Divination for the holidays. Christmas divination with cards for fate

Christmas fortune-telling lasts from January 7 until Epiphany (January 19). The girls wondered about the betrothed, and the family - about the future harvest, prosperity. Christmas divination was carried out on dark evenings or nights. At twenty-four hours they gathered for midnight fortune-telling, after midnight - for night ones.

The means for fortune-telling were objects in which, according to legend, concentrated Magic power. It could be a shoe, a skirt, a belt, a stocking, a thimble, a needle, a ring, a comb, a mirror (also a wreath in summer). When fortune-telling, the girl had to comply with certain conditions by choosing right place and time. But first of all, the girl had to get out from under the protection of her religion and amulets (Christians, for example, took off the cross, and everyone, without exception, regardless of religion, untied all sorts of knots on themselves, including belts, loosened their hair, sometimes took off all clothing, including shoes). To protect against otherworldly forces, the girl outlined a magic circle around herself (with a candle or a torch, a knife, a poker), if they were guessing in a group, the girls stood in a circle, holding each other by the little fingers.

One had to go to the place of divination silently, in the dark, trying to remain unnoticed. A special place for fortune-telling was also chosen - “unclean”. It could be either an abandoned house, as well as a barn or a canopy, a basement or an attic, sometimes even a cemetery, or "<пограничные» места, о которых мы уже говорили, – те, где два мира образуют границу: порог или угол дома, ворота, перекресток, места у воды (колодцы, проруби). Гадали и в домах, гадали и у церквей.

Since ancient times, the crossroads was considered an unclean place that belongs to demons, they said that an unclean spirit has power over a person at the crossroads. This place is a “borderline” between the two worlds, both dangerous and, conversely, healing actions were performed here. The gate, which also served as a place for divination, is a symbol of the border between one's own world and another's. The girls threw shoes over the gate, standing at the gate, guessing who would pass by (the appearance of a man foreshadowed an imminent marriage), they climbed onto the gate and “called their share”, guessing their future by the sounds and voices they heard.

68. Divination at the crossroads

At exactly midnight, come to the intersection to "listen to the neighborhood." Cheerful laughter or singing nearby means an early marriage, fun. If crying or lamentations are heard, there will be no wedding this year. It is believed that it is at the crossroads that you can hear the voice of fate, because here is the border between the two worlds, and standing at the crossroads, you seem to be in two worlds at the same time.

69. Fortune telling on the mirror and the moon

On one of the holy nights, when a month is visible in the sky, take a small mirror, go to the window and direct the mirror so that the month is reflected in it. Look closely - after a while, instead of one month, you will see several. Count how many months you have imagined: in this way the girls wondered about the future family - whether it will be big or not.

70. Divination with three mirrors

For this divination, you will need three mirrors of approximately the same size and two tall candles. They begin such fortune-telling at midnight, having previously outlined themselves with a magic circle - a sign of protection (they drew with chalk, and a burning torch, and a candle).

Place two mirrors one opposite the other on either side of you, light candles in front of them, and set the third behind. You should see a reflection from the third mirror in the side mirrors, from where the betrothed should appear from behind the looking glass behind you.

In no case should you turn around, and also look at the figure in the mirror for too long. If the vision is frightening, say three times: "Stay away from me!" - and stop fortune telling by extinguishing the candles.

71. Kitchen divination

You need to rotate a regular kitchen knife on a regular cutting board. The knife is placed in the center of the board. Papers are laid out along the edges of the board, on which possible answers are written: ^ yes; ?S No;

you have to be patient;

be afraid of false friends;

good news ahead;

long awaited letter

success in business;

unexpected guest;

tears will be replaced by joy;

lead from afar;

new fan;

unexpected meeting;

important letter.

You need to focus on the question, and then spin the knife. This is done three times, getting three responses. Among them (not necessarily the first) will be the answer to the question posed, and the other two will be additional messages, related or not related to the original question.

72. Dog, howl!

Go out to the gate (or to the entrance) and ask: “Ball, bark, doggy!” In which side the dog barks, in that side you live married: if barking is close, get married in the neighborhood, if it is far and barely audible, go far from your home.

73. Book, come on, turn around!

Put the key in a thick book so that its ring remains outside. Close the book tightly, tie it up and hang it on the hook by the ring. Gather around with your friends, wait for the book to hang motionless, and then call out your names in turn. On whose name the book starts spinning, that one will soon get married.

74. Fortune telling "Jumping groom"

Place two mirrors: one is large, the other is smaller, facing one another with their front sides. The smaller mirror should be closer to the fortuneteller. Place two candles between the mirrors and look over the smaller mirror into the larger one. There should appear a long corridor, little by little darkening in the depths. In this depth, after a while, you can see various objects by which the future is determined.

It is better to guess in non-residential premises or in the attic, with loose hair.

At the beginning of fortune-telling they say: “The betrothed-mummer! Come have dinner with me!" Sooner or later, the betrothed will appear in the mirror. Then you need to say: "Stay away from me!" The vision will disappear.

75. Decanter-soothsayer

Place a decanter of water on the table, lighted candles on three sides of it, and a mirror behind it. Look in the mirror through the decanter. What you see in the mirror will come true.

76. Pointer shoe

Throw a shoe over the threshold: in which direction it falls with its toe - there you will find a husband.

77. A burnt match will tell you

Light a match or a torch from one end, and stick the other into a slot.

Where the match falls when it burns out - on the other side you need to wait for the groom.

78. Divination with matches

Insert two matches on the sides of the matchbox and set it on fire. If the burnt heads turned towards each other, then the “conceived” guy and girl will be together.

79. Divination by threads

Cut the threads of the same length and set them on fire. Whoever burns out the thread faster, that one will be the first to be married. If less than half of the thread burned out or the thread immediately went out, then this year you will not get married.

80. Wealth or poverty

Quickly immerse the lit torch in water. If it immediately goes out, then a poor life is expected, and if the fire goes higher, a rich one.

81. Divination by the cat's paw

Make a wish and call the cat.

If she crosses the threshold of the room with her left paw, then

wish will come true. If right - alas! - No.

82. Divination by the name of the first person you meet

Go out into the street with a spoonful of food, saying: “Betrothed, mummers, come jelly (or something else) to eat!” Ask for a name. By the name of the first man you meet, you will find out what the future husband will be called, and by the name of the woman, what the mother-in-law will be called.

83. Fortune telling on the gender of the unborn child

Throw the ring into a glass of water. Then hang it on a thread and slowly lower it near the hand of the one you are guessing at. If the ring moves in a circle, then a girl will be born, if the pendulum - a boy. If the ring does not move, then there will be no children. The same divination can be done in a different way: instead of a ring, take a needle. Before divination, pierce a woolen fabric with a needle.

84. Fortune telling on the ring, bread and hook

Put a ring, a hook made of straw or bent wire, and a piece of bread on the floor, cover it all with a handkerchief, circle around yourself five times, and then quickly remove the handkerchief and drag whoever gets what.

The one who has a ring in her hands will marry a dandy, who has bread in her hands, will marry a rich man, and the one who gets the hook will live all her life with a poor man (he will hunch like a hook all his life, earning a living).

85. By the window

Sit by the window and say: “The betrothed-mummer! Drive past the window! If a car flashes past the window with noise, music, then you will have a life in marriage, cheerful and rich. If the car drove quietly, then life promises to be poor, quiet and miserable.

86. Divination in the snow

At midnight, go outside and throw snow into the wind. If the snow falls directly on you, then the husband will be young and frisky. If snow flies to the side, marry an old man.

You could also walk on fresh snow. If by morning no one crosses the tracks, tramples them, life will be spacious. If on the contrary - to swear with her husband all his life.

87. Divination by two hairs

At midnight, pour water into a bowl and add one pinch of ash, sugar and salt to it. Mix the water thoroughly, and when it “calms down”, throw two hairs into it: one is yours, and the other is a loved one. Leave the bowl until morning.

If the next morning the hair is intertwined with each other, then the wedding is just around the corner. If the hair is at some distance from each other, then the hour of separation is near. Drowned hair predicts the illness of the one to whom it belongs.

88. Fortune telling on beads from a cat's, tiger's and falcon's eye

This is an ancient Chinese divination. Priests used it, predicting fate to those who wished, and they did it completely disinterestedly. In no case was it possible to take payment for such fortune-telling, otherwise it would seriously anger the spirits, which could send various misfortunes: epidemics, crop failures, loss of livestock. This divination must be done at night. Take beads from a cat's, tiger and falcon's eye. Blindfold and sort through the beads in your hands clockwise, counting to thirty-three. By the stone on which you stop the account, and learn the future. Each bead, according to Chinese belief, has a certain meaning. The cat's eye (olive green) denotes a harvest year, good luck in love.

The tiger's eye (rusty-red color) denotes good health, and for those who are engaged in trade, large incomes in the new year.

Hawkeye (blue-green) can mean that in the new year you will be on top, as well as safely get out of unpleasant situations.

89. Royal dream

Put four kings from a deck of cards under the pillow and say a request-spell: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, dream me in a dream!” The betrothed-mummers must definitely dream - in the form of a king - with a crown on his head and in a royal mantle.

90. Dinner for the betrothed

Put a piece of cake under the pillow and invite the future groom: “Betrothed-mummers! Come and have dinner with me!” The groom will appear to you in a dream.

91. Christmas divination with cards for the future

Guessing, in principle, is possible at any time, but “holy days” are considered the most favorable - from January 7 to 19.

The confinement of fortune-telling to Christmas time can be explained by the fact that it is at the turn of the old and new years that a person is especially keenly interested in the future. Take a deck of thirty-six cards, shuffle them carefully, remove them with your left hand towards you and spread the cards in a fan, face down.

Then, thinking of something, take out one card at a time.


Ace Do not doubt that you are loved.

King Don't worry, you'll get everything.

Lady- hide your feelings, you are being watched.

Jack- you are remembered and want to see you.

Ten- guess again.

Nine- you are dearly loved.

Eight - a new face will decide your fate.

Seven- be careful, don't play with fire.

Six- your intention threatens you with trouble.


Ace - what you want will not come true.

King - beware, they want to deceive you.

Lady - you will be insulted.

Jack - you are jealous in vain.

Ten - sadness will disappear through work.

Nine- you will soon get rid of a difficult condition.

Eight - expect good news.

Seven - soon everything will change for the better.

Six - your happiness is fragile, they will cheat on you.


Ace- you made one wrong step, and therefore you will not be successful.

King Hurry, otherwise you will lose everything.

Lady- you will receive a worthy reward.

Jack- a loved one will make you sad.

Ten- do not start a new friendship, so as not to regret later.

Nine You will receive sad news.

Eight- you will soon learn about the illness of a person close to you.

Seven- praise awaits you even from enemies.

Six Something that you don't expect will happen.


Ace - believe what they tell you.

King - you will receive good news.

Lady - your wish will come true soon.

Jack- do not wait, your efforts are in vain.

Ten- great happiness awaits you.

Nine- keep your secret.

Eight- beware of danger, it is close.

Seven- trouble awaits you - retribution for the past.

Six- act prudently so as not to grieve later.

92. Christmas divination with cards for fate

Take a deck of thirty-six cards, shuffle and remove the "cap". Choose a king or a lady (depending on the gender of the one you are guessing at) of any suit and, without removing the cards from the deck, arrange them in four rows of nine cards. Those cards that will be near the intended king or queen will tell about your fate.

The meaning of the suits:

Red suit: loyalty, friendship, love, honor, truth, virtue.

Diamond suit: wealth; prosperous, prosperous and cheerful life.

Club suit: trouble, scandalous incident, boredom, loss, dishonor, illness, infidelity.

Peak suit: good luck in any undertaking and success in society.

Meaning of each card: Worms

Ace- love letter.

King- a passionate person.

Lady- bride.

Jack- a pleasant guest.

Ten- news of love.

Nine- love explanation.

Eight- pleasure.

Seven- fun.

Six- fun road.


Ace- letter.

King- a young man, a groom, an unhappy lover.

Lady- a young girl, a windy woman.

Jack- money troubles.

Ten- gift.

Nine- an obstacle.

Eight- hatred.

Seven- infidelity.

Six- fun road.


Ace- false rumor.

King- A married man, a true friend.

Lady- married woman.

Jack- good luck in business.

Ten- big money.

Nine- small money.

Eight- deception.

Seven- news from the state house.

Six is a useless road.


Ace- a sad letter, news of death.

King- enemy.

Lady- an evil woman, a gossip.

Jack- gossip, unpleasant chores.

Ten- disease.

Nine- the loss of a friend.

Eight- betrayal, sadness.

Seven- argument.

Six- unhappy road, late road.

93. Christmas divination with wish cards

Shuffle the deck of cards, draw six cards from the pack, open them and make a wish on any card that is not in these six. Shuffle the remaining thirty cards and place them in piles of two, three, four, five, and six cards. If the hidden card is in any of the piles, this means:

2 – wish will not come true;

3 – hardly;

4– will meet serious obstacles;

5 – maybe it will come true;

6 – will come true for sure!

If the cherished card has not yet fallen out, then these piles (two, three, four, five and six cards each) must be removed, and first the open six cards are mixed with the remaining ten cards and laid out one card at a time, saying: “Wait, be patient” , “Rejoice”, “Be strong, angry”, “Wave your hand”. On what words the hidden card will fall out, they will be the answer, whether your wish will come true.

Fortune-telling concealed the mysterious presence of dark forces that accompanied the process. Therefore, they usually guessed late in the evening by candlelight. Animals, as a rule, were removed from the hut, since cats and dogs drove away unclean spirits, and he was supposed to help fortune tellers find out their fate.

One of the most terrible divinations was to go to the bath at night, light 2 candles, undress to the naked, put 2 mirrors opposite each other, forming a mirror corridor, and call the betrothed. After a certain time, the face of the betrothed was supposed to appear in the mirror, but in fact it was a demon that took on a human form. And if you don’t turn the mirror over in time with special words: “Chur, unclean, get out!”, the demon could break out of the mirror and take the soul of the fortune-telling girl. We will not give such terrible fortune-telling here, but we will talk about the most common and simple ones - simple fortune-telling for the future, for relationships and their interpretation.

Most Christmas divination is designed for a group of unmarried girls of girlfriends - fortune tellers, since it is not very interesting to guess alone. Since today fortune-telling at Christmas time has become more of an entertainment, the more girlfriends gather, the better and more fun.

Christmas divination on the water - who will be the first to marry

It is necessary to take a sick wide basin and pour water into it to the brim. Then each girl must make a boat out of half a walnut shell, stuff it with bread crumb and attach a piece of paper with her name or her specific color in the form of a flag on a match. At the same time, all friends should put their boat in the center of the basin with water and remove their hand. That girl, whose boat is the first to reach the edge of the pelvis and touch it, will be the first of all her friends to marry, and accordingly the second, third, etc. are determined. bride. It is impossible to blow on the boats and help them.

Fortune telling on cups and objects for a loved one and his signs

For divination on the signs of a future beloved husband, mugs and objects are needed - a ring, a coin, white and black threads, grain, a needle, a cracker, peas. All these items are placed under the mugs and moved so that the fortuneteller does not see what lies where. Then the girl chooses one or more mugs and determines the signs of her betrothed. Deciphering the meanings: white thread - blond, black brunette, needle - thin, grain - well-fed, ring - handsome, cracker - will be old or much older than the bride, peas - will be green, that is, young, coin - will be rich. You can also come up with the meaning of different objects yourself and put them under the circles.

Christmas divination on the boot

Usually the boot was thrown over the fence, standing in the yard, turning its back to the gate. Having thrown, they went out to look where the toe of the boot was pointing - in that region the betrothed lives. Today you can stand facing the entrance door and throw your boot over your shoulder, making sure in advance that you will not hit any passerby.

By the way, you can also guess on a passerby. You need to go out into the street in the evening, go up to the first passerby you come across and ask him for the name of your betrothed. Fate in the face of a passerby should accurately inform the fortune-teller about the name of her future husband.

Fortune telling on a wish with matches

This is simple guessing. Two girls, holding a match in their hands, make a wish and, with the third match, set fire to the first two at the same time. Whose match burns out sooner - that one's wish will come true faster. The match went out - it will not be fulfilled at all, it burned down by half - it will come true partially.

Fortune telling on wax or paraffin

A well-known type of divination, which requires a wax or paraffin candle and a wide plate of water. A piece of wax is placed in a spoon and melted over a fire, then poured into cold water (sometimes through a fortuneteller's ring - to be sure). According to the resulting image, future events are predicted. Or they make a question in advance and interpret its answer according to the wax image

Fortune telling on a cat or dog

The girl makes a wish or a question (with the answer "yes" or "no") and calls her favorite animal from the next room. If the right paw appears faster around the corner, then the answer is “yes” or the wish will come true, and vice versa, the left paw is “no”.

Divination for the future on burnt paper

Divination in the dark, with a lit candle. A girl puts a crumpled sheet of paper on an iron or other non-burning tray or dish, asking a question or simply asking about the future. The tray is placed against the wall in order to see the shadow of the paper on it, the paper is set on fire. When the paper burns, you need to look at the outlines of the shadow of the burnt sheet. Of course, such fortune-telling assumes the presence of a developed imagination among fortune-tellers. Here are some decoding of possible symbols: a house - a move is possible, flowers - to joy, a yoke - to gossip, a dove, a heart - to a new love or wedding.

Christmas divination on dumplings for the future

For this, fortune-telling girls must be able to cook. In the evening, the girls make dumplings, adding additional ingredients to some of them - salt, pepper, peas, sugar, wheat, bay leaves, onions and others. Then the dumplings are boiled and by what kind of dumpling you come across you can determine what will happen in the near future. Salt - to a quarrel, pepper - chagrin, peas - to replenishment, sugar - fortunately, wheat - to wealth, bay leaf - to good luck and luck, onions - to tears. You can come up with your own meanings for other spices and additives - cinnamon, beans, cloves, etc.

Divination on the book

This is a divination to get an answer to a question. Take a book - preferably art or church, but not technical and not poetry. Fairy tale books are also good. You ask a question, and then randomly say the page number and line number. Find this line - this will be the answer to the question. It is better for girls who are too suspicious and superstitious not to ask vital questions, as the answer may upset.

Fortune telling on a loved one - determining a name

Going to bed, the girl puts papers with male names under the pillow. In the morning he takes out the first piece of paper that comes across and learns from it the name of the betrothed. You can put a comb under the pillow and before going to bed say the words: "My betrothed mummer, come to me, comb my braids." This night, the future husband should dream of a fortune-telling girl.

Since ancient times, at Christmas time and around Christmas, it was customary to guess on the cards, since it was believed that these fortune-tellings were the most truthful. I (N.I. Stepanova) want to give you the four most simple and surest ways of divination.

For these divinations, buy a new deck, which you can no longer play later. First, I will talk about divination techniques, and at the end I will give interpretations of the meanings of the cards and their combinations.

Fortune telling the first

Take a pre-shuffled deck of cards, remove them with your left hand towards you and spread the cards with a fan up, guessing something. Take out on the map and look at the answer in the interpreter. Only nine cards are drawn.

Fortune telling the second

Take a shuffled deck of cards and remove with your left hand towards you. Take out a card from the deck and, depending on its suit, choose a king or a lady of the same suit (depending on who is guessing: a man or a woman). This king or queen is placed in the middle of the table and surrounded by cards, counting through six to the seventh, ten in number. Then the fortune teller determines the fate of the conceived according to the interpreter.

Fortune telling the third

Take a shuffled deck of cards and remove with your left hand towards you. Then the fortuneteller, having thought of a king or a queen of any suit, lays out the cards in four rows. There should be nine cards in a row. The cards that are near the planned person (king or lady) will determine what happens to him.

Fortune telling fourth

Take the shuffled cards and remove one card to another on the table, saying out loud in this order: six, seven, eight, etc. up to the ace. Set aside the cards that fall out according to the spoken word (that is, with the word “six” - a six falls out). Do this three times, and arrange the remaining cards in a row. According to the interpreter, determine fate.

Card interpretation

Suit of Spades

Ace is a sad letter.
King - you have an enemy.
Lady - the fulfillment of desire.
Jack - empty chores.
10 - illness.
9 - you will lose a friend.
8 - beware of danger.
7 - quarrel.
6 - unlucky road.

Suit of tambourines

Ace - the wish will not come true.
King - beware of deception.
The lady is an unexpected insult.
Jack - money troubles, jealousy.
10 - a gift.
9 - an obstacle.
8 - good news.
7 - treason.
6 - fun road.

Club suit

Ace is a false step.
The king is a true friend.
The lady is a well-deserved reward.
Jack - good luck in business.
10 - big money.
9 - sad news.
8 - illness of a loved one.
7 - news from the government house.
6 - useless road

suit of hearts

Ace - they love you.
King - do not worry: everything will work out.
Lady - hide the feeling.
Valet is a pleasant guest.
10 - news of love.
9 - love explanation.
8 - an outsider will decide your fate.
7 - be careful not to play with fire.
6 - trouble.

Meanings of card combinations

Lady under the king - a married woman or a secret bride (mistress).
The king at the feet of a lady is an offer or a love explanation.
Lady between dozens - fidelity.
If the king, queen and ten are of the same suit, the king responds to the lady's love.
King and ten - the king answers the love of the lady.
Eight near the lady - gossip.
Ace of spades with a seven is a relative's illness.
A king between an ace and a ten is a promotion.
Four aces - fulfillment of desire.
The Four Kings are a big society.
Four ladies - talk, gossip.
Four jacks is a big chore.
Four tens - a wedding or a new love.
Four nines - a change in life.
Four eights - trouble.
Four sevens - tears, death.
Four sixes - a long road.

Christmas is a time of miracles and magic. Since ancient times, our ancestors devoted this time to divination for love and the future. On this bright holiday, everyone can try their luck and find out their fate in proven ways.

Immediate marriage

Girls in Svyatki gather together and in the dark time of the day they wonder who will be the first to get married. To do this, you need to prepare a large dish with cereals and put a ring in it. The one who first gropes for him among the cereals will become a married lady. If the girls touched the ring at the same time or did not find it at all, then plans for an early wedding should be postponed.

cat paw

If you have a cat or a cat, use the animal for love divination. Leave it outside the threshold and make a wish associated with love energy. Call the cat to you and carefully look at her paws. If the first is the left one, the wish will certainly come true. The right paw means some difficulties on the way to achieving the goal.

Divination on the book

Mentally ask a question about what awaits you in a relationship and write 2 numbers. The first will indicate the page, the second - the line number. Open the selected book and read the answer to your question. This divination can be done on any day.

barking dogs

Before midnight, you should leave the house and say: “Where does my betrothed live, where does he live and do? Will he be evil and strict, or cheerful and kind? Listen to the barking of dogs. Gloomy and vicious barking, as well as howling, promise a strict and arrogant husband, cheerful barking prophesies a kind and sympathetic partner.

Divination by hair

Determine whether the wedding is coming soon, hair will help. Water is poured into a bowl, a little salt and wood ash. Mix all the ingredients and when the water calms down, put your hair and the hair of a loved one. In the morning, braided hair predicts a quick wedding, located far from each other promise quarrels and a possible separation. If one of the hairs has sunk, disease prevention should be taken care of.

Divination by shoes

A pair of shoes thrown over your shoulder will tell you what kind of relationship awaits you. If the couple lay down nearby, you will have a happy and carefree time with your loved one. Scattered shoes in different directions means the presence of quarrels and conflicts in life.

love divination

The girl writes the names of men on a piece of paper and leaves a kiss with painted lips next to each. Names are best written in circles. A lit white candle is placed in the middle and the words are pronounced: “I am sitting, wondering, calling for love. Betrothed, respond, beloved, show yourself. When the candle begins to melt, look at which name the flowing wax reaches for. This is your name.

Modern divination

Make a wish and dial a random phone number, wait for an answer. If “hello” sounds in the receiver, you should not flatter yourself about the imminent fulfillment of a dream. If the answer is “yes”, your wish will soon come true.

broken dishes

From the fragments of dishes, you can find out what fate awaits you in a relationship. Take an unnecessary plate or cup and "drop" it on the floor. If the fragments splashed in all directions, bright emotions and adventures await you, as well as petty quarrels. Dishes broken into large pieces mean peace and harmony in the family. If the mug's handle broke off, in the near future.

Prophetic dream

Before you go to bed, think about your loved one. Imagine his image as carefully as possible. In the morning, try to remember your dream. If he was kind and filled with bright emotions, then you will meet soon and have a tender relationship. Bad memories and anxieties mean problems in the relationship that should be removed. If you don’t remember anything or you dreamed of something abstract and incomprehensible, this means tension in the relationship and their imminent collapse.

attracting love

It is believed that a girl who lights a white candle on Christmas night and goes around the church several times in a circle will attract love into her life and protect herself from the evil eye and damage. In order to strengthen the rite, one should pray to the Mother of God for intercession and help in personal relationships. This rite is also useful for those who want a child. Higher powers will certainly help in achieving what you want if your thoughts are pure.

Remember that the power of thought works wonders. Your confidence in your own actions and following your goal is the key to success. Happy future to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

Take a deck of thirty-six cards, shuffle and remove the "cap". Choose a king or a lady (depending on the gender of the person you are guessing for) of any suit for Christmas divination on the cards and, without removing the cards from the deck, arrange them in four rows of nine cards. Those cards that will be near the intended king or queen will tell about your fate.

Christmas divination on the cards. The meaning of the suits

Red suit: fidelity, friendship, love, honor, truth, virtue.

Diamond suit: wealth; prosperous, prosperous and cheerful life.

Club suit: trouble, scandal, boredom, loss, dishonor, illness, infidelity.

Spade suit: good luck in any endeavor and success in society.

The meaning of the suit of Worms in Christmas divination on the cards

Ace is a love letter.

The king is a passionate man.

The lady is the bride.

Valet is a pleasant guest.

Ten - news of love.

Nine is a love explanation.

Eight - pleasure.

Seven is fun.

Six is ​​a fun road.

The meaning of the suit of Tambourine in Christmas divination on the cards

Ace is a letter.

The king is a young man, a fiancé, an unhappy lover.

The lady is a young girl, a windy woman.

Jack - money chores.

Ten is a gift.

Nine is an obstacle.

Eight - hate.

Seven - infidelity.

Six is ​​a fun road.

The meaning of the suit of Clubs in Christmas divination on the cards

Ace is a false rumor.

The king is a married man, a true friend.

The lady is a married woman.

Jack - good luck in business.

Ten is big money.

Nine - little money.

Eight is a lie.

Seven - news from the state house.

Six is ​​a useless road.

The meaning of the suit of Spades in Christmas divination on the cards

Ace - a sad letter, news of death.

The king is the enemy.

The lady is an evil woman, a gossip.

Jack - gossip, unpleasant chores.

Ten is a disease.

Nine - the loss of a friend.

Eight - treason, sadness.

Seven is a quarrel.

Six - unlucky road, late road.

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