How Belarus allows travel restrictions to get around the ban on foreign travel. Traveling abroad with debts and what to do if there are restrictions

The ban on travel abroad for persons with debt obligations appeared in the late 2000s. And for many Russians, this has become a tangible obstacle both for foreign holidays and for other trips abroad. But only a possible obstacle. Which, firstly, is by no means always established in relation to debtors, and secondly, it is effectively bypassed if it is very necessary. Next, we will analyze in detail how to go abroad with debts on loans.

What does the ban on traveling abroad mean in the presence of credit debt

​Restriction on travel abroad for persons with loan arrears is introduced as a restrictive measure as part of the enforcement of a judgment on debt collection. Thus, the mere existence of credit debt does not mean that the borrower-debtor will not be allowed to cross the border. The bank will need to initiate trial and obtain a writ of execution, and bailiffs - to initiate enforcement proceedings and take such a restrictive measure. But one more thing is needed. required condition- the debt must exceed 10 thousand rubles.

I must say that bailiffs very often use the right to impose a restriction on the debtor's travel abroad. Practice shows that this measure is effective in terms of influence and coercion to repay the debt. On the other hand, if a citizen has never traveled abroad before, what is the point of imposing a restriction? By general rule, the FSSP takes such a restrictive measure against persons who often travel abroad or have a passport in their hands, that is, when there is a real likelihood of crossing the border. You can check whether you are “not allowed to travel abroad” either at the bailiffs or using online services, however, here you should evaluate the relevance of the information.

If, nevertheless, the ban was introduced, you will have to look for workarounds. But there is one completely legal.

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Completion of enforcement proceedings as the only legal way to lift the ban on traveling abroad

For a borrower-debtor in respect of which enforcement proceedings have been initiated, there are two ways to achieve its completion:

  1. Easy option. Transfer of the executive document (its copy) to the employing organization to deduct periodic payments from the salary. In this case, the enforcement proceedings end with the bailiff, which entails the abolition of the imposed ban on traveling abroad.
  2. Difficult option. Bring the circumstances of enforcement proceedings to the situation of the actual fulfillment of the bank's requirements. A scheme is applied here, according to which the debtor redeems for a small amount at auction, including online auctions, accounts receivable some organization, turning into a receivable and an asset of the person who bought it out. This asset is then presented to the bailiff as an option for fulfilling the loan obligation, and is valued at face value, which means it is able to cover the debt. In this case, it is not particularly important for the borrower-debtor what the bailiff will do with such an asset - he will seize it, offer the bank as repayment, try to sell it, and in case of failure, he will again offer the bank to keep it. It is important that there will be grounds for ending the enforcement proceedings and lifting the ban on traveling abroad. As a rule, such a scheme, due to its complexity, is implemented under the supervision of lawyers, and the key goal is not so much the removal of restrictive measures as the annulment of all claims of the bank.

Often bailiffs are in no hurry to make a decision at the end of enforcement proceedings. In this case, you will have to apply to the bailiff on your own, and if refused, to the court.

Any legal way to lift the ban on traveling abroad has a serious drawback - you have to wait quite a long time for a decision. That is why, as a rule, debtors try to resort to alternatives - to circumvent the ban while maintaining it.

Traveling abroad bypassing the ban

In this case, transport schemes are simply used, in which the presence of a ban does not interfere with crossing the border. The most popular routes are through Belarus and Kazakhstan, and in the presence of a Schengen visa - through Kaliningrad, but with an exit in the Baltic states, not reaching the final station. Of course, there is some risk, but these routes are still in active demand among those “not allowed to leave” due to the lack of border control and (or) the inability to apply Russian sanctions on the territory of another state.

In order to eliminate or minimize the risk of being detained at the border, it is important to carefully plan the route, including, if necessary, using different types transport - somewhere a train, somewhere a bus, but most The path can also be covered by plane. It is also important to use up-to-date information on the state of border control at the borders, which can be found on various specialized websites or forums.

If you are going abroad, it will not be superfluous to find out in advance whether you have the right to do so. Citizens of the Russian Federation and foreigners are included in the lists of people not allowed to travel abroad for several reasons. One of them - unpaid debts- can affect anyone.

Overseas in debt

For debts of any size, it is impossible to put a person in jail, you cannot take away his only home, household plot, tools, household items, food supplies.

There are not so many instruments of influence on the average citizen in this regard. One of the most effective is the deprivation of the right to travel abroad.

How is the limit set?

The fifth paragraph of the fifteenth article of Law No. 114-FZ establishes that the right of a person to go abroad of the Russian Federation bailiffs have the right temporarily limit until he fulfills the financial obligations assigned to him or agrees with the creditor. Art. 67 of Law No. 229-FZ. The bailiff service is obliged to send a person a notice of travel restrictions, which explains why and for how long the restrictions apply.

It should be noted that the presence of a debt, an unpaid loan in itself is not a reason to restrict travel. For a restraining order, existence of enforcement proceedings for debt collection.

The very bank you owe cannot restrict travel. To do this, the creditor must sue you, transfer the writ of execution to the SSP, and then require the bailiff to take such a measure.

Amounts of debt for recognizance

The amount of the debt for the adoption of a bailiff's decision to ban travel in one or more enforcement proceedings together must be at least 10,000 rubles.

Exceptions for admission abroad

Prohibition is a right, but not an obligation, of a bailiff. Whether it is worth applying such a measure to you, he decides on his own.

Since the bailiffs are very busy people, and the execution of the ban requires time and effort, they usually accept it only at the request of the exactor.

  1. Having a debt, even a big one, does not guarantee that you are blacklisted by the border guards;
  2. If it is very necessary and refusal does not threaten with large losses, try to drive, perhaps the bailiff did not reach your hands;
  3. If a very good reasons(death, serious illness of a relative), the management of the SSP department has the right to meet halfway and lift the travel ban;
  4. It should be remembered that revoke the ruling the bailiff has the right and without any reason. So it is always possible to include the human factor;
  5. Bailiffs have the right to restrict departure for no more than six months with one decision. When its validity expires, the bailiff writes a new one. But usually this is not done on the day, but after a couple of weeks. Is quite real slip through into this window. In any case, you will be allowed back to your homeland without any consequences;
  6. The most common way to bypass the ban is − leave through Belarus. The border between the Russian Federation is not guarded in any way, there are no posts there. Having left for a brotherly country, you have the right to go further wherever you wish. The border guards of the two countries do not have a common database on travel restrictions, and so far there are no legal grounds for its creation. If you are not in international wanted list, everything will work out. And they don’t start an Interpol search for debts;
  7. If on hand , it 's easy to take a train ticket to and get off at ;
  8. When the purpose of the trip is the countries of Asia, choose the next one to another region of the Russian Federation through Kazakhstan. Get off at Petropavlovsk.

Departure from Russia foreign citizens regulated by N389-FZ, Art. 28. If a foreigner owes money in Russia, his departure is also entitled to be restricted.

How to check what you owe?

To find out if you are allowed to travel abroad, you can contact the Border Guard Web Reception. Fill out the form, send a request. True, nothing is said about the time and guarantee of receiving a response on the resource.

There, it will not be a computer that will answer you, but living people, since the request is written in the form of a statement that the answer does not speed up.

Wait, find out your debts and take action to their elimination. You still have to give.

Find out your tax debt online

To find out the tax debt online, you need to register on the official website FTS. When registering, you need to know your TIN (tax number). You can find information on this service on the following types of taxes:

  • On the earth;
  • On the personal income;
  • On the property;
  • Transport tax.

Familiarization through the public services portal

Information about unpaid taxes, fines imposed for this, and accrued penalties is received on the portal public services. To register there, you need to know your SNILS, have an email address or mobile phone, served by an operator from the list provided on the site.

Information from bailiffs

To find out about debts of all types, for which enforcement proceedings have already begun, contact the office. website FSSP Russia. In the heading "IP Data Bank" enter your personal data and get full list debts.

At the office FSSP website is phones of bailiffs responsible for each of your debts. You probably know them from the reminder letters that came to your apartment. However, it is not recommended to contact the bailiff himself to find out whether he issued a decision to restrict the right to leave.

If he couldn’t stand it, then after your call or visit he will definitely endure it. Because he is the face interested receive interest from you after collecting the debt. Better quietly, without attracting attention, to find out about the same in the office of the SSP.

Repayment terms

Pay the debt at the border or immediately before departure - losing option. According to all bureaucratic canons, no less than two weeks will pass from depositing money into the cash desk to being excluded from the black lists of border guards. Naturally, all tickets, vouchers and plans will burn out, no one is obliged to compensate your losses. Even a certified copy of the bailiff's decision to lift the ban on the checkpoint will not give anything until your data is officially removed from the list in accordance with all the rules of the FSB.

Next to your debts at the office. FSSP website placed requisites for which you can pay. They can also be found directly in the SSP department.

After payment, a copy of the payment document immediately take the bailiff. Get it from him a copy of the decision to lift the restriction to leave the Russian Federation, certify it with a senior bailiff with an official seal. Check with the bailiff for the deadline for sending the document to the border service and wait. The procedure for lifting the ban will definitely not take less than 10 days.

Here are a few tips to help you avoid the prospect of ruining your vacation or disrupting your business trip:

  • View FSSP website follows regularly. Bring the shortcut to your monitor and click periodically. You will always be in the know;
  • The same operation should be done with the office. the site of the site of justices of the peace, to which you belong territorially. Check the rubric periodically "Courtwork" by entering your last name. So you will know about the debt even before it gets into the SSP;
  • Bear a good relationship with his bailiff. He is also a man, and nothing in this regard is alien to him. If the debts are of such size that it will take years to repay, you will have to turn to him repeatedly;
  • Don't remind yourself bailiff unless absolutely necessary. Remember the proverb about a lying stone. Perhaps he was too lazy to write or extend the ill-fated resolution, and the creditor did not guess to demand it;
  • If you are sure that the debts were attributed to you in vain, malice or by negligence, your first mate - prosecutor. It is not difficult to write a complaint to the local prosecutor and drop it in the mailbox;
  • You can also file a complaint through the website of the regional prosecutor's office. It's free and hassle-free. Then the process will go by itself.

  • Pay off your debts as soon as possible. The need to travel abroad may arise unexpectedly, you must always be prepared for this option.

Today, almost every Russian takes a bank loan. But given the complex financial situation in the country, far from everyone has the opportunity to repay debts in a timely manner. A defaulter, faced with the need for an urgent trip abroad, often wonders how realistic it is to go abroad with debts.

Russians who are faced with the need to travel abroad, even with small debts, need not worry about a possible ban. It is possible to fly abroad if the amount of debt has not grown to “travel restricted” volumes.

You can find out if there is a possibility of departure quickly at.

In addition, today every debtor has the opportunity. You can check the presence of your last name in the terrible “black list” in several ways.

The first method is considered the least convenient. It lies in the fact that the bank manager notifies the Russian of the presence of debt. Notifications to the debtor usually come either by e-mail or as an SMS message. Some banks even prefer to report the presence of debt by phone.

If the case went to court, then the debtor is notified. If an appropriate decision was issued with respect to the non-payer, then it is imposed on him. You will have to not only reschedule your foreign rendezvous, but also take part in not the most pleasant procedures.

Simple, convenient and fast

The fastest and most reliable way to check if a traveler's last name is blacklisted in 2019 is to use the bailiff's website. , without leaving home. You can check if your name is on the list of debtors as follows:

  1. Go to the FSSP website.
  2. Select your region.
  3. Enter your first and last name.
  4. Indicate your date of birth.
  5. Click on the "Find" button.

If the system shows that there is a debt, it can be paid here, on the website of the bailiff service.

But if you have debts, then a court decision on them may have been made recently, and this information may not yet make it to the website of the bailiff service.

Impossible to leave

The question, with what amount of debt a person is not allowed to go abroad, has long been clarified. According to existing legislation, a person will not be able to travel abroad if the amount of his debt is 10 thousand rubles.

The minimum amount of debt, with which it is not possible to travel abroad, remains unclear in 2019. Formally, traveling abroad is impossible even if a person's debt to a bank amounts to 2-3 hundred rubles.

But in fact, everything is somewhat different. If a person does not have time to pay the debt, then he can only rely on the fact that the "penny" amount will not force the border guards to make him travel abroad.

The term of relevance of the ban on traveling abroad is also not strictly determined by Russian law. The main thing is that it does not exceed 6 months.

The procedure for introducing a ban

When the court makes a decision regarding the ban on traveling abroad, this document is at the disposal of the bailiff. In turn, the bailiff undertakes to notify the non-payer regarding the ban on traveling abroad.

Also, an employee of the authorized body must notify the migration police and the border service of the travel ban.

The decision to ban travel may affect not only those who regularly travel abroad. Sometimes the decision to ban travel is taken against a person who does not have a foreign passport. In this case, the FMS management service temporarily prohibits issuing a foreign passport to the non-payer.

If a citizen, in respect of whom there is a ban on traveling abroad, has a passport, then it is not necessary to give it to the bailiffs. Bailiffs do not have the authority to take away identity documents.

A foreign passport is withdrawn only after a court decision, in exceptional cases.

How can I go abroad from Belarus

A few years ago, information that was pleasant for non-payers was leaked onto the Internet. It turned out that they are allowed to go abroad with debts. True, they let foreign countries Russian debtors are not domestic, but Belarusian border guards.

Today, a trip abroad through Belarus is the most acceptable and economical option. are simple. The border across this country is virtually invisible. You can travel across the border both by air and by land. You can board the Moscow-Minsk flight without hindrance. There is no need to cross the bases of border guards. From Minsk you can fly to any corner of the world.

Visiting debtors abroad through Belarus does not formally violate Russian law. Belarus is a different country, and the laws on its territory are also somewhat different from Russian ones. The fact that Russia and Belarus do not have a common base also plays a role.

If the Belarusian border guards released the debtor, then their Russian colleagues have no right not to let him go home.

At the airport in the capital of Belarus, a Russian can meet his fellow citizens who are also planning a flight. Experienced travelers love to share information with newcomers, and they will gladly instruct the Russian on which flight he will need to fly back home.

The details of the departure must be treated with the utmost attention. It is not recommended to fly abroad in transit through Zlatoglavaya. This is explained by the fact that in Moscow, a traveler who wants to fly abroad will have to go through passport and customs control.

Hello dear travelers. Today we will talk about situations regarding traveling abroad with debts and restrictions. The situation is complex and unpleasant, almost every day Russians face the problem of traveling abroad, while the state does not provide a convenient online service for checking the presence or absence of restrictions, all that we can check quickly and without leaving home is enforcement proceedings (IP) on website Federal Service bailiffs of the Russian Federation (details on checking IP) or on the website of the State Services.

Of course, in an ideal world, each of us should be aware of our debts and limitations, but we live in the here and now, where a mail notification may not reach at all. various reasons, an employee of the bailiff service may simply forget to send a notification, and the payment paid on time can get lost in the banking jungle. And here is the airport, we go through border control and get a refusal…. Which one of you is ready for this? I don't think there are any, with rare exceptions. Let's consider all these and other questions in order.

Important:NO online service NO constraint checks!

The presence of restrictions when leaving Russia is checked by the Border Guard Service of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation

Crossing the Russian border implies control - checking by border guards and customs officers. Customs, looks after the transported goods and money, she is not at all interested in your debts. The issue of exit or not belongs to the competence of the border guards, who, in turn, act on the decision received from the bailiffs on the temporary restriction of exit. That's when the problem of debt can become a problem of travel outside the homeland.

The presence of debt does not mean the presence of restrictions on travel

As you can see from user posts on our Forum and other resources, people very often confuse debt with a limit. Of course, there are no restrictions on leaving without debts (with the exception of prohibitions not on debt issues), while the very presence of debt does not mean the existence of restrictions. Even if you have a valid enforcement proceeding and you see it on the website of the Russian Federation, this does not mean that a travel ban has been imposed on you.

How to check debts and travel restrictions?

In this article, I will not consider in detail how to check debts, this is described in detail in the online services section. To briefly describe this question, then you can check the debts on the website of the State Services (if you do not have an account yet, you can familiarize yourself with detailed instruction- how to register an account on the State Services), I also advise you to look at the presence or absence of enforcement proceedings (IP) on the site. As I wrote above, there is no online service for checking travel restrictions!!! Remember, there are various sites on the network where you can be offered to check the restrictions for money, as a rule, these are just scammers who will receive your money and will not help you in any way. And of course, in the mountains of rubbish in the search results of the Runet, there are a lot of articles in which the concepts of “Debt” and “Restriction” are confused. All you can check is the presence of debts and IP.

Grounds for restriction on travel abroad

Restrictions on travel abroad are imposed only on the following grounds:

  • There is enforcement proceedings based on a court decision and writ of execution or the court decision itself, indicating the obligations imposed on the citizen;
  • The court decision must enter into force (is not in the process of appeal and not be appealed);
  • The writ of execution must be valid and presented in accordance with the law, within 3 years from the date of entry into force;
  • The amount of debt in enforcement proceedings is more than 10,000 rubles, with the exception of certain categories of debts, where, in accordance with the new law, which entered into force on October 1, the amount of debt must exceed 30,000 rubles;
  • The debtor evades the obligation to pay within the established time limits without good reason.

In the absence of at least one of the above conditions, the legality of the restriction on travel abroad can be challenged.

Important: Alimony debtors, citizens who owe compensation for harm caused to health or due to the death of a family breadwinner, as well as in connection with property damage or moral damage, as before the adoption of new amendments, may be restricted from traveling abroad if the amount of debt is 10,000 rubles.

A limitation for a period of 6 months can be established both at the initiative of the bailiff and at the request of the recoverer, provided that the debtor has not voluntarily fulfilled the requirements for paying the debt within 2 months. When imposing a ban, the bailiff - executor required to send notice of travel restrictions, to the address of permanent registration of the debtor, or to the known address of his residence.

Important: The period of 6 months for which the travel restriction is issued is considered from the date when it was issued by the bailiff (and not when this decision reaches the border guards).

An excerpt from the forum regarding the presence or absence of information about debts on the FSSP website:

The official website of bailiffs, where you can check for yourself whether you have debts, this is just an information site. Before the laws of the Russian Federation, he has no power. The site will not give you 100% information about you. In confirmation of our case (there was no information about her husband there), and the border guards themselves at the airport told us that this site was not an indicator for them. Remember, if you are not on the FSSP website, this does not mean that in this moment You are no longer with a travel restriction already in the base itself at the border guards.

How is the procedure for lifting restrictions (bans) on traveling abroad

The travel ban may be lifted under the following conditions:

  • Full repayment of debt(fulfillment of the requirement of the executive document);
  • When the parties reach a compromise on the payment of the debt, including a settlement agreement between the debtor and the recoverer;
  • After the expiration of the 6 month limitation period;
  • When cancellation of the executive document or invalidating it;
  • The organization that was the claimant is excluded from the unified state register legal entities(Unified State Register of Legal Entities).

In case of full fulfillment of obligations, the decision to lift restrictions is made within 24 hours. But it must be taken into account that the period of receipt and processing of information by the border authorities of Russia takes time. As a rule, from the moment of issuance decision to remove the temporary restriction on the debtor's departure from Russian Federation, before the removal of information about the ban from the database of border guards, it takes about 15 days. Accordingly, when planning a trip abroad, it is necessary to take into account these terms and timely repay the debt. After payment of the debt, we advise contact your bailiff and provide proof of payment. Thus, you will significantly speed up the process of lifting restrictions.

Important:The bailiff has the right to cancel the restriction during the period of its validity and impose a new restriction for a period of 6 months with the obligatory notification of the debtor. If you have several enforcement proceedings, then a travel ban may be imposed on each of them, but only if the above conditions are met.

Traveling abroad with debts without breaking the law!?

Consider the option when the bailiff handed over the decision and you signed for receipt, everything seems to be according to the law, but you have to go, and you have tickets on hand. There is nothing terrible yet! In accordance with the law, you have the right to appeal against the actions of the bailiff, which entails a ban on traveling abroad, within 10 days from the date of receipt of the decision, having prepared and sent an application to the court, do not forget to mark the acceptance of the document by the court. In this situation, you will not have to pay the state duty. After filing a complaint against the decision made, it is imperative to take a copy with a mark of receipt to the office of the FSSP and there also receive a mark of receipt. That's it, your part of the job is done. You won the main thing - time. It is known from reliable sources: If the bailiff, before the court makes a decision on the complaint, sends your data to the database of “non-exit”, possible consequences at work, for him will be more than sad.

An excerpt from the forum regarding the existence of enforcement proceedings and a travel ban:

If you have an individual entrepreneur (enforcement proceedings at the FSSP), this does not mean that you will not be able to fly abroad from the Russian Federation. The border guards will not let you out only if your bailiff has issued a “decree on the time limit” against you. exit restriction. Remember that it takes time for the ruling on time. restriction (or the abolition of temporary restrictions) reached the border guards and they brought it to their base.

Important: The 6 months for which the travel restriction is issued is counted from the date it was issued by the bailiff (and not when this decision reaches the border guards).

Here we come to the main question. How to go abroad if there is already a travel restriction and it is not possible to return debts to bailiffs? Of course, it will still be right to pay off the debt and fly calmly, although in this case you still have to wait, as I wrote above, the receipt of payment and the cancellation of restrictions takes about 2 weeks!

You have the opportunity to apply to your bailiff to cancel the decision to restrict travel, due to the fact that traveling abroad will help you quickly pay off the debt. If to speak plain language, for the bailiff it is important that your trips are related to earnings. There are confirmed cases when bailiffs went towards the debtor and lifted the restriction. However, here, much depends on the person.

Many citizens of Russia have credit and utility debts. But holidays abroad are still popular. The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for penalties for certain citizens who evade paying the debt. If a citizen is on their list, he will not be allowed to cross the border.

Does a citizen avoid paying alimony for several months or does not pay for housing and communal services? He must be prepared for the fact that he will not be able to cross the border. If there is no good reason preventing the repayment of the debt, then the ban is imposed by the bailiff as soon as the citizen's case falls into his hands. Don't think that if judicial trial was not, then no one will restrict the exit from the country. A ban can be imposed before the debt case is considered by the prosecutor's office.

In addition to the judicial act, there are other documents prohibiting travel abroad. For example, individual entrepreneurs such a limit can be set tax office. The order says that the property of a tax evader should be used to pay off debts, but for this it must be in the country.

Administrative debts, fines, unpaid alimony, debts for utilities, overdue taxes are a reason for imposing a ban on crossing the border.

Violations of an administrative nature in serious cases lead to the imposition of restrictions on leaving the country. If a citizen was issued a fine, then he must pay it for a month. to the body that issued the decision pecuniary recovery, the penal must provide a document confirming the payment of the public debt. If this is neglected, then the case will go to the bailiff service. Because of them, the lifting of the ban on crossing the border will be delayed for a couple of months and it will not work.

If there are no good reasons for negotiating with bailiffs, then no one will impose a ban on a citizen. Before this happens, a letter will be sent to the address of residence of the person, which will report on the existing debt, a subpoena or other notification from the bailiffs.

Travel ban on Russian legislation imposed at the time of the issuance of the relevant decision. The bailiff sends it to a citizen with a debt, draws up an act that sends it to the migration and border services. They put the debtor on the list of those who do not have the right to travel abroad.

If you have a passport, then a request will be sent to migration service allowing it to be withdrawn for the duration of the ban. A bailiff cannot take a passport from a citizen. This is done by other agencies. To the delight of debtors, this article of the law is rarely mentioned, and in practice it is difficult to withdraw. If a citizen did not have time to issue a passport and travel abroad with it, then after the ban is imposed, no one will be able to issue this document to him.

Even if a citizen has not read the letter on imposing a ban on crossing the border, it comes into force. This is established by the laws of the country. Sending the document serves as the basis for the restriction of departure.

There is a single base of citizens who have debts to the state or anyone else. According to it, border guards check all citizens,

leaving the country. Therefore, if you have debts, then you will not be allowed to go abroad and will be detained at the customs control point.

Should I be afraid of bank debt?

Legal practice shows that even a significant delay in a loan cannot be a reason for you to be banned from traveling abroad. If it is, the financial institution first claims the debt against the defendant. But it will not be able to restrict the movement of an individual abroad. This would require a full court order.

It can take 3-4 months from the moment the debt case is submitted to the court until it is considered. If a delay has arisen, then the bank tries to resolve it with the citizen on its own. In case of a negative result, the financial institution resells the debt to collection offices or sends a request to the court. If the court takes the side of the creditor, then the debtor's case about the debt is sent to the bailiffs and he will no longer be able to go abroad. They draw up an act on a ban on leaving the country for a six-month period.

You can lift the ban and travel to another country earlier than 6 months. To do this, you need to pay the debt and inform the inspector about it. Individuals can put forward counterclaims to the creditor organization in court. If they are considered and accepted by the judge, then the prohibition provoked by debt is removed. You can also go abroad without problems if the deadline for repaying the debt has passed.

Get confirmation of the ban. Without it, you will not be sure that you definitely cannot go abroad.

If confirmation has arrived, but we don’t want to return tickets, then we are going abroad with debts using one of the following methods:

  • Crossing Belarus or Ukraine. Having visited Minsk or Gomel, everyone will be able to purchase tickets to any country in Europe.
  • Having issued a Schengen visa in advance. The main thing is to get on a flight or train to Kaliningrad, and then get off in Vilnius. They will not be able to present anything to a Russian citizen there. As in the case of Belarus and Ukraine, in Lithuania you can buy plane tickets to any European city.
  • Leave for Kazakhstan in transit. This method consists in crossing the Kazakh border, presenting a second ticket and filling out a migration card. After that, you can go to the desired city.
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