What you need to know in life. EVERYTHING you need to know about life (Dmitry Mikhailov). Be the person the world needs

Now almost every person is in search of an answer to something, what every person needs, and this is very good because, having learned everything that every person needs, you can start to achieve this. But the main reason for failure is the lack of correct information and knowledge about what is really needed. every person . Therefore, today we will analyze with you the most basic methods and principles in order to find out what everyone needs and how to achieve this.

First what do you need to know what everyone needs man, it is to understand for a start what you need in life yourself. Just take a break from your affairs for a couple of minutes and write on a piece of paper what you need in life for you. If you are still at a loss and do not know what you want, then try to mentally imagine at least an approximate picture of the life in which you would like to live your whole life. What kind of person will you become in a new life, how will the world change, people's opinions and attitudes, and most importantly, will you become happier and more successful from this. After this procedure, you will already know exactly what you need in life, and write it all down on a piece of paper and begin to act, setting goals and tasks in order to start living in the life that you imagined in your subconscious as soon as possible. Then you will not really need to know what everyone needs, but it will not hurt to achieve even greater success and happiness.


One of the foundations of what every person needs is a peaceful and wonderful life. But not everyone wants to set goals and achieve them in order to achieve peace in life. Therefore, you need to start at least once in your life, and you will understand how wonderful it is. That's what most famous, successful people aspire to, is to retire and find a quiet life. But after all, a calm life does not always happen, because problems will never leave humanity, because without them, perhaps there would be no world in which we live. Therefore, just appreciate your peace of mind when you achieve it and do your favorite thing in order not to let laziness finally defeat you.


All people dream and sacredly believe in health. But for some reason, not everyone is eager to constantly monitor and improve their health. Therefore, what everyone needs in life is, first of all, health, since it is the foundation and basis for everything else in life. Without watching and caring about health, a person will not be able to fully experience happiness, achieve success and experience a peaceful life. Therefore, start today, solve this issue and take care of both physical and psychological health. You just have to decide once in your life and choose what you want, a healthy and wonderful life, or a life in constant pursuit of happiness, which you will not achieve without health. Start taking care of yourself regularly, read books, go in for sports, self-development, gain new experience and knowledge. Also, do not forget to fight fear, anxiety, laziness, which also ruins your health. Lead a healthy lifestyle, do not do bad things that are unnecessary for you. And over time, what everyone needs in life will not be such a difficult task and question for you.


As you know, every person wants to achieve happiness, but not everyone does at least something for this. After all, this is what every man needs and a woman in the first place, but people firmly believe that happiness comes by itself. If you do not understand what everyone needs in order to achieve happiness and do not begin to strive and do everything necessary for this, then you will not be able to achieve real happiness. Set the right goals, build dreams, create ideas and achieve them, because this is really very beautiful.


Strange as it may seem, but what everyone needs in our world it is primarily money. Of course, not everyone values ​​money so much and misuses it, having the wrong opinion about it. There are also fairly rich people who achieved wealth justly, having a fairly correct attitude towards money. Just know that everyone needs money, learn to distinguish people, trying to reduce communication with wrong-minded people who will communicate or even be friends with you only for the sake of money. Better look for friends and start a family even before your wealth. This will make it much easier for you to choose in front of the right and wrong thinking people. But if, nevertheless, this does not work out, then learn from your own mistakes to identify and study people, and then the fact that every person needs money will not be so scary for you when choosing friends, others and when creating a family. These things need to be approached wisely and thoughtfully.


What everyone needs along with money is, of course, success. But success is different. There are those people who have found their meaning in life, doing their favorite thing and succeeding because of it. And there are those who do not want to strive for such success and think only about. Of course, it is not worth judging such people, since to some extent this is also their dream and desire. Just try to find your place in life and develop it in order to become more successful and achieve all the goals and objectives that you have set for yourself.

That's all that we were going to sort out with you about what everyone needs. By putting all the methods and tips above into practice, you will learn what everyone needs and begin to achieve exactly what you yourself plan. Of course, everyone needs to first of all monitor their health, constantly develop it, and then achieve their goals and dreams, becoming even more successful and happier.

psycho- olog. en

Middle-aged people are sensitive to global problems. They often think about the future of their children, the increased price of gasoline and the lack of legal action. After all, 40 years is the time when men and women become aware of the presence of chronic diseases.

In fact, not everything is so hopeless, and the midlife crisis can be overcome with minimal losses. Here are 40 life reminders that will help you succeed.

You can choose your worries

Life presents you with so many worries that you can choose the most important ones. You can get rid of stress if you prioritize correctly. Don't think about the end of the world and nuclear war, just help the kids do their homework.

You live in a unique era

Some things may seem bleak, but you live in an age of scientific and technological progress and important discoveries. Also remember that you have been given the opportunity to exist in the most peaceful time in human history.

Fake news can be real

A black stripe is always followed by a white stripe

Even the worst event cannot last forever. When you feel like the whole world is conspiring against you, no one can take away your right to happiness. Always tell yourself that behind the black line there is always a white line.

You can still change

At 40, it may seem like you have nothing more to strive for. However, there will always be a new goal, if there is a desire. You can always find new hobbies, new friends and new opportunities.

Let go of old grudges

There is too much stress around you, so do not create problems from scratch. Release old grudges by lightening your heart.

Lack of haters means no success

Elbert Hubbart wrote: "The way to avoid criticism is to say nothing, do nothing, and be empty." Therefore, all your ill-wishers are part of life.

Don't Forget About Breathing Practice

If you can counteract stress with deep breathing, you can avoid many health problems and improve your sleep. Relaxation in the form of yoga or mini-meditation will help normalize blood pressure.

Don't complain about your age

At 40, you can feel how life is rapidly passing you by. You can suddenly get sick, get new wrinkles and gain weight. However, those around them admiringly accept those who age beautifully, and do not complain about fate.

Relationship Priorities

It's easy to get caught up in career goals or all-consuming virtual communication. Remember that there are people around you who are waiting for your attention.

Put spirituality above material values

New things come and go, but there are truly priceless riches. Whenever you have a choice between material wealth and spiritual development, choose the latter.


The facial expression of a person has the ability not only to reflect the mood, but also to influence others. Smiling can be contagious.

Age is just a number on a passport

When you were 20 years old, 40 year old people looked like ancient dinosaurs to you. Now you understand how wrong these judgments were.

Strive for Simplification

If life is full of difficulties and obligations, it is not satisfying. Therefore, strive for simplification, refuse annoying friends, and also delegate authority. Children can clean the house, and you will go in for sports at this time.

Physical activity

Exercise is the cure for all diseases. Even if sport has never been a part of your life, make it a priority now.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day

A good balanced breakfast will boost your metabolism and keep you from overeating later in the day. Vitamins and minerals will boost your performance, while healthy fats will lower your blood cholesterol levels.

Think before you get angry

When you can control your emotions, you can hold on to the threads of control of your own life.

Punctuality is a virtue

Your conscientiousness cannot go unnoticed by other people. If you are respectful of other people's time and show up to appointments and gatherings on time, you earn bonus points towards your reputation.

Don't Forget Patience

Give yourself a chance to make a mistake. Any brilliant ideas, as a rule, are the result of a long series of failures.

Be patient with others

Let other people make mistakes. High expectations lead to disappointment.

Rekindle old hobbies

When you were younger, you enjoyed playing basketball or snowboarding. Now daily worries push favorite hobbies into the background. But who said you can't pick up the ball again and head to the backyard basketball court?

Social media will not replace real life

Therefore, do not waste precious minutes on likes and reposts.

Focus on the important things

Work is not the only thing that can bring satisfaction.

Learn to enjoy the little things

The past is irretrievably gone, and tomorrow may never come. Keep this in mind every time things take you into their endless maelstrom. Stop for a moment and feel happy as you watch the sunset.

Friendship grows stronger over time

40-year-olds are busy working and taking care of children and elderly parents. In order not to lose old friends, you need to shift the focus on the quality of meetings, and not on their number.

Think first, then speak

An offensive word, especially if it is thrown in the hearts, leaves a deep wound on the heart of another person. Always think before you say something.

It's never too late to learn

Smart people prefer to study all their lives. Therefore, strive to update your skills and improve your skills.

Make the most of your senses

On your way to work, look for things that have changed since yesterday, or spot different smells. This will help keep the brain active.

Clothing according to age

Having reached the fifth decade, many of us are desperately trying to look younger by wearing ripped jeans and T-shirts. But if you dress in accordance with your status and age, you will look irresistible.

Become your own worst critic

40 years is the age when someone else's opinion ceases to excite you.

Be the person the world needs

If the world lacks activists or fighters for the rights of the disadvantaged, fill this niche.

Allow yourself the right to be wrong

Wasting precious energy on self-flagellation is inappropriate. People make mistakes, and mistakes are part of personal growth.

Stand up for your rights

Instead of leaving angry comments under posts on social networks, stand up for your rights under the law.

Clothing is part of your success

People around you form an opinion about you based on how you look.

Cheering for your success is not forbidden

Not everyone around will wish you success. Do not look for fans on the side, become your own fan.

Little things add up to big things

Accept routine things as an important component of global success.

Not everything that you dreamed about in 20 years will come true

If you do not have a six-figure salary and have not purchased a country mansion, this does not detract from your merits as a person.

It's time to think about the future

Think about how to properly invest your savings to ensure a comfortable old age.

Don't despair if you're broke

If you are in financial trouble, don't despair. There is still time for everyone to find a new source of income.

Think about your heritage

In fact, you are at the equator of your life path. Think about the things you will leave behind for posterity.

EVERYTHING you need to know about life

Dmitry Mikhailov

Cover designer Tatyana Sadykova

© Dmitry Mikhailov, 2017

© Tatyana Sadykova, cover design, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4485-2477-6

Created with the intelligent publishing system Ridero


I want to sincerely thank everyone who met in my life, each of you became my teacher.

Thanks to the wonderful artist Tatyana Sadykova for creating the cover.

Thanks to my friend and like-minded Oleinik Anton for inspiration and help in creating the book.

I thank Evgeny Fedorenko from the bottom of my heart for the site yarasvet.ru and access to a huge library of wisdom.

Special thanks to my dear wife for her patience and understanding.

Instead of a preface

There are three types of people who walk the spiritual path. The former are called "seekers", the latter are called "disciples", and the third are called "devotees".

Seekers are the worst of the three because they never stop looking. While in satsang, they think about who they are going to see tomorrow. They never stop, they run from one place to another, they go to India in search of a teacher, they go to Hawaii to meet another teacher, they go to St. Louis if they hear about another guru. They are seekers, which is good in the sense that it is better than those who do nothing and think that I am a person and nothing more. But you can be a seeker of a thousand lifetimes and there will be no end to it. If you are a seeker who is truly sincere, with a great heart desire to awaken, then the time will come when you will become a disciple.

The student finds a teacher and tries to learn from him everything that is possible. But he is still not sure, he still has doubts. He asks: “What will I get out of this? What can be here for me? From time to time he goes to another teacher, while remaining a devotee of one guru. The disciple becomes the disciple of that guru, but they do not have a close relationship. If he hears of another teacher coming to town, he goes to meet him. And of course, the consciousness of such a student is in disorder. But then guru and disciple become closer. If a disciple is really sincere in his heart, if he actually has love, compassion and good feelings for everyone, then he will eventually become a devotee.

The devotee becomes the consciousness of the teacher. He completely forgets about himself. He may be in satsang, and everyone is nervous, throwing paper balls at each other, but the devotee sees only the teacher. When a devotee comes to satsang, he does not notice anything that is going on in the class. He shows only love and good feelings for everyone, is interested in the well-being of the teacher, and eventually becomes enlightened. Thus, the devotees are those who awaken the fastest.

Think about yourself, what category are you in? Be honest with yourself, it is better to have five devotees around you than ten thousand people who are seekers.

Robert Adams. Confessions of a Jnani.


Don't claim

Do not deny


Think for a second. Why did you pick up this book? Did someone give it to you? I?

But why did she fall into the hands of you?

For myself, I have developed several rules for reading books, watching movies, in a word, getting new information.

The first is to test in practice, discuss, reason, and not take on faith everything that is written, no matter how authoritative the author or text has. After all, the higher the level of the text, the more difficult it is to perceive. Try giving a student a textbook on physical field theory, theoretical mechanics, or higher mathematics. It is foolish to rely only on your perception. After all, while reading, you can simply misunderstand what is written, and then start broadcasting it as the truth, misleading other people. And then as in the experiment with monkeys.

Cell. It has 5 monkeys. A bunch of bananas is tied to the ceiling. Below them is a staircase. Hungry, one of the monkeys approached the stairs with the obvious intention of getting a banana. As soon as she touches the stairs, the faucet opens and ALL the monkeys are doused with very cold water.

A little time passes, and another monkey tries to eat a banana. Same ice water. The third monkey, stupefied with hunger, tries to get a banana, but the others grab it, not wanting a cold shower.

Now take one monkey out of the cage and replace it with a new monkey. She immediately, noticing the bananas, tries to get them. To her horror, she sees the angry faces of the other monkeys attacking her. After the third attempt, she realized that she would not be able to get a banana.

Now remove one more of the original five monkeys from the cage and put in a new one. As soon as she tried to get a banana, all the monkeys attacked her in unison, and the one that was replaced first (and even with enthusiasm).

And so, gradually replacing all the monkeys, you will come to a situation where there are 5 monkeys in the cage, which were not watered at all, but which will not allow anyone to get a banana.

I expect the same from you, dear reader. Do not take on faith what is written here, check, think over, because the purpose of this book is to start thinking, to direct.

The second is not to deny, not to hide from what is written, no matter how nonsense it may seem at first glance. By denying, you can miss the really worthwhile things. Remember that we once denied the ideas of Galileo Galilei, Copernicus, Kepler, Vesalius and other experimenters, and today they have become the foundation of science. These ideas can change your life. Most of the writers I know put their heart and soul into every line. Everything written is read a hundred times by himself and by people from his close circle. And if the author wrote something, then he has a reason for it. If you come across a controversial statement in the text, think about why the author wrote it, what he provokes you to.

I want to describe so much in this book, about everything, about karma, about yoga, about religion, I want to present all my spiritual experience, to put all the accumulated goodness into every line. That's just not necessary, this book, like all the others, is just food for thought, entertainment, an occasion to reflect and discuss. - this is not a path to enlightenment, this is wandering in the labyrinths of the mind, bright, magical, but this is just a labyrinth. Only by calming your mind, only by finding the source of your self, only by dissolving your ego, will you become enlightened, the rest is just rattles. Only by putting into practice everything written, one can approach enlightenment.

In this book, the reader will find many questions, try to give each a minute, as if a long-awaited guest in your mind.

Enjoy reading!

Chapter 1. Enlightenment. Why do you want to achieve enlightenment?

Are you trying to entertain yourself this way?

Or is this another attempt to become someone you are not?

Just be calm and quiet and everything will come.

If you understand the full depth of this phrase, then go straight to chapter 11. If you understand what is written there, then you do not need this book, you are one step away from enlightenment.

Chapter 2 Or why the network pyramids are still standing

If you feel like you need to change something.

You don't think so.

Dear reader, what are you living for?

A person is born, he is sent to kindergarten, then to school and university, after which he gets a job. He has ambitions, dreams and desires. Apartment, car, new phone. What is all this for? To retire at the end of your life and not work?

Why do you go to work, university and school? What is the meaning of this for you?

One day, a businessman stood on a pier in a small village and watched a fisherman sitting in a flimsy boat as he caught a huge tuna. The businessman congratulated the fisherman on his luck and asked how long it takes to catch such a fish.

“A couple of hours, no more,” replied the fisherman.

“Why didn’t you stay at sea longer and catch a few more of these fish?” the businessman was surprised.

“One fish is enough for my family to live tomorrow,” he replied.

“But what do you do the rest of the day?” - the businessman did not let up.

Ecology of life. People: Most of the millennials, that is, the current young and working, believe that they need a career, money and fame to be happy, but not relationships ...

TED-talk presents the results of the world's longest study on happiness.

(with translation, turn on subtitles)
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This research began in 1938 at Harvard. Two groups were selected: one consisted of Harvard students (boys), the second - from the boys of the poorest families in Boston, most of whom did not have running water at home. In total, about 800 people participated in the study.

Throughout their lives, every two years, the boys, and then the men, were examined by doctors and psychologists, they were given IQ tests, interviewed them and their loved ones, took their blood and scanned their brains. In fact, initially it was not a study of happiness, but of health. The researchers wanted to find out what protects against heart disease, life expectancy, and so on.

And here is the summary of 75 years of this incredibly massive correlation study:
health and happiness are reliably associated most strongly (uncompeted) with only one thing, and that is

A good relationship. That's it.

Three main lessons:

Loneliness kills. Lonely people get sick more, are less happy, and die earlier. Their brains work worse, cognitive functions decline earlier.
Close relationships protect against all this.

The most interesting thing is not the quantity of social connections, but their quality. You can be lonely in a crowd, you can be lonely in a marriage. Bad relationships, such as a conflicted marriage, take a heavy toll on health and, of course, happiness. At the same time, trusting and close relationships in marriage have the opposite effect.

Last but not least, good relationships protect not only the body, but also the psyche. At 80, memory is significantly better for people who have a partner they can rely on. This sense of “can be relied upon” is key. Such couples can have long squabbles and often have conflicts (in fact, conflicts are necessary for a good relationship), the main thing is a feeling of unconditional trust and security.

It's sad that a gigantic percentage of people feel very lonely - about 20% of Americans. It would be interesting to know the data we have.

It is also sad that most of the millennials, that is, the current young and working (the majority of those reading these lines) believe that they need a career, money and fame, but not a relationship, to be happy.
So did the participants in the study. But they were wrong. And now we are wrong.

1. Milk chocolate was invented in Ireland.

2. Try to breathe and swallow at the same time. You won't succeed!

3. This is what it looks like when a star meets a black hole:

4. Previously, ketchup was sold as a medicine.

5. The date of birth of the oldest person on the planet (1898), Misao Okawa, is closer to the date of signing of the American constitution (1787) than to today.

6. In addition, since the birth of this man, a whole generation on Earth has already changed.

7. Coconuts kill more people every year than sharks. As, however, and cows.

9. One million seconds equals 11 days. One billion seconds - 33 years!

10. Mae West (Eng. Mae West, August 17, 1893 - November 22, 1980) - American actress, playwright, screenwriter and sex symbol, one of the most scandalous stars of her time, among other things, became famous for her aphorisms, the most famous of which was uttered at the train station to the policeman who met her after arriving from Chicago: "Is this a gun in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?". She used this phrase in two of her films She Was Wrong (1933) and Sextet (1978)

11. A day on the planet Venus is longer than a year.

12. If you are in the same room with 23 people, then the probability that two of them have a birthday on the same day is more than 50%.

13. The TI-83 calculator has six times the processing power of the computer that landed the Apollo 11 manned spacecraft on the moon.

15. Cambridge University is older than the Aztec and Inca empires.

16. Higher mathematics was introduced years after the founding of Harvard.

17. Beethoven and George Washington were contemporaries - in fact, George Washington was in his forties when Beethoven was born.

18. The last veteran of the American Civil War died in 1959, he lived long enough to see the atomic bomb dropped on Japan.

19. There are more ways to shuffle a deck of cards than there are atoms on Earth.

20. 111.111.111 × 111.111.111 = 12.345.678.987.654.321.

21. Cows tend to make best friends and tend to spend most of their free time with each other.

22. Horses cannot breathe through their mouths.

23. The names of the four nephews of the cartoon character sailor Popeye are Paypay, Peepey, Paapai and Pupai.

24. In the 60s, Australia lost its prime minister. He disappeared without a trace and was never found.

25. Light roast coffee has more caffeine than heavy roast coffee.

26. On the top floor of the building of the Supreme Court of the United States of America is a basketball court. This court is known as "the highest court of the earth".

27. An orgasm in a pig lasts for 30 minutes.

28. The leader of the American movement for the rights of African Americans, Martin Luther King Jr., a few hours before his contract killing, held a pillow fight in the hotel where he was staying.

29. More people live inside the circle in the image below than outside:

30. France is the country with the largest number of time zones in the world.

31. The time interval between the existence of Tyrannosaurus Rex and man is less than between the same Tyrannosaurus Rex and Stegosaurus.

32. Birds are closer relatives to the crocodile than lizards.

33. The territory of Africa is larger than the total territory of the United States of America, China, India, Spain, France and several other countries.

34. Butterfly taste buds are on the paws.

35. "Mig" is the actual unit of time. It is equal to 33.3564 picoseconds.

36. The pile that collects at the bottom of the pockets in English has its own name - “gne” (gnurr).

37. One cubic inch (equal to 16.39 cm³) of bone can bear a load of 8620 kg, which makes it about four times stronger than concrete.

38. Air temperature can be determined by counting the chirping of crickets for 25 seconds: divide the resulting number by 3, and then add 4.

39. Canada has more rivers than the rest of the world.

40. That feeling when you are overwhelmed with tenderness, and you can not resist squeezing someone in your arms is called "cute aggression."

41. The surname of actor Will Smith in translation from English "Smith" means "blacksmith". An analogue of our surname Kuznetsov.

42. There are more public libraries in the US than McDonald's.

44. Hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards.

45. There are more tigers in Texas than in the rest of the world.

47. If you sail only straight ahead, you can take a boat from Pakistan to Russia.

48. On average, astronauts are 2 inches taller when they are in space.

49. Shakespeare and Pocahontas lived at the same time.

50. Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln were born on the same day - up to a year.

51. There are still a few trees that grew before the construction of the pyramids.

52. When you yawn and stretch at the same time, this is called in one word - "pandiculation."

53. It is impossible to make a buzzing sound with a closed nose.

54. The modern US flag was designed by a 17-year-old teenager while doing a school project. For him, he received a rating of "4 with a minus."

55. Wombat feces (Australian large marsupial animal) are square.

56. Albino snails exist:

57. The US is older than Germany.

58. The Mongolian fleet consists of seven people and one boat.

59. There is enough iron in the human body to make a 5 cm nail.

60. In a kidney transplant, the affected kidney is left in place, and the third, new kidney, is placed in the pelvis.

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