How to drive snakes from their summer cottage using available methods. Effective tips for dealing with snakes in the dacha Why is it already hissing in the dacha

In addition to the usual ones (insects, moles, worms), some summer residents may be in wait for special neighbors in the country, extremely unpleasant and dangerous - these are snakes. How to get rid of vipers in their summer cottage - more on that later in the article.

Description of the pest

The viper is a venomous snake often found in our latitudes. Small in size (usually no more than half a meter), with a large flat head, the frontal shield of which is almost rectangular. These snakes have a variety of colors from gray to reddish, black vipers are also found.

A distinctive feature is the zigzag ornament on the back, clearly visible against the background of the main color. The tip of the tail is yellow, orange or red.

It lives in forests, adapts well to any terrain. The basis of food are small rodents, reptiles.

So there are some advantages from such neighbors. For those who are not ready to put up with these creatures, below we will give tips on getting rid of unwanted elements in your backyard.

How to get rid of vipers

You can get rid of vipers on the site in a humane and radical way. More about both methods below.

Radical Methods

The first thing a person thinks when they see a dark ball in the grass is how to kill a snake safely.

First way getting rid of reptiles is to eliminate nesting sites. Tidy up your yard, clean up the garbage - any pile of garbage, a board can be a reptile's refuge. Mow the surrounding areas regularly - tall grass camouflages snakes well.

An additional effect of mowing is the noise of a brushcutter or lawn mower. The reptile is sensitive to the stimulus and moves away from the source of noise.
Second method- deprivation of food sources. Destroy rodents and frogs, others that may provide food. In search of food, reptiles will leave your territory.
Third method- physical destruction. A good service in this will be rendered to us by those who are afraid of snakes - hedgehogs and yagdterriers.

Did you know? Hedgehogs are immune to snake venom. They hunt vipers, trample them and gnaw through the spine.

- the best snake and rat hunter. Small burrowing dogs, dexterous and bold, pounce on enemies and gnaw through the backbone. The downside is the aggressiveness of animals. They must be kept in muzzles.

scare away

Scaring away will help to bring out reptiles on the site. But very often they return after the disappearance of the threat.

So, how to scare away snakes from their summer cottage?

You can play on the susceptibility of vipers to smells. Sprinkled mustard powder (about 100 g per one hundred square meters) or garlic beds in different parts of the garden helps well. Get rid of the shed snake skin. Reptiles return to the place where they molted.

Important! Do not pick up the skin with bare handsdon't leave your scent.

Burning grass will make the site unattractive to reptiles.

Vipers are sensitive to chemicals. Scattered naphthalene balls (saltpeter, amophoska, any garden one), rags soaked in diesel fuel will scare away reptiles.
Use sound effects. Wind music, bells, rattles, weather vanes - all this will create a noise that reptiles do not like very much.

A good effect is the use of mole repellers. These devices generate ultrasonic waves and vibration, to which the reptiles respond. Such devices can be bought in shops of goods for fishing and tourism.

With the advent of the first warm weeks, gardens and orchards are gradually filled not only with flower sprouts, but also with pests. Most often, insects cause trouble. In second place are rodents and crawling animals. Summer residents often suffer from the presence of snakes in the garden, which are often mistaken for vipers. Distinguishing them from poisonous snakes is quite easy. Two small yellow spots are visible on the head, located a little further than the eyes. The viper has no such spots. As a rule, snakes do not attack people, although they can bite if they feel threatened. If you are afraid of crawling scaly animals, you need to get rid of snakes as quickly as possible.

Reptiles on the site

Some gardeners do not try to exterminate snakes in their summer cottage, because they bring certain benefits. Tired of fighting rodents, which can easily ruin the crop, you can entrust this business to snakes. Crawling reptiles will quickly put things in order in the garden, catching all the mice. They feed not only on rodents, but also on insects and slugs that damage crops.

Most often, small children who play in the yard in a clearing or playground suffer from snakes. Snakes hide in dark, damp places, so sandboxes and swing tubes are considered among their favorite habitats. It is imperative to get rid of amphibians, because they can not only scare the baby to tears, but also bite him.

Cleaning is the first step in the fight against snakes

Meeting with a snake, even if it is small and non-venomous, is not a very pleasant event. Even a completely harmless one can terrify some people, especially young children. Therefore, they need to get rid of once and for all. The first step in this difficult task is general cleaning in the garden. Snakes are very fond of tall uncut grass, old stumps, heaps of dry leaves and compost pits. They are attracted to quiet and cozy places.

Mow the grass in your yard regularly. This will not only deprive the snakes of a comfortable habitat, but also scare them away with the noise of a lawn mower. If there are abandoned areas in your neighborhood, you need to take the initiative and spend time improving them. It is enough just to mow the grass thickets. Cleaning in the backyard is useless if there is a real natural "terrarium" a meter from your site.

Throw away old piled things if they have no use. Old tree stumps, piles of foliage, pieces of slate, abandoned boxes and barrels serve as excellent "houses" for families of snakes. They love damp and cool places, so it is not uncommon to see a snake crawling out from under a barn or from under a house. All cracks in doors, window frames, and plumbing pipes should be sealed to keep crawling animals out of your home.

What animals fight snakes

Another common way to get garden snakes out is to have a hedgehog in the area. A little prickly friend will easily find amphibians and deal with them. Hungarians have long used a clever trick called the “drunken hedgehog”. The thing is that hedgehogs are very fond of alcohol and will not refuse to treat themselves to beer. After a couple of sips of a foamy drink, hedgehogs know no mercy and can catch all the snakes in one night. If you doubt this technique, you can feed them with regular milk. Sooner or later, snakes will disappear from your site.

The second vicious snake killer is a Jagd Terrier dog. A small cute black dog catches and strangles vipers. He is an indispensable assistant in hunting, thanks to his excellent sense of smell and vision. With the advent of such a pet, not only snakes, but also rats, mice and other pests will disappear from the site. Harmless mutts also sometimes become brave defenders of the house and garden. It happens that not only dogs, but also cats enter into a fight with snakes.

The extermination of creeping with the help of baits and chemicals

If you are not ready to get a dog, and hedgehogs do not visit your yard, you need to protect yourself from crawling animals on your own. To do this, you can use baits, repellent structures and chemicals. If you are not afraid to kill the snakes yourself, you can place baits with burnt milk around the house. They will gather all the creepers around them. But be aware that snakes from nearby territories will crawl to the body of a dead animal, as well as to shed scales. Dead individuals must be taken out of the yard.

Get rid of snake skin in areas in time

Due to the large amount of moisture, darkness and silence, snakes like to climb into summer showers. Often their lairs can be found in the bath (inside or in the cracks under the building). Stepping on a creeping animal with bare feet is not the most pleasant pleasure. To protect certain buildings from them, you can water them around the perimeter with herbicide or saltpeter. Another effective remedy is naphthalene balls. Snakes can smell chemicals from a mile away.

Gardeners are advised to hang knockers on the doors of outdoor toilets, showers and sheds. Before entering a dark room, knock loudly on a door or wall to frighten off reptiles (they cannot stand noise). In the barn, you can put rags soaked in herbicide, then there will definitely not be a snake den in it. Be sure to spray chemicals on sandboxes, swings and other places where children play around the perimeter at a distance of 3 meters.

Don't wait until your lawn turns into a reptile-friendly area. Remove all foreign objects that can turn into a cozy home. In very advanced cases, you need to call a group of herpetologists.

Neighborhood with snakes in the country is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous. Even a non-poisonous one can bite painfully - he has teeth. What can we say about the much less harmless copperhead and the extremely dangerous viper? Therefore, if you notice the presence of snakes in your area, you need to get rid of them as soon as possible. Under no circumstances should you kill them. They are an integral part of the biosphere of the region in which your dacha is located, and in fact it was you who came to their territory, not they to yours. Therefore, you need to try to ensure a peaceful outcome for them and, most importantly, once and for all discourage them from visiting the site.

Snakes in the Garden: An Invisible Danger

A snake attacks a person only in two cases - if it is frightened or provoked. However, this does not make it any calmer. Not all adults, having heard a suspicious rustle in the bushes next to their bare feet, are able to quickly cope with the adrenaline rush, allowing the snake to crawl its way. If we are talking about children, then their meeting with any of the representatives of this species is highly undesirable. After all, a child can get a serious mental trauma from fright, not to mention the mortal danger of a snake bite for a child's body.

Reptiles are predominantly nocturnal, which complicates their detection and identification. However, the presence of snakes in the area is always noticeable to the trained eye. Their main food is rodents, which are found all the time. Therefore, if no one feasts on the garden crops you have planted, there are no hedgehogs in the vicinity of the dacha, and you yourself do not have a cat or dog, most likely there are snakes in your area. They live in burrows, which they prefer to dig in marshy, shaded vegetation and therefore always cool and slightly moist soil. In addition, snakes periodically shed their skin. Its remains, which are called “creeps out”, can be found in their habitats and migrations - in dense grass, bushes, near water bodies and rivers, in areas with high soil moisture, etc.

The most dangerous time in terms of meetings with the snake brethren is the beginning-middle of summer. It was then that most of the species that are found on the territory of our country begin the breeding season, and they themselves become very irritable.

snake habits

If snakes are wound up in your summer cottage, you should not be especially afraid of them. Their bites are not poisonous, and they themselves are much more afraid of a person, so when they see you, they will most likely try to retreat as quickly as possible. Meanwhile, it is quite common for them to show their snake nature - in case of danger of contact, they can hiss threateningly, take a “stand” and even rush to their feet or other parts of the body in order to bite.

The main food of the snake is lizards, frogs and rodents, and birds of prey, storks and some representatives of the order of mammals are natural enemies. The mating season already falls on April May.

Copperhead, easily recognizable by its characteristic color, loves an open, well-warmed up area by the sun. It is found in regions covered with deciduous, coniferous or mixed forests and even knows how to swim, although it does not hunt in the water, much less hide from enemies. Copperhead feeds on lizards and other small reptiles, as well as rodents and sometimes insects.

When meeting a person, snakes of this breed curl up into a ball and freeze, hiding their heads, although they may well behave aggressively. The copperhead wakes up not earlier than April, and mates in late April - early May.

The viper lives in marshy-forest zones and transitional zones between rivers or forests and meadows, but for some reason it gravitates towards the area cultivated by man. It is almost impossible to confuse it with another species - the characteristic color with a zigzag stripe along the back will tell you exactly who you are dealing with.

Fortunately, the viper has a rather calm nature and never attacks for no apparent reason. However, its bite is very poisonous and, in the absence of the necessary medical care, may well lead to very unpleasant consequences.

How to get rid of snakes in the country: humane methods

Snakes should not be killed, and not only because they perform very useful functions in nature. Before death, reptiles emit a special aroma, similar to the one with which they attract their relatives for reproduction. As a result, in the area where you killed the snake, others will appear very soon. Therefore, if this has already happened, the snake corpse must be urgently carried away from the summer cottage without touching with hands. The same applies to the “creeps” discovered by you and your loved ones.

The first thing to do in order to get rid of snakes in the country is cleaning the area. By the way, it is worth doing it regularly, and removing branches and other debris. Large boulders should also be removed from the territory and old stumps, logs and bushes should be removed - the latter form a dense shadow, where, as well as in the coolness under stones and in old wood, snakes like to rest and hunt.

The main points of cleaning the summer cottage in the photo

If your neighbors have appeared at their dachas for a long time, you should remove the thickets and debris behind them - this is the only way you can guarantee the outcome of the reptiles away from your site.

Another effective and peaceful way to exorcise snakes is to scare away with the help of vibration generators or ultrasound that is equally unpleasant for them.

However, the technique is not able to give one hundred percent result, so it is better to use folk remedies. So, snakes do not like natural wool, therefore, by spreading it around the perimeter of the site, at the threshold of the dacha and other buildings, and in any other places where a snake can crawl, you are quite likely to force them to get away.

Reptiles do not tolerate the smell of garlic, so they will rush to quickly leave the territory if you plant this plant in sufficient quantities not only in your garden, but also in areas where they are most likely to appear - along the perimeter of the fence, around bushes, etc.

Radical ways to expel snakes

You can drive out the snake team from the summer cottage if you exterminate rodents, lizards, frogs and insects. A strong young cat will cope with this, which will be happy to catch everything that rustles and crawls in the bushes and tall grass, including snakes. You can also get a Jagd Terrier dog. This dog is very difficult to raise and care for, but he is a real thunderstorm of amphibians.

There is also such a “recipe” for snakes as hedgehogs. They feed on insects and plants, but they do not tolerate the presence of reptiles, destroying them mercilessly. The only but - hedgehogs are quite difficult to attract, and if it succeeds, they need to be constantly fed.

The perimeter of the cottage, areas under the barn or house, and especially under its threshold, can be watered or laid with rags moistened with saltpeter, herbicide or other chemicals. But this can seriously harm your site and significantly reduce the comfort of your stay. Harsh chemistry has a pungent odor and, if used incorrectly, can literally burn out everything it comes into contact with, excluding the appearance of vegetation in the treatment areas for several years.

Snakes are terrified of high temperatures and smell flames and a burning smell from a kilometer away. But burning grass, rubber and other materials based on petroleum products in a summer cottage is a rather dangerous and environmentally harmful solution. Hanging bells, small windmills or rattles on the site will cause much less damage. Only the sounds they make will annoy you more, and as soon as you take them off, the snakes will come back.

Snakes build their nests in compost pits, manure heaps, piles of garden debris, or inside old, rotten stumps. Upon detection, in no case do not try to destroy the snake's lair on your own - let professionals who are well prepared for a meeting with poisonous representatives of the snake kingdom do it.

What to do when meeting with a snake and with a snake bite?

No matter what you do to drive the snakes out of your yard, the guarantees that they will not return by the next spring-summer season are rather weak. What to do if the probability of meeting with amphibians in the territory of your yard, garden, orchard or areas adjacent to the dacha is still high?

In this case, your housekeeping responsibilities should include:

  1. Teaching children and the rest of the household to do things that reduce the risk of a chance meeting to zero, and if so, the possibility of direct contact.
  2. Mandatory sealing of cracks and holes in the floor and other building structures of a country house and outbuildings.
  3. Treatment of old snake holes with naphthalene.
  4. Lure and trap snakes with the aim of releasing them into the wild away from the dacha.
  5. Organization of a country first-aid kit with a set of medical supplies and preparations for first aid in case of a snake bite.
  6. Arrangement of sheds, firewood and other outbuildings so that their design excludes the possibility of penetration and hidden deployment of snakes.
  7. Acquisition of high rubber boots and thick protective clothing for work on the site, in particular, in thickets and in marshy or damp areas.
  8. Regular site prevention by treating problem areas and the perimeter with agricultural or special chemicals, ash or other repellents.

If you are still bitten by a poisonous snake, remember that independent attempts to neutralize the poison can have much more unfortunate consequences than the intoxication itself. Therefore, in this situation, it is urgent to immobilize the victim and call an ambulance, or deliver him to the first-aid post on his own.

Before the doctor arrives, you need to apply a cold compress to the bite site, remove rings and other jewelry, as well as clothing items that, in case of swelling, can interfere with blood circulation.

Video: Immediate action for a snakebite

Snake at their summer cottage: what to do?

Everyone knows that snakes do not attack first. But this fact can hardly be comforting when you find an intruder in the country in the bushes of strawberries or raspberries, or you hear a frightening rustle in the grass near the house. Snakes are not only a possibility of bites, but also a spoiled crop. Strawberries especially suffer from them. Catching them is not so easy, since they sleep during the day, and wake up at night and begin their journey through your dacha. So how do you get rid of these pests once and for all?

Deprive the snake of shelter.
The very first step in a snake-free operation is cleaning. Snakes can hide in tall grass, old barrels, in a pile of branches, and even in slate. They love damp, shady places. Moreover, they can make nests in the "new home" and it will be even more difficult to drive them out. They protect their offspring to the last. So it's better not to give them a chance. It is necessary to mow the grass regularly (besides, snakes are afraid of the noise of a lawn mower), there should be no garbage in the country house, it is better to hide all inventory and tools in a special closet. Mountains of dry branches, if any, must also be removed.

If there are abandoned dachas near your site, do not be lazy, mow the grass there too to reduce the likelihood of snakes appearing in your area as well.

It is very important to remember that in the spring and in the last month of summer, snakes have a breeding season, they are especially dangerous!

Scare the snake.
Nowadays, there are a lot of different devices against snakes. They, radiating unpleasant waves and vibrations, scare away reptiles. But very often the result becomes less noticeable.

Get rid of snakes once and for all.
We all know that rodents are a tasty morsel for snakes. If you destroy the first, it is more likely that the second will disappear.

You can also get a snake hunter - a hedgehog. A bowl of milk will draw him to your yard. He will deal with snakes, but in addition he will deal with chickens if you have them on the site. And, of course, for his work, the hedgehog will feast on berries from your beds. If you don't feel sorry for the harvest, and you visit the country often enough to feed the hedgehog, he will become your number one helper.

If you do not want to change one berry destroyer for another, a cat can become your hunter. It will save you from both snakes and rodents.

Also, chicken is a great helper in this matter. Chickens can even catch vipers, so they can easily deal with snakes. And in addition to peace of mind in the country, they will bring you eggs and litter, which can be used as fertilizer.

Safety is paramount.
There are a number of methods that will prevent an encounter with a snake:
1. Under the house, under the porch, under the warehouse or barn, it is necessary to shed saltpeter;
2. All cracks in the house must be sealed;
3. Before entering the toilet or outdoor shower, you need to make some noise;
4. Do not walk barefoot in tall grass, wear rubber boots or any closed shoes in the forest;
5. If there are children in the country, explain to them that snakes are dangerous and should not be picked up.
6. There should always be a first aid kit in the country.

What to do if bitten by a snake?
First of all, it is worth noting that snakes are not poisonous and their bites are not life-threatening. These snakes are cowardly by nature, so you can be sure they are more afraid of you than you are of them. Seeing a person, he immediately strives to run away. But sometimes they can hiss and even bite. If you are still bitten, there is no need to panic and fuss. Drink water and disinfect the wound. It is not necessary to cauterize or rewind the wound.

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