What signs of fate does God give as a warning. Lucky signs of fate: how to see them in everyday life

The hero of the novel "The Alchemist" Paolo Coelho built his path according to the signs, clues of fate, which he learned to see everywhere.
Is the world really surrounding a person, prompts, directs, warns. Esotericists believe that this is so, only not everyone is able to recognize these signs of fate.

Signs and symbols accompany a person all his life, the surrounding universe is alive, and like a good mentor he sends us signs so that, according to them, a person corrects his fate, his path.
Messages can be very different: dreams, illnesses, conditions, relationships with people. People, events, nature, everything is interconnected in the world.

How to understand the signs of fate?

For example, they stole a passport, and even before the wedding itself, so I had to restore it and pay for urgency. Why not get married now?
Even a single instance may or may not be familiar. If such cases are repeated to some extent, various obstacles arise on the way, then it is worth thinking and analyzing the situation. They stole your wallet with money, they cheat in stores.

You are angry, or maybe the Universe is trying to get through to you, maybe you didn’t give something to someone, deceived, or maybe you are too stingy, obsessed with earning money.

Loss of wallet for different people may have absolutely different meanings. It is necessary to try to analyze what this or that letter of fate carries in itself.
After all, if the letter does not reach the addressee, the good universe will send its messages further, and the parcels will be more and more significant each time.
Problems are intensifying and growing, because if we do not hear the bell, then we will surely hear the alarm.

If a person begins to attract misfortune, then he begins to get into an accident, then illnesses follow in a row.
Instead of complaining about fate, I would like to think about what the Universe is trying to tell me, what I need to understand and what conclusions to draw?

Formerly people knew how to feel with the body, this is the sixth sense, intuition, often modern man replaced by rational thinking, or logic. And if you learn to trust yourself with your body, then it can tell us a lot.

What sensations arise in the body when meeting with other people. We can read the signs, as the subconscious is able to instantly grab the right one from the thousands of surrounding images.

So a lover constantly sees a reminder of the object of love, then flowers in a window, then a movie poster, then a melody pouring from somewhere.
And if a depressed person is nearby, then he sees a completely different world, he sees anxious faces, a bin full of garbage, his consciousness focuses only on negative pictures.

Signs of fate can be very individual for everyone, even a look, a smell, an accidentally dropped word. Reality, as it were, flirts with us, signs can warn, direct in the right direction.

How does fate give us signals

How to distinguish them from ordinary dreams. This is a vivid dream, colored, because the message must be noticed by you. And the situation in a dream is interesting to you, it concerns you. Often such a dream does not give clues directly, because the subconscious mind thinks metaphorically.

In a dream, we access the subconscious. If during the day the left hemisphere with its logic prevails over the right figurative one, then in a dream everything happens the other way around, genetic memory, past, future are turned on.

If, before going to bed, on the verge of sleep and wakefulness, before falling into a dream, you have time to formulate, ask a specific question, then the chance of seeing a prophetic dream increases.

Diseases also carry certain messages.
However, the same symptoms can carry different meanings. Sometimes illness is also a subconscious way to be significant, to receive care and attention.

For example, everyone in the family brushes aside a grandmother, but an old woman falls ill, doctors are busy with her, her relatives are worried, she has become significant.
The kid is upset, his mother is always busy, but he fell ill, his mother is nearby, he reads bedtime stories, he cares. But if for some the disease is a subconscious way to get attention, then for others it may be a sign that you need to change something in your life, a signal that something has gone wrong.

Sometimes diseases are signals of a dysfunctional situation at work, in the family, with relatives.

In the East, they believe that the people around us are our teachers.

What does it teach, for example, constant communication with irritated people. You are rude at every step, why. Perhaps fate teaches you to defend your point of view, or maybe it’s so much suppressed aggression that has accumulated in you, so you mirror it from others.

Or a woman meets on her way men with the same character traits. What lessons can she learn. Perhaps it’s time to understand something in yourself and outgrow the relationship, or it’s worth borrowing something, accepting some kind of character trait in yourself.

Sometimes a person gets into repetitive situations, loses keys, gets flooded by neighbors or floods them. Signs can be considered a situation that repeats with enviable frequency, if you lost the keys once - this is not a sign. Recurring situations signal that you cannot solve some issue in life.
Here you need to look at the situation and at other signs, there is no definite answer, but you need to analyze the situation, because fate is still a joker. And she will not get tired of repeating her lessons over and over again. Otherwise, how can she get through to you.

Find out what the signs of fate are, how to recognize them and use the information received from higher powers. Every person is somewhat psychic, and everyone has the right to choose whether to use innate abilities and tips from invisible mentors.

In the article:

Signs of fate - how to recognize and where they come from

Most people do not notice the signs that are sent to them higher power. Who exactly is meant by this definition? Almost without exception, people are protected guardian angel who is always ready to instruct true path and suggest correct solution in difficult situation. The main thing is to hear it.

Besides, deceased relatives are also capable of sending signs. Most often, they appear in dreams, warning of problems and suggesting the right ways to solve them. Close people do not leave forever after death. They are invisibly present in the lives of their relatives, performing the functions of a guardian angel or helping him. From the stories of the well-known, it is known that a witch can become a mentor for her granddaughter even after death.

Even atheists believe in signs of fate. But their point of view differs from the opinion of believers and occultists. If you believe this theory, in addition to consciousness, there is also higher self, which takes on the role of a guardian angel, an invisible spirit-mentor or the spirit of a relative protecting the family. Perhaps the signs are sent by personal intuition, which can also be attributed to manifestations of the higher Self.

In general, it is difficult to say where the clues come from on the path of life. It all depends on who you are used to believing in and whose existence you support with your faith. However, it is difficult to argue with the fact that such signs exist - there are too many testimonies from people who did not board a plane that crashed later, and also made a different, right choice for them, after receiving such clues from fate, angels, higher powers or ancestral spirits .

Signs of fate in love - how to recognize your future husband

The most common signs of fate in love are dreams. Sometimes the future spouse dreams long before they meet. There are many stories and legends that a woman saw her wedding in a dream. By the way, in the old days they used special rites and conspiracies in order to. They are popular even now.

How to recognize the signs of fate in love? The desire to tell fortunes on relationships is one of them. It is likely that higher powers are pushing you to find out the future of your union in this way. You can only be happy for you if the forecast turned out to be positive. If not, an obsessive desire to go to a fortune teller or pick up cards can be a warning about an unhappy continuation of the novel.

But, of course, the most main sign are your feelings for the person in question. When it comes real love, people do not think about the tips of higher powers. They know for sure that they will be together with their lover.

Signs of fate - how to decipher personal signs

So, how to recognize the signs of fate? Almost every person has personal signs. Sometimes they are based on folk wisdom which has been passed down from generation to generation, from person to person for centuries. But personal observations can also be a good basis for creating personal signs. Even despite the fact that they have nothing to do with the signs of their ancestors. The fact is that higher powers can send clues in the most unusual ways.

Laplace, Pierre-Simon

So, the story of the French mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace, who lived in the 18th century, is known. He often became a victim of street swindlers. As a mathematician, he was interested in statistics, and he made his bad luck a subject of study, recording everything, even unrelated events, of the days in which he had to give money to scammers. As a result, Pierre-Simon noticed that he became a victim of criminals only when his slippers were not in their usual place. The scientist's observations showed that his slippers disappeared at night every time before losing money as a result of fraud.

Thus, a certain force sent a signal to a person, albeit somewhat in an unusual way. Of course, the loss of slippers can hardly be considered a reliable sign. This is just an example of a sign that higher powers can send. Each person can carry out work similar to the study of Pierre-Simon - compare events with each other, and as a result get a personal sign. Knowing exactly how the signs are sent to you, you can prevent bad events.

If we talk about signs that are known to almost everyone, then not everyone believes in them. However, signs do not work for everyone, without exception. In fact, not everyone is the same. So, for example, for one person - to death, and for another - to the wedding. It is generally believed that a meeting with a black cat is in trouble, but many believe that it will only bring good luck.

It all depends on personal observations, because all signs have several meanings, sometimes radically different from each other. Study of folk signs will help you gain wisdom. But do not forget that personal observations are important here too. Existing signs- only the basis for the pursuit of knowledge.

How to understand the signs of fate from everyday events

Sometimes even a song heard on the radio at the right moment can be the answer to a question. How to understand the signs of fate that appear to a person almost every day? First of all, you need to learn to notice. Intuition will tell you if this is a sign or just a coincidence. There is a simple modern divination- ask a question and turn on the radio or TV. The first phrase you hear is the answer to your question.

In the old days it was Christmas divination for the future - eavesdropping. At night, the girls went out into the street, counted a certain number of steps and listened to the voices from the houses and the speeches of random passers-by. According to what they heard, they interpreted the forecast for next year. Similarly, you can find out the answer to any question, if the higher powers desire it. If you were thinking about a certain problem, and a random phrase of a passerby, not even addressed to you, seems like a good solution - act as the higher powers command, and good luck will be with you.

There are more unusual secret signs of fate - non-random encounters. Even a stranger can play an important role in a person's life. It can be a fellow traveler in transport, for example. If you have met a strange person- "guide", as they are called, who gave you a hint, remember what he said - it will definitely come in handy. Such meetings are very rare. Not everyone is sent such gifts by higher powers.

How to see the signs of fate - a second chance

About how to see the signs of fate, your life path. How often do you step on the same rake a second time? As a rule, the first case serves as a kind of warning. He doesn't bring serious problems, a person manages with "little blood". The situation was sent down by higher powers in order for their wards to gain some experience. If he does not listen to their advice, a repetition of the situation can lead to serious problems and even end in death. There is such a proverb - an offended angel does not fly twice.

So, most of those who died on the Titanic already had problems with water in the past. Some of the victims of the disaster almost drowned in childhood, someone fainted in the bathroom. The situations were different, and they had to teach a person to avoid water - the higher powers know the cause of death for everyone. But far from always people listen to the prompts from above.

In North Carolina, to this day, there is a house that was struck by lightning three times. Now it is uninhabited and has the reputation of a bad place inhabited by ghosts. The hosts considered the first lightning strike to be an accident. The second did not force them to change their place of residence either. The third was the cause of death of the tenants. The neighbors are convinced that they should have listened to the clues of higher powers that warned of an unfavorable outcome.

How to learn to read the signs of fate - good luck and bad luck

American researchers told how to learn to read the signs of fate. Repeatedly, the press published materials that about 15% of the passengers did not appear on the flight, which was expected by the disaster. Usually this figure is much lower - up to 5%. Polls have shown that some of the people who avoided the deadly flight were simply too late.

Circumstances developed in their case in such a way that it was not possible to catch the plane. Among them are the loss of documents, forgotten keys, car breakdown and other troubles that saved their lives. Failures are also hints, most often of a negative nature. There is a sign - if you had to return for a forgotten thing, you need to look in the mirror, and then failure will not happen. But if you had to return three times, it is better to cancel the meeting or trip - this is a warning from higher powers.

If troubles or delays happen in your life, do not be discouraged. Perhaps this helped you avoid more serious problems, and maybe even death in a disaster. Everything that happens is for the best. Things are lost, everything falls out of your hands, clothes get dirty - most likely, higher powers are detaining you in order to avoid trouble. According to legend, Captain Flint did not go to sea if he could not light his pipe the first or second time, and the Duke of Cumberland ordered the carriage to turn to the palace if he met two or more chimney sweeps.

Also a sign, but a good one. If all the doors open in front of you, and the traffic lights switch to green light, meet necessary people and by chance good things happen - you are in the flow. You need to keep doing what you started. The universe will not forgive you if you fold your hands and stop acting when it tries to help you. Remember this flow mindset and try to keep it for a long time - this is the natural state of a successful and successful person.

How to see signs of fate in a dream

Some people who avoided a major accident said they suddenly changed their mind and canceled their trip to own will. Some of them saw bad dreams, part - just believed his intuition. Do not discount the importance of bad dreams, most often, they simply warn of the bad and recommend changing the situation for the better.

The dreams you see before an important event often turn out to be prophetic. Gray, poorly remembered dreams do not portend anything special. Some expectations will come true, but failures cannot be avoided. Good and vivid dreams promise good luck. Nightmares and dreams that leave behind an oppressive feeling of anxiety - this is a warning, you need to heed it.

Can be ordered prophetic dream. There are many conspiracies and rituals for this. But remember that the magic of sleep is a complex matter. However, its possibilities are wide. One has only to remember the dreamer from the Battle of Psychics, who turned her talent into a means to help people. Dream magic will help not only to receive tips from higher powers, but also other information that may be useful to you.

The interpretation of dreams is a separate issue. The meanings can be opposite, depending on the dream books. The same approach will be correct here as in the case of signs. Observe, write down, draw conclusions. Personal interpreters of dreams have the highest accuracy.

Signs of fate on the human body - moles, birthmarks, injuries

Moles, birthmarks, and even pimples and warts- all these are signs of fate on the human body. Birthmarks are always an unfavorable sign. Especially if it is a large spot of a bright or dark shade. As a rule, they indicate the need to work off karma. Detailed guides can be obtained by knowing the value birthmark. An indicator of improvements in fate will be the lightening or disappearance of the mark.

Each mole has its own meaning.
Usually they talk about the inclinations or talents that a person has. Sometimes moles indicate certain changes in life if they appeared recently. Their importance must be taken into account. So, for example, a mole on the little finger right hand indicates entrepreneurial talent. This can be taken into account in decision making.

Acne and warts are temporary signs of fate on the body. There are many signs about acne. For example, a pimple on your nose indicates that someone has fallen in love with you. Do you suspect that this person cannot decide on the first step? Make it yourself, this may be the message of higher powers. The meaning of warts is similar to the meaning of moles, but is temporary and related to your environment.

Road numerology - signs of fate in car numbers

How to decipher the signs of fate on the road? There are several numerological signs that will tell you about the future of your trip. So, for example, to notice a car with the same number as yours is good luck. Of course, it will not be absolutely the same as yours. If only letters differ or just one number is very good, higher powers bless your path.

In addition, car numbers that are similar to your date of birth, as well as the number of the house and apartment, portend good luck.
If you have, meeting him on the road is a very good omen. It is easy to guess that an unfortunate number will portend only bad events.

The signs of fate in road numerology are also car numbers with the same numbers, for example, 777 or 222. If the number is your lucky one, expect good events. But if you see an accident in which such a car took part, this is hardly a positive omen. In addition, do not forget to check the meanings of numbers in numerology - you can learn a lot of interesting things.

In general, in sending signs and omens, higher powers can be quite resourceful. Their tips are worthy of every person on earth. However, it is not so easy to interpret them.

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Greetings, Dear Reader! If everything goes wrong for you or your plan does not come true, do not despair. Is the universe trying to tell you something? And you should reconsider the current situation? In the article, we will deal with you how to understand the sign of fate and accept even the worst situation as a step towards a new one.

Fate often sends a kind of “notifications” to a person in the form of signs, signals, hints at the very time when this is most necessary, but, unfortunately, not everyone has the ability to analyze what is happening in life. The ability to see the signs of fate, compare and analyze them makes it possible to avoid many erroneous actions and problems.

First of all, you should not lose sight of and analyze everything that at first glance may not be of significant importance. It is important to memorize all the insignificant facts in the form of various accidents, misunderstandings, fleetingly heard phrases, finds, slips of the tongue, dreams, and much more.

All events occurring in a person's life have their own special significance and it is important to remember this. Therefore, behind any life episode, in fact, a hint of fate can be hidden.

The most significant channel connecting a person with space subtle world, represented by dreams. Special attention should be given to those dreams that are repeated or to certain details that pop up in different dreams.

It is not easy to analyze dreams, because the events taking place in them are often confusing and incomprehensible. In addition, not all people remember their dreams.

The memories of dreams themselves are more distinct and vivid immediately after waking up. At this time, a person can easily recall many details from the events he saw in a dream.

As the day progresses, the picture of memories becomes more and more blurred. To facilitate the subsequent analysis of dreams, it is better to write down what you see in all details immediately after waking up.

The approaching danger may indicate nightmares or those in which a person sees household appliances breaking, for example, a burning hair dryer or iron. This may indicate that the person is overwhelmed. negative emotions, long-term containment of which can cause an impending nervous breakdown.

Also, such dreams sometimes warn of possible troubles, the causes of which may be problems with electrical wiring.

Therefore, if the next morning after such a dream, going to work, you find that the lock is faulty, you should be extremely careful and carefully check all electrical appliances included in the apartment. In this case, it is better to postpone your affairs as much as possible.

Problems as signs of fate

Probably everyone has encountered minor problems that now and then arise as soon as you take on the implementation of a serious matter. Many people tend to tell themselves that this is the first sign that they have chosen the right path. But this is far from true.

If each step is accompanied by more and more difficulties, then this can be regarded as a sure sign of fate, indicating the need to stop what has been started or postpone it until better times. But if the adoption of a serious decision is accompanied by joy, pleasure and a sense of euphoria, then you are on the right track.

How do you?
- 20 times I call, and all the time an answering machine.
- Good sign.
- Good sign?
- If he does not answer, then he is afraid not to resist!

How often a person encounters a phenomenon called "déjà vu", but is unable to understand and analyze this sign given to him by fate. But when a person is visited by a feeling of repetition of events, it is important not to miss this moment and try to focus as much as possible on what is happening around. Mindfulness will help you notice an important element to which fate seeks to turn your attention.

An example of such factors can be the words from songs or poems that a person hears at the most opportune moment. It is important not only not to forget what you have heard, but also not to leave it unattended.

Very often, the motives of songs can pop up, which now and then spin in the head, preventing you from concentrating on other things. This minor sign should not be ignored. It's time to analyze the words from the sung song, because it can be directly related to ongoing life events.

See a minor accident the day before major changes in life is also not good. This may indicate an imminent danger in the form of a more serious incident. You should try to analyze all the details of what happened and, on the basis of this, try to predict possible development events.

Such signs of fate pop up before a person, regardless of his desire. And the main task is to correctly and carefully interpret what he saw.

How to get a badge?

A person can turn to fate himself if he simply needs a sign from above to make a difficult decision.

Set the intention to receive a sign or hint from above. It is enough to formulate an exciting question and say it out loud, while asking fate to give a sign. After this request, it is necessary to carefully observe the surrounding events so as not to miss the expected clue, after reading which you should definitely thank fate.


It is important to pay attention to the following:

  1. If planned an important event, but something interferes (equipment breaks down, you get sick, everything falls out of your hands) - this is a sign. Postpone or cancel it.
  2. If you need to make a difficult choice and after making a decision you feel lightness, joy, a sense of spiritual uplift, then everything is done correctly.
  3. For some, signs can come in a dream - prophetic dreams. Sometimes they help make scientific discoveries. Location chemical elements in the table D. I. Mendeleev saw in a dream.
  4. A sense of duty should not interfere own life. If you always do what you don’t like, you can live someone else’s life, but not your own.
  5. Everything in life is no coincidence. Any meeting, a phrase heard, a find can serve as a clue, an answer to a question, a way out of a difficult situation.
  6. Signs of fate and signs are not quite the same thing. Don't expect trouble when a black cat crosses the road. It's just a superstition imposed by someone. Even if something bad happens, it may just be a coincidence or the result of self-hypnosis. There are no signs that are suitable for absolutely all people. However, every person who is used to listening to his intuition has special signs that warn him of something important.
  7. Sometimes signs of fate can be expressed through the illness of the person himself or one of his relatives. The person is doing something wrong. As soon as the situation is corrected, the disease will immediately pass.
  8. Obstacles persistently appearing on the path to the intended goal indicate that this is the wrong path. There are other ways to achieve what you set out to do. If a person nevertheless overcomes the obstacles that arise and the goal is achieved, its achievement will not bring joy.
  9. If, doing some business, a person feels that he is in his place, everything works out for him, then the right path has been chosen. We need to keep going in this direction.

Listen carefully to yourself, paying attention to the world Having seen the mysterious signs of fate in time, a person can avoid many mistakes.

Video - parable "Signs of fate":

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Fate sends us signs in order to warn. But why?

We have lost our gift of communication with the Creator without intermediaries, and He, testing us big love, allowed the Angels to protect us, while we strive to overcome the Evil that was once sent to freedom by our predecessors. However, it cannot be eradicated by wars and aggression, this only makes it stronger. Evil can be defeated only with the help of love.

Are dark forces able to confuse a person by sending him their signs of fate

Of course, the forces of Evil can direct their own signs that can lead astray. After all, the dark forces need our grief, pain, jealousy, anxiety, despair and fears.

Like spiders, they weave their web, where we, like helpless insects, fall. It is worth knowing that false signs are very easy to distinguish from true signs. As well as the information that they are able to send through your inner voice.

You have been hurt, you feel pain and do not know what to do

The angel tells you: “Don't be nervous, relax, everything passes, this too will pass. This is just a lesson. Accept it as a gift, be grateful. Be patient. The sooner you find peace, the sooner you forget about everything.

And the dark forces say something completely different: “So what, you leave everything as it is? Will you give an answer to those who did this? You must plan revenge. Let the perpetrators not go unpunished. By the way, there is one grandmother nearby who knows how to impose damage, and it is not expensive. Turn to her and take revenge."

God and his Hierarchy give us support throughout our lives, prompting the right path and directing the signs of fate when we stand at a crossroads and cannot find the way.

Signs come to us in different ways, sometimes with the help of other people who tell us something. If we take into account the fact that each of us is, in fact, a particle of God, then what another person told us should be taken as words sent down from above. It is necessary to listen to what they say to us and try to understand why the person said such words.

Listen to calls for kindness, humility, gratitude, patience and mercy. This will help in any, even the most confusing situation.

What should be the reaction to the signs of fate? What happens if you ignore them

When you receive a sign, the most important thing to do is mentally thank you for it. After that, you should think about how you should act according to the sign sent to you. It's not always easy. The signs of fate are both easy to understand and very intricate, which you will have to think about for a long time, analyzing the situation, and only after that act.

Even if you accidentally miss the sent sign, there is no doubt that it will be sent more than once. They will try to guide you again and again along the right path until you go in the right direction, or, acting willfully, run into a new rake and get new blow. Such blows quickly lead to themselves. They force us not only to grieve about lost opportunities and mistakes, but also to rethink all our beliefs and turn the tide.

Of course, there are stubborn people who, in spite of everything, do everything in their own way, not paying any attention to the signs given to them. These people have an extremely hard life, their fate is cruel: stubborn, they are like blind kittens, they do not notice anything but their own views. They are only to be pitied.

How to fearlessly accept the signs of fate, how to believe in yourself if you have a difficult test or a difficult decision to make

Only faith will help in this. Faith that you are loved, that only good things are wanted for you, and everything that happens happens for the good. It often helps people to turn directly to God when they need to make a difficult decision. The answer to the question will come unexpectedly: in lines on a book page, in the words of a passer-by, and even in an advertising poster seen along the way. We often find answers to our questions in dreams.

You can not be afraid of signs of fate and change. If their time has come, then they will happen, whether we like it or not. So it is worth following the advice that comes to you, to make life changes yourself, for the benefit of yourself, until your life has turned upside down by itself, without your participation and desire.

Is it possible to know your fate (in a dream or otherwise)

  • It is possible to know your fate, but it does not happen the way we imagine. Often we see our future in a dream and receive clues from fate. You don't even need to have extrasensory abilities to do this. There are many examples when prophetic dreams come ordinary people, very far from the contemplation of his inner world and the desire to rise spiritually.
  • But do not take dream books, so beloved by many, seriously. It's about not about such a primitive interpretation of dreams. After all, not every dream has a hidden meaning, many dreams are just a game of our subconscious. For example, if you dream egg, this does not mean that you will soon become pregnant. This is especially a fiction if a man has such a dream. We dream about ordinary dreams all the time, in which the brain in various wonderful ways presents information that is related to our daily life and has nothing to do with riddles and mysticism. Prophetic dreams usually leave deep impressions, they are remembered for a long time and in detail.
  • Just like dream books, you should not believe horoscopes. The only exception is individual horoscopes compiled by astrologers for a specific person, taking into account the date of birth and other nuances. Horoscopes that are written in newspapers and magazines are absolutely far from the truth and cannot predict fate. All Libra (zodiac sign) will not meet their other half on the same day, this is obvious.

Everyone needs to be extremely attentive in relation to the signs from above. After all, this is the most the best way how to build your life.

The universe whispers something to us every second. The wind carries her messages to us. There is great wisdom in the morning song of the birds and in the soft rumble of the sea. Even ordinary life events carry messages from the world of the spirit. And now, when you read these pages, messages from the outside world reach you, addressed to you personally. Whether you realize it or not, you are surrounded by signs. Of course, signs come to you at night in a dream, but no less bright signs surround you during wakefulness. Signs are important signs that help you understand yourself and bring insights that can turn your whole life around. They can also reflect what is happening in your subconscious, something that you sometimes do not even suspect.


The signs are always by your side and they manifest in billions various forms. In fact, there is no such moment in your life when there are no signs around you. While most signs appear in visible form, some come as a sound, smell, sensation, jolt, or dream. Signs can come to you in many ways.


Everything that surrounds us has, and this energy responds to our expectations. Whenever you ask the Universe a question (consciously or unconsciously), the people you meet along the way carry messages for you. Sometimes people who have the answer to our question appear in our lives in mysterious ways. Every person we have met in our lives has been there for a reason. Otherwise, we would not have been able to see these people - they would have gone a different way. Often we do not hear their messages because we are not in the habit of listening to other people. When someone speaks to us, we most often think about our answer, instead of listening to what the interlocutor says. If we look below the surface, we will see that hidden in any conversation is deep meaning. Behind the words are deep and vivid personal ones. If we stop and listen to what others have to tell us, we can trade with them. essential information. Even a casual conversation with a stranger bus stop can incredibly enrich us with wisdom. This is because there are two parallel universes. One of them is ordinary universe physical forms, the second is the mystical reality behind all things. These realities may look the same, but when you shift your focus from the ordinary reality to the extraordinary (by calming the mind and listening to the interlocutor's speech), you can gain greater wisdom. Each of us is able to switch from one reality to another - just by consciously listening. This means that when someone asks you, just listen to him without thinking about the answer. Don't waste time remembering the past or projecting your thoughts into the future. Just listen. Be in the present... right now... right now... right now. You can achieve a lot in this way, because just by listening, you will soon begin to really hear the inner shocks, the messages that lie behind the ordinary words spoken aloud.

The Universe responds to our inner requests by sending people into our lives who help in some miraculous way to resolve our issues and extinguish the flaring up conflicts. Each time we follow our intuition, our vibrations increase. This can be compared to how we turn up the volume of a stereo system. The more intense your personal vibrations, the more powerfully you will be able to attract people into your life, the large quantity messages you will receive. This is a universal law. The people around you can also be signs of a relationship that you need to forge. If you meet a person who unusually reminds you of an acquaintance with whom you had difficulties in the past, then it is time to explain it to him. Sometimes the past is too painful a matter to arrange a meeting for this, sometimes the culprit or culprit of your suffering has long since passed into another world. And yet, if the people you meet remind you of some difficult person from your past, as a rule, this means that your wounds inflicted on each other have begun to heal. Unresolved conflicts resolve themselves when you build your relationship in a new way with a person who resembles your enemy. If you treat the new person positively, it helps to neutralize the negative energy that exists between you and the “prototype” of your recent acquaintance. When you think of someone, it means that it is time to make contact with him. As a rule, this person expects a call or message from you. Even if you don't know why you need to contact a certain person, don't hesitate to do so. The more you listen to your intuition, the more stable you are in balance.


Perhaps the most striking signs appear in other people's conversations, and sometimes even in our own speeches. If you start listening to what is really being said around you, you will be able to receive wonderful private messages.


Often, signs can come from the conversation of strangers that we have been able to hear.


Sometimes signs can appear to us in our own casual conversations.

Signs can also appear to us from random conversations of strangers.


Signs come to us from another sphere of speech - from slips of the tongue, called "Freudian slips" in honor of the famous psychoanalyst Freud, who argued that during conversations people make slips for a reason. Such reservations can occur both in your speech and in the speech of your interlocutors. Pay special attention to those moments when you (or someone else), wanting to say one thing, says something completely different.


The expressions that you use in ordinary conversations may also contain signs for you.

You should also learn to pay attention to those expressions that you use occasionally. The words that come out of your mouth unexpectedly are often important signs.

Your expressions can often contain important personal signs. If someone often says, “I don’t care about that,” they may need to get checked out by a urologist, as this could indicate kidney problems or bladder. When we say, “I can’t stomach this,” we may subconsciously complain about the stomach, and the frequent use of words such as “tired to death” or “I won’t give in, even if I die” often indicates a subconscious desire for death. The expression "I'm already itching" - speaks of hypersensitivity skin.


Through your seemingly random thoughts, the signs reach your consciousness very effectively. Thoughts that appear without any reason and connection and disappear without a trace in a moment can contain wonderful solutions. internal problems. Every time try to catch such a thought and find an important message in it.

Random thoughts come into each of our heads, which we throw aside without noticing it ourselves.

Emotions are an excellent conductor of signs (especially for those people who are in constant contact with their own feelings). Your emotions can contain bright signs - wonderful media.

Sometimes, which you feel especially strongly, are a sign that someone close to you is experiencing the same feelings. Being in close physical proximity with a person experiencing powerful emotions, and even without knowing about his presence, we can experience the same thing as he, and perceive these feelings as our own. Emotions projected by others can be perceived by us as our own.
A sudden and inexplicable rush of emotions and their equally unexpected disappearance may indicate that someone close to you is experiencing strong feelings. Of course, you won't catch these emotions unless something within you resonates with them. Other people's emotions will run through you without lingering unless they stumble upon something (usually a similar experience) that they can attach to.

Of course, emotions can come from many sources. Sometimes emotions are an indication of your own resistance. spiritual growth. For example, a person who is afraid of all sorts of obligations in life may experience strong feelings when he has to make a decision to establish a permanent relationship. For this individual, emotions are not at all a signal to retreat from obligations, but may indicate that he should overcome internal barriers. Emotions can also tell us that it's time to replay some of the old tapes in our memory. An example would be a person who is horrified at the sight of a small spider because he was afraid of a spider as a child. However, there are emotions that bring you important messages from inner wisdom, and there are those that carry signals from other people. In any case, emotions should be listened to carefully.


Often the judgments we make about other people are signs for ourselves. If you express the idea that the people you meet in life are predominantly evil, then you have not got rid of your own internal anger (even if it seems to you that you are at peace and balance). If you see only compassionate and merciful people around you, then you yourself radiate goodness (even if you do not feel so compassionate). I know a man who constantly complains that everyone lies to him. Although everyone else, at least a little familiar with him, unanimously says that he cannot be trusted for a penny. His judgments of others reflect subconscious judgments of himself. Another way to decode judgments for the information they contain is to think about how you think people judge you.

What you think others think of you is most often your own judgment of yourself. If you think that some person condemns a certain trait in you, this may be true, but most likely, you yourself do not approve of this quality in yourself.


Have you ever experienced the feeling that you noticed something out of the corner of your eye, and when you directed your gaze in that direction, you realized that it only seemed to you or that you saw something one thing, but mistook it for something completely different? This happens when our higher self wants us to receive some kind of sign.

Sometimes peripheral signs are not only visual, but also auditory. Suddenly it may seem to you that you are hearing something that has never been said, but this is also a sign that this thing should be paid attention to.


Watch the printed words, look for signs in them. Pay special attention to those words that catch your eye over and over again. Printed words that carry a personal message to you can appear in newspapers, magazines, they can be written on posters, trucks, buses, T-shirts and float on the TV screen. Of course, in modern life we are surrounded by many printed words, they appear from everywhere, but those words that are your personal sign must either be constantly repeated in your life or suddenly cut into memory.


In all cultures, people received signs by watching what was happening around them. The migrations of animals and birds, the places where lightning hit, the shape of the clouds - all this carried messages to our ancestors and shows signs to us. Even a city dweller is in a natural environment. Even he can receive signs by observing the behavior of squirrels, doves, crows, the direction of the winds and the shape of the clouds passing over him.

It is not uncommon for us to receive signs from those who have departed from us. These are the messages that they send to their loved ones about what is good for them in the other world.


Most often, signs appear in your physical environment, whether it is nature or your everyday world.


Any illness is an important sign of the work of your subconscious. You need to listen to the messages that your body sends you in the midst of illness. If you do not listen to what it says in a whisper, the symptoms of your illness may intensify so much that you willy-nilly have to pay attention to them. Listen to the whispers and you won't have to hear the screams. Illness can be the body's way of letting you know there is an imbalance in your life. Illness always carries a message. It can be very simple and say something like: “Don't rush, don't overwork. Stop and look around." However, the message can have a much deeper meaning.

It is hard enough to resist accusations at one's own address during an illness. But still, during this period, you should show yourself special love and understanding. Any illness and ailment can help you understand yourself better. It is also important to listen to what your body is telling you during recovery. These messages can give you insight into the cause of your illness and help you heal more quickly from it.

When you get sick, it is very important to pay attention to the first emotions that accompany the illness.


Usually, accidents significantly change habitual move our lives, and almost immediately before each of them there are distinct signs. In order to understand the meaning of these messages, try to recall the thoughts that came to your mind just before the incident. As a rule, you will find a connection between them and the accident itself.

In accidents, not only the thoughts that precede them are important, but also those parts of the body that are affected. Once you're in trouble, think about what part of your body you've hurt and how badly it's been damaged. And although everyone can interpret bodily signs in their own way, there are universal signs that seem to unite all the people of the earth. If you hurt your leg, ask yourself: “Is it difficult for me to find my place in life?” Or, “Can I take care of myself?” Each part of your body symbolizes a specific area of ​​your life. For a better understanding of this matter, refer to the Dictionary of Signs in the second part of this book. After finding the sign contained in the incident, analyze the nature of the incident itself. If the misfortune happened due to speeding, this may be a call for you to stop the race through life. If you were afraid to make the right move and therefore got into an accident, know that you need to show more determination in life.

Often, seemingly random mistakes that we make in life are in fact hidden signs.

By the way, the “wrong” flowers do not appear in your garden by chance. Each of the unplanned flowers carries a special message for you. For example, a sunflower that suddenly appeared in your flower bed indicates that it is time to open up to the sun and the light of life. It symbolizes that you should open your soul and heart towards the Universe just like a sunflower opens towards sunbeams. Thyme can serve as a signal that you need to think more about yourself. Lavender breaking into the light in your garden suggests that you need to spend more time alone, engage in relaxation and think about your own. inner world and tranquility (in aromatherapy, lavender is used as a sedative).


Every day brings us little coincidences, and all coincidences are signs. They happen so often that for the most part they seem to be a normal reality. Do we meet people on the streets, do we sit next to someone in public transport do we find general theme for a conversation with random fellow travelers - all these are coincidences, but our life is so replete with them that we pay attention only to the most amazing cases.

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