Congratulations 100 years. Governor of the Voronezh Region A.V. Gordeev

19.05.2017 18:48

On May 20, 1917, the first issue of the Voronezh Worker newspaper, the progenitor of the current Commune, was published. Born at the turn of the epochs, the newspaper has gone through a century of difficulties, victories and accomplishments.

On May 20, Kommuna, the oldest newspaper in the Voronezh region, celebrates its centenary.

Dear friends!

Congratulations to the staff and veterans of the "Commune" on the centenary of the newspaper!

The first issue of your publication, which was published in a difficult, critical time for Russia, opened a large-scale chronicle of the Voronezh region.

Over the past decades, Kommuna has gained a reputation as a publication with a strong professional potential and a high journalistic culture.

The newspaper always presents the most important news of the region and an analytical view of the events of yesterday, today and tomorrow.

The current generation of Kommuna employees continues the best traditions laid down by veterans of Voronezh journalism. Responsible citizenship and the competence of the authors of the publication play an important role in the formation of an objective information space and the establishment of a constructive dialogue between the government and society.

I am grateful to all of you for your work for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Voronezh region!

I wish the employees and veterans of the Kommuna newspaper good health, well-being, success, kindness, inspiration and creative longevity!

Happy holiday!

Governor of the Voronezh Region A.V. Gordeev

Dear friends!

I congratulate you on the centenary of the publication of the first issue of the Kommuna newspaper!

This anniversary is a big, truly significant date both for your team and for the Voronezh region as a whole!

"Commune" is the name! The name is loud, authoritative, respected and influential. For decades, the newspaper has been a kind of solid bridge between the authorities and society: telling the people about the current policy, conveying truthful information about the life and aspirations of the region's residents to the management offices. It is possible to write the history of the Voronezh Territory from archival filings of the region's main newspaper. The newspaper was believed unquestioningly. And the journalistic team justified such responsibility.

Each line is relevant and hot, each word is verified, weighed and understandable. Each picture is almost a masterpiece.

During its long life, the Commune has never retreated and does not deviate from the best traditions of domestic journalism. Objectivity, honesty, indifference and intolerance to shortcomings are the calling card of the favorite newspaper of Voronezh residents.

Happy Anniversary Commune!


Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council
Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Galina Karelova

Dear "communists"!

On behalf of all the deputies of the Voronezh Regional Duma and myself, please accept sincere and heartfelt congratulations on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the publication of the first issue of the Kommuna newspaper.

Over the years of its existence, the oldest regional publication has come a long way in its formation and development, rightfully earning the well-deserved respect and high recognition of Voronezh residents. Throughout the history of its existence, the Kommuna newspaper has rightfully been considered a leader in the media space not only in the Voronezh region, but also in the entire Central Chernozem region.

On this significant day, I would like to say the words of sincere gratitude to all the employees of the newspaper for their objective and talented coverage of events, efficiency, honesty and professionalism.

Special words of gratitude addressed to you - for constructive and constant cooperation with the regional Duma, a great contribution to the development of parliamentarism.

I am confident that our fruitful cooperation will continue in the future.

With all my heart I wish the employees, veterans and authors of the Commune strong health and well-being, meaningful deep materials, creative inspiration, energy, trust and recognition of readers.

Chairman of the Voronezh Regional Duma V.I. Netyosov


Dear employees of the Kommuna newspaper!

I cordially congratulate you on the anniversary date - the 100th anniversary of the Kommuna newspaper.

Throughout the difficult century of national history, high professionalism and hard work helped the management and creative team to maintain the popularity of the publication, earn recognition and respect from Voronezh residents.

At the end of the period of state atheism, the oldest edition of our region was one of the first to address the topic of spiritual revival, raising its voice for a return to traditional spiritual values.

Today Kommuna is one of the most popular newspapers in the Voronezh region, consistently defending the historical values ​​of our people and giving an unbiased moral assessment of the processes taking place in society.

I thank the editors of the newspaper for the efforts made for the spiritual and moral improvement of society, for their attention to the events of church life and for many years of fruitful cooperation with the Voronezh Metropolis.

I wish you, dear Viktor Grigoryevich, and all the employees of the newspaper good spirits, inspiration and abundance of creative forces.


Metropolitan of Voronezh and Liskinsky,
Head of the Voronezh Metropolis Sergius

Dear friends!

Only a few of the currently existing print media can boast of such a history and such creative longevity! Commune is a special phenomenon in journalism, one of the undisputed leaders of the regional and national press.

Over the years, the appearance of the newspaper has changed, generations of journalists have changed, but one thing remains unchanged - the relevance of the topics covered, sincerity and devotion to its reader, indifference to everything that happens in the country, city and region.

Good luck, creative discoveries and victories!

Head of the urban district of the city of Voronezh A.V. Gusev

For a whole century, the Commune has been and remains a chronicler of the history of Voronezh, a truthful narrator about people and events.

It is known that it is difficult to be a pioneer. But it is even more difficult, having paved the way, to remain a leader on it for many years to come. And you succeeded. The Commune team has managed to earn a reputation as a highly professional team of like-minded people, which is distinguished by a combination of a non-standard, creative attitude to their work with a modern vision of the specifics of journalistic art.

It is believed that on the anniversary days they sum up the results. But this is also a great time to start new things. Let all the birthdays of your publication become a reason not only for pride in what has already been done, but also the start of new interesting projects, and you will always have a guiding star that will help you not to go astray.

Chairman of the Voronezh City Duma V.F. Khodyrev

The history of your publication deserves great respect.

In different periods of the existence of the newspaper, famous writers, poets, talented journalists were published on its pages. At all times, the newspaper has remained a reliable source of relevant, reliable information.

Currently, the "Commune" plays a significant role in our lives, shaping public opinion, helping to analyze socially significant, political and cultural events. I sincerely wish the entire staff of the publication good health, an inexhaustible supply of energy, happiness, well-being, success in the journalistic field and good luck in all endeavors!

Member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation S.N. Lukin

The 100th anniversary of the Kommuna newspaper is the most important event in the life of our city.

For a thinking reader, "Commune" is a real helper that can describe the picture of life not only in our city and region, but also in the country as a whole. But a single person is not capable of such a thing. This task is only possible for a team of true professional journalists.

And there were many of them in the “communist” environment. Suffice it to say that at one time such eminent authors as Andrei Platonov and Osip Mandelstam collaborated with the Commune.

All employees - happiness, health, further success in the profession and sincere love for their work!

Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation A.N. Ponomarev

On behalf of the Anninsky District Council of People's Deputies, the administration of the district and all Anninsky residents, I congratulate the staff of the Kommuna newspaper on its 100th anniversary!

Today Kommuna is one of the most recognized and popular newspapers in the region. Having gone through difficult times, having changed a lot, the newspaper has not changed the main thing - it has been and remains a favorite newspaper, which is expected and believed.

Head of the Anninsky municipal district V.I. Avdeev

On behalf of all residents of the Kantemirovskiy municipal district, we congratulate you on a wonderful anniversary - the 100th anniversary of the founding of the newspaper!

Born at the turn of the epochs, the newspaper has gone through a century of difficulties, victories and accomplishments. The history of the publication is a living history of our Chernozem region, composed of thousands of poignant biographies of field and factory workers, a chronicle of topical events.

The newspaper Kommuna employs true patriots of the Voronezh land and professionals with a capital letter, people who feel personally responsible for the fate of their region, investing all their knowledge, experience and skill in the common cause.

Head of the Administration of the Kantemirovskiy Municipal District V.V. Pokusaev

The centuries-old history of the Commune is an integral part of the history of the Voronezh region, a visible evidence of the importance of the printed word.

Please accept the words of gratitude for the fruitful and constructive cooperation with the Novousmansky district.

I wish you creative success, new successful projects, truthful and sincere materials for the benefit of the inhabitants of your native land.

Head of the Novousmansky municipal district V.V. Chernyshov

I heartily congratulate the staff of the newspaper on its 100th anniversary!

Your work allows you to see further frontiers and immediate prospects for the development of social relations, jointly rejoice at successes and achievements, critically evaluate certain phenomena of modern life, while remaining true to your reader.

Let your style be beautiful, and your pen sharp! All the best and light in life.

Head of the Administration of the Bobrovsky municipal district A.I. Balbekov

100 years is a whole era. All these years you have been keeping up with the times, covering important and topical events in the life of the region. You honestly and conscientiously give all your knowledge and experience to your favorite business, you are at the forefront of events.

For your readers, you have become good advisers and competent interlocutors.

Head of the Administration of the Ostrogozhsky municipal district S.I. Khoroshilov

The editorial team is still faithful to the glorious traditions, retains a high professional level, intelligence, depth and thoroughness of the presentation of the material.

You can rightly be proud of the fact that Kommuna is popular and well known to the residents of the Novokhopersk district. True professionals, you are able to quickly and sharply state the facts, present an unexpected look at events, the style of presenting information you have created is attractive to the reader.

Head of Administration of the Novokhopyorsky municipal district V.T. Petrov

Born at the turn of historical eras, the newspaper went through all the victories and trials with the country and remains today one of the most authoritative publications in the region.

On the pages of the Commune there is always room for different points of view and exchange of opinions on the most important issues. The enormous popularity and social significance of the publication is the merit of the serious, truly creative work of the entire team.

Head of the Administration of the Talovsky municipal district V.V. Burdin

Since its founding, the fate of the Commune has been inextricably linked with the fate of the region. For all 100 years, she has been creating her chronicle, which is an excellent school of excellence for many generations of employees.

Head of the Administration of the Ertilsky Municipal District S.I. Bychutkin

The Kommuna newspaper has been a popular publication for many decades and is popular with the readership of the region. And this is not accidental - after all, people who are passionate about their work, restless and not indifferent, real professionals, have worked and are working in the editorial team.

On the day of the anniversary, let me thank the staff of the newspaper for fruitful cooperation. We are confident that the relationship between us will be businesslike and constructive.

Heads of post offices of the Federal Post Office of the Voronezh Region - a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Russian Post

"TODAY-PRESS-VORONEZH" heartily congratulates the entire friendly team of professionals of the editorial office of the newspaper "Commune" on the anniversary!

We wish you great victories, creative success and recognition from readers!

General Director of Segodnya-Press-Voronezh LLC I.A. Timofeev

Dear friends!

On behalf of the entire huge community of the Voronezh regional organization of the Trade Union of Public Education and Science Workers of the Russian Federation, I sincerely congratulate your team on the anniversary!

The centenary of the Commune is a holiday for all Voronezh residents. The newspaper is an amazing combination of a historical landmark of our region and a successful project implemented by a team of professionals right before our eyes, a project that our region can be proud of.

Commune is our favorite newspaper! For a whole century the word “Communes” has been the most important printed word in the Voronezh region. And the less this was fixed de jure already in the post-Soviet period, the more authority, the gap in leadership, the newspaper gained de facto. And the main merit here is the diligence and high professionalism of your amazing team.

"Kommunovtsy" boldly stepped into the elements of a market economy. The banner of the independent mass media was raised high. They accomplished a feat, not slipping into yellowness in the struggle for profit, retaining the dignity of a high-quality, deep publication, remaining true to their principles, their audience.

Our trade union organization is especially grateful to your team for fruitful cooperation. Turning to the "Commune" on the protection of human rights at work, we always find an interested response.

Happy holiday to you!

"From time immemorial" Voronezh residents read the "Commune". Let it go on!

We wish you new creative victories, success with readers and advertisers, creative solutions, prosperity! All the best to you and your loved ones!

Chairman of the Voronezh Regional Trade Union Organization
workers of public education and science of the Russian Federation T.A. iryukov

Dear "communists"!

For fifty-six years I have been reading The Commune, and for twenty-eight years I have been glad that a collective of journalists has been preserved in the Chernozem region, not broken by the wind of greedy anti-Sovietism.

Moreover, despite the material and moral consequences of the “liberal-democratic” attitude towards the newspaper, which honestly served not fat wallets, but the working people.

I understand how the Commune took risks in the “dashing 90s”, making its meaningfully patriotic contribution to overcoming the comprador-oligarchic strangulation of the national economy of the region and Russia as a whole.

I understand that even today it is not easy for the Commune to remain true to the ideas of the state-democratic course of the country's socio-economic development. Including - the humanistic ideas of the gradual liberation of Russia from unemployment, from the split of society into the super-rich, the poor and the poor. The idea of ​​restoring Soviet-style high rates of production growth in the real economy and natural population growth; in lower prices for consumer goods and public services; in protecting the morality that ensured the transformation of our country into the first power on the Eurasian continent, and therefore into the winner in the Second World War.

Kommunovtsy, you deserve the 100th anniversary of high professionalism and high civil decency. Keep it up!

Your reader and admirer is Professor Isaac Zagaitov

From the leadership of the South-Eastern Railway, please accept sincere congratulations on the 100th anniversary of the Kommuna newspaper!

The best journalists of the Chernozem region spoke on the pages of the newspaper about large-scale transformations in society during the years of the revolution and the formation of a new state, about the courage and heroism of fellow countrymen during the war years, about construction projects, labor victories, reforms and, of course, about bright events in the life of ordinary Voronezh residents.

The high state award that "Commune" was rightfully awarded - the Order of the Red Banner of Labor - fully reflects the assessment of the true contribution of the newspaper's staff to the development of our civil society.

It is gratifying that the creative team of the editorial board today remains true to the high ideals of statehood and patriotism, and thanks to this, the Commune retains its face and enjoys well-deserved authority among its many readers, including those from the southeast.

Head of the South-Eastern Railway - a branch of JSC "Russian Railways" A.I. Volodko

The Kommuna newspaper is the oldest edition of the entire Chernozem region. Her centenary is a respectable age, testifying to a great experience and deserving special respect.

The Kommuna newspaper was among those few mass media that reported on the launch of the first power unit of the Novovoronezh NPP. Since then, our company and your editorial staff have been united by fruitful long-term cooperation. Journalists from Kommuny are members of the Novovoronezh NPP press club Energetic People.

There are many interesting meetings and joint projects ahead. I wish you new successes and victories!

Deputy General Director of Rosenergoatom Concern JSC
- Director of the branch "Novovoronezh Nuclear Power Plant" V.P. Povarov

Dear Viktor Grigorievich!

On behalf of the leadership, the Academic Council, the staff of the Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, I congratulate you and the creative team of the publication on a significant anniversary - the 100th anniversary of the Kommuna newspaper!

The talented editorial team managed to win and strengthen the reputation of one of the most interesting and intelligent periodicals in the region. Your readers always find deep and diverse information on the most pressing problems of modern society on the pages of the newspaper.

Head of the Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Police Major General A.P. Nakhimov

On May 20, 1917, the first issue of the Voronezh Worker newspaper, the progenitor of the current Commune, was published.

Created at the turn of historical eras, it was originally in the midst of the social, business, cultural life of our region, in the center of events that determine its future.

The employees of the publication have always kept their finger on the pulse of life, serving the Motherland with their talent and professionalism, responsible attitude to work.

We wish the editorial team good luck, prosperity and well-being! New bright achievements!

Rector of the Voronezh State Agrarian University N.I. Bukhtoyarov

"Commune" has always kept pace with the times, reflecting on its pages the changes in political, public, social and cultural life, the problems and achievements of the Voronezh region.

Today "Commune" is an authoritative publication that deserves great respect, which always provides reliable information about current events, objectively covers a wide range of issues. It is doubly pleasant to emphasize that it is read not only by older people, but also by young people. We thank the staff of the newspaper for their professionalism and balanced approach in preparing materials.

We wish you the conquest of new creative heights, great success and new anniversaries!

And about. Rector of the Voronezh State Forest Engineering University M.V. Drapalyuk

100 years of the Russian Voronezh regional newspaper "Commune" - it sounds powerful and convincing! This is truly a century-long leadership! Great!

To all generations of leaders, journalists, employees of the Kommuna newspaper, especially to modern ones - our admiration and great gratitude! Keep it up!

For more than 25 years out of 100, the All-Russian Fleet Support Movement has been actively and creatively interacting with the leadership, the staff of the newspaper on the essential topics of the development of Russia, the domestic fleet, the army, the military-industrial complex, our Voronezh region!

Thanks for the positive cooperation!

As a member of the Board of the "Voronezh community" in Moscow, I convey to you friendly greetings from many Voronezh residents now living in the capital!

Be healthy! Good spirits to you and strength for the leadership movement in the new century of the "Commune"!

Chairman of the All-Russian Fleet Support Movement
captain 1st rank M.P. Nenashev

The anniversary is a great and joyful celebration of a talented team that, with a small staff of employees, publishes a popular publication in the region of great political and social significance.

Unlike some other media that appear on the public horizon and cause at best only slight ripples on the surface of the writer's field, the Kommuna newspaper, like a powerful cruiser among the floating shallows, raises a real wave that, like a tsunami, tries to wash away all emerging shortcomings. , awakens, raises the problems of regional and all-Russian reality that are very important for a broad discussion.

And we, your contemporaries, also believe that the “Communists” will never give up their principled positions.

Chairman of the Regional Council of Veterans S.A. Khodakovsky

Despite the fact that the publication changed its name more than once, its corporate recognizable style and author's style remained unchanged. The age-old history of the newspaper is inseparable from the history of the country, which is reflected in its pages.

From the articles and photo reports of the Commune, people learned about the most important events - about the first five-year plans and construction projects of the era, about the battles and heroes of the Great Patriotic War, about the first flight into space. Outstanding poets, writers and publicists have worked in the editorial office for decades.

More than one generation of Voronezh residents has grown up on your publications, who were able to glorify our country.

Creative success to you, colleagues, and inspiration!

Yu.I. Tarantsov, General Director of the Free Press Publishing House

We are not allowed to complain about troubles ...
For every hustle and bustle,
It's only been a century,
But I want to call it an era.
You live another hundred years, loving your common home,
So that the years are not a heavy burden for you!
Just look at yourself -
What young all, beautiful, good!
OAO Publishing and Printing Company Voronezh

Hello! Is the sentence correctly framed: "Congratulations on your anniversary - the 60th anniversary of your birth!"? (or do you need a comma?)

The punctuation option you suggested is correct.

Question No. 301944

In the phrase "Congratulations on the 75th anniversary of m (from the day) of the formation of the department" (or "On the 75th anniversary of m from the day of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazi invaders") in the +/- official document, is it necessary to indicate "from the day"?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

If the exact day of the formation of the department is known, then you can also write "from the date of formation". Otherwise: congratulations on the 75th anniversary of m department.

Question No. 301329

Please tell me how to write the 85th anniversary correctly, in the sentence: "In connection with the celebration of the 85th anniversary of the park"? Thank you for your reply. Sincerely, Elena.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

You wrote exactly right: 85th anniversary.

Question #299766

Hello, check the setting of the comma: "For long-term and conscientious work, as well as in connection with the 65th anniversary of m (,), to encourage Ivanov I.I.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The specified comma is not required.

Question #298713

Do I need a comma before "and" in an enumeration if the last element is another part of speech? "Awarded (full name) for high professionalism, personal contribution to the cause, and in connection with the 100th anniversary of the service of the border troops"?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

There is no comma before "and".

Question #298140

Good afternoon! I appeal again, unfortunately, they did not answer me. Tell me, please, how is it true: st. named after the 40th anniversary of the Victory or street 40 years of Victory? And one more thing: can the 40th anniversary be called by a name? Thank you!

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Both options are possible, it all depends on the official name of the street. The second part of your question is not entirely clear.

Question #296846

how to write correctly: 55 years since the birth of the director or director

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

If we are talking about a living person, the current director, then it is true: 55th anniversary of the director; 55 years director. The words birthday in this case it is better not to use.

Question #295393

Is it correct to "receive on the 20th", "performed on the 20th anniversary"? Or better "in honor of the 20th anniversary"? In 2013, on the 20th anniversary of Gazprom, such foreign pop stars as ...

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

We offer this option: at the celebration of the 20th anniversary "Gazprom" performed.

Question #288569

Which text of the letter is correct: "Awarded for conscientious work, active position (s) in connection with the 50th anniversary of m from the date of birth!" or "Awarded for conscientious work, active position in connection with the 50th anniversary of m from the date of birth!" Is the union "and" necessary? Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Better with the union And, to avoid reading the "active position in connection with the 50th anniversary of m."

Question No. 288015

THE 30TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ACCIDENT AT THE CHERNOBYL NPP WERE CERTIFIED IN KOSTIUKOVICHI. Is it appropriate to use the word "noted" in this context???

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

This usage is not correct. According to the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language (see, for example, The Big Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, edited by S. A. Kuznetsov), Mark- to arrange a celebration, a celebration in honor of something, to commemorate something.

Question #286438

By the nature of my service, I meet a lot of words with IT: IT-industry, IT-specialties, IT-company. Is the use of such a word the norm? How to write them correctly? Are these borrowings?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Yes, such spellings have come into common use (cf. DVD player, HD picture) and already enshrined in spelling rules. “The hyphen is used as part of the written equivalents of compound words, some of which are conveyed by a number, letter or letters (including the non-Russian alphabet) or other style (even one that cannot be “read”), for example: 25 percent, 150th anniversary, 300 millionth, 5 1/2 thousandth, T-shaped, IBM compatible, γ-active, "Nimble body S-shaped movement" (Cupr.), ww tubes ».

Type Combinations IT industry are not borrowed, they were formed in Russian using borrowed elements.

Question #285391

Hello. I came across the spelling "5-door", but could not find a rule according to which such a spelling is considered correct.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Appropriate recommendation is given A. E. Milchin and L. K. Cheltsova in"Publisher's and Author's Handbook": Numeric number is hyphenated to a noun or adjective, eg: 150th anniversary, 20 km. Incorrect: 15 years, 20 kilometers.

Question #285248

How to spell the 225th anniversary correctly? Is the whole word merged?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Yes, the whole word is spelled together: two hundred and twenty five years.

Question #283090
The question is this: in our city there is a street commonly referred to as the Century, and the full name is Prospect of the Century of Vladivostok (or Vladivostok)? There is constant controversy around this ending. Initially it was VladivostokA, then it became VladivostokU. How is it right anyway? Thank you.

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Correctly: one hundred years (100 years) of something, but centenary (100th anniversary) of something. Correctly: Avenue of the Century of Vladivostok.

Question #278301
Good afternoon. Is it possible to say - "in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Pedagogical School"? Or is it necessary to indicate - from the 50th anniversary of m from the date of foundation?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

In what context?

Section "Congratulations on the anniversary » contains more than 5000 greetings. Here you will find the most original and beautiful birthday greetings for a man and a woman, among which, for sure, there will be something that suits your hero of the occasion. Congratulations on your anniversary, congratulations on your anniversary to a woman, congratulations on your anniversary to a man, beautiful congratulations on your anniversary, congratulations on your anniversary in verse, congratulations on your anniversary in prose.

Serious date, big anniversary,
We heartily congratulate you
You turned a hundred years old, our bow to you,
We only wish you good health!

For all of us always and in everything you are an example,
Seen so much in a century
We wish you many more years to live
We ask God for this.

We have no more doubts
You are a unique person!
After all, 100 beautiful long years
You please this light.

No matter how trite it sounds,
We want to wish you good health.
It is relevant for any age.
We wish you many more years of life and prosperity.

May the days be filled with care
Relatives and people close to you,
And all desires are fulfilled
And your heart will be happy!

Happy anniversary! 100 years is an honor
Live, carry a whole century.
We congratulate you, without flattery,
You are a strong, wise man!

We wish you health
So that loved ones are always nearby.
Let troubles and sorrows pass by the edge,
And the years don't scare you.

We are celebrating our 100th anniversary
He gathered his relatives and friends in a close circle.
You are a very wise person
After all, you are subject to a whole century!

Today honor and praise to you,
Great, let things go
And we believe that another 200 years
We will be by your side together!

You have lived for a century
Our dear person!
We are very proud of you
You are beautiful, by the way!

You have a heart of gold
Very good, great.
Your hands are not simple -
They are gold too!

And gray hairs and wrinkles,
Like fashion novelties -
Your age, only decorate,
We are made to be proud!

You live a long, long time
Start dancing with delight
Play pranks, frolic,
In childhood, plunge into a fairy tale!

A hundred years for many is only a desire,
And you have crossed that line.
And a very respectable age
You saved the joy of life.

A hundred years is a long time! One hundred years is awesome!
A hundred years is a glorious, great jubilee.
We wish you happiness, health, comfort.
And next to only devoted, true friends.

May you have everything you want.
Let dreams come true with each other.
Another three hundred years you live in the world.
Be loved by children and family.

We wish you light. We wish you peace.
We wish you eternal youth in your eyes.
So that the sky keeps from troubles and sorrows,
So as not to lose fire and fuse.

100 years is an unimaginably great number these days! But you lived your life worthily, witnessed and participated in many historical events that completely changed the usual way of life. At the same time, you remained a strong person who knows how to enjoy life and has a philosophical attitude to all the vicissitudes of fate, finding in them a lot of pluses and reasons for joy. We wish you to live for many, many more years surrounded by your large family, which appreciates you and loves you very much. Happy anniversary!

A hundred years already, but the youth of the soul
Above all - we know for sure;
Don't rush to get upset -
You don't have to do it on purpose.

Love to you and long, long years,
Pay no attention to your age;
What years? They just don't exist,
When there are innocent desires in the soul.

We're celebrating a whole century today
And we congratulate our dear soul;
Another hundred years, beloved man,
We wish you health and joy.

To live a hundred years is not a field to cross,
Although, it's not that much.
Another hundred for such a soul,
And just right there would be that road.

We also wish the next hundred years,
Live only in joy and light,
So that there are no adversities or troubles,
So that only holidays, smiles, grandchildren, children ...

Congratulations on the round date,
The attendant hit you!
Happy, rich life
I wish you.

Always be an optimist
Don't get sick too much
Fluffy white bunny
For grandchildren, always visit.

Long live and hello
Inspire us to a feat
Boast about your experience
Write memoirs.

So the steward crept up to you
Invisible walking.
We will celebrate the anniversary
Friendly, happy family.

After all, a century happens
Only once in life.
So let this holiday
You will remember this hour.

Added health
Every year again and again.
May it reign for you forever
Grandchildren and children love.

Birth of grandchildren and children
Great career.
Everything was achieved without any fuss,
You are an example.

And on your hundredth birthday
Accept congratulations,
After all, we love you very much -
Source of inspiration!

100 years - that's the date!
Great anniversary!
Smiles and gifts
You take it soon.

I wish you health
For another 200 years.
And golden happiness
Successes and victories.

happy bright days
It remains to wish.
And a toast to the anniversary
And lift for you!

Here is a daisy you can make to decorate a gift. Nice to get 100 warm wishes!

1. Cloudless happiness!
2. Good health!
3. Understanding and warmth!
4. Clear smile!
5. Good luck!
6. Fresh wind!
7. Glory and recognition!
8. Fantastic luck!
9. Kindness and tenderness!
10. Crystal hopes!
11. Self-confidence!
12. Great mood!
13. Warm attitude of others!
14. Great success!
15. Optimism!
16. Attention and care!
17. Fascinating life!
18. Pleasant discoveries!
19. Wonderful friends!
20. Fulfillment of desires!
21. Eternal youth!
22. Sensitivity!
23. More free time!
24. Magic dawns!
25. Great meetings!
26. Faith in good!
27. Comfort and coziness!
28. Shining sun!
29. Maximum positive!
30. Boring everyday life!
31. Interesting ideas!
32. Feelings of flight!
33. Fascinating memories!
34. Rainbow dreams!
35. Gifts+ and more!
36. Beautiful feelings!
37. Bright sensations!
38. Interesting conversations!
39. Nice people nearby!
40. Understanding and support!
41. Good luck in all your endeavors!
42. Easy attitude to life! 43. Amazing surprises!
44. Delightful sunsets!
45. Excellent news!
46. ​​Travel around the world!
47. Prosperity!
48. Homes where they love and wait!
49. Sense of humor!
50. Beautiful minutes!
51. Kind words!
52. Prosperity!
53. Disinterested friendship!
54. Inspiration!
55. Cheers!
56. Stability!
57. Creativity and creation!
58. Many reasons to have great fun!
59. Important and desired events!
60. Love of life!
61. Love!
62. Good health!
63. Fulfillment of all desires!
64. Good mood!
65. Peace of mind!
66. Prosperity in everything!
67. Prosperity!
68. Success in work!
69. The joys of life!
70. Real friends!
71. Fabulous moments!
72. Accomplishments!
73. Opportunities to relax more often!
74. Understanding your uniqueness!
75. Daring plans!
76. Great shape!
77. Active and eventful days!
78. Blooming gardens and singing birds!
79. Only happy occasions!
80. Wisdom and experience!
81. Soul beauty!
82. As much money as you want!
83. Clear skies!
84. Smiles of Fortune!
85. Light and enthusiasm!
86. Fascinating communication!
87. Good films and books!
88. Excellent health!
89. Perseverance and perseverance!
90. Desire to go forward!
91. Tender song of the surf!
92. Respect!
93. All the best - and in the highest class!
94. Fireworks of emotions!
95. Cheerful and tasty feasts!
96. Priceless taste of life!
97. Caresses and cares!
98. Wide opportunities!
99. Longevity!
100. Have a wonderful holiday!!!

Who said that they say by the centenary
Are all granny crackers?
Our beauty and wonder -
What's outside, what's inside.
Keeping souls mobile,
Life burns forever
You don't even give a slack
And, of course, he yells.
We all love you very much
Our beautiful man!
Try long with us
Live your second century.
Rejoice with wise advice
And with your smile
Have fun with us
Your centenary anniversary!

Congratulations on the anniversary of 100 years, No. 2

You rejoice in the world of all,
So wine on skirts lei:
Mother-in-law! Congratulations - a hundred, a century!
What a glorious anniversary!
You did not live in the life of the day
Without worries, hassles, labors ...
At the table - friends, relatives,
Everyone is ready to hug you
Spin in a wonderful waltz! ... To get together again,
I propose, mother, to live
At least another two hundred years!

Congratulations on the anniversary of 100 years, No. 3

One hundred is a number! not old age.
This is rare luck.
Maybe you are a little tired.
We will prolong our moment.
This age is like from myths.
We sincerely congratulate you.
Increase this number!
We wish you longevity!

Congratulations on the anniversary of 100 years, No. 4

Your centenary
It shocks everyone!
It's gotta try
To get to a hundred alive!
Live a century and be cheerful,
Keep the spirit!
How should you love life?
To defeat old age!
You are a living example for us
Life reserve forces
We are not only amazed
He gives birth to hope
If you could reach a hundred,
Regardless of the years
Need to be loved and
Generously give wisdom to everyone,
Maybe we'll get it too
To be like you?
Why not dream...
We want to wish you
To the wise generous God
Your deadline has been extended.
You are a living lesson for us.
Forces of life source.
Do not give up! With faith in god
Live for a long time.
All the best and do not get sick,
And look ahead!

Congratulations on the anniversary of 100 years, No. 5

We can't get away from each other
A hundred years in the arms to bask hotly,
A hundred years to look into deep eyes,
One hundred years to burn in the fire of love yet,
One hundred years to caress each other's hands,
One hundred years to live in a world of happiness and work,
One hundred years to suffer from sad separation,
Don't get away from each other!

Congratulations on the anniversary of 100 years, No. 6

Our grandfather is a long-liver
Celebrates an anniversary.
Invited to an event
Grandchildren, great-grandchildren, children.
Grandfather 100! Boredom gone!
Our grandfather smiles.
Deceived an old woman with a scythe,
Now enjoying.
We wish the hero of the day
Look into the distance with optimism
And we leave orders -
Get younger every year!

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