Meals while walking to the hall. Fundamentals of nutrition and diet for strength training

The weight loss program for achieving ideal physical shape includes classes in the gym and a special training diet that will help you gain or lose weight and draw muscle relief. The principles of the diet will differ depending on the type of training and physical training athlete. Therefore, everyone who works out at home or goes to the gym needs to develop an individual diet for training according to the theory of balanced nutrition.

A balanced diet increases the effectiveness of training by increasing the level of energy produced and the speed of recovery of the body. must correspond to his gender, age, weight, training, nature and volume of training, climate and other parameters. But it all starts with the concept of rational nutrition. Balanced diet based on the qualitative and quantitative composition of food, the correct mode and the percentage of assimilation.

The first rule is that nutrition is based on the consumption of natural and diverse products.

Products that have undergone industrial processing are poorly absorbed, do not contain biologically active components. Qualitative composition food corresponds to the formula of a balanced diet of Academician A. A. Pokrovsky: the content of carbohydrates is 55%, proteins - 15%, fats - 30%.

The second rule is that the quantitative composition of food corresponds to individual norms of energy consumption.

You can calculate individual norms using product tables, which indicate the calorie content and nutrient composition, or using. The daily calorie distribution is as follows:

  • First breakfast - 5%,
  • Second breakfast - 25%,
  • Lunch - 35%,
  • Half day - 5%,
  • Dinner - 30%.

If you follow this rule, food is absorbed more fully.

The third rule - food should be fractional. Three meals a day does not provide the athlete with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

A six-time meal provides energy for training, the products are better absorbed, the athlete will not be able to overeat. Amateur athletes do not follow a fractional diet. After all, for this you need to carry food with you, cook it in the evening. Inconvenient and troublesome, but there is time for training. But training without proper nutrition will not give a result.

The percentage of assimilation depends on the type of product. Raw foods have more nutrients and vitamins, but they are poorly absorbed. Cooked foods are absorbed more fully, but they are destroyed useful material. The principles of balanced nutrition are applied not only by athletes in the gym. They are suitable for men and women working out at home, suitable for home workouts.

weight loss training program

Weight loss workouts that take place in the gym ensure the work of all the muscles of the body. With the right equipment, home workouts are enough for strength and aerobic exercises.

  • Warm-up - aerobic exercises to warm up the muscles;
  • Exercises without weights 10 minutes -, push-ups, pumping the press;
  • Working out the muscles of the legs - squatting with a neck - 15 times;
  • Pick up dumbbells, lunge on the leg - only 20 times, change the leg after 10 counts;
  • Tilt the body parallel to the floor, pull the dumbbell to the belt with one hand - a total of 20 times. Change hand after 10 counts;
  • Pulling up on the horizontal bar as much as you can;
  • Working out the hands - traction of the upper block behind the head - 15 times;
  • On an incline bench, press the barbell - 15 times;
  • Hitch - stretching.

Weight loss workouts are aimed at increasing the endurance of men and women - these are classes in the gym on, on exercise bikes, on. Home workouts are also quite enough.

Diet for burning subcutaneous fat

A common problem for women is extra. For men, this problem arises before the competition. There are too few nutrients in modern food that can burn fat. Can't be reset excess weight until the fat is effectively burned. To do this, in addition to calculating calories, we must not forget about vitamins, without which burning fat in the body is impossible.

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The basic rule of losing weight is that the energy of food consumed should be less than that spent on movement, by 10%.

Weight loss programs designed for men and women should comply with the following guidelines:

  • The main principle of losing weight is the transition to low-calorie foods.
  • Constant control of body weight by weighing on the scales.
  • Weight loss should come from fat loss, not muscle mass.
  • A sharp decrease in caloric content should not be allowed due to a possible failure of metabolic processes in the body. In addition, a sharp decrease in food volumes will lead to the cancellation of training. The decrease in food volumes is gradual by per month.
  • Stick to a diet with a predominance of carbohydrates and proteins, vitamins and trace elements, gradually eliminating fats.
  • With a balanced diet, weight loss reaches 1 kg in 1 week. If sports performance decreases, carbohydrates should be added.
  • When you reach your desired weight, you can not drastically change the diet and return to the one on which you recovered. Try to stick to proper nutrition.

To be healthy, a person needs to consume several thousand organic compounds. Only 600 have been identified, so no artificial supplements will provide the body with complete nutrition.

For weight loss, eat "slow" carbohydrates. The daily intake is 5-8 grams per 1 kg of body weight. Fat intake within 1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight.

Each type of diet (for weight loss, for the development of strength) requires 2-4 weeks for "adjustment". It is necessary to keep a food diary, count the number of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, energy consumption per day. Knowing the principles of nutrition, monitor the body's reactions to the foods eaten. Having picked up a suitable diet, follow it until you get the result.

Strength training diet

With the help of strength exercises, you can quickly lose weight, it is more effective. You can build muscle in the gym. How to properly organize the diet of men and women involved in strength training in the gym? For muscle growth strength exercises You need more protein in your diet.

When building strength, you need to increase the content of carbohydrates, and for endurance - fats, while building muscle - proteins.

The emphasis in nutrition when building muscle mass for men and women is on proteins. During the period of mass building, 2-3 grams of protein are eaten per 1 kg of body weight per day. An increased amount of protein in the diet requires an increase in water intake, it is necessary for flushing harmful products metabolism. The norm is 2-3 liters per day. Carbohydrates with a low-fat diet in a ratio with proteins as 2:1, that is, 4-6 grams per 1 kg. With sufficient fat intake, the ratio of carbohydrates and proteins is 4:3.

The nutrition program in power sports includes nutritional supplements: multivitamins, mineral salts, amino acids.

Low-calorie and low-carbohydrate diets provide fast weight loss in the gym, muscle mass growth remains normal. The disadvantage of these diets is the impossibility of their long-term use. After all, weight loss is due to water. Protein breakdown leads to dehydration.

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When it comes to fitness - nutrition is an important component in your achievements and results. Almost 70% of the success of a good figure falls on fitness nutrition. The energy that we use during the day enters our body with food. It is important not to overeat, especially before training, and not to be hungry, as you will feel discomfort. As a result, you will probably warm up poorly and not warm up your muscles enough for a good workout. Find out how to eat right before and after a workout.

  • It doesn’t matter if you decide to lose weight or strengthen and pump up muscles - fitness nutrition implies the presence of 1.5-2 liters of water in your diet per day. In no case should you drink from the tap, you can get sick. During sports activities, drink 0.5-1 l of water, depending on your weight and intensity, evenly throughout the entire time of exercise. Liquid is useful for the absorption of all nutrients. Dehydration of the body is bad, because at this time they slow down metabolic processes and fat is burned more slowly.
  • 2-3 hours before physical activity the fitness menu consists of 300-400 calories and includes proteins, fats and carbohydrates. You can cook rice or pasta with durum varieties with chicken fillet, fresh vegetable salad and green tea. Eliminate cabbage and legumes - they can cause bloating.
  • 1-2 hours before class, your menu for weight loss or muscle building should not be many calories. Such a meal should be light and airy. It is desirable not more than 15-200 Kcal, so that you do not have heaviness in the stomach. A couple of wheat bread and 100-200 ml of milk will do just fine. A balanced diet with proteins and carbohydrates will prevent pain in the muscles and throughout the workout, you will not experience hunger.
  • After completing all the exercises, for the first 20-30 minutes, a "carbohydrate window" is formed in the body. At this time, you need to eat protein and carbohydrate foods. Eliminate tea, sweets, coffee, cocoa and fats, because the listed products and components prevent the protein from being absorbed to restore muscle tissue. It is allowed to eat the following foods during these 20-30 minutes (taking into account the high intensity of your disputes): protein drinks (protein), kefir, energy bars, yogurts, etc. You can drink juice, such as cranberry without sugar.
  • 1 hour after fitness, it is recommended to eat proteins, complex carbohydrates. This combination of components will allow you to disperse your metabolism and learn everything. With this menu, the muscles will recover well, painlessly.

Menu for fitness enthusiasts

Provide slim figure You will be allowed 5 meals a day. For girls, a menu of 1500-1600 calories per day is suitable. The diet is made for 7 days, it is approximate, and you can change it according to your taste characteristics.


  • Breakfast - oatmeal, grapefruit.
  • Second breakfast - Fruit salad with yogurt.
  • Lunch - rice with chicken fillet.
  • Snack - juice, vegetable.
  • Dinner - steamed fish, fresh vegetable salad, 1 fruit (apple or orange).


  • Breakfast - oat flakes, a couple of egg whites, juice of your choice.
  • Second breakfast - fat-free cottage cheese, and low-fat sour cream, banana.
  • Dinner - buckwheat porridge with lean meat.
  • Snack - baked potatoes with yogurt.
  • Dinner - preferably boiled corn with chicken.


  • Breakfast - oatmeal with fruit and juice.
  • Tomorrow No. 2 - fat-free cottage cheese with carrot juice.
  • Lunch - Chicken with durum pasta and green tea.
  • Snack - yogurt and 1 piece of fruit.
  • Dinner for fitness lovers is as follows: boiled fish with beans and vegetable salad.


  • Breakfast - scrambled eggs and muesli in milk, you can add fruit.
  • Tomorrow number 2 - buckwheat with vegetables.
  • Lunch - baked potatoes with vegetable salad.
  • Snack - cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream and some fruit.
  • Dinner for women involved in sports is: pita bread with chicken, vegetables.


  • Breakfast - make 2-3 eggs for yourself with greens and milk 0.5-1% fat.
  • Tomorrow number 2 - crumble a banana into cottage cheese, and eat the girls.
  • Lunch - rice with steamed fish and vegetables.
  • Snack - yogurt with an apple.
  • Dinner - chicken with salad and a bite of corn is fine.


  • Breakfast - oatmeal with fruit and a glass of yogurt.
  • Tomorrow number 2 - taste rice porridge with peach.
  • Lunch - buckwheat with lean meat or fish.
  • Snack - baked potatoes, peach yogurt or to taste.
  • Dinner - vegetable salad with low fat meat.


  • Breakfast - an omelette with herbs, a glass of low-fat milk.
  • Tomorrow No. 2 - low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream 5-10% and fruit.
  • Lunch - boiled fish with durum pasta, salad.
  • Snack - an apple or grapefruit.
  • Dinner - shrimp salad, vegetables, chicken, green tea.

Eliminate foods high in unhealthy fats and "simple" carbohydrates

  • Eliminate the high consumption of oils: sunflower, olive, linseed - know the measure.
  • You should not eat a variety of flour products that contain "fast" carbohydrates: White bread, buns, pastries and cakes.
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages.
  • Put aside high-fat dairy drinks: cheese, fatty oil, fat cottage cheese, fat milk, condensed milk, butter.
  • You should not eat fried and smoked food - cooking options, choose others.
  • It is worth removing foods with abundant sugar: jam, sugar, honey, sweet lemonades, sweets, chocolate.

Eat right and you will have a great figure!

All those who go to the gym and want to gain mass must not only carry heavy barbells, loading themselves to the fullest, but first of all they must gain mass.

When gaining muscle mass, you need to eat quite often: the optimal number of meals is 5-6 times a day. With this frequency, the digestive system is not overloaded, and small portions of nutrients are constantly entering the bloodstream, which will nourish your muscles throughout the day.

Try to limit your intake of foods rich in animal and other saturated fats. For muscle growth and energy production, the body primarily uses carbohydrates and proteins. Therefore, excess fat will be deposited in fat cells. And from this you will begin to get fat, and not how not to gain mass. Also try to avoid fast carbohydrates. Eliminate sweets and baked goods from your diet. Fast carbohydrates are absorbed very quickly, as a result of which the blood sugar level rises sharply. And because of this, the body converts glucose into fat. But this does not mean that you cannot eat sweets at all, you can, but not in large quantities and best after a workout.

It is also very important to observe the drinking regimen. When gaining muscle mass, you need to consume a large number water. On average, about 3 liters per day. Do not allow dehydration of the body. If you are thirsty, do not endure, but drink.

When gaining muscle mass, food volumes should be equal, however, about 70% of all food eaten per day should be eaten in the first half of the day. Never overeat at night. Food before bed should be easily digestible. Be sure to eat before training (2 hours before it starts). For this, foods containing slow carbohydrates are well suited. They are necessary in order to provide the muscles and brain with energy during training. The most voluminous meal should be eaten half an hour after the end of classes. Include in it foods rich in proteins, fast and slow carbohydrates.

But the main emphasis in nutrition should be on proteins. Food preference should be given following products: chicken meat, beef, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, low-fat cheese, nuts (but they have a lot of fat). Also, your diet should include cereals, fruits and vegetables. Vegetable and animal proteins should be divided in a ratio of 50 to 50. But you can increase the consumption of animal proteins by 10-15 percent. You can also use special sports nutrition. But before you buy it, you should consult with those who swing professionally or with a doctor.

Muscle mass begins to grow only when the amount of incoming energy in the form of food exceeds the amount of energy expended by the body. Therefore, it is worth increasing the calorie content of your diet.

So, picking the right program for training in the gym and choosing correct mode nutrition, you will be able to gain muscle mass, from which then you will have muscles. Of course, the result will not be visible in a month, but in a year, you will be able to show off your “banks”.

Nutrition when exercising in the gym is associated with a number of nuances. In most cases, such training is aimed at gaining muscle mass, and, accordingly, not only correctly calculated daily rate calories, how much is the proportion of protein in the diet.

General rules

It's no secret that in order to stay at the same weight, you need to balance the amount of calories consumed and expended. Proper Diet food during the visit gym, which involves building muscle mass, should somewhat “shift” this balance. So, the number of calories consumed should be 15% higher than the number of calories expended (obviously, this “difference” is covered exclusively by proteins).

The daily rate of protein in the diet is 1.5-2 g per 1 kg of body weight of an athlete. If no “shifts” in muscle growth are observed after a month or two after the menu correction, then another 10% is added to the 15 percent “difference” (again, we are talking about exclusively protein products).

Now it is necessary to discuss the issue of diet during training in the gym. The minimum number of meals per day is four. At the same time, every day the athlete should consume an equal number of calories.

Nutrition scheme for beginners:

  • Before going to the gym (no later than 1.5-2 hours) - proteins and complex carbohydrates (20 g / 50 g), it is recommended to limit the amount of fat. Approximate menu: Poultry meat with vegetable garnish, fish and baked potatoes, chicken breast, eggs or cottage cheese with whole grain bread.

  • After training, it is recommended to replenish the deficiency of amino acids by using protein omelette, or boiled chicken breast, cottage cheese, turkey meat or other lean meat. Eating should take place no later than half an hour after the lesson ended. Mandatory item in the nutrition program - a protein shake. It is drunk early in the morning, on an empty stomach, and immediately after the end of a workout.

Of no small importance for the effectiveness of training is the drinking regimen. So, with intense loads aimed at mass gain, the daily fluid intake should be at least 3 liters per day. Water deficiency negatively affects metabolism, does not allow fat to be actively broken down, affects physical endurance athlete.

Best drinks:

  • Cleansing or herbal teas;
  • Green tea (possible with honey);
  • Natural freshly squeezed juices (from fruits or vegetables).
  • Purified water.

The correct diet for those who regularly go to the gym involves the last meal no later than two to three hours before bedtime. In addition, it is recommended to avoid stress, emotional overload - they disrupt the healthy process of assimilation of calories and do not allow muscles to grow intensively.

Prohibited Products

  • Bread and other flour products;
  • Mayonnaise and other store-bought sauces;
  • All foods that contain sugar;
  • Sweet carbonated drinks;
  • Very strong and sweet tea (coffee).

One more important rule: strict diets and training in the gym - phenomena that exclude each other.

To cope with the tasks set, the body needs not only energy (the source is carbohydrates), but also "building materials" - proteins. That is why athletes should not limit themselves in nutrition, but choose the right diet structure and schedule a daily meal schedule.

Athlete nutrition is different ordinary people. The energy consumption of athletes is much higher, they need more protein for their constantly stressed muscles, more water for the prompt delivery of all nutrients to the tissues and replenishment of constant fluid losses during sports, their diet directly depends on the training schedule. Nutrition and the gym are much more connected than it seems at first glance. No matter how hard an athlete trains, if he does not eat improperly, he is unlikely to achieve the set results. Improper nutrition can damage not only the effectiveness of training, but also the health of the athlete, so you need to understand that proper nutrition and sports are parts of one system called healthy lifestyle life, and they are closely related.

Proper nutrition for the gym

Here are the basic nutrition rules for the gym.

Proper nutrition during training should be fractional - eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. Your daily calorie intake should match your energy expenditure if you want to lose weight, and exceed it if you are interested in muscle growth. At the same time, the diet for the gym should contain an increased amount of proteins and a sufficiently high amount of complex carbohydrates- the former are needed for the formation of muscles and tissues, as well as for the synthesis of amino acids and hormones, the latter provide your body with energy for sports and recovery after training. Proper nutrition for athletes is not complete without sufficient fluid intake - at least 3 liters per day, and with intense training- much more.

What foods should an athlete eat?

As already mentioned, proper nutrition for athletes should contain a lot of protein. Sources of protein - meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, nuts, green vegetables, potatoes. Eggs and fish are especially useful for an athlete, as well as dairy products reduced fat content.

An athlete also needs fats - cell membranes are built from them. Approximately half of the fats consumed should be plant origin, and half - animal, with the most useful animal fats found in fish, and the most useful vegetable - in nuts and olive oil. These fats are completely absorbed and do not threaten to gain fat mass.

The best sources of carbohydrates in nutrition for the gym are vegetables, fruits, cereals, nuts, berries and dried fruits, whole grain bread, durum wheat pasta. Proper nutrition for the gym necessarily includes a lot of vegetables, cereals (especially oatmeal, buckwheat and brown rice cereal), dried fruits, and fruits. Fast carbohydrates are best obtained from fruits, berries, honey, dark chocolate.

Nutrition scheme for the gym

Proper nutrition and sports are the key to good health and a long life for you., but proper nutrition during training must be correctly compiled.

Proteins should make up 10-15% of the daily diet (calculated from the individual caloric intake), 25-30% - fats, the rest - carbohydrates, and mostly complex ones.

You need to eat little and often - so you do not overload your digestive system and provide yourself with a constant supply of energy and nutrients. Combining proper nutrition and sports, you can constantly be in good shape, and your body will be healthy and strong. Set up a proper training nutrition regimen depending on your training schedule in order to make sports activities as effective as possible for you.

Pre-workout nutrition

Your pre-workout meal should provide you with protein for muscle growth and carbohydrates for energy during and after your workout. Accordingly, before training, you need to eat something protein-carbohydrate about 2 hours before training.

Pre-workout carbohydrates are converted to glycogen to provide energy to your muscles, while proteins are used to make amino acids and building materials for your muscles. Immediately after the end of a workout, the muscles, resting and recovering, greatly increase protein synthesis to grow and repair the micro-tears that inevitably occur during intense training.

But it is better to exclude fats from the diet before training - they slow down digestion, which can adversely affect your well-being during training and your tone.

An example of a well-designed pre-workout meal:

  • baked chicken breast with spinach in cream and mozzarella cheese; whole grain bread, berry jam - 2 hours before training;
  • 40 g of hazelnuts, cashews or almonds or the same amount of prunes or dried apricots and a cup of unsweetened coffee - 30 minutes before training.

Also, half an hour before training, you can eat any fruit and protein shake- this will increase muscle growth. Coffee in the pre-workout diet is named for a reason - it will not only give you an extra boost of energy, but also increase the production of enzymes that break down fat for energy. But after a workout, it is undesirable to drink coffee, as it interferes with normal metabolic processes and slows them down, reducing the effectiveness of proper nutrition and the gym.

There is another nutrition secret for the gym: At least half of the daily protein intake should be eaten 5-6 hours before exercising. For example, if your workout is scheduled for the evening, then your lunch should be mostly protein, and before training, eat carbohydrate foods and protein, such as cottage cheese with dried fruits and nuts.

Nutrition in the gym

While exercising, you should definitely consume enough. In the absence of fluid in the body, the nutrition of all tissues and cells is immediately disrupted, the rate of chemical reactions, the intensity of which during training should be at a sufficient high level, the removal of toxins and decay products of fats, as well as by-products arising from the synthesis of proteins, worsens. Also, the importance of drinking enough water when eating for the gym is to prevent constipation, the danger of which increases with high content proteins in the diet.

If your workouts are very intense or long, drink carbohydrate shakes or fruit juices during your workouts - they will make up for energy losses and increase the effectiveness of your workouts.

Nutrition after training

Proper nutrition for the gym involves the use of proteins immediately after training They are needed for muscle growth and repair. If you had a workout in the morning or afternoon, then you need energy for further normal functioning, so you can not do without carbohydrates. After training for 1.5 hours, you can drink a glass of kefir and eat an apple or a pear - this way you will give the body both the protein it needs and a sufficient amount of carbohydrates. 2 hours after training, eat a big meal - eat meat or fish and a serving of slow carbohydrates, such as buckwheat or oatmeal.

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