Yesenia whose name is nationality. Professional affiliation and career. This is how Yesenia reveals herself in different aspects of life

Representing the girl Yesenia, you involuntarily see the image of a sophisticated feminine person, educated, educated, gentle, caring. But what is she really like? Let's figure out what the name Yesenia means, what basic qualities and skills such a woman has, how she behaves in the family, what fate awaits her.

There are several opinions about the origin of this rare name. In the case when experts refer to Dahl's dictionary, it is believed that it comes from the Old Slavonic "esen", which means "autumn". So called those who were born during the harvest period. There is another version of the origin, where the name has ancient Arabic roots, meaning "beautiful flower". Both options are very similar to plausible and are still considered the main ones.

When pronouncing the gentle name of Yesenia, an atmosphere of joy, sun, happiness, peace, freshness is immediately created. They sound nice too short forms: Esya, Yeni, Senia, Yesenka, Eska, Yasya.

Despite the gentle and musical sound, the name gives the child completely different qualities. The secret of the name lies in the fact that its owner is wise, purposeful, has strong will and iron, able to stand with honor in the face of any life's adversities and sorrows. Such a woman is stubborn and courageous, she is demanding of herself and others, she is ready to fight for happiness and sacrifice herself for the sake of her goal and her beloved work.

Numerologists note that the number eight is inherent in the name, which is rightfully considered special. It is a symbol of infinity, beginning and end, light and darkness, a divine sign. Although such a woman is strong, self-confident, fate tries not to test her for strength, favors in all endeavors, opens up new horizons where, it would seem, there is no way out. From an early age, she sets herself almost unattainable goals, constantly brings them to life, after which she dreams of doing something else with zeal, not stopping there for a single minute.

Yesenia's character traits

Yesenia is kind, sympathetic, will help those who are nearby, sometimes to the detriment of her own interests. She is a materialist and always thinks first and then does. If she decided to help the beggar, then, instead of money, she will put a loaf of bread, fruit. When choosing friends, Yesenia looks not only at spiritual qualities, but also on the material component. If necessary, she will always help, but she will try not to give any moralizing and lessons, she will not criticize or scold. Yesenia can be helped once or twice, but on the third time, especially if the situation is typical, they will simply refuse without explaining the reasons.

Such a woman chooses her friends very carefully, she is looking for a person whom she can completely rely on, trust, tell everything without hiding details. Such a relationship can be described in one phrase - "ideal friendship." It is difficult for Esya to experience betrayal, but she is well versed in people and feels them intuitively, so troubles and mistakes in friendship practically do not happen.

The girl Yesenia has been purposeful since childhood, sometimes even from the elementary grades she knows what she will do when she grows up. She strives to get the best education, along the way completing all possible courses close to her favorite topics. Often combines work with studies, having time to attend exhibitions, discos and all events of interest. When choosing a place to live, work, study, he never relies on the advice of relatives, and when moving to adulthood in everything trying to become independent.

Yesenia often becomes a leader or takes on serious responsible projects. She is creative, smart, has flexible thinking and incredible imagination, when working in a team she tries to avoid conflicts, never gossips and is not hypocritical. The business acumen of this girl amazes even those who have many years of experience. If she really likes the job, she is ready to study and work, depriving herself of sleep and rest, quickly navigate and correctly assess the situation. The girl understands people, so the work of a teacher, head of an enterprise, personnel officer or other responsible position is easy for her, her career is quickly moving uphill.

The fate of a woman named Yesenia

The universe does not throw Yesa great difficulties and worries. The main thing for a girl is that she knows her worth, knows how to love herself, understands that she deserves the best. Such women have a rich spiritual world. And even if they read little and do not like books, Yesenias are very smart and have some kind of “higher” knowledge of the world. Esya is responsive and when meeting even strangers causes pleasant sensations. She knows how to listen and hear, to read between the lines, to understand from a few phrases state of mind person.

Yesenia is observant and has a developed intuition. She will not live in a marriage "anyhow with anyone", so she rarely marries before the age of 28-30. She enters into marriage only with the person whom she loves with all her heart for his inner world and mind, but also the material condition of the chosen one is important. Yesenia rarely plunges into love like a pool with her head, she always gives an account of her actions and deeds.

The girl will be happy if there is a person nearby who is able to accept her with all the shortcomings and features. If he can adapt to it, in which independence and independence will always be important components, and the fate of such relationships is usually long, and Yesenia herself is their leader.

The chosen one of this woman should be creative in nature, having a sense of humor and style, capable of great things. In a relationship does not tolerate lies, falsehood, categorical. If she was cheated on, she is unlikely to forgive and return back to her family.

Yasya is a wonderful hostess who knows how and loves to cook well. Always dresses stylishly, looks after his own appearance, soft, attentive, able to turn the head of any man. The family rarely becomes an obstacle for her friendship, hiking, traveling. She finds time for everything, competently plans her life. The girl Yesenia is a caring mother, faithful wife, an attentive relative, a true friend.

Name day and angel day

AT Orthodox calendar you will not find Saint Yesenia. Experts say that Orthodox Church she rarely approved of Old Slavonic and pre-church names, therefore she did not reflect them in the calendar, considering them more worldly. Often girls with the name Yesenia are baptized under another consonant Yesia, whose memorial day is celebrated on June 20. There is no other church mention of such or similar in sound and origin of the name.


Esya is prudent and pragmatic. Her health from birth may not be the strongest, but she never allows herself to be inattentive to any disturbing symptoms. Yesenias carry their well-being throughout their lives, remaining strong, athletic, not losing interest in life and everything new, unknown even in extreme old age.

Yesenia loves to play sports, leads an active lifestyle, loves to travel anywhere and everywhere. With pleasure, he goes to the mountains with a huge backpack, skiing, swimming in the ocean or the sea, staying overnight in a tent in the forest. From sports, Yesenia most often likes dancing, figure gymnastics, swimming, that is, types that require flexibility and mobility.


Often the name goes to a girl born under the sign of Virgo or Taurus. Most of all, such a woman is suitable for “strong” patronymics, starting with the letter “A”, and also containing “R”. For example, Dmitrievna, Arkadievna, Arturovna, Igorevna, Karlovna.

Yesenia is compatible with men whose names are Mikhail, Victor, Pavel, Philip. You should not marry Dmitry, Igor or Arkady.

Among famous people with the name Yesenia there are many famous athletes, for example, E. Volzhankina, E. Butorina. There are also actresses who captivated their audience with their ingenious play. Among them are E. Adame, E. Medina. There is also a singer performing songs in the chanson style, Yesenia.

Yesenia's personality is multifaceted, so those around her do not immediately get acquainted with the secrets of her character. She often remains a mystery to them. At the first meeting, people are fascinated by the warmth and friendliness of the girl. In her company, relatives feel comfortable, communication with her gives them great pleasure. Thanks to a highly developed intuition, Yesenia is well versed in people, easily finds with them mutual language. This quality in her is especially appreciated by the authorities, who appreciate the work of Yesenia and promote her up the career ladder. Men are attracted by the femininity of the girl and her subtle mind. She can support any conversation, which delights her fans.

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    Name origin

    There is no single version of the origin of the name. There are several options that are very different from each other:

      • Dahl's dictionary contains the word "esen", which means "autumn" in translation. According to the scientist, the name Yesenia was given to girls who were born in the fall.
      • Supporters alternative version it is believed that the name comes from the name "Spring", which was common among the Slavs. Spring - spring, consonant with Yesenia.
      • Yesenia - a derivative of male name Hasan. With Arabic The name translates as "beautiful".
      • The Turks had the name "Isania". From him, the beautiful female name Yesenia was later formed. The meaning of the name Yesenia from the Turkic language is “healthy”.

      To find out the date of the name day, you must refer to the church calendar. In the Orthodox calendar, the patroness of the name is the disciple of the holy martyr Pankratius - Yesia. The church celebrates her memorial day on June 20.

      Yesenia's character

      The secret of the name lies in the duality of the character of the girl. Despite the seeming fragility, she is very independent, used to achieving her goals, no matter what it costs her. She is not subject to the opinions of others, so it is impossible to impose someone else's point of view on her. Since childhood, she has been dreamy and love for creativity. It is important for a girl to create a comfortable environment in which she will feel comfortable and be able to reach her potential. Books, music and drawing attract her more than playing with her peers. Free time she spends reading, does not like to be disturbed during this lesson. Relatives must understand the desires of the child and go to meet him. In this case, Yesenia will be able to develop harmoniously and delight loved ones with her successes.

      Since childhood, she has shown a predisposition to dance. If this talent is developed in a child, she can achieve great success. Yesenia visits with great pleasure extracurricular activities participates in school olympiads and intellectual competitions. She is friends only with a narrow circle of people to whom she can entrust her secrets. She is sociable, but prefers to spend time not with her peers, but with her family.

      Yesenia's weakness lies in her kindness and responsiveness. She cannot refuse a request for help, which is why she often acts to the detriment of her own interests.

      Representatives of the name are not afraid of change, they boldly take risks and carry friends with them. But this does not mean that Yesenia is prone to commit reckless acts. She preliminarily considers all her actions, takes into account all possible consequences. With people, she is straightforward and sincere, lies and hypocrisy are alien to her. Therefore, she is deeply respected by close friends and work colleagues. Behind the femininity of a girl it is difficult to discern the strength of her character. In life, she has to overcome many obstacles, with which she will cope on her own and will not lose her strength of mind. Yesenia is an example for others. She does not commit immoral acts and dreams of her family being happy. All her actions are dictated by good intentions.


      Yesenia is smart, so she understands what harm they hide in themselves bad habits. D Yevushka is an ardent opponent of smoking and drinking alcohol. Yesenia makes up a daily routine, which she carefully follows. Playing sports and an active lifestyle help her maintain the beauty of her figure and maintain it throughout the day. good mood. It is important to mention the predisposition of the representatives of the name to diabetes. For this reason, they should visit a doctor regularly to monitor their health.

      Education and career

      Parents from childhood tell the girl about the importance of education. Therefore, she dreams of mastering a prestigious and well-paid profession that will bring her pleasure. The girl spends a lot of time studying, reading scientific literature, trying to delve into the subjects that she studies at school. Independence is also manifested in the fact that Yesenia starts working early in order to provide for herself financial independence from parents. She achieves career success in quite young age, this is facilitated by her subtle mind, dedication and diligence.

The meaning of the name Yesenia does not have an unambiguous interpretation. Yesenia is translated from Arabic as "jasmine flower", from Greek - "foreigner".

Name origin

According to one of the opinions, the name Yesenia comes from the Arabic language, others believe that this name is Greek, and others are Spanish. Someone believes that the meaning of the name Yesenia is associated with the name of the great Russian poet Sergei Yesenin, others think that this is Russian name, derived from the word "autumn".

Name characteristic

Yesenia is a rather rare name that was once popular in ancient Russia. When pronouncing the name Yesenia, associations arise associated with something warm and tender. However, the character of Yesenia is distinguished by waywardness and obstinacy.


Yesenia is growing up as a sweet, sociable and independent girl who has many friends. From the early age she easily makes new acquaintances. In children's games, Yesenia has always been the leader and the leader. From an early age, he respects honesty and justice in everything.

A girl named Yesenia is a good student, but she is rarely an excellent student.


With age, Yesenia changes little. Almost always, she grows up as an independent person, not waiting for and not accepting help from anyone. She helps her parents and relatives a lot. For this reason, she marries quite late, only when she is firmly on her feet. But this does not prevent her from becoming a good mother and mistress.

Possesses natural charm, communication skills, the power of persuasion. She easily charms an interlocutor of any gender. Yesenia gets along well with people, is friendly and absolutely non-confrontational.

Yesenia is quite lucky in life, she is always lucky. But to achieve the result, she herself makes a lot of efforts, not relying on a lucky chance. She has good health, monitors nutrition, plays sports. The owners of this name have a predisposition to diabetes.


She is practical in her work, makes decisions reasonably and balancedly. Any of her decisions are carefully thought out and she rarely changes them. Yesenia often reaches the top in her career, becoming a good entrepreneur, teacher, doctor, architect, designer or organizer of holidays. Yesenia is a leader with a pronounced strong-willed character organizational skills and stress tolerance.

Name compatibility

Most of all, the name Yesenia is suitable for a girl born under the sign of Taurus or Virgo.

For Yesenia, patronymics Arkadyevna, Adolfovna, Pavlovna, Viktorovna, Dmitrievna, Igorevna are suitable.

Good compatibility with male names Andrey, Victor, Pavel, Philip. Unsuccessfully can add up family relationships with Arkady, Dmitry and Igor.

name day

AT church calendar and in the calendar there is no name Yesenia, so she does not celebrate the name day.

Famous people

The name Yesenia was glorified by the athlete Yesenia Volzhankina, the actress Yesenia Adame, the actress Yesenia Medina.

In the new century, girls are named after models, actresses or literary heroes. Fashion on simple names passes very quickly, and in order to distinguish the child among Nastya, Katya and Mash, parents are looking for original variants for your pet. By naming the girl Yesenia, you will certainly be able to create a happy future for her.

The name of a person - is it so important

Ancient people called a newborn child consciously. They believed that the name affects his fate, so they tried to give him certain character traits from the first days of his life. Often children were named after animals, gods or natural phenomena. Today, astrologers are engaged in the study of names and their influence on personality. They found that the combination of vowels and consonants has a direct impact on the fate of a person and his character, so parents call their children harmoniously, for example, Maximilian, Dementy, Ulyana, Khristina, Yesenia.

The meaning of the name is very important: they say that in a lifetime a person hears a name about one and a half million times! Parents should name the child consciously so that his fate is happy.

Name Yesenia: origin and meaning for a girl

There are several points of view on the origin of the name. Some believe that girls began to be called so in honor of the great Russian poet of the Silver Age, who worked at the beginning of the twentieth century, Sergei Yesenin. The meaning of the name Yesenia for a girl who grew up in Russia is very great: it would seem that there is no doubt about his Slavic origin. However, the researchers found reverse side this statement. In their opinion, Yesenia is a modified form Arabic name Hasan, which means "beautiful" in translation. Parents name the girl based on these two versions of origin, but do not forget that her behavior will also depend on the season in which she was born.

Yesenia: the meaning of the name, the character of its owner

Even before the birth of a child, parents think about how to name their child so that he will be lucky all his life. Astrologers make horoscopes and predictions in order to make this task easier for inexperienced moms and dads. Girls named Yesenias, as a rule, grow up very kind and sympathetic. Good observation and intuition allows them to understand people. The meaning of the name Yesenia for a child is great: by naming your daughter like that, you will grow yourself a real helper, clever and excellent student who will surprise you with her wise thoughts and unorthodox outlook on life. By adulthood, the girl begins to look for a partner for whom she will be an honest and faithful wife.

There are situations when Yesenia does not show the best character traits. Sometimes she loses confidence in her abilities and takes a long time to concentrate. Yesenia is capricious and nervous when something or someone begins to interfere with her in achieving her goal. She is very touchy and can easily hold a grudge against her husband, especially when he speaks rude words to her.

Autumn and winter Yesenia

AT explanatory dictionary Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl, published in the nineteenth century, you can find many dialects, archaisms and historicisms. For example, the noun "Esen" in modern language began to sound like "autumn", so girls born in September, October or November were called Yesenia. The meaning of the name is also very important for children born in winter: according to observations, winter Yesenias are very quick-tempered and rude. They like to take part in debates and domestic disputes, interrupting others, but often cannot express their own point of view. Despite this, the girl grows up very religious, goes to church and helps the poor, but tries not to show it. She is kind to others, often giving alms. In general, this is a fragile, delicate, beautiful and energetic girl who can be prudent and obstinate.

Spring and summer Yesenia

The nature of the child directly depends on the time of year when he was born. Usually, the name Yesenia is called girls born from the twentieth of April to mid-May, who correspond to the zodiac sign Taurus. In translation, it means "spring". It is believed that the name is great for beauties with the Virgo zodiac sign. Summer girls are very fragile, dreamy, diligent, so they differ from those born in winter in this way. They are very stylish, look after themselves and prefer colorful colors in clothes. Yesenia usually does not celebrate name days: the meaning of the name (church) in Orthodox traditions is absent. However, this does not prevent mothers from naming their daughters that way.

Yesenia in childhood

Girls named by this name, from the first years of life, will amaze their parents with their mental abilities and rapid development. Yesenia is a very independent, but domestic girl, for whom the family is the greatest treasure. As a child, she differs from her peers in that she likes to watch their game process more, without taking a direct part in it. The meaning of the name Yesenia for a girl is important: in adolescence she often becomes a leader and is a role model for both her peers and older children. She enjoys working in a creative studio and at the same time manages to study well. Having matured, Yesenia continues to keep her dolls in memory of a happy childhood. speak pleasant words your daughter and do not skimp on praise. She loves being affectionately called Enya, Enka, Yesya, Yesenka, Enechka, Yesyusha.

Career - above all

The craving for knowledge is what distinguishes Yesenia from her peers from the school bench. The hardest working girls graduate educational institution with a gold medal, the less diligent are in the ranks among the good students.

If you want to give your daughter the name Yesenia, find out the origin and meaning of it in advance, because by naming her like that, you obviously lay certain abilities in her. Women most often become psychologists or teachers, sometimes they choose a creative field of activity for themselves. In the future, they may become artists or writers, as society will be attracted by the internal energy of the owners of this the rarest name. In a promising position, they quickly achieve heights and win over their superiors and colleagues. Yesenia believe that, first of all, they need to establish themselves in life. They take leadership positions early and work hard, and then they start thinking about the family, so they marry late.

Choosing a life partner

Yesenia is a purposeful woman, who since childhood has been distinguished by the desire to obtain good knowledge, therefore she prefers to get married after graduating from the university. The fair sex with such an unusual name is not looking for simple partners. Such is the clever and beautiful Yesenia.

The meaning of the name of this woman's husband is extremely important to her. She will choose her life companions among Eduards, Vsevolodovs, Benjamins. She will also pay attention to unusual Russian names that were common in the Soviet Union: these are Arkady, Gennady. Yesenia is a very beautiful and faithful woman, for whom love and trust in the family are above all. However, she will make a bad couple for men with the names Cyril, Ivan, Vladimir, Yuri, Vitaly.

What will bring happiness Yesenia

Astrologers believe that girls named by this name are patronized by the planet Mercury. From precious stones they are advised to pay attention to emerald and agate: jewelry from them will give energy and cheer up. Animal talismans for Yesenia are a monkey and a lark. Joyful events and pleasant surprises will take place in the middle of the week, namely on Wednesday. Monday is the hardest day, on which it is better not to deal with difficult issues.

The sacred number 8 is important for many people, and Yesenia should pay special attention to this figure. The meaning of the name, of course, plays an important role for its owner, but girls should attract good luck on their own. Astrologers are sure that Yesenia is patronized by the number 8 in the conduct of major affairs and business.

Famous people named by this name

Girls began to be called Yesenia after the release of the film of the same name in 1975. A melodrama about a gypsy, played by Jacqueline Andere, shocked Soviet viewers. The female name Yesenia, the meaning of which is known to few of us, is especially suitable for bright personalities. As a rule, its owners are successful in show business. For example, Yesenia Butorina is the young pride of Russia, a professional gymnast from Murmansk; Yesenia Volzhankina is an athlete from Latvia. If you name your daughter by that name, perhaps she will find her calling in the music world. Singer Yesenia, who appeared on Russian stage a few years ago, she impressed fans not only with her unusual husky voice and chanson-style compositions, but also with her stage name.

The meaning of the male name Yeseny

This is the name of boys who are predominantly Slavic in origin. Lucky number- 4, which will bring him success in his career, especially if Yeseny prefers the field of science and technology. The meaning of the name (male) is usually of little interest to its owners, since men are more skeptical and do not believe in predictions. But parents who want to arrange for a child happy fate, you should definitely pay attention to all the details. The boy Yeseny is very independent from childhood, so in adulthood he is not lost in emergency situations and is not afraid of difficulties. Thanks to his unusual name he will be able to succeed in show business and will attract the attention of women.

Without a doubt, the name Yesenia is very sonorous, beautiful, distinguished by a rich history. In Russia, such a female name became popular due to the appearance on the TV screen of a melodrama with Mexican actors with the same name, which told about the fate of young Yesenia. Today, Yesenia, the meaning of whose name will be described, is not so popular.

There are several theories related to the appearance of the name Yesenia. According to Dahl's dictionary, the name "Esen" is characterized as "autumn", in other words, Yesenia was called girls born in autumn. According to the 2nd theory, which is opposite to the 1st, this name is derived female name Spring, very popular among the Slavic peoples. Most likely, girls bearing such a name were called "spring", which is consonant with the name Yesenia.

According to historians, the name Yesenia is a modified form of the male Arabic name Hassan, translated as "beautiful". The following theory claims that the name Yesenia is a phonetic type of the name of the ancient Turkic tribes Isania, translated as "intact, healthy."

There is another, most non-standard, bold theory of the appearance of a name, which is associated with famous poet Soviet Union Yesenin Sergey, from whose surname the name Yesenia was formed. Among famous women, which are called by this affectionate, gentle name, the famous athlete from Latvia Volzhankin Yesenia, very young artistic gymnast from Russia Butorin Yeseny.

Name characteristic

Today, Yesenia, the meaning of whose name is described, despite the beautiful sound, tenderness of the name, is very striving in achieving her goals and self-sufficient woman. It is problematic to lead a woman who bears the name of Yesenia from the path laid for her, to impose own interests, because it is a single, strong nature.

Sometimes people around this woman are able to abuse Yesenia's feeling of kindness, gentleness. This is due to the fact that such women are always happy to help others, albeit to the detriment of their own interests. It should be noted that almost all Women bearing the name Yesenya are believers who strive to live according to the Laws of God.

Nevertheless, Esenya is adventurous, she likes everything unknown and new. She has an amazing ability to captivate a person with her. This is due to the fact that Yesenya's actions are always justified, motivated, without any criminal inclinations. A woman bearing the name Yesenia is characterized by the presence of the highest moral, moral traits. Yesenya is honest in all situations, fair not only to her own self, but also to strangers.

The bulk of close, familiar people consider Yesenia a sincere, sweetest woman, not even guessing about the hidden amount of strength, the stamina of her character. Throughout her life, Yesenya practically does not make mistakes, since absolutely all the goals, actions of this woman are decisive and balanced at the same time, and rash, spontaneous actions are not hers.

Yesenia's name is characterized by amazing energy, for this reason, even if nature deprives her of her beauty, not a single person will see this, Yesenia is so internally pretty. A woman named Yesenia has a penchant for housekeeping, painting, various sciences, and a lot of things. Yesenia knows how to perfectly use her talents, at the same time regularly improving and developing them.

Yesenia's child

In general, Yesenia, the meaning of the name for the girl whose name is being considered, in childhood is a big fidget, an inventor, who stands out from the rest of the group of children. She is always in the spotlight thanks to her warmth, unusualness, which are felt in Yeseni even at such a young age, and only intensify with age.

Girl Yesenia with her own wise sayings makes both parents and teachers wonder. The girl attracts her peers, which subsequently makes her the leader of the whole class, the favorite of everyone.

Yesenya is an excellent student, accepts Active participation absolutely in all activities of the school. Yesenia categorically does not recognize deceit, lies, strive for justice at any cost. It is precisely such categoricalness that can sometimes bring a significant amount of trouble to a teenager, however, such is its nature.

Health, sexuality Yesenia

Today, the name Yesenia, the meaning of the name and whose fate is described thanks to such character traits as prudence, practicality, provide a good state of health for a woman bearing the name Yesenya. Such individuals never neglect even the most insignificant symptoms of the disease, they take their own health quite seriously, while at the same time accurately following all the advice of the attending physician.

Yesenya's woman leads an active life, which, along with positive thinking, provides her with the opportunity to long time keep beautiful body and youth. As for her personal life, Yesenia does not strive to start light novels that are not binding to anything. Yesenya prefers exclusively reliable, serious relationships.

Yesenya is liked by the representatives of the stronger sex due to his charm, attractiveness, energy and kindness, felt by both other girls and men. Yesenya is not the type of girl who is able to plunge into the pool of love completely, without thinking about possible consequences. She will give her own versatile inner world only to a truly loved one.

Yesenya's woman is gifted by nature with a soft, affectionate character, for this reason she appreciates precisely such character traits in a partner. She does not admit that she needs a tough, strong man who is able to subjugate Yesenia to herself. This turns Yesenya into intimate life, prefers the role of the victim. However, this is available only to the partner she will trust.

Compatibility, marriage, family

In general, the name Yesenia, the origin and meaning of which is ambiguous, suggests that such a woman will be very careful about everything related to marriage, for this reason early marriage it's rare here. The same rarity and divorces in her family, usually the bulk of Yesenia live with their spouse in marriage until old age.

In family life, Yesenya is characterized with the best side, because he gives his family all his warmth and spiritual power. Strive to build relationships with your soul mate on a sense of respect, trust, while trying to be a leader. Her 2nd half can not doubt the honesty of Yesenya, who will not allow betrayal even in her thoughts.

However, the husband of a woman named Yesenia will have to accept her powerful, rebellious character, and also with the fact that her career also does not take the last line in her life.

beautiful family life Yeseni is possible with Peter, Sergey, Vsevolod, Pavel, Edward, Philip, Victor, Andrey. No need to connect your life with Yuri, Oleg, Ivan, Konstantin, Fedor, Alexander.

Career, business

A woman bearing the name Yesenia, the meaning of the name character and whose fate is amazing, is a careerist in the good sense of the word. Even at a young age, she comes to realize the value of receiving higher education. For this reason, becoming an adult, a woman bearing the name Yesenya understands perfectly well that you need to have an excellent profession, as well as specific goals.

Yesenia is distinguished by high efficiency, conscientiousness, responsibility, which makes every profession accessible to her. Such a woman is capable of young age become a leader, which will be great to deal with. The team appreciates Yesenya for professionalism, honesty, non-conflict.

Thanks to such traits as enterprise, farsightedness, as well as an analytical mind, they provide the opportunity to be an excellent businessman, since this woman gives the material side of life great importance. Business partners trust Yesenia due to her honesty and significant moral principles that do not allow illegal income.


At the end of the article, we can say that Yesenya, despite the fact that today they are rarely called girls, has the strength, significant will, which will allow these women to become good businessmen or occupy leadership positions in the future. Thanks to a strongly developed sense of justice, honesty is highly respected by colleagues.

Yesenya's child is very restless, dreamy, from an early age showing his leadership skills. Thanks to her natural ingenuity, she studies well, which pleases both her parents and teachers. It is impossible to find a better wife in marriage, loving, faithful, but putting her career on a par with family life.

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