Tarot divination next week. Divination for the week. Months and Major Arcana

Tarot cards are a great way to learn about the past, present, and future of a querent. There are a huge number of layouts that help you find answers to all your questions.

The most common of them, of course, relate to the future questioner. Different layout techniques are responsible for different periods of time. The alignment can be done for the day, for the week, for the month, for the next year. The choice depends only on the desire of the querent. A week is one of the most popular techniques.

Divination methods

Depending on the situation, it is recommended to practice various divination techniques. In addition to the fact that the period is taken into account, the sphere of human life about which questions are asked to Tarot cards is also important. The layout for the week can be short or complete. For a quick answer, you can use a shorter fortune-telling of 3-4 cards; for a detailed one, you should choose a detailed layout. Below are three of the most popular techniques that help you know the near future for the week.

(4 cards)

It is necessary to decompose the four Major Arcana in the form of a cross. Left and right will be positions 1 and 2, and top and bottom will be positions 3 and 4, respectively. The first card tells about the problem itself, sometimes these are obvious things, but more often it reveals the whole ins and outs of the problem. The second and third cards describe the situation and tell how it will develop within 7 days. It is very important to study the meaning of the Arcana well, not only individually, but also in combination with neighboring cards. For clarification, you can use the Minor Arcana.

In Tarot cards, the weekly spread usually describes events in the near future (2nd and 3rd positions). Card 4 in this scenario tells what the result will be.

The cross from the Arcana can be interpreted by the days of the week: the first card is Monday and Tuesday, the second is Wednesday and Thursday, the third is Friday and Saturday, the fourth is Sunday.

"Celtic Cross" (full alignment)

This technique uses 10 cards. In addition to the fact that the layout clearly outlines the problem, development prospects and outcome, the first 4 cards tell about the personality of the querent. An important nuance in Tarot cards: the alignment for the week can show not only future events, but also what preceded them, that is, the past. In fortune-telling "Celtic Cross" the first card describes the consciousness of a person, the second - the soul, the third - contradictions in the soul, the fourth - the subconscious. These are important cards located in the center. Next, cards with positions 5 and 6 are laid out. They describe events in the past and future. These 6 cards form a cross. Further on the right are 7,8,9 and 10 cards. They denote attitudes towards oneself, towards others, hopes and fears, as well as prospects and results. Accordingly, it is the 10th position that will complete the alignment and indicate the result. We should not forget that it is the cards with the central positions that are important! The tarot layout for the week is shown below.

"Seven days" layout

The alignment is very different from the previous two. If the fortune-telling "Celtic Cross" considers a certain problem and its development throughout the week, then the "7 days" layout simply describes the events for the next week.

This is the simplest thing for a week, we do this: the querent draws 7 cards from the deck. Arcana are laid out in a horizontal line. It is very important what day of the week you are guessing, because. the first card will represent the next day of the week. So, if you do a layout on Saturday, then the first card in the row will mean the events of Sunday, the next one - Monday, and so on until Saturday of the next week.

It is very important when drawing each subsequent card to call the day of the week out loud. If the meaning of one of the cards is too general, and it is difficult to determine what will happen on that day, it is allowed to draw one or two additional cards.

The Tarot layout for the week can be used to predict events and situations for the next week - this alignment is from the category of divination for the very near future. In another way, the alignment is called “Seven Days.” This alignment helps to prepare for difficulties.

It is able to eliminate or minimize unpredictable situations in the future. The alignment for the week determines the atmosphere of the upcoming week, and also warns of possible events. It also helps in scheduling time.

The classic layout for the week consists of 7 cards. The layout is best done on Sunday or Monday - this sets the rhythm for the whole week, plus it conveys more reliable information. But if you made a layout on some other day, for example Thursday, there is nothing to worry about, just first interpret the Thursday card, then Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays - this is the current week, and then the rest of the Wednesday, Tuesday and Monday cards will mean not situations in the past, but a forecast for the next week.

This layout can only be used once a week. If you need details, you should use another layout. Summing up takes place on the last day of the alignment. In order not to miss anything, it is advised to write down the result of the layout. The day of the week and the card or cards that fell to it, plus the interpretation of the cards. If you forget or miss something, you can always return to the record of the result and refresh your memory, or supplement the interpretation.

The layout is carried out according to the following scheme:

1 - Monday,

2 - Tuesday,

3 - environment,

4 - Thursday,

5 - Friday,

6 - Saturday,

7 - Sunday.

Cards can be laid out both in a horizontal line from left to right, and in the form of a ladder in ascending order from Monday, card 1, to Sunday, card 7. The most important thing is not the sequence of drawing cards from the deck.

Each card can describe how the events of a specific day for the week, and also, each card can be regarded as advice for a specific day of the week.

Update information

If more complete information is needed for the layout for the week, then three additional cards can be drawn for each card in the layout. These cards will mean morning, afternoon and evening, and describe the events and situations that can occur in the time allotted for them.

Additional cards should be pulled out from the remaining deck from the first divination. If you need a complete deck for additional cards for each day, then you can write down the result of the first layout for seven days and use the same deck to make a layout to explain each day. It is also possible to use the full deck for each day, before that, having written down the result of the fortune-telling of the previous days.

So the layout might look like this:

Conditional time intervals in a day:

From 05:00 to 11:00 - morning,

11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. day

From 17:00 to 22:00 - evening.

Time intervals can be adjusted at your discretion and adjusted to specific plans.

Example schedule for Monday:

In order to get general information on the layout for the week, you can pull out the eighth final card, if the layout was originally made from seven cards. After pulling out additional information cards, you can also pull out the final card to summarize the data received.

The weekly spread is useful when you are planning any significant or important business. And also in order to coordinate your actions and have time to do things to the maximum, it is most rational and useful to use the time provided to you.

The analysis of the dropped cards can be carried out as an independent key, or with reference to your plans.

When interpreting the cards in the layout for the week, pay attention to the following:

  • the fallen Major Arcana may portend changes in your life or situation, it is also possible that you will gain important life experience or learn a lesson that fate will present.
  • cards of any suits with the image of the King (man), Queen (woman), Knight (may characterize the mood) or Page (desires) - symbolize your environment and the people with whom you are in contact. Also, these people are related to your life and can influence your actions and behavior or deeds.
  • cards from Deuce to Ten of any suit characterize the areas of your life, in which area events or changes will occur.
  • Aces can indicate any beginnings or completions of cases. They can also help you find funds or strength for your affairs and plans.

In conclusion, you should analyze the alignment and count the number of cards of each suit and the Major Arcana - this is necessary to track the trend of the next week.

The alignment for the week helps to unleash the inner potential and take advantage of hidden resources that, with a normal look at the situation, are not visible to you or are not available.

Preparing for the weekly schedule

Before the alignment, you need to calm down and put your thoughts in order so that your consciousness does not jump from one event to another. It is recommended to clear the mind with a short meditation. It will help you relax and tune in to the necessary mood for divination. After slowly shuffling the deck, asking a formulated question about the week and laying out the cards in the required order. After that, the cards that fell out are recorded and their interpretation. Interpretations are also desirable to write down.

How to correctly formulate a question for the alignment for the week, an example:

  • what awaits me in the coming week?
  • what will the next week be like?
  • What should you prepare for next week?

To clarify the time period, what kind of upcoming or future week it is, you can set specific dates. For example, first set the interval by writing on what date the week starts and ends, then write the days of the week in the line and write the corresponding date on paper opposite Monday and the rest of the days. For refinement cards, also write the date and time interval.

After a week has passed, you can take stock and compare which events were and which ones you managed to avoid. You can also do fortune-telling on one card, thereby summing up the week and analyzing the past week as a whole.

A simple tarot spread for the week will help you find out what awaits you in the next seven days. Even a beginner can do this divination - it is enough to know the interpretation of the arcana and prepare a classic Tarot deck.

With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out what to expect in the coming week. Prepare the deck and sit down at the table. Hold the cards in your hands for a short time, shuffle, randomly take out eight lassoes and arrange them in a row.

Then proceed to interpret:

  • The first card is the significator. She will point out the key events, the most important, which should be expected in the next seven days. Also, the lasso will help you understand what you should pay special attention to, what will be especially significant for you.
  • The remaining seven cards correspond to each day of the week: the first is Monday, the second is Tuesday, and so on.

Important: this alignment can only be done on Sundays, in the evening. In the process of divination, try to abstract yourself from extraneous thoughts and emotions, fully focus on the process.

The layout of the "Star"

This divination is similar to the previous one: you will also need seven cards and the eighth as a significator. But you need to lay out the arcana in a different way:

This alignment is considered to be stronger magically, because the star in esotericism is a symbol of power and strength. It personifies the connection of the planets with the days of the week, so the forecast is considered more astrological.

The decryption is the same:

  • The significator will indicate the most significant events of the coming week. The meaning of this lasso will help you understand which events will most affect your future.
  • The remaining seven cards correspond to each day of the week and will give short predictions for important events.

Guess Sunday. But not in the evening, as in the previous version, but in the morning.

The layout of the "Steps"

Unlike the previous layouts, this one can be done on any day of the week, both in the morning and in the evening. Arrange the cards on the table as follows:


  • Depending on the day of the week on which you made the layout, cards from 1-7 will give predictions for every day following the fortune-telling
  • For example, if you guessed on Sunday, then the first card corresponds to Monday, if on Wednesday - Thursday

Pay attention to the position of the card: in the direct it will have a favorable meaning, in an inverted one it changes to a negative one.

Schedule for today

To clarify the prediction, you can do a simple alignment for the next day during the week in the morning. To do this, shuffle the deck and take out six cards:

Important: you can guess in this way every day, but not more than seven days in a row. Be sure to take breaks, let the cards "rest" and gain magical power.

There are some nuances that should be taken into account in order to make the most accurate and reliable prediction:

  • The Major Arcana usually tell about the most significant events for a person. If they appear in the layout, then the prediction will affect not only the events of the week, but also life in general (the distant future)
  • The minor arcana indicate which area of ​​life you need to pay special attention to on a particular day of the week. Wands: Be active in business, work and financial affairs. Cups: Spend time solving personal problems, these are emotions and feelings, everything related to relationships. Swords: education and self-development. Coins: savings, searching for new sources of income, repayment of debts
  • Choose only one alignment, do not do several different ones in a row. If you start trying everything one by one, you will get confused in the predictions and not get a reliable forecast

Watch a video on YouTube about the Tarot layout for the week:

Basic rules for working with Tarot cards

Regardless of what alignment you do, you need to follow some rules in order to direct the magical power of the Tarot in the right direction:

And finally, do not forget to study the theory. Take time to read the interpretations of the arcana, their combinations with each other. Then you will gradually memorize the necessary information and do not have to turn to hints.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Tarot cards should be treated carefully and seriously. A person who is trying to penetrate into the essence of fortune-telling must discard all doubts and various thoughts that are not related to fortune-telling. It is not without reason that Tarot cards are not opened to everyone who wishes, but only to those who have come to them seriously and for a long time.

There is a misconception that anyone can work with Tarot cards. It is enough to learn the interpretation of cards and learn how to make layouts. This is not true. Each card of the deck has so many meanings that even an experienced specialist can get confused in their interpretation, and where can a beginner. But everyone can try to learn how to communicate with cards, and the result depends on your efficiency and ardent desire to learn.

How to make a seven day spread

Let's take a look at the tarot spread for next week. To do this, you need to draw seven cards from the deck that will characterize what these days of the week will be like. And the eighth, which, as a final map, will bring together the events of the next week. This is the only layout that simultaneously has a general and individual character of fortune-telling. Consider each day of the week separately. If questions arise, three more cards must be drawn for each day that requires additional information. These cards specify the events of the morning, afternoon and evening of a particular day.

There are enough Tarot spreads to analyze events that have already happened to you. Perhaps you have to look for mistakes that you have already made, from which you need to be warned in the future. Depending on which day the Seven Days fortune-telling is performed, from that day we begin the alignment. For example, if fortune-telling is performed on Tuesday, then the alignment should begin with the second card. And so on, until you lay out the cards for the whole week. The alignment for the week is able to characterize, in a word, what awaits you. Will these be favorable events, or should you be prepared for the unexpected. And then, of course, it is necessary to analyze on which day this or that event should occur.

There are also other layouts for - for example,. But we want to remind you that you can not turn to the Tarot for the sake of idle curiosity. The cards don't like this and can punish you. This can be either a complete distortion of information or a more serious warning. In the layouts of the Tarot, the events of the future are intertwined with the past, and the interpretation is made taking into account all periods of the fortuneteller's life.

Very often a person has a desire to predict the events of the week and understand what to prepare for and what to expect. Tarot divination for a week, which has the name "Seven Days", can help with this. This simple alignment will be able to describe what can happen in the coming week and give advice on what the fortuneteller should do in order to minimize possible negative consequences.

The essence of the alignment

After carefully shuffling the deck of cards, you need to pull out seven cards one at a time and put them in one row in front of you. After that, focusing on the desire to learn about the events of the upcoming week, you need to start interpreting the alignment. Tarot divination for a week can be done either with the help of a full deck, or using only the Major Arcana. The second option is more suitable for beginners.

Fortune-telling Tarot for a week is a simple process, but it is very important to listen to your inner voice when interpreting the alignment. The following are abbreviated interpretations of the Major Arcana, which will greatly facilitate the understanding of the Seven Days layout.

Interpretations can be:

  • Jester portends a successful start to a new business, against the backdrop of optimism, a positive attitude and spiritual lightness. In an inverted position, an unexpected turn, not always for the better. It is important not to make hasty conclusions and not make rash decisions.
  • Mage indicates that on this day you need to try to unleash your natural potential to the fullest. Do not ignore the new opportunities provided by fate.
  • Priestess warns of danger, so you need to be extra careful. Events may occur that require an intuitive approach. The day is the most suitable time for exploring the unknown.
  • empress upright portends a very good day for creative people, but when this card falls upside down, you should prepare for the chores.
  • Emperor in the upright position indicates that you will have to fight for the truth, and in an inverted position it may portend that you will have to obey a tough person. You need to try to identify what you cannot control.
  • Priest focuses a person's attention on the fact that you need to look at the existing problem from all sides in order to correctly determine the way to resolve it.
  • lovers herald the beginning of a romantic relationship.
  • wagon indicates that on this day a purposeful movement towards the goal will continue if a person does what his heart tells him. In an inverted position, this card portends that in this case you will have to face anger and hatred.
  • Justice indicates that on this day a very important, but very difficult decision will have to be made. The day is great for assessing your own financial capabilities.

  • Hermit indicates that you need to evaluate the ongoing events around you, in an inverted position, this card indicates that a wrong decision may be made.
  • Wheel of Fate symbolizes the correctness of the chosen path, and can also portend new adventures.
  • Force emphasizes that the day is optimal for demonstrating one's own skills.
  • Hanged emphasizes the desire for change, a very good day for spiritual growth.
  • Death symbolizes life changes that can relate to any sphere of human life.
  • Moderation indicates that on this day you need to make plans.
  • Devil portends good luck in the business sphere, if you can completely liberate yourself. But in an inverted position, it warns that one should not abuse one's power.
  • Tower warns of possible conflict situations and dramatic life changes. In an inverted position, the card indicates stagnation in business.
  • Star predicts success in any endeavors. But in an inverted position, it can focus on the fact that your own laziness and self-doubt can interfere with this. It is important on this day not to dream, but to do real business.
  • Moon predicts failures, against which depression and nervous breakdown may occur. On this day, there is a high probability that a person will be threatened or blackmailed. Care must be taken not to make a stupid mistake.
  • The sun portends a successful day, full of positive emotions. There is a high probability of concluding profitable deals in material terms, but at the same time avoid exceeding your authority. But reversed, this card warns of apathy and bad mood.
  • Court indicates that it may be necessary to return to the old cases. The card in an inverted position focuses on the fact that a person can be given opportunities that should not be missed.
  • World gives hope that all the things started will end in success, and undertakings will contribute to climbing the career ladder.
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