An insane ab workout that will make him burn. Effective training of the abdominal muscles

The date: 2017-02-16 Views: 16 315 Grade: 5.0 Visit the site of the author of this article

For whom?

1. For anyone who needs a strong abs for a powerful one-shot effort. In my opinion, such a press is necessary for weightlifters, powerlifters, throwers. 2. For those who feel sorry for wasting precious time on many sets and repetitions. There is no point in doing 5x25 if you can get muscle pain by doing 2 sets of 5-8 times. 3. For those who do not like to do multi-rep sets.

For what?

1. Hold the lumbar spine. (I pulled 272.5 kg and did not use the belt) If, then it is not necessary to rest against it with the intestines, but with strong muscles. 2. Performing it is possible to do without an insurer. With a good press, you can roll a barbell one and a half of its own weight or more. 3. It will save your insides from squeezing in emergency situations. Saved once. A negligent crane operator crushed me with a huge plate hanging on an arrow to the board from the inside of the body. The press withstood, the side boards broke. Fell out of the body on the ground, there were no injuries.

oblique muscles Special attention.

Inguinal hernia occurs in experienced athletes, despite the fact that the vast majority of them "pump the press." However, many people forget that the press consists of not only the rectus abdominis. It turns out that they "pump" not the press, but only the rectus muscle. The fasciae of the external oblique muscles of the abdomen continue down to the groin. Ligaments of the external obliques are involved in the formation of the inguinal ring. Weakening of the muscles, together with age-related deterioration in the elasticity of the ligaments, leads to the appearance of inguinal hernia. That is why it is necessary to give sufficient load to the obliques, and not to hope that they, together with the straight line, are loaded in twists.

Do not do the left and right side without rest. Having worked well on one side, you will start the second in a state of oxygen debt if you do not rest. This means that the second side will be worked out worse. After each approach to one of the sides, get up from the simulator, walk for 20-30 seconds, proceed to the other side. This recommendation applies to all unilateral exercises: for the arm, leg, lat, etc.

1. Roller or rod riding

It loads the straight abdomen very strongly, at the same time the chest, intercostal, and lats can be loaded. However, the lower back from it becomes bad. Of course, you won’t become disabled in one workout. But, with regular use, a bad load on the lower back will accumulate, add up with the load from squatting and traction. It makes no sense to take risks, because there are many safe exercises. AT good exercise, simultaneously with the training of the press, the spine is stretched. In the video, I put a pillow under my stomach to reduce the load on the lower back. This is a less traumatic option. It is not necessary to roll a roller, you can roll any barbell. The load in this exercise is almost independent of the weight of the bar. Great importance has a disc diameter.

Each beat of your heart pushes a certain amount of blood into your arteries. The norm of the minute volume of the heart (MOS = stroke volume of the heart multiplied by the pulse) at rest is 5 liters. With physical activity up to 40 liters. Suppose that when performing the bar (medium load), the MOC will be about 15 liters. This means that in that minute, while the muscles of your legs tense up along with the press and pinched the veins, the heart must drive 15 liters of blood into the arteries. And how many liters can leak through the compressed veins during this time? The difference between these volumes can come out in the form of varicose veins. The surgeon will shove back for money. If the walls of your vessels are strong and elastic, you can perform the bar for a long time without sad consequences. But if you have a predisposition to, forget about the bar. The plank has other side effects as well. Detailed.

3. Raising the legs in support

Harmless exercise and ineffective. In the video, I showed you two of the most common mistakes that turn it from ineffective to ineffective. The first is to raise the legs with a swing from the position "laid back." You can swing your legs like a pendulum hundreds of times with minimal tension on the rectus muscles. The benefits will not be for the muscles - the spine will stretch. The second mistake is the desire to keep 180 degrees in the knees. In this variation, the thigh muscles will work more than the abdominal muscles. Proper execution shown in the video "Rise of the legs on the Swedish wall". Purposeful work on strength - 5-8 repetitions, sometimes up to 12. More is pointless. Therefore, the exercises should be difficult, preferably with the ability to add weights. For these purposes, the following exercises are suitable.

1. Swedish wall leg raise

Starting position - hanging on the Swedish wall. A comfortable support is desirable under the back. The angle at the knees is 120-150 degrees, for beginners it can be reduced to 100. The legs are brought forward 35-45 degrees from the vertical. Raise your legs as you exhale, strive to bring your knees closer to your chest. The rectus muscle will begin to work especially well at the moment when your pelvis comes off the support. Do not lower your legs below the starting position. If you cannot independently determine the height (depth) of lowering, put a limiter in the form of a stool or partner's legs.

2. Squeezing on a bench with a block or rubber

We fasten the hips to the bench. We pick up the handle of the block or the end of the rubber. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to perform this action without the help of a partner. The closer to the vertical is the cable (rubber) coming from your hands, the heavy load get the rectus muscle in a compressed position. This exercise compares favorably with the common compressions on the Roman chair with a disk (dumbbell) behind the head, where the weight adds load at the bottom of the amplitude.

3. Metronome

Great exercise. It loads the rectus muscles very strongly, the oblique muscles are somewhat less and stretches the spine. Before performing, it is necessary to warm up well by turning the body while standing with a light bar on the back. Starting position - hanging on the crossbar. Without swaying, smoothly raise your legs to the crossbar. Stop to stop any oscillations, fixing the feet at the crossbar, at the knees 120-160 degrees. Lower your legs side by side.

4. Compression (lifting the body) in the hang on the shins

We used a "Camel" made for reverse hyperextensions for compressions. Unfortunately, this exercise is problematic to perform without an assistant who will fasten and unfasten the belt. But, it is worth it to call a partner. In addition to the excellent work of the rectus muscle, you will get a stretch lumbar. If you are not sure about the security of your legs, put a soft mat under your head.

5. Birch

Start performing well kneaded, this also applies to the shoulder girdle. Can be done on a bench. Bending the body must be done in thoracic region, slightly capturing the lumbar. Do not bend your hip joints! Do not put your feet on the bench. Pain in the rectus abdominis is guaranteed for 5 days. If the exercise is too difficult for you, work in the upper part of the amplitude. Lightweights, after a few workouts, will have to tie a disc to their feet to increase the load.

6. Lifting the pelvis in emphasis on the elbow

There is one downside to this exercise. When you start to throw a two-pound weight on the pelvis and work with it, the load on the shoulder joint becomes noticeable, given the position that is uncomfortable for the joint. It starts to have a bad effect on bench press exercises. Very suitable for female athletes at home - feet on the sofa and train oblique. Starting position: Lower foot in front of the upper, knees slightly bent. Feet on the very edge of the bench, if you put it further, the edge of the bench will put pressure on the lower leg. We begin to raise the pelvis on the exhale. Do not bend the hip joints and spine forward, including in the cervical region. Look away from the legs. Fix the top position.

7. Side bends

Need a horizontal "goat". Correctly adjust the roller vertically and horizontally. Starting position: Lower foot in front. We lay down on the back cushion. The hip joints are almost straight. The knees are slightly bent. Hands behind your head. We raise the body on the exhale. Do not bend the spine forward, it also applies to the cervical region! Look away from the legs. Try to fix the top position. As a weight, it is more convenient to use a dumbbell, holding it in your upper hand. In this case, the lower hand should play the role of self-insurance - be ready to rest against the floor. This exercise is not a strength exercise. The pendulum gives a very weak load on the oblique abdominal muscles. We recommend finishing with this exercise any workout for stretching the spine. Find a bar where you don't risk kicking your feet. You can perform it on the street, on children's and sports grounds, walking with children. You can use football goals. Before the exercise, check how the gate is fixed. Every year, dozens of people die under fallen football goals. In the absence of a gate, I will show an exercise on a double block. Starting position: hang motionless, wide grip. During the exercise, there should be no swinging in the anterior-posterior direction. Don't bend your arms! Do not bend your hip joints! The body must remain in the plane of the crossbar. Lateral movements are carried out by bending the spine, mainly in the lumbar region.

In order to see a beautiful embossed press on your stomach, you do not need to do several hours of twisting and hanging leg raises every day. For a chic relief press, only two factors are important:

  • The level of subcutaneous fat should be no more than 12%. 10% is ideal.
  • The thickness of the abdominal muscles.

As you have noticed, the first place still remains a low percentage of subcutaneous fat, and not the size of the abdominal muscles. It is historically folded that a large supply of fat accumulates precisely in the abdomen, which is why if you have enough fat, you will not be able to see those treasured "cubes", even if you constantly perform the most effective exercises for the press and they are very well developed. It's about nutrition and keeping your muscles "dry".

What exercises are most effective for the press

If you want to develop a beautiful and embossed press, you should also not forget about the oblique (abdominal) abdominal muscles, which are worked out by adding twisting to the sides in your usual exercises (for example, lifting the torso or pelvis). But you should not do them in every exercise, because. too strongly developed abdominal muscles will increase the waist. Since the most effective exercises for the press are lifting the torso from a prone position, the upper part of it will develop better and faster. Therefore, one should not forget to work out the “lower press” too, although it is a little more difficult to develop this part, since hanging leg raises are not as easy as twisting due to the increased range of motion.

One of the best exercises for pumping the relief press. During movement, the rectus and external oblique muscles of the abdomen, as well as the rectus femoris, are involved. Hanging leg raises can be done both on the horizontal bar and on special equipped bars with a back and arm pads. The easiest option is to do leg raises while lying on a bench, and with increasing fitness, move on to more complex types of exercise.

Execution technique

  • Take a position in the simulator, put your hands on the lining of the bars and fix them, lean your body against the back, straighten your back.
  • As you exhale, begin to quickly lift your legs up. If it is difficult for you to lift straightened legs, then bend them at the knees.
  • Lower your legs smoothly to the starting position, make the descent under control, do not make sudden movements.
  • To engage your obliques more, do diagonal crunches.

Twisting can be done in different ways, now there are many special simulators for this, different benches, a Roman chair, etc. Despite the abundance of specialized benches for twisting, the most effective option is twisting on the floor.Exercise involves the rectus abdominis, as well as many abdominal muscles. To complicate the execution, it is worth putting your legs bent at the knees on a bench, and your hands behind your head. It will be very difficult for beginners to train on the floor, it is better for them to start with training on simulators and then move on to more complicated options.

Execution technique

  • Lie on the floor face up, bend your knees as much as possible, put your hands behind your head, and spread your elbows to the sides.
  • Tightening the abdominal muscles, tear off the shoulder girdle from the floor and lift it as high and close to the pelvis as possible. From the top point, slowly lower yourself to the starting position.
  • Do not jerk while driving. Breathe in as you lower and breathe out as you rise.

Since there are so many variations of hanging crunches and leg raises, the movement technique will often differ. At the end of the article, you can find out the features of the technique for performing these exercises from video clips, in which everything is explained very intelligibly.

1.To develop a beautiful and embossed press, you need to train it every day.

The shape and appearance of the abdominal muscles were already given to you at birth, i.e. genetically. Therefore, even the most effective exercises for the press will only help you make them thicker, not more, i.e. you can't change their shape. The abdominal muscles are essentially the same muscles as the biceps, chest, back, etc. So you need to train them absolutely the same (1, maximum 2 times a week), because the muscles also need to rest and recover, otherwise there will be no growth in muscle tissue. Those whose press responds to physical exercise very well, sometimes they don’t do exercises on it at all, tk. abdominal muscles work as stabilizers when performing any heavy basic exercises. The so-called "brute force" in the development of the press can lead to disproportion among professionals, because. visually the waist may appear wider.

2. The press requires a lot of repetitions.

Another incomprehensible nonsense from where. As we have said, the press is an ordinary muscle. Therefore, respond to a large number of repetitions of exercises, it will be the same as other muscles, namely, it will develop its endurance, and not the thickness of the muscles.

3. For elaboration different parts the press needs different exercises.

Any, not even the most effective exercise for the press includes it entirely. It's just that in different exercises the upper and lower parts are loaded to different degrees. For example, reverse crunches or leg raises involve more lower part, and twisting from a prone position - the top. And, since the lower press is lagging behind for many, then when choosing exercises, lean more towards reverse twisting or hanging leg raises.

Features of the technique of performing twists on the floor

Hanging leg raise technique

Add these exercises to your workouts and become the owner of a steel press.

Six or eight pack abs is the cherished dream of many men, but not everyone knows how to achieve this cherished ideal. You can achieve a steel press not only with endless twists, there are many other equally effective exercises; By the way, too many twists can negatively affect the lower back. It's time to expand your arsenal of dream ab exercises.

The most effective exercises for the press

It doesn't matter if you choose one exercise and build endurance or do five exercises at a time - the listed workouts are what you need to achieve your goal. Good luck!

Exercise "Poloter" with a barbell

Lie on your back, hold the barbell at outstretched arms at chest level. Without bending, lift your legs up. Lower your legs to the right, while not touching the floor. Return to starting position and repeat on the left side.

Advice: When the legs are lowered as close to the floor as possible, stay in this position for a couple of seconds. This will not only work the oblique muscles more effectively, but also strengthen the core muscles, which in this position are actively tensed to maintain balance.

Hang pancakes of 5 kilograms on the neck of the bar. Grasp the barbell with an overhand grip, with your hands shoulder-width apart. Stand with your shoulders directly over the barbell and slowly roll the barbell away from you, then back to the starting position.

Advice: The farther you take the barbell, the harder it is. Do not try to jump over your head and make sure that your hips do not sag. One short rep with correct posture much more effective than a barbell retracted as far as possible with a hunched back.

Turns of the body with the thrust of the upper block ("Lumberjack")

Stand at a short distance to the side of the simulator, feet shoulder-width apart, grasp the cable handle with both hands. Without bending your arms, pull the cable down towards the opposite knee, while turning the body. Slightly bend your knees and lean on the far leg. Slowly return to the starting position.

Advice: Make sure that the cable does not “pull” you to the starting position, otherwise the effectiveness of the exercise will be halved. Return to the starting position slowly and with resistance. As you move backwards, slowly count to three.

Turns of the body on the block

Grasp the cable handle with both hands so that the left arm is fully extended and crosses the body. Moving only your arms, pull the cable in the opposite direction until your right arm is fully extended. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise.

Advice: Fix the position of the arms and shoulders, suppress the urge to strain these muscles to help yourself. The better you can isolate your core muscles, the faster you'll be able to boast six pack abs.

dragon flag

Lie on your back, grab the bench above your head with your hands. Bend your knees and push your legs up towards the ceiling, thus lifting your back off the bench. Slowly lower your legs and return to the starting position, then repeat.

Advice: Although this makes the exercise easier, do not swing your legs at the top. Instead, slowly extend your legs until they crunch before pushing them up.

Leg raises lying on a bench

Lie on a bench, on your back with your legs hanging over the edge. Hold onto the edge of the bench with your hands to keep your balance. Keep your legs as straight as possible. As you exhale, raise your legs perpendicular to the floor. Then slowly return to the starting position.

Advice: Pressing your lower back against the bench will not only allow you to purposefully work on your abdominal muscles, but will also protect your spine from injury.

Throwing a medicine ball on the floor

Stand with your legs slightly bent, hold the medicine ball in straightened arms above your head. Lean forward slightly and, using your core muscles, hit the ball with all your might on the floor about 30 centimeters in front of you. Let your arms follow the ball so you don't fall forward. Catch the ball and repeat the exercise.

Advice: Make sure you do this exercise as an exercise for the abs and not for the shoulders. Focus on twisting your abs as you hit the ball on the floor. You will be surprised how much stronger you will become. The ball will bounce so high that you will have to avoid rooms with low ceilings.

V-twists with medicine ball

Lie on your back, hold the ball over your head. Stretch your arms and legs, lift your palms and feet slightly above the floor. Raise your torso and legs at the same time. Try to touch the medicine ball to your legs. Then slowly lower yourself back to the floor.

Advice: Don't let the weight of the ball pull you back to the floor. Watch your technique and ensure that your shoulders do not touch the floor. Thus, the abdominal muscles will work throughout the exercise.

Leg and body lifts

Lie on your side right leg put on the left. Place your right hand behind your head, take your elbow to the side, and put your left hand in front of you for balance. Perform twisting, while trying to touch your right elbow with your right foot. Do the required number of repetitions on the left side, then on the right.

Advice: If this exercise is new to you, you will feel more tension in your hip flexors than in your obliques. Stretch after each set to loosen your tendons and increase your reps.

Side crunches

Lie on your back, bend your knees, put your feet on the floor. Put your right hand behind your head, take your elbow to the side, left hand palm down, perpendicular to the torso. Tighten your abs, lift your shoulders off the field and reach with your right elbow towards your left knee. Slowly lower yourself to the starting position. First complete the required number of repetitions on one side and only then move on to the other.

Advice: Do this exercise at the end of every ab workout. This exercise is best for building a steel press.

Two point plank

Stand in a classic plank position: legs and arms are straightened, shoulders are above the palms, the abdominal muscles are tense, the whole body is in a straight line. Tighten your abs and, resisting the urge to lift your hips, lift right hand and left leg parallel to the floor. Slowly return to the starting position, repeat for the opposite side.

Advice: Raising two limbs turns the standard plank into a dynamic exercise for high-quality study of the abdominal muscles. Unless of course you follow the execution technique. If you find it difficult to maintain balance, lift one limb at a time.

body lift

Get into a plank position on your forearms, hands shoulder-width apart. Rest your palms on the floor and stretch your body up, while the torso remains straight. Slowly lower yourself to the starting position and repeat.

Advice: Your goal is not only pumped abs, but also big and strong shoulders and arms? This exercise combines the work of the upper body with the plank - 3 sets of 20 times from any plank.


Sit on the floor, hands behind your back, legs bent at the knees in front of you. Raise your hips up, relying only on your hands and feet. Start walking using both arms and legs.

Advice: Rising just a couple of centimeters above the floor, you will only put a load on your shoulders. Keep your hips as high as possible. Try to walk about 25 meters and ignore the chuckles behind you.

spider movement

Starting position: emphasis lying. Lift one leg off the floor and bring it up to your elbow. Hold this position for a short while, then return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.

Advice: To add complexity to the exercise and work more effectively on the oblique muscles of the abdomen, after pulling the knee to the elbow, take the leg back a little, then pull the knee to the elbow again and only then return to the starting position.

Leg raise crunches

Lie on your back, stretch your arms up over your head. Pull your knees to your chest and at the same time lift your back off the floor and, helping yourself with your hands, twist. Return to starting position and then repeat.

Advice: Stretch your arms above you throughout the exercise. This will increase the range of motion, which positively affects the work of the abdominal muscles.

Mahi legs

Lie on the floor, lift your heels 10-15 centimeters from the floor, while straining your core muscles. Alternately raise one leg and lower the other, as if you were swimming in a pool.

Advice: Cross your legs right and left, not just up and down. Then your abs will work in different directions, also involving the oblique muscles of the abdomen.

Hanging leg raise

Grasp the bar, make sure that in the hang you do not touch the floor with your feet. Let the straight legs pull the pelvis back a little. Tighten your abs and lift your legs until they are perpendicular to your torso. Hold this position for a short while, then slowly return to the starting position.

Advice: Let your legs dangle freely after each rep. This will force you to tighten your abs harder to avoid excessive rocking. If you hang out, then you will not succeed.

Twisting on the upper block "Prayer"

Kneel in front of the machine, hold the cable handles on either side of the neck. Without moving your hips, using only the abdominal muscles, try to reach your hips with your elbows. Hold at the bottom for a few seconds and then return to the starting position.

Advice: Don't be afraid of aggravation. This is one exercise that is independent of your body weight and you don't need to do 20 reps to figure it out. Keep a steady pace and don't make sudden jerks.

Torso raise with sandbag

Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees, hold a sandbag (sand bag) with your arms outstretched in front of you. Tighten your abs and lift your torso up so that your upper body forms a V with your hips. Slowly return to the starting position.

Advice: To make the exercise easier, place your feet on something. In another situation, we would call it cheating, but you are doing the exercise with extra weight, so it's forgivable.

Russian twists with weight

Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you, holding a sandbag with your arms outstretched in front of you. Quickly turn the body to the right and left, while shifting the sandbag in different directions.

Advice: Do not move your shoulders and gluteal muscles to isolate the abdominal muscles as much as possible. Thus, the core muscles will work even harder to dampen the impulse from shifting the bag.

The secret to perfect abs

Every girl dreams of having a flat and attractive tummy that attracts the attention of others. Much nicer positive attention when everyone looks at you and admires than the realization of the fact that the eyes of others attract your sagging sides and far from perfect abs.

Remember that there is no magic exercise that, if you do it every day for 5 minutes, you will get a perfect stomach and fit figure. Our body is a complex complex in which everything is interconnected, and if you want to achieve results, you can’t get hung up on one thing.

After you realize this, it will be much easier to work on yourself and the effect you need from classes will not keep you waiting.

Here is the list of maximum useful exercises for the abdominal muscles, which will help you to put yourself in order qualitatively and most quickly.

1. Planck

An effective exercise, the existence of which many do not even suspect. But by doing it, you strengthen the press, hips, shoulder girdle and buttocks.

The back during execution should be perfectly straight, with an increase in tension, immediately stop the exercise so as not to injure yourself.

Tighten your buttocks, this will greatly facilitate the exercise.

Do not bend your legs at the knees, this will create an excessive load.

The figure shows a classic plank with an emphasis on the elbows. Never bet elbow joints wider than shoulders. Thanks to this rule, you will not harm your joints.

The execution time is until the first unpleasant sensations arise, but no more than two minutes. It is advisable to do it no more than once a day. Here the principle is more quantity repetitions, the better - does not work.

2. "Twisting and cycling"

Lie on the floor, put your hands on the back of your head. Remember, never interlock your fingers, this can injure you. cervical region! Try to touch the opposite knee with your elbow, while the leg that is not involved in the process is straightened.

The number of repetitions - 3 sets of 10-15 times.

3. "Twisting the elbow to the knee"

Lie on the floor, put your hands on the back of your head. Don't interlock your fingers. Then, cross your legs as shown in the picture. Touch your right elbow to your left knee. Next, switch legs and reach, respectively, with your left elbow towards your right knee.

The number of repetitions is 15 times on one leg and 15 times on the other.

4. "Twisting"

Lie on the floor, while bending your legs at the knees. Put your hands on the back of your head, do not interlock your fingers. The loin should not come off the floor. Straining only the abdominal muscles, pull the head, neck and shoulder blades forward, but not at the expense of the arms! You should feel how the press is tense. Slowly lower yourself back down.

The number of repetitions - 2-3 sets of 20-25 times.

5. "Double twist"

Lie on the floor, arms along the body. Then, tensing the abdominal muscles, simultaneously pull up both legs, while lifting the torso towards. Hands should touch the legs, as in the picture. Return to starting position.

The number of repetitions - 1-2 sets of 10-15 times.

6. "Scissors"

One of the most famous and simple exercises. Lying on the floor, stretch your arms along the body. Do not raise your head, otherwise there will be an excessive load on the cervical region, and no one needs this. Raise your legs completely straight off the floor and imagining that these are scissors, cut through the air from left to right and vice versa.

The number of repetitions - 2 sets of 15-20 times.

7. "Reverse twist"

Lying on the floor, raise your legs so that they are perpendicular to your torso. Stretch your arms along the body, do not raise your head. After that, trying to strain the abdominal muscles, stretch your legs to your chest. If this is too hard, you can bend your knees at first.

The number of repetitions - 2 sets of 10-15 times.

8. "Alpinist"

A good thing not only for training the abdominal muscles, but also for cardio training. Get into position as if you are doing a push-up. Do not bend your back and lower back, there should be one straight line from head to toe. Raise one leg as shown in the picture and pull it towards your chest. The abdominal muscles should be tense. After lowering your leg, pause, lift the other.

The number of repetitions is 2-3 sets of 15-20 times.

9. "Twisting with the touch of the toes"

An exercise that looks very simple, but is difficult to perform. Lying on the floor, raise your legs vertically. Then, stretch your hands towards them to make a kind of letter V. Touching your toes, lower yourself to the starting position.

The number of repetitions - 1-2 sets of 8-10 times.

10. "Vacuum"

An extremely useful thing, which, unfortunately, few people use. This exercise will allow you to tone the transverse muscle, which is responsible for making the stomach look flat.

The starting position is the same as in the figure, the body is relaxed. Draw air into your belly and then exhale completely. Try to exhale even after the air is completely out. While doing this, tighten your abdominal muscles.

Execution time and number of repetitions - 3-5 times for 20-30 seconds.

We offer you the results of a unique study. After analyzing 36 exercises for the abdominal muscles, we selected 6 of the simplest, but most effective!

You absolutely do not need a supersport press with embossed “cubes”. I just want the stomach to be more prominent, and the press - strong. But no matter how much you pump it with the help of body lifts, these obstinate muscles still do not want to pull themselves up. Despite the fact that a lot of effort and energy is spent on the struggle for slim stomach, not everyone is able to achieve the desired result. Maybe try some new exercises? We asked biomechanics experts to test 36 various exercises for the press and determine which of them are the most effective exercises for the press!

Based on the results of the study, a balanced complex was developed, which, in addition to the classic raises of the body, includes exercises for the lower back, which allows you to achieve best results. And remember: even the most effective exercises will not bring benefits if they are performed incorrectly. The press will not become stronger just because you will mechanically raise the body. It is necessary to take the correct starting position, and then contract the necessary muscles, not forgetting to follow the breath.

Training plan

Perform the complex 3 times a week every other day. Each time, do exercises 1 and 2 first, then any two of the remaining four exercises. Keep changing the program.

  • Warm up. At the beginning of the lesson, make a "cat": get on all fours, inhale and bend. As you exhale, round your back. Repeat 3-4 times.
  • Workout. Regardless of fitness level, first do 1 set of each exercise, resting 45-60 seconds between sets. For best results, pay close attention to whether you are doing the exercises correctly. The muscles being trained should be tired by the end of the session. When you can easily do 1 set, add a second or don't rest between exercises.
  • Hitch. Do the "cat" 3-4 times.

Training Rules

Do the exercises correctly: All movements should be smooth and controlled.

  • Activate your abdominal muscles. While doing the exercises, keep the press in tension all the time. As you contract the muscle, pull your stomach in, lowering your ribs towards pelvic bones. Mentally imagine how the muscles work - then it will be easier for you to control them.
  • Watch your breath. If you're not breathing correctly, air pressure on your diaphragm may make you feel like you're exerting more than you really are. Take a deep breath to expand your ribs, then exhale and contract your abs.
  • Reduce the amount of adipose tissue. Do cardio for 30-45 minutes 3-4 days a week, and strength exercises for 2-3 days, and remember to watch your diet.

A set of exercises for the press

1. Rise / roll

This exercise strengthens the rectus abdominis.

Lie on your back, legs straight, feet together. Stretch your arms up in front of your chest, palms facing down. Inhale, lower your chin to see your navel, and begin to slowly rise with a rounded back, lifting vertebra by vertebra off the floor. When the shoulder blades come off the floor, begin to exhale, continuing to slowly rise. Slowly, with a roll, return to the starting position without lowering your arms. Start with 4 repetitions, gradually increasing their number to 6.

2. Plank Pose

This exercise strengthens the oblique abdominal muscles.

Get on all fours, elbows should be exactly under the shoulders, fingers in the lock. Stretch your right leg back, placing it on the toe, while trying not to move your hips. Then stretch the left leg back, placing it on the toe next to the right. Hold this position for 20 seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat 2 times. Gradually increase the time during which you hold the pose: first up to 30 seconds, then up to 1 minute.

3. Bridge with leg lift

Exercise strengthens the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles and the extensor muscle of the spine (lower back).

Lie on your back, knees bent, feet parallel to each other at shoulder width. Hands lie freely along the body, palms look down. Tighten your abs by pulling your stomach in. Take a breath. As you exhale, push your pelvis up so that your body forms a straight line from your shoulder blades to your knees. Hold for 30 seconds. Without changing position, straighten your left leg. Hold again for 30 seconds. Place your left foot on the floor and straighten your right foot, keeping the correct body position. Then place your right foot on the floor. This is 1 repetition. Do 4 repetitions, gradually increase their number to 8.

4. Side crunches on the ball

Sit on a fitball (gymnastics ball), feet flat on the floor, knees bent. Stepping feet forward, lie back on the ball with your left hand behind your head. Tightening your buttocks, push your pelvis up. Pull your belly in and lift upper part corps. Then turn your left shoulder to the right. Slowly return to position 4a. Perform all repetitions first with the left hand, then with the right. Start with 8-12 repetitions for each side, gradually increasing their number to 16.

5. Bent-knee crunches

This exercise strengthens the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles.

Lie on your back, raise your legs bent at the knees so that the shins are parallel to the floor, feet together. Place the hands on the back of the head without joining, elbows apart. Tighten your abs by pulling your stomach in. Without changing the position of the legs, lift your head, neck and shoulders off the floor. Slowly return to the starting position. Start with 8-12 repetitions, gradually increasing their number to 16-20.

6. Reverse twist

This exercise strengthens the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles.

Lie on your back, raise your legs bent at the knees, pull your heels to the buttocks, palms on the back of your head. Without changing the position of the legs, tighten the muscles of the press and tear off the tailbone a few centimeters from the floor, and pull the knees to the chest. The amplitude of movement is small, only the abdominal muscles work. Slowly return to the starting position. Start with 8-12 repetitions, gradually increase their number to 16-20.

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