Who came to the Cabinet. New faces in government. New government. The main thing

After the Prime Minister's proposal, Russian President Putin announced that he approves the proposed candidacies of vice-premiers and ministers, he intends to sign a decree on appointments as early as Friday. Therefore, the new composition Russian government will look like this.

Deputy Prime Ministers

For the post of First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Medvedev proposed the candidacy of Anton Siluanov. It was proposed to appoint Tatyana Golikova, who previously held the post of head of the Accounts Chamber, as deputy prime minister in charge of the social block.

Yuri Trutnev, according to Medvedev's proposal, will retain the post of Deputy Prime Minister - Permanent Representative in the Far Eastern Federal District. Aleksey Gordeev will become another vice-premier. Maxim Akimov, Olga Golodets, Yury Borisov, Vitaly Mutko, Dmitry Kozak and Konstantin Chuychenko will also take the positions of vice-premiers.

Earlier, Medvedev announced the following planned distribution of responsibilities between his future deputies:

  • Siluanov, in the rank of First Deputy Prime Minister, will oversee the financial and economic block,
  • Golikov - social bloc,
  • Gordeev - agro-industrial complex,
  • Kozak - industry and energy,
  • Mutko - construction,
  • Borisov - military-industrial complex,
  • Golodets - culture and sport,
  • Akimov - digital economy, transport and communications,
  • Chuichenko is the head of the apparatus.


According to Medvedev's proposal, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Defense Ministry Sergei Shoigu, Justice Ministry Alexander Konovalov, Culture Ministry Vladimir Medinsky, Health Ministry Veronika Skvortsova, Interior Ministry Vladimir Kolokoltsev, Energy Ministry Alexander Novak will retain their posts in the new government of Russia.

Denis Manturov will retain the post of Minister of Industry and Trade, and Pavel Kolobkov - Minister of Sports. Medvedev invited Putin to reappoint Maxim Oreshkin to the post of head of the ministry economic development, and Maxim Topilin - for the post of Minister of Labor and Social Protection.

Dmitry Patrushev will become the Minister of Agriculture. The ex-governor of the Tyumen region Vladimir Yakushev will become the minister of construction and housing and communal services. Evgeny Zinichev was proposed to be appointed to the post of head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Medvedev also suggested that the president appoint Olga Vasilyeva as Minister of Education, and for the post of Minister of Science and higher education nominated Mikhail Kotyukov.

The head of the Ministry of Natural Resources in the new cabinet proposed to appoint the governor of Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region Dmitry Kobylkin. Yevgeny Dietrich was proposed for the post of head of the Ministry of Transport, the governor of the Amur Region Alexander Kozlov - for the post of head of the Ministry for the Development of the Far East, for the post of minister of affairs North Caucasus— Sergey Chebotarev.

President's assessment

The President of Medvedev's proposals on the new composition of the Cabinet approved and said that on Friday he would sign a decree on appointments. The head of state noted that he and the prime minister had already discussed all the candidates in the morning.

"People famous, with good experience works that have proven themselves well," Putin said.

The President instructed to promptly resolve the issues of replacing officials leaving their posts.

“Okay, we will definitely do it. In the near future we will introduce all the new ministers to the teams of their ministries,” Medvedev replied.

Prime Minister's Diagnosis

"The government has just been finally formed by the president... It is capable, we can work, so we are making contact," Medvedev said after meeting with President Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.

The first meeting of the new government of the Russian Federation will be held at the beginning of next week, before the opening of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (), spokeswoman for the Prime Minister Natalya Timakova told reporters.

Proposals on the staffing of the future Cabinet, and at the same time consider raising retirement age. What, in fact, was agreed earlier on Tuesday, when Medvedev handed over to the head of state a draft decree on the structure of the new government.

On the this moment structural changes in supreme body executive approved. New cabinet ministers will be somewhat different from the previous one. But these changes can hardly be called revolutionary.

The Ministry of Education and Science was divided into the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Ministry of Communications and information technologies transformed into the Ministry of Digital Development. That is, the government will no longer have 21 ministries, but 22.

The number of vice-premiers will also increase - there will be 10 of them. The position of the first vice-premier - the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation will appear. The Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, as well as the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Defense remain directly subordinate to the president.

It was reported that the head of the Russian Foreign Ministry would most likely retain his posts Sergei Lavrov and Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu. The rest of the personnel composition of the Cabinet is still an open question.

Meanwhile, Russian citizens are already giving these people a certain credit of trust, evaluating their future work with cautious, if I may say so, but optimism.

This is evidenced by the results of the VTsIOM poll, during which sociologists not only learned the opinion of respondents about the work of Medvedev's old team. But we also got acquainted with the expectations from the activities of the new government.

Actually, the fact that Dmitry Medvedev again headed the Cabinet is known to the vast majority of Russians - 86%. At the same time, more than two-thirds of citizens (71%) characterize him as competent and smart person. And every second (49%) believes that Dmitry Medvedev has managed to gather around him a team that can be trusted. 33% of respondents do not agree with this.

Positive feedback on the work of the Cabinet in last years 54% of respondents. But more than a third (38%), in fact, gave him "bad". Apparently those who do not agree with raising the retirement age.

As for expectations, the answers are dominated by the idea that the work of the new government will not differ significantly from the work of the previous one - 49%.

37% of respondents believe that it will increase efficiency. And another 3% see the future only in a black light.

Director of the Center for the Study of Crisis Society, Deputy Head of Department public policy Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Maxim Vilisov:

- It is difficult to talk about the objectivity of the result when you do not know the clear criteria by which the work of the Medvedev Cabinet was evaluated in the previous period. We remember that it was a very difficult period - if we count from 2013. First, all the stories related to the mobilization under Olympic Games. Then the sanctions and the conflict of confrontation with the West. A very difficult process of stabilizing the Russian economy.

Therefore, if we evaluate the activities of the Medvedev government, based on the tasks that were set for this government in 2012, then, of course, it deserves only a negative assessment. Because the goals that were set, one way or another, have not been achieved, or have not been fully achieved. You can talk a lot about the May decrees here, and about many other things ...

But if we take into account that this was a state that worked in crisis conditions, in conditions of very high uncertainty, then here, of course, we should rather give a positive assessment. Because, despite the very tough external pressure - both economic and political - this government still did not allow any serious failures, catastrophic phenomena in the economy and in social sphere. Moreover, maneuvers in terms of import substitution (individual) can be called generally positive.

Therefore, here the inaccuracy of the evaluation criterion, it still makes it possible for such a large scatter.

Now, if we were asked to separately assess, so to speak, the anti-crisis potential of this government, separately the quality of achieving some strategic tasks, then, I think, the assessments would be more accurate.

It's just that people, as a rule, apply, so to speak, different "filters" for this assessment, and therefore gave directly opposite characteristics. And again, one cannot ignore that respondents may have some political differences.

Another thing is that for many experts and observers the question of an alternative remains open: if not the Medvedev government, then what kind of government, with what characteristics? Even without personal names - who exactly is the prime minister, and who is his team?

On this issue, it seems to me, there is even less agreement. And the specifics too.

Therefore, due to a combination of factors (and this is confirmed by real politics - the reappointment of Medvedev as the head of the government that happened), he now, in fact, has no alternative.

"SP": - Perhaps we just do not know about it?

- It's something else. The fact that political forces that could play for a long time, in a strategic period, they are simply not ready to take the risks of this work in such a complex, tense, burdened international conflicts situations. You can quickly discredit yourself.

Well, and plus, we really have a shortage of strategic vision and some strategic projects for our country. I, at least, cannot now name a single opposition group, or one integrated into the elite, which could now responsibly and systematically voice and propose such a project.

Therefore, as it were, maintaining the status quo is, so to speak, the lesser evil.

"SP": - But with this "moderate optimism" of 37%, it is possible to make a breakthrough in development, which the president spoke of as the most important task of society?

“And there are a lot more questions here. First, how can we now evaluate, so to speak, the ability of the new government and its potential effectiveness if we do not know the composition of this government. We know the head of government. And some personnel proposals, which he previously announced.

"SP": - We know how many deputy prime ministers there will be, and we know that Mutko remains ...

This information can't give us anything. But I can assume that, in principle, the personality of Medvedev as prime minister does not rule out the possibility of forming a breakthrough government. He always stood up for modernization and was always morally and professionally ready to carry out modernization projects.

At the same time, again, his personal characteristics allow us to hope that the breakthrough will not be associated with great risks and some sudden movements. Because he still has a reputation as a fairly balanced person, making balanced decisions and being able to reach a compromise.

But whether this will be a breakthrough government, or a government, so to speak, of further stabilization, it will become clear even not from the personnel. And yet, probably, according to some first decisions in the strategic, financial, structural plan. I think it's hard to talk about it now.

Conditionally, on the political plane, the goals were set by the President - both in the Message and in the new May Decree. But then everything will depend on what tools, what specific measures can be used to achieve them.

And then, we must keep in mind that any, even very positive, activity of any, the most professional composition of the Russian government, in modern conditions can be very easily leveled by the activities of our opponents - Western countries.

SP: How?

— The problem is that the Russian economy, in principle, continues to be quite sensitive to the international situation, to pressure on its financial system and my economic system from the USA, first of all, and their allies, especially if they act in a coalition.

Therefore, as long as the dependence of the Russian economy on the global economy and on the Western one remains, the activities of any government can always turn out to be ineffective due to the action of a geopolitical factor that is just uncontrollable for us.

In this sense, the task of the new government will be extremely difficult. This caused a certain delay, I think, in terms of the announcement of its composition.

And, in my opinion, this composition will not be particularly stable even in the short term. I foresee that there will be changes quite often. And, in principle, it would be logical to expect that this rotation, including the vertical one, will have.

SP: What do you mean?

— We have a generation of young technocrats to manage the regions. Now, if these people can quickly show some success in regional level, then it would be logical to give them the opportunity to move higher. Moreover, many came to the regions from federal structures.

CEO Institute of Regional Problems Dmitry Zhuravlev, in turn, drew attention to the rather high assessment that Russian citizens gave to Medvedev's team:

Government is an enchanted place. And the prime minister is never popular. Because this is the main business executive - he is responsible for all pensions, all salaries, living standards ... and other joys of our life.

And the fact that half of the respondents give a positive assessment is very good. It's a lot, really. Moreover, the standard of living in recent years, frankly, has not grown. It grows a little only this year - in the only one.

Therefore, it is natural that those many whose standard of living has fallen are unlikely to evaluate the work of the government positively. People are not masochists in their bulk. There are few masochists, you can't make a sociological majority of them.

As for the future, then, in part, of course, there are simply optimists. But just as people cannot be permanent pessimists. A person always hopes for something, regardless of whether pluses are possible or impossible. And even if you don't believe it, you want to believe it.

"SP": - Some personalities of the new government are already known. I was surprised by the "unsinkability" of sports deputy prime minister Vitaly Mutko, who will now oversee the construction industry ... Where can you get optimism?

- The problem is not in a single character. And in the majority.

Another question is that, in general, the composition of the government, it is approved not for the breakthrough that the president spoke about. This is a government of stability. Not because it's bad or good, it's just a government that will consist mainly of the same people who were there the first time. You can separately say why ... But it's true.

On the other hand, in the richest country in the world, there is always room for a breakthrough. And in order to implement it, it is necessary to increase the concentration of resources, increase the efficiency of management and increase the efficiency of the use of these resources.

Because it's not that we don't have enough money. And the fact that we do not always know where we spend them.

MOSCOW, May 18 - RIA Novosti, Tatyana Melikyan. On Friday, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev presented Russian President Vladimir Putin the personal composition of the Cabinet of Ministers. Earlier, the prime minister outlined the contours of the new government, which the head of state has already approved. The issue with personalities was resolved longer, acquiring forecasts and rumors. As a result, almost all key figures remained in their places. 13 people said goodbye to their seats. About those who left, arrived and moved from place to place - in the material of RIA Novosti.

The Cabinet of Ministers resigned immediately after Vladimir Putin took office on May 7. The next day, the State Duma approved Dmitry Medvedev's candidacy for the post of prime minister. 374 deputies voted for his appointment, 56 were against. Thus, Medvedev has already gone down in history modern Russia as the prime minister who has served the longest in his post. On the same day in consultations with the faction " United Russia"He voiced proposals for the appointment of vice-premiers. The staffing of the ministers was decided not so quickly. But the topic had to be closed before the start of the St. Petersburg Economic Forum. "We discussed almost all the candidates you presented, this morning we discussed some more," Putin noted at the beginning of the meeting. However, the public discussion lasted no more than five minutes. The first meeting with the new government could take place as early as next week.

Divide, abolish and rename

Sensations were not expected, they did not happen. The structure of the Cabinet of Ministers has changed insignificantly. The new government will have ten vice-premiers. Appeared and new position- First Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Finance.

The number of ministries will increase to 22. A new one will be created by dividing the Ministry of Education and Science into two departments - the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Higher Education and Science. The first department will deal with schools and secondary vocational education, as well as issues of "upbringing, guardianship and guardianship of minors." The second will become a single coordinating center for universities, scientific centers, academic institutions. In a word, for all spheres of science.

In addition, two government structures will be abolished - the government commission for the coordination of open government and the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations (FANO). Russian trade missions abroad will go to the Ministry of Industry and Trade. And the new name of the Ministry of Communications from now on is the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and mass communications. Medvedev explained that the task of the department is to implement "the very digital agenda that the whole world is engaged in."

However, the structure of the government is not constant, it changes, adjusting to current tasks.

First and second after the premiere

The country's chief accountant and "career financier", as Alexei Kudrin called him, Anton Siluanov became the only first Medvedev's deputy It was under him that the only new position in the government was created.

As for the rest, the composition of the vice-premiers was not so much updated as reshuffled. So, Vitaly Mutko moved from chair to chair. When Medvedev announced this " interesting idea"On the formation of the Cabinet at a meeting with fellow party members, laughter rang out in the hall. The Prime Minister himself smiled. Indeed, Mutko earned a reputation as an unsinkable member of the team. In October 2016, against the backdrop of a doping scandal flaring up with Russian athletes, he lost his post as Minister of Sports, but became vice- prime minister. And now he will retain his high post, however, he will oversee another area - construction. "We try never to bend under external circumstances", - Medvedev explained his choice.

Dmitry Kozak, who in the previous government was in charge of issues related to new subjects - the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, will also retain the post of Deputy Prime Minister. In the new one, he will deal with industry and energy.

The team also included Olga Golodets, who was in charge of the social bloc in previous years, now she has been transferred to culture and sports. Medvedev, proposing this candidacy, remarked: "Why not? Do you think that women are incapable of sports?"

The post of Deputy Prime Minister was also retained by Yuri Trutnev, behind whom the entire Far East stretched in the previous composition. He was the only one who retained not only the position, but also the sphere of curatorship.

Aleksey Gordeev, who once headed the Ministry of Agriculture, will return to the government as deputy prime minister on the principle of "new is well-forgotten old." He will be engaged in a familiar area - agriculture.

Among the "returnees" is Tatyana Golikova, who headed the Accounts Chamber for five years. Prior to that, she served as Minister of Health and Social Development in the government of Viktor Zubkov. Given the differences between the financial, economic and social areas in the government, experienced financier Golikova can become a consolidating link. She will be replaced by Alexei Kudrin in the Accounts Chamber.

Among the new faces is Maxim Akimov. Akimov, who previously held the post of first deputy head of the government apparatus, was asked to be responsible for transport, communications and the digital economy. Until 2012, he worked as deputy governor in his native Kaluga region.

Konstantin Chuychenko, head of the government apparatus, will also become vice-premier. He will deal with the legislative work of the government and personnel issues.

Retirees are voluntary and not very

The curator of the transport block, who controls the work of the Federal Air Transport Agency and the Ministry of Transport, Arkady Dvorkovich, left the team of deputy prime ministers. In the fall of 2017, he actually received a reprimand from the president. "You don't pay enough attention to this industry. Are you overworked?" - Putin publicly addressed him because of the situation around the VIM-Avia air carrier. However, he will not remain without work - Dvorkovich to the board of directors of Russian Railways.

There was no place for Eduard Prikhodko (he led the activities of the department for foreign policy) and Igor Shuvalov (responsible for the implementation of major projects: the APEC summit in Vladivostok, the 2013 Universiade in Kazan, the 2018 FIFA World Cup).

Left the Cabinet and Dmitry Rogozin, Deputy Prime Minister for the defense industry in the former government. He will be replaced by Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov, who was in charge of organizing the military-technical support of the Armed Forces. Rogozin could take over as head of Roskosmos, whose leadership he regularly criticized. And in this case, the head of the state corporation, Igor Komarov, may move to Rostec, a RIA Novosti source in the rocket and space industry.

Portfolio distribution

There were no sensations in the team of ministers either. Despite all the speculation in the press, Sergei Lavrov, who headed the Foreign Ministry for 14 years, remains. Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu also retains his post. The head of another law enforcement agency, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, is still the Minister of Internal Affairs. And here in the Ministry of Emergency Situations permutations.

During a fire in mall"Winter Cherry" in Kemerovo Minister for Civil Defense, emergencies and elimination of consequences natural Disasters Vladimir Puchkov received a lot of criticism for the work of rescuers and the quality of inspections fire safety. In the new government, this department will be headed by Yevgeny Zinichev, a native of law enforcement agencies. In 2016, he briefly led Kaliningrad region However, due to "family circumstances" he asked for another job. Then the youngest governor Anton Alikhanov came to replace him in the region. Speaking of young people.

The youngest minister in the previous government will remain the youngest in the new one - Maxim Oreshkin will retain the post of head of the Ministry of Economic Development. But another representative of the younger generation, Nikolai Nikiforov, will part with the portfolio. Konstantin Noskov, who previously held the position of head of the Analytical Center under the Russian government.

Opened with a six-month lead, the Crimean bridge did not save the Minister of Transport Maxim Sokolov. The achieved historical indicator on the state of federal highways did not help him either. Sokolov was marked by several high-profile failures, including the massive cancellation of commuter trains in 2015 and the bankruptcy of VIM-Avia in 2017. For the last Sokolov received disciplinary action from the president. The Ministry of Transport will be headed by Yevgeny Dietrich, who worked in this department as the first deputy.

High performance (record harvests that exceeded the achievements Soviet Union) did not help to stay in the chair of the minister and Alexander Tkachev. Dmitry Patrushev has been appointed new head of the Ministry of Agriculture. The son of the Secretary of the Security Council, the former head of the FSB, Nikolai Patrushev, worked as chairman of the board of the Russian Agricultural Bank, and also served on the board of directors of Gazprom.

Didn't save the post former head Ministry of Natural Resources Sergey Donskoy. The past year was marked by a series of scandals for his department: residents protested against landfills, in Krasnoyarsk, a “black sky” regime was introduced, and animal rights activists were starving near the walls of the State Duma, demanding finally to adopt a law on the protection of animals. And all this happened in the year declared just the Year of Ecology. However, the Ministry of Natural Resources deals not only with ecology, but also with natural resources. Therefore, the appointment of Dmitry Kobylkin, a mining engineer-physicist by profession, looks logical. Labor activity the new head of the department started at the Shelf geophysical association in the city of Gelendzhik. Since 2000, he has led the development of the Khancheyskoye field and the organization of oil and gas production.

The Minister for Development also said goodbye to the portfolio Far East Alexander Galushka. During the Eastern Economic Forum 2017, Putin threatened Far Eastern officials with dismissal for the ongoing outflow of the population. However, the problems of a complex region are not limited to this. Alexander Kozlov, who replaced Galushka, previously led the Amur Region. Prior to that, for several years he headed the Ministry of Housing and Public Utilities of the region, served as mayor of Blagoveshchensk.

The changes also affected the Ministry for North Caucasus Affairs, one of whose main goals is control over financial flows. How things are with corruption in the region is eloquently evidenced by the recent purge in Dagestan with arrests high-ranking officials. Now Sergei Chebotarev has been appointed to replace Lev Kuznetsov. Previously, he worked in the Office of the President for Interregional and cultural relations with foreign countries.

Finally, the new Ministry of Higher Education and Science was headed by the head of the liquidated federal agency scientific organizations (FANO) Mikhail Kotyukov. That is, he retained all the functions for himself and acquired new ones. In fact, Olga Vasilyeva also remained in her place, who from now on became the Minister of Education.

Minimal personnel changes in the cabinet of ministers can be explained by the fact that the head of state was satisfied with the work of the previous composition. In December 2017, Putin said that the government "did not only do everything possible, but more than that" by resolving "all issues facing the country's economy."

Composition of the government

The government included 32 people. The first vice-premier will be Anton Siluanov, who will combine this post with the post of Minister of Finance.

The positions of Deputy Prime Ministers will be occupied by Dmitry Kozak, Tatiana Golikova, Alexei Gordeev, Maxim Akimov, Vitaly Mutko, Olga Golodets, Yuri Borisov and Yuri Trutnev.

The head of the government apparatus in the position of vice-premier will be Konstantin Chuichenko.

Ministerial posts were held by:

  • education — Olga Vasilyeva
  • science and higher education — Mikhail Kotyukov
  • for the development of the Far East — Alexander Kozlov
  • natural resources and ecology — Dmitry Kobylkin
  • sports — Pavel Kolobkov
  • Internal Affairs - Vladimir Kolokoltsev
  • Justice — Alexander Konovalov
  • for the North Caucasus — Sergey Chebotarev
  • Foreign Affairs - Sergey Lavrov
  • industry and trade — Denis Manturov
  • culture — Vladimir Medinsky
  • construction and housing and communal services — Vladimir Yakushev
  • digital development, communications and mass communications — Konstantin Noskov
  • power engineers — Alexander Novak
  • economic development — Maxim Oreshkin
  • for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief — Evgeny Zinichev
  • healthcare — Veronika Skvortsova
  • transport — Evgeny Dietrich
  • agriculture — Dmitry Patrushev
  • labor and social protection— Maxim Topilin
  • defense - Sergei Shoigu

Newcomers to Cabinet

In the composition of the government, in comparison with the previous one, there are 14 new names. Among them are five vice-premiers - Golikova, Gordeev, Akimov, Borisov and Chuichenko. At the same time, Golikova and Gordeev have already worked in previous governments.

Nine new ministers will appear in the government. Medvedev proposed to appoint to the post of Minister of Science and Higher Education Mikhail Kotyukov. The Ministry of Agriculture will be headed Dmitry Patrushev, Minister of Digital Development, Telecommunications and Mass Communications will be Konstantin Noskov. The Ministry of Construction will be headed Vladimir Yakushev, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations - Evgeny Zinichev.

Transport Minister will be Eugene Dietrich- Previously, he served as the first deputy head of the department. Ministry of Natural Resources will lead Dmitry Kobylkin- Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Alexander Kozlov, former Governor of the Amur Region, was appointed Minister for the Development of the Far East. The head of the Ministry for the North Caucasus will be Sergey Chebotarev.

Who will leave the government

12 people leave the Cabinet of Ministers, including the First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov and three vice-premiers: Dmitry Rogozin, Arkady Dvorkovich, Alexander Khloponin.

The head of the government apparatus will also leave his post Sergei Prikhodko who also served as Deputy Prime Minister. However, it will save space in the device, .

From the posts of ministers will leave:

  • Alexander Tkachev, who served as Minister of Agriculture;
  • Mikhail Men - construction and housing and communal services;
  • Nikolay Nikiforov - communications and mass communications;
  • Vladimir Puchkov - emergency situations;
  • Sergey Donskoy - natural resources and ecology;
  • Maxim Sokolov - transport;
  • Alexander Galushka - for the development of the Far East;
  • Lev Kuznetsov - for the North Caucasus.

Government structure

Your suggestions for new structure Medvedev presented the government on May 15. The head of the Cabinet said that it will not undergo significant changes. “Given that the current structure of the government has proven its efficiency, no fundamental changes, large-scale in the structure are proposed,” the head of government told the president.

The main changes in the structure of the Cabinet of Ministers:

  • The Ministry of Education and Science will be divided into the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education;
  • The Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations (FANO) will become part of the Ministry of Science;
  • Rosobrnadzor and Rosmolodezh will report directly to the government;
  • The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications is transformed into the Ministry of Digital Development. Its task, according to Medvedev, will be the implementation of the "digital agenda";
  • Russia's foreign trade missions will be transferred from the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Economic Development to the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Today, during a meeting with the head of state, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev presented Vladimir Putin with an updated list of ministers from his Cabinet. It should be noted that the renewal and redistribution of powers within the government, as well as the formation of new departments, as previously predicted by experts and political scientists, affected primarily the scientific and innovative and partly economic block, which fits into the course outlined by the president to accelerate the technological development of the economy and increase its level of digitalization. It is also necessary to note the changes in the composition of the vice-premiers in charge of the areas - their composition has undergone a significant change, also with an emphasis on the concentration of resources in key areas and greater specialization.

First, the division of the single Ministry of Education and Science into two more specialized departments attracts attention. The new structure of the government will form the Ministry of Education, headed by Olga Vasilyeva, and the new Ministry of Science and Higher Education, which will be led by Mikhail Kotyukov.

Leaving Vasilyeva at the head of the Ministry of Education, which will still have secondary education, as well as general issues related to educational activities, is very symbolic. And all of Vasilyeva's previous experience and her professional background speak in favor of the fact that she will be more effective precisely in the post of Minister of Education. Experts have long said that within the framework of the large and clumsy Ministry of Education and Science, where both school and university education and science were combined, efforts seemed to be evenly "smeared" across all sectors and were not concentrated on breakthrough areas.

The formation of a new Ministry of Science and Higher Education is long overdue - one can criticize the reform of the Russian Academy of Sciences a lot, but it is clear that the main path of integrating science into practical life lies only through cooperation with universities and institutions. Academic institutions cannot and should not close in on themselves, besides being habitually engaged in some kind of murky economic affairs. The experience of FASO, with all the costs and problems associated with the process, shows that the stage of inventory and establishing an elementary financial order as a whole has been passed and it is necessary to move forward. Mikhail Kotyukov, who became the new head of the Ministry of Higher Education, should, according to the idea of ​​the country's leadership, ensure continuity in this work and strengthen the integration of science and higher education.

The second interesting trend was the appointment of two people from the governor's corps as ministers. So, the Governor of the Amur Region Alexander Kozlov became the Minister for the Development of the Far East, the Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Dmitry Kobylkin will head the Ministry of Natural Resources, and the Governor of the Tyumen Region Vladimir Yakushev will head the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities.

The logic of these appointments is clear: Kobylkin, who has been in charge of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug for more than eight years, which in itself is one of the largest oil and gas producing regions of the country, knows better than anyone the problems of natural resources. Interestingly, Kobylkin headed the YNAO, which is part of the so-called Tyumen matryoshka - the only federal structure that has survived in the country, in which two full-fledged subjects of the federation - KhMAO and YNAO - are formally part of another region - the Tyumen region.

At the same time, the governor of the Tyumen region, Yakushev, also entered the new federal government. It should be noted that it was Yakushev who at one time replaced Sergei Sobyanin as head of the region, who left in 2005 for a promotion to Moscow to lead the Presidential Administration, and in this moment is the mayor of Moscow. If we talk about the new head of the Ministry for the Development of the Far East, Alexander Kozlov, then we must understand that it is the Amur Region that has become the flagship for the development of the entire Far East in recent years. It is here that the Vostochny cosmodrome is being built, it is in this region that as many as three priority development territories (TOR) are located, and colossal investments have been attracted to the Svobodny TOR - about 1.3 trillion rubles. Thus, the country's leadership, apparently, chose Kozlov's candidacy, based on the need to put at the head of the ministry, firstly, a local leader who knows the specifics of the regions, and secondly, the most successful of the Far Eastern governors.

On the other hand, we are witnessing the departure from the government as the relevant Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Khloponin, one of whose areas of responsibility was the supervision of the North Caucasus. Khloponin's nominee Lev Kuznetsov did not retain his post either - Sergey Chebotarev becomes the new Minister for the North Caucasus. Little is known about him: apparently, he is an experienced staff worker, the last position before being appointed is Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation for Interregional and Cultural Relations. It is obvious that the Kremlin decided to take tighter control over the financial and budgetary flows directed to the development of the regions of the North Caucasus, and to some extent "reset" relations with the local elites.

One of the most discussed recent times was the creation on the basis of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of a department focused on the implementation of a new course to increase the technological flexibility of the Russian economy and transfer it to "digital rails". The notorious digitalization has already outgrown the purely technological aspects of information technology and has become a management problem. The need to introduce IT solutions that provide a new quality of data transmission, tasks for the automation of production and Everyday life people will now be decided by the Ministry of Digital Development, Telecommunications and Mass Communications, headed by Konstantin Noskov.

From that moment on, the Ministry of Transport will be led by Yevgeny Dietrich, who was previously Deputy Minister Sokolov, who did not retain his post. For many years, Dietrich dealt with the problems of road construction, was the head of Rosavtodor, and also headed Rostransnadzor. It was Dietrich who oversaw the construction of the road segment Crimean bridge, which has become one of the key transport projects of modern Russia.

The Minister of Agriculture Alexander Tkachev could not keep his post either - now it will be the Chairman of the Board of Rosselkhozbank Dmitry Patrushev, who during his time as head of the RSHB was able to bring the bank among the leaders in terms of attracted customer funds (for example, the total portfolio of customer funds reached 2, 3 trillion rubles). It should be noted that Agriculture in recent years, especially as a result of the introduction of anti-sanctions restrictions, has shown explosive growth. Obviously, the country's leadership decided to expand and support the agricultural sector, and Patrushev's candidacy was selected based on this logic.

The heads of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Justice remained in their posts, which in general indicates satisfaction with their work on the part of the country's leadership. But the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations has changed: instead of Vladimir Puchkov, the department will be headed by Evgeny Zinichev, who previously held the position of deputy director of the FSB. It should be noted that the management of the Ministry of Emergency Situations has accumulated a lot of questions in recent years - numerous problems with the financing of departments in the regions, problems in fire supervision, financial abuse have led to the fact that the need for changes in the Ministry of Emergency Situations has become obvious even to people far from departmental realities. The appointment of a professional security officer to the post of minister, apparently, is intended to start the purges of the ministry and put in order its administrative and economic apparatus. Taking into account the fact that the Ministry of Emergency Situations has a number of supervisory functions and numerous media reports of their abuse, it is quite reasonable to expect future investigations with criminal cases against officials of the department.

The configuration of the bloc of vice-premiers is also changing. The most significant in this regard is the appointment of Anton Siluanov as First Deputy Chairman of the Government, while retaining the post of Minister of Finance. Traditionally, a person in the position of the first deputy chairman of the government is considered responsible for the entire financial and economic bloc. The appointment of Siluanov to it, as it were, indicates the fact that the emphasis in macroeconomic policy will be on issues of general budgetary stabilization and strengthening control over spending. At the same time, Igor Shuvalov, who had his own political and apparatus weight, was replaced by a typical technocrat Siluanov. If we talk about the economic bloc, it is noteworthy that the post of Minister of Economic Development was left to Maxim Oreshkin. At the same time, many structural changes in the government, the strengthening of the financial bloc, coupled with the formation of an updated Ministry of Communications, as well as the transfer of foreign trade missions to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, allow us to say that the Ministry of Economic Development directly does not have so many levers to influence the real economy - the focus is obvious is shifting towards industrial and IT ministries.

Also noteworthy is the second coming to the government of Alexei Gordeev, who, in the rank of vice-premier, will oversee agriculture. Gordeev is in general unique example a person who, relatively speaking, was "exiled" to a region that is not the most promising to raise the village and the economy. For many federal ministers, this would mean the end of their careers, but Gordeev achieved obvious success in his new position, turning Voronezh region into one of the leaders in the agro-industrial complex in the Central federal district, as a result of which he went on to be promoted, first as an plenipotentiary, and now as a specialized agricultural deputy prime minister.

Creation of two vice-premierships to supervise the social bloc and appointment as curator of health care, education and social policy Tatyana Golikova is explained by the start of the implementation of the large-scale program announced by President Putin to improve the living standards of the country's population and the new May decrees. About eight trillion rubles will be spent for these purposes, and Golikova, with her gigantic experience at the head of the Accounts Chamber, will be called upon to control the spending of these colossal funds.

Olga Golodets will be left with the sphere of culture and sports. By the way, the current ministers of sports and culture, Pavel Kolobkov and Vladimir Medinsky, remain in their posts, which can be assessed as satisfaction with the results of the work of these ministries. Throwing Golodets to sports (instead of Vitaly Mutko, who became the profile "vice" for construction) is also intended to turn the page of scandals around domestic sports. Regardless of how much Mutko was involved in doping problems, his name in international sports structures is closely associated with this topic. Moreover, it must be admitted that both in terms of style and the nature of his work, he is much closer to economic and construction topics. Whatever you say, but a whole list of world sporting events, starting from the Universiade and the Olympics and ending with the 2018 FIFA World Cup starting in Russia in less than a month, this is primarily a big construction work, which was supervised by Mutko.

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