibians (rare species - combed newt, gray toad), 6 species of reptiles (rare species - common viper, copperhead, brittle spindle), 16 species of fish (lake and river views such as pike, pike perch, bersh, carp, sterlet, bream, burbot, catfish, blue bream, loach, Caspian needle fish, etc.). Invertebrates are quite abundantly represented - more than 1000 species, 22 species of which are listed in the Red Book of Tatarstan.

The student's story is accompanied by an illustration.

Video presentation "Nature native land»

Teacher: We visited many corners today, about many representatives of the animal and flora learned. But wherever we were, the alarm sounded everywhere. Undoubtedly, in addition to nature reserves, there are many other forms of protected areas in our country: natural monuments, National parks, reserves, museums - reserves. But a person today should think about not getting into the reserve himself because of his thoughtless behavior in nature.

Natural history" href="/text/category/prirodovedenie/" rel="bookmark"> natural history and biology we very often used the expressions "Nature is our home", "Take care of natural resources"," The planet is in danger. What do they mean? (listen to students' answers).

Listening to the soundtrack of the song "How beautiful this world is."

Yes, indeed, the world that surrounds us is beautiful, nature is beautiful anywhere in our the globe, despite the fact that it is very different and diverse. Man has long admired the creations that mother nature created: amazing plants and animals. You and I know that the life of all people is inextricably linked with nature: from environment people receive oxygen, food, raw materials for industry, medicine and much more. But, unfortunately, people do not always think about respect for nature.

It's time for humanity to understand

Taking wealth away from nature,

That the Earth must also be protected:

She, like us, is the same - alive!

(slide 4) To protect and protect rare and endangered species of animals and plants, specially protected natural areas (SPNA) are created (slide 5-9). The following categories of specially protected natural areas are distinguished: state nature reserves, national parks, natural parks, natural monuments, state nature reserves, dendrological parks and botanical gardens, health-improving areas and resorts.

(slide 10) Today in Russia there are 101 reserves with a total area of ​​​​more than 33 million hectares (this is 1.58% of the total territory of the country) and 40 national parks with a total area of ​​about 7 million hectares (0.41% of the country's territory), and they retain 80% of the species richness of flora and fauna.

Protected in nature reserves

So many rare animals and birds

To survive the many-sided space

For the light of the coming lightning

So that the deserts do not dare to descend,

So that the souls do not become empty

Beasts are guarded, snakes are guarded,

Even the flowers are protected

And anxiety for life is relentless

So as not to perish in the cosmic haze

All oceans are exhausted

Everything on Earth is exhausted

We offend forests and fields,

Rivers groan from bitter insults

And we forgive ourselves, and we forgive ourselves,

And the future will not forgive us.

(slide 11-17) The story of the Voroninsky Reserve.

The reserve "Voroninsky" is a nature protection, research and environmental education institution of federal significance. The main objectives of the reserve are the preservation and study of the natural course natural processes and phenomena, the genetic fund of flora and fauna, certain types and communities of plants and animals, typical and unique ecological systems.

State nature reserve"Voroninsky" was established on August 12, 1994 with the aim of preserving and monitoring natural forest-steppe complexes. The reserve is located in the middle reaches of the Vorona River in the southeast of the Oka-Don Plain, has an area of ​​10,390 hectares and is about 50 km long from north to south. It is located on the territory of two administrative districts of the Tambov region, Inzhavinsky and Kirsanovsky, and consists of two relatively large sections and eight small ones, located in the valleys of the Vorona River and its tributaries.

The climate of the region is temperate continental. average temperature July +20.4°С, January -11.3°С. The average air temperature is + 4.7°C. The annual rainfall is 510 mm.

home water artery the territory of the reserve - the river Vorona, the right tributary of the Khopra. The total length of the river is 454 km, of which 234 - in the Tambov region and more than 90 km - in the reserve. In the valley of the Vorona River there are large floodplain lakes: Simerka (area 40 ha), Kipets (70 ha), Ramza (200 ha) and about a hundred small lakes.

The forested area is 77.2% of the area of ​​the reserve. These are mainly oak forests - 35.9%, aspen forests - 20.8% and black alder forests 14.4%. Herbaceous communities (14.6%) are represented by lowland bogs, floodplain meadows, steppe meadows and small areas meadow steppes. In total, about 600 plant species have now been found and identified, which is 60% of the potential flora. Among them are rare and endangered species listed in the Red Books. various levels: Russian hazel grouse, helmet-shaped orchis, red meat-rhizome, thin skewer, several types of feather grass.

The reserve presents a typical fauna of the southern forest-steppe. There are 25 species of fish, 7 species of amphibians, 6 species of reptiles, 126 species of birds, 26 species of mammals (the largest are elk, wild boar, roe deer, wolf). Among them are "Red Book" species - Ukrainian lamprey, osprey, white-tailed eagle, short-toed eagle, muskrat. The territory of the reserve is an important stopping point on the way of birds making regular seasonal flights, and is included in the list of key ornithological areas international importance in European Russia.

Here is such a beautiful and amazing nature reserve in our region.

There are special rules of conduct in the reserve.

(slide 18) Rules of conduct in the reserve

In the reserve it is forbidden: - to pick flowers, pick mushrooms and berries, break branches,

Run, scream, make noise,

Make fires, have picnics,


Conduct business activities

All this negatively affects the life of animals and plants.

On the territory of the reserve, you should move quietly and calmly so as not to interfere with animals and birds and not disturb their rhythm of life.

And suddenly he sighed, as if alive,

And the continents whisper to me:

You take care of us, take care!

In the anxiety of groves and forests,

Dew on the grass, like a tear!

And the springs quietly ask:

You take care of us, take care!

The deep river is sad

Their own, losing their shores,

You take care of us, take care!

The deer stopped his run:

Be a man, man!

We believe in you - do not lie,

You take care of us, take care!

I look at the globe - the globe of the earth,

So beautiful and dear!

And lips whisper in the wind:

I will save you, I will save you!

Final part. Summarizing.

- So, guys, what was our event dedicated to today?

- What dangers await our planet?

- What can we do to protect the environment?

- What new did you learn today? What do you remember the most?

There is one garden planet in this cold space

Only here the forests are noisy, calling migratory birds,

Only on it alone you will see lilies of the valley in green grass

And dragonflies only look into the river in surprise

Take care of your planet, because there is no other in the world!

(Y. Akim)


1. Dal Dictionary of Living Great Russian language: In twelve volumes. Volume 4. - M .: World of Books, 2004.

2. Reserves. T.9. – M.: Mir knigi, 2003.

3., etc. Biology: Dictionary for students and applicants / Ed. . - St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg. un-ta, 2002.

« ecological journey»

Event dedicated to the All-Russian day of reserves and national parks

... You, man, loving nature,
Feel sorry for her sometimes.
On fun trips
Do not trample its fields!
And don't go to the bottom.
And remember the simple truth:
Don't burn it down
We are few - and she is alone!


  • show the importance of nature in our life;
  • draw students' attention to environmental issues;
  • contribute to the improvement and physical activation of children;
  • to join in the observance of healthy lifestyle.


  • contribute to the formation of interpersonal relations in the group, team building;
  • raise the level of ecological culture;
  • bring up careful attitude to nature;
  • to develop the cognitive interest of the children;
  • develop interest in sports and healthy lifestyles.

Game progress:

All students are divided into teams. Upon entering the classroom, each student chooses a square of any of the 4 colors offered. Depending on the chosen color, the student sits down at the table, on which there is a square of “his” color. Each team chooses a captain and comes up with a name for their team.

1 contest “Ecological dates and holidays”

Each team must name the date when they celebrate ecological holidays and activities:

  1. International Earth Day (April 22)
  2. Forest Workers Day (September 18)
  3. International Day for the Protection of the Ozone Layer (16 September)
  4. International Bird Day (April 1)
  5. World Water Day ( water resources). (March 22)
  6. World Day to Combat Desertification and Dehydration (17 June)
  7. World Environment Day (5 June)
  8. World Tourism Day (September 27)
  9. World Animal Day (October 4).
  10. Day of Reserves and National Parks- January 11
  11. World Health Day- April 7
  12. snowdrop day- April 19 -
  13. International Homeless Animal Day August 16
  14. World Pet Day November 30th


On the occasion of joint agreements WWF (World Foundation wildlife) with the Center for Wildlife Conservation, the so-called "Day of Reserves and National Parks". This event happened January 11th 1997, and since then the Day of Reserves and National Parks has been celebrated annually.

The date of the eleventh of January was determined for a reason! It was on this calendar day of 1916, in the then Tsarist Russia, that the first Russian reserve was opened under the name " Barguzinsky.

Previously, in Russia, only lands (reserves) were protected for lordly and royal hunting. But the Barguzinsky Reserve, opened on January 11, 1916, had sovereign privileges. The purpose of this reserve is to protect and increase the population Barguzin sable, and other living creatures on Baikal.

In the near one thousand nine hundred and eighty-six, UNESCO assigned the Barguzinsky Reserve the status of a biosphere reserve, which allowed it to join the World Network of Biosphere Reserves (World Network of Biosphere Reserves). Now this reserve is an integral part of the world heritage and the so-called reserved necklace, consisting of such reserves as Baikal-Lensky, Baikalsky, Lake Baikal itself, as well as Zabaikalsky national park.

Our country has about a hundred nature reserves, the area of ​​​​which exceeds thirty-three million hectares, which is comparable in terms of area to 1.58% of the entire territory of Russia. Also, our vast Motherland has thirty-five national parks, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is equal to seven million hectares. All of the above state-protected zones help to preserve about 80% of the wealth of our country in animal and vegetable terms.

Volga forest-steppe- state naturalreserve in Penza region , in the forest-steppe zone of the MiddleVolga region Russia . The reserve was established in 1989 to preserve the zonalsteppes northern type and forest complexes. The reserve includes 5 clusters (areas) located in the western partVolga Upland in the territory Penza region and partially (security zone) inUlyanovsk region . total area reserve - 8326 hectares. The reserve "Privolzhskaya forest-steppe" is a conservation, research and environmental education institution of federal significance, with the aim of preserving and studying the natural course of natural processes and phenomena, the genetic fundvegetable and fauna , individual species and communities plants and animals , typical and uniqueecological systems .

"Privolzhskaya forest-steppe" is the successor to the previously existing Penza region reserve. At the requestI. I. Sprygina and the Penza Society of Natural Science Lovers (POLE) headed by him, in 1919 the “Poperechenskaya Steppe” (with an area of ​​100 acres) was reserved - the third reserve in Russia (after Barguzinsky and Astrakhansky). In 1920, two more reserves were organized: “ Pinery"(300 ha) and" Sphagnum swamps "(100 ha) in the right bank of the Sura River near the city of Penza. These three reserves were taken over by the state in 1924 and the administration of the Penza state reserve Main Directorate of Science of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR. In 1925, the Arbekovsky Forest-Steppe Plot (180 ha) and Belokamensky Park (47 ha) became part of the reserve. In 1927, the Zhigulevsky site (2300 ha) was included in the Penza Reserve, some more territories were reserved a little later. Samara region, and the reserve itself was renamed Sredne-Volzhsky, in 1937 - Kuibyshevsky. In 1929, the Kuncherovskaya steppe (300 ha; Penza region) was included in the reserve, and in 1930 the Kozyavka steppe area (1364 ha; Orenburg region) was included in the reserve. The Kuibyshev Reserve existed until 1951 (like almost a hundred others, it was liquidated by decision of the Government of the RSFSR); most of the forest complexes protected by him have not been preserved. Later, in 1957, the protected regime of the Zhiguli section was restored (Zhiguli State Nature Reserve named after I. I. Sprygin ). The protected areas of the Penza region came under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of State Farms of the RSFSR, and only thanks to the efforts of scientists and nature lovers, in 1965 some of them (“Poperechenskaya steppe”, “Kuncherovskaya steppe” and “Belokamensky park”) received the status of natural monuments and survived from destruction . Subsequently, in 1989, the "Poperechenskaya steppe" and "Kuncherovskaya steppe" became part of the "Privolzhskaya forest-steppe" reserve.

More than860 species of vascular plants , which is 55% species composition flora of the Penza region . Of the vascular plant species in need of protection, there are more than 70 species on the territory of the Privolzhskaya Forest-Steppe Reserve, including 9 species listed in the Red Book Russian Federation (2008): feather grass(Stipa dasyphylla), feather grass (Stipa pennata), the most beautiful feather grass(Stipa pulcherrima), feather grass of Zalessky(Stipa zalesskii), Russian hazel grouse (Fritillaria ruthenica), leafless iris (Iris aphylla), leafless chin(Epipogium aphyllum) pollenhead red(Cephalanthera rubra), Neottiantha clobuche(Neottianthe cucullata) and 58 species are included inRed Book of the Penza Region (2002).

"Kuncherovskaya forest-steppe"(1024 ha) is located on a high upland and slopes of various exposures on the left bank of the Kadada River (on the border of Kameshkirsky, Kuznetsky and Neverkinsky districts near the village of St. Chirchim). Oak forests are characteristic pine forests(artificial plantations) and aspen and birch forests of secondary origin; steppe communities occupy one fifth of the territory and are mainly represented by associations of forb-turf-grass steppe with young undergrowth of Scots pine. Floristic wealth - 555 species of vascular plants.

"Ostrovtsov forest-steppe"(352 ha) is located on the right-bank part of the floodplain terrace of the Khoper River (in the Kolyshleysky district, near the village of Ostrovtsy). modern structure The vegetation cover is a complex of different types of vegetation with a predominance of forests of Tatar maple and bird cherry, thickets of mesophilic and xeromesophilic shrubs, as well as turf-grass-forb steppe associations, the area of ​​​​which is annually decreasing due to the processes of bushing and foresting of the steppe. Floristic wealth - 542 species of vascular plants.

"Transverse steppe"(252 hectares) is located on the upland and slopes of the beams in the upper reaches of the Khoper River (on the border of the Kamensky and Penza regions, near the village of Poperechnoye). Sod-grass-forb steppe and forb-rhizomatous (terrestrial and thorn-free) associations predominate; thickets of steppe shrubs are characteristic. Floristic wealth - 475 species of vascular plants.

"Verkhnesursky forest area"(6334 ha) located on ancient river terraces in the upper reaches of the riverSuras(in the north-eastKuznetsk region , near with. Clock). Pine forests predominate (mainly grass-shrub, green moss and lichen; often artificial plantations) and secondary birch forests. Small areas are occupied by aspen, oak and alder forests, as well as lakes, transitional and bogs. Floristic wealth - 586 species of vascular plants.

"Pine forest on Kadade"or "Borok" (399 ha) is located on the left bank of the floodplain and above the floodplain terrace of the riverKadadi (in the north of the Kameshkirsky district, near the village of Shatkino). Pine forests (of artificial origin) are characteristic, less often - oak forests and small-leaved forests that have arisen in their place. Large areas are occupied fens and alders. Floristic richness - 530 species of vascular plants

2 competition quiz "Who talks like" (tasks are printed out and lie on the tables of each team)

Task - remember how the following birds and animals “talk”:







a fox…



















buzzing, buzzing












squeaks with wings

- dove ... (cooing);

- capercaillie ... (current);

- duck ... (quacks);

- eagle owl ... (hoots);

- goose ... (cackles);

- crane ... (curls);

- sparrow ... (chirps);

- crow ... (croaks);

- turkey ... (cooling);

- fox ... (barks);

- bear ... (roars);

- a goat ... (bleats);

- horse ... (neighs);

- a pig ... (grunts);

- deer ... (croaks);

- elephant ... (trumpets);

- mosquito ... (squeaks, wings);

- grasshopper ... (chirps);

- a bumblebee ... (buzzes, buzzes);

- a bee ... (buzzes, buzzes);

3 Zoo competition.
And this is the most fun part. Here, teams are invited to depict animals, birds, insects, while correctly conveying their habits and behavior.
Possible tasks:
Cranes flying south
Storks foraging
Duck with brood
Ants on the hunt

4 competition. Draw environmental signs

You all know that behavior on the roads is regulated by signs traffic. But there are also signs that should regulate our behavior in nature. Let's get to know them. Explain to me what the following signs mean.

And now each team must draw an environmental poster in the allotted time (5 minutes).

  1. Don't pick flowers.
  2. You can't destroy anthills.
  3. You can not dig holes and disturb animals.
  4. In the forest, in nature, it is forbidden to raise a shout and noise.

A little break (game)

Summer is a wonderful time
The kids are screaming... (Hooray!)
- We have rivers and forests
They give in the summer ... (miracles)
Who did the miracle
In summer, into a fairy tale ... (turned)?
Who made the whole world like this:
Voiced, joyful ... (colored)?
- The whole earth became a circle
Bright, colorful... (carpet).
- Where above the dome of heaven
It turns green luxuriantly ... (forest).
- Flowers are blooming all around
Unprecedented ... (beauty).
- Here, greeting the guys,
The bells are ringing).
How nice it is to run
On chamomile ... (meadows)!
- Like sunbeams
Golden ... (dandelions).
- To the world of goodness and beauty
Turn the world... (flowers)!

5 contest “Solve the crossword puzzle”

1 Z

2 K

3 P

4 e

5 F

9 B

6 B

7 D

8 N

10 L


1. Territory where natural components are protected.

2. A book that contains rare and endangered animals, plants and fungi that need protection and protection?

3. What is the name of the Russian writer, a great lover of nature.

4. Science, which considers the interaction between man and the environment.

5. Name a large wading bird with long legs and long neck, a symbol of hope and good luck bird?

6. What tree is considered sacred in Russia, a symbol of Russia?

7. What tree is considered sacred in Chuvashia?
8. What fish endures the most severe frosts and spawns in December?

9. Name the animal that destroys pests, especially the larvae of the May beetle, which is of great benefit agriculture?

10. What conifer tree drops leaves for the winter?

11. What birds are depicted on the coat of arms of Novocheboksarsk?

Round 6 “Fold a proverb”

Each team is given envelopes with cut cards on which proverbs are written. Participants need to correctly collect proverb cards in the allotted time.

Life is given for good deeds.
A good deed praises itself.

Nightingale is not needed golden cage, but he needs an earth branch.
They cut down the bushes - goodbye birds.

I saw a starling - spring is at the porch.
Spark the carcass before the fire, take the trouble before the impact.

Groves and forests - the beauty of the native land.
The fate of nature is the fate of the Motherland.

7th competition "Through the mouth of a baby".

Children's statements about waste are read out. The task of the teams is to try to understand what the children meant.

  1. I have a lot of toys made from it.
  • It comes in many colors and is very difficult to break.
  • Items made of it weigh little.
  • When ignited, it smells bad and there is a lot of black smoke
  • It does not decompose by itself in nature.


2. It was invented by the Chinese.

  • We get it from wood.
  • It burns easily.
  • It produces a lot of garbage.
  • They usually draw and write on it.


3. It is made from sand.

  • Most often it is transparent.
  • When it falls, it breaks.
  • If it is heated, it becomes viscous.
  • Abandoned in the forest, it can become a source of fire.


4 This is something without which a person can no longer live.

  • This is what we use every day.
  • When it hits the water, it creates a lot of foam.
  • It kills fish in the water, plants on the ground.
  • This makes everything cleaner.

(SMS, washing powder).

To protect and protect the planet Earth, it is not necessary to be poor or rich, tall or short, a scientist or a simple worker, an adult or a child. You just need to listen to the voice of your heart. The future well-being and prosperity of our planet Earth is in your hands dear guys!

Summarizing. Winner's reward ceremony.

"Ecological Journey"

Event dedicated to the All-Russian day of reserves and national parks

You, man, loving nature,
Feel sorry for her sometimes.
On fun trips
Do not trample its fields!
And don't go to the bottom.
And remember the simple truth:
Don't burn it down
We are few - and she is alone!


    show the importance of nature in our life;

    draw students' attention to environmental issues;

    contribute to the improvement and physical activation of children;

    to join in the observance of healthy lifestyle.


    contribute to the formation of interpersonal relations in the group, team building;

    raise the level of ecological culture;

    cultivate respect for nature;

    to develop the cognitive interest of the children;

    develop interest in sports and healthy lifestyles.

Game progress:

All students are divided into teams. Upon entering the classroom, each student chooses a square of any of the 4 colors offered. Depending on the chosen color, the student sits down at the table, on which there is a square of “his” color. Each team chooses a captain and comes up with a name for their team.

1 contest“Ecological dates and holidays”

Each team must name the date when environmental holidays and events are celebrated:

    World Day to Combat Desertification and Dehydration (17 June)


On the occasion of joint agreements WWF(World Wildlife Fund) with the Center for Wildlife Conservation, the so-called " Day of Reserves and National Parks". This event happened January 11th 1997, and since then the Day of Reserves and National Parks has been celebrated annually.

The date of the eleventh of January was determined for a reason! It was on this calendar day of 1916, in the then Tsarist Russia, that the first Russian reserve was opened under the name "Barguzinsky ».

Previously, in Russia, only lands (reserves) were protected for lordly and royal hunting. But the Barguzinsky Reserve, opened on January 11, 1916, had sovereign privileges. The purpose of this reserve is to protect and increase the population of the Barguzin sable and other living creatures on Baikal.

In the near one thousand nine hundred and eighty-six,UNESCO assigned the Barguzinsky Reserve the status of a biosphere reserve, which allowed it to join the World Network of Biosphere Reserves (World Network of Biosphere Reserves). Now this reserve is an integral part of the world heritage and the so-called reserved necklace, consisting of such reserves as Baikal-Lensky, Baikal, Lake Baikal itself, as well as the Trans-Baikal National Park.

Our country has about a hundred nature reserves, the area of ​​​​which exceeds thirty-three million hectares, which is comparable in terms of area to 1.58% of the entire territory of Russia. Also, our vast Motherland has thirty-five national parks, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is equal to seven million hectares. All of the above state-protected zones help to preserve about 80% of the wealth of our country in animal and vegetable terms.

Volga forest-steppe - state natural in , in the forest-steppe zone of the Middle . The reserve was established in 1989 to preserve the zonal northern type and forest complexes. The reserve includes 5 clusters (areas) located in the western part in the territory and partially (security zone) in . The total area of ​​the reserve is 8326 hectares. The reserve "Privolzhskaya forest-steppe" is a conservation, research and environmental education institution of federal significance, with the aim of preserving and studying the natural course of natural processes and phenomena, the genetic fund and , individual and communities and , typical and unique .

"Privolzhskaya forest-steppe" is the successor to the reserve that previously existed in the Penza region. At the request and the Penza Society of Natural Science Lovers (POLE) headed by him, in 1919 the “Poperechenskaya Steppe” (with an area of ​​100 acres) was reserved - the third reserve in Russia (after Barguzinsky and Astrakhansky). In 1920, two more reserves were organized: Pine Forest (300 ha) and Sphagnum Bogs (100 ha) on the right bank of the Sura River near Penza. These three reserves were taken over by the state in 1924 and the administration of the Penza State Reserve of the Main Directorate of Science of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR was organized. In 1925, the Arbekovsky Forest-Steppe Plot (180 ha) and Belokamensky Park (47 ha) became part of the reserve. In 1927, the Zhigulevsky site (2300 hectares) was included in the Penza Reserve, some other territories of the Samara Region were reserved a little later, and the reserve itself was renamed Sredne-Volzhsky, in 1937 - Kuibyshevsky. In 1929, the Kuncherovskaya steppe (300 ha; Penza region) was included in the reserve, and in 1930 the Kozyavka steppe area (1364 ha; Orenburg region) was included in the reserve. The Kuibyshev Reserve existed until 1951 (like almost a hundred others, it was liquidated by decision of the Government of the RSFSR); most of the forest complexes protected by him have not been preserved. Later, in 1957, the protected regime of the Zhiguli section was restored ( ). The protected areas of the Penza region came under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of State Farms of the RSFSR, and only thanks to the efforts of scientists and nature lovers, in 1965 some of them (“Poperechenskaya steppe”, “Kuncherovskaya steppe” and “Belokamensky park”) received the status of natural monuments and survived from destruction . Subsequently, in 1989, the "Poperechenskaya steppe" and "Kuncherovskaya steppe" became part of the "Privolzhskaya forest-steppe" reserve.

More than , which is 55% of the species composition . Of the vascular plant species in need of protection, there are more than 70 species on the territory of the Privolzhskaya Forest-Steppe Reserve, including 9 species listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation (2008):feather grass (Stipa dasyphylla), feather grass (Stipa pennata), the most beautiful feather grass (Stipa pulcherrima), feather grass of Zalessky (Stipa zalesskii), Russian hazel grouse (Fritillaria ruthenica), iris leafless (Iris aphylla) leafless chin (Epipogium aphyllum) pollenhead red (Cephalanthera rubra), Neottiantha clobuche (Neottianthe cucullata) and 58 species are included in (2002).

"Kuncherovskaya forest-steppe"(1024 ha) is located on a high upland and slopes of various exposures on the left bank of the Kadada River (on the border of Kameshkirsky, Kuznetsky and Neverkinsky districts near the village of St. Chirchim). Oak forests, pine forests (artificial plantations) and aspen and birch forests of secondary origin are characteristic; steppe communities occupy one fifth of the territory and are mainly represented by associations of forb-turf-grass steppe with young undergrowth of Scots pine. Floristic wealth - 555 species of vascular plants.

"Ostrovtsov forest-steppe"(352 ha) is located on the right-bank part of the floodplain terrace of the Khoper River (in the Kolyshleysky district, near the village of Ostrovtsy). The modern structure of the vegetation cover is a complex of different variants of vegetation with a predominance of forests of Tatar maple and bird cherry, thickets of mesophilic and xeromesophilic shrubs, as well as turf-grass-forb steppe associations, the area of ​​​​which is annually decreasing due to the processes of bushing and foresting of the steppe. Floristic wealth - 542 species of vascular plants.

"Transverse steppe"(252 hectares) is located on the upland and slopes of the beams in the upper reaches of the Khoper River (on the border of the Kamensky and Penza regions, near the village of Poperechnoye). Sod-grass-forb steppe and forb-rhizomatous (terrestrial and thorn-free) associations predominate; thickets of steppe shrubs are characteristic. Floristic wealth - 475 species of vascular plants.

"Verkhnesursky forest area" (6334 ha) located on ancient river terraces in the upper reaches of the river (in the north-east , near with. Clock). Pine forests predominate (mainly grass-shrub, green moss and lichen; often artificial plantations) and secondary birch forests. Small areas are occupied by aspen, oak and alder forests, as well as lakes, transitional and bogs. Floristic wealth - 586 species of vascular plants.

"Pine forest on Kadade" or "Borok" (399 ha) is located on the left bank of the floodplain and above the floodplain terrace of the river (in the north of the Kameshkirsky district, near the village of Shatkino). Pine forests (of artificial origin) are characteristic, less often - oak forests and small-leaved forests that have arisen in their place. Significant areas are occupied by lowland swamps and alder forests. Floristic richness - 530 species of vascular plants

2 competition quiz "Who talks like" (tasks are printed out and lie on the tables of each team)

Task - remember how the following birds and animals “talk”:







a fox…



















buzzing, buzzing












squeaks with wings

dove ... (cooing);

capercaillie ... (current);

- duck ... (quacks);

- eagle owl ... (hoots);

- goose ... (cackles);

crane ... (curls);

sparrow ... (chirps);

crow ... (croaks);

turkey ... (cooling);

- fox ... (barks);

bear ... (roars);

- a goat ... (bleats);

- horse ... (neighs);

pig ... (grunts);

deer ... (croaks);

- elephant ... (trumpets);

mosquito ... (squeaks, wings);

grasshopper ... (chirps);

bumblebee ... (buzzing, buzzing);

bee ... (buzzes, buzzes);

3 Zoo competition.
And this is the most fun part. Here, teams are invited to depict animals, birds, insects, while correctly conveying their habits and behavior.
Possible tasks:
Cranes flying south
Storks foraging
Duck with brood
Ants on the hunt

4 competition. Draw environmental signs

You all know that behavior on the roads is regulated by traffic signs. But there are also signs that should regulate our behavior in nature. Let's get to know them. Explain to me what the following signs mean.

And now each team must draw an environmental poster in the allotted time (5 minutes).

    Don't pick flowers.

    You can't destroy anthills.

    You can not dig holes and disturb animals.

    In the forest, in nature, it is forbidden to raise a shout and noise.

A little break (game)

Summer is a wonderful time
The kids are screaming... (Hooray!)
- We have rivers and forests
They give in the summer ... (miracles)
Who did the miracle
In summer, into a fairy tale ... (turned)?
Who made the whole world like this:
Voiced, joyful ... (colored)?
- The whole earth became a circle
Bright, colorful... (carpet).
- Where above the dome of heaven
It turns green luxuriantly ... (forest).
- Flowers are blooming all around
Unprecedented ... (beauty).
- Here, greeting the guys,
The bells are ringing).
How nice it is to run
On chamomile ... (meadows)!
- Like sunbeams
Golden ... (dandelions).
- To the world of goodness and beauty
Turn the world... (flowers)!

5 contest “Solve the crossword puzzle”

1 W


































































11 At





1. Territory where natural components are protected.

2. A book that contains rare and endangered animals, plants and fungi that need protection and protection?

3. What is the name of the Russian writer, a great lover of nature.

4. Science, which considers the interaction between man and the environment.

5. Name a large wading bird with long legs and a long neck, a bird symbol of hope and good luck?

6. What tree is considered sacred in Russia, a symbol of Russia?

7. What tree is considered sacred in Chuvashia?
8. What fish endures the most severe frosts and spawns in December?

9. Name the animal that destroys pests, especially the larvae of the May beetle, which is of great benefit to agriculture?

10. Which coniferous tree sheds leaves for the winter?

11. What birds are depicted on the coat of arms of Novocheboksarsk?

Round 6 “Fold a proverb”

Each team is given envelopes with cut cards on which proverbs are written. Participants need to correctly collect proverb cards in the allotted time.

Life is given for good deeds.
A good deed praises itself.

The nightingale does not need a golden cage, but he needs an earthly branch.
They cut down the bushes - goodbye birds.

I saw a starling - spring is at the porch.
Spark the carcass before the fire, take the trouble before the impact.

Groves and forests - the beauty of the native land.
The fate of nature is the fate of the Motherland.

7th competition "Through the mouth of a baby".

Children's statements about waste are read out. The task of the teams is to try to understand what the children meant.

    I have a lot of toys made from it.

    • It comes in many colors and is very difficult to break.

      Items made of it weigh little.

      When ignited, it smells bad and there is a lot of black smoke

      It does not decompose by itself in nature.


2. It was invented by the Chinese.

    We get it from wood.

    It burns easily.

    It produces a lot of garbage.

    They usually draw and write on it.


3. It is made from sand.

    Most often it is transparent.

    When it falls, it breaks.

    If it is heated, it becomes viscous.

    Abandoned in the forest, it can become a source of fire.


4 This is something without which a person can no longer live.

    This is what we use every day.

    When it hits the water, it creates a lot of foam.

    It kills fish in the water, plants on the ground.

    This makes everything cleaner.

(SMS, washing powder).

To protect and protect the planet Earth, it is not necessary to be poor or rich, tall or short, a scientist or a simple worker, an adult or a child. You just need to listen to the voice of your heart. The future well-being and prosperity of our planet Earth is in your hands dear guys!

Summarizing. Winner's reward ceremony.

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