A quick way to learn how to pull up on the horizontal bar. Option for the unprepared. Squeezing the shoulders and lowering the chin to the chest

Pulling up on the bar is one of the universal ways to train the body. In addition, it is the most affordable, since the horizontal bar can be found on any playground. With pull-ups, you develop and strengthen almost all muscle groups. If you can’t lift your body even once, then learn by following the recommendations in this article.

When pulling up, the correct grip is of great importance. Go to the horizontal bar and grab it so that your fingers look away from you, and thumb clasped the crossbar on the other side. It’s worth mentioning right away that if you are overweight, then you won’t be able to quickly learn how to stretch. You need to lose weight to normal. To do this, sit on healthy diet and follow the next plan. Get a notebook where you will record your achievements. In it, make a training plan. 5 days a week you have to practice to reach your goal as soon as possible. If you have never played sports before and the level of your fitness zero, then train the muscles for the first five days. Push up from the floor, placing your hands in different positions. If you don’t know how to do push-ups with even legs, then do it from a wall or on knees bent. The most reliable way to work on the biceps is to bend the arms while standing with a barbell or dumbbells. Bring your performance up to 4 sets of 8 lifts. The press is also important when pulling up, because it does not work. fewer hands. Start training this muscle group by doing 10 reps of 6 reps while lying down. Go to a low horizontal bar, hang on it, holding your hands with the correct grip in a bent position. Try to stay in this position for as long as possible, or at least lower yourself slowly, not with a sharp fall. In your notebook, write down how many seconds you lasted with your feet off the ground. After trying, repeat push-ups. Don't forget to write down the results in a notebook. After a week, you will notice that your muscles are much stronger and accustomed to stress. Now you can move on to real pull-ups. Go to a high horizontal bar, hang on it and try to pull your body up. You may not be able to lift yourself completely yet, but even the slightest change in the position of the torso is already a result that is worthy of writing in a notebook. If you are working out with a friend, ask him to help you pull yourself up to the bar. So the muscles will better feel the right load. Do not allow yourself to relax and put all the work on the shoulders of a friend. His job is just to push you a little. For those cases when training takes place alone, attempts to pull up with a jerk are good. After you have reached the desired position, do not fall down, but hold on for about 40 seconds in a hovering state, then slowly lower yourself without relaxing your muscles right away. Do as many reps as you can. Repeat all these exercises daily in combination with push-ups. To improve efficiency, do 3-5 sets of each exercise. As soon as you rise to the maximum, and your head is above the bar, then you have learned to pull up. Now your task is to continue training and increase the number of pull-ups.

In sports, the main thing is perseverance and constancy of training. Keep a workout diary on your own, this will help you motivate yourself to work. Even better, if you practice with a friend, constantly comparing the results. Each set of exercises, including pull-ups, start with a warm-up. During physical activity breathe correctly, this will protect your heart from unnecessary stress and ensure its proper functioning.

One of the most ancient and effective workouts pull-ups on the horizontal bar are rightfully considered. No wonder the horizontal bar is familiar to us from school, it is also in the army, but few people know that in order to achieve real results, you need to do more and better than they offer us in the army. We'll show you how to get the best results.

A bit of history and theory of pull-ups

It is known that even in ancient greece, and in other developed countries, pull-ups were part of the basic set of exercises. Even then, people guessed that this type of training strengthens muscles better than anything else, helps to build mass, and form a harmonious relief.

The monks of Tibet further improved this technique, complicating and including a number of original elements in it, which made it possible to reach great peaks in a short period of time.

Today we have the widest overview of different techniques, among which you can choose the most suitable for yourself.

And after you learn how to properly pull up on the horizontal bar, you can safely move on to ours. It will allow you to work out in detail all muscle groups.

On the horizontal bar you can pump following groups muscles:

  • Biceps.
  • Pectoral muscles.
  • Back muscles. Read more.
  • Muscles of the forearm -.
  • Press - .

Yes, the horizontal bar is really the most versatile sports equipment that allows you to work out the whole body wonderfully. And now about how the professionals do it.

What exercises can be performed on the crossbar

The crossbar gives a wide field for sports fantasy. Here you can perform a huge number of exercises that develop different muscle groups.


The burpee exercise is popular among athletes of different categories, especially among martial artists who prefer the development of endurance, agility and strength.

The execution method is as follows: you need to take the i.p. - stand in front of the horizontal bar, arms lowered along the body, legs shoulder-width apart. At a fast pace, we squat down, with a jump we take the emphasis lying down and do push-ups once. We also dynamically return to the squatting position with a jump, make a jump again and return to the SP, pull ourselves up, jump to the ground. An exercise.


Core is a set of exercises for the development of mass, strength and endurance, training different muscle groups.

Methodology for performing "kor" you need to take the i.p. - hands down, feet shoulder-width apart. We jump to the horizontal bar, pull ourselves up, raise straight legs perpendicular to the body, lower them down, raise our legs again, but already bent at the knees at a right angle. Then we lower our legs again and raise them again, already up, to touch the crossbar with our toes. We jump to the ground and repeat the exercise at least five times.

But among all the existing techniques with a horizontal bar, the most popular is the pull-up training program, which, with due perseverance, will help build strength and endurance.

It is worth dwelling a little more on the issue of competently performing pull-ups on the horizontal bar, because the final result largely depends on the quality.

How to pull up correctly

Back and legs in without fail should be straight, you need to rise to the stop in order to touch the crossbar with your chin.

The crossbar is fraught with a lot of secrets, knowing which, you can quickly bring yourself into perfect shape.

  1. If you are going to build mass, then you need to go up slowly, go down quickly.
  2. If it is necessary to strengthen the muscles, increase power and endurance, then, on the contrary, you need to quickly rise and slowly descend.
  3. For good stretching and flexibility, you need to quickly perform both ascent and descent, and in between sets, give yourself about ten seconds of sagging.

There are several types of pull-ups, let's look at them.

How to learn to pull up for a beginner?

If you can't pull up even once, there are several options. Using one of them is much easier to learn how to pull up on the horizontal bar.

  • You can use a stool. Standing on it, it is easier to pull up on the horizontal bar. At the top point, you must try to stay in a taut position for three seconds, gradually increasing this figure to seven seconds, and jump to the ground. It is necessary to repeat this 5-7 more times.
  • There is another method - insurance with rubber. By tying yourself around the waist with a wide sports rubber band and hanging it high to the horizontal bar, it is easier to return to highest point pull-ups. A week later, it will be possible to work on the horizontal bar without insurance.
  • Beginners perform pull-ups with jerks. This greatly facilitates the task at the first stage, but after five to seven days, this help must be abandoned and the training must be carried out according to all the rules.

A month is usually given for training. You can use the following table.

Pull-up program on the horizontal bar in the form of a table

As can be seen from the table, it is necessary to increase the load gradually, carefully, so as not to lead to injuries and overwork. After the first month of training, you need to increase the load by 2-3 times.

Before you start training on the horizontal bar, you should learn following rules which will help to avoid injuries and achieve excellent results.

The rules are known, now let's start studying serious, professional sports programs.

Scheme of pull-ups on the horizontal bar

To date, the most popular is the scheme of 50 pull-ups on the horizontal bar. To find out which step of the program to start with, you need to pass a test that determines the level of sports training, according to which you can choose the most correct mode.

The test is as follows: we pull ourselves up on the crossbar as many times as possible, performing the exercises with high quality (without cheating and jerking). If the maximum number of pull-ups is 7, then the 7-8 program will suit you (more on that a little later).

This program means more rest than the subsequent ones, it is - First stage, starting from which you need to go to perfection. Here it is important not to waste the energy reserve and the reserve of will, having reached the goal.

Rest between sets should be at least two and no more than ten minutes. You need to eat five times a day, only in this way the body can be worked out in the right quality. Realizing that this cycle of training is easy to perform, we increase the bar of achievements, moving on to the next cycle 9-11 and so on.

The ultimate goal is to learn how to pull up 50 times in one set. This ability, of course, is inextricably linked with the ideal appearance which is what we are striving for.

Pull-up table on the horizontal bar

The program is designed for ten cycles, from zero to perfection.
1. 6 (reps)

Reps and sets
Day 1 fit 2 fit 3 matches 4 matches 5 matches
1 4 times 7 times 6 times 6 times 9 times
2 Five times 9 times 7 times 7 times 9 times
3 6 times 10 times 8 times 8 times 9 times
4 6 times 11 times 8 times 8 times 11 times
5 7 times 12 times 10 times 10 times 11 times
6 8 times 14 times 11 times 11 times 13 times
Day P.p.
1 2 3 2 2 3
2 2 3 2 2 4
3 3 4 2 2 4
4 3 4 3 3 4
5 3 5 3 3 5
6 4 5 4 4 6

3. 9-11

Day P.p.
1 3 5 3 3 5
2 4 6 4 4 6
3 5 7 5 5 6
4 5 8 5 5 8
5 6 9 6 6 8
6 7 9 6 6 10
Day P.p.
1 7 8 6 6 8
2 7 9 7 6 9
3 8 10 6 6 9
4 7 10 7 7 10
5 8 11 8 9 10
6 9 11 9 9 11
Day P.p.
1 8 11 8 8 10
2 9 12 9 9 11
3 9 13 9 9 12
4 11 14 10 10 13
5 11 15 10 10 13
6 11 14 11 11 13
7 12 16 11 11 15
8 12 16 12 12 16
9 13 18 143 12 16
Day P.p.
1 12 16 12 12 15
2 13 16 12 11 16
3 13 17 13 13 16
4 14 19 13 13 18
5 14 19 14 14 19
6 15 20 14 14 20
7 15 20 16 16 20
8 16 22 16 16 20
9 17 22 17 16 21
Day P.p.
1 16 18 15 15 17
2 17 20 16 16 19
3 17 21 16 16 20
4 17 22 17 17 22
5 18 23 18 18 22
6 19 24 18 18 24
7 19 26 18 18 25
8 19 28 19 19 26
9 20 28 22 20 28

Pull-up exercise on the horizontal bar is one of the most effective exercises for training the muscles of the back, shoulders and arms. How to properly pull up on the horizontal bar, and what techniques exist for this, we will consider further. For those who follow their figure, pulling up on the horizontal bar is considered one of the most effective exercises. At first glance, this workout may seem simple.

But any physical exercise must be done correctly. Only in this case the desired result will be achieved. Pulling up is best exercise for training peak latissimus dorsi. How to properly pull up on the horizontal bar?

How to pull up on the horizontal bar and safety precautions

A beautiful and inflated body is the result of daily training. Pull-ups are part of a set of exercises aimed at developing the biceps of the hands, as well as the muscles of the shoulders, back and chest. This is a unique exercise. In terms of effectiveness, it is considered to be on a par with the basic complex in bodybuilding.

When pulling up, the following muscle groups work

  1. Small and large pectoral muscle.
  2. Serratus anterior muscles.
  3. Shoulder, triceps, biceps, rear delta.
  4. The latissimus dorsi, round, rhomboid muscles of the back.

Besides, huge pressure comes to the abdominal muscles. They tense up to keep the body upright.

Pulling up will be effective only if the breathing and execution technique is observed. It is important to remember that if performed incorrectly, any physical exercise can become dangerous. The same goes for pull-ups.

Those who start playing sports for the first time often make this mistake. They perform the exercise while inhaling, sharply throwing their heads back. This can lead to injury to the cervical vertebrae.

Proper pull-up technique

The correct execution technique is that you need to do pull-ups while holding your breath. This will help make your job easier. broadest faces back. It will be easier for them to lift the body. Otherwise, the person will experience severe pain at the top of the back.

An important point when performing is the position of the body. Pull-ups should only be performed vertically. You can not twist the body!

Pull-ups for beginners

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar are the most versatile exercise. Exercise will not only increase muscle strength, but also strengthen the ligaments and keep the spine healthy.

For beginners, there are 4 methods:

  1. negative reps. This is the most popular technique and the most effective. The exercise lies in the fact that you need to gain a foothold on the horizontal bar, as if you have already pulled yourself up. For those who are just starting to play sports, this exercise is difficult to perform.
  2. You will need a chair to help. You need to stand on a chair and hang on bent arms. The chin should be above the bar. Next, you need to slowly go down. The exercise should be done as slowly as possible. At the very beginning, it is desirable to perform at least five repetitions. After that, you need to go down and rest a bit. Then the second approach is done with four repetitions. The last set should be three reps. You need to perform this technique 2-3 times a week.
  3. Workout with a partner. For this technique, you will need the help of a partner. The essence of the exercise is that one person hangs on the horizontal bar, and the second from behind tries to help him pull himself up. The number of repetitions is similar to the negative approaches. You need to perform three to four approaches with a decrease in repetitions. It is important not to make the following mistake. You can not completely rely on a partner. The person has to make an effort.
  4. Exercise in the amplitude floor. This technique is similar to doing exercises with a partner. The main differences are that the partner will not be present here. To do this, you need to take a chair from which it is possible to reach the crossbar. Next, you need to jump so as to hang on the crossbar on your arms bent at a right angle. Pull-ups must be completed using the strength of the hands. If the exercise does not work right away, you should try to stay in a hanging position with bent elbows for as long as possible.
  5. Rubber band technique. AT gyms exist special technologies to help lift you up. This method is suitable primarily for girls. Its implementation is much simpler than usual, but the result will have to wait longer.

Performing such exercises will help beginners in sports to strengthen their muscles and gain a beautiful figure.

Problems and mistakes of beginners

Beginner athletes are not always able to quickly achieve the desired results. This can be prevented by many factors:

  1. A lot of weight, which prevents the muscles from working properly, as it gives them an extra load. For people who are just starting out in training and are overweight, it is best not to start with pull-ups. First of all, you need to adjust the weight, strengthen the heart.
  2. Muscle underdevelopment. Even at normal weight, the effect may not occur if a person has poorly developed muscles. Be sure to prepare the muscles for physical activity.
  3. Wrong technique. An important point in training is the observance of the rules of technology. This will allow all muscles to work in concert.

The body must be prepared for training. Preparation consists in a simple hanging on the crossbar. Every day you need to increase the hanging time. It is not recommended in the very first days to try to make the maximum training program.

You need to start with a small load. Exercises need to be increased gradually, improving the technology daily. After the technique is worked out, you can add additional weight.

How to pull up correctly: step by step instructions

It is very important to remember that pull-ups, like any physical action, if the technique is violated, can lead to injury. To avoid this, you need to use a few tips:

  1. Before doing pull-ups, be sure to warm up.
  2. All movements must be smooth. Do not make sudden uncontrolled jerks.
  3. You can not jump on the horizontal bar. If it is too high, use a stand or chair.
  4. For exercises, you need to make a schedule and try to strictly follow it.

An important factor in the exercise is correct breathing. From what it will be, the effectiveness of training directly depends. Newbies often make mistakes.

They hold their breath for a long time, and this leads to very rapid fatigue. As a result, the effect and the result will have to wait a very long time. The maximum effort should be made on inhalation or a slight breath-hold.

Proper breathing while pulling up should be as follows:

  1. At the beginning of the exercise, you need to take a deep breath.
  2. Next, you need to hold your breath until you can raise your chin above the bar.
  3. The air is then exhaled upon return to the starting position. With experience, breathing will be even automatically.

Never do an exercise if you have had an injury and feel severe pain while doing it. In such a situation, loads can be harmful. It is necessary to immediately stop the exercise if in the process there is an indisposition, weakness.

In order for the effect of training to be achieved faster, it is necessary not only to follow the execution technique, but also to follow the right lifestyle.. Be sure to follow the rules healthy eating. Do not eat before training, and if you really want to, eat only light food.

The main food should be high-calorie, contain a large amount of protein, vitamins and minerals. Be sure to exclude fatty foods from the diet.

It is important to observe not only proper nutrition, but also to lead healthy lifestyle life. It is recommended to follow the schedule of food intake and sleep time. It is advisable to go to bed at the same time, and sleep should be at least eight hours.

Types of grips on the horizontal bar

By changing the grip and position of the hands, you can change the emphasis of the load and begin to train specific muscle groups. The classic grip is considered a direct medium grip. With this manner, the load is distributed evenly to all muscles.

With this grip, the palms look outward, the width of the arms should be slightly more than the width of the shoulders. At the upper maximum point, the chin should be located above the crossbar, arms bent at the elbows.

At the bottom, the arms should be fully extended.. The exercise should be performed slowly without swinging. If doing the exercise on your own is difficult, you can use the help of a partner. This will help you learn how to perform the exercise faster.

In addition to the classic grip, popular are:

  1. Reverse grip. The grip of the brushes in this case is lower, reverse, the width of the arms is slightly narrower than in the classic version. This exercise works the biceps as well as the back muscles. Important to remember! The narrower the grip, the stronger load on the biceps. Exercise with such a grip is one of the better ways biceps workout.
  2. A wide grip is an exercise that creates the maximum load on the latissimus dorsi. The main essence of the exercise is that when lifting to the top point, the shoulders and trapezius muscles of the back should practically touch the crossbar.
  3. Pull-ups with a parallel grip - this exercise is focused on training the lower latissimus dorsi. Touching the crossbar should be done with the chest, not the chin. Hands should be positioned as narrowly as possible.
  4. Straight narrow grip - arms are narrower than shoulder width. Pull-ups are performed until the chest touches the crossbar.
  5. Reverse narrowed - this technology repeats the previous one, the main difference is that the hands are placed palm to face, the shoulders are retracted as far as possible.
  6. Neutral grip - in this grip, one hand is in a direct narrowed grip, the other in the opposite. When performing, the hands should change. The exercise is performed until the chest reaches the crossbar.

To achieve their goals, athletes use different kinds grips. The horizontal bar can be considered the most versatile sports equipment, thanks to which you can train all muscle groups.

Who is contraindicated for classes on the crossbar

Occupation on the horizontal bar is, first of all, great power loads. In case of health problems, such loads can aggravate the situation. Experts do not recommend doing horizontal bars:

  1. When an athlete has intervertebral hernia. In such a situation, doctors categorically prohibit this type of training.
  2. When stretching the ligaments, you can not engage in the use of weighting agents.
  3. With curvature of the spine.

Any diseases of the joints and spine require prior consultation with doctors before class.

Overweight people require special attention. Weight that exceeds the norm by 20% can significantly harm when performing the exercise.

Well, that's the end of the article. Thank you all for your attention! We recommend that you also read an article on how to pump up the press on the horizontal bar. It has very non-standard way pumping press! Also share your impressions about the article below in the comments. See you in new releases.

Barbell or dumbbells are not the only sports equipment that helps build muscle. Alternative way strengthening the body will become an ordinary horizontal bar. Beginners and experienced athletes are interested in how to learn to pull up from scratch. Experts say that learning how to pull up properly is not an easy task. But with the help simple techniques You can see noticeable results in a week.

Crossbar exercises can be beneficial if they are regular. It is naive to think that one pull-up will immediately change the body into better side.

Systematic exercises will allow:

The horizontal bar is a safe yard simulator. You should start training with a few pull-ups, and then gradually increase the load.

Wide grip pull-up technique

How to learn to pull up on the horizontal bar from scratch - there are many ways. Wide grip is a common exercise on the bar. With this technique, you can give your back an athletic V-shape. This exercise is still one of the most effective ways back muscle development.

The wide grip technique looks like this:

  • While inhaling, jump up, exhale sharply and grab the crossbar. In this case, all actions must be performed simultaneously. It is better to place the hands at a distance of 20 cm wider than the shoulders and direct the palms away from you.
  • After a deep breath and simultaneous exhalation, pull yourself up. It is important not to press your elbows close to the body. You need to pull yourself up until the chin is above the horizontal bar. Do not block your breath during the exercise. It could turn around big problems for good health.
  • While inhaling, slowly lower yourself to the starting position.

When pulling up, especially for beginners, there is a desire to lighten the effort with the help of buildup. Such a technique will not bring the desired effect.

To achieve the maximum result from training on the horizontal bar, it is better to adhere to simple rules:

  1. Rise and fall smoothly.
  2. Do not sway at the expense of the legs - it is better to cross them.
  3. Try to stretch the widest muscles.
  4. While at the top point, linger for 1-2 counts so that the back muscles contract or contract.
  5. Breathing should be consistent: rise on the exhale, fall on the inhale.
  6. Keep your back straight.

Performing a pull-up with a reverse grip

Among the classic types of pull-ups, athletes distinguish exercises on the crossbar with a reverse grip. Many athletes advise pulling up in this way, because several muscle groups- elbow and shoulder joints. Also, a good load is given to the muscles of the back, neck, and abs.

The reverse grip technique has its own characteristics:

  • Jump up and grab the horizontal bar so that the brushes are turned palms inward.
  • In this case, the position of the hands should be at shoulder level or slightly narrower. It is better to press the chin to the chest, and the legs are crossed. This will be the starting position.
  • As you exhale, begin to pull the body up until the chin touches the crossbar.
  • Then, while inhaling, slowly lower down, returning to the starting position.

Overhand pull-up

The upper or regular grip is usually called the classic.

The technique for its implementation is quite simple and well-known:

One arm pull up technique

Pulling up on the horizontal bar with one hand is a high skill that can be learned from scratch. You should switch from regular exercises to this type if the athlete easily performs 20 or more "clean" pull-ups with a direct and reverse grip without jerking and swinging.

Special equipment involves a gradual transition to pulling up on one arm:

  1. The first step is to learn how to clamp the crossbar with your hands. Start with a grip with both hands. But one of the hands take the crossbar not with 5 fingers, but with 4. The same with the other hand. Bring the performance to pull-ups on 1 finger.
  2. Simultaneously with the clamp, a high rise on one arm is trained. You need to go down slowly. The main thing is not to overdo it - pull up as much as it takes.
  3. An important part of the exercise on the bar is when the chin should be above the horizontal bar. To do this, you need to pull yourself up on both hands, lower on one, freeing the second.

After the preparatory classes, it's time to move on to pull-ups on one arm:

  • It all starts with a bottom grip. After that, hang on a straightened arm, crossing your ankles.
  • As you exhale, begin to pull yourself up with an imaginary rotation of the crossbar. In this phase, it is better to press your hand as tightly as possible to the body. This will help to engage the muscles of the back and arms.
  • Go down smoothly.

Pull up breathing rules

Exercise requires proper breathing technique. With improper breathing, the athlete may have high blood pressure or even lose consciousness. To avoid this, you need to follow a proven technique: always hard part exercises are performed on exhalation, the light phase is given to inhalation. The same goes for pull-ups.

Many athletes make the mistake of pulling up and down in one breath. The most common mistake novice athletes make is holding their breath during a high load. Such training will not be useful: with a lack of oxygen, the number of repetitions decreases.

After that, dizziness appears, and blood vessels may burst or pressure may rise. Therefore, holding your breath while lifting on the crossbar is not recommended.

Precautions while exercising

In any sport, you need to follow safety precautions. To avoid unpleasant and dangerous consequences for health, you need to follow the recommendations.

They are the following:

  • Under no circumstances should you exercise on the bar if there is muscle pain.
  • It is worth refraining from training in rain, frost and at night.
  • Avoid poorly fixed structures, do not pull up on old rusted crossbars.
  • Before each workout, warm up, warm up the muscles. For warming up, running, squats, push-ups are suitable.
  • All movements should be smooth, without sharp attacks.
  • The bar must be appropriate for the height of the athlete so as not to jump too high.
  • In order not to damage the skin on the palms, it is better to use special fitness gloves.

  • People suffering from diseases of the curvature of the spine, protrusion, hernia of the spine should refrain from exercising on the crossbar.

How to learn to pull up a girl

The crossbar for a woman is an excellent sports equipment that helps in shaping perfect figure. The horizontal bar helps strengthen the muscles of the back, chest and abdominals. However, it is more difficult for girls to master the pull-up technique than for men. Girls top part the body is much weaker than that of men.

Before moving on to pull-ups, it is worth stretching the muscles. The warm-up may include a run or a group of warm-up exercises. After that, you can move on to the training itself.

How to learn to pull up on the horizontal bar from scratch for a girl: the direct grip technique will tell you.

This method of pull-ups is one of the easiest and safest:

  • First of all, take the bar with an overhand grip at a shoulder-width distance. Grab the crossbars should be palms away from you, and the thumb is at the bottom.
  • Hang on the horizontal bar, slightly arching your back and crossing your legs.
  • Slowly raise the body until the chin is above the bar.

  • Slowly descend.

How to teach a child to pull up

An active lifestyle is important not only for adults, but also for children. Not every child succeeds in mastering the pull-up technique, it is especially difficult for girls.

Preparatory classes to help a child learn to pull up from scratch:

  • Develop endurance. For this, running for a short distance, power loads is suitable. Useful will be push-ups from the floor or with emphasis on the crossbar, stretching the expander, classes in any sports section.
  • Once the child has mastered the preparatory set of exercises, you can move on to pull-ups.
  • To begin with, a small athlete should start pulling himself up from a small height, about 50-70 cm from the floor. Experts believe that hanging on the bar will help the child get used to and understand right principle these exercises. As for the grip width, for young athletes, the grip width depends on the development of the muscles.

To teach a child to pull up correctly, you need to master the technique perfectly.

It consists of the following phases:

  1. The child grabs the bar, hangs on the horizontal bar.
  2. Rises.
  3. Bends the arms at the elbows.
  4. Takes a starting position.

Calculating exactly when a young athlete learns to pull up is difficult. Everything will depend on the level of training, the regularity of training and even weight. On average, it takes 3 months to master the technique.

Exercises with a partner

On the horizontal bar, you can pull yourself up alone or attach a friend to the common cause. Exercises with a partner will help you learn the correct technique from scratch and understand how to pull up a lot and without outside help.

A novice athlete and a friend must adhere to the following scheme:

  • First you should hang on the horizontal bar, firmly grasping the bar. The press and arms should be tense.
  • The partner needs to come up from behind and clasping his partner's legs, push him up.

  • A friend should not take all the burden on himself. The partner only helps and pushes, the rest of the work is done by the athlete himself.
  • It is worth returning to the starting position smoothly, without unnecessary jerks.
  • The partner puts his hands under his knees for support pulling up.

Exercises with insurance

For people who want to protect themselves from various injuries and falls, there are insurances. This method will help you learn the correct pull-up technique without risk to your health. For this, a strong and tight elastic band or a long expander is suitable.

Any of the two belays is fixed on the crossbar, forming a loop. Next, the athlete must penetrate the formed insurance so that the elastic band is under the feet or buttocks. Thus, the insurance pushes up and it will be easier to pull up.

Program for beginners: 1-5 pull-ups

The desire to be in shape requires a lot of effort. You don't have to go to the gym to get results. You can strengthen your muscles, pump up on the street with the help of a horizontal bar. Pulling up on the horizontal bar after a week from 1 to 5 times is a real and feasible task.

To pull up more than 1 time, at the first stage you need to follow this scheme:

  1. Constant hanging on the bar and push-ups are the first exercises that will help you pull yourself up from scratch and increase muscle mass.
  2. Lifting the kettlebell will also be beneficial for the shoulder girdle.
  3. As soon as the zero barrier is overcome, it's time to increase the number of repetitions. To do this, you should train, pulling up 1-2 times for 10-12 sets, resting for 20-40 seconds. If you can only pull up once, it is better to increase the break time.
  4. Training with different grips will allow you to pull up more with a regular grip.

After a month of regular training, most beginners can pull up 5 or more times.

The second stage - 5-10 pull-ups

When there is a skill of pulling up 5 or more times, the most important thing is not to slow down and increase the load.

Various grips will help with this, as well as proven methods:

  1. Technique "Ladder" in the form of a game. The point is that participants begin to pull themselves up from 1 time. With each pull-up, the number of repetitions increases until one of the players reaches the maximum number. Thus, you can train alone, resting with a difference of 5 seconds between sets.
  2. Army technique. The main thing in this technique is to pull up the same number of times for 10-15 approaches.
  3. Exercise "1/2+1" This technique is used if it is possible to do no more than 10 repetitions.

In the first week, it is worth pulling up 5 times in 4 sets with your own weight. On the next week the number of pull-ups increases by 1 rep - 6 times with 4 sets. On the 3rd week, the number of pull-ups is repeated - 5 times in 4 sets, but with a 2.5 kg weighting agent suspended from the belt.

4th week - 6 repetitions of 4 sets with a weight of 2.5 kg. 5th week - 4 sets of 5 times, with a weight of 5 kg. 6th week - 4 sets of 6 times with a weight of 5 kg.

So you need to train until the weight of the weights reaches 10 kg. After training with 5 pull-ups of 4 sets and with a weighting agent of 10 kg, you need to take a break for a week. And after a week's rest, it is worth pulling up the maximum number of times under the weight of your own body. As a rule, this technique helps to increase the number of pull-ups by half more than before.

The third stage - 10-30 pull-ups

At this stage, a certain feeling of self-confidence has already appeared. But the goal is to pull yourself up 30 times. You should train in the same direction - use different types grips, trying to squeeze out the maximum repetitions. Thanks to slow pull-ups, muscles grow faster. With quick lifts, dexterity, mobility of the body and hands improves.

To pull up on the horizontal bar 30 times, you need to follow this program:

  • It is recommended to stretch the back, arms and shoulders before the main exercises.
  • After warming up, do 10 repetitions on the crossbar.
  • Break 1.5 min.
  • Pull up with a narrow grip 10 times.
  • Rest 1.5 min.
  • Rise with a reverse grip 10 times.
  • Again a break, but longer - 5-7 minutes.
  • Perform the final part with the maximum number of pull-ups. Subsequently, achieve 30 repetitions in one approach.

This program is best done every other day so that the muscles rest and begin to grow.

Fourth stage - over 30 pull-ups

Pulling up more than 30 times is a serious achievement. Special equipment is designed for several weeks. This technique involves classes every other day: Monday-Wednesday-Friday. With its help, you can easily pull yourself up to 50 times in 6 approaches.

The table shows the training program:

An approach

1 2 3 4 5
Monday 5 4 5 4 3
Wednesday 6 5 5 6 4
Friday 5 6 6 5 5

It is worth noting that for the effect with the new approach, it is necessary to change the grip: forward-reverse-neutral-reverse-forward.

How to learn to pull up on the horizontal bar from scratch and increase the number of repetitions, several methods will suggest:

  • Lewis Armstrong method. I pulled up on the horizontal bar 5 times a week and skillfully combined it with push-ups every morning for 3 sets. According to his program, you need to increase the number of pull-ups due to high loads for short term. This technique is aimed at developing the muscles of the back and biceps. Break between hikes 5-10 minutes.
  • Reverse ladder method. The meaning of this method is that the athlete pulls himself up in 4 sets with the maximum number of repetitions. With each set, pull-ups are reduced by 1 rep. Breaks between trips are 3 minutes. The effect is noticeable after a few weeks, when the number of lifts on the horizontal bar crosses the usual mark.
  • 30 week program. It has some similarities with the previous technique, but there are 5 approaches here. This method is designed for those who pull themselves up 6 times. In 30 weeks, it is realistic to achieve a result of 26 repetitions per approach. It is important that 1 repetition is added to the approach every week. By week 30, you can see progress in pull-ups.

With these techniques, you can make a big push in pull-ups, increasing them to double or triple digits. You can combine these methods with other methods: various types of grips, pull-ups with weights.

Effective weekly pull-up program

The weekly program is suitable for those who do not know how to pull themselves up at all or rise on the horizontal bar up to 5 times. The program is designed for 5 days, with 2 days of rest.

It includes:

  1. Day 1. It is necessary to do a maximum of pull-ups in 5 sets. Do not chase quantity - pull yourself up as much as you have enough strength. The main thing - correct technique.
  2. Day 2. Dedicated to the exercise called "Pyramid". You should start with 1 lift, in each set increasing by 1 time. Breaks between sets 10 sec. After you need to do maximum amount repetitions.
  3. Day 3 Consists of 9 approaches: 3 with a wide grip, 3 with a medium grip and 3 with a narrow grip. Break between sets - 1 min.
  4. Day 4 At this stage, you have to squeeze out the maximum approaches without restrictions. After every 3 approaches, you need to change the grip. Rest between sets no more than 1 min.
  5. Day 5 The last day of the training week is simple. Here you need to remember the most difficult workout for these 5 days and repeat it.

Types of exercises on the horizontal bar at home

How to learn to pull up on the horizontal bar from scratch without leaving home is relevant for those who have their own gymnastic apparatus. But even if it is not there, it will not be difficult to purchase it in any sports store.

You need to train like this:

  • Start with a regular grip. This type of pull-up is done with a direct grip at shoulder width without unnecessary jerks and swaying of the body. It is necessary to pull up so that the chin is above the crossbar.
  • Pull up with a reverse grip. The technique for performing this exercise is similar to the usual one, but the principle of grabbing is different - with palms facing you.
  • Wide grip. You need to grab the crossbar in such a way that the distance between the hands is at least 20 cm. As for the technique, the grip is straight, you need to rise on the exhale, on the inhale to go down.

In addition to various grips, it is worth including push-ups from the floor, lifting weights or dumbbells in the training program.

Any of the methods of pull-ups on the horizontal bar will be effective if it is actively used. Both the novice athlete and the advanced athlete will easily understand how to learn the skill from scratch. The effect of regular exercise in some is noticeable already on the 2nd week, in others it stretches for several months. The main thing is to be patient and go to your goal.

Video on how to learn to pull up on the horizontal bar

Pull ups for guys:

How to pull up a girl:

Pulling up on the bar is one of the most effective and effective exercises. It allows you to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle and back. Only very strong people able pull up more than 30 times, and how to learn this will be discussed below.

That's why pull-ups are included in the required curriculum in every school. Young people with a normal state of health should pull themselves up at least 12-15 times, only in this case they can be considered physically developed. However, there are people who are unable to perform even one pull-up, but believe me, there is absolutely nothing to worry about.

For those who want to learn pull-ups, you can use two effective methods. All it takes is desire. You can train daily until you have positive changes.

Don't forget a good workout. It does not take a lot of time, but a good and properly done warm-up significantly reduces the likelihood of stretching the joints and ligaments, and also warms up the muscle fibers, having properly prepared them.

Training without an assistant

First technique but useful for beginners. It involves training without a training partner. Due to the fact that we have not yet been able to pull ourselves up on the crossbar, we should use the negative phase of this exercise, that is, lowering down.

Place the stool behind the bar in such a way that you can freely rise and fall on the crossbar, that is, that it is low enough. Stand on the surface of the stool, grab the horizontal bar with your palms facing you and, holding your chin over the bar, hang for a few seconds in this state. After that, resisting the weight of your own body, gradually straighten your arms, lowering your torso down.

Take a short break and do the exercise again. It will be great if you do five or six approaches with a reverse and direct grip.

This method will help you literally in one week to learn at least a little pull-ups and improve your shape. If earlier you couldn’t pull yourself up even once, now you will have the opportunity to do at least a couple of pull-ups. Continue like this until you get from 1 to 10.

Assistant training

The following technique assumes that you will be training with a friend, who may be both boy and girl:

  1. Grab the bar with a reverse or straight grip.
  2. Hang on to it a little.
  3. Bend your legs at the knees, and then cross them in the calf area.

When you make attempts to pull yourself up, your assistant, grabbing your legs, should help you up a little. So he will take some of your weight. Try to descend as slowly as possible, avoiding jerks. This method is more useful.

After three to five such sessions, you can learn to pull yourself up without someone else's help.

By the way, you can use special elastic bands for pulling up on the horizontal bar.

Stamina Boost

To accelerate development, each workout must be completed with an exercise that increases endurance. For this purpose, you can use a stopwatch. Such exercises are also divided into two varieties:

  • hanging with straight arms for the maximum amount of time;
  • hanging on the arms that are bent at the elbows.

You need to hang after each session until your muscles become strong enough. If you can already pull up more than 6-7 times, then you can proceed to the next stage.

Hanging on bent / half-bent arms is a completely different conversation. Even athletes with great experience are not able to hang like this for more than 20 seconds in all situations. Record each time your indicators and try to improve them.

Pull-ups, like any physical exercise, can be traumatic if you do not follow the basic safety regulations. In order to prevent problems, certain conditions must be met:

Which grip is better

Reverse grip is considered the easiest option (palms pointing towards the person). In this situation, the main share of the load falls on the biceps, which is one of the most developed muscles. If you use a direct grip, you can train the muscles of the back, shoulders and triceps. The increase in the load on the back is proportional to the width of the spread of the arms. That's why optimal solution is a shoulder-width grip.

Proper breathing

A lot depends on breathing during this exercise. Newbies are often for a long time he is delayed, which causes rapid fatigue and a lag in achieving best results . Breathing during pull-ups on the crossbar should correspond to the following pattern: take a deep breath, being at the lowest point of the hang;

  • hold your breath and try to touch your chin to upper surface crossbars.
  • When returning to the starting position, exhale quickly.

As you gain experience, your breathing will normalize.

Pulling up is an excellent exercise that is aimed at developing muscles and is able to tighten the stomach well. It is interesting that many modern sports simulators and other devices cannot replace it.

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