The Russian actress gets drunk. Famous alcoholics: actors and other famous people suffering from alcoholism

Yesterday the world celebrated the Day of the fight against drug addiction. Stas Piekha, who knows about the problem firsthand, did not fail to remind everyone about this holiday. At one time, he won the fight against addiction to illegal substances. The singer became a co-founder of the Healthy Country Foundation. On International Day Against Drug Addiction, he officially launched the organization, and we decided to recall other stars who managed to end the most terrible and, as a rule, tragic addictions - from illegal drugs and alcohol.

Vlad Topalov, 31

Four years member of the group "Smash !!" Vlad Topalov used drugs. This fact was partly the cause of the collapse musical group. For the first time, the singer tried a banned drug in 2004, after which he could no longer stop. In an interview, Topalov admits that he vaguely remembers that time. In the memory of the artist, only individual frames from parties emerge. By the way, Vlad used drugs in huge quantities. If the average drug addict ate two pills a night, then Topalov's number reached 10-15.

In 2008, Vlad Topalov's body could not withstand such loads. The artist's kidney began to fail. Luckily, the doctors arrived on time. The artist was hospitalized. Topalov spent two weeks in the clinic on painkillers, even thought of committing suicide, but found the strength to overcome his addiction.

This year, Vlad Topalov co-founded a clinic for people suffering from drug addiction. Moreover, the artist donates funds to foundations, and also holds charity concerts.

Vlad Topalov

Vlad Topalov with his wife

Stas Piekha, 36 years old

Larisa Guzeeva

Larisa Guzeeva with her daughter

Larisa Guzeeva with her son

Tatyana Dogileva, 60 years old

Tatyana Dogileva was a regular at the Moscow Narcological Hospital No. 17. The actress was brought to be treated for binge two or three times a year. A separate ward was allocated for Dogileva, where she could hide from prying eyes. medical staff This medical institution claimed that Dogileva did not delay treatment and after a few days of drinking she called and asked for help.

Dogileva's addiction to alcohol began with cheerful gatherings with colleagues after filming. Tatyana kept her mark, believing that the actress must definitely drink and smoke. With pernicious addiction Dogileva fought her ex-husband Mikhail Mishin. Once, on the eve of the Kinotavr, which the actress was supposed to host, a conflict broke out between her and Mishin. Dogileva pretty much drank and quarreled with her husband, as a result of which he hit her. With a bruise under her eye, Tatyana could not appear at the Kinotavr, and she urgently had to look for a replacement.

In 2010, Tatyana Dogileva gave up alcohol, as he almost brought the artist to a hospital bed. In February of the same year, the actress noisily celebrated her birthday, after which she ended up in a psychiatric hospital. By the way, the star asked herself to go to a psychiatric clinic. The fact is that Dogileva could not cope with alcohol addiction on her own. Her body stopped producing serotonin, the hormone of joy, so the actress was constantly covered with depression. Now the star does not drink alcohol and hopes that by her example she will be able to help other addicts to get rid of the bad habit.

Tatyana Dogileva

Tatyana Dogileva with her daughter

Irina Allegrova, 65 years old

From the "crazy empress" Irina Allegrova also had to hide bottles of alcohol. It was rumored that in the distant zero, the singer got drunk and put on a show at a banquet in Rostov-on-Don. Allegrova crawled on all fours on the floor and urged everyone to play "engines". By the way, the "Empress" had many reasons for alcoholism. Husband escaped from the star Igor Kapusta and his musical career began to decline.

In the program “Alone with Everyone”, Irina Allegrova admitted: “I was an ostrich at that moment, to which it seemed that he hid his head in the sand, and that’s it, no problem. It wasn't very good. But then I was in pain, and I thought that if I had a drink, it would become easier.

That's just to break Irina Allegrova by the forces of a few. This woman has such a strong character that millions of men can envy her. Allegrova managed to say a firm and resolute no to alcohol, putting an end to it forever.

Irina Allegrova

Irina Allegrova with her daughter

Irina Allegrova with her grandson

Addiction to alcohol affects not only simple people but also celebrities. Next, we suggest remembering 10 domestic stars who were killed by alcohol.

Vladislav Galkin

The death of Vladislav Galkin in 2010 shocked the whole country. He was only 38 years old. The viewer remembered Vladislav Galkin primarily for his roles in the series "Truckers" and "Saboteur". The main cause of death was acute heart failure followed by cardiac arrest. During the autopsy, the doctors came to the unequivocal conclusion that the actor's body was seriously worn out due to nervous exhaustion and alcohol abuse.

Georgy Yumatov

The star of the films "Officers", "Admiral Ushakov" and "They were the first." The actor drank heavily. Once, while intoxicated, he even killed a man. In 1995, he underwent a severe operation to remove an aneurysm of the abdominal aorta, and in October 1997 he died from a rupture of this same abdominal aorta.

Yuri Bogatyrev

All-Union fame came to Bogatyryov after the release of the film “At Home Among Strangers, A Stranger Among Ours”, in which he played Yegor Shilov. He was an unmercenary and an idealist. He didn't hold onto money. AT last years the actor became addicted to alcohol, lost his shape, and he was less invited to the cinema. Friends explained this by the actor's feelings about his homosexuality. Lack of demand and creative dissatisfaction, he tried to fill with alcohol. Died at 41. Diagnosis - acute heart failure.

Oleg Dal

The actor died at the age of 39 from a heart attack. I drank heavily. So, he was eventually expelled from the Moscow Art Theater. And this despite the fact that, according to the testimony of the widow of Oleg Ivanovich, Elizabeth, he had poor health and diseased heart. Oleg Dal died on March 3, 1981 in a hotel room during a creative trip to Kyiv. According to the widespread version, the heart attack was provoked by the use of alcohol, which was contraindicated for the patient, "sewn up" with an anti-alcohol capsule.

Oleg Efremov

Like many creative people, alcohol helped him create and inspire fellow artists. But at the same time, naturally, shortened his life. The actor tried many times to get rid of addiction, but to no avail. He died at 72 years old.

Andrey Krasko

From childhood, Andrei grew up as a sickly child. His mother even had to quit her job in order to spend a lot of time with her son. And yet, already an adult actor Andrei Krasko suffered from alcohol and nicotine addiction in severe form. And this despite the fact that he had asthma. He died at the age of 49 from heart failure, the so-called alcoholic heart attack.

Georgy Burkov

Talented Soviet actor died at the age of 57. official reason death was a thromboembolism - a blood clot broke off from him. But by that time, Georgy Burkov's health had been severely undermined by alcohol. So much so that after the autopsy, the doctors said: "How did he even live with such vessels ...".

Nikolai Eremenko Jr.

Brave handsome Soviet and Russian cinema, Russian macho. Women literally fell at his feet. But he, the favorite of millions, was ruined by alcohol. The official diagnosis of doctors is a stroke. But only a few years later, Nikolai's relatives revealed the secret of his death. He simply could not get out of another binge. And he drank a lot before that.

Vladimir Vysotsky

The last years of his life, alcoholism and drug addiction began to greatly interfere with Vysotsky's work. Quite shortly before his death, he decided to finally and irrevocably quit drugs, but did not have time - he was overtaken by a heart attack at the age of 42.

Yuri Klinskikh

Founder and permanent leader of the Gaza Strip group. I was never a teetotaler, I drank a lot and often. Officially, the cause of death was a heart attack, although he had not previously had any heart problems. According to the unofficial version, Yuri suffered from drug addiction and was ill with hepatitis, which caused his death.

Only relatively recently, the truth was revealed about the drinking bouts of Vysotsky, Burkov, Dahl, Oleg Efremov, about the tragedy of Georgy Yumatov, who shot his neighbor-janitor in a drunken stupor, and Valentina Malyavina, who was accused of murder civil husband Stas Zhdanko. Actress Marianna Vertinskaya said that she got rid of drunkenness in a specialized clinic. Sergei Shakurov, who even jumped into the fountains on the Kinoshock, was also cured of "this case", and now he has become an absolute teetotaler. And the most famous Mary Poppins, Natalya Andreichenko, told in an interview how she was treated for alcoholism after breaking up with Maximilian Schell. Most recently, the magnificent actor Andrei Krasko, who passed away, honestly admitted that he was an alcoholic, and a drunken one.

Vysotsky's addiction to alcohol acquired a mythological format during his lifetime. Moreover, every time it all started with libations and ended with men's showdowns, fights broke out instantly. And it happened that Vladimir Semenovich went into a binge and disappeared without a trace for a week. But when the leading artist finally appeared, he was forgiven everything.

By the way, the wife of Vladimir Vysotsky, the French star Marina Vladi, was also not averse to drinking. It is known that when Vysotsky died, Vlady lived for a month and a half at the dacha of screenwriter Eduard Volodarsky, drinking five bottles of champagne a day.

The wonderful actress Elena Mayorova doused herself with gasoline and burned herself, also becoming a victim of destructive passion. After an autopsy, they found in her blood a large number of alcohol. Actors who knew Maiorova closely said that in a state of intoxication she was prone to shocking, but her death had deeper causes. After all, it was at this time that the actress found out that her father and husband had cancer. Among other things, evil tongues speak of an unfortunate love story that happened to Mayorova on the set of her last movie"Strange time" and was one of the reasons tragic death actresses.

Nikolai Eremenko Jr. has always been proud of the fact that he does not drink and is healthy as a bull. However, Eremenko hid a terrible secret from everyone: the actor was a drunken alcoholic - he often broke down and drank, which only the closest friends of the actor knew about. And the most tragic for him was a binge during the filming of the TV series "Brigade". It was then that he just got married, got an apartment and ... broke loose. This breakdown was the cause of a stroke, from which the actor died at the age of 52.

37-year-old actress Valentina Malyavina was accused in 1983 of stabbing her lover, actor Stas Zhdanko, who died from a direct wound to the heart. For what she had done, the judge measured Mulyavina for nine years, four and a half of which she served.

On the other hand, sometimes creative people drunk acquire a special charm. This was Efremov Sr. It is known that when he was "in the eyeballs", "teetotalling" was not easy for him. Suppressing the desire to drink, Oleg Nikolaevich tormented the artists, was constantly dissatisfied with the rehearsals. But sooner or later the day came when he came tipsy - kind, generous, smiling, and everyone was happy, everyone adored him.

The son of the great director, actor Mikhail Efremov, to whom the passion for alcohol, apparently, was inherited, was also noticed in discrediting ties with the "forty-degree" one. But if the director Efremov Sr. drank from hopelessness, then the actor Efremov Jr. - for any reason. However, the actor does not consider himself an alcoholic, he says that the rumors about his drunkenness are greatly exaggerated. And that he drinks solely for the sake of a hangover, during which the most difficult roles succeed "on a bare nerve".

“By the way, I can’t stand this vodka and never drink it. Bourbon is a completely different matter, I have a certain weakness for it!” - Efremov Jr. admitted in an interview.

And shocking rocker Sergei Shnurov assures that he went on stage sober only a couple of times in his life, and then only because he was taking antidepressants then. The rest of the time Cord appears before the audience exclusively "under the degree".

Another rocker, Vladimir Kuzmin, is also known for long drinking bouts. There was a time when on his solo albums he often appeared in such a strong drunk that he could not remember his own songs, and could hardly stand on his feet. Once, the listeners, outraged by the state of the singer, even demanded a refund for the tickets.

Popular artist Andrei Danilko, better known to his fans as Verka Serduchka, at the end of January of this year, completely stopped touring for several months. The reason for this was more than valid - the artist was treated for alcoholism. It should be noted that Danilko's entourage has long noted his love of drinking. And having become a superstar, the artist turned out to be even more dependent on alcohol, but, despite the advice of relatives and friends, he did not want to hear about treatment. This went on until Andrei himself felt very ill. It is for this reason that the doctors of the Kiev center "Favorit" seriously took up the health of the public's pet.

Alexander Domogarov also visited a narcological clinic this spring, where doctors had to try hard to get the people's favorite out of the binge, especially since it had to be done in a fairly short time. The actor broke loose after a long abstinence at the premiere of the film "The Count of Montenegro", so much so that in serious condition and was taken to the 17th narcological hospital.

By the way, the fact that Domogarov abuses alcohol has long been known. However, before he got out of heavy binges at home with the help of a school friend, a narcologist.

On the one hand, Alexander Yuryevich can be understood - in recent times it is almost invisible on the TV screen. Of course, offers of roles to an actor of this level are constantly received, but the star status does not allow him to grab the first job that comes across. However, the "stars" should not be idle - this adversely affects their health. Domogarov, in addition to creative downtime, has also recently added personal problems. For very a short time he broke up with two "most big loves in my life, "actresses Gromushkina and Alexandrova. In such a situation, even a teetotaler and an ulcer will drink.

Dmitry Kharatyan also could not cope with addiction on his own. There was a period when he appeared drunk at all the premieres. By the way, Dmitry's addiction to alcohol appeared at the dawn of his fame. Social life with feasts, banquets and receptions instilled in him bad habit, which eventually turned into a destructive passion. In the fight against the "green snake" Kharatyan tried a lot of methods of treatment. One time really short period refused to drink, drinking only water and juices, but ... The deadline passed, and the actor again took up the glass. He visited psychologists, was coded, but the effect was enough for two or three months. Only after treatment in a drug treatment clinic did the favorite of millions stop drinking. It is known that the wife of a celebrity, actress Marina Maiko, insisted on treatment, who tried in vain to solve the problem of her husband's alcoholism for more than one year. And Kharatyan managed to cope with the destructive passion. The artist himself admits that without the help of his wife, he could not have completely recovered. It was she who convinced Dmitry to lie in drug treatment clinic. Now the actor does not drink and again regularly appears in films and theater projects.

"Cop" Aleksey Nilov also repeatedly turned to the help of specialists. His wives could not stand long drinking bouts and left. But the actor did not quit drinking. Sometimes because of his binges even had to cancel the shooting. Nilov often admitted that the love of alcohol could cost him his life. He had attacks of delirium tremens several times, and in 2000 Alexei survived clinical death caused by excessive drinking. Then the doctors literally saved his life.

But the famous director Vladimir Menshov is convinced that it is not necessary and even dangerous to treat a person of art for addiction to alcohol, since compulsory treatment can be fraught with catastrophic consequences. “I don’t believe in any of the methods of medical influence, I think that they are all deadly. I fundamentally hate methods based on fear - when a person should be afraid to drink. I avoided such treatment, I think this is how I escaped,” the director admitted. In addition, Menchov does not consider alcohol evil and is afraid of people who do not drink.

So, for example, Mikhail Boyarsky thought about a sober lifestyle after he discovered a whole bunch of diseases. Before that, by his own admission, he could drink fourteen bottles of vodka. However, the famous musketeer fails to lead a sober lifestyle for a long time. He still admits that the only way for him to relax is alcohol.

But there are a lot of teetotalers in the domestic cinema and show business.

So, Alexei Guskov quit drinking a long time ago. Now he answers the offer to drink with the words of Sorin from Chekhov's "The Seagull": "No, let's talk first, and then drink. Because if you drink, you will not be you, but you plus someone."

Alexander Zbruev in his childhood drank a glass of vodka and poisoned himself, after which he turned out only from memories alone. Although the actor does not completely exclude alcohol for himself. Eldar Ryazanov at the age of 17, wanting to seem like an adult, got so drunk that for ten years he could not even sip a glass.

At one time, another favorite of the public, Anatoly Papanov, was no stranger to drinking. During drunken periods, his wife Nadezhda was afraid to leave her husband at home alone. However, over time, Anatoly Dmitrievich showed exceptional will in the matter of relations with alcohol, leaving this occupation abruptly - literally in one day.

After many years of drinking, and also after the excess that happened to him under New Year in live, firmly "tied up" and TV presenter Yuri Nikolaev, who, according to him, "already drank for himself and for that guy." Over the past fifteen years, Yuri Mikhailovich has been drinking only mineral water and is actively involved in sports.

Vlad Galkin, constantly playing in all the series, with love for whom thousands of fans are thrilled, also turned out to be a heavy drinker, which often made the filming process difficult. At one time, even Vlad's wife, actress Daria Mikhailova, could not keep him from taking alcohol during work. However, at this stage, Vlad held back his passion for strong drinks, and life in the family of actors more or less improved.

"I'm not the most drunk in our workshop," says the most outrageous young actor Alexei Panin today, whose drunken adventures once became a byword, and his name long time did not leave the pages of the yellow press. And no wonder: he gets drunk, then he gets drunk. True, they say that Lesha Panin took up his mind and ... coded. At social events, he behaves more than modestly and drinks exclusively mineral water.

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Despite the fact that alcoholism is often found among disadvantaged people, famous alcoholics are also known to the world. Sometimes even great people (politicians, rulers, actors, writers) could not resist addiction. Many the greatest people ended their days in poverty, oblivion and disease due to alcohol addiction, but others were able to overcome addiction and become popular and loved again. When you are a rich and famous person, alcoholism becomes a shameful stigma that deprives you of work, friends, admirers. In our article we will consider the fate of the most famous people our country and the whole world who suffered from alcohol addiction.

The most famous male alcoholics

Many famous people could not give up alcohol, some great generals, writers, reformers and even modern politics. So, the greatest drunkards of the world are the following people known to many of us:

  1. The first in the list of great people who are not indifferent to the bottle was. Alcohol killed him at the age of 33.
  2. The greatest philosopher Diogenes could never deny himself a drink. However, oddly enough, alcoholic beverages did not at all prevent him from learning the truth, making new discoveries and thinking logically. This man, despite his addiction, was able to live up to 85 years of age.
  3. Such greatest general and the tsar of Russia, like Peter the Great, also could not refuse alcohol.
  4. Even Joseph Stalin was a big fan of feasts with alcoholic libations. His favorite alcoholic drink there was wine. He could drink it almost every day. And this did not prevent him from solving important state issues.
  5. The famous Turkish commander Mustafa Kemal Ataturk made a great contribution to the creation of modern Turkey. But death overtook him not in battle, but through the fault of alcohol, since alcohol destroyed his liver.
  6. Another fan of Bacchus can be called Prince Vladimir, who was very fond of entertainment feasts with drinking alcohol.
  7. Bogdan Khmelnitsky did not disdain alcohol either. He was convinced that wine should be drunk as a cure for different problems. That is why in history he became famous as a lover of drunken celebrations.

Perhaps great writers, rulers and politicians drink alcohol because they are constantly under stress and their life is quite eventful and difficult, and alcohol allows you to relax. As for our time, such famous people of our time suffered from alcoholism:

  • Quite often, Ukrainian politician Yuriy Lutsenko became the hero of anecdotes, press jokes and humorous shows because of his alcohol addiction. Although today we can say that this man was able to cope with addiction and take the path of a sober life, which allowed him to continue a successful political career.
  • Suffered from alcohol addiction and the great actor of the times Soviet Union Radner Muratov. Many of us remember him for his role in the film "Gentlemen of Fortune". The life of this famous person ended in loneliness and poverty due to his passion for alcoholic beverages.

Alcohol killed many talented writers and poets of our country:

  • From the age of 24, Sergei Yesenin was an ardent admirer of Bacchus. But, nevertheless, this did not prevent him from writing wonderful poems. He repeatedly tried to cope with addiction, undergoing treatment in a clinic and turning to psychiatrists.
  • Writer Edgar Allan Poe died due to inflammation of the brain due to severe alcohol intoxication when drunk to the point of insanity.
  • Among famous writers suffering from alcohol addiction, it is worth mentioning Remarque and Ernest Hemingway. The fact that they drink, these people did not even try to hide and applied to the bottle regularly. It is known that Hemingway committed suicide. The culprit of this tragedy is believed to be alcohol.
  • The well-known drinking poet Omar Khayyam also could not refuse alcohol and applied to the bottle regularly, which did not prevent him from writing wonderful works.
  • Among the famous people who are addicted to alcohol, it is worth mentioning the writer Jack London.

Such well-known Russian and Ukrainian writers as Alexander Kuprin, Taras Shevchenko, Alexander Blok also drank a lot. If we talk about famous foreign alcoholics, then we can name Stephen King, who claims that he created most of his great horror films in a state of alcoholic delirium.

You can also mention the great artist Vincent van Gogh, who repeatedly applied to psychiatric clinics for the treatment of alcohol dependence. In death famous composer Modest Mussorgsky is guilty of alcohol, which brought a person to a state of delirium tremens. One can only guess how many wonderful great works these people could create if alcohol addiction did not interfere with them, and if alcohol did not take their lives.

Great women alcoholics

We all know that celebrity alcoholics are not only men, but also great women who are addicted to alcohol. Among them are many Russian celebrities and world stars:

  1. worldwide famous singer from France, Edith Piaf became addicted to alcohol in her youth. She often drank herself unconscious, which was the cause of her death in her youth.
  2. History knows another woman alcoholic - Galina Brezhneva. Because of her passion for alcohol, she lost her mind, which led to death in the walls of a lunatic asylum.
  3. Known Russian actress Tatyana Dogileva still drinks. The cause of the passion for alcohol was a deep depression. Subsequently, this led to alcohol addiction.

Important: everyone knows that female alcoholism develops much faster and is more difficult to treat, however, there are famous women who were able to cope with alcohol addiction and continue a successful career and a fulfilling life.

A wonderful example of successful healing from addiction was given to us by the following famous women:

  • TV presenter and actress Larisa Guzeeva was very fond of holidays and fun parties, where she could not refuse alcohol. She became addicted to alcohol during her marriage to her first drug addict husband. However, in the future, she was able to completely overcome her addiction and continue to work on television.
  • Another TV presenter who was able to cope with addiction is Lera Kudryavtseva. She became addicted to alcohol after her first divorce, which plunged her into a deep depression. But then the girl was able to give up alcohol. Now she does not drink alcohol even on holidays.
  • Despite a successful career and fame, Drew Barrymore also became addicted to alcohol. But then the girl was able to cope with herself and completely refused to drink alcohol, which allowed her to get rid of alcohol addiction.
  • Another one famous woman, successfully cured of alcohol addiction - Kelly Osbourne. Kelly can be a clear example of how much a person changes after giving up alcohol and embarking on the path of a sober life. Before that, she was quite full and unattractive, but after giving up alcohol, she took up her appearance, lost weight and became a very beautiful and successful girl.
  • Everyone knows the singer and actress Britney Spears, who, after a divorce, found solace in alcohol and drugs. But later she changed her mind, recovered from harmful addictions and continued her successful career. Her personal life also improved.
  • Do not drink alcohol Kristin Davis, she would have been able to build a career as an actress much earlier. But at the age of 25, she simply could not imagine life without alcohol, and only when she got into the group of anonymous alcoholics, she was able to completely get rid of addiction and become successful.
  • Previously, Paris Hilton was repeatedly detained for drunk driving. But recently she was able to overcome the craving for alcohol and no longer appears drunk in society.
  • The famous fashion model Lara Stone, due to frequent stress and busy life, quite often relaxed with the help of alcohol. But after she realized that she had developed an addiction, she turned to specialists and completely got rid of addiction.

Not many great and famous people have overcome alcoholism. Unfortunately, examples where celebrities were able to cope with addiction are not numerous. Many of them do not recognize that alcohol has completely taken over their lives and are not going to be treated. So, today rampant drinking captured the actress Courtney Love and Lidsay Lohan.

Famous alcoholic actors of Russia and the world

It has been proven that every third celebrity is prone to alcohol abuse. Most likely, this is due to the great popularity, awareness of their greatness and solid fees. Alcoholism was especially widespread among the actors:

  1. The famous actor, singer and poet was treated many times and still could not cope with his addiction. On the basis of alcoholism, he had repeated episodes of cardiac arrest. Despite the fact that everyone knew about addiction, even after his death there are fans of Vysotsky's work.
  2. Seen in addiction to alcohol such famous actors like Andrei Panin, Yuri Bogatyrev, Vladislav Galkin. The last of them died on the basis of alcoholism all alone at the age of 39.
  3. Numerous life shocks caused alcoholism in old age for actor Georgy Yumatov.
  4. Some talented Russian celebrities still can not cope with their harmful addiction. These are Alexander Domogarov, Mikhail Efremov, Marat Bashirov, Alexei Nilov.

Alcohol has a significant impact on the image of famous people, as they are constantly in the public eye. As a result, such celebrities can lose their health, popularity, good looks. Over time, their career is on the decline due to lack of professional demand. Often this contributes to even greater dependence, as a person begins to seek solace in alcohol.

Alcoholism is an addiction that affects not only physical health person, but also on his mental state, leading to the collapse of social and family life. When alcoholism becomes a big problem, it's noticeable in how people stop coping with work and other responsibilities as alcohol begins to dominate all aspects of their lives, including relationships with others.

Alcoholism is a detrimental habit for any addict, but when it comes to stars, the problem is taken to a whole other level, as their lives are under scrutiny. Alcoholism can ruin their careers and seriously damage their personal and secular life. Here is a list of 26 stars whose lives and careers have been affected by alcoholism:

1. Mel Gibson

Everyone knows that Mel Gibson is a famous Hollywood actor, but in addition to that, he is also a producer and director. There were many ups and downs in his career. One of his most famous works can be called the film "Braveheart", in which he acted as a director, producer and actor. This film earned him a Golden Globe award. However, in 2006, Mel Gibson was arrested for drunk driving, and this event led to many other problems that affected his public and personal life. Luckily, he has since managed to deal with his problem and his behavior, repairing broken relationships and his career.

2. Lindsay Lohan

The fact that Lindsay Lohan considers herself an experienced rehabilitator says a lot. She has been treated in rehabilitation centers so many times that she can hardly even count them. As a teenager, Lohan was a very responsible girl, did not go to school parties and did not drink alcohol. The first time she got drunk was at the age of 17, and her mother punished Lindsey by making her sleep in vomit.

Although Lindsey has been to rehab many times, she has stated that she does not consider herself an alcoholic as she has never had a morning hangover. However, in 2010, when Lohan was admitted to the Betty Ford Center, the actress stated that she was working to overcome her addiction and that she was making sure steps towards positive changes. She also said that she understands that her addiction is a disease that will not disappear overnight.

3. Jamie Lee Curtis

Jamie Lee's addiction began after cosmetic surgery, when she began to take painkillers, fixing the effect. large quantity alcohol. But it should be noted that this problem did not last long: she managed to quickly cope with it and move on with the idea that overcoming this addiction is the biggest success in her life.

Jamie Lee Curtis is best known for her role in A Fish Called Wanda and the Halloween horror film series. In Freaky Friday, she played the mother of an exuberant teenage girl played by Lindsay Lohan (who also had a drinking problem, as mentioned above). In addition to acting in films, she participated in photography without makeup and subsequent retouching. This forced the actress to look at herself in a new way and feel the oppressive need to always look her best, which was the beginning of her problems with alcohol. When the actress overcame this addiction, she began to promote the philosophy of accepting yourself for who you are.

4. Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp also had problems with alcohol in the past, although you can never tell from his acting in films.

Depp has starred in many successful films such as Pirates of the Caribbean, Edward Scissorhands and other films by Tim Burton and Jim Jarmusch. Perhaps his experience of alcohol addiction was precisely what helped him to play the drunken Jack Sparrow in Pirates so successfully and convincingly.

Johnny Depp is one of the greatest film actors and his alcohol addiction has not affected his career. He is still famous and popular. Till.

5. Anthony Hopkins

Known for his role in The Silence of the Lambs, in which he played the Oscar-winning character Hannibal Lecter, the actor has long struggled with an uncontrolled alcohol addiction. The turning point for him was the event when he woke up in another state, absolutely not understanding where he was and how he got here. It was then that the actor realized that his habit had become a problem, so he decided to join Alcoholics Anonymous. Since then, he has never returned to the past.

Hopkins' problems with alcohol began while he was working as an actor in the UK. It seemed to him that the stage was not for him, and so he began to drink to relax and relieve tension. He stopped drinking in 1975 and hasn't taken a drop of alcohol in his mouth since.

6. Elton John

Like many other artists, Elton John began to drink and use drugs to gain confidence before performing. His manager first gave him a taste of cocaine. John admitted that he did not think about the consequences of substance abuse and did not attach importance to it until the habit got out of hand. In addition to dependence on alcohol and cocaine, the singer developed bulimia.

John was able to return to the right way with the help of a friend of Ryan White (Ryan White), who was infected HIV infection during a blood transfusion, but he held on until the very end, helping everyone who, like him, contracted this disease.

John was able to come to his senses with the help of White and since then - for more than 20 years - has remained a teetotaler.

7. Eminem

The story of Eminem's struggle with alcoholism is no secret to anyone. His addiction to psychotropic substances reached its peak in 2007, when he began taking more than 30 pills a day, generously pouring them with alcohol.

Prior to that, in 2005, Eminem almost died of an overdose. This was the beginning of his attempts to become a teetotaler and the best father for his daughter Hailey.

Eminem's life hasn't been easy, given his drug and alcohol abuse and his rocky relationship with Hayley's mother. However, his addiction is now in the past, and his musical career is gaining momentum again. An unexpected friendship with Sir Elton John helped Eminem become a teetotaler, and now his compositions are again at the top of the music charts.

8. Steven Tyler

The leader and vocalist of the famous rock band Aerosmith, Steven Tyler has experienced many ups and downs both in his career and in his personal life.

Tyler fans for his amazing vocal rangegave him the nickname "Screaming Demon". Fans adore the singer not only for his voice, but also for the energy he puts into every performance. It is evident that he loves his job and is fully committed to music and his fans.

Obviously, over the course of his career, Tyler has become very famous, and with great success and fame comes pressure and struggle. Tyler began using alcohol and drugs to cope with the pressure, and this took a toll on his singing career, causing Aerosmith's popularity to decline.

However, Tyler decided to reform, and after he left the rehab center in 1986, he managed to recover and put all his strength into returning the group to its former glory.

Tyler remained a teetotaler for the next 20 years, after which he "relapsed" again and began to abuse painkillers. However, this lasted not for long, as he managed to get this addiction under control. He went back to rehab in 2009 and has remained sober ever since.

9. Robert Downey Jr.

Of all the stars on this list who have had a drinking problem, it can be said that Robert Downey Jr had the worst problems, as well as the most unexpected extraordinary recovery. The actor began with a daily tradition of drinking, reaching the point that he could not spend a single evening without a glass in his hand.

There were also cases where he mixed alcohol with drugs. His behavior became so out of control that one day he couldn't find his way home and fell asleep at a neighbor's house, falling asleep in his child's bed. Naturally, the child's mother called the rescue service.

Robert successfully coped with his problem, the salvation from which he owes his wife Susan Downey. After overcoming alcoholism, he was able to take control of his career, starring in films such as Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes.

10. Billie Holiday

This beautiful woman with an angelic voice faced enormous pressure from her rising fame. Before the start of his singing career she worked as an administrator in a brothel, but her association with prostitution goes back much further, as her mother was arrested for prostitution when Billy was 12 years old.

During its short but successful career Billie Holiday has worked with artists such as Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong and many more.

Alcohol addiction caused serious damage to her health: the singer developed cirrhosis of the liver. The doctors advised her not to drink anymore, otherwise this habit would destroy her, but she could not resist the temptation - the addiction took over her. The singer died at the age of 44 in 1959, but to this day she remains known as one of the best singers of her time.

11. Betty Ford

The future First Lady of the United States announced in 1970 that she was battling alcoholism. When she began the recovery process, she openly stated that her father and brother were also alcoholics.

Betty Ford's addiction to psychotropic substances sometimes got so out of control that she took more than 20 painkillers a day and a "normal amount" of alcohol (a couple of cocktails at parties).

Somehow, Ford managed to overcome her alcohol addiction as she had to take care of her family.

Later, in 1978, when she became a former First Lady, she entered the Long Beach Naval Hospital to receive treatment for alcohol addiction. Ex-president also completely stopped drinking alcohol in solidarity with his wife.

12. Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway was an American writer, journalist and author short stories: Until now, he remains one of the most famous writers in history.

Throughout his life, Hemingway succumbed to alcoholism more than once, especially in the last years of his life, when he began to be tormented by mental and physical ailments. He was admitted to the hospital, where he was treated for depression, but after being discharged, he still committed suicide by shooting himself with a gun.

It is still unclear whether his alcoholism was the result of a mental disorder, or vice versa, but the writer sometimes lost his clear mind while intoxicated.

13. David Hasselhoff

Hasselhoff's addiction was widely known, and many are familiar with the history of his struggle, which has been going on for more than 10 years. He first got into rehabilitation center in 2002, when he realized that drinking was out of his control. However, the actor's determination to fix his addiction lasted only one day, after which he left the Betty Ford Center. The next day, he got drunk again, and to such an extent that he had to call an ambulance.

He tried to justify his actions by stating that he was not ready to stop drinking when he entered the clinic and that he wanted to drink more. This time it turned out to be so “saturated” that he decided that he really had had enough, so the actor again came to the rehabilitation center. He did it because he wanted to be a better person for the sake of his family.

Hasselhoff remained a teetotaler for 5 years before breaking loose again in 2007. His daughter, in an attempt to show him what he looks like when he's drunk and get him to change his behavior, posted a video online of him lying on the floor eating a burger.

Because of excessive drinking, Hasselhoff became a regular visitor to the hospital: he got there in 2009 and 2010. Obviously, an actor can do without alcohol for a long time, but if he drinks at least one sip, he no longer knows the measure.

14. Robin Williams

Robin Williams was one of the most famous actors in the world. He starred in films such as "Captain Hook", "Dead Poets Society" and many other famous films. Williams began to abuse alcohol and cocaine very early, but tried to get rid of addiction after his friend John Belushi died of an overdose during a party that they both attended.

Some fans claim that his career was at its peak when the actor's addiction was at its worst, but the truth is that no amount of money or fame is worth more than a person's physical and mental health, which takes a lot of damage from addiction.

Robin Williams struggled with alcohol and cocaine addiction for about 30 years. He broke down and got back up again. A few weeks before his death, he enrolled in a renewal clinic. Shortly thereafter, he shot himself, but pathologists say he was sober at the time of his death. Although Williams managed to abstain from alcohol and drugs, it seems that the actor was unable to cope with his depression, which, in the end, was the cause of his death.

15. Stephen King

This famed horror writer, who has written such bestsellers as It, Carrie, The Shawshank Redemption, Misery and many others, has struggled with alcohol and drug addiction for years. When his family finally decided to intervene in 1987, King agreed that he needed to change. Since then, he has remained a teetotaler.

Stephen King often endowed his main characters with the same addictions that he himself struggled with. He also spoke extensively and willingly about his constant attempts to regain control of his addiction, so it's not like he was embarrassed by it. He stated that alcohol and drugs helped him get away from the depressing reality in which he lived.

Today, King is no longer as proud of his past habits, but he speaks openly about them because he was able to put his life in order and deal with them.

16. Ian McGregor

This actor also had a problem with alcohol abuse, and although it did not seem to affect his career in any way, it harmed his personal life. McGregor recalls his role in the 1996 film Trainspotting, believing that he looked like a "drunk maniac" then. He remembers that he lost control of his drinking, but this went unnoticed, as no producer ever tried to draw his attention to this problem.

McGregor soon turned from a happy drunk into a pitiful and self-ashamed man who did not want to lose everything he worked so hard to achieve, so he decided to stop drinking and clean up his behavior.

Perhaps the moment when he came to his senses was the meeting with Iggy Pop: then he was so drunk that he completely disgraced himself. Now he remembers this incident as the most embarrassing moment in his life.

17. Ben Affleck

This stunning actor from the movie "Armageddon" entered rehab in 2001 to recover from alcoholism. Before that, Ben Affleck starred in the film "Pearl Harbor", showing that addiction has little effect on his career. His career suffered when he starred in Gigli, which was poorly received by the audience and received disappointing reviews from film critics, but his alcoholism had nothing to do with it.

He successfully battled addiction and remained sober until the 2011 Sundance Film Festival, when he was spotted drunk. However, he was able to cope with addiction and achieve such success in his career that few other actors have achieved. He even won an Oscar in 2013 for " Best movie of the year" for the film "Argo".

We all know Michael J. Fox from the Back to the Future films. This actor suffered from alcoholism until he was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. The diagnosis made him change his life, he focused on advancing Parkinson's disease research to help current and future patients.

Fox made peace with terrible diagnosis and with the support of his family, he successfully quit drinking. He has since founded the Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF) to fund further research into Parkinson's disease. He also went on to have a career on various TV shows including The Michael J. Fox Show and The Boston Lawyers.

Michael is an excellent example for all people, showing that illness does not define who you are and what you can do. The disease did not stop him from pursuing his dream and does not prevent him from living to the fullest.

19. Diana Ross

One of the most famous stars of our time, Diana Ross also had problems with alcohol and in 2002 went to rehab. The Canyon Ranch Health Center helped her overcome her addiction, and she seems to have remained a teetotaler ever since.

Ross is one of the richest and most successful celebrities and rivals even Oprah Winfrey. It's not yet clear which of them is the most famous African-American woman in the world, but being at the top is already a good thing, isn't it?

Diana Ross sang with The Supremes, and also performed solo numbers. She also played a role in Lady Sings the Blues, for which she was nominated for an Academy Award.

Today she is more active than ever and continues to perform and surprise people around the world. She hasn't drank alcohol since she went to rehab in 2002 and may never start.

20. Mickey Mantle

Mantle is the most famous Yankees player ever. His addiction was so strong that he was drunk at every game, or at least always tipsy.

The fact that he played so well while drunk shows the depth of his talent. Imagine how he would play sober? There would be no one who could match him.

Mantle played on the Yankees for 18 years, and for most of that time he was an alcoholic. Needless to say, his death was the result of alcohol abuse. He passed away in 1995, although he had undergone a liver transplant a few months before his death.

Regardless of alcoholism, Mickey Mantle is still considered the best baseball player.

21. Daniel Radcliffe

Daniel Radcliffe, who is known by all as the boy wizard Harry Potter in the movie of the same name, faced the pressure of fame at the age of 11, which continued to build up into his teenage years and early teens.

glory in this young age and the diagnosis of a "neurological disorder of coordination", which made it difficult to perform ordinary tasks, were the factors that triggered the mechanism of Radcliffe's alcohol addiction. Sometimes he got so sick that he couldn't even tie his shoelaces, and according to some rumors, the Harry Potter movie sometimes had to be stopped because of his inability to concentrate.

After hearing his diagnosis, Radcliffe began to forget himself with the help of alcohol, first periodically drinking at parties, and then becoming addicted. Sometimes he even came drunk to the shooting.

In 2010, Daniel Radcliffe realized that his alcoholism had become a problem and decided to end it. Since then, he has had breakdowns, but let's hope that the actor will finally be able to get the better of this addiction.

22. Kristin Davis

Kristin Davis, who played Charlotte York in Sex in big city", suffered so much from alcoholism that she was not sure if she would live to be 30 years old.

She struggled with addiction adolescence. Since she also had problems with alcohol in her family, the actress started drinking quite early. She admitted that she enjoyed drinking as it helped her relax and express her emotions. However, when she had to make a choice between alcohol and a career, she made right choice and haven't drank since.

Since the age of 22, Christine has been a teetotaler, but she admits that she sometimes lacks alcohol.

23. Leonard Nimoy

Everyone who watched star way", knows that Leonard Nimoy played the role of Spock. Nimoy had never had a problem with alcohol before, but when he was filming the film, he began to drink, and the problem got out of control. The actor started with a glass after work and eventually went to a few drinks a night.Finally, a sign that his alcoholism was getting out of hand was when his assistant started bringing him alcohol for film set because without it the actor could not work.

Nimoy said he started drinking because of the divorce, and he also felt the pressure of fame. When he realized that alcohol abuse was affecting his personal and professional relationships, Nimoy decided to seek professional help and go to rehab. After difficult divorce he met Susan Bey, who supported him during the rehabilitation process.

24. Alec Baldwin

According to 30 Rock magazine, since his 20th birthday, this actor has spent almost seven years under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Obviously, he felt the emptiness inside and tried to fill it with various substances.

His addiction spiraled out of control when he started drinking every night, falling asleep only at lunchtime. Once he was drinking Chardonnay from a plastic cup while driving, at which point it occurred to him that such behavior could not be normal, and that he needed to improve. Another factor that led him to eradicate his bad habits was the pitiful look with which a man, whom he often passed, looked at him. Baldwin didn't want to be the one to be so pathetic, so he joined Alcoholics Anonymous at the age of 27 and hasn't drank since.

25. Charlie Watts

Erc, the Rolling Stone drummer, lived a truly typical rock star life, and everyone knows that alcohol and drugs make up a big part of it.

The odd thing about Watts' addiction was that it didn't start at the beginning of his musical career. When he was younger, he kept his alcohol and drug use under control, but in the 1980s, when he was going through a so-called "midlife crisis", he developed an addiction. Over the next decade, the addiction intensified so much that it almost led him to divorce his wife (but this did not happen: the couple recently celebrated a golden wedding).

His addiction had a very negative impact on the singer's marriage, but the couple were able to overcome everything. His wife Shirley was there to support him during his rehab, and Watts says it wasn't that hard to stop.

26. Melanie Griffith

Melanie Griffith began her struggle with alcoholism and drugs at the age of 18: her addiction lasted for about 30 years. She often took too much cocaine and drank too much alcohol, which led to her having to go to rehab three times in those 30 years.

Her ex-husband - Antonio Banderas - whom she married in 1996, was the person who supported her the most during her addiction, although Griffith has stated that she wanted him to be even more involved. This marriage did not last long, as, indeed, other marriages of Melanie.


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