Flora and fauna of the Kaliningrad region. Dancing Forest on the Curonian Spit: What secret do the dancing trees of this anomalous place keep? What trees grow in Kaliningrad

The Kaliningrad region is a unique region of Russia. First of all, due to its geographical location. In our article you will find a description of the nature of the Kaliningrad region, with photos and a story about the most interesting places. In particular, you will learn about the relief, climate, flora and fauna of the region.

Kaliningrad region: geographical location and diversity of nature

The Kaliningrad region is home to more than one million Russians. It is located in Eastern Europe and is an exclave of the Russian Federation, that is, it has no land borders with its main territory. The region borders on Poland (in the south) and Lithuania (in the north and east). From the west it is washed by the waters of the Baltic Sea.

The diversity of nature in the Kaliningrad region is simply amazing. Here, on a relatively small piece of land, you can see various types of landscape: sand dunes, coniferous forests, oak groves, lakes, swamps, lush meadows ... The territory of the region is densely dotted with rivers, streams and streams, and its bowels hide real riches.

About the nature of the Kaliningrad region, its relief, climate, flora and fauna, we will now tell in more detail.

Relief and minerals

The relief of the region is predominantly flat (see the map below). The maximum heights (up to 230 meters) are located in the southeastern part of the region, where the Vishtynetskaya Upland enters the borders of the Kaliningrad Region. Some areas of land are located below sea level. Most of them are in the Slavsky district. These are the so-called polders - lands under the constant threat of flooding. The average height of the surface of the region above the ocean level is only 15 meters.

Another unique feature of the nature of the Kaliningrad region is the presence of real sand dunes within it. They are found on the Baltic and Curonian spits. The largest of these dunes reach a height of 50-70 meters.

The bowels of the Kaliningrad region are rich in various minerals. The main wealth of the region is, of course, amber. According to geologists, about 90% of the reserves of the planet's "sun stone" are contained here. In addition to amber, the Kaliningrad region has deposits of oil, brown coal, rock and potash salts, phosphorites, sand and peat.

Climate and surface waters

The climate of the Kaliningrad region is transitional from maritime to temperate continental. The Baltic Sea has a significant impact on the weather and climate conditions of the region. Thus, average annual temperatures decrease from +7.5 °C in the southwest of the region to +6.5 °C in its northeastern part. In summer, the air here warms up to +22…26 °C, and in winter the thermometer can drop to –15…–20 °C. True, both prolonged heat and prolonged frosts are not typical for this region.

The average annual amount of precipitation ranges from 600 to 750 mm. Most of them fall in summer and autumn. The snow cover does not last long. In autumn, storm winds often blow over the region, especially windy weather is typical for the coastal zone.

The Kaliningrad region has a dense and well-developed river network. In total, 148 rivers flow through its territory. The largest of them are Neman and Pregolya. The basins of these two rivers cover almost the entire territory of the region. There are quite a lot of lakes in the southeastern part of the region. The largest among them - Vishtynetskoye - is located on the border with neighboring Lithuania.

Flora and fauna

The flora of the Kaliningrad region includes about 1250 species of higher vascular plants. Many of them were brought here from other regions, in particular from the Crimea and the Caucasus. The total forest cover of the territory reaches 18%. The most forested eastern regions of the region are Chernyakhovsky, Nesterovsky and Krasnoznamensky. On the Curonian and Baltic spits, artificially planted forests perform an important function of containing sands migrating deep into the continent.

All forests in the region are secondary, they were planted in the XVIII-XIX centuries. The main forest-forming species are spruce and pine. Birches, maples, oaks, hornbeams, lindens are also common. In Zelenogradsky and Pravdinsky districts, there are patches of beech forest, and near Zelenogradsk itself there is a grove of black alder.

The fauna of the Kaliningrad region has over 700 different species, of which 325 species are birds. The largest representative of the animal world is the elk. There are roe deer, deer, fallow deer, wild boars, predators - ermines, foxes and martens. Wolves were exterminated by the 70s of the last century.

curonian spit

An amazing corner of the nature of the Kaliningrad region is the Curonian Spit, located in the northwestern part of the region. This is a narrow strip of land, stretching for almost 100 km from Zelenogradsk to the Lithuanian Klaipeda. The width of the spit does not exceed 2 km. The national park founded here became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2000. The most interesting natural monuments on the Curonian Spit are the Efa dune, the famous "Dancing Forest" and the beautiful Swan Lake.

Vishtynetskoye lake

This reservoir is called the European Baikal for its depth, reaching 54 meters. The lake is the border between Lithuania and the Kaliningrad region of Russia. The purest water, remoteness from large settlements, the richest avifauna - all this makes Lake Vishtynets an excellent place for a relaxing holiday and unity with nature.

red forest

In the southeastern part of the region is the legendary Rominten (or Red Forest) - a huge forest area of ​​360 km2. The beauty of this piece of nature in the Kaliningrad region was duly appreciated by the German nobles, who, since the time of the Teutonic Order, have been organizing Sunday hunting here. Rominten is an alternation of hills, dark hollows and picturesque forest lakes, formed during the Ice Age.

One of the advantages of the region is the fact that it is located near the sea coast, which is considered ice-free. The uniqueness of natural objects is headed by the Curonian Spit. The Vistula Spit is also populated with an interesting diversity. Almost the entire area is represented by a low plain, due to which an excess of moisture prevails to a greater extent.

The nature of the region is characterized by humidity, flat landscape and low relief. Large reservoirs - Curonian and Vistula, boast a large number of fish. They are below sea level. Of the main minerals, amber can be noted, which is found on the coasts of the Kaliningrad Bay and the peninsula.

Flora of the Kaliningrad region

Mixed and coniferous forests predominate in this region, while broad-leaved forests were cut down in this area several centuries ago. The most wooded area is the eastern part of the region. The Red Forest is distinguished by a special sophistication and diversity. Plant species such as violet, toadflax or oxalis are found here. Pine trees predominate in the region.

The basis of the flora in this area is made up of such species as oak, birch, spruce, and maple. In this area, you can often see other hardwoods - beech, linden, alder and ash. There is even a black alder grove with unique species of trees. On the territory of the region there are many swamps, which, as a rule, are located in the interfluves. Medicinal plants can often be found there, as well as a variety of berries such as blueberries, blueberries or lingonberries. In addition, cranberries and cloudberries can be found in the same swampy area. There are also mushrooms. It is important to note that some types of mushrooms of the region are listed in the Red Book, as they are rare. Some species of mosses and lichens, iris, and lily are also protected. All these plants are valuable for the Kaliningrad region.

Fauna of the Kaliningrad region

Animals in the region are diverse. Predators, rodents and animals from the category of ungulates inhabit the Kaliningrad region. One of the largest inhabitants is the elk. Roe deer and fallow deer also live. It is noteworthy that the number of roe deer is several thousand, and deer number in the hundreds. Sika deer also live in this area, however, there are a small number of them here, but they are very valuable representatives of the fauna.

Often, a wild boar lives in the region, which, although it is a rather rare animal for those parts, is still present in small numbers anyway. But in the forest region there are many ermines, martens, foxes, which are very diverse. Ferrets are no less common.

It is noteworthy that for some time now such a wild predator as a wolf has no longer been a frequent inhabitant in the regions of Kaliningrad, since 50 years ago they were killed by hunters, although representatives of these predatory animals are still found in the forests, but they are becoming less and less. Of the rodents, beavers, muskrats and even squirrels live in the forests. These animals are brightly colored and have beautiful coats.

It is interesting that birds migrate to the Kaliningrad region from other regions. In particular, the territory is inhabited by birds from northern Europe. In total, there are about 140 species of such migratory birds.

Climate in the Kaliningrad region

The climate in the Kaliningrad region is maritime. As a rule, January is the coldest month, and July is the warmest. Snow prevails in the area for a short time, as well as heat and severe frosts. The average temperature is about +20 degrees in summer and -10 degrees in winter. The average air temperature is +7-10 degrees. Precipitation per year falls up to 700 mm, so, for example, almost half of the year in the region is cloudy and it rains. There are also plenty of sunny days - about two months throughout the year. In autumn, winds with a storm often occur in the region, which is due to the geographical location of the region.

The Kaliningrad region is represented by a plain. The climate is transitional from maritime to. It rains about 185 days a year. The hot or frosty period is short, the snow does not last long.

About 148 rivers with a length of more than 10 km, 339 rivers with a length of 5 km flow through the region. The biggest hands are Neman, Pregolya. There are 38 lakes on the territory. The largest is Vishtynetskoye Lake.

Vishtynetskoye lake

Vegetable world

In this area, mainly and. The largest number of forests is in the east. Most of the trees are pines.


In the Red Forest there are violets, toadflax, sour.




Of the trees, there are also oaks, birch, spruce, maple. Hardwoods - beech, linden, alder, ash.




On the territory there are medicinal plants, berries - blueberries, blueberries,.



Cranberries and cloudberries grow in swampy areas.



Mushrooms grow in the region, some are listed in the Red Book. Some of the mosses and lichens, iris and lilies are included in it.

Some plants that were brought from other places on the planet. One of these representatives is ginkgo biloba.

This tree is considered a "living fossil". It can reach a height of 40 meters.

The tulip tree growing in the Moritz Becker Park is the only specimen. He is over 200 years old. The trunk of the tree is forked, the leaves are large, it blooms in late June with yellow-orange flowers.

Red oak is from the eastern United States. An adult tree reaches up to 25 m in height. The trunk is covered with gray bark. Flowering occurs simultaneously with the blooming of the leaves. Oak is frost resistant. This species is a symbol of the Kaliningrad region.

red oak

The Rumelian pine is native to Europe. It is decorative.

Robinia pseudoacacia is a fast growing tree, resistant to drought. Popularly called white acacia. The tree can reach up to 30 meters, the average height is 20.

Robinia locust

Bear onion is a local representative of the flora. Listed in the Red Book. It has a specific smell, similar to garlic. It contains vitamins and microelements.

bear bow

Girlish grapes triostreny brought from the Far East. It grows slowly, hard to endure winter. In autumn, the clusters acquire a rich scarlet hue. This grape is listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.

Animals of the Kaliningrad region

The area is inhabited by predators, rodents, and ungulates. One of the big animals is the elk.


There are also roe deer and fallow deer. Several thousand roe deer and several hundred deer live on the territory. Sika deer are rare and valuable species.



Wild boars are rare animals for this region, nevertheless they are found. The area is inhabited by many ermines, martens, foxes, ferrets.




A fox


Of the wild predators, wolves are rarely seen. Rodents - beavers,.




The lynx is found in the forests. Due to poachers, the number of individuals has decreased.


Evening small lives in deciduous forests and parks. A very rare sight. Lives mostly in tree cavities. After sunset, he flies out to hunt.

Birds of the Kaliningrad region

Birds - about 140 species, some species are extremely rare.

The red kite breeds only in this area. It can be found from March to September. It feeds on small reptiles, fish, carrion.

red kite

The serpent eagle belongs to the hawk family, the species is under the threat of extinction. Lives in pine and mixed forests.


The peregrine falcon is a species from the falcon family. Rare individuals winter in the Kaliningrad region.

peregrine falcon

Fish in the Kaliningrad region

There are up to 40 fish in the reservoirs. Of the marine species, there are Baltic herring, sprat, flounder, and Baltic salmon.



Baltic salmon

The Forest Agency has recorded 11 natural monuments on the territory of Kaliningrad. Among them - the park of the regional ecological and biological center of students and the arboretum of the zoo. The remaining nine are individual plants, each unique in its own way. Unusual trees and shrubs were brought back in the last century for the landscaping of Koenigsberg, and then - Kaliningrad.

ginkgo biloba

Distribution area

Homeland - Southeast China, over the centuries, ginkgo has spread to Western, Eastern Europe and North America.

How to find out

Fan-shaped leaves;

Ginkgo is a dioecious plant: male specimens pollinate female specimens with their pollen. In autumn, yellowish seeds ripen on part of the tree, which resemble an apricot in shape.

Where to look

Kaliningrad, Prospekt Mira 89; st. Kutuzova 22; st. M. Raskovoy 5; Kaliningrad Zoo (at the main entrance).

Spruce prickly blue columnar

Distribution area

Homeland - North America, now the plant can often be found in Eastern Europe.

How to find out

Reaches a height of 20-40 meters;

The branches are directed towards the sun.

Where to look

Kaliningrad, st. Gogol 3.

Catalpa beautiful, catalpa lilac

Distribution area

North America, China, Japan, Western India.

How to find out

Small tree or large shrub with cream colored flowers;

Catalpa fruits are green "earrings" or "icicles" up to 40 centimeters in length.

Where to look

Kaliningrad, st. L. Tolstoy, 3; st. Transcaucasian, 19.

Yew berry

Distribution area

In Russia - mainly in the Caucasus, outside the country - in the Baltic States, Central and Atlantic Europe, Africa, Syria, Iran, Southern Scandinavia.

How to find out

An old yew tree or shrub can reach 15 meters. Yew is a long-liver. The oldest tree grows in Scotland, next to the church of the village of Fortingale. According to legend, Pontius Pilate was born in the shade of this yew.

Yew seeds are covered with a red fleshy shell, which makes them look like berries. That is why the plant got its name.

The leaf has a lanceolate shape, on top of it is a longitudinal vein.

Yew berry is listed in the Red Book of Russia and the Kaliningrad region. A couple of centuries ago, it was very common in vast areas of Europe and Asia, but the strength and healing properties of its bark became fatal for it. The man ruthlessly cut down the plant and used it to build housing. The yew was especially valued during mass epidemics for its antibacterial properties.

The bark, seeds and leaves of the plant contain a poisonous substance - an alkaloid, and therefore are deadly for animals and humans.

Where to look

Kaliningrad, st. Chkalova, 44; Botanical Garden of the IKBFU Kant, Kaliningrad Zoo (yew grows opposite the bear enclosure).

Magnolia Sulange

Distribution area

The hybrid was obtained in France in the XIX century. Magnolia grows well in sunny, wind-sheltered places and in humus-rich soils.

How to find out

Magnolia blooms before the leaves appear, in April-May. Its buds can be of different shades: from white to pink-red.

Plant height from 5 to 10 meters. In autumn, magnolia leaves turn from dark green to dirty yellow.

The leaves, bark, flowers and fruits of the plant contain healing essential oils that can help with diseases of the digestive and cardiovascular systems.

Where to see: Kaliningrad, st. Dmitry Donskoy, 41a.


Distribution area

Southern Europe, Southeast Asia, in Russia often found on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus.

How to find out

Thanks to its sucker-like roots, the plant attaches itself to trees, houses, and rocks.

The fruit of ivy is a black berry, inedible for humans, serves as food for birds.

Where to look

Kaliningrad, st. Minin and Pozharsky, 7a.

Kaliningrad Regional Ecological and Biological Center of Students

The park was laid out in the 18th century. It once belonged to the famous Prussian public figure Johann Georg Scheffner. In 1806, King Friedrich Wilhelm III bought a villa with a garden and donated it to Königsberg University.

After the war, in 1951, the Regional Station of Young Naturalists was organized here, in 1992 - the Kaliningrad Regional Ecological and Biological Center of Students. More than 700 species grow on the territory of the garden, including the "Red Book" Japanese scarlet, Gingko biloba, sessile oak and others.

Where to look

Kaliningrad, st. Botanical, 2.

Arboretum of the Kaliningrad Zoo

The plant collection of the Kaliningrad Zoo dates back to pre-war times. As a legacy from the former owners, he got lindens, oaks, ginkgo, berry yew, red-leaved beech.

In spring, sakuras and magnolias, apple trees and rhododendrons bloom on the territory of the zoo, and in summer colorful flower beds, as well as quiet maple and oak alleys, delight the eye.

Where to look

Kaliningrad, Mira Ave., 26.

A wide variety of local species and introduced plants (brought to us from different parts of the world) makes the Kaliningrad region a unique place in terms of natural diversity. We have compiled for you a flowering calendar of the most beautiful plants, indicating the place of growth of each species.

1. Sleep-grass, or lumbago(lat. Pulsatilla)- This is a perennial herbaceous plant, which received its first name for the drooping, as if sleepy inflorescences. The sedative effect of drugs based on sleep grass is known. It is believed that this species was formed in Altai, but this plant can also be found in the European part of Russia. In particular, in the Kaliningrad region, meadow lumbago grows on the edges of forest (pine) massifs of the Baltic Spit. Sleep-grass begins to bloom in mid-April: a delicate fluff that covers all parts of the plant protects it from night and return frosts, and great endurance allows even buds seized by spring cold to continue their early flowering. Surprisingly, when most plants are just starting to bloom, sleep-grass is already forming seeds. Photo by Natalia Antonova.

2. A frequent visitor on the spring streets of Kaliningrad is a shrub plant forsythia (lat. Forsythia), which begins to bloom with bright yellow bell-shaped inflorescences from mid-April. The flowering of this plant is more impressive due to the fact that the flowers bloom on bare branches, the leaves appear later. Magnificent specimens of forsythia adorn the city center, Gogol, Gorky, Krasnaya and many others. Photo by Natalia Antonova.

3. To admire the magnolias ( lat. Magnolia, one of the oldest flowering plants, you do not need to travel to countries with a warm climate. These exotic plants with attractive large fragrant flowers, usually blooming in the last week of April, can be found in our city on Leonova Street, on the square in front of the Drama Theater, on Nevsky Street and in the Kaliningrad Botanical Garden, outside of Kaliningrad - on the Curonian Spit and in the village of Otradnoe . Fruits of an unusual shape, bright red-orange color appear on magnolias in early autumn. Several types of magnolias grow in our region: Kobus magnolia, naked magnolia, star magnolia, Sulange magnolia growing in Kaliningrad on the street. Dm. Donskoy and pleasing with flowering twice a year - at the end of April and at the end of July. But the most original, in my opinion, is the lily-flowered magnolia, a low shrub that impresses with the impressive size of pink or dark purple inflorescences that open in mid-May. This magnolia variety of varieties is presented in the Kaliningrad Botanical Garden. Photo by Natalia Antonova.

4. The first, truly sunny April days awaken to life seaside violet (lat. Viola maritima), decorating the entire coast of the Curonian Spit with soft purple inflorescences. This fragile-looking plant, capable of enduring the most adverse conditions, is found both on the moving sands of the dunes and on the edges of the pine forests nearby. Yes, and for the duration of flowering, seaside violet is a real champion: flowering specimens of this plant can be found in December! Photo by Natalia Antonova.

5. The favorable climate of the Kaliningrad region allows you to grow here and different types of rhododendrons (lat. Rhododendron), many of which are very demanding on the composition of the soil, and also have low winter hardiness. Nevertheless, mature bushes of yellow rhododendron, Japanese rhododendron and Sikhotinsky rhododendron, as well as the whole variety of varietal rhododendrons (the decorative effect of which is higher than that of the original species, but resistance to diseases is much lower) can be found in Kaliningrad near Victory Square and in the Kaliningrad Botanical garden. In the resort cities of Svetlogorsk and Zelenogradsk, these deciduous branched shrubs delight with repeated flowering in May-June of each year. Photo by Natalia Antonova.

6. The unspoken tree symbol of the city of Kaliningrad and the region is chestnut (lat. Aesculus): numerous representatives of this species adorn the historical center of Kaliningrad, where the Cathedral and the grave of Immanuel Kant are located. This plant is found in the wild in the mountain forests of the Balkan Peninsula, but in Russia it has been cultivated since the 16th century, nevertheless, some of its specimens regularly freeze out in harsh winters (most often this happens with young trees), but only in the Kaliningrad region due to favorable The horse chestnut feels excellent in the climate and is found everywhere in the landscaping of the cities of the region. In mid-May, adult specimens acquire erect pyramidal cream-colored panicles. Recently, meat-red chestnut (Gorkogo Street) has also been grown in Kaliningrad. Contrary to their dissonant name, these are very beautiful trees with an expressive crown and large candles strewn with reddish-pink flowers that appear on the chestnuts of this species at the end of May. Photo by Natalia Antonova.

7. Blooms in early June liriodendron tulipus (lat. Liriodendron tulipifera). Under natural conditions, this tall deciduous tree with a powerful crown and large lyre-shaped leaves grows in the east of North America, but the mild climate of the Kaliningrad region makes it feel at home here. You can admire the flowering of adult specimens of liriodendron in early June in the Central Park of the city of Kaliningrad, in the Kaliningrad Botanical Garden, at the Museum of the World Ocean, as well as in the park named after Moritz Becker in the village of Yantarny. Photo by Natalia Antonova.

8. Arrays of beech forests once covered almost all of Europe, but were almost completely cut down or destroyed by fires. To date, beech forests represented beech forest, or European (lat. Fagus sylvatica) little has been preserved in the Kaliningrad region: individual sites can be found on the Baltic Spit, in the vicinity of the city of Ladushkin, near the village of Klintsovka, Zelenogradsky district, and the age of individual plants is more than 400 years old, however, in the landscaping of the cities of the region, this beautiful deciduous tree, reaching 30 meters in height, is common everywhere. The noble dark green foliage of the forest beech in decorativeness can compete only with the copper leaves of the forest beech dark purple and with the pale yellow foliage of the forest golden beech, whose representatives can be admired in the Kaliningrad Botanical Garden. Even rarer wood beech specimens can be found near the entrance to the Central Recreation Park in Kaliningrad. It should be remembered that the forest beech is included in the list of rare plants in our region that need protection. Photo by Mikhail Ogorodnikov.

9. (lat. Viburnum)- a well-known shrub, common in the forests of the middle zone. However, the garden form of viburnum - viburnum buldenezh, popularly called the "snow globe", is distinguished by its special decorative effect. Terry white flowers, collected in spherical inflorescences, appear on the plant in the first half of June. In Kaliningrad, beautiful adult specimens of viburnum buldenezh can be admired in the zoo and in the Kaliningrad Botanical Garden. Photo by Natalia Antonova.

10. Few ornamental shrubs can compete with weigela (lat. Weigela) in the beauty and duration of flowering, which can last from May to July, and repeat in late summer - early autumn. During flowering, weigel branches droop from the abundance of inflorescences, the shades of which vary from pale yellow and pale pink to rich burgundy. This unpretentious plant is abundantly used in landscaping the streets of Kaliningrad (adult bushes can be found, for example, on Pervomaiskaya and Ozernaya streets) and the region, especially in the resort towns of Svetlogorsk and Zelenogradsk, however, the greatest varietal diversity of this species is represented in the Kaliningrad Botanical Garden. Photo by Natalia Antonova.

11. A plant with an unpretentious folk name "sea pea" has a botanical name seaside rank (lat. Lathyrus maritimus). This herbaceous plant is found in our area everywhere on the coast of the Baltic Sea, it combines extreme unpretentiousness, the ability to survive in difficult conditions - in strong winds and open sun. Structural features, in particular, a creeping branched rhizome, which conquers large spaces for the ground part, allow "sea pea" create green glades on bare sand, thereby strengthening these sands. Primorsky rank blooms from late spring to early autumn with bright raspberry inflorescences-moths, the shape of which is characteristic of all legumes (lat. Fabaceae).Photo by Natalia Antonova.

12. If in the summer, while traveling around the Kaliningrad region, to ride along the highway Kaliningrad - Svetlogorsk, you can observe endless thickets lupine multifolia (lat. Lupínus polyphýllus) , a large perennial, whose bright inflorescences create a feeling of endless blue space. So familiar to our eyes, this plant is nevertheless a native of northeastern North America, and it feels great with us. Breeders have bred a wide variety of lupine varieties, but even among wild plants you can find specimens with white and pink inflorescences. Flowering begins in June and lasts at least a month. Photo by Mikhail Ogorodnikov.

13. (lat. Cotinus coggygria), popularly called the “wig tree”, can hardly attract attention with the beauty and splendor of the inflorescences, however, after flowering, in early July, the skumpia, which has the shape of a tall bush or tree, is covered with red and white elongated pedicels that make the bushes look like wigs. In addition, skumpia is also distinguished by bright autumn foliage, which is why the Curonian Spit, the place where this introducer feels excellent, seems to be on fire in September. The high decorativeness of tannery skumpia throughout the growing season and good resistance to adverse conditions allows it to be used for landscaping the streets and squares of Kaliningrad and the region. Photo by Mikhail Ogorodnikov.

14. In 2014, red oak became the plant symbol of the Kaliningrad region. (lat. Quercus rubra), an introduced plant brought to us from North America. This tree can reach 25 meters in height and in our conditions it has an enviable resistance to fungal and viral diseases, plus high phytoncidal properties. Another distinguishing feature is the enormous vitality of acorns: usually the space under each adult specimen of red oak is completely covered with young one-two-year-old shoots of young oaks. Mature specimens of red oak can be found in the Max Aschmann Park in Kaliningrad, as well as in the parks of regional cities, for example, in the main park of the village of Zheleznodorozhny. Photo by Natalia Antonova.

15. powerful tree honey locust trithorn (lat. Gleditsia triacanthos), whose homeland is North America, primarily strikes not with its openwork crown, greenish inflorescences that appear in mid-May, or outlandish fruits: long beans twisted into a spiral, but with powerful sharp thorns located directly on the trunk. It is because of this feature that these deciduous trees recommended to grow as hedges. Despite the low requirements for growing conditions, in the Kaliningrad region, Gleditsia is represented by a few specimens in Kaliningrad on the street. Sergeant Shchedin, in the dendrological collection of the local botanical garden and in the city of Sovetsk. Photo by Natalia Antonova.

16. Stag sumac, which is also called vinegar tree (lat. Rhus tuphina), also a native of North America and a close relative of the mango. From a distance, its specimens resemble an elegant low palm tree with several trunks, dark green velvety leaves are distinguished by openwork, however, it is in autumn that sumac becomes even more attractive, because its leaves take on all shades from scarlet to purple. Of great importance is the fact that this plant remains ornamental in winter, thanks to bright brushes, in which small fruits of dark red color are collected. This is probably why the deer-horned sumac is gaining more and more popularity: in Kaliningrad it can be found on Partizanskaya, Lesnaya, Chekistov, Chkalov streets, as well as in regional cities: adult specimens of this tree grow in the city of Chernyakhovsk. Photo by Mikhail Ogorodnikov.

17. (lat. Berberis) very decorative, but prickly at the same time. This plant with bright sour fruits has been known to us since childhood, not so much because of the medicinal properties that it has, but because of the name caramel. Different types of barberry differ primarily in the size of the bush: in nature and in horticultural culture, there are dwarf forms (no more than 30-40 cm) and large bushes up to 2.5 meters in height. Unusual species of this plant, represented in our region by introducers: Amur barberry and Thunberg barberry, native Far East. During flowering, which usually begins with the flowering of hawthorn in May, yellow fragrant flowers appear on the branches of the barberry, collected in a brush; fruiting occurs in mid-August. Extensive thickets of barberry can be found on the Curonian Spit. Photo by Natalia Antonova.

18. The hallmark of Kaliningrad and the cities of the region are buildings, on the walls of which rises parthenocissus (lat. Parthenocissus quinquefolia). It covers the walls so tightly that it often completely hides the facades. In spring, its young foliage pleases the eye with juicy greenery, but by autumn the leaves turn fiery red. In the photographs of the sights, which are made by almost all the tourists who came to our region, the tower and the building of the hydropathic clinic, built in Svetlogorsk (then - Raushen) in 1908, are almost completely twined with girlish grapes. Photo by Mikhail Ogorodnikov.

19. (Euonymus europaeus), a representative of the genus Euonymus familiar to us, usually occupies the undergrowth in deciduous forests. This deciduous shrub or low tree blooms in April with white four-dimensional flowers, but is remembered for the color and shape of orange seeds, as if dressed in bright pink clothes, and red autumn foliage. While admiring the beauty of the euonymus, one should remember that all its parts are poisonous. If you look into the Kaliningrad Botanical Garden in mid-September, you can find another very decorative type of euonymus - the Far Eastern euonymus Maak, whose pointed foliage turns pale pink in autumn. Photo by Mikhail Ogorodnikov.

20. The only representative of the monotypic class Ginkgoaceae, still called a living fossil, ginkgo biloba (lat. Ginkgo biloba) most likely not found in the wild anywhere on the planet. But these trees conquered it a second time as an ornamental plant, which is also cultivated in Kaliningrad and the region. Gingko specimens of different ages with graceful fan-shaped leaves can be found on the territory of the Kaliningrad Zoo, the Kaliningrad Children and Youth Ecology Center, in the Central Park of the city of Kaliningrad, on M. Raskova and Kutuzov streets, in the Kaliningrad Botanical Garden, in the park named after Moritz Becker in Yantarny village. This plant is especially beautiful in September, when its leaves acquire a bright yellow color and, falling off, cover the ground with a golden carpet. Photo by Natalia Antonova.

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