How to allocate time correctly in order to be in time for everything? Fundamentals of time management and planning. How to do everything and live life to the fullest: practical tips

Often so many things fall on us, and it begins to seem that the only way to cope with this chaos is to add a couple more hours a day. However, no magic is needed, it is better to just master the rules of time management. This will help you learn to do more and keep up with everything. Competent time planning is an opportunity to do as much as possible, to take care of yourself, education, work, children without harming anyone. In order to master time management and learn how to properly allocate your time, you should take note of simple, but very effective rules.

Learn to clearly articulate your goals

Each case must have its own clear title. Record even the smallest things in your diary. And to enhance the effect, these cases should sound clearly and specifically. For example, "go to the beautician" or "take the cat for vaccinations." Thus, it’s as if you don’t leave yourself a choice and are already obliged to do what you wrote about. This rule will help to correctly allocate time at work.

Nowhere without a diary

To answer the question of how to learn how to properly allocate your time, you need to start planning your day from the very morning until bedtime. It takes no more than 15-20 minutes to do this, and the benefits are incredible. After all the tasks for the day are fixed, you will know exactly how much time you have for certain things in order to do everything.

It can look just like a to-do list, or maybe like a school schedule, that is, each task will take a specific hour. Even if it's 5 minutes to take out the trash, you'll have to write it down. Do not rely on your own memory, when everything is clearly painted before your eyes, you will know exactly how much time is left and when you need to start the next task for the day.

It is not necessary to spend money on a notebook, although many people think that it is much more convenient. Each phone has an application such as a calendar or notes, you can also enter all necessary information. Thinking about how to properly allocate time in order to do everything? Here without a diary or a glider anywhere.

Divide big tasks into smaller ones

One stands in front of you big goal? If you list it as one item, then most likely, on a subconscious level, you will delay doing this thing, because it will seem so big and unbearable. There is a way out - break one big task into several small ones, which will eventually lead to the achievement main goal. For example, in the evening you are going to cook lasagna, if you enter this item separately in the diary, we do not think that you need to spend time at least going to the store, and this may already cause a deviation from the schedule. Write out every little thing in your daily plan so as not to waste time, which is already not enough, on minor troubles. So, you do not have to remember what you have to do and you will be able to properly allocate your time.

Put things in order

We all know that order in the head is impossible without order at home. If you go home, and there is a mess everywhere, then you will at least spend a lot of time looking for something you need, and in addition, you will also be upset. This time can be spent with greater benefit for yourself, and Bad mood and can ruin the rest of the day. So keep your house clean! To learn how to properly manage your time, first learn how to keep your workplace.

Do what you love

Try to allocate your time so that you can spend it on those things that give you pleasure. For example, you are a big music lover - take at least 10 minutes a day to listen to it. Such small activities that you love will help you feel in harmony with yourself throughout the day.

Do multiple things at the same time

It doesn't sound very convincing, but it's really possible and even useful. But this applies only to tasks that do not require maximum concentration. For example, you have to long way on a non-busy highway by car - turn on an audiobook or a self-instruction manual of some language together with books. Get to the place - learn at least a dozen new words. Just keep in mind that the rule of doing several things at the same time applies only to those cases when the task allows it. If you need to write a report or a term paper, and at the same time you start studying English, then nothing good will come of it.

Sport is your daily duty

Plan your schedule so that physical exercise became a daily ritual. Start the day with a charge, we all know that this is a charge of vivacity for the whole day. But that's not all, in addition to the basic morning exercises, try to allocate at least 30-40 minutes for another physical activity. It can be a trip to the fitness room and even the most ordinary evening jog. We all know that in healthy body- a healthy mind.

Praise yourself

Work is, of course, very important and it takes most of our time, but rest is no less important. Make it a rule to “mark” each successfully completed item from the task list with a cup of aromatic tea, a couple of pages of your favorite book, and so on. Thus, you can clear your mind again and be as open as possible to the next item on the plan.

To make the most of your time, you can incorporate the following habits into your life:

  • Analyze how the day went before going to bed, this will help you understand what you need to spend more time on, and what is better to forget about altogether.
  • How to properly distribute work time? Plan, plan and plan again, but only with prioritization, distribute things in order of importance, leaving the most difficult for the morning. Just keep in mind that you need to properly assess your strengths, if you plan more than you can physically do, it will be very frustrating.
  • Keep order in the workplace, distribute files on your computer into folders so as not to waste time searching for them. The same goes for paper documents.
  • Break big plans and goals into smaller tasks, oddly enough, so you will quickly come to their implementation.
  • Learn to say "no" if you know that it will hurt your plans for the day and will not bring any benefit. Save time and energy.
  • Make the most of every free minute. Cork is the most the best time to improve my English.
  • Keep a diary and don't keep everything in your head.
  • Follow the daily routine. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time, the body will get used to it and getting up in the morning will become much easier.
  • Well, and, of course, nowhere without rest. Highlight free time to do what you love, don't forget to take at least one day off a week.
  • Feel free to delegate. Do not try to constantly understand something new, trust a professional and the quality of tasks will increase and time will be saved.

Remember that your time is only in your hands and its competent organization depends solely on you.

The science of how to allocate time is extremely important in modern world. Only with basic time management skills will you be able to feel confident and enjoy your day. There are many books and theories about how to do everything, but the most important thing is to overcome your laziness and take action.

How to allocate time in order to be in time for everything?

In the modern, incredibly fast pace of life, it is very important to keep up with everything and at the same time exclude the deterioration in the quality of the work done.

Yes, today a common person must:

  1. Perform your work duties with high speed and increased dedication;
  2. Deal with domestic family problems;
  3. Do not forget about relatives and friends;
  4. Make time for your children and your significant other.

And besides that, find time for yourself. All this is exacerbated by long distances and traffic jams. In order to prevent your life from turning into a continuous series of disappointments from the fact that you did not have time to go anywhere, use the following tips:

  • Define for yourself most important and global goals. In the daily bustle, choose the time and calmly think about what you want from this life, set priorities and put it all on paper;
  • Adjust schedule of your day. It is important to know that a person needs about eight hours of normal sleep. If you like to soak up in bed longer, then this is your resource of time, and if less, then lack of sleep takes away some of your energy to complete the necessary tasks;
  • Start diary, in which you will write down plans for the next week. Here it is important not to overdo it with plans. Choose the most significant, there will definitely be no more than five of them per day. Having completed your plan, you will cross them out with pride;
  • Global affairs that seem impossible or extremely difficult for you, do gradually. Do something every day in the direction of achieving the desired result, then you will not even notice how you coped with a difficult task;
  • Give up empty pastime on the Internet or on the phone - this is the most dangerous absorber of your temporary resource.

In this video, Thomas Frank will talk about the three-step model of competent time planning and proper prioritization:

Basics of competent time management

There are many theories of time management. However, all of them are united by essentially the same thoughts: everything is in time not for the one who constantly goes without sleep and rest in his dream, but for the one who prioritizes and plans well in advance.

One of good methods the science of time management is eisenhower matrix. It looks like a large square divided into four smaller ones:

  1. The first square is important and urgent matters;
  2. The second is important but not urgent;
  3. The third, which is under the first, is not important, but at the same time urgent tasks;
  4. The fourth includes non-important and non-urgent tasks.

So, with a little planning time, you'll break down the messy clump of your daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly tasks into the specified squares in the matrix. Thus, it will become extremely clear to you what you need to devote time to right away, what you can leave for later, and what should be excluded from your to-do list at all.

The basic principles of the Eisenhower matrix:

  • AT first the square should contain cases, failure to comply with which will result in direct Negative consequences For you. Experts say that ideally this square should be empty, as this indicates that you are using your time wisely and do not allow burning situations;
  • All major everyday tasks are usually contained in second square. This is what is important for you: playing sports, proper nutrition and more, but not urgently, that is, failure to do these things will not be followed by specific troubles;
  • AT the third includes tasks that distract you from moving towards the main goal, but at the same time they must be completed as quickly as possible. Starting from washing dishes, ending with an unnecessary trip to visit;
  • Among the cases recorded in fourth the square should be carefully audited for their implementation in general. If you can’t completely abandon them, then leave them in case when all other tasks are completed.

How to properly allocate working time?

Having learned how to properly allocate time in your personal life, you will easily begin to apply the same methods at work with minor amendments:

  1. When you arrive at work, focus on your job responsibilities. Postpone all tea parties and heart-to-heart conversations with a colleague. Make the most of the morning;
  2. Stop using the internet and mobile phone if it doesn't contradict your job responsibilities. Since these are the main time sinks;
  3. Put things in order on the table and around you, so you will know where and what you can take and see in time, there will be order in your head;
  4. Get a diary. Enter there your daily duties and tasks set at the planning meeting and assign them priorities;
  5. In the morning it is best to do something that you have been putting off for a long time or that you do not like;
  6. Don't take on multiple tasks at the same time. It takes energy and time;
  7. Having your own heap of plans, you do not need to help colleagues with their affairs. In this case, it is better to learn how to refuse correctly once;
  8. If possible, divide tasks into those that you need to do yourself and those that you can delegate to subordinates or colleagues.

Remember that in the late afternoon, your energy dries up and a much larger resource is spent on completing the task. Therefore, plan your work day wisely.

If you are always late, catch the disgruntled glances of your superiors, and even worse get open comments, do not get to the hairdresser at the appointed time and end up without a haircut, then you should listen to following advice:

  • Get a diary;
  • Plan your day in advance, such as the night before or in the morning at breakfast;
  • In the diary, write down the affairs in expanded detailed view. If a trip to the supermarket is on your list of tasks for today, immediately indicate what you need to purchase there;
  • Wake up early - then you will have more opportunity to do everything you have planned. But remember that this should not be at the expense of eight hours of sleep. It is better to go to bed early the day before;
  • Things that can be done in five minutes, do not leave for later;
  • Prioritize what will bring you the greatest result;
  • There should be no more than five important tasks per day;
  • Leave time for unforeseen situations;
  • Think about how to facilitate or delegate some tasks. For example, ask your spouse to go grocery shopping and your daughter to do the dishes.

How to find time for rest?

In order to cope with all tasks qualitatively, a person needs have a good rest. Having a reduced amount of time:

  1. Plan your vacation in advance. However, you should not tell your relatives that you only have half an hour for a walk in the park with them, this may offend them;
  2. Put aside all problems and questions, even if they are urgent and important. Devote this time to family and rest;
  3. choose leisure, walking, sports, reading. So for a short time You'll get the largest number emotions.

With this approach to vacation planning, you can easily fit it into your weekly to-do list, and the family will not feel your constant busyness and focus on solving endless problems. And your body, in turn, will be ready for new achievements.

Thus, knowing how to allocate time, you can easily cope with all problems, global tasks and have time to have a decent rest with your family. The most important thing to remember is that you are a person, not a machine for resolving complex issues.

Video: how to learn not to waste time?

In this video, Vitaly Rodionov will tell you how to learn how to effectively and distribute time throughout the day in order to increase productivity:

Who among us has not wondered what is the greatest value? Quite often opinions differ on this issue. Some believe that information, others - time. Despite the fact that modern society has enough opportunities to save time, for some reason there is just not enough time. And immediately thoughts come to mind: “Why is technological progress playing bad joke?”, “How to manage to do everything and even well?”, “How to distribute and plan your day in order to at least partially unload yourself?”. Everything is very simple. You just need to learn how to plan the time correctly.

Rules to follow if you want to be successful

In order to do everything and have time to rest, you should:

  • develop a specific plan;
  • prioritize dealing with small matters of importance, without leaving them for later;
  • do not waste working time on unnecessary things;
  • analyze completed tasks on a daily basis;
  • properly prioritize according to importance;
  • to keep order;
  • develop the willpower to follow new habits.

How to learn to plan your day: the stages of planning the time of the head

It seems to be correct to allocate working time, to determine the sequence of daily work is not difficult, however, not everyone can do it. If thoughts come to mind about how to do important things in a timely manner and not get tired, it is important to learn how to properly plan and allocate time. An important role here is played by a properly drawn up plan of the daily routine.

Do not forget about such an important factor as limited time. Time cannot be stopped, changed, returned, which means that the same applies to work, affairs, and our life in general.

There are the following stages of working time planning:

  • developing discipline (learning to control your day - important task successful leader)
  • determining the degree of importance of cases (it is allowed to plan no more than 3 urgent cases per day);
  • rational distribution of cases into important, urgent, light, simple, insignificant;
  • drawing up a phased plan for the implementation of work;
  • getting rid of simple, small, easy things that take less than 10 minutes to complete (unloading the next days);
  • refusal of the manager from activities that “steal” time (watching TV shows, many hours of communication on social networks, gatherings with friends);
  • definition of each thing in the house and at work of its place;
  • getting rid of work junk (10 minutes a day is enough to sort through documents and throw away unnecessary);
  • choice of hobbies for leisure.

In order not to lose friends and save time correctly, you need to follow the rule: visit pages on social networks 2 times a week, set aside weekends for meeting friends, plan personal meetings in advance, reduce the time of “empty” telephone conversations to 15 minutes a day.

How to make a work plan

Fruitful planning is possible if you adhere to the following sequence in your work:

  1. Determine the goals and objectives on the basis of which to develop a work plan. It can be short-term (for a week) or long-term (for a month, quarter, year).

Attention: A successful leader should not deviate a single step from the plan. You can make adjustments to it, for example, swap things, the days of important meetings, plan events for another time, but you can’t change them radically in any case.

  1. Assign tasks and set deadlines for their completion. It is important to learn first of all to do things that have a limited time frame and those that require a lot of effort. Then you can plan medium-term tasks and work that requires the implementation of standard functions. The last thing to do is the less important work.
  1. Mandatory marking of urgent matters that arose on the eve of execution in your diary or calendar (allows the manager to have time to do everything on time, without missing important points).
  1. Analysis of all cases, reduction of the list of tasks (as far as possible).

To unload your day, it is important:

  1. Follow the restriction of the execution of cases: no more than 3 urgent, no more than 10 in total per day.
  2. Plan to follow through challenging tasks at a better time, preferably in the morning, light - at the end of the work shift.
  3. Do not perform the next work without completing the previous one (it is important to plan the tasks in stages, having completed the previously agreed ones).
  4. Do not leave unfinished business, do not transfer them to the next business day.
  5. If there are still outstanding tasks, it is recommended to make a note about them in the calendar of important cases, where they should be specially noted. In the event that the same task stably "lives" in the diary for several days in a row, it is worth considering how to refuse it or simply transfer it to another person performing it.

Secrets of rational planning

Proper planning of the day will allow:

  • assessment of the work plan, adjustment of tasks, drawing up a daily routine;
  • control over the execution of cases, elimination of the simultaneous execution of several tasks (otherwise there is a risk of low performance in work);
  • completion of the started cases;
  • elimination of obstacles that prevent the manager from fulfilling the assigned tasks, distract attention, affect plans;
  • alternation of work with rest;
  • time planning analysis;
  • continuous improvement of their performance.

Secrets of saving the manager's time

  1. It is important to combine similar tasks, for example, combine negotiations, parse correspondence, respond to emails.
  2. Equally important is the creation of a calm environment. This is necessary so that nothing distracts from work.
  3. Limiting your working time will avoid unproductive results from business meetings.
  4. Ability to prioritize important indicator rationality and consistency of affairs, which affects the achievement of goals.
  5. Performing exceptionally important tasks allows the leader to achieve high performance in his work.
  6. A significant part of the time will help to save the distribution of tasks between employees.
  7. Equally important is the phasing in the work. Moving towards the goal is much easier if you climb the stairs, starting with small things and reaching heights.
  8. Keeping a diary of important things will help eliminate the overlap of one task on another, the accumulation of cases at the end of the month.
  9. Important decisions are best made in the morning. In this way, you can create a feeling of success for the whole working day.
  10. When making plans, schedules, it is important to take into account the true level of ability to work, since it is he who affects the final result of the work.

Time is all we have. No one knows how much we have allotted, but you can and even need to learn how to use every minute of your life as efficiently as possible.

Keeping up with everything is not so easy, although, on the other hand, there is nothing difficult in this either, especially if you master such a thing as time management. "Time" (Time) - English word, translated into Russian meaning time. Management is management, control. The art of prioritizing is the basis for successful people. rich and happy people always know how much time they have for rest, and how much for work or duties. The correct psychology of self-development is based on this.

Why we need time management

Man needs time control for one simple reason - we multitask. We are rational beings, so we have to do a lot of different things, without which life will simply stop.

Even if you are on vacation, you still have a favorite hobby and there are people who are in love or friendship with you. Life is very dynamic, it does not stand still. Time management helps people all over the world to remember that everything changes every second, every moment. It is possible to wake up in the morning and find that you live in a different world from the one that surrounded you 8 hours ago.

We need time control because time cannot be reversed. We are completely dependent on it, so we can only interact with it. Many people ask themselves: “Why do I always have no time for what?” The answer is obvious - you are not prioritizing your life correctly. And sometimes people burden themselves with work and truly overwhelming tasks. This can also be the cause of problems associated with lack of time. It is necessary to clearly distinguish between unnecessary altruism and good manners. Of course, mutual assistance is the first step to success. Help your neighbor and you will receive help in return. But you also need to remember about yourself. And value your time.

How to allocate time correctly

To get started, enter this good habit, as fixing all tasks for the future. If you do not know exactly when you will be free, for example, after work, then write in your personal notebook that you should go for medicines in the evening or do it during lunch. We live in the 21st century - if you do not like the prospect of carrying notebooks with you everywhere, use a special application on your phone as a notebook.

If you have tasks that do not need to be solved in certain time then try to complete them as quickly as possible. Remember that absolutely any business that can be done now is better not to postpone for later. So you free up time for other things, you will be less nervous and worried. The only "but" is rest.

Don't forget about rest. If you can do everything right now, and it does not make you feel overtired, then everything is under control. But don't force yourself to limit your well-deserved time of relaxation and idleness. Alternate periods of activity and periods of recovery.

Another important note and advice: Don't forget to keep track of your expenses and receipts. In general, moderate control allows you to see the full picture of what is happening. Statistics show that people who track money lose less money and, most importantly, worry less.

To prevent time from working against you, time management experts advise do not borrow money and, moreover, do not give. It is strictly forbidden to lend more than you are willing to lose.

Now that the tips have been given out, we can talk about the direct distribution of time:

In order to always have time for everything, single out four groups of cases for yourself:

  • responsibilities;
  • hobby;
  • entertainment;
  • rest.

1. Responsibilities. This is what makes it impossible to even think about postponing. If you forget to do something, this will cause a failure in the mode and, possibly, big problems. This includes:

  • Job;
  • House cleaning;
  • regular important purchases;
  • children (take to school, check lessons, take a walk, and so on).

Responsibilities can have an unlimited amount of time, because these are the things that define your lifestyle. Although, of course, if the prospect of wasting time at work only makes you lose energy, it may be worth considering changing activities.

Responsibilities do not need to be written down - you should always remember them. Distribute tasks so that it is convenient for you and your significant other to complete them. Few people know or guess, but, for example, eating is also a duty. Proper nutrition determines mood and performance, so have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time. If you don’t want to cook, wash the dishes so that your significant other doesn’t do everything entirely. The exception is the situation when one person comes home at, for example, at 4 pm, and the second at 7 pm. During this time, you can cook and wash the dishes. If you live on your own, then you need to cook and wash the dishes right away. Forget about the mountains of unwashed dishes - this is the lot of those who will begin to transfer important fateful events to later.

Responsibilities take as long as it takes. They cannot be replaced by anything - neither rest, nor a hobby. After you make and learn a list of all the duties for the whole week, you can start planning the rest of the cases.

2. Rest. This is the second point of your time planning. Many mistakenly believe that only those who hardly rest have time to do everything. This is not true. The body needs relaxation. Rest should be planned as clearly as duties. You must always rest. Remember this. Don't skip rest cycles at work and at home. When you get home, do not sit down at the computer and do not go to the gym. Lie down for literally 15-20 minutes. Just do not fall asleep, because such a dream is quite harmful for the daily routine. By the way, about the mode. Follow it as clearly as possible. This is important rule all successful people.

When all urgent matters are completed and you have rested, it is time for hobbies and entertainment.

3. Hobby. A hobby is something that no one can live without. Sometimes it happens that a hobby coincides with work, that is, with responsibilities. In this case, you can find another hobby. Let it draw you in. Think about it more often, creating in yourself a desire to do it. Hobbies should be useful, so sports are one of the best options.

The task of hobbies is obvious - you switch, change the type of activity, do what brings you pleasure. In your plan for the day, doing what you love can be shifted and not planned carefully and painstakingly. This is their main charm.

4. Entertainment. Entertainment is going to a club, bowling, cinema, restaurant, computer games, friends, and so on. The difference between recreation and entertainment is that you spend your time or vitality. Entertainment is needed only on weekends or on Fridays if you work out according to the plan of the five-day work week.

It is better not to plan them for more than a week, because you cannot know what the situation will be like in the future. Entertainment should also have a special place in the budget. Without entertainment, you can live for a very long time. This is an optional item, but if you want to live an active life, then you should include them in your program.

Telephone, computer and television deserve a separate discussion. They also require some amount of energy, so in no case do not go to bed immediately after watching TV or after computer games. Give your brain a break for at least an hour. Before going to bed, it is better to engage in a quiet hobby like reading books.

So, the main rule of time management is the ordering of all life processes. Do what you want, but duties and rest must always be planned. These are things that should not be put off without a good reason. If you live by these rules, you will always be in time for everything. In addition, this is also one of the secrets of punctual people - they always know what is required of them, therefore they save both their own and other people's time. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

"I have no time…". This phrase has ruined so many opportunities, because in order to do training, interesting business, pay attention to loved ones, relax, after all, we always do not have enough time. Why do people not know how to plan it in such a way as to have time to complete all the tasks before the evening, which should be devoted to more pleasant spiritual affairs? Here are thirteen ways to manage your time effectively.

  1. Make a daily to-do list and cross them off as you complete them.
  2. From the list, select the most important and urgent tasks for the coming day. And when you deal with them, take on the rest of the list.
  3. Now number the recorded tasks in the order in which they were performed.
  4. Do the hardest and most frustrating tasks first so that you can finish the job quickly by the end of the day and good mood will go home.
  5. Write down the most difficult cases at the time when your performance is most active.
  6. All things should be realistically doable, you don’t need to make a huge list on the first day of what you won’t do in three days. Gradually, when you get used to the list, gradually increase the load and be sure to set aside hours for rest.
  7. Be sure to indicate the required time for a particular task, for example, fees for work (hair, makeup, selection of clothes, etc.) take 35 minutes, tomorrow - 20 minutes, etc. At first, you will be simply overwhelmed by how much extra time it sometimes takes to check one mail, and over time you will learn to control time, and for better efficiency, wear a wrist watch.
  8. Spend less time on distractions. These include checking mail, social media, telephone conversations, etc. If you want to get distracted, it's better to listen to your favorite songs, take a ten-minute walk in the air, leaf through a magazine, or do a light workout.
  9. Learn to combine several things at the same time. For example, while you are eating breakfast, check your email.
  10. Get just one diary where you will write down absolutely all the notes you need - meetings, purchases, holidays, goals, work ideas, etc. Sometimes we can miss an important event for the stupid reason that the entry was made in another notebook or marked on the calendar hanging on the refrigerator.
  11. Consider the fact that time does not stand still, because it may not be enough to decide difficult question. Do not worry, but approach its implementation in a complex way, so you will be able to effectively plan the day and get the hard work done.
  12. Based on the above point - you do not need to plan too many things for one day. After all, it is important not only to plan the time correctly, but also to take into account your strengths, otherwise you will already fall from fatigue in the middle of the list.
  13. Be flexible - try to find new ways of performing, search, invent and use various methods for the efficient completion of tasks.
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