Family horoscope for November. November horoscope

December can be quite a difficult time. However, the events of the last month of the year will give many people the opportunity to find a new meaning and purpose in life, to shift the focus from personal problems to social ones. Everyday worries and routine duties fade into the background.

The astrological forecast for December 2016 predicts that for people of many signs of the Zodiac, the need for change and diversity will noticeably increase, this will be a positive moment, but one should be wary of spontaneous, rash acts.

In the third decade of the month, the stars do not advise starting new business and making responsible decisions. You will need to be especially careful when traveling, when processing documents and concluding transactions. On New Year's Eve, it is recommended to analyze everything done during the year.

Aries (March 21 - April 20)

The Aries horoscope in December 2016 suggests that people born under this sign will be completely absorbed by household chores, but this will only bring them joy and pleasure. It's time to take stock of past affairs and mend a shaky relationship with your loved one. In a series of pleasant New Year's Eve activities, one should not forget about work plans for the year 2017, otherwise there is a risk of being left without money after the holidays.

The horoscope recommends clearly planning your budget. Then the savings will remain intact and even their multiplication is possible. At the end of December, Aries will have to work in the “hands-on” mode, so you need to stock up on strength and patience.

Aries health in December will not let you down if he himself closely monitors the state of the body: normalizes nutrition and gives up bad habits.

Auspicious days: 5, 13, 19, 26.

Unfavorable days: 10, 20, 28.

Taurus (April 21 - May 21)

The horoscope for December 2016 for Taurus predicts that you will have to face serious financial difficulties. But if you do not despair and find additional income or suddenly get good interest for working in a business project, by mid-December the situation promises to stabilize. Possibly in the solution material problems family and friends will help.

But in love, the horoscope promises Taurus success. He will finally be able to conquer the one who sincerely and for a long time likes. It is important not to miss your love, otherwise you will only have to regret your indecision. In December 2016, the family Taurus will often spend time with the household, which will strengthen the relationship with the spouse.

Health at the end of winter will not let Taurus down if he observes the measure in everything. The stars recommend that people of this sign sit at the computer less, and walk and move more. Do not deny yourself your favorite sweets. In winter, they will give strength and tune in a positive way. It is useful at this time to include fruit and vegetable juices, eggs and chicken liver in the diet.

Favorable days: 2, 10, 15, 20.

Unfavorable days: 11, 22, 23.

Gemini (May 22 - June 21)

In December 2016, Gemini's horoscope promises them an eventful time. There will be a lot of work, but it is impossible to do everything in time and do everything. In pursuit of success and financial well-being, you can forget about your family, loved one, children and true friends. The astrological forecast for December 2016 recommends Gemini to take time to rest, to be in society more often, but at the same time not to tell anyone about their successes. Surrounded by people of this sign there is envious people. Therefore, the stars are advised to limit communication with friends and relatives in December.

In the first month of winter, the horoscope predicts Gemini fateful meeting Perhaps it is these relationships that will develop into a marriage union.

The health horoscope advises people born under the sign of Gemini to take care of nervous system. Rest more, visit more often fresh air, do not forget about clothes for the season. Problems with the stomach and intestines will not bother Gemini as long as they think about a healthy diet.

Favorable days: 5, 11, 15, 31.

Unfavorable days: 10, 26, 27.

Cancer (June 22 - July 23)

Cancer will have to work hard in December. There are a lot of urgent things coming up. The horoscope admits that someone born under this sign will want to change the field of activity, and the stars will favor such a decision. Creative personalities this winter month, do not give up your original designs.

The financial situation will please Cancer, there is enough money for everything - for New Year's gifts, entertainment and trips. The horoscope for December 2016 for Raku predicts that an old dream of traveling can come true. It is there that people of this sign can meet a person who will become a companion for life. But do not wait for an early declaration of love, a real feeling does not tolerate haste.

Despite being busy, family Cancer must make time for loved ones. The stars predict that it is they who will extinguish the family conflict. Cancers themselves will also need care, tenderness and attention. In December, replenishment is possible in the Cancer family.

From the first days of December, Cancer lives in a tense environment, so it is quite possible that fatigue will accumulate. It's time to relax and take care of your health. To do this, you need to remember about vitamins, massage, visiting the pool. It would be nice to go on vacation to the sea, to the southern countries.

Auspicious days: 1, 11, 16, 27.

Unfavorable days: 12, 24, 26.

Leo (July 24 - August 23)

Leo in December will be hard to resist impulsive decisions and bouts of insane energy. The horoscope for December 2016 Lviv warns: if you do not restrain emotions, many difficulties will appear in life. One should learn restraint, then there will be no rash acts and belated repentance. Leo stars predict the role of a leader not only in work, but also in his personal life. Some situations in December will stubbornly pull people of this sign into the past. And even if close people will push for this, one should not succumb. Success is only in the future.

In December, the Lions will not have to worry about the state of financial affairs. Payments for previous work will help. But you can’t lose vigilance: if there are any unfinished business, then it is in December that you need to turn to them, otherwise you won’t avoid trouble.

The horoscope warns: in the personal life of Leo in December, misunderstandings are possible, and the pride of the people of this sign can be the reason. Lonely Lions are advised to be careful with new acquaintances, which are fraught with disappointments.

Leo should heed the warnings of the stars and exercise extreme caution while driving a car in December. Serious accidents and large fines for violations are possible. The December horoscope advises the Leo woman to undergo a medical examination, especially for those who are going to have a baby in the near future.

Auspicious days: 13, 18, 19, 22.

Unfavorable days: 1, 21, 28.

Virgo (August 24 - September 23)

The horoscope for December 2016 for Virgo promises quite pleasant events at the end of the year. new position people of this sign in December are unlikely to be able to get, but to master a new profession or some complex skills is quite within their reach.

At the beginning of the month, the financial situation will be tense, but after a couple of weeks it will return to normal - and all this is due to natural perseverance and the ability to negotiate competently. Virgo will sometimes be hindered by the inability to keep herself within the framework, the desire to impose her opinion. And this applies not only to colleagues, but also to lovers.

At the beginning of the month, it will be difficult for family Virgos to find mutual language with their halves. The stars advise: peace will come only if the Virgos manage to restrain outbursts of anger and do not say too much. In all people of this sign, self-control and self-control should be exercised.

Single Virgo in the middle of the month will spend too much time looking for a couple. The Virgo horoscope for December 2016 warns: taking care of your personal life, you should not forget about your relatives.

If Virgo in December does not ignore the diet, proper sleep and gymnastics in the morning, then her health can be envied. Virgo's health horoscope advises in December to start fighting against bad habits- alcohol, smoking and overeating.

Auspicious days: 5, 13, 14, 28.

Unfavorable days: 10, 21, 25.

Libra (September 24 - October 23)

In December, the horoscope recommends Libra to radically reconsider their views on life and on their inner world. You need to carefully look at people who do not inspire confidence. They are the source of gossip and confusion in the work team. Following the advice of the stars, it is better to distance yourself from them, then lies and betrayal will bypass.

The horoscope warns people of the Libra sign: if you do not weigh your words, do not control your actions, you can lose your loved ones. December will bring an acquaintance with a new person who will become Hard time support for Libra.

Finances will not be easy. However astrological forecast portends that people born under the sign of Libra will be able to pay off their debts in December and finally switch to saving mode. As for health, it will be excellent even in December if you follow a sparing diet, a sports regime, a combination of work and rest. If you refuse these conditions, there may be trouble with the cardiovascular system.

Auspicious days: 6, 11, 23, 29.

Unfavorable days: 15, 26, 28.

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

Scorpios did a great job last month, so in December they can afford to relax. But the horoscope of the first winter month does not advise Scorpions to thoughtlessly indulge in idleness. They should remember how easily unresolved problems and debts appear.

Scorpio in December is the right time for noble deeds, romantic meetings and establishing business contacts.

In addition, the stars favor the creation of a family. So Scorpions need to go towards a loved one who is ready to make an alliance with him. However, single Scorpios in December may well afford non-binding flirting. Especially since financial situation during this period, the Scorpios are quite decent, there will definitely be enough money for gifts and entertainment. But with the purchase of a car and an apartment, you will have to wait.

New Year's Eve is the right time to prepare for a new life and take care of your health: avoid stressful situations and overloads, remember your sports past, exclude harmful products from the menu. And the main rule is to look at life with optimism and be in harmony with the outside world.

Auspicious days: 6, 12, 14, 28.

Unfavorable days: 7, 25, 27.

Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

The horoscope for December 2016 promises that this time will be for Sagittarius labor time. And only at the beginning of next year, people of this sign will feel relief and joy from the work successfully done.

However, Sagittarius expect bright events that will largely change the usual way of life. The stars indicate changes in personal life and in business. Although the "fly in the ointment" will be the behavior of a close friend or partner. People of this sign should be philosophical about such surprises, perceive them as tests of strength.

AT material terms everything will develop without any problems, it is possible that it is in December that a profitable offer will be received, which will give a solid profit. It is worth paying attention to the spending of funds: the partner may be reproached for the wrong attitude towards the total budget. We will have to look for ways of mutual agreement.

The stars advise not to overshadow your life with these adversities. They will soon pass, and on the threshold - New Year's celebration to which you need to come with a positive mood.

Auspicious days: 1, 6, 12, 24.

Unfavorable days: 17, 20, 31

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

Capricorn in December will unconditionally want to have everything at once. He really achieves excellent results in his work and wins over the right people. However, the horoscope for December 2016 warns that all achievements can be saved not only by perseverance, but also by a bit of cunning.

In December, Capricorn will have to take important and even fateful decisions. It will take patience and the ability to get along with people, to meet them halfway. In addition, the stars warn against self-confidence. People born under the sign of Capricorn, more than ever, will need the ability to analyze the situation, and even take a risk at the right time.

In general, the stars favor Capricorns in December, promising them a stable financial position. But the pursuit of profit should also have limits, it should stop in time.

The astrological forecast for December indicates the possibility of family scandals due to jealousy. Capricorns should be the first to stop showering their half with a hail of reproaches. This will quickly bring peace back to the family.

The health horoscope encourages people of the Capricorn sign in December to take care of the nervous system, not to overstrain and leave time for daily exercise. It is advisable to run in the morning, keep a diet and sleep more.

Auspicious days: 1, 9, 17, 24.

Unfavorable days: 13, 25, 28.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 19)

The horoscope for December 2016 Aquarius warns that this month the management will constantly express dissatisfaction with them. People of this sign will have to give up some principles in order to improve relations with both the boss and colleagues. However, the stars predict good luck in business, business connections will lead to success. Next, you need a sequence: complete past affairs, and only then take on something radically new.

The financial situation will allow Aquarius not only to arrange a good rest for himself, but also to make expensive purchases.

But close people will miss the attention of Aquarius. Therefore, the astrological forecast recommends that they communicate more with family, children and elderly relatives who constantly need support. However, on the eve of the new year, Aquarius will prove himself as the economic head of the family, a caring spouse.

The health of Aquarius does not cause great concern, but constant moderation in nutrition is needed. He should pay attention to this on the eve of festive feasts.

Auspicious days: 4, 12, 17, 21.

Unfavorable days: 10, 22, 27.

Pisces (February 20 - March 20)

The pre-New Year mood usually knocks impressionable Pisces out of the usual rut, it will be difficult for them to tune in to active work. The December horoscope warns: you should not relax, you can miss out on great opportunities to strengthen your position in business, and as a result not get financial profit. Pisces should focus on any little things so that December brings positive results.

In personal relationships, the horoscope promises Pisces people a beautiful romantic story that will be remembered for a lifetime. Perhaps this will be a meeting with a person whose image was presented in dreams.

The stars warn against being too gullible in relationships with strangers, otherwise you can be a victim of a scam. In December, you should also not invest in dubious projects.

The health horoscope for 2016 recommends paying attention to chronic diseases, especially the state of blood vessels and heart function. In addition, many representatives of the Pisces sign need to be strengthened. immune system. Walks in the open air, morning exercises able to increase their tone.

Auspicious days: 1, 8, 12, 25.

Unfavorable days: 20, 27, 29.

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The horoscope for November 2016 predicts numerous reforms in professional field. Success will come to those who do not stand still. The authorities will establish their rights, which will be difficult to go against. The priority of the leadership is political and social tasks. November 2016 will create conditions for fruitful work, if you obey the higher authorities. Contacts with foreign partners will increase and innovations will appear on the exchange markets. Horoscope for November 2016 recommends investing in large enterprises. At the end of the month, changes in personal life are expected.

Horoscope for November 2016 Aries
Aries will have so much energy that they are able to spend it not only on work, but also on study. The financial situation will be stable, so do not take loans from the bank. The horoscope for November 2016 advises Aries to listen to the call of the heart, and not to that. What friends and family say. If you sincerely like the chosen one, then seek his location. Try not to sleep under the air conditioner - it threatens with neuralgia.

Love horoscope for November 2016 Aries
Career horoscope for November 2016 Aries

Horoscope for November 2016 Taurus
Taurus should not get involved in adventurous situations. Otherwise, financial fraud will drag you into debt. You need to finish old things, and then start new ones. love horoscope for November 2016, Taurus predicts an acquaintance with a person whose relationship will be long and harmonious. If Taurus overcomes depression, then relatives and friends will come to the rescue. Organize a home party with tea and cake.

Love horoscope for November 2016 Taurus
Career horoscope for November 2016 Taurus

Horoscope for November 2016 Gemini
Gemini is encouraged to show their knowledge in the public and political sphere. You will have to work hard, which will improve your financial situation. Romantic acquaintances will give Gemini a lot of vivid impressions. Look at love as a holiday that Fate gives you. Move more, and do not sit at the computer. Treatment of diseases is effective with the help of herbs and tinctures.

Love horoscope for November 2016 Gemini
Career horoscope for November 2016 Gemini

Horoscope for November 2016 Cancer
If Cancers have long been aimed at finding new work then your time has come. Moreover, there are a lot of vacancies on the Internet and in newspapers now. Cancers may have an affair with a colleague that is enduring and romantic. The horoscope for November 2016 predicts family gatherings. Cancers should pay more attention and time to relatives. Do not skimp on gifts for loved ones who will be delighted with the gifts.

Love horoscope for November 2016 Cancer
Career horoscope for November 2016 Cancer

Horoscope for November 2016 Leo
Lions will want to radically change the field of activity. The horoscope fully agrees with you on this issue. Dare, strive and learn new things! Lions finally decide to legitimize their relationship with the chosen one. Those who have not yet met a soul mate will be determined to bring the long-awaited meeting closer. If the Lions planned an operation in the hospital for this month, then it is better to postpone it for another time.

Love horoscope for November 2016 Leo
Career horoscope for November 2016 Leo

Horoscope for November 2016 Virgo
Colleagues will give Virgo advice that she will ignore. You are doing the right thing, because you have already come to a certain conclusion a long time ago. The financial side of Dev will not be depressing, but new revenues are not expected yet. Virgos can have a romantic encounter with a person who is on long years will remain a reliable friend to her. Avoid heavy physical activity otherwise you will tear your spine.

Love horoscope for November 2016 Virgo
Career horoscope for November 2016 Virgo

Horoscope for November 2016 Libra
It will be difficult for Libra to find a common language with colleagues. You will want to quit your job and find another job. But, it is better not to commit rash acts. There will be difficulties with money, but Libra will find options to fix it difficult situation. Personal life will be painted in cloudy colors. The chosen one will cheat on you, but admits it. In the foreground, Libra should have children. Try to help them solve problems.

Love horoscope for November 2016 Libra
Career horoscope for November 2016 Libra

Horoscope for November 2016 Scorpio
Scorpions will face the question point-blank - family or work. You will try to find time and energy for both. Otherwise, your financial situation will be in a deplorable state. The love horoscope for November 2016 predicts Scorpios a conflict with their spouse. You will have an affair on the side that will put your marriage in jeopardy. Eliminate drugs that can cause depression or poisoning of the body.

Love horoscope for November 2016 Scorpio
Career horoscope for November 2016 Scorpio

Horoscope for November 2016 Sagittarius
Before planning financial investments or further work, Sagittarians must weigh and calculate everything. Engage in correcting past mistakes in the workplace. The horoscope for November 2016 predicts that Sagittarius will go out with his family to nature. If you have problems, then tell your relatives about them. Don't shut yourself up, but ask for advice. Feeling great. If you learn to control your emotions.

Love horoscope for November 2016 Sagittarius
Career horoscope for November 2016 Sagittarius

Horoscope for November 2016 Capricorn
For Capricorns, this month will be successful. There will be enough money, the business trip will be successful, and the relationship with the boss will be excellent. The main thing is not to rush everything and everywhere in time. Otherwise, you will make mistakes in important documents and contracts. Capricorns have a stormy personal life. You will have everything - quarrels, reconciliations, showdowns and passionate confessions. Stock up on migraine medication.

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Horoscope for November 2016

November 1-21, the Sun moves in the sign. It - best time for drastic changes. In the character of people come to the fore strong feelings, imperiousness, suspicion, insight. The events taking place at this time are distinguished by sharpness, intensity of passions and serious consequences. Strong-willed and strong by nature people achieve their goals. Indecisive people find the strength to solve the problem that torments them. Careless and careless people more often than usual get into trouble.

On November 22, the Sun enters the sign. There it patronizes grandiose undertakings and events of a large scale. People are becoming simpler, more self-confident and optimistic. More often there are events related to foreign countries, foreigners, politics and social activities, justice. You need to set yourself new goals, claim more, strive for the best. But distinguish real prospects from empty projects, and influential people from windbags.

The strongest astrological influence will be the square of Jupiter and Pluto, which will begin on November 18 and last until the first days of December. It promises a high activity of the economy, politics and social sphere, and in the life of an individual will bring conflict with society or influential people, but will also add strength to achieve power or wealth.

General Horoscope for November 2016 for all signs

Aries. Horoscope for November 2016

Aries, in November you will surprise people from time to time with changes in appearance or unpredictable behavior. This will be welcomed and will benefit you on November 3rd, 5th, 8th, 16th, 20th and 26th. Refrain from such actions on November 18, 25 and 29-30. Decide what to do, according to the situation, on November 12th. Until November 22, you will have a fairly busy life. You will go through an annual crisis, bringing with it a change in work, money, relationships or something else. Treat change positively, because it gives you the opportunity to move forward. Do not waste your energy on empty risks and unnecessary extreme entertainment to tickle your nerves. From November 22, the topics of foreign trips, contacts with foreigners, higher education, justice and spiritual growth.

Taurus. Horoscope for November 2016

Taurus, until November 22 great place deals, negotiations, counseling, popularity struggles and personal relationships will occupy your life. The events of this period can be a deal, a contract, a court, a wedding. Even in the first decade of November, you will like the situations that will develop with other people's money. You will handle other people's money better than their owners, so don't be afraid to take out loans or borrow money. Take charge of the organization of the “stockpile”. In the second decade, you will show patience and practical wisdom when traveling abroad and in dealing with foreigners. Overseas trips and communication with foreigners will be relevant in the last decade of the month. In addition, on November 22, the period of the annual crisis will begin - a time when something in life can be radically changed. During such a period, there is often a job change, a large loan, a surgical operation.

Twins. Horoscope for November 2016

Gemini, until November 22, the most promising areas of life will be work and health. You will find enough time for them. There will be fortunate situations that will allow you to do what you plan. Until November 12, it will be quite interesting for you to work, improve your health, read medical and professional literature, discuss work issues and consult doctors. Then interest in these topics will wane. You will want to expand your social circle. Until November 22, you will still be busy with work and health issues, but more and more often you will begin to look for interlocutors with whom you can talk on abstract topics. Starting November 22, expanding your contacts will be your number one priority. You will have new interlocutors, your own audience of interested listeners, business partners, a loved one.

Crayfish. Horoscope for November 2016

Cancers, until November 22 you will live full life: to have fun, do things you love, relax and go on dates. At this time, it is worth being gambling and cheerful, eagerly taking everything that life offers, falling in love, getting involved in new hobbies, not missing holidays and parties. Even in work, you will want to create and do what your soul lies in, and not work according to a template. Therefore, many will try their hand at creative side jobs. From November 22, circumstances will call you to order. Everything creative, carefree and cheerful that you lived before will acquire practical details: creative experiments in work and hobbies will become everyday, in love, instead of romantic dates, you will show your partner that you are able to take care of him, and leisure become a regular exercise.

A lion. Horoscope for November 2016

Leos, until November 22, you will be most occupied with household and family affairs. The growing Moon in the first half of the month will help you move forward in this area: make repairs, move, prepare a home holiday, improve family relationships. On the Full Moon of November 14, the topic of balance between work and home life. And then you will have a few days to enjoy a well-deserved rest before you switch to other areas of life. From November 22, most of the time will be occupied by entertainment, holidays, visiting cultural events, dates and rest. You will feel like children - free from obligations and surrounded by a lot of interesting things. You will have more time for hobbies and more desire to do them. Take a vacation if you can - it's a wonderful time to relax.

Virgo. Horoscope for November 2016

Virgo, until November 22, your life will be filled with movement, news and communication. You will rarely be found on the spot: you will always be somewhere on business, visiting, or walking. And if you still get a couple of quiet hours, you will correspond, call up, read, search for information, study. Until November 12, everything will suit you. Engaging in intellectual affairs and communicating with different people, you will feel comfortable. From November 12, more pleasant situations close to you are waiting for you at home. You will be busy with outside world and relax at home. You will be interested in solving household issues. And from November 22, the theme of home and family will become the main one. Until November 29, you need to finish the work that has already begun and have more rest, and new things can be started from November 30 or, to make it “beautiful”, from December 1.

Scales. Horoscope for November 2016

Libra, Jupiter's position in your sign makes November a great time for personal achievement. But what is the best thing for you to do? Until November 22, your task is to accumulate resources and put the material side of life in order. During this period, your new opportunities will be related to earning money, shopping, making and repairing expensive things. You will be respected as a rich person and able to earn. Expensive things will add prestige to you. And when in the future you begin to build a personal life or a career, or do something else as important, material well-being will give you freedom of action. From November 22, the topic of money and property will fade into the background, and the main issues will be communication, relationships with others, documents, and studies. It will be a hectic time, you will always run somewhere, meet someone or call up.

Scorpion. Horoscope for November 2016

Scorpios, you will be most interested in your personal affairs, appearance, physical state and self-development. Of everything that happens around you, you will be interested only in those events that allow you to reveal your talents and realize your ambitions. On November 1-11, you will talk a lot about yourself, talk about your plans, reflect on what you are doing and what remains to be done. You will look for information that is close to your interests, maybe start taking courses or attend master classes. From November 12, you will stop sharing your thoughts with others and find out everything you would like. The time has come not to speak, but to act. You will actively pursue your interests until November 22. And then the material aspects of life will come to the fore. There will be more situations in which you can earn. You will make more financial decisions.

Sagittarius. Horoscope for November 2016

Sagittarius, in the first ten days of November, your serious and responsible approach to life will be diluted with good nature and interest in entertainment. You will feel good where you need to pull yourself together, and where you can relax and unwind. A lot of time will be spent on looking after your appearance. The most striking impression of this part of the month will be an event related to beauty or love. In the second decade, intellectual pursuits will come to the fore. You will communicate a lot, get acquainted, study, reflect. Of the events, those in which you will learn something new will especially stand out. In the last decade, you will also talk a lot, but mostly only about yourself and what you personally need. Your main area of ​​interest will be self-development and care for appearance and physical form. From this period, you will most remember the episode when you find yourself in the spotlight.

Capricorn. Horoscope for November 2016

Capricorns, you will start November with energetic, courageous and punchy people. At the beginning of the month, you will have many small events in which you need to spend your energy and take the initiative. The activity in the group, energetic participation in collective events will be successful. On November 8-12, activity will gradually be replaced by laziness, egocentrism - by the desire to cooperate, and interest in active actions - by the desire for comfort and pleasure. Personal affairs, personal care, and aesthetic entertainment will come to the fore. Until November 22, you will surround yourself with friends, make friends and patrons, participate in collective affairs relating to beauty and relaxation. From November 22, you will give up your usual way of life and go on vacation or begin to communicate less and spend more time at home.

Aquarius. Horoscope for November 2016

Aquarius, until November 22 you will dedicate work, business and secular life. You will be busy with professional and social responsibilities. You will have to work hard. But you increase the chance to get a job Good work, take good position and enhance their prestige in society. This will greatly help you with a surge of energy, which will begin on November 8th. You will begin to behave boldly and proactively. You will play sports or show your competitiveness. Avoid wasting energy on unnecessary and even harmful things: quarrels, fights, showdown. From November 22, you will want to become part of a group, a collective. You will direct activity to participation in work public organizations, online communities and interest groups, become a ringleader among friends. This is the right time to show yourself in social and volunteer activities.

Fish. Horoscope for November 2016

Pisces, until November 22 you will be busy expanding your horizons, intellectual and spiritual horizons. Many of you will visit abroad or will actively communicate with foreigners on the Web. Some will focus on their studies, and they will be more interested not in practical knowledge, but different sciences. Another part of Pisces will read spiritual and philosophical literature, look for suitable interlocutors and Teachers. Pisces will do all this with fantasy, without a mercenary goal, obeying the voice of the heart. From November 22 most of time will go to work. There will be a chance for a career and secular achievements. But you will need to make an effort on yourself to look at things as realistically as possible. Otherwise, your fantasies will interfere in practical areas and distort the real state of affairs for you. Exit to the rich inner world you will find in creative pursuits and charitable community work.

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November 2016 promises good luck to one degree or another to all zodiac houses. In general, the month will be interesting and eventful. But the dynamics of events will decrease significantly, most of all it will manifest itself in the working sphere. Many people will worry about this, because November is the last month years, and there is very little time left to pull up the tails. I would like to meet New Year without a load of unfinished business behind them, but, alas, due to the "sleepy" pace of November, not everyone can afford it. Your task is not to get upset because of this state of affairs, because the last month of autumn will still have time to please humanity with the positive impact of celestial bodies.

Star patrons

In November 2016, some planets will radically change their position, in connection with which their influence on people's lives will be transformed from neutral to unambiguously positive. This trend will especially strongly affect emotional people; at the end of autumn, the stars will please them with special privileges. You will begin to better understand others, practically read their emotions, which will lead to an overall improvement in all aspects of interaction with other people. Communication will become simple and enjoyable also thanks to your charisma and charm. In November, these qualities will be much more in demand than usual.

Venus, which is usually responsible for the emotional part of our lives, will expand its range this month, and will control everything from the basest lustful passions to sublime, noble feelings. But, be careful - even the support of such a powerful patron will not guarantee against possible difficulties, since the influence of Venus on each person is purely individual. So, it’s still not worth losing your vigilance, and when help arrives from the stars, you will definitely feel it.

Pluto is usually regarded by astrologers as an antagonistic planet, but this month its influence cannot be called negative. This planet will become an ally of humanity in November 2016, but it will give special support to brave, determined people.

New month - new business and new opportunities. How the Stars will dispose of your zodiac sign, the horoscope for November 2016 will tell.



Representatives of this zodiac sign are usually quite economic. This character trait will help maintain a warm home atmosphere between family members: often arrange joint tea parties. If you are still single, we hasten to please you: the November forecast hints at acquaintance with interesting person of the opposite sex and good relationship prospects.


It is advisable for Gemini to gain strength in advance and set aside time for good rest. You will need a lot of activity at work, and there will be a little less time to replenish energy. Powerful emotions and vivid impressions at the beginning of the month they will be very useful, and friends or a loved one can give them.


If you were looking for an opportunity to change jobs, in November 2016 it will appear. By the way, with a change of job, a new love sympathy may arise. If you feel like a fully accomplished person, direct the possibility of change in a different direction. For example, consider renovating or rearranging. For representatives of the Cancer sign who have a family, the Stars recommend spending time together more often and delighting loved ones with small gifts.

a lion

Changes are coming in your life. According to the horoscope for November, you can, if you wish, change the field of activity, start a family and generally make your life the way you want it to be. If you are not in a relationship yet, your perseverance will pay off in the end. The principle that will help you in November is not to stop on the way to the goal.


You should not hesitate in making decisions: you know what to do, and all advice and reflection will only delay the decisive moment. Financial situation at the beginning of the month it may seem very unsuccessful, but as a result it will bring good profit. Therefore, do not succumb to autumn longing and confidently get down to business. In addition to your knowledge and skills, use effective amulets that are available to everyone.


On dark and cold autumn evenings, it is very important that someone close is nearby. But if it seems to you that autumn did not work out, do not be depressed; try to pull yourself together and watch your activity: it is important not to miss good financial opportunities and ways of self-realization.


November 2016 will be a good month for Scorpios. According to the free horoscope tips, it's time to use your inner instinct. Stubbornness will also give good results this month in terms of relationships and work. But do not show self-confidence: it will scare people away. Be sure to be careful in your decision making.


Condition in the near future promises to be on top. So why not use these days, especially from November 3rd to 16th, to meet your learning needs and have fun? Meet up with friends or enroll in interesting courses, and November will provide you with personal growth and other successes.


Capricorns will be lucky in November. Direct your efforts to the essentials: if you want promotion at work, take advantage of the location of your superiors. If you want love, make dates and take care of your loved one. You will be able to do a lot, just watch your health.


Rain and sleet outside the window can make you depressed for a while. This will affect activity in the workflow. Find a way to get inspired: it could be your friends, your favorite comedies or books. In general, you will be happy with what is happening, so you only need to avoid conflicts.


Personal relationships and experiences will fade into the background. Representatives of the Pisces sign will be busy with work, not thinking about love at all. Schedule the most important things for the middle of the month, then you will have less to do in the last week. And you can wake up feelings by making yourself a list of touching films to watch.

Do not forget that every day we are all under the influence of the moon, which sometimes turns out to be stronger than the sun. Find out what the energy of this day will be by looking at ours. We wish you success and don't forget to press the buttons and

25.10.2016 06:09

Each of the Signs of the Zodiac belongs to a certain group - the elements. According to this, you can...

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