In Russia, the Open Government was closed. Several vice-premiers and ministers will be replaced in the government

House of the Government of the Russian Federation Photo:

The inauguration of Vladimir Putin will take place on the afternoon of May 7. By tradition, in a few hours the president submits the candidacy of the prime minister for consideration by the Duma, then the first persons form the government within a few weeks. Thus, no later than the 20th of May, the country receives new office ministers. Until recently, it was believed that the cabinet could be radically updated, but the closer to the inauguration, the more often interlocutors NT in the government and the Kremlin they say that, most likely, the renewal will not be cardinal.

While changes will certainly be required, a new government cannot be formed from old faces, says a Kremlin source. Most likely, the weakest and most disgraced figures will leave, as well as those who have long and persistently shown a desire to change jobs. Who will leave, and who will remain in this case, correspondent NT I found out from officials of the presidential administration and the government, as well as in expert and business circles close to them.

Medvedev and his team

The main thing that the interlocutors agree on NT- Dmitry Medvedev, contrary to numerous rumors, will remain as prime minister. A high-ranking federal official, who even half a year ago did not rule out even Medvedev's early resignation, now says that "70%" Medvedev will remain prime minister. Other interlocutors of his prospects are much higher. The prime minister himself tells his acquaintances that he plans to continue working at his current place, says a person who often communicates with Medvedev.

Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry
Medvedev Photo:

There are two arguments in favor of Medvedev. First, despite some disagreements with Putin, they still have “very good relationship". “The president trusts him,” says an official close to the head of state. According to him, Putin appreciates that Medvedev resignedly agreed in 2011 to return power to him, although he did not really want to do this.

The second argument is related to the current foreign policy situation. After the announcement of new sanctions and even worse relations with the West, Putin does not want any serious changes at all, the interlocutors say NT. Government sources believe that many plans may be frozen for the next few years, including those related to reforms and personnel changes. In principle, Putin does not like changes, and now, when the economy is storming, they seem all the more inappropriate to him.

If Medvedev remains as prime minister, then most likely his inner circle will also remain with him. Primarily, we are talking about Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich close to him. However, Dvorkovich is unlikely to retain his current vast powers. “Perhaps you are overworked,” Putin told Dvorkovich last fall, criticizing cabinet members for the VIM-Avia scandal. The Deputy Prime Minister, in addition to the fuel and energy complex, also oversees transport.

The interlocutor in the government believes that many plans may be frozen for the next few years, including those related to reforms and personnel changes. Putin, in principle, does not like changes, and now, when the economy is storming, they seem all the more inappropriate to him.

Interlocutors NT a blow to Dvorkovich and a prerequisite for curtailing his powers is called the arrest of an oligarch close to him, a friend of student years, which received large government contracts for the construction of stadiums and airports.

There are too many important topics behind it, and there are too many who want to take on these powers, one of the interlocutors notes. According to him, if this is a condition for keeping one of the favorites in the Cabinet, then the prime minister will agree to this.

Deputy Prime Minister Arkady
Dvorkovich Photo:

Perhaps, in the new government, Dvorkovich will take up the topic of sports. Since the beginning of this year, he has been overseeing preparations for the World Cup. Previously, the relevant Deputy Prime Minister was deprived of these powers Vitaly Mutko, which actually remained out of work. Apparently, Mutko will not remain in the new government, interlocutors are sure NT. However, he did not give up the fight. Recently, Mutko came to Prime Minister Medvedev with a request to load him with work and give him the opportunity to somehow participate in the preparations for the World Cup, even if not in the rank of head of the organizing committee, as before, says a source in the government. According to him, Medvedev for some reason succumbed to these persuasions, and now the two vice-premiers are working together on one event.

Another comrade-in-arms of the prime minister, his press secretary Natalya Timakova, will probably remain in power. True, according to sources NT in the government apparatus, Timakova is tired of working with the media, and she asks for another front. For example, she applied for the post of Minister of Culture, says a source in the Kremlin. However, in his opinion, she is unlikely to receive this post due to difficult relationship with director Nikita Mikhalkov. Putin listens to his opinion on personnel policy in cultural sphere, and it is the director who owes Vladimir Medinsky his appointment.

Exodus of the Volodinskys

There is one minister in the government who meets several criteria for resignation at once - he has fallen out with important people in his industry, and his main lobbyist is in a difficult position himself. This is the minister of education. Olga Vasilyeva.

Vasilyeva is called very complex, extremely unrestrained and not always understandable to her colleagues. For example, her religiosity sometimes seems excessive, says the source (it is said that she even missed important meetings due to religious holidays). In addition, she did not have a relationship with a profile assistant and an old acquaintance of the president, Andrei Fursenko. Finally, not everyone in the government likes her commitment to the Soviet standard of education and her desire to reverse many of the reforms of the past decade.

Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva

The history of Vasilyeva's appointment is called mysterious by many. Already at the beginning of 2016, the country's leadership had an understanding that the former Minister of Education, the unpopular Dmitry Livanov, would have to be sacrificed before the autumn elections to the State Duma. But then there was a long pause, as there were difficulties with the selection of his successor. At that moment, according to the interlocutors, several Vasilyeva's lobbyists fussed, including the then Kremlin curator of domestic policy Vyacheslav Volodin - Vasilyeva worked under his leadership in the presidential department of public projects. Another subordinate of Volodin, the head of the same department, Pavel Zenkovich, moved to the Ministry as her deputy.

However, Volodin was not the only conductor of Vasilyeva to the highest authority - the Russian Orthodox Church interceded for her, and, in addition, she has good relations with the wife of the prime minister, Svetlana Medvedeva, one of the officials notes.

In addition to Vasilyeva, other creatures of Volodin will probably lose their posts in the government. Most talk about the departure of the Minister for Affairs Far East Alexandra Galushki

Vyacheslav Vododin

But in recent years, many difficulties have arisen. Sources NT earlier it was said that he stopped arranging Yuri Kovalchuk's group, influential and close to Vladimir Putin. After that, he was transferred to the speaker of the State Duma - this is formally a higher post, but now he has fewer administrative opportunities. The weakening of Volodin is also evidenced by the fact that soon after moving to the Duma, he lost control over the party " United Russia"- his protege Sergei Neverov was removed from the key post of Secretary of the General Council, in this position he was replaced by the former governor of the Pskov region Andrei Turchak. Now there are constant conflicts between the Duma and the party. In particular, Turchak did not support Volodin and the State Duma as a whole, who decided to defend the head international committee Leonid Slutsky, accused by journalists of harassment. Turchak said that if Slutsky were a member of United Russia, "we would figure it out quickly."

Therefore, it is likely that other creatures of Volodin will also lose their posts in the government. Most talk about the departure of the Minister for the Far East Alexandra Galushki. He comes from the All-Russian Popular Front created by Volodin and was imposed on the relevant Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Trutnev. Now the government is more and more inclined to believe that the territorial ministries are no longer needed, so Trutnev has a good reason to get rid of Volodin's protégé, says a source in the government.

Make way for the young

First Deputy Prime Minister Igor
Shuvalov Photo:

The government is talking about a possible change of officials who have been sitting in their places for a long time and would like to change jobs themselves. These primarily include the First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov: he has been in his current position for 10 years, and in total he has been in senior positions for more than 20 years. Shuvalov likes to say that he is not averse to changing jobs, the only question is who he will be after leaving the government, says an acquaintance of his: there are very few posts equal in status.

At the same time, the interlocutors NT We are confident that two key members of the financial and economic bloc of the government will retain their positions (or even go up) - a young minister economic development Maksim Oreshkin, who is described in the media as the President's favorite, and experienced Finance Minister Anton Siluanov.

Prikhodko is tired and does not feel interested in his current work. One of his subordinates said NT that he is preparing to leave, because he has an understanding that "the boss in the new government will not be preserved"

Asks to change the field of activity of the Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak- he came to the leadership of the country simultaneously with Vladimir Putin in 1999. AT recent times he periodically complained to his acquaintances that he did not feel in demand for his current position in the Cabinet and asked Vladimir Putin to entrust him with more specific work, the source says.

Vice Prime Minister and Chief of Staff
government Sergei Prikhodko

Another experienced official is the Deputy Prime Minister and the head of the government apparatus Sergei Prikhodko. He was appointed Assistant to the President back in 1997. Now there is a lot of talk about his possible resignation: Prikhodko is tired and does not feel interested in work. One of his subordinates said NT that he is preparing to leave, because he has an understanding that "the boss in the new government will not be preserved." In early February, he turned out to be a defendant in the investigation of Alexei Navalny - the oppositionist spoke about how the official rode a yacht with businessman Oleg Deripaska. However, this scandal is unlikely to affect the official's career, the source said.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei
Lavrov Photo:

The key post of foreign minister remains in question. Many media sources have previously reported on the possible departure of Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov - he has been in office for a long time and is not in the best physical shape. Interlocutors NT confirm that the configuration is being discussed in the entire foreign policy bloc, which also includes the presidential department for foreign policy (its head, Yuri Ushakov, has reached retirement age). Later, however, Kommersant reported that the minister would retain his post for another two or three years.

The problem of agriculture

Minister of Agriculture
Alexander Tkachev Photo:

The most relevant rumor in the government is about the resignation of the Minister of Agriculture Alexandra Tkacheva, say two sources in the cabinet. At the same time, none of the interlocutors knows exactly why Tkachev can be fired. Perhaps a more influential contender has appeared in his place, the interlocutors say.

Formally, everything is in order in Russia in this industry - last year, farmers grew a record harvest in the entire history of the country. Kachev even announced that American farmers were in a fever amid Russia's success. Moreover, participation in the congress of agricultural producers was included in the final part of Putin's election program - he came to the farmers less than a week before the elections, when his schedule included only the most important and positive events from an informational point of view.

In general, it is believed that anti-sanctions in the field of agriculture worked, says a person in the market, the products of Russian farmers were partially able to replace foreign ones, he notes. According to him, in these conditions it is difficult to say about the minister's incompetence.

On the other hand, with the implementation big harvest manufacturers have problems that the state is not yet able to solve. In addition, Tkachev has many opponents among other officials who understand agriculture. These are considered to be former minister Alexei Gordeev, who for a long time led Voronezh region, but recently returned to Moscow - he became the presidential envoy in the Central District. Therefore, it is possible that Tkachev's enemies will convince the president to replace the minister.

Weak and scandalous

Two more criteria for resignations, interlocutors say NT, is the absence of high-ranking intercessors from the minister or a large number of scandals associated with him.

Based on these criteria, at least two officials who do not have serious support may lose their posts. Sources NT referred to as the Minister of Labor Maxim Topilin and Minister of Communications Nikolai Nikiforov. For example, the latter is not taken seriously by presidential aide Igor Shchegolev. He did not play any role in loud scandal this year in the industry he oversees - in lockdown history. Although formally Roskomnadzor is subordinate to the Ministry of Communications, in fact, the head of the department, Alexander Zharov, coordinates his actions only with the Kremlin and the FSB, they note in a conversation with NT officials.

In general, Vladimir Putin will have to reshuffle - the country needs to demonstrate renewal amid growing problems, a source in the Kremlin says. No wonder the president used the phrase “new government” several times in his address to the Federal Assembly in March.

Previously interlocutors NT they said that, most likely, the minister of culture would lose his post Vladimir Medinsky. This is due to numerous scandals, including around his dissertation. The Kremlin's curator of domestic policy even decided to lobby his man for this post - the head of the public projects department, Sergei Novikov.

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin

Also in question is the fate of the curator of the military-industrial complex, vice-premier Dmitry Rogozin. Its prospects are doubtful due to the constant problems around, whose missiles regularly fall. Long time the problems of the industry were attributed to a bad legacy, but the patience of the country's leadership was running out, the interlocutors say.

Vladimir Putin will have to reshuffle - the country needs to demonstrate renewal amid growing problems, says a source in the Kremlin. No wonder the president used the phrase "new government" several times in his address to the Federal Assembly in March. Another thing is that no one set the criteria for such an update, so theoretically it will be possible to talk about it, even while retaining the backbone of the current government, adds a source in the White House.

The new government will not a large number new faces. Most likely, Dmitry Medvedev will again head the Cabinet.

Heads of state corporations may enter the government, and Andrei Belousov, an aide to the president, may become the first vice-premier.

Perhaps the return of "in power" Alexei Kudrin.

It is likely that Igor Shuvalov, Arkady Dvorkovich, Dmitry Rogozin, Vladimir Medinsky and some other officials will leave the government.

On Monday, May 7, the official inauguration ceremony of President Vladimir Putin, who has been elected for a fourth term, will take place. After the inauguration, the government will resign, and, in accordance with the law, a new cabinet should be formed within two weeks.

On Friday, May 4, presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the exact date for the nomination of a new prime minister is "the exclusive prerogative of the president of Russia." There is no reliable information about what will be the composition and structure of the new government.

Dmitry Peskov answered Gazeta.Ru's questions about candidates for the post of prime minister, about possible "losses" in the government and appointments to key posts, and answered briefly: "for the time being, ask such questions anyway."

There is no answer even to the question of what will be published first: the presidential decree on national development goals until 2024 (it is being prepared by the head of the presidential administration Anton Vaino) or the name of the new prime minister.

Against the background of the complete absence of official information, “Kremlin experts”, as well as numerous sources, are giving out more and more new versions of resignations and appointments. There is a consensus among political scientists on some positions.

Fourth term prime minister

Dmitry Medvedev is likely to retain the post of prime minister. In an interview with the Rossiya-1 TV channel on April 28, he made it clear that the government as a whole had fulfilled the tasks set by the head of state. That is, it worked well, and why then leave?

Secondly, Medvedev clearly stated: “Of course, I'm not going to go on vacation just yet. I am ready to work and will work where I can bring maximum benefit to my country.”

The maximum benefit is just the post of prime minister, not counting the post of president. And it's really early for him to rest now. Pension reform, for example, it's time to carry out. Medvedev said that the authorities are on the verge of a legislative discussion of raising the retirement age.

Finally, Medvedev invited former US President Barack Obama to look at the Russian economy "torn to shreds" as a result of the imposition of sanctions. The invitation to come to Russia suggests that Medvedev is inviting not as a private person, but as a prime minister.

Fractions in the State Duma are already preparing for a meeting with Dmitry Medvedev as a candidate for the post of Russian prime minister, RIA Novosti reported on May 4, citing a source in parliament.

Earlier, Gazeta.Ru has already reported that, according to most sources in the government and the Kremlin, the current prime minister will retain his post.

One well-informed source close to the Kremlin noted that Medvedev had successfully arranged work with the government for Putin. In addition, the emergence of a new prime minister would draw attention to him as a likely successor to the president in the 2024 elections, says another source familiar with the situation.

According to him, it is more logical to expect a repetition of the scheme run in at the end of Vladimir Putin's second presidential term. Then, de facto, two deputy prime ministers competed for the right to become a successor: Sergei Ivanov and Dmitry Medvedev.

If such a scenario is used this time as well, then the vice-presidents of the government will be under more scrutiny than the prime minister himself.

Where will the president send

If everything is more or less clear with the prime minister (although in fact the president can easily introduce another candidate), then with the deputy prime ministers it is much more interesting. According to sources, several deputies will leave the government at once.

In particular, we are talking about Igor Shuvalov, who has been in the civil service since 1998, and has been working as first deputy for almost 10 years. Sources and experts are sure that Shuvalov will not be in the new government.

The media named Shuvalov MSU as one of the possible places of work. However, two facts speak against this version at once. The term of office of the current rector of Moscow State University Viktor Sadovnichy expires only at the end of 2019. In addition, Igor Shuvalov may not have sufficient qualifications to manage scientific community- The Deputy Prime Minister did not defend his doctoral dissertation and has the scientific title of Candidate of Legal Sciences.

The most “popular” successor to Shuvalov is Andrey Belousov, presidential aide for economic affairs, who in the past headed the Ministry of Economic Development.

Whole Last year Belousov was busy preparing for Putin a six-year plan for the socio-economic development of the country, and in the spring, together with Anton Vaino, he worked on a decree defining " national goals development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024.

Shuvalov himself, in response to a direct question about his future, said that “I want to work where the president says,” adding that “I am glad for any job that the president will give.”

The plan provides for an increase in spending on healthcare, education and infrastructure by 10 trillion rubles, Bloomberg reported. Dmitry Peskov said that this figure is not true. The head of the Accounts Chamber, Tatyana Golikova, estimated the cost of the plan at 8 trillion rubles. Belousov admitted that the "budget maneuver" is being worked out.

It is possible to increase spending on "human capital" and infrastructure by reducing spending on defense and national security, experts say. This process has already begun in Russia. The latest report from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) recorded a 20% decline in defense spending in 2017.

"AT Russian army large-scale work on technical and technological renovation has been carried out. Basically, this process is completed. And therefore, the peak of expenses for technological re-equipment has been passed, ”Peskov explained the reduction in costs.

In addition, Belousov swung to reduce poverty and create a steady increase in real incomes of the population, which were declining in 2014-2017.

“This is an increase in real pensions, an increase in pensions above inflation, as the president said, and this is a halving of the poverty rate by 2024. These are also very tense goals, and they have to be achieved,” said the assistant to the head of state.

Applicants for the management of the military-industrial complex

During the May holidays, information appeared in the media that Igor Sechin, the head of Rosneft, could become deputy prime minister. The company promptly denied this rumor, saying that under the terms of the contract, he is obliged to work for the company for another two years.

Sechin's return to office is also doubtful because "" - for the first time in its history - announced plans to buy back its shares (buy-back) for $ 2 billion. The program will begin in the second quarter and will last until the end of 2020.

Another "vice" is called the head of "Rostec" Sergei Chemezov. He will oversee industry and the military-industrial complex instead of Dmitry Rogozin. He, as well as Arkady Dvorkovich, who is in charge of the agricultural industry, will probably have to leave the cabinet.

A transparent allusion to Dvorkovich's departure is contained in the arrest of Ziyavudin Magomedov, co-owner of the Summa group, a classmate of the Deputy Prime Minister. The Magomedov brothers (Ziyavudin and Magomed) are suspected of embezzlement, embezzlement and organizing a criminal community.

The place of Rogozin, as discussed, may also be taken by the current Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu, retaining the post of head of the defense department.

The Ministry of Defense, if Shoigu leaves him, may be headed by the governor of the Tula region, Alexei Dyumin, or the commander-in-chief of the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation, Sergei Surovikin.

Experts and the media draw good prospects for Denis Manturov - he can retain the post of head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and at the same time become deputy prime minister.
Ex-minister tipped to return

Aleksey Kudrin, who previously held the post of head of the Ministry of Finance and deputy prime minister, could also become deputy chairman of the government. Kudrin, who headed the Center for Strategic Research, was instructed to prepare the country's development strategy until 2024. The document was previously presented to the president, and in April of this year it was posted on the CSR website.

It is also likely that Kudrin may be instructed to create and head the Center for Efficiency government controlled who may report personally to the president. The ex-minister recently spoke with Dmitry Medvedev about how to modernize the state apparatus.

On Friday, May 4, the CSR presented the report "The State as a Platform", which contains proposals for the transition of the government "to digital". This will be done by the same Center, which will be led by a vice-premier or a minister.

There is a significant obstacle for Kudrin's return to the government. Him complicated relationship with Dmitry Medvedev. Medvedev in 2011, being the president of the Russian Federation, dismissed Kudrin from the government after a series of careless statements by the latter.

An alternative to a position in the Cabinet is a post in the presidential administration. british Financial Times citing her sources, she said that “under Kudrin” they would create the position of representative of the head of state on international economic cooperation- to restore relations with the West.

Kudrin himself has not decided whether he is ready to return to the government or not. “I’m not going back anywhere and I haven’t commented on this topic for a long time. In my opinion, all these newspaper ducks are ahead of the possible events that could happen, ”he said. Representatives of Kudrin do not comment on rumors about his "comeback".

Tolstoy as a mirror of Russian culture

The hottest disputes in the media space arise around the figure of Vladimir Medinsky: will he be reappointed as Minister of Culture or not? There are many claims: from a doctoral dissertation allegedly compiled by Medinsky to corruption scandals and the creation of non-competitive conditions for film distributors.

And if he leaves, who will take his place? It is possible that this is Vladimir Tolstoy, the president's adviser on cultural issues. Or the creature of film director Nikita Mikhalkov - State Duma deputy Elena Yampolskaya. A candidate from the opposite ideological camp, Natalia Timakova, the prime minister's press secretary, is also being "wooted" for the position of head of the Ministry of Culture.

Rumor makers "fire" the Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva. She may return to the presidential administration, becoming an adviser on interfaith relations. The topic of her doctoral dissertation is "The Russian Orthodox Church in the Politics of the Soviet State in 1943-1948".

Some experts "suggest" to divide the ministry into two - education, as well as the ministry of science and new technologies. Science will get a new lobbyist, although it is not certain that more money will be allocated from the budget for innovation. There is a “ready-made” applicant for the post of Minister of Science.

The list of possible contenders for the post of head of the Ministry of Education includes State Duma deputies Lyubov Dukhanina and Alena Arshinova and others. Among the “others”, Elena Shmeleva, director of the Sochi Sirius Center, co-chair of the campaign headquarters of presidential candidate Putin, is strong.

For the post of chief in science, the professional community will read ex-Minister of Education Dmitry Livanov, as well as the general director of the agency for strategic initiatives Svetlana Chupsheva.

After the tragedy in the Kemerovo shopping center "Winter Cherry", the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Vladimir Puchkov is the least likely to keep himself in the government. Doping scandals make the prospects of staying in the government of Vitaly Mutko miserable. The crisis in the air transportation market, caused by the bankruptcy of VIM-Avia, will cost Maxim Sokolov the post of Minister of Transport. His place may be taken by the head of Russian Railways, Oleg Belozerov, or the head of Aeroflot, Vitaly Savelyev.

The social block is likely to get a new leader. The "vice-premier's" chair of Olga Golodets will be given to one of the "strong female leaders." Sources talk about the head of the Accounts Chamber Tatyana Golikova, the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko. Among the candidates there are also non-obvious people. For example, State Duma deputy Olga Batalina.

Only three positions remain relatively strong in the new Cabinet: Finance Minister Anton Siluanov, who is gaining weight, the smiling Minister of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin, and the elder of the Foreign Ministry, 68-year-old Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. The last of them will leave, if only he asks for rest. Instead, sources tipped Dmitry Peskov.

However, everyone knows that Putin rarely makes appointments under pressure. public opinion and loves to surprise. Old and new ministers will have to take on “unpopular” decisions, from raising the retirement age to introducing new taxes. This makes the prospects of the new Cabinet of Ministers to hold out for all six years illusory.

There is an opinion that the resignation of the government after the elections is a purely procedural phenomenon. Often Russians do not even notice it.

According to the law, the newly elected president presents the candidature of the chairman of the government to the State Duma within 2 weeks after taking office. After approval, the prime minister submits proposals to the head of state on the structure of federal executive bodies within a week, and also proposes candidates for the positions of deputy prime minister and federal ministers.

Political scientists believe that such a legislative loophole would be useful for the new term of Vladimir Putin, if he again becomes president in the elections in March. Therefore, changes in the government, in their opinion, are inevitable. However, their scale is still difficult to assess.

By the way, the same is said by sociologists who have long recorded negative attitudes towards the government in society, in particular towards the prime minister.

“Society needs change. A number of studies show that all the negative that exists among the inhabitants of Russia regarding the situation inside the country and in domestic politics, is often associated precisely with the figure of the prime minister. So from this point of view, the resignation of the government and the prime minister will make some sense,” said the sociologist. Alexey Novikov.

The main task of such changes is the fight against stagnation, including the rotation of Putin's "friends" under his patronage - the so-called "Politburo 2.0", the inter-clan struggle in which can lead to a serious crisis in the country.

“The results of this inter-clan struggle cannot be predicted, since they depend not only on the objective alignment of forces, but also on Putin’s personal attitude towards certain characters. On the other hand, he is interested both in maintaining the balance and in expanding Politburo 2.0. This will dictate possible changes in the government,” the political scientist noted. Sergey Komaritsyn.

Changes can be dictated by the course taken for rejuvenation. However, new "bright" politicians should not be expected, experts are sure. Most likely, these will be the same technocrats who unquestioningly carry out the orders of the president and easily fit into the vertical of power.

“The general course of personnel policy in the new government will most likely be the same as “young technocrats” will appear. At the same time, everyone does not understand very well who these "technocrats" are? There are some meanings that are very beneficial from the point of view of propaganda - focus on tasks, manufacturability, the absence of clan ties. But exact definition never heard from the authorities,” the political scientist said. Viktor Poturemsky.

For the Russians themselves, the change of government may have a positive function and the hope that the head of state will take a course other than foreign policy, but on the inside, says sociologist Alexei Novikov.

As for Dmitry Medvedev specifically as prime minister, experts here are sure that no scandals around his personality will be able to influence Putin's decision. The President will be guided by personal disposition even to the detriment of the common cause, political scientists are sure.

“Medvedev is a very weak prime minister. But here the question is about obligations, a common biography and personal relationships. If Medvedev really wants to stay in the prime minister's chair, Putin will leave him, despite the fact that this harms the cause. In the demonstration - in the sense of early resignation before the elections - Putin is not very interested; She doesn't add much to him. But it can cause a little psychological trauma to Medvedev. Putin will not offend Medvedev,” said the political scientist Sergey Komaritsyn.

It cannot be ruled out that, in fact, the prime minister is a convenient “whipping boy” on whom all the popular negativity is poured. And Dmitry Medvedev, experts are sure, copes with this role very well. In this regard, it would be irrational to reform the government and subordinate it directly to the president, although there has been a lot of talk about this scenario lately.

“If the question is about whether he can do it technically, then yes, he probably can. If the question is about whether it is worth doing it, then most likely not. Because in this case, all responsibility for what is happening in the country will be transferred to him and, accordingly, all the negativity of voters, which now concerns Medvedev’s person, will be transferred to the head of state,” the sociologist emphasized. Alexey Novikov.

“Medvedev is extremely convenient as a lightning rod through which a protest against the federal government escapes. The model is established. There are no external reasons for its change yet. I think that it will remain after the elections. There are scenarios that could affect his departure following the results of the March elections, but so far these scenarios are unlikely,” the political scientist said. Viktor Poturemsky.

As one of these possible scenarios in the media they call the unification of the Supreme and Constitutional Courts. If the reform takes place, then it is likely that Medvedev will head the "super court". However, experts are sure that little will change for him in this case.

“The problem of status for Medvedev has only psychological significance. His real position under Putin will remain the same as it is now, regardless of the position, ”the political scientist noted. Sergey Komaritsyn.

Little will change in the post of prime minister. According to experts, another prime minister will not be much different from the previous one.

Thus, it is unlikely that a woman will become the prime minister, despite the fact that the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko and the head of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina are increasingly appearing in the federal media in connection with this topic.

It should not be expected that a person with a bright political coloring will come to the Russian government. According to Krasnoyarsk political scientists, this can happen only in one case.

“For 18 years we had “technical” premieres (during the “tandem” period – a “technical” president). Why should this change? When Putin starts thinking about a successor, then a person with different characteristics will appear,” the political scientist argues. Sergey Komaritsyn.

If, for various reasons, we are still talking about replacing Medvedev, then his position could well be taken by a politician from Krasnoyarsk.

“Of the current government, the most prepared for such a role is our fellow countryman Alexander Novak. He has all the prerequisites for this - a biography, work at the level of a large corporation, a region, federal ministries, experience, knowledge, abilities, international fame, the magnitude of the current tasks, closeness, and - which is very important - in his current capacity he is Putin's undisputed nominee." , the political scientist suggested Sergey Komaritsyn.

There may also be changes in the ruling United Russia party. It is already known that it will be rebranded. It is possible that management can also change. The need for these changes was loudly declared by Putin's self-nomination in the elections.

“If this statement is understood in terms of public political communication, then it means, in essence, a simple thing: United Russia does not provide the incumbent with a significant advantage in the elections. Actually, everything that follows after this is rebranding. You can try to follow the logic further - this, in turn, may mean that the party, under the existing leadership, does not solve the tasks assigned to it, ”said the sociologist Alexey Novikov.

However, according to experts, not only United Russia, but the entire party system of the country needs such a rebranding.

“What is happening now in the presidential elections shows a deep crisis in which literally all political parties find themselves. We built and built the party system, developed it in order to get a shortage of party candidates, replacements, non-participation in the main elections of the country. Plus Putin's self-nomination. The need for reforms of the party system and rebranding of parties is overripe and inevitable,” the political scientist said. Viktor Poturemsky.

Obviously, there is no need to wait for a "reset" of power after the elections: rather, it will be re-elections. But it is also obvious, experts say, that first of all the old new president will have to figure out what internal political tasks the government will solve and with what help. However, we can safely say that after the elections the dynamics of political and economic events in the country will increase significantly.

Photo: Aleksander Khitrov, Dmitry Medvedev, Reuters, Dmitry Koshcheev, Kremlin

Implementation of open government mechanisms in work Russian authorities power will continue. Now the main burden associated with the implementation of this task will fall on the shoulders of the ministries and departments themselves and their heads, as well as the heads of regional government agencies. The foundation for creating a system of open government at all levels of government was laid during 6 years of the implementation of the Open Government project. Under the leadership of the Minister of the Russian Federation for Open Government Mikhail Abyzov, the necessary regulatory and methodological base to introduce the principles of openness and transparency in the work of ministries and departments, effective mechanisms of public control and interaction with the expert community have been launched, and the foundations of a new culture of communication with the authorities have been laid. There are a number of important tasks on the agenda - to make the interaction between citizens and officials more technological and faster, and to make information about the work of departments relevant and understandable, to provide a new quality feedback at the expense digital technologies and continue to involve businesses and citizens in government decision-making.

The Open Government project was launched 6 years ago in 2012, at a time when the demand for a new format of interaction between government and society was as high as ever. When creating the "Open Government" system, the task was set to build fundamentally new mechanisms of state administration for Russia. They were supposed to replace the traditional, but already exhausted, bureaucratic model of state administration. In an open state, the expert community, civil society, business and government agencies should work together, work together to develop balanced, compromise and mutually beneficial solutions. This new culture of interaction, in turn, is designed to increase the efficiency of the entire state machine.

When launching the Open Government project, a number of specific tasks were set: to provide feedback between officials and citizens, to involve the professional, expert and business community in the preparation of government decisions, to make the work of ministries and departments transparent and understandable, to create effective institutions of public control. 10 mechanisms of openness, fixed in the Standard of openness of ministries and departments, which was approved by the government in early 2014, are aimed at solving them. Most these tasks have been achieved - openness has become an important element of the daily work of officials. Nevertheless, these are only the first steps to change the culture of the civil service, communication between the authorities and the citizen, this work will be continued.

The Government of the Russian Federation became the main platform for interaction with the expert community and for peer review of draft documents and regulations under preparation. The participation of this structure in the development of key decisions has become an integral part of the work of the Cabinet of Ministers. 365 members of the council and more than 2,000 involved experts actively participate in the work of the council. In 2012–2017, the Expert Council prepared more than 1,200 opinions on key issues of the country's socio-economic development.

Another important result of the work of the Open Government was the launch of the portal, which gave society, business and the media the opportunity to participate in rule-making activities. About 50 thousand draft acts are posted on the portal for discussion, comments can be sent online, and they are in without fail should be reviewed by the authority. In addition, the expert and business community got the opportunity to evaluate in advance the effects of the adoption of certain acts on the business environment. To this end, the Regulatory Impact Assessment Institute has been launched. Despite a number of comments on the operation of these tools, their very existence is unprecedented in world practice.

The government as a whole has become more open: the quality of interaction with the media has improved, decisions, minutes and transcripts of key meetings are posted on official websites. Ministries and departments publish declarations of goals and objectives and report on their implementation, disclose information on their websites in accordance with the requirements established by law.

The project "", which the Open Government launched jointly with the Ministry of Finance in 2013, is called upon to make the budget policy of the state clearer. The document, in which the budget is set out in an understandable and accessible form for everyone, is now sent to the State Duma along with the main bill on the budget. Also, all 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation publish their regional budgets in an understandable form, and citizens have the opportunity to participate in the budget process.

One of the key mechanisms that ensures increased openness and accountability of government bodies has become the “reset” of the institution under federal executive bodies. Civil society has received clear and effective tools of public control. According to the new rules, the formation of councils takes place exclusively on a competitive basis, from candidates from non-profit organizations represented by the Expert Council under the government and the Public Chamber, and their powers have been significantly expanded. In accordance with the new rules, 36 public councils. They have ceased to be "pocket" or affiliated with the heads of ministries. They provide an alternative point of view on solving industry problems and promote their socially significant agenda.

A significant breakthrough has been made in the work of government agencies since. A huge array of government data is published in a machine-readable form - so that developers can create applications and services that are useful for citizens. Open data is the main fuel of modern digital public administration, without which the formation of a digital economy is impossible. To date, more than 20 thousand data sets have been hosted on the Unified Open Data Portal, and about 200 successful services based on them have been launched. Thanks to the placement of information in the form of open data, such a direction as an independent assessment of the quality of socially significant services is actively developing.

Really serious work has been done over 6 years, the foundation has been laid, which has made openness an integral element of the daily work of the heads of ministries and departments and the Cabinet of Ministers as a whole. Prepared at the site of the Government Commission for Coordinating the Activities of the Open Government guidelines made it possible to organize a system of open government not only at the federal, but also at the regional and municipal levels. The first beneficiaries of the use of effective public control and public councils, high-quality disclosure of information about the policy pursued by the department, established feedback with the main reference groups are the heads of ministries and departments themselves, who began to receive not only feedback from this, but also dividends in the form of quality improvement their work and the trust of society,” says Mikhail Abyzov, Minister of the Russian Federation for Open Government.

In the format of the Open Government - with the involvement of all interested parties - a priority program is being implemented to reform the control and oversight activities, curated by Mikhail Abyzov. business accepts Active participation in the development of all decisions provided for by the program, and the project itself is designed to increase the transparency and understandability of the system of state control and supervision for entrepreneurs. Understanding what requirements and how they are presented to him, the entrepreneur will fulfill them more efficiently, thereby ensuring greater security for citizens and the state as a whole. The measures envisaged by the reform, among other things, will reduce the unreasonable administrative burden on business and increase the efficiency of state control as one of the components of the public administration system.

Russian President Vladimir Putin highly appreciated the functioning of the Open Government system, summing up the work of the government for 6 years during a meeting with members of the Cabinet on the eve of his inauguration.

A distinctive feature of the current government is openness and a spirit of dialogue, constructive interaction with the parliament and regions, reliance on civil society, building feedback mechanisms and the desire to support and expand the involvement of people in the affairs of the country. It is important to maintain and develop such modern approaches and in general to ensure the continuity of work, continuity and consistency in the development of the country, including a clear working rhythm in the upcoming period of the formation of a new government,” the head of state said.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev determined the format for further implementation of openness instruments, the basis of which should be work in ministries and departments, as well as at the regional level.

Every person wants to be respected by the state. He wants to be heard every day - in his region, in every municipality. Otherwise, the state simply cannot be either a reliable partner or an assistant,” the Prime Minister emphasized.

The main areas of government activity, according to Dmitry Medvedev, will be prepared as openly as possible, the work will be discussed with experts, civil society, business community.

The main work related to the introduction of openness tools will now be carried out directly by the federal executive authorities and their leaders.

Based on this, the position of the relevant minister responsible for the formation of the Open Government system, in new structure the Cabinet of Ministers is not expected, the system has already been created and is functioning effectively. The work on introducing the principles of open public administration will have to be carried out by each minister as part of their professional activities, ensuring information openness, opportunities for public control and expert discussion of decisions made by the ministry,” says Natalya Timakova, press secretary of the Prime Minister.

Among the main directions within the framework of the Open Government project for the next 6 years are the development of digital public administration mechanisms and the creation of a unified digital environment of state Internet resources according to the “one-stop shop” model, the development of a unified communication policy of authorities, the development of sectoral plans to increase openness, the publication of projects regulatory legal acts of the regional and municipal levels.

The structure and format of the Open Government system is still being discussed, but the Expert Council under the Government and the Department for the formation of the Open Government system will be retained with a reorientation towards the reform of control and oversight activities.

Where did I get such information from? And today, a poll conducted by RAMIR was announced on the radio regarding the forthcoming adoption in the State Duma of the draft law prepared by the Government of D. Medvedev and not yet stopped by the President on raising the retirement age for both men and women. , our charming powerful cavaliers like L. Slutsky,) they want to remove women from their well-deserved pension for eight years, and men - only for five. But in an interview with yesterday's Izvestia, Secretary of the Public Chamber Valery Fadeev either played a joke, or spoke with complete seriousness. They say, “In my opinion, it is insulting for a woman at the age of 55 to receive what is called an old-age pension. I am 57 years old, and I hope that at 60 I will still be able to work.” True, I forgot to add a statesman, equated with the elite of bureaucracy, that he will be provided with work, he will not be like ordinary others. And "offensive" - ​​why is it swearing? Because the officials upper class, to which the Secretary of the Public Chamber belongs, pensions are not like those, excuse me, "cattle." They are calculated according to other Laws, "thieves", and not from Pension Fund they are paid, and go in a special line in the budget. (Deputies of the capitalist system have such communist benefits)

In the title, I did not mean personally Putin, but his, and the State Duma and government policy. Here Putin and Medvedev are lawyers by education. And Oleg Smolin, Academician, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science yesterday, on the Komsomolskaya Pravda radio, sharply opposed the increase in the age of pensions. The Deputy is not ignorant. A scientist, a practitioner, knows both science and production firsthand. What did he say. Back in 1995, the government sent a bill to the State Duma to raise the retirement age. But he didn't move. At that time, his social rottenness was understood. And now, after the triumphant re-election of V. Putin as President, at the time of the triumphant World Cup, it was finally decided to move him. In his Decree, V. Putin determined in the near future average age in the Russian Federation at the age of 78. But for some reason he was cautious in connection with this and promised an increase in the retirement period. True, State Duma deputy Smolin recalled that Putin had repeatedly assured the population that under his presidency, an increase in the retirement period would not occur. He assured - he promised! But promise - not to marry. Smolin is surprised that the main argument is the lack of money.

However, as an informed State Duma deputy reported, she recently adopted amendments to the budget. Due to high gas prices, it was increased by 1 trillion 800 billion rubles. Of this money, it was decided by the deputies to spend only 5% on science and education. And pensioners have not been allocated even a ruble from these riches. Didn't they earn? Didn't they deserve it?

Another deputy on the radio said yesterday. He calculated that as a result of the adoption of the Law on Early Retirement, there will be one and a half million unemployed. Novykh. He, Smolin, asked the initiator of the long-standing increase in the retirement age, "friend" Kudrin, how to employ them? Jobs will not appear immediately. Kudrin replied that he did not know, because he was just an "accountant".

Smolin recalled that, in Russia, although we are equal to Europe, rhetorically, we are lagging behind in terms of average age. (We are in the second hundred.) From all countries, not only from Monaco, where it is already 89 years old. And not by 2024, Putin's year, but today. And their pensions, Smolin said, are average - 2800, 3400 euros each, even in Greece 930 euros. In Poland, even average pensions are twice as large as in Russia...

And another convincing, I would say, just a terrible argument against the new Bill. The academician stated that with the adoption of the Law, 50% of workers will not live to see their pensions. But isn't this a demographic catastrophe? Ahead? If the bill "United Russia" is approved ...

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