Wumbling: the best Kegel exercises for women and men

Everyone probably knows that maintaining ideal proportions and a chiseled waist requires representatives of the beautiful half of society to constantly visit sports clubs, swimming pools, as well as diet and grueling workouts at home. Each workout can take up to two hours a day. But how many women know that gymnastics is also needed for vaginal muscles?

Kegel exercises are one of the most famous exercises. It helps in increasing the tone of the pelvic muscles. The complex was developed by Arnold Kegel, a well-known gynecologist in the twentieth century.

For most modern girls, gymnastics of intimate muscles, sounds at least strange. But despite the ignorance of the representatives of the weaker half of society, we can confidently say that this set of exercises is a great opportunity to return a woman to her former beauty, attractiveness, and, most importantly, internal health.

Why do muscles weaken?

Childbirth, gynecological pathologies, surgical interventions, hard physical work - all this becomes the cause of dissatisfaction from making love. And this as a result leads to various ailments and deterioration of relations between sexual partners.

What are Kegel exercises?

This is a specially designed set of exercises that contributes not only to the treatment of various gynecological pathologies, but also to the prevention of their occurrence. Initially, it was created only for women. Its main purpose is to strengthen the pelvic muscles after operations and childbirth.

Before starting the lesson, you must first find the intimate muscles and learn how to "manage" them. This technique attracts representatives of the beautiful half of society also because it can be practiced both at home and at work.

However, it is important to understand that everything should be in moderation. Excessive development of the sphincter can cause difficult childbirth in the future. There is no need to train muscles day and night. The vaginal muscles, like any other, need rest.

All women need to perform gymnastics, even those who are completely confident in their health and do not plan to have a baby in the near future.

Indications for gymnastics

Kegel exercises, as already mentioned, it is desirable to perform every woman. They are shown to girls:

  • with a weak development of the vaginal muscles;
  • for the prevention of ruptures during childbirth;
  • to prevent prolapse of the uterus and involuntary urination;
  • with dissatisfaction with sex;
  • after operations;
  • to slow down the aging process.

Unfortunately, there are several contraindications to exercise. You can not practice this technique with a difficult pregnancy: in the case of early disclosure of the cervix, low location of the fetus.

In the case when the birth went well, you can start doing gymnastics after a day, not earlier. If diagnosed oncological disease before you start exercising without fail consult a specialist.

The effect of exercise

The inclusion of this complex for vaginal muscles in everyday gymnastics will contribute:

  • normalization of the blood supply to the female genital organs;
  • increase in tissue elasticity;
  • prevention and treatment of involuntary urination;
  • rapid muscle recovery after childbirth;
  • minimizing pain during childbirth.

If you want to get the maximum and exceptional benefit from exercise, you should familiarize yourself with a few rules.

  • Start exercising gradually. First, familiarize yourself with the basic techniques, and only then proceed to perform more complex exercises.
  • All approaches must be systematic. That is, first you need to do exercises for compression, then for contraction, and only then for pushing.
  • During the lesson, only the muscles of the pelvic organs should be tensed.
  • Breathe deeply and evenly.

Watch the video carefully and do the exercises correctly and effectively.

How to perform a set of exercises correctly?

As already mentioned, Kegel exercises can be done in any position. Before you start your workout, go to the toilet and pee. Master the technique gradually, from simple to complex.

Gymnastics consists of several parts:

  • compression;
  • abbreviations;
  • ejection.

Compressions and contractions should be performed starting from ten times, and pushing from five times a day. After about a week of training, five repetitions can be added to each part of the gymnastics. Maximum amount repetitions - 30.

So, let's start doing gymnastics.

  1. For 10 seconds, tense and relax your muscles very quickly. This is followed by a ten second break. Do this three times. Then tense and relax the muscles for 5 seconds. The break is five seconds. You need to repeat the exercise nine times. The last stage is squeezing and unclenching the muscles for 30 seconds. Rest - 30 seconds. You need to complete the exercise twice.
  2. Squeeze the muscles for five seconds, then relax. Do the exercise ten times. Next, squeeze the muscles for ten seconds, relax. Do this three times. Final stage - strong compression muscle for a longer period - 100 seconds. Then rest for two minutes and repeat the whole exercise from the beginning.
  3. Squeeze and unclench the muscles of the pelvis 30 times. Then tighten the muscles as hard as possible for 20-20 seconds, then a thirty-second rest and repeat the exercise.

This set is standard. It can be performed both for pregnant women and for those who are planning a pregnancy and who have already given birth. It is also recommended to do it for the treatment and prevention of such ailments as uterine prolapse, hemorrhoids, urinary incontinence.

Kegel exercises during pregnancy, after and for childbirth

This technique is very useful for expectant mothers. Regular training throughout the months will help:

  • increase in the tone of the muscles of the vagina;
  • improvement of general well-being during the period of gestation;
  • facilitate childbirth and minimize pain;
  • a significant decrease in the likelihood of complications, in particular ruptures.

Kegel exercises for pregnant women can only be performed with the permission of a gynecologist. The fact is that in some cases gymnastics is contraindicated. It can not be done with the threat of termination of pregnancy. There are many more important nuance- a ban on training in a prone position with fourth month. If you feel tired, take a rest.

Pregnancy and childbirth are a serious stress for a woman's body. Particularly noticeable are changes in the vagina, uterus, perineum, in general, in those organs that took part in the process of bearing the fetus and during childbirth.

Kegel exercises will help speed up the recovery of organs, as well as strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. Performing gymnastics for the muscles of the vagina is not worth it when:

  • exacerbation of inflammation;
  • vascular disorders;
  • oncological diseases;
  • birth injuries of the perineum.

You can start classes as early as two days after giving birth. But only if the birth went without complications.

The Kegel technique is effective in uterine prolapse

Prolapse of the uterus is a fairly common ailment, characterized by an incorrect location of the uterine fundus and cervix due to weakening of the pelvic muscles and ligaments. Ignoring the pathology is fraught with prolapse of the uterus.

The disease may occur due to:

  • damage to the pelvic muscles;
  • birth trauma;
  • operations for diseases of the genital organs;
  • deep breaks;
  • congenital malformations of the pelvic region;
  • connective tissue dysplasia.

Along with traditional methods of treatment, doctors recommend performing Kegel exercises in order to strengthen the pelvic muscles and ligaments. Along with the standard complex, it is advised to perform exercises that will help in strengthening the pubococcygeal muscles proposed by Kegel.

It is necessary to start the exercise by compressing the sphincter during urination. This must be done in the middle of the process. While the jet is strongest, tighten your muscles. It is recommended to do this exercise whenever there is a desire to go to the toilet.

Lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body. Raising your legs up, make a few circular movements, similar to the rotation of the pedals of a bicycle.

Stand in a knee-elbow pose, inhale deeply and exhale slowly. Straighten your legs so that your hips are above shoulder level. Hold this pose for a few seconds. Repeat fifteen times.

Exercises for involuntary urination

Such an ailment as urinary incontinence is quite widespread today. Involuntary excretion of urine may be due to:

  • pregnancy
  • childbirth;
  • surgical intervention;
  • heavy physical labor;
  • smoking;
  • various perineal injuries.

This pathology is being treated. Together with traditional ways it is advised to carry out special gymnastics in order to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. In addition to the standard Kegel complex, the following exercises are recommended.

  1. Get into a knee-elbow position. The emphasis in this case is on the knees. Tighten your pelvic muscles, and after ten seconds, relax.
  2. Lie on your back. Bend your knees and spread them slightly apart. Submit right hand under the buttocks, and lean on the lower abdomen with the left. Tighten your muscles, pull them up, and relax after a few seconds.
  3. Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart. Lean forward, rest your hands on slightly bent knees. Tighten and relax your pelvic muscles alternately.

Kegel exercises for hemorrhoids

The technique proposed by the doctor is very useful for hemorrhoids. You need to perform the standard above exercises. Systematic exercises will help not only in strengthening the muscles, but also in improving blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

In addition, by performing daily exercises, you can reduce the frequency of exacerbations of the disease, as well as prevent the prolapse of hemorrhoids.

The exercises are easy to do. In addition to the standard complex, it is recommended to do one more. Lie on the floor, bend your knees. Feet on the floor. Squeeze the muscles of the anus for three seconds, then relax. After a few workouts, you can increase the duration of contractions to ten seconds.

Despite the enlightenment in the sexual sphere, many modern women have never heard of the benefits of intimate exercises. But they are able to bring to the life of every representative of the fair sex a lot pleasant surprises, namely, to restore attractiveness, youth, former beauty and inner health. Resorting to special gymnastics in the intimate area, such as Kegel exercises, a woman can quickly restore her body after childbirth, strengthen relationships with her lover and become more confident in herself.

The training of the pelvic floor muscles has been known since ancient times. Such gymnastics was mastered to perfection by the empresses and concubines of the emperors of the East. The conscious control of the muscles of the intimate zone was elevated to the rank of art by our ancestors.

The woman who held two round pebbles in herself with the strength of the muscles of the vagina was valued very highly. And no wonder, because caring for the condition of the perineum was an important component in the harmony of sexual relationships between partners, bearing and giving birth to healthy children, helped in the fight against many female diseases and supported general health organism.

It is noteworthy that the first vaginal simulator is over 6,000 years old. This find was found in China.

Kegel exercises for the intimate area is a set of activities to strengthen the internal muscles of the pelvic floor, allow you to support the lateral and lower parts of the bladder, uterus and other internal organs.

Kegel in 1947 presented his work to the public - it was a vaginal simulator called a perineometer, working on the principle feedback. It allowed the woman to track the effect of training and measure the force of contraction of the muscles of the vagina.

Indications for implementation

Kegel exercises are indicated for women of all ages for:

  • brighter sensations during intercourse;
  • the course of easy childbirth;
  • restoration of the muscles of the intimate zone after childbirth;
  • prevention and complex treatment of uterine prolapse;
  • strengthening the muscles of the perineum.

Symptoms of a weakened pelvic floor - inability to experience orgasm, pain in the lower abdomen, involuntary urination while sneezing or coughing. In this case, you always have to use gaskets, which causes even more discomfort.

The recommendations of gynecologists are that a set of Kegel exercises should be performed before conception, after childbirth, and even during the period of bearing a child. The main rule of training is the observance of the systematic repetition of exercises. Gymnastics must be coordinated with a specialist.

If discomfort is observed during gymnastics, it is immediately necessary to abandon the exercises. Unpleasant sensations and pain may indicate incorrect gymnastics.


Contraindications include:

  • oncology;
  • fibroma;
  • polycystic;
  • time of exacerbation of cardiovascular disease;
  • postoperative period.

In no case should you hold your breath while performing a set of Kegel exercises. Make sure it is always level. And also do not keep the gluteal muscles and hips in tension, you should not draw in the stomach either, but rather focus entirely on lifting and squeezing the pelvic muscles.

Exercise frequency is main feature in Kegel gymnastics. It is recommended to perform them several times daily. The result will become noticeable for both the woman and her partner after about 5 weeks of systematic training. In order for the muscles of the vagina to come into tone, it is necessary for a beginner to perform exercises at least 4 times a day with a gradual increase up to 8 times.

Each exercise should be repeated 10-12 times. At the beginning of classes, do repetitions for 3-4 seconds, and after a few days you can increase the number of repetitions to 5, and then up to 10 seconds.

The bladder must be emptied before starting a workout. If this is not done, you can bring the threat of inflammation in the urinary tract. During classes, you need to breathe measuredly and calmly.

Determining the right muscles

To train the right muscles, you need to learn how to identify them correctly.

  1. Feel the annular muscle of the vagina. Select it without resorting to the participation of the abdominal muscles. The finger must be lubricated with a special lubricant - a lubricant, and then gently inserted into the perineum. At the same time, try to squeeze the entrance to the vagina without the participation of the muscles of the back, buttocks or abs. There should be a feeling that the required muscles are in tension and the finger is tightly compressed in them. Deep and even breathing is welcomed at this moment.
  2. The next way to feel the internal organs of the perineum is in a sitting position. You need to sit on the toilet and spread your legs. When defecating, you need to stop the stream of urine without helping with your feet. What you feel below the waist is female organs small pelvis.

Correct postures

Proper posture during exercise is the key to successful treatment. Consider what you should pay attention to when choosing them.

  1. We choose a place and a pose. If Kegel exercises have already been mastered, a woman can perform them in any convenient place - on the couch, when washing dishes, at work, in transport. This approach saves a lot of time. After all, such gymnastics is available to do in various poses. The only exception is walking.
  2. The place should be calm and quiet, it is better to allocate separate time for this activity so that no one bothers. Best place than a house, for Kegel gymnastics not to be found. After all, in a calm home environment, every woman can relax as much as possible and fully concentrate on her feelings. In this case, breathing should be measured, the position is lying, the legs are slightly bent at the knees. These conditions help to feel the muscles of the pelvic floor quickly, which immediately allows you to proceed directly to the exercises themselves.
  3. Posture during Kegel exercises is an important nuance. Behind straight posture it is imperative to follow if a woman is engaged in a sitting or standing position. Since with stoop, the pelvic floor is subject to relaxation, and the uterus drops significantly. And when using a special simulator, it is all the more necessary to monitor the correct posture.

As time passes, you can change positions, smoothly move into a sitting position, and then standing. At the same time, you can do other things, for example, wash the dishes. Relaxation of the abdominal muscles during training - required condition, this should be monitored.

Slow squeezes

We proceed directly to the exercise itself, called “Slow squeezes”. It is necessary to tighten the muscles of the pelvic floor and count to 3. At the same time, relax, at this pace, repeat the exercise several times. This exercise is most convenient to master in the supine position.

The pelvic muscles must first be held in tension for 5-20 seconds, and then gently relaxed. You need to do repetitions several times in a row.

Connect proper breathing to the exercise, that is, do slow squeezing while inhaling. When you get comfortable with the exercises, you can complicate them with slow steps.

Cuts and extrusion

There are two more exercise techniques that deserve attention, called "Cuts" and "Push". When contracting - you need to strain and relax the muscles of the vagina alternately in fast mode. When pushing out - it is necessary to push moderately as during a bowel movement or during childbirth.

To feel the muscles of the pelvic floor and test for their stretch, a woman during the exercise can insert a pair of fingers into the vagina. It is noteworthy that to achieve an enhanced effect help special items, for example, balls.

The Kegel complex for pregnant women includes the following exercises.

  1. You need to take a lying or sitting position. Bend your legs at the knees and spread them apart. Concentrate on the exercise and relax. Tighten the muscles of the vagina for 5-10 seconds, as if stopping a bowel movement, and then relax them. Repeat after an interval. This Kegel exercise engages the muscles of the anus. It is done at a fast pace - the muscles of the perineum are tensed and immediately the muscles of the anus, then relaxation, and then in the reverse order, as if by a wave.
  2. Divide the vagina into parts in imagination. Each part, starting from the bottom, you need to start compressing, moving up. At the top, hold the position, and then relax.

Be sure to consult with a pregnancy specialist about the possibility of conducting such exercises.

Gymnastics after childbirth

They are shown to almost all women in labor, as they help to recover as quickly as possible after childbirth, to correct the figure in the most short time.

The Kegel complex after childbirth includes the following exercises.

  1. When urinating, hold and then lower the flow of urine 5 times. The main thing is to use the muscles exclusively of the vagina.
  2. Squeeze and unclench your pelvic muscles. Reduce or increase the strength and frequency of these contractions.
  3. The vaginal muscles must be compressed, and released after 5 seconds. A similar Kegel exercise for women is performed 10 times. The fixation time should be gradually increased.

Omission of the uterus is a rather serious pathology, because because of it there are violations in the normal functioning of the pelvic organs. Often the disease causes infertility. In the early stages, exercises for intimate places are effective in treatment. Consider the most popular of them.

  1. Take a lying position and bend your knees. Squeeze and unclench the muscles of the perineum, concentrating on your sensations. Set the pace yourself. You can tune in to the beat of your heart.
  2. Engage all the muscles, starting with the anus and ending with the upper muscles of the vagina. This contraction should be held for about 60 seconds, and then relaxed for the same amount of time.

Kegel exercises for urinary incontinence

The constant discomfort of urinary incontinence is torture for modern woman. Along with the physical handicap, the psychological stress also increases. To cope with the disease, you need to do systematic Kegel exercises.

Most effective exercises with urinary incontinence.

  1. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart and take the starting position. Put your palms on your thighs, and then, tensing the muscles of the vagina, do compressions.
  2. Lie on your stomach, bend your knees and alternate muscle tension with complete relaxation.
  3. Get on all fours, lower yourself on your elbows, place your head between your hands. Tighten the muscles gradually - from the entrance of the vagina to the full depth of the pelvic floor.

Before proceeding directly to the exercises, you should read useful advice developed by experts.

  1. When you achieve the first results, in no case do not quit classes. Otherwise, all efforts will be ineffective.
  2. Do not hold your breath while exercising. You need to breathe rhythmically and evenly.
  3. Do not overdo it, because you can get the opposite effect - bowel movement or pain during a bowel movement.
  4. When exercising, do not strain the gluteal and abdominal muscles, as well as the muscles of the thighs.
  5. If after class you feel pain symptoms in the lower back, this means that you are violating the technique.
  6. Remember that urination should be stopped only in order to feel the muscles of the vagina. If you do this daily, you can achieve as a result of such an effect as urinary incontinence.
  7. Exercises can be carried out during pregnancy, but only under the supervision of a gynecologist, since only he knows how the pregnancy proceeds and whether such gymnastics will harm the child.
  8. Before you start exercising, be sure to empty bladder. If you practice without going to the toilet, you can weaken the muscles of the vagina, as well as introduce an infection into the urinary tract.
  9. Tune in to a long-term expectation of results, because they will appear only after 5-6 weeks.
  10. If after 6 weeks there are no results, then it's time to seek the advice of a specialist. It will certainly help answer the question why the exercises do not give the desired effect.

Subject to all the nuances and features in Kegel intimate gymnastics for a woman, you can feel full control behind the muscles of the vagina. Sexual health will improve and the male partner will notice positive results.


The pelvic floor muscles in women support organs such as the uterus, bladder, rectum, and small intestine. In the forties of the twentieth century, the gynecologist A. Kegel developed and described a set of exercises for the intimate muscles, which, with regular use, helps to keep the pelvic organs in good shape for long years and improve the quality of sexual life.

A. Kegel complex can be useful not only for women, but also for men. Training the pubococcygeus muscle using this technique allows you to learn how to control ejaculation, avoid problems with urinary incontinence and prostatitis in the future.

What are Kegel exercises for?

The system of exercises for women (Kegel gymnastics) was developed to prevent conditions such as:

  • incontinence of feces and urine;
  • cystitis;
  • prolapse and prolapse of the uterus and cervix.

All these diseases in women provoke, first of all, pregnancy and childbirth. Huge loads lead to weakening of the muscles, which in ordinary life are practically not involved in any way and become only weaker with age.

Even if all these problems do not concern you yet, Kegel exercises can prevent their development and improve the quality of sexual life: increase sexual arousal, increase libido, learn to experience multiple orgasms, get new sensations.

Kegel exercises at home simple enough to do. A little attention, regularity of implementation and focus on results will definitely bear fruit.

How to Find Pelvic Floor Muscles in Women

To get a good feel for how to contract the pelvic floor and effectively use Kegel exercises when lowering the uterus, it is necessary.

  1. Try to stop the stream of urine while you are on the toilet. In this case, it is important to slightly spread your legs and not help yourself by bringing them together or straining. Try to use only the forces of the pelvic floor.
  2. Place your index or middle finger into the vagina to a depth of about two centimeters and try to strain to pinch it. The finger should be tightly clasped in the ring of the vagina. It is important not to strain the buttocks, legs, abs or back.
  3. Use a mirror. If you still can’t find the right muscles, use a mirror. Focus on the area between the openings of the anus and the vagina and try to tighten only this area. If everything worked out, there will be a feeling of narrowing of the perineum at the moment of tension.
  4. During intercourse, you can squeeze and unclench the muscles around the partner's penis. Ask if he can feel the narrowing of the vagina.

Kegel muscles are best trained sitting or standing. A good option- supine position with bent legs and an elevated pelvis.

Kegel gymnastics perfectly prepares the small pelvis to labor loads, reduces pain during childbirth, accelerates the process of expulsion of the fetus, accelerates the recovery time of the genital organs after childbirth and avoids problems with urinary incontinence and organ prolapse.

Stages and different levels of training for women

Kegel exercises are suitable for women of any fitness level. Of course, it is better to start exercising long before pregnancy, however, if there are already problems, the complex will help to significantly reduce their manifestation and, over time, achieve very good results. Kegel exercises for uterine prolapse are a great way to get rid of the problem without surgery.

A set of exercises.

Exercise 1 (gradual tension and relaxation).

  1. Take a comfortable starting position for you (sitting or standing).
  2. Squeeze and unclench the muscles in five counts: 1-2-3-4-5 - gradual contraction, 1-2-3-4-5 - gradual relaxation. Over time, you need to increase the time to ten accounts. At the same time, it is necessary to count at about the same speed: one count - one second.

We repeat the exercise 10 times 3-4 times a day.

Exercise 2 (vacuum).

  1. Lying on your back, bend your knees and lift your pelvis up.
  2. In this position, contract your pelvic floor muscles while simultaneously pushing your pelvis and hips up and tensing your abs.
  3. Hold this position for a few seconds (2-3 seconds are enough to start). Gradually increase the stopping time to ten seconds. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 3 (quick contraction and relaxation).

  1. Take a comfortable position for you (sitting or standing).
  2. Squeeze and unclench the vagina and anus at the expense of one or two: the first second - compression, the second - relaxation. Gradually increase the number of compressions to a hundred times.

Repeat the exercise 3-4 times a day.

Exercise 4 (hold).

  1. Sit or stand as you please.
  2. Tighten your pelvic floor muscles and hold them there for three seconds. Gradually increase the time to 15 seconds. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Perform the exercise 3-4 times a day.

Kegel exercises (complex for advanced women):

The complication of Kegel exercises for women comes down mainly to increasing the duration of muscle tension, increasing the number of repetitions and changing body position. If you have been practicing for a long time and are tired of the classic exercises, do not be afraid to complicate the complex.

  1. In a standing position, spread your legs hip-width apart, place your hands on your buttocks and bend your knees slightly. In this position, the tension seems to be directed upwards, allowing you to increase the load.
  2. Stand on four points of support (knees and hands), and then stretch your arms forward and lower your head on them, and lift your buttocks up. In this pose, repeat a set of all exercises in order.
  3. Sit on the floor with straight legs (check that you are sitting on pelvic bones, and not on the muscles, if necessary, lift the buttocks with your hands and move them a little to the side), and then cross your legs. Straighten your back and tighten your pelvic floor, imagining that it is lifting off the floor.
  4. In a standing pose, feet hip-width apart, bend your knees and place your hands on top of your thighs. Repeat all of the Kegel exercises, making sure your back stays straight.
  5. Lie down and press the entire back of your legs and buttocks against the wall, and then bend them and connect your feet, leaning your legs against the wall. Perform all Kegel exercises in this position.

Exercise Poses you can change several times a day (for example, do exercises on all fours in the morning, standing at noon and after dinner, and lying down in the evening.). And you can change the position every week or every month, as you like.

  • During training, try not to strain your pelvis, back, legs, or stomach. Focus on the right muscles and work only with them.
  • Breathe correctly: at the moment of contraction, exhale, at the moment of relaxation, inhale the air. With prolonged tension, breathe calmly and evenly. Proper breathing contributes to the proper supply of oxygen to the muscles and improves tissue metabolism and training efficiency.
  • Don't skip classes.

If there's no time at all remember that no one will notice if the most simple exercises Kegel you will do in public transport or sitting at the computer at work.

  • Empty your bladder before class. If you regularly perform Kegel exercises with full bladder, then you can feel pain and even slight urinary incontinence (if the muscles are still very weak). In addition, a full bladder during exercise can cause inflammation.
  • Repeat the exercises several times a day (at least three).
  • If it seems to you that you are doing something wrong, get a special device that will help you connect with your body and teach it to control.
  • Pregnancy is not a contraindication for training, the A. Kegel system is suitable for all women. But before you start mastering the complex, consult your gynecologist.
  • Try to eat properly and fully. The body needs a balanced amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates to develop.
  • Practice yoga. The Indian practice of asanas also has a positive effect on the development of the pelvic floor muscles, and also allows you to strengthen and heal the whole body as a whole.

You will feel the first results of regular training in about a month and a half. By this time, you will most likely have acquired the basic skills and learn how to easily perform the exercises in any conditions. Regular exercise is important for women, it gives freedom and self-confidence, avoids the inconvenience associated with incontinence and organ prolapse, and can open up new frontiers in sexual life.

Greetings, dear readers my blog! Did you know that according to statistics, after the birth of a child, at least 50% of couples report a deterioration in the quality of intimate life? The most incredible thing here is that it can often be prevented or even treated on its own. Simple Kegel exercises for women at home will help with this. They will also help prevent many female diseases. They are recommended by doctors for uterine prolapse and urinary incontinence.

In the middle of the twentieth century, the American gynecologist Arnold Kegel was looking for ways to treat urinary incontinence after childbirth. He came to the conclusion that gymnastics effectively contributes to the solution of this problem to strengthen and increase the tone of the muscles of the pelvic floor.

Other names for such training are wumbling or imbuilding. VUM is an abbreviation for "vaginal controlled muscles", building - development. MI is an abbreviation for "intimate muscles".

The indications for training are as follows:

  • stretching of the muscles of the vagina after childbirth, prevention and treatment of uterine prolapse;
  • pregnancy planning and pregnancy itself ();
  • prevention and treatment of problems with urination, urinary incontinence (including after removal of the uterus);
  • excess weight;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • prevention and elimination of age-related decrease in the tone of intimate muscles (from 25 years).

In addition, training is useful for improving blood circulation in the pelvic area, especially when sedentary work. Exercises are also shown to increase the brightness of sensations in sex by narrowing the vaginal canal.

With frequent urination, training can help solve the problem, but first you need to rule out cystitis. With hemorrhoids, training is useful by improving blood circulation in the pelvic area. And after 50 years, it is especially necessary to strengthen the muscles.

How to prepare

Before you start the exercises, try to feel the muscles that we will train. To do this, stop the stream during urination. The very muscles that we need will be involved. Note! Doing this often or, moreover, trying to train in this way is categorically not recommended.

Another technique to feel the right muscles is to try to squeeze them by inserting your finger into the vagina.

Before starting a workout, be sure to empty your bladder. Beginners should start exercising in a prone position.

Subsequently, you can move on to training while sitting and standing (only for exercises without simulators or). Some exercises without machines are good because you can do them even in public place. For example, in transport. Nobody around will notice. During gymnastics, you need to breathe evenly, without holding your breath. It is advisable to train daily.

Let's take a look at the main basic exercises for beginners. Once you figure out how to do them, you can move on to exercise machines like balls or eggs.

Slow contractions. Tighten your intimate muscles, as if pulling them inward. Count to three slowly and relax. Then, when you get used to it and understand how to do it right, complicate the workout. To do this, tighten the muscles gradually, squeezing the vagina more and more, stopping at each stage. You also need to relax the muscles gradually, at the expense, with stops. At first, three or four stages are enough, gradually bring their number to ten.

Pulsation. Tighten and relax your intimate muscles quickly.

extrusion. These are a kind of "attempts", as during childbirth, only with less effort. Imagine that you are trying to push something out of yourself.

On the initial stage Do each exercise 10 times for five sets. Then gradually, once a week, add five repetitions - up to a total of 30 repetitions of each exercise in five sets.

When you bring the workout to automatism, you can do it anytime and anywhere. Even standing in the subway or sitting at the computer at work 🙂

Advanced training

The following exercises are a little more difficult, you can move on to them when the basic complex has already been mastered. It is important to do this gradually, without overexerting yourself, especially if you have any diseases or during pregnancy.

Elevator. The exercise is based on slow contractions. Lying on the floor, bend your knees and gradually tighten your intimate muscles from bottom to top. It's like you're slowly pulling something in. Stop for five seconds at each step.

Ladder. This is a modification of the lift exercise. It is performed similarly, but the five-second pause between compressions is not made.

Flashing. Alternately tighten the muscles of the vagina and the anal sphincter. The muscles of the press and buttocks should remain relaxed.

Simultaneous voltage. At the same time, squeeze the muscles of the vagina and anus as much as possible. Hold this position for a minute and slowly relax.

Half bridge. Lie on the floor with your knees bent. Take a deep breath in through your mouth and out through your nose. As you exhale, slowly lift your pelvis while squeezing all the pelvic floor muscles. Hold this position for five seconds. Do five sets.

Butterfly. Sit on the floor with your back straight. Bend your legs at the knees and connect the heels as close to the crotch as possible. Take a few deep breaths in and out. As you exhale, contract your vaginal muscles. Hold the tension for a few seconds, then relax. Perform the exercise from five approaches.

A very slight muscle pain in the lower abdomen and in the coccyx area can be normal. It's like the pain of doing ab workouts. But if the pain doesn't feel like muscle or doesn't go away, see your doctor.

If you have just started exercising, the nature of the discharge may change during menstruation. In the first two days, the blood will go very plentifully, and then it will sharply decrease. This is fine. Due to training, the epithelium is more actively rejected. Pain during menstruation may even decrease. But to the question, is it possible to do Kegel exercises during menstruation, the answer will be negative. Better to wait a few days.

See also lessons on Kegel exercises from a gynecologist:

My results

I also did Kegel exercises after giving birth. I had a vaginal rupture. For the first 3 weeks, even moving around was painful. She walked holding on to the wall like a waddling duck. Even the child could not be carried on discharge. The husband, when he saw this, said that he was given 2 children at once. As he says: “The first month was very hard” 🙂

My gynecologist advised me to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles with a simple set of exercises that I described above. Plus a calm workout at home for all muscle groups. It didn't help right away. I felt the changes only after 3 weeks of daily classes. The pain in the vagina decreased, urination improved, otherwise I went with pads.

So do exercise regularly, then it will definitely help. And be sure to strengthen all muscle groups - the press, back, buttocks. At first, I worked out at home - exercises, fitball, work with my own weight. And when my son went to kindergarten, she began to constantly go to the gym. Now I can't do without charging.

How to do with balls

This is the easiest simulator for intimate muscles. It represents from one to three balls on a loop. There are options for different skill levels. The better you are already trained, the smaller and heavier the balls will be.

Before first use, the balls must be washed with soap and water. warm water. And in the future, before each use, treat with Chlorhexidine or Miramistin.

One of the main exercises with Kegel balls is the same "elevator", but with slight variations. Its basis is slow compressions already familiar to us. Insert the balls into the vagina to a depth of about two centimeters. Squeeze the muscles at the entrance to the vagina, as if closing it. Then gradually contract the muscles above. The balls should rise up.

For more information on how to choose the right model for you and a description of the training methodology, read separate article about Kegel balls.

In addition to balls and jade eggs, there are many for intimate muscles on sale today. Such devices do almost everything for you 🙂 And at the same time they give you objective information about the state of your muscles. It's a kind of massage. Data can be displayed on a smartphone and, using a special application, select a training program for yourself.

Wumbling and targeted training of intimate muscles is wonderful. But in order to achieve really good results, you need to work on your body in a complex way. Even the usual 15-minute exercise in the morning will give you the opportunity to feel in good shape and charge you with a lot of energy.

Some exercises for girls from the most common fitness complexes also strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor

For example, the well-known exercise "Cat". With it, you, standing on all fours, arch your back, pulling in your stomach, and then bend, relaxing your abs. Try squeezing and relaxing your intimate muscles at the same time. The exercises will enhance each other's action.

Similarly, you can supplement the popular exercise for the buttocks. Lying on your back with your knees bent, you raise and lower your pelvis. Try simultaneously, while lifting the pelvis, to compress the muscles of the vagina.

In general, it is worth remembering that in our body everything is interconnected. And the state of the whole organism also affects the tone of intimate muscles. It is especially important to strengthen the muscles of the entire body, as well as monitor posture. It is the complex impact that will give the brightest and most noticeable results. And most importantly: the key to the effectiveness of any training is their regularity!

Contraindications and warnings

Before you start home workouts, be sure to make sure there are no restrictions. It is forbidden to perform such exercises:

  • after caesarean section before removing the stitches;
  • at infectious diseases pelvic organs;
  • in acute and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system (including cystitis);
  • in the first days after childbirth;
  • with severe pregnancy;
  • with oncological diseases;
  • during menses.

In case of any painful conditions, before starting any kind of training, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The specialist will determine what the benefits and harms of classes will be in your particular case.

For pregnant women there special complexes Kegel exercises. Nevertheless, it is better to discuss the beginning of classes with your gynecologist. The time to start training after the birth of a child depends on how the birth went. Ideal case - after natural childbirth without any complications if you feel great. In this situation, you can start in a couple of days. After a caesarean section, it is generally better to forget about any training for at least a month. After the episiotomy, you need to wait for the complete healing of the sutures - at least ten days.

I hope this article has helped you understand what Kegel exercises are, what they are for, and how to start exercising at home. Advise your friends to read about it and be sure to blog. There will be many more interesting things here!

October 30, 2016, 18:29

Do you want to know female secret, which will dramatically change your life and allow you to enjoy intimacy at 100%?

Do you want sex with your loved one to end not with another fiasco, but with passionate moans and the words “I love you!”?

Do you want to be the most desirable and beloved woman that I will carry in my arms, give flowers, dedicate poems and indulge in gifts?

Do you want to know what a real orgasm is, from which a sweet shiver passes through the whole body, warmth spreads and the seventh heaven seems so close? Do you want to wake up the former passion in a relationship, so that, as then, make love all night long and meet the dawn tired and contented, falling asleep in each other's arms?

Would you like sex to stop being a duty and be filled with passion and sensuality again?

Would you like to know all the subtleties and secrets of unearthly pleasure that can last for hours?

I assure you - IT'S POSSIBLE!

Many women are interested in the question - how to train the necessary muscles.

First stage

Specially for women, complex gymnastics has been developed. Professionals distinguish three levels of preparedness: beginner, intermediate and advanced. For those who are just interested in this training technique, it is worth choosing the first stage.

The entry level is focused on the study of technology. You need to learn to feel tension and control pressure. Kegel exercises are suitable for women of all ages.

Below are the positions that you need to master in order to move on to the next stage of training: The body is in a horizontal position, the legs are bent at the knees and parted slightly to the sides. Many representatives of the weaker sex set up a mirror in front of them to control the process of contractions. You need to follow the area called the perineum. This is the distance between the anus and the entrance to the vagina. Having taken the desired position, the pelvic floor is tightened. These sensations are compared with the process of meaningful retention of urine. It is necessary to lie in this tension for 3 seconds. The buttocks do not tense up and are in contact with the floor. Kegel exercises are best done on the floor. For softening, fitness mats or a blanket are placed. The mirror will help determine if the muscles involved in the process of tension. You can determine this by the tendons, they are stretched in the perineum. This exercise is performed three times a day, five repetitions are done. Once the technique is mastered, it can take three weeks, the number of repetitions should be increased to ten times. At the same time, the tension of the pelvic floor is 5-8 seconds.

Very often, our readers complain about relationship problems, lack of interest in sexual intimacy, attitude to sex as a marital obligation, anorgasmia - and they have no idea how to change their sex life and stop dreaming about the pleasures that are written in women's novels.

And you: Can't get the desired pleasure from sex? Don't feel excited? Tips from magazines do not help to become a skilled lover? Has sex become a marital obligation? Relationship with a loved one is bursting at the seams? Do you spend your nights alone or is your beloved shoulder next to you in the morning? If the above applies to you - Then read on very carefully! Hundreds of women have found the solution to these problems HERE!

Why do they get what you can't? There is only one explanation for this - they know how to do what they can't - you!

Thanks to this technique, a man will not be able to think about anyone but you!

Second phase

Today you can meet many women who complain of a weakened tone of the vaginal muscles. If you systematically perform Kegel exercises, then the libido will increase several times. Yes, and the partner will notice changes during intercourse. The second stage is performed without a mirror. The position is the same as in the first stage. One hand is placed on the stomach, and the second takes place under the booty. With muscle tension, the buttocks and abs should remain unchanged. The palms will immediately feel deviations from the execution technique. The delay lasts five seconds, the pause is made for ten seconds. The exercise itself is done for ten minutes with the necessary pause and tension intervals. At this stage, you can complicate the poses. For women, there are many interesting positions: standing exercise: legs are placed shoulder-width apart, and hands are placed on the gluteal muscles, the tension of the pelvic floor is done up. the woman gets on all fours, her head falls on her hands: several repetitions of the tension of the Kegel intimate muscles are done. takes a sitting position, legs crossed in front of him, back straight: you need to strain the pelvic floor, as if tearing it off the floor. body in an upright position, legs slightly bent, hands on knees: during muscle tension, the back remains level.

With these exercises, you can too!

Third stage

In fact, there are many women who monitor the tone of the vaginal muscles. Someone stops at the second stage and simply allocates time three times a week for an intimate workout. But the professionals are moving on and achieving incredible results. To strain the perineum at this level, it is not enough to stand or lie down. It is best to do this while walking. To do this, a stool is taken in hand, and the woman slowly moves around the room. With each step, the Kegel muscles tense and relax. It is very effective to work with intimate muscles using the Ladder technique. To do this, it is necessary to perform a gradual tension, there will be 5-7 steps. Relaxation also occurs in stages. At each level, it is necessary to make delays of 1-5 seconds, the time depends on the degree of training. Exercises with the representation of zigzags and smooth lines are effective. Muscles are contracted at different time periods. At this stage, it is allowed different levels complications. For example, you can do Kegel exercises outside the walls of the house. Others will never notice that the intimate muscles tense and relax. But such training in a public place increases female libido. It is important not to disturb the constancy of classes, otherwise the muscle will lose its elasticity and strength in a short time. Kegel exercises for women can be done with weights. Such power loads will give excellent results. For these purposes, many special intimate simulators have been developed. In fact, it is quite difficult to keep an object in the vagina while walking. But it is precisely for such results that girls and women who decide to engage in training according to the Kegel system strive.

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