The first and only husband of Natalia Ionova. Singer Glucose (Natalya Chistyakova-Ionova) biography, photo, personal life How old is glucose husband Alexander

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Natasha Ionova, whom we know better as the singer Glucose, matured early. At the age of 15, she burst into the world of show business, and already at 19 she met the man of her life, with whom she is still married.

How to get a good husband

Young Natasha met businessman Alexander Chistyakov on a plane that flew to Chechnya. She was supposed to give a concert in the republic, and Alexander was traveling on business - at that time he ran an oil company. A noticeable age difference (13 years) did not become an obstacle to further communication, and the couple began dating.

Later, Ksenia Sobchak said that Alexander had noticed the singer for a long time and asked to invite her to the opening of the water park. Therefore, having accidentally met a girl in the cabin, he did not miss the moment and took the phone number.

A well-established, adult man - top manager of FSE UES, co-owner oil company Ruspetro, and yesterday's girl, daring and slightly eccentric Glucose, met for about a year. Natalya made an offer to her lover herself. At one of the parties, she, as she herself admits, “for no reason at all”, said - “Marry me! You won't find better anyway!" Alexander fell into a stupor. Sitting next to Mikhail Shats, and he stunnedly asked him again: “Do you hear? She wants to marry me!" To which Mikhail Shats replied: "No way."

However, a few weeks later he came to his beloved with a ring and said: "I agree." After a while, he confessed to his wife: "I was so unprepared to marry that I probably could never propose myself."

The wedding of the 20-year-old singer and the 33-year-old businessman was stretched out over three days. On the first day, they signed at the Kutuzovsky registry office, where only witnesses were present. Then they celebrated the event in a close circle in one of the capital's restaurants. The next day, the young people staged a celebration in Barvikha, in a country residence. The celebration was attended by 200 people. The next day, the young went to continue to celebrate in St. Petersburg, the home of the groom. In marriage, Natalia and Alexander had 2 daughters - in 2007 - Lydia, in 2011 - Vera.

Who is the prince?

Alexander Chistyakov is an example of a man who made himself. He was born in 1973 in Leningrad, after school he easily entered the Voznesensky Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute, successfully graduating from the Faculty of Marketing and Finance.

A career in the economic sphere was developing successfully, and at some point Alexander took the post of head of the investment policy department at the large company United Energy Systems of Russia, later he managed to enter the board of directors of the enterprise.

At the same time, the UN held a responsible position in JSC IDGC Holding, but was forced to resign from the position of Deputy Director, concentrating all his working potential on Energosystems.

Since 2011, he has been a co-owner of the Ruspetro oil company, where he is Chairman of the Board of Directors. In addition, Chistyakov tries his hand at creative work, he wrote the script for the cartoon Savva. Warrior heart. He also acted as a producer of the cartoon "Baba Yaga", which was released in 2017.

So different

After the wedding and the birth of her daughters, the shocking Glucose changed a lot - she became feminine, softer and calmer. Jeans and boots with thick soles were thrown out of the wardrobe, feminine, sometimes very bold and frank, but still dresses appeared.

For a while, interrupting creative activity, Glucose returned to the stage, but in a new look. True, show business dictates its own laws, but the husband accepts the rules of the game and understands Natasha. An indicative case is when all secular and near-secular Moscow (and not only Moscow) discussed the defiant image of Ionova, in which she appeared at one of the events.

It was a presentation of the new U-Boat watch, which was created by a Hollywood actor, now a Russian, Steven Seagal. Glucose appeared at the presentation in a dress with a deep neckline and no underwear. When asked by journalists how her husband reacted to discussions, not always flattering, of his wife's toilets, Glucose said that the husband often does not know what his wife left and what she came home in. “He doesn’t read ladies’ magazines, and, unfortunately, they don’t publish me in Izvestia,” she jokes. True, Alexander did not like the candid photo shoot in Maxim magazine. He expressed dissatisfaction, but prevented.

Natalya speaks of her husband as a very decent, well-mannered and intelligent person. And in every interview she expresses sincere joy that she was so lucky.

Photo Glucose with her husband and children

Natalya Chistyakova often shares photos on Instagram, sometimes there are shots with her husband Alexander and children.

Born in January 1973 in St. Petersburg. Is successful businessman, co-owner of the oil company "Ruspetro".

The biography began in the city on the Neva, here he spent his childhood and youth. Already at school he showed organizational skills, the exact sciences were best given to him. Good academic performance allowed the young man to enter the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute at the Faculty of Marketing and Finance. Later received additional education in the field of economics and finance.


Businessman Alexander Chistyakov managed to different time worked in various positions, was the head of the Department for Investment Policy at the United Energy Systems of Russia. Then he moved up the career ladder, rose to the board of directors. Conducted active parallel activities for seven years as Deputy General Director of IDGC Holding. Later he was transferred to the position of the First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of JSC FGC UES.

long time sued Elena Baturina (since 2012) - the wife of the former mayor of Moscow. The businesswoman filed a lawsuit against Chistyakov, accusing him of embezzling one hundred million euros. Once, an agreement was concluded between businessmen for the construction of commercial real estate in Morocco. The court decided to pay Baturina 4.5 million. However, she decided to drag out the lawsuit, disagreeing with this decision.

Alexander Chistyakov managed to prove himself in creativity. In 2015, he wrote the script and produced the cartoon Savva. Heart of a Warrior. Later he became a producer for animated film"Baba Yaga" in collaboration with Fyodor Bondarchuk.

Personal life and acquaintance with Glucose

Alexander Chistyakov was already divorced at the time of his acquaintance with Natalya Ionova. The businessman met the promising singer on board the plane. The girl flew with a concert to Chechnya. Introduced young people Ksenia Sobchak. Glucose at the time of meeting was only 19 years old, Alexander - 32 years old. But the age difference did not stop the lovers, they immediately found mutual language, looked at each other.

After 2 months of dating, Natalya moved into the house of a businessman. The lovers lived first with the son of a businessman from his first marriage, Alexander Jr.

In mid-June 2006, Glucose and Alexander officially became husband and wife. It is interesting that Natalya herself made a marriage proposal, without waiting for the first step from her lover, stating that Chistyakova would not meet such a girl like her anywhere else. Alexander did not argue and presented a ring with the words "I agree."

Happy parents

A year later, the couple became the parents of the girl Lydia. And 4 years later she was born youngest daughter- Faith. Parents admit that they bring up girls in strictness, do not indulge, but do not keep in Natalia and Alexander often travel. On one of the trips, the girl liked the town in Spain - Marbella. Alexander, without hesitation, purchased a luxurious mansion there. Since 2012, the couple often live in their villa on the Mediterranean coast.

Chistyakov's son from his first marriage lives with his spouses. Boy a good relationship with Ionova. Repeatedly, he even accompanied the singer on tour and social events.

Alexander took up yoga following the example of his wife, both adhere to vegetarianism, together they are engaged in spiritual practices, attend Vedic seminars.

What is Alexander Chistyakov doing now?

Before celebrating a decade of marriage, the couple constantly quarreled and were already thinking about parting. According to Natalya, life ruined their relationship. Mutual reproaches, scandals and claims began. But during the celebration of the anniversary life together both realized that there is nothing more valuable and more important than their love. The old feelings were revived.

Now the Chistyakov family is exemplary, the spouses have complete mutual understanding and idyll. Fans will learn about this from the pages on Instagram, which are run by both Glucose's husband, Alexander Chistyakov, and Natalia herself. Both publish numerous photos on the beach, at social events, on trips. Often they also feature the beautiful daughters of the couple.

At the end of 2017 in litigation between Baturina and Chistyakov finally managed to dot the "i". The High Court of London dismissed the businesswoman's claim, considering that the reimbursement of such an amount was not justified.

Glucose is one of the most popular pop singers. it creative pseudonym Natasha Ionova. First, music lovers saw the holographic image of the artist. For several months, no one knew who was hiding under the name of Glucose. The media appeared the most miscellaneous information. Some wrote that it computer program. Others claimed that one of popular actresses hides under this alias. Only at the final of the Star Factory it became known that Glucose is Natasha Ionova, who starred in several issues of Yeralash.

Currently, the artist is actively performing. Her schedule is booked months in advance. Despite being busy with creativity, the girl is engaged in raising the children she loves.

From the first appearance of the video of the song performed by Glucose, listeners began to wonder who is hiding under the galographic image. Appearing at the finals of the "Star Factory", the young artist only spurred interest. Soon a show program was released on the Kultura channel, it was here that the girl answered questions from the television audience, including how tall, weight, age, how old Glucose (singer) was. In 2018, the popular pop artist will celebrate her 32nd birthday.

Glucose, a photo in her youth and now which is of interest to numerous admirers of her talent, weighs 50 kg with a height of 152 cm. Many fans think that the young singer is taller than her real age.

The girl does yoga every day. She believes that it is the oriental technique that will help her keep her youth for many years.

Biography of Glucose (singer)

The biography of Glucose (singer) began in the mid-80s of the last century in the capital Soviet Union. The present tense of the girl is Natalya. According to some information, Ionova was born in Syzran, but the popular performer herself does not confirm these data.

Father and mother supported the future singer in all endeavors. From childhood, she was cheerful about everything. The girl was friends only with boys. AT school years she didn't like studying. She tried to answer well, and then sit out for 2 weeks. At the age of 7, she began to attend a music school. A few months later, Natasha stopped going to music classes, considering it not her own.

During her school years, Glucose was fond of dancing, learned to play chess, attended classes at a ballet studio, etc. AT adolescence spent a lot of time on computers. The girl was invited to shoot in the popular children's magazine"Yeralash". Then she starred in the movie "Triumph".

In her youth, the artist took up songwriting. Having written the composition "Suga", she decided to find Max Fadeev, who wrote the music for the soundtrack of the movie "Triumph". The song aired on Christmas Day. The performer came out in the form of a similar, according to her, Masyanya. Throughout 2002, listeners were tormented by the mystery of who is hiding under the picture. Max Fadeev assured that this is a fictional character. He invented the sound on the computer.

In 2003, the Star Factory show program was released, which was directed by one of the most popular producers, Max Fadeev. The real Glucose was presented at the final show concert.

Since the appearance on the screen, the singer has become popular and incredibly in demand. She regularly receives awards from the most popular song festivals, including Glucose received a large number of awards "Songs of the Year", "Golden Gramophone" and others.

The artist regularly tours. It is enthusiastically awaited by the public throughout the territory. Russian Federation and neighboring countries.

Glucose's personal life (singer)

The personal life of Glucose (singer) has been associated with Alexander Chistyakov for many years. The star of the Russian Olympus herself assures that she fell in love once. The popular singer prefers to remain silent about her previous relationships. The girl says that before meeting with her future spouse, she was sure that she would not marry, living alone for the rest of her days.

The couple met on the plane halfway to Grozny (Chechen Republic). A few years after the first meeting, they realized that they loved each other. Soon they decided to register the marriage officially.

Recently, rumors appeared in the media about the relationship of a popular performer with another man. But it turned out to be just gossip. The artist appears with her husband at various social events. She literally glows with happiness. And Alexander says that his wife is the most best woman in the world.

Glucose family (singer)

The family of Glucose (singer) currently consists of herself, her beloved husband Alexander and three children.

Together with the popular singer and her husband lived the son of a man from his first marriage, who was named after his father Alexander. He treated the girl well, considering his mother. AT kindergarten the boy said that Glucose is his mother, but no one believed him. When the performer herself came to the garden for the boy, everyone was even more amazed.

Soon after the wedding, the family was replenished with a girl, whom the couple decided to name in honor of Natasha's grandmother Lydia. The girl was brought up in bliss. A few years later, the family became large. Another daughter was born, who was named Vera.

Children are brought up by 10 nannies, whose actions are controlled by video cameras placed throughout the area of ​​the house.

Children of Glucose (singer)

Glucose's children (singer) are brought up in Great love. Currently, Alexander and Glucose are busy raising three children. They dream of having a son. The media has repeatedly reported about the imminent replenishment of the family. But the artist herself assures that her daughters ask their parents for a brother. Therefore, the baby will be born soon, but when exactly this will happen is unknown.

Daughters are actively engaged in creativity. Son Alexander is currently educated at one of the best American colleges. He often comes to Russia, visiting his sisters and parents.

A popular performer often visits one of the capital's orphanages. She brings gifts to the students. Often the artist gives concerts for children who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

Daughter of Glucose (singer) - Lidia Chistyakova

For the first time, a pop star became a mother in mid-2006. The birth of her daughter, named after her beloved grandmother Natasha Lydia, took place in one of the best Spanish clinics. After giving birth, the woman lived with her husband's Spanish relatives for six months.

For the first time, the girl starred in one of her mother's videos. At that time, she was one and a half years old.

Glucose's daughter, Lydia Chistyakova, is studying at school. She does not like to gain knowledge, but the girl always brings good grades. Lida is fond of singing songs. The artist on her Instagram page often uploads videos with songs performed by her beloved daughter.

Daughter of Glucose (singer) - Vera Chistyakova

Daughter of Glucose (singer) - Vera Chistyakova was born in the same clinic as her elder sister. In honor of the birth of the girl, her mother released a video clip. This time the baby was named after the wife's grandmother, who did a lot for him.

The girl spends the whole spring in Spain, as she is allergic to birch pollen. A popular singer sends a girl to Spain to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction.

Vera loves to dance, you can follow the girl's progress on her Instagram page.

Glucose's husband (singer) - Alexander Chistyakov

When the future lovers met, at that time the man worked in one of the largest oil companies. Glucose's husband, Alexander Chistyakov, shortly before meeting with future sweetheart broke up with ex-wife. The son, born in marriage, the man began to raise himself.

Soon after meeting with Glucose, Alexander realized that he was in love. But he was in no hurry to confess his feelings. He was held back by a 13-year age difference. Natasha says that she put in a lot of effort until her lover proposed to her.

Chistyakov assures that his wife is the best thing that happened to him. She gave him two wonderful daughters. Currently, he dreams of the appearance of a son in the family.

Glucose (singer) nude

The popular singer is a shocking artist. She often appears explicitly in her videos, posting them on Instagram.

Glucose (singer) naked is of interest to her many fans. But the spicy shots of the star often cause dissatisfaction among the artist's relatives. Glucose herself says that this is the outer side of her life.

Recently, a photo session was announced, which will be held for the magazine for men "Maxim". Photos should appear soon. This will most likely happen in October 2018.

Instagram and Wikipedia Glucose (singer)

Instagram and Wikipedia Glucose (singer) are incredibly popular. They contain the most detailed information about the life of a star.

Wikipedia allows you to find out how the biography of a girl has developed from birth to the present. The page lists information about the compositions performed by Glucose.

On the page on Instagram you can find out about the relatives and friends of the artist. The account is constantly updated with new pictures. In addition to her beloved daughters, son and husband, the pop star indulges fans with pictures of pets, of which there are many in the family.

The singer maintains her pages on Twitter, Odnoklassniki and VKontakte. Here, fans can read some of the singer's thoughts on a variety of things.

Singer, film actress, presenter and winner of the MTV award - Natalya Ilyinichna Chistyakova-Ionova (pseudonym Gluko'za) was born in 1986 in Moscow.

From the age of seven she attended many different circles, some constantly, while others almost immediately left. At the age of eleven, she was cast for the Yeralash program and participated in the filming until 1997. At the end of 1999, she starred in the film Princess War, which was released only fourteen years later. In 2001 she released her first single, after which she signed a contract with the Fadeevs and later with the Monolit company.

During her career she has released five studio albums, two compilations and thirty-one singles. She took part in TV shows, acted in films, voiced cartoons, the last of which was Savva. Warrior heart.

Personal life

In 2006, she signed with Alexander Nikolaevich Chistyakov, a businessman and co-owner of Ruspetro. Ten years after the marriage, according to the OK magazine, the Ionov-Chistyakovs were called the "couple of the decade."

The couple has two children: Lydia born in 2007 and Vera born in 2011. Natalia gave birth to both girls in Spain.

Where does glucose live

The Ionov-Chistyakov family has a large amount of real estate, both abroad and in Russia: apartments in the capital, St. Petersburg and a house in the Moscow region.

Apartment in St. Petersburg

The situation in St. Petersburg was completely thought out by Alexander, the wife only expressed special wishes, and the husband and the designer were already involved in everything else. Actually, there were only two wishes: a transparent dressing room and a separate bathroom.

Living space of 213 sq. meters is located in a historic building.

The kitchen is made in monochrome style and is combined with a spacious dining room. The set was brought from England, and in the dining room, above the dining table and velor chairs, there is an original crystal chandelier, presented for the wedding.

A glazed balcony adjoins the dining area - one of Natalia's favorite places. It's nice to drink coffee with a croissant in the morning and admire the golden spire of the Engineer's Castle. Large curtains hang on the windows - this is also one of GlukoZa's whims.

The walls and floor of the bathroom are framed with black marble and mosaics. By removing the partition between the master and guest bedrooms, the architects managed to place a second bathroom with a sauna, which Glukoza wanted.

In the guest room, stylized in the Chinese style, next to the entrance stands a mirror striking in its beauty and size, framed in a carved gilded frame.

The soft living room adjoins the study, at the intersection there is a sculpture of a samurai, the work of Dashi Namdakov, beloved master V.V. Putin.

The guest bedroom looks very warm and calm.

The second bedroom is sunnier due to the yellow walls.

Apartment in Moscow

The living space is located on the twenty-third floor in the famous "House on the Embankment" (Serafimovich St.). Rooms: entrance hall, kitchen-dining room, living room and bedroom.

The overall design is thought out in white-gray-black tones with red accents. Brick walls are painted with plaster.

For a change, there are unusual elements in the interior: a huge scarab or a magnificent aquarium in the living room.

The kitchen is also black and white with many lockers. In the dining room, the accent is made on chairs in red tones.

In the bedroom, along with black and light, there is a red accent in the bedside tables and chest of drawers on the entire wall.

The bathroom is completely decorated in black design with marble.

The family practically does not use the capital's living space, now grandmother Ionova lives there.

According to CIAN, prices for three-room housing on Serafimovicha Street, 2 start from 40 million rubles.

House in the suburbs

The family lives permanently in a country cottage in one of the elite settlements of the Moscow region. The situation here is completely different from urban housing. There are many colors, bright and warm shades, but the beloved red is still present in these interiors.

In addition to Glucose, her husband, two joint children and the eldest son Alexander from his first marriage, the owners' favorite pets live here.

Since two children live together, their playroom is spacious and bright with many interesting toys, games and books.

Like most modern musical figures, the hosts have a small white grand piano installed in the front door. On it, in addition to the hostess herself, her children also like to play music.

The large original wood-burning fireplace with granite cladding attracts attention.

The kitchen is implemented in a warm milky white design. The entrance is framed by floor-to-ceiling white columns, and air curtains hang from the windows.

Alexander Chistyakov- millionaire businessman, co-owner of the Ruspetro oil company, former top manager of RAO UES, husband famous singer Glucose.

Alexander Chistyakov. Biography

Alexander Nikolaevich Chistyakov was born on January 25, 1973 in what was then Leningrad. In 1995, he received a degree in economics from the Interserting Institute of Economics and Finance (St. Petersburg). In 2001, he joined JSC United Energy Systems of Russia, where a little later he became a member of the board of directors, and then - the owner of 48% of the shares.

Now he is the first deputy chairman of the board of directors of the Federal network company UES”, heir to RAO UES.

With Natalia Ionova (Glucose), Alexander Chistyakov met on a plane that was flying to Chechnya. Glucose flew to the concert, and Alexander went on a business trip. The singer at that time was 19 years old, and her future husband was 33. The age difference did not prevent the couple from getting married just six months after they met. By the way, this is Alexander's second marriage, from the first he has a son.

Natalia and Alexander have two children: daughters Lida (born in 2007) and Vera (born in 2011). The family lives very friendly. Alexander does not limit Natalya in her professional activity, is sympathetic to the need to attend secular parties, communicate with fans.

Many times, the spiteful critics tried to "divorce" the couple, inventing novels for them on the side. However, all this turned out to be nonsense. The marriage of Natalia and Alexander is one of the happiest in Russian show business. In 2016, they celebrate the "tin wedding": their marriage is 10 years old.

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