Mobile game "Dog". Synopsis of the outdoor game "Let's play with a dog" in an early age group

Larisa Ez
Card file of outdoor games

geese geese

Target: learn dialogical speech; practice running "flock", without colliding, start moving on a signal.

Material: wolf emblem or large toy, two cords (or draw lines in the sand) .

Game progress: Draw two lines - two "at home", and a lair for "wolf". Among the players is chosen "wolf". The rest of the children "geese". The teacher is the owner of the geese. Then there is a dialogue between the Mistress and geese:

Geese, geese! Ha, ha, ha!

Do you want to eat? Yes Yes Yes!

So fly home! We can not!

Gray wolf, under the mountain

He won't let us go home!

So fly how you want

Just take care of your wings!

After these words "geese" trying to fly from one house to another, and the wolf catches them.

Shepherd and flock

Children represent the herd (cows, calves, sheep). They choose a shepherd, hand him a horn and a whip. Adult pronounces the words:

early in the morning

shepherd boy: "Tu-ru-ru-ru".

And the cows are in harmony with him

dragged out: "Moo-moo-moo".

into words "Tu-ru-ru-ru" the shepherd plays the horn, after the words "Moo-moo-moo" cows moo. Then the shepherd drives the herd into the field (to the agreed lawn, everyone roams around it. After a while, the shepherd snaps the whip, drives the herd home.

The game can be repeated. She needs space so that children can walk around the meadow with pleasure.

You can slightly change the plot of the game by introducing a wolf into it. In this case, the shepherd drives the flock to the meadow and carefully watches for a wolf that hunts for sheep and calves. Seeing a wolf, he snaps his whip, as if scaring him away and driving the herd home.

Before the start of the game, choose "Owl", which should sit in the nest. The nest can be anything, such as a sandbox or a circle drawn on the ground. All other participants in the game must arrange themselves in a chaotic manner around the playing area.

By sound signal leading: "The day comes - everything comes to life", children should calmly run, jump around the playground, depicting all kinds of animals, birds or insects. BUT "Owl" at this time, he sleeps peacefully in his nest. Then the next command of the presenter sounds "Night comes - everything freezes" and at this moment all the children should freeze in the position in which they found themselves during the sound of the command. The owl wakes up at this time and flies out to hunt. She should notice the players who have moved, and take them to her nest. All players caught by an owl in subsequent rounds become owls and all together, on a specific command, fly out to hunt. The game is played until all participants in the game are caught. According to the results of the game, you can also mark the participant who caught all the most players.

During mobile it is forbidden to chase one player for a very long time, and the player who is caught is to forcibly escape. All the players are birds, one is an owl, which is located away from the site. On signal "Day" the owl is sleeping, and the birds are flying, flapping their wings, pecking. On signal "Night" all the birds stop and stand still. An owl flies out, looks out for those who move, and takes them to its nest. After 15-20 seconds, the signal is given again "Day", an owl flies into a nest, children - birds run around the site.

Throw and catch.

Have your child toss and catch the ball. First, offer to throw the ball up, and wait until it hits the ground, only after that - catch it. Then - hit the ball on the ground and immediately catch it.

Find your house

Each child chooses a home (hoop, cube, ball, flag). On a signal, the children run around the playground in different directions. On signal "Find your home" occupy houses.

Whose column will gather faster?

Children stand in two columns opposite the teacher. At a certain signal, the children walk in columns one after the other or in their column they are arranged in pairs and walk in pairs. Then they scatter all over the place. On word educator: "Stop!" everyone stops and closes their eyes. The teacher changes place and He speaks: "One, two, three, quickly line up in columns near me!" The teacher notes whose column will gather faster.

Then the game is repeated.

flight of birds

The baby is standing in one corner of the room. He is a bird.

In the other corner of the room is placed a stepladder or a chair (stool).

At the signal of an adult, "The birds are flying away!" the baby, raising his “wings” arms to the sides, runs around the room.

At the signal "Storm!" kid running up the stairs (stool) and climbs on her: "birds" are hiding from the "storm" on the "trees".

When an adult speaks: "The storm has stopped" - the kid goes down the stairs and runs again ("birds" continue to "fly").

During the game, an adult should be near the stairs in order to help the baby if necessary.

The kite and the mother hen.

Several children are involved in the game. One of the players is chosen as a kite, the other as a mother hen. The rest of the children are chickens, they stand behind the hen, holding on to each other, and the one standing in front - to the hen. On the opposite side of the site, a circle is outlined - the kite's nest. At the signal of an adult "Kite!" a kite child flies out of the nest and tries to catch the last chick in the column. The mother hen, spreading her wings (stretching her arms to the sides, protects her chickens, does not allow the kite to grab the chicken. All the chickens follow the movements of the kite and move after the mother hen, not looking away from each other, trying to prevent the kite from catching the latter.

The kite takes the caught chicken to itself and the nest. When he catches 2 - 3 chickens, other children are selected for the roles of a kite and a mother hen.

If there are more than 10 people playing, two groups can play in turn. Can be played at the same time (if there is enough space) two groups.

Rules of the game: the mother hen should not grab the kite with her hands, she can only block his path; the kite flies out of the nest only after the signal of an adult; while catching a chicken, the kite should not grab the hen by the hands.

Dog and sparrows

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the characteristic movements of birds, learn to imitate their voices.

Material: emblems of sparrows, soft dog toy.

Adult explains to children: "We'll all be sparrows (hands out bird emblems). How do sparrows fly? How do they jump? How do they peck? How do they sing? Well done! Good sparrows, funny. And who will be the dog?

dog child takes soft toy, sits in a corner.

“Who remembers the name of the dog house? That's right, booth! Our dog sits in a booth. We start playing.

Jumping, jumping sparrow: Jump-jump! Jump-jump!

Children jump as best they can.

Cries of little children: Chiv! Chiv! Chiv! Chiv! Chiv! Chiv!

Children repeat: "Chiv! Chiv! Chiv!

Throw the crumbs to the sparrow, I'll give you a song sing: Chick-chirp! Chick-chirp!

Children repeat: “Chick-chirp!”

adult speaks: “Suddenly the dog came running, barked loudly at the sparrows”. Doggy baby run out and loud barks: wow! Sparrows scatter in different directions. The game continues at the request of the children 2-3 times.

Swan geese

On one side of the site, a place is determined for the goose where the geese live, and on the opposite side, the field where they graze. Between the field and the goose house, a place for a wolf is a wolf rookery.

One child is chosen as a wolf. The wolf is sitting in the rookery, and the geese are in the goose. The teacher starts the game words: "Geese - swans, on the field!". Geese fly out flapping their wings. After a while, the teacher calls geese: "Geese - geese, caterpillars!" or "Geese - swans, home, grey Wolf under the mountain!". The children stop and together ask: "What is he doing there?" - "The geese are pinching," the teacher answers. - "What?", the children ask again. - "Gray and white ones. Run home faster!" The geese run to their goose house (beyond the line, and the wolf runs out and catches them. He takes those caught to the lair. After 2 exits of the geese, a new wolf is selected in the field. The game is repeated.


A group of children is divided into three competing teams and placed on different sides of the playground or gym, imaginary airfields. Before each team you need to put cubes or flags different color. The parent or caregiver gives the command "Prepare to Fly". This means that the children should bend their arms and begin to perform circular movements. Thus, it seems that the aircraft refuel and start the engines. The next signal is "Fly". Children straighten their arms, raise them and scatter in different directions. Last command - "On landing"- means that all team members are built in a kind of links, and everyone kneels down, in other words, the planes land successfully. The winner is the team whose link was built faster.

Crow and dog

Target: learn to imitate the movements and sounds of birds, move without interfering with each other.

Material: big toy dog, crow emblems.

Game progress

Adult pronounces:

Near the green Christmas tree

Ravens jump, croak: Kar! Kar! Kar!

Children jump, imitating a crow, make croaking sounds. An adult approaches, picks up a dog and He speaks:

Here comes the dog

And the raven dispersed everyone: “Aw! Aw! Aw!"

Crow children scatter in all directions. The game is repeated at will 2-3 times.

Run to what I call

Target: recall the names of items. Teach to run "flock". right-handed: be able to listen to an adult.

Game progress

Children stand near the teacher and listen to what he says. teacher explains: "Where I say, there you will run and wait for me". Then pronounces: "One two Three. Run to the sandbox!

Children flock to the sandbox. The teacher follows them, not in a hurry, giving the children time to rest. Praises that everyone ran correctly, and pronounces:

One two Three,

To the veranda - run!

Children run to the swing, then to the table, etc.

leaf fall

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about color, size autumn leaves. Specify the concept - leaf fall.

Material: autumn leaves.

You will all be leaves, choose a leaf for yourself, which like it: who is yellow, who is red, who is big, who is small. Children show and name which sheet he chose in color and size. Adult tells: "Leaves are light, they fly slowly through the air". Children run and wave their hands.

Falling leaves! Falling leaves! The yellow leaves are flying!

Beautiful yellow leaves are spinning. (Actions are performed by children with yellow leaves.)

Beautiful red leaves are spinning. (Actions are performed by children with red leaves.)

They all circled and sat down on the ground (everyone sits down). Sat down! Sit down and freeze (do not move).

A light breeze came, blew (blowing himself, followed by children). Adult continues: “Leaves rose, scattered in different directions (children run across the playground). Spin around, spin around! Falling leaves! Falling leaves! Leaves fly in the wind. The breeze subsided, and once again yellow, then red leaves slowly fall to the ground. The teacher reads a poem by V. Mirovich "Leaf fall".

At the request of the children, the game is repeated 2-3 times.

Birds and rain

Target: learn to act on the command of an adult, practice pronunciation of sounds. Material: emblems of birds.

The teacher distributes bird emblems to the children, clarifies who has which. Adult explains: everyone must listen to the words as the game progresses and perform the named actions.

The teacher starts: “The birds fly (children run across the playground, peck grains (children sit down, "peck", fly away again.

Suddenly an evil one came autumn wind, howled, murmured. ( "Vvv!"- children say.) Frequent rain dripped, pounded on the roof. “Here! Here! Knock!", the children repeat.

"Hide, birds! And then all the feathers will become wet ", the adult calls. - All birds hid: who is under the bush, who is under the leaf (children sit down).

The rain passed, and again the birds flew, they sang a cheerful song, they rejoice. Children imitate the voices of familiar birds.

The game continues. You can complicate the plot by the appearance on the site of a cat, dog, car. (Each time, the bird children fly in different directions.)

Father Frost

Target: to instill the ability to perform characteristic movements.

The teacher invites the children to start the game. Everyone remembers that Santa Claus lives in the forest and brings gifts to children in winter.

I am Frost, Red Nose. Overgrown with a beard. I'm looking for animals in the forest. Come out quickly! Come out, bunnies!

Children jump towards the teacher like bunnies.

Freeze! Freeze!

The teacher is trying to catch the guys. Everyone is running away.

The game is repeated. Each time Santa Claus invites new animals (bears, chanterelles, forest birds) to leave the forest. Children imitate their movements, and then run away from Santa Claus.

The snow is spinning

(based on a poem by A. Barto)

Target: to teach to correlate their own actions with the actions of the participants in the game.

Material: headband with snowflake emblem. The teacher reminds the children that snow light, it slowly falls to the ground, spinning, sometimes a breeze will blow. Then he offers snowflake rims to all participants in the game.

Game progress

The teacher invites the children to spin, pronouncing:

Snow, snow is spinning, The whole street is white!

Then, gesturing for the children to come closer, pronounces:

We all gathered in a circle, spun like a snowball.

Children perform actions arbitrarily and at the end slowly squat.

The teacher says: "A cold wind blew." How? Wwww!"

Www!" - say the children. Scattered, scattered snowflakes in different directions. The children run around the playground. The game at the request of the children can be repeated 3-4 times.

Chickens and dog

Target: to exercise children in performing various actions, in climbing and crawling under the cord.

Material: emblems of chickens, large toy dog, cord.

The teacher distributes emblems of chickens. Fixes the stretched cord at a height of 60-70 cm from the ground. This is the chicken house. At a distance of 2 m from the cord, the dog house is a booth.

Game progress

The baby chickens are behind the cord. The hen teacher calls "chickens": “Ko-ko-ko! Go peck the grains! "Chickens" crawl under the cord, run around the area in front of the dog, squeak.

The teacher approaches the dog, takes it in arms: "Woof! Woof! "Chickens" run away in different directions. "Hen" calling "chickens" hide in the house (crawl under the cord, and she herself threatens doggy: "Don't scare my kids!" The game is repeated 3-4 times.

We are fun guys

Target: learn to perform actions according to the instructions of an adult.

Adult: "Now let's play. I will sing and you listen and do what I ask sentence: "Sunny Spring Day".

Game progress

We are dancing near the flowerbed On a sunny cheerful day.

So we circle in place

So we stomp our feet

So we clap our hands

This is how we wash our hands

So we wipe our hands And run to mom soon!

(Children repeat: "Sunny Spring Day" and dance.)

(Children repeat: "Sunny Spring Day".) (Perform movements - stomp.)

(Children: "Sunny Spring Day", and clap.) ( Children: "Sunny Spring Day", and "wash their hands".) (Run to teacher.)

All the children ran to their mother! Well done, funny guys. The game is repeated.

Bunny gray

Target: learn to act according to the words of the text.

Material: bunny emblems.

An adult distributes emblems to children and explains: Listen carefully and follow the steps.

Game progress

The gray hare washes, It can be seen that he is going to visit. I washed my nose, I washed my tail, I washed my ear. Wipe dry! And galloped: Jump-jump! Jump-jump!

An adult asks children: Tell us. The game continues.

(All "wash themselves".)

(Rubbing nose with palms, "tail", ears.)

(Everyone jumps.)“To whom are you jumping to visit, bunny?

Target: teach to imitate the characteristic movements of animals.

An adult reminds that it will come soon New Year- a holiday for everyone. Everywhere there will be decorated Christmas trees, around them everyone will dance, sing songs, dance. Forest animals also love this holiday, they come to visit children to admire their outfit, decorated Christmas tree, and have fun.

Game progress

Listen and immediately do what the animals do.

Come on, Christmas tree, brighter, Shine with lights! We invited guests to have fun with us. On the paths, on the snow, On the forest lawns A long-eared bunny galloped to us on a holiday.

Everyone is jumping like bunnies, running, bouncing.

And behind him, look everyone, the Red Fox. The fox also wanted to have fun with us.

Adult comments: "Quietly run like a fox".

Waddling is going clumsy bear. He carries honey as a gift And a big bump.

adult clarifies: "Stomping slowly, waddling".

Come on, Christmas tree, brighter, Flash with lights, So that the paws of the animals Dance themselves!

Children dance as they please. The game is repeated 2 times.

sun bunnies

(based on a poem by A. Brodsky "Sunny Bunny")

Target: clarify with children directions: up, down, sideways. Learn to perform a variety of movements.

Material: a small mirror in the hands of an adult. Look, a cheerful sunny bunny jumped to visit us. See how he rejoices, jumping up, then down, then to the side. And danced! (Leads a sunny bunny along the wall of the veranda.) Let's play with him.

Runaways are jumping - Sunny bunnies. Jump! Skok! Up - down - sideways!

Children are trying to catch a sunbeam.

We call them - Don't go. Were here - And they are not here.

Children are looking for a sunbeam.

Jump! Skok! Up - down - sideways!

Jump, jump In the corners.

Were there - And they are not there.

Children are included in the game.

Where are the runaways - Sunny Bunnies?

Everyone is waiting for the continuation of the game.

Mice dance

Target: exercise in performing movements.

The adult says that all the children will be mice, and one of them will be the cat Vaska. An adult who agrees to be a cat puts a child in a secluded corner of the playground, asks: “Like a cat meows, you know?”

Further explains to all: “We are mice, we will dance, run, play, have fun, but as soon as Vaska the cat wakes up, immediately scatter so that the cat does not catch you, mice. Show how mice run. Quickly, quickly and quietly, so as not to wake the cat. And how do they squeak?

Game move

Mice dance: children move quietly and sing along with an adult.

A cat is dozing on the stove. La-la-la!

Hush, mice, don't make noise, don't wake Cat Vaska. Vaska the cat will wake up - He will break our round dance!

Mice do not obey, run, squeak.

Here Vaska the cat woke up, A round dance ran up!

"Cat" runs for "mice": "Meow meow meow!" "Mice" scatter. At the request of the children, the game is repeated 2-3 times.

We are brave guys

Improve the skills of crawling on all fours between objects - in the forward direction, along the board, along the inclined board. Develop the ability to coordinate movements with words, crawl one after another without pushing. Formation skills safe behavior in mobile game.

Develop orientation in space, visual perception of landmarks.

Equipment: cubes, bricks, boards, cords.

Description. The teacher reads a poem, and the children crawl and walk, portraying scouts.

We are brave guys

Dexterous, skillful.

Let's crawl here and there - along the roads (forward)

Over the bridges (on the board)

Let's go up the mountain (on an inclined board)

We can see it is far away.

And then we'll find a path

And let's walk along it a little (walking along the winding "track", indicated by cords).

Sharp arrows

Target. Cultivate endurance and discipline.

Improve skills in throwing the ball at a vertical target.

Equipment: balls according to the number of children.

Description. The children are given balls. Teacher with children pronounces:

Strong hands, eye marks. It is difficult for the army without us.

We throw balls at the target - We hit exactly.

Basic movement: Walking, running

Game Description:

driving (Baba Yaga) stands in the center of the circle, the children walk in a circle and say the words:

“Grandma Yozhka is a bone leg,

She fell off the stove, broke her leg,

And then he says: My leg hurts. I went to the market, crushed the samovar. Went outside and crushed a chicken. Went out on the lawn, frightened the bunny.

After these words, the children scatter, the driver catches.

Cunning fox

Target. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards the participants of the game. Practice climbing gymnastic wall. Strengthen the ability to coordinate movements with words. Formation of caution and prudence on the gymnastic wall.

Equipment: gymnastic wall, hats of chickens and foxes.

Description. Children perform movements by pronouncing the words:

In the garden, in the yard

The chickens were walking.

The grains pecked

They were looking for a worm. (children walk, imitating the movements of chickens)

Suddenly out of nowhere

A sly fox appeared.

Chickens quickly n roost!

Otherwise, he will eat all of you! (children run and climb the gymnastic wall).


Target. Cultivate endurance and discipline.

Practice throwing the ball at a horizontal target with your left and right hands.

Develop the eye, oculomotor functions, fixation of the gaze.

Equipment: baskets, small balls of two colors.

Description. At a distance of 2 m from the children there are baskets, next to the children are small balls of two colors. The teacher explains to the children that they are hares, and the balls are vegetables that need to be collected in baskets.

Will collect hares deftly

Juicy carrots from the beds

And crispy cabbage.

The garden will be empty.

Children take turns throwing balls "vegetables" in basket: left hand - "carrot", and the right "cabbage".

Hunters and ducks

Target. To cultivate organization, attention, the ability to control their movements.

Exercise children in throwing a ball at a moving target. Develop the eye, oculomotor functions, fixation of the gaze.

Description. Players on the same team "hunters" stand behind the circle line _ (around the lake, and the players of the other team "ducks", located in a circle (on the lake). The hunters are shooting "ducks" (throws small balls). Ducks move within a circle. padded "duck" leaves the lake. The game continues until all "ducks" will not be hit. After that, the teams switch roles

Find where it's hidden

Children stand along the wall of the room. The teacher shows them the flag and says that he will hide it. Children turn to face the wall. The teacher hides the flag and He speaks: "It's time". Children are looking for a hidden flag. Whoever finds the flag first hides it when the game is repeated. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

Directions. If the children cannot find the flag for a long time, the teacher goes to the place where it is hidden and offers to look there. When the flag is hidden by the child, he must be helped to find the appropriate place.

Day Night

Target: develop speed, agility, spatial orientation skills.

Game progress. Children are divided into two teams - "day" and "night". On signal "Day!" the children of this team run away, and the other catches up with them. On signal "Night!" vice versa.


jump jump

Jump jump.
Jumping, jumping sparrow
Cries of little children
Chiv, chiv, chiv
Throw the crumbs to the sparrow
I will sing you a song
(imitate the movements of a sparrow: jumping on two legs, waving your arms.)
Suddenly the dog came running
Sparrow scared.

Game "We stomp our feet"

Target. Teach children to perform movements in accordance with the text.

We stomp our feet.

We clap our hands
We nod our heads.
We raise our hands
We lower our hands.
We give hands. (They take each other's hands.)
And we run around
And we run around.

At the signal of an adult "Stop!" the baby must stop. The game can be repeated with running in the other direction

"Birds in the Nest"

Target. The game trains memory, attention, develops speed of movement, orientation in space. .
- Draw a few circles on the ground - these are nests.
- At a signal, all the birds fly out of their nests, scatter in all directions, squat, peck food, fly again, waving their wings.
The adult says:
Birds were flying, little birds.
Everyone flew, everyone flew - they waved their wings.
They sat down on the path, ate grains.
Klu-klu-klu-klu, how I love grains.

We clean the feathers so that they are cleaner.

Like this, like this, to be cleaner!
We jump on the branches to be stronger for the children.
Jump-jump, jump-jump, we jump along the branches.
- On a signal: "Fly home to the nests!" children return to the "nests" - first at any
- Then you can complicate the task: you need to return to exactly the nest from which you "fly out
Sparrows and car.

Description. Children sit on chairs or benches on one side of the playground or room. These are sparrows in nests. On the opposite side is the teacher. He represents a car. After the words of the educator "Flew, sparrows, onto the path," the children rise from their chairs, run around the playground, waving their winged arms.

At the signal of the teacher, "The car is driving, fly, sparrows, to your nests!" the car leaves the garage, the sparrows fly into the nests (sit on chairs). The car is returned to the garage.

Instructions for conducting. At first, a small group (10-12) of children takes part in the game, over time there may be more playing. It is necessary to first show the children how sparrows fly, how they peck grains, do these movements with the children, then you can enter the role of a car into the game. Initially, this role is assumed by the educator, and only after repeated repetitions of the game can it be entrusted to the most active child. The car should not move too fast to allow all children to find their place.

C spruce. Teach children to walk and run one after another in small groups, first holding on to each other, then not holding on; teach them to start moving and stop at the signal of the teacher.

Description. The teacher invites several children to stand one after another, he himself stands in front of them and says: "You will be trailers, and I will be a locomotive." The locomotive gives a whistle - and the train starts moving slowly at first, and then faster. The movement is accompanied by the sounds that the players make. From time to time the locomotive slows down and stops, the teacher says at the same time: "That's the stop." Then the locomotive again gives a whistle - and the train moves on.

Instructions for conducting. First, a small group of children is involved in the game. On repetition it may be more participating (12-15). At first, each child holds on to the clothes of the person in front, then the children freely walk one after another, move their arms, imitating the movement of the wheels of a steam locomotive, and say to the beat: "Chu-choo-choo."

The role of the locomotive is initially performed by the educator. Only after repeated repetitions, the role of the leader is entrusted to the most active child. The locomotive must move slowly so that the child wagons do not lag behind.

The players line up randomly one after the other. With repeated repetition of the game, you can invite the kids to go for a walk at the bus stop, pick flowers, pick berries, play, jump. Upon hearing the whistle, the children should quickly line up behind the locomotive.

. Teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other; teach them to listen carefully to the signal and start moving on the verbal signal.

Description. The teacher calls the names of 3-4 children and invites them to prepare for the flight, showing them in advance how to start the engine and how to fly. The named children go out and stand randomly on one side of the playground or room. The teacher says: "Get ready for the flight. Start the engines!" Children do rotational movements hands in front of the chest and pronounce the sound "rrr". After the teacher's signal "Let's fly!" children spread their arms to the sides (like the wings of an airplane) and fly - scatter in different directions. At the signal of the educator "To land!" they go to their chairs and sit on them. Then another group of children play.

Instructions for carrying out. The teacher must show the children all the game movements. When playing the game for the first time, he performs movements with the children.

When the game is repeated, more children can be called, and after repeated repetitions, all children can be invited to fly on airplanes.

. To teach children to become in a circle, to make it wider, then narrower, to teach them to coordinate their movements with the spoken words.

Description. Children, together with the teacher, hold hands and form a small circle, standing close to each other. The teacher says: Inflate, bubble, Inflate, big, Stay like that. Don't crash.

The players step back and hold hands until the teacher says: "The bubble has burst!" Then they lower their hands and squat down, while saying: "Clap!" You can also invite the children after the words "bubble burst" to move to the center of the circle, still holding hands and pronouncing the sound "shhh" - the air comes out. Then the children inflate the bubble again - step back, forming a large circle.

Instructions for conducting. At first, a small number of children (6-8) take part in the game. When repeated, 12-15 people can play at the same time. The teacher should pronounce the text slowly, clearly, clearly, involving the players in this.

Before the game, you can show the kids real soap bubbles.

Sun and rain
. To teach children to walk and run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to teach them to act on the signal of the teacher.

Description. Children sit on chairs or benches. The teacher says: "Sunshine! Go for a walk!" Children walk and run around the playground. After the words "Rain! Hurry home!" they run to their places. When the teacher says again: "Sunny! You can go for a walk," the game is repeated.

Instructions for conducting. At first, a small number of children participate in the game, then 10-12 people can be involved. Instead of chair houses, you can use big motley an umbrella under which children hide at the signal "Rain!". During the walk, you can invite children to pick flowers, berries, jump, walk in pairs.

When repeated, the game can be made more difficult by placing houses (3-4 chairs each) in different places in the room. Children must remember their house and, at a signal, run into it.

My cheerful sonorous ball
Target. Teach children to jump on two legs, listen carefully to the text and run away only when they are spoken last words.

O scripture. Children sit on chairs on one side of the room or playground. The teacher stands in front of them at some distance and performs exercises with the ball; he shows the children how easily and high the ball jumps if you hit it with your hand, and at the same time he says: My cheerful sonorous ball, Where did you rush off? Red, Yellow, Blue, Can't keep up with you!(S. Marshak)

Then the teacher calls 2-3 children, invites them to jump at the same time as the ball and repeats the exercise, accompanying it with words. Having finished, he says: "Now I'll catch up!" The kids stop jumping and run away from the teacher, who pretends to catch them.

Instructions for conducting. When the game is repeated, the teacher calls other children and more. Last time you can offer to be balls to all children at the same time. The teacher must make movements and pronounce the text at a fast pace, corresponding to the jumps of the children, but the jumps are quite frequent. If the children cannot reproduce the movements of the ball, they need to be shown again how the ball bounces.

The birds are flying
Target. To teach children to jump from low objects, to run in all directions, to act only on a signal; teach kids to help each other.

. Children stand on a small elevation - a board, cubes, bars (height 5-10 cm) - on one side of the room or playground. The teacher says: "The sun is shining outside, all the birds fly out of their nests, looking for grains, crumbs." Children jump off elevations, fly (run around waving their arms), squat, peck grains (knock their fingers on their knees or on the floor). With the words of the teacher, "It's raining! All the birds hid in their nests!" the children run to their places.

Instructions for conducting. Before the game, the teacher must prepare low benches or such a number of cubes, bars, so that everyone who wants to play is enough. They should be placed on one side of the playground or room at a sufficient distance from one another so that the children do not push and can freely take their places. You need to show the kids how to gently jump off, help them climb to the dais after running. When repeating the game, the signal can be given, in one word: "Sunshine!" or "Rain!". Children need to know at what signal what to do.

Find your house

Target. Teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, start moving and change it at the signal of the teacher, find their place.

Description . With the help of a teacher, the children are divided into groups, each group stands at a certain tree. These are their houses. At the signal of the teacher, the children scatter across the clearing in different directions. Then on a signal: "Find your house!" - children should gather in groups to the trees where they stood before the start of the game.
Instructions for conducting. The game can be played near trees familiar to children. Before starting the game, the teacher draws the attention of the children to which tree they are standing by, asks them to name it. The game can be called "Find your tree".
A white bunny is sitting.
Target. Teach children to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the text; teach them to jump, clap their hands, run away after hearing the last words of the text. Bring joy to children.

Description. Children sit on chairs or benches on one side of the room or playground. The teacher says that they are all bunnies, and invites them to run out into the clearing. Children go to the middle of the room, stand near the teacher and squat down.

the teacher pronounces the text:

Little white bunny sits

And wiggles his ears.

Like this, like this

He moves his ears.

Children move their hands, raising them to their heads.

It's cold for a bunny to sit

You need to warm up your paws.

Clap, clap, clap, clap,

You need to warm up your paws.

From the word "clap" to the end of the phrase, the children clap their hands.

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Bunny needs to jump.

From the words "skok-skok" to the end of the phrase, the children bounce on both legs in place.

Someone (or a bear) scared the bunny,

Bunny jumped ... and galloped away.

The teacher shows a toy bear - and the children run away to their places.

Instructions for conducting. The game can be played with any number of children. It is imperative that before the start of the game it is necessary to prepare the places where the bunnies will run away. At first, you can not single out the driver, all children simultaneously perform movements in accordance with the text. After repeating the game many times, you can select a child for the role of a bunny and put him in the middle of the circle. Having finished reading the text, one should not quickly run after the children, one should give them the opportunity to find a place for themselves. It is not necessary to demand from the kids that they must sit down in their place; everyone takes free place on a chair, bench, carpet. But with the systematic repetition of the game, children remember their places well and quickly find them.

bear clumsy


bear clumsy
Walking through the forest
(1. We walk briskly)
collects cones,
Sings songs.
(2. Squat - collect bumps)
The bump bounced
Directly to the bear in the forehead.
(3. Hold hands on forehead)
Teddy bear got angry
And with the foot - top! (4. Stomp foot)

Two funny sheep

C spruce. Teach children to perform movements in accordance with the text.Two funny sheep
They split up near the river.
Jump jump, jump jump!
(1. Have fun jumping) Jumping white sheep
Early in the morning near the river.
Jump jump, jump jump!
Up to the sky, down to the grass.
Up to the sky, down to the grass
(2. We stand on our legs, stretch up 3. We squat, we lower our hands down) And then they circled(4. spinning) And fell into the river(5. We fall).

There is a horned goat

Target. Teach children to perform movements in accordance with the text.
There is a horned goat
(1. We put "horns" to the head)
For the little guys.
Legs - top-top!

(stomp feet)
Eyes - clap-clap!
(2. Close your eyes and open your eyes)Who doesn't eat porridge?
Who doesn't drink milk?
(3. We threaten with a finger)I'm going to gore, I'm going to gore! (4. We butt)

Two beetles

Target. Teach children to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Two beetles in the meadow
Hopak danced:
(1. We dance, hands on the belt)
Right leg top, top!
(2. Stomp with the right foot)
Left foot top, top!
(3. Stomp with the left foot) Hands up, up, up!
Who will rise above all?
(4. We stand on toes, stretch up).

You can play a child on the street with a ball. I want to continue this topic, because it is very relevant today. After all, summer is just around the corner, and this is a good contribution to the physical, mental and social development(if there are several players).

So, what games can be singled out separately?

1) Of course, bouncers.

In order to play dodgeball, you need a small area and a ball. There should be at least 3 players, but it's more interesting when there are a lot of them. Then the ball is more difficult to dodge, and you need to look for options on how not to get caught by the bouncer.

With the help of a counting rhyme, two people are selected who will play the role of a bouncer. They stand on both sides of the platform opposite each other. Participants stand in the center of the site.

The essence of the game lies in the fact that throwing the ball between themselves, the bouncers must hit one of the players with it. Well, they should try to dodge the ball.

The player hit by the ball is out of the game. But according to the rules, it can be returned to the game, for this it is tedious to catch the ball on the fly.

If several people are eliminated from the game, and not just one, then the player who caught the ball must choose who to return to.

If only one person remains from the knocked out, then he must try to dodge the ball as many times as he is old.

This game is also interesting because there are several variations of throwing the ball:

1. Bomb

The bouncer must shout "bomb" and toss the ball high up over the kickers. And they should squat down. If the ball hits someone, then he is out of the game. At the moment the ball falls, you can only move on your haunches.

2. Candle

The bouncer yells "candle" and throws the ball high into the air again. The task of the players is to catch the ball, since an extra life is given for this. You can share it with a previously retired player, or keep it for yourself.

3. Creek

The bouncer yells "stream" and rolls the ball down the middle of the court on the ground. As it rolls, all players must position themselves so that it rolls between their legs. If someone fails, they are out.

2) Hot potato

Players must stand in a circle and throw the ball to each other, serving it. Whoever did not beat back, squats from the center of the circle.

Any of the players, at will, can help out the eliminated. To do this, you need to hit the ball, hit it. If successful, the player returns to his place.

Those players who have dropped out and are in the center of the circle can catch the ball themselves, only without getting up. If someone succeeds, they all return to the game, and the one who threw is out.

If the children are very young and do not yet know how to hit the ball, they should try to catch it with both hands. Who did not catch - squats in the middle of the circle.

3) Doggy

With the help of a counting rhyme, one player is selected who plays the role of a dog. He stands in a circle formed by the rest of the players.

The essence of the game is that the participants throw the ball to each other, and the dog must intercept it on the fly and catch it.

If the dog catches the ball, he takes the place of the player who threw it, and he moves to the place of the dog.

4) Square

This game is for four people. She needs a platform and chalk.

On the site you need to draw a diagram, which consists of a large square, divided into four parts. Each participant stands in his quarter.

To determine who starts the game, the ball must be thrown into the central square. To whom he is kittens, he begins.

The ball must be thrown diagonally so that it hits the ground in its own quarter and rebounds in the opposite one. And that player must beat it off after touching the ground. Moreover, you can serve with your feet (knee) and head. By hand, you can't.

If the ball does not hit the opponent's quarter, the player who threw it gets one point. If the ball hits the ground more than once in the opponent's quarter, he also gets one point.

If the ball, after it has been hit, goes out of bounds, the out is counted to the departing participant.

After one of the players scores five points, everyone changes quarters. The game ends when at least one player reaches 20 points. Well, the winner is the one who scored the least.

5) One touch

This game requires any wall and at least two players.

On the wall, conditionally or with the help of chalk, a gate is drawn.

The essence of the game is that the first player must kick the ball in such a way as to get into the goal, and the task of the second player is to kick the ball that has bounced so that it also hits the goal.

You can hit the ball with only one touch. The task of each participant is not only to hit the ball on the goal, but to hit it in such a way that it would be difficult for the opponent to serve it.

6) Pioneerball

To play, you need a volleyball net or any horizontal bar, even ropes for drying clothes are suitable. Participants should be from six to sixteen people. They should split into two teams and stand on both sides of the net, horizontal bar.

The essence of the game is that the player, who is within his area, must throw the ball over the net (horizontal bar). And in the opposing team, he must be caught and transferred to the side of the enemy. But you need to try exactly to the place that is poorly protected so that the ball is not caught. The ball is rolled over until it hits the ground. The team on whose field the ball touches the ground loses the point. The team whose member throws the ball out of the opponent's court also loses a point.

The game lasts until the first 10 points, after which the teams change places.

In one team, within your own field, you can make one transfer, that is, pass the ball to your player, who will throw it over the net (horizontal bar).

It can be so interesting and varied. What games do you know? Share in the comments and don't forget to hit the social media buttons.

"To visit the dolls" (walking games)

Children sit in a row on chairs or stand along the wall. The instructor invites them to visit the dolls. The children, along with him, slowly go to the dolls, greet them, play, and after the words of the instructor: "It's late, it's time to go home" - they leave, each to his place.

Recommendations. Several dolls before the start of the game can be placed throughout the room. When the game is repeated, the children visit all the dolls: they walk with them, dance, then put them in their place and return to their chairs.

"On the Path" (walking games)

On the floor or ground at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other, two parallel lines(or put two ropes) 2.5-3 m long. The instructor invites the children to walk along the path. They walk slowly back and forth along the path.

Recommendations. Children should walk carefully, trying not to step on the lines, not to interfere with each other, not to bump into the child walking in front. The instructor can increase or decrease the width and length of the path, depending on the capabilities of the children.

"Catch Me" (walking games)

Children sit on a bench or stand along the edge of the playground. The instructor offers to catch up with him and runs away. Children are catching up with him, trying to catch him. When they run up to the instructor, he stops and says, “Run away, run away! I'll catch up! ". The children run back to their seats.

"Bring the Item" (walking games)

The instructor invites one of the children to bring a toy lying on a chair at the opposite end of the room. When the child brings the toy, the instructor thanks him, offers to consider and name it and take it to the place. The next child brings another toy.

Recommendations. The game can also be organized for a group of children. In this case, there should be as many toys (rings, cubes, flags) as there are children playing. All children bring one toy at a time, and then take them to their place.

"Bubble" (walking games)

Children, together with the instructor, join hands and form a small circle. Perform appropriate movements.

Blow up, bubble

Blow up big

stay like this

Don't crash.

The players step back and hold hands until the instructor says: “The bubble has burst! Then they put their hands down and squat down while saying “Hop! ". You can also invite children after the words “Bubble burst! "Move to the center of the circle, still holding hands and pronouncing the sound "shhhh" - the air comes out. Then the children inflate the bubble again - step back, forming a large circle.

"On a long winding path" (walking games)

The instructor lays a 5-6 m long cord in a zigzag pattern on the floor. Children walk along a winding path.

Recommendations. It will be more interesting for children to perform the exercise if at the other end of the path they put some object of interest to them: a bear, a doll, a rattle. The instructor says: "Lena, go pet the bear, rattle it with a rattle."

The instructor makes sure that the children do not step on the cord, rope. If any of them is having difficulty, the instructor should help, support by the hand, cheer.

"Who is quieter" (walking games)

Children move in a crowd along with the instructor on the playground in one direction. They walk on their toes so that they cannot be heard.

"For a walk" (walking games)

The instructor invites the children to stand in pairs at will and go for a walk around the playground. At the signal of the instructor, they must gather in a certain place.

Recommendations. On the playground, you can put two chairs at a short distance from each other - these are the gates through which the kids must pass when going for a walk. The instructor helps the children become pairs, shows how to go in pairs: do not pull each other, keep up.

"Train" (walking games)

The children stand next to each other. The instructor says: “You will be trailers, and I will be a locomotive! » The locomotive honks and the train starts moving, slowly at first, then faster. Movements are accompanied by sounds that the players utter. From time to time the locomotive slows down and stops, while the instructor says: “Stop! ". Then the locomotive again gives a whistle - and the train moves on.

Recommendations. First, a small group of children is involved in the game. When the game is repeated, the number of participants can be increased. At first, the children hold on to the clothes of the person in front, then freely walk one after another, move their arms, imitating the movement of the wheels of a steam locomotive, and pronounce to the beat: “Chu-choo-choo! ".

At first, the role of a locomotive is played by an instructor or a child. senior group. After several repetitions, the role of the leader is assigned to the most active child. The locomotive must move slowly so that the wagons do not lag behind.

Children are built one after another randomly. When playing the game multiple times, you can invite the kids to go out at the bus stop for a walk, pick flowers, pick berries, play, jump. Upon hearing the whistle, the children should quickly line up behind the locomotive.

"Bouquet" (walking games)

Children sit on chairs, each of them has flowers of the same color in their hands (daisies for some children, carnations for others). The instructor stands in front of the children for 5-6 steps, steps back and says: “I want to collect a bouquet of white flowers” ​​(shows the children a camomile). Children approach the instructor and raise their hands high - they arrange a bouquet of daisies. Then the children return to their places. Next, the instructor shows a red carnation and says that he wants to collect a bouquet of red flowers. Children with carnations come up to her and arrange the bouquet in the same way. The instructor calls the children who completed the task, they were not mistaken. The game is repeated.

"Find the flag! » (walking games)

Children sit on high chairs eyes closed. The instructor hides the flags a few steps away from them. To the words of the instructor: “Look for the flags! The children get up and go looking for them. The one who found the flag takes it and sits down in his place. When all the flags are found, the children walk with the flags to the sound of a tambourine from the instructor. The child who first found the flag leads forward. After walking, the game is repeated.

"Who woke up the bear? » (walking games)

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle, and one child with a teddy bear in her arms sits with his back to the children. One of the children shouts loudly “ku-ka-re-ku! "The child, turning to the bear with the words "Let's go look for a cockerel", goes around all the children and, stopping in front of the one who crowed, says: "You woke up the bear." If he guessed right, then they change places, and the game repeats.

Airplanes (running games)

The instructor calls two or three children and invites them to prepare for the flight, showing them how to start the engine and fly.

The called children go out and stand on one side of the playground or room. The instructor says: “Get ready for the flight! Start the motors! ". Children make rotational movements with their hands in front of their chest and pronounce the sound “rrrr”. After the instructor's signal “Let's fly! "spread their arms to the sides (like the wings of an airplane) and fly - scatter in different directions. At the instructor's signal, "Landing! they head to their seats. Then another group plays.

When the game is repeated, you can call a larger number of children, and after repeated repetitions, invite everyone to fly on airplanes.

"Catch up with the dog" (running games)

The instructor holds a toy dog ​​in his hands, offers to catch up with her. First, the children sit on chairs or on a bench. At the signal “Catch up with the dog! » the instructor starts to move around the site in different directions, the children catch up with him. When most of the children run up to the instructor, he says: “Now you run away, and the dog will catch up with you! ". The children run and sit in their seats.

"Catch the ball" (running games)

Children play on the playground, whoever wants with whom. The instructor invites the children to run and play ball. Calling their names in turn, the instructor rolls the balls on the floor. Children catch them and bring them to the instructor.

Recommendations. In the game, 8-10 children can simultaneously move around the playground in different directions. In the 3rd year of life, children are able with lively interest, joyfully and enthusiastically to run after the ball up to 20 times in a row. Instead of a ball, it is also convenient to use rubber rings.

Corydalis Hen (running games)

The instructor is a chicken, the children are chickens. One child is sitting on a bench - this is a cat that is napping in the sun. The instructor says:

The chicken came out

She has yellow chicks with her.

The chicken cackles: “Ko-ko,

Don't go far."

Approaching the cat, the instructor continues:

On a bench by the path

The cat lay down and dozes.

The cat opens its eyes

And the chickens are chasing.

The cat opens her eyes, meows and runs after the chickens, who run away with the mother chicken.

"Sun and rain" (running games)

Children sit on one side of the playground. The instructor says: “Sunshine! Go for a walk! » - children walk and run around the playground. After the words "Rain! Hurry home! they run to their places. When the instructor says again: “Sunshine! You can go for a walk! ”, the game is repeated.

"Sparrows and the car" (running games)

Children sit on a bench on one side of the playground - these are sparrows in nests. On the opposite side stands the instructor. He represents a car. After the words of the instructor: “Sparrows flew onto the path,” the children rise from their chairs, run around the site, waving their winged arms.

At the signal of the instructor, “The car is driving, fly, sparrows, to your nests! » The car drives out of the garage, the sparrows fly into the nests (sit down). The car returns to the garage - the sparrows flew.

"The game with scarves" (games with running)

Children sit on chairs on one side of the playground. Each of them has a scarf in their hands. The instructor stands aside in a drawn circle and asks: “Children, do you all have headscarves? » The children answer that they all have them. In the instructor's words:

You quickly run here

And show scarves!

The children run to the instructor, stand next to him and show scarves in their right and left hands. To the words of the instructor: “Let's go, let's run,” the children go wherever they want. To the instructor's tambourine at the end of the game, the children squat down and cover their faces with a scarf. The instructor quietly runs to another circle, which is drawn farther from the children, and says: “Look, children, this is where I am” and again the testament to the children. The game is repeated.

"Jump up to the palm of your hand" (jumping games)

Children take turns jumping, trying to get their heads to the hand of the instructor.

Recommendations. The exercise is performed individually with each child. The hand should be kept at a small distance from the child's head. If the baby reaches the palm without difficulty, the instructor can raise his hand higher. The bouncing exercise should be done in a comfortable manner.

You can invite the kids to jump like balls or like bunnies. Several children can participate in the game. The instructor shows and prompts: “Jump higher and land softly! ".

"Ring the Bell" (jumping games)

The instructor holds a bell tied to a ribbon in his hand. Each child jumps up and touches the bell with both hands two or three times. The children take turns doing the task.

Recommendations. Instead of a bell, the instructor can hold a rattle in his hands, a ball in the net. The instructor makes sure that the children, while bouncing, try to touch the object with both hands - this will ensure uniform development of the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

"Run - jump" (jumping games)

A variant of the complication of the game "Ring the bell." Children can be offered to run up and jump up to get to the ball, bell.

"The little white hare is sitting" (jumping games)

Children sit on one side of the playground. The instructor says: “Come on, bunnies, to the clearing! ". Children go to the middle of the room and squat next to each other. The instructor reads the poem:

Little white bunny sits

And wiggles his ears.

Like this, like this

He moves his ears.

(Children move their hands, raising them to their heads.)

It's cold for a bunny to sit

You need to warm up your paws.

Clap, clap, clap, clap,

You need to warm up your paws.

(From the word "clap" to the end of the phrase, the children clap their hands.)

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump.

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Bunny needs to jump.

(From the words "skok-skok" to the end of the phrase, the children bounce on both legs in place.)

Someone scared the bunny

Bunny jumped ... and galloped away.

(Children run to their seats.)

"The gray bunny washes" (jumping games)

Children become in a circle. In the center of the circle is a bunny child. Children together with the instructor say:

Gray bunny washes

Apparently, he is going to visit,

I washed my nose, I washed my tail,

I washed my ear, wiped it dry!

Bunny performs movements in accordance with the text. Then he goes to visit, jumps up, moving towards one of the children standing in a circle. The child to whom the bunny came to become in the center of the circle, and the bunny becomes in a circle.

"Jump the cord" (jumping games)

Children sit on chairs. The instructor puts a colored cord (length 3-4 m) on the floor. Children approach the cord and, at the signal of the instructor, try to jump over it.

"My cheerful sonorous ball" (jumping games)

Children stand next to the instructor. He performs exercises with the ball, shows the children how easy, high the ball jumps, if you hit it with your hand, while saying:

My cheerful

ringing ball,

Where did you run off to?

Red, yellow, blue,

Don't chase you! (S. Marshak)

Then the instructor calls the children, invites them to jump with the ball and repeats the exercise, accompanying it with words. Having finished, he says: “Now I’ll catch up! ". Children run away from the instructor.

"The birds are flying" (jumping games)

Children stand on a small elevation - a board, cubes, bars (height 5-10 cm) - on one side of the site. The instructor says: “The sun is shining outside, all the birds fly out of their nests, looking for grains, crumbs.” Children jump off hills, fly (run, waving their arms, squat, peck grains. With the words of the instructor “It's raining! All the birds hid in their nests!” Children run to their places.

"Crawl to the rattle" (crawling and climbing games)

Children sit on chairs placed along one of the walls of the room. In front of them, at a distance of 3-4 m, flags or rattles are placed on the floor. The instructor asks the children to crawl to the rattle on all fours, take it, stand up and rattle, then put the toy on the floor and return to their place.

"In the collar" (games with crawling and climbing)

Children sit on chairs. Ahead at a distance of 2.5 m is an arc - gates. Further, at a distance of another 2 m, there is a rack with a net, a ball lies on the floor at the rack. The instructor calls one of the children and offers to crawl under it on all fours, crawl to the ball, then stand up, pick up the ball with both hands and lower it into the net.

"Don't Step on the Line" (Crawling and Climbing Games)

The instructor draws on the floor two parallel lines 3-4 m long at a distance of 40-50 cm from one another. Children alternately crawl on all fours between the lines, trying not to touch them. At the end of the corridor, the child should stand up, raise both hands up, stretch or clap their hands over their heads, then return to their place.

"Be Careful" (Crawling and Climbing Games)

placed in front of the children gymnastic bench. The instructor invites one of the children to come to the end of the bench, stand on all fours (leaning on his knees and palms) and crawl to the end, holding on to its edges. At the end of the bench, the child should get up and go down from it.

"Monkeys" (games with crawling and climbing)

The instructor offers the monkey children one or two to go to the gymnastic wall, stand facing it and climb three or four slats, starting from the first, that is, climb a tree for fruits or nuts. The rest of the children follow the exercise. Then the next children complete the task.

"Chickens in the garden" (games with crawling and climbing)

On the site, with the help of racks and a cord, a small space is fenced off - a "garden". Chicken children are on one side of the fence, on the other side is an instructor-guard. When the instructor sits down on a chair, the chickens make their way into the garden, crawling under the fence. They run, peck, cackle. The watchman notices the chickens, drives them out of the garden - claps his hands, saying: “Shoo, shoo! ". The hens run away; at the same time they crawl under the fence again. The watchman walks around the garden and returns to his place. Then the game restarts.

"Ball in a circle" (throwing and catching games)

Children sit on the floor in a circle and at first, at the direction of the instructor, and then they themselves roll the ball to each other.

Recommendations. The instructor stands outside the circle and tells in case of difficulty who to roll the ball. Explains that the ball must be pushed away with both hands and stronger; shows how best to do it; serves the ball to the children if it rolls out of the circle.

"Hit the gate" (throwing and catching games)

The children are sitting on the bench. In turn, they get up and approach the place indicated by the instructor, in front of which, at a distance of two or three steps, there are arched gates. The child bends down, takes one of the balls lying on the floor and rolls it, trying to get into the collars. Having rolled three or four balls, the child goes and collects them.

Recommendations. The ball can be pushed with one or two hands. At the same time, two or three children can perform the exercise, for this it is necessary to have two or three arcs. When the children have mastered hitting the gates, you can complicate the task, for example, offer to knock down pins.

"Catch the ball" (throwing and catching games)

Children become in a circle. An instructor with a large bright ball (diameter 18-20 cm) stands in the center of the circle and alternately throws the ball, calling the name of the child: “Vova, catch the ball! ". The one who was called catches the ball and throws it to the instructor.

"Aim back" (games with throwing and catching)

Children become in a circle, each child holds in his hands small ball. In the center of the circle is a box or a large basket (distance no more than 1.5-2 m).

At the signal of the instructor, the children throw the balls into the box, then approach it, take out the balls, return to their places and repeat the exercise several times.

Recommendations. No more than 8-10 children can perform the exercise at the same time. If the child does not hit the target, he picks up the ball. When throwing at a target, most children throw objects with one hand from the shoulder. They should also be shown another way of throwing - with one hand from below: this way it is easier to hit a horizontal target.

"Hit the basket" (throwing and catching games)

A basket is placed on the ground. At a distance of 1.5-2 m from it, a circle is drawn. Behind him are 6-8 children at a distance of one step from each other. Each has two balls (bags, cones). On a signal, the children throw the ball into the basket, first with their right, then with their left hand. Then the balls are taken out of the basket and the exercise is repeated or passed on to the next children.

"Roll the ball" (throwing and catching games)

Children sit on the floor in a circle or semicircle. The instructor rolls the ball to each child in turn. Children catch the ball, then return it.

Throw High (throwing and catching games)

Children stand in a circle so as not to hinder each other's movements. Everyone has a ball in their hands. The exercise is to try to throw the ball as high as possible.

"Roll the hoop" (throwing and catching games)

The child, facing the instructor at a distance of three to four steps from him and holding the hoop, rolls it to the instructor, and then catches the hoop directed by the instructor.



Card file of outdoor games for 1 junior group(collected from various sources)

"To visit the dolls" (walking games)

Children sit in a row on chairs or stand along the wall. The instructor invites them to visit the dolls. The children, along with him, slowly go to the dolls, greet them, play, and after the words of the instructor: "It's late, it's time to go home" - they leave, each to his place.

Recommendations. Several dolls before the start of the game can be placed throughout the room. When the game is repeated, the children visit all the dolls: they walk with them, dance, then put them in their place and return to their chairs.

"On the Path" (walking games)

On the floor or ground at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other, two parallel lines are drawn (or two ropes are laid) 2.5-3 m long. The instructor invites the children to walk along the path. They walk slowly back and forth along the path.

Recommendations. Children should walk carefully, trying not to step on the lines, not to interfere with each other, not to bump into the child walking in front. The instructor can increase or decrease the width and length of the path, depending on the capabilities of the children.

"Catch Me" (walking games)

Children sit on a bench or stand along the edge of the playground. The instructor offers to catch up with him and runs away. Children are catching up with him, trying to catch him. When they run up to the instructor, he stops and says, “Run away, run away! I'll catch up! ". The children run back to their seats.

"Bring the Item" (walking games)

The instructor invites one of the children to bring a toy lying on a chair at the opposite end of the room. When the child brings the toy, the instructor thanks him, offers to consider and name it and take it to the place. The next child brings another toy.

Recommendations. The game can also be organized for a group of children. In this case, there should be as many toys (rings, cubes, flags) as there are children playing. All children bring one toy at a time, and then take them to their place.

"Bubble" (walking games)

Children, together with the instructor, join hands and form a small circle. Perform appropriate movements.

Blow up, bubble

Blow up big

stay like this

Don't crash.

The players step back and hold hands until the instructor says: “The bubble has burst! Then they put their hands down and squat down while saying “Hop! ". You can also invite children after the words “Bubble burst! "Move to the center of the circle, still holding hands and pronouncing the sound "shhhh" - the air comes out. Then the children inflate the bubble again - step back, forming a large circle.

"On a long winding path" (walking games)

The instructor lays a 5-6 m long cord in a zigzag pattern on the floor. Children walk along a winding path.

Recommendations. It will be more interesting for children to perform the exercise if at the other end of the path they put some object of interest to them: a bear, a doll, a rattle. The instructor says: "Lena, go pet the bear, rattle it with a rattle."

The instructor makes sure that the children do not step on the cord, rope. If any of them is having difficulty, the instructor should help, support by the hand, cheer.

"Who is quieter" (walking games)

Children move in a crowd along with the instructor on the playground in one direction. They walk on their toes so that they cannot be heard.

"For a walk" (walking games)

The instructor invites the children to stand in pairs at will and go for a walk around the playground. At the signal of the instructor, they must gather in a certain place.

Recommendations. On the playground, you can put two chairs at a short distance from each other - these are the gates through which the kids must pass when going for a walk. The instructor helps the children become pairs, shows how to go in pairs: do not pull each other, keep up.

"Train" (walking games)

The children stand next to each other. The instructor says: “You will be trailers, and I will be a locomotive! » The locomotive honks and the train starts moving, slowly at first, then faster. Movements are accompanied by sounds that the players utter. From time to time the locomotive slows down and stops, while the instructor says: “Stop! ". Then the locomotive again gives a whistle - and the train moves on.

Recommendations. First, a small group of children is involved in the game. When the game is repeated, the number of participants can be increased. At first, the children hold on to the clothes of the person in front, then freely walk one after another, move their arms, imitating the movement of the wheels of a steam locomotive, and pronounce to the beat: “Chu-choo-choo! ".

At first, the role of a locomotive is played by an instructor or a child of the older group. After several repetitions, the role of the leader is assigned to the most active child. The locomotive must move slowly so that the wagons do not lag behind.

Children are built one after another randomly. When playing the game multiple times, you can invite the kids to go out at the bus stop for a walk, pick flowers, pick berries, play, jump. Upon hearing the whistle, the children should quickly line up behind the locomotive.

"Bouquet" (walking games)

Children sit on chairs, each of them has flowers of the same color in their hands (daisies for some children, carnations for others). The instructor stands in front of the children for 5-6 steps, steps back and says: “I want to collect a bouquet of white flowers” ​​(shows the children a camomile). Children approach the instructor and raise their hands high - they arrange a bouquet of daisies. Then the children return to their places. Next, the instructor shows a red carnation and says that he wants to collect a bouquet of red flowers. Children with carnations come up to her and arrange the bouquet in the same way. The instructor calls the children who completed the task, they were not mistaken. The game is repeated.

"Find the flag! » (walking games)

Children sit on chairs with their eyes closed. The instructor hides the flags a few steps away from them. To the words of the instructor: “Look for the flags! The children get up and go looking for them. The one who found the flag takes it and sits down in his place. When all the flags are found, the children walk with the flags to the sound of a tambourine from the instructor. The child who first found the flag leads forward. After walking, the game is repeated.

"Who woke up the bear? » (walking games)

Children sit on chairs in a semicircle, and one child with a teddy bear in her arms sits with his back to the children. One of the children shouts loudly “ku-ka-re-ku! "The child, turning to the bear with the words "Let's go look for a cockerel", goes around all the children and, stopping in front of the one who crowed, says: "You woke up the bear." If he guessed right, then they change places, and the game repeats.

Airplanes (running games)

The instructor calls two or three children and invites them to prepare for the flight, showing them how to start the engine and fly.

The called children go out and stand on one side of the playground or room. The instructor says: “Get ready for the flight! Start the motors! ". Children make rotational movements with their hands in front of their chest and pronounce the sound “rrrr”. After the instructor's signal “Let's fly! "spread their arms to the sides (like the wings of an airplane) and fly - scatter in different directions. At the instructor's signal, "Landing! they head to their seats. Then another group plays.

When the game is repeated, you can call a larger number of children, and after repeated repetitions, invite everyone to fly on airplanes.

"Catch up with the dog" (running games)

The instructor holds a toy dog ​​in his hands, offers to catch up with her. First, the children sit on chairs or on a bench. At the signal “Catch up with the dog! » the instructor starts to move around the site in different directions, the children catch up with him. When most of the children run up to the instructor, he says: “Now you run away, and the dog will catch up with you! ". The children run and sit in their seats.

"Catch the ball" (running games)

Children play on the playground, whoever wants with whom. The instructor invites the children to run and play ball. Calling their names in turn, the instructor rolls the balls on the floor. Children catch them and bring them to the instructor.

Recommendations. In the game, 8-10 children can simultaneously move around the playground in different directions. In the 3rd year of life, children are able with lively interest, joyfully and enthusiastically to run after the ball up to 20 times in a row. Instead of a ball, it is also convenient to use rubber rings.

Corydalis Hen (running games)

The instructor is a chicken, the children are chickens. One child is sitting on a bench - this is a cat that is napping in the sun. The instructor says:

The chicken came out

She has yellow chicks with her.

The chicken cackles: “Ko-ko,

Don't go far."

Approaching the cat, the instructor continues:

On a bench by the path

The cat lay down and dozes.

The cat opens its eyes

And the chickens are chasing.

The cat opens her eyes, meows and runs after the chickens, who run away with the mother chicken.

"Sun and rain" (running games)

Children sit on one side of the playground. The instructor says: “Sunshine! Go for a walk! » - children walk and run around the playground. After the words "Rain! Hurry home! they run to their places. When the instructor says again: “Sunshine! You can go for a walk! ”, the game is repeated.

"Sparrows and the car" (running games)

Children sit on a bench on one side of the playground - these are sparrows in nests. On the opposite side stands the instructor. He represents a car. After the words of the instructor: “Sparrows flew onto the path,” the children rise from their chairs, run around the site, waving their winged arms.

At the signal of the instructor, “The car is driving, fly, sparrows, to your nests! » The car drives out of the garage, the sparrows fly into the nests (sit down). The car returns to the garage - the sparrows flew.

"The game with scarves" (games with running)

Children sit on chairs on one side of the playground. Each of them has a scarf in their hands. The instructor stands aside in a drawn circle and asks: “Children, do you all have headscarves? » The children answer that they all have them. In the instructor's words:

You quickly run here

And show scarves!

The children run to the instructor, stand next to him and show scarves in their right and left hands. To the words of the instructor: “Let's go, let's run,” the children go wherever they want. To the instructor's tambourine at the end of the game, the children squat down and cover their faces with a scarf. The instructor quietly runs to another circle, which is drawn farther from the children, and says: “Look, children, this is where I am” and again the testament to the children. The game is repeated.

"Jump up to the palm of your hand" (jumping games)

Children take turns jumping, trying to get their heads to the hand of the instructor.

Recommendations. The exercise is performed individually with each child. The hand should be kept at a small distance from the child's head. If the baby reaches the palm without difficulty, the instructor can raise his hand higher. The bouncing exercise should be done in a comfortable manner.

You can invite the kids to jump like balls or like bunnies. Several children can participate in the game. The instructor shows and prompts: “Jump higher and land softly! ".

"Ring the Bell" (jumping games)

The instructor holds a bell tied to a ribbon in his hand. Each child jumps up and touches the bell with both hands two or three times. The children take turns doing the task.

Recommendations. Instead of a bell, the instructor can hold a rattle in his hands, a ball in the net. The instructor makes sure that the children, while bouncing, try to touch the object with both hands - this will ensure uniform development of the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

"Run - jump" (jumping games)

A variant of the complication of the game "Ring the bell." Children can be offered to run up and jump up to get to the ball, bell.

"The little white hare is sitting" (jumping games)

Children sit on one side of the playground. The instructor says: “Come on, bunnies, to the clearing! ". Children go to the middle of the room and squat next to each other. The instructor reads the poem:

Little white bunny sits

And wiggles his ears.

Like this, like this

He moves his ears.

(Children move their hands, raising them to their heads.)

It's cold for a bunny to sit

You need to warm up your paws.

Clap, clap, clap, clap,

You need to warm up your paws.

(From the word "clap" to the end of the phrase, the children clap their hands.)

It's cold for a bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump.

Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Bunny needs to jump.

(From the words "skok-skok" to the end of the phrase, the children bounce on both legs in place.)

Someone scared the bunny

Bunny jumped ... and galloped away.

(Children run to their seats.)

"The gray bunny washes" (jumping games)

Children become in a circle. In the center of the circle is a bunny child. Children together with the instructor say:

Gray bunny washes

Apparently, he is going to visit,

I washed my nose, I washed my tail,

I washed my ear, wiped it dry!

Bunny performs movements in accordance with the text. Then he goes to visit, jumps up, moving towards one of the children standing in a circle. The child to whom the bunny came to become in the center of the circle, and the bunny becomes in a circle.

"Jump the cord" (jumping games)

Children sit on chairs. The instructor puts a colored cord (length 3-4 m) on the floor. Children approach the cord and, at the signal of the instructor, try to jump over it.

"My cheerful sonorous ball" (jumping games)

Children stand next to the instructor. He performs exercises with the ball, shows the children how easy, high the ball jumps, if you hit it with your hand, while saying:

My cheerful

ringing ball,

Where did you run off to?

Red, yellow, blue,

Don't chase you! (S. Marshak)

Then the instructor calls the children, invites them to jump with the ball and repeats the exercise, accompanying it with words. Having finished, he says: “Now I’ll catch up! ". Children run away from the instructor.

"The birds are flying" (jumping games)

Children stand on a small elevation - a board, cubes, bars (height 5-10 cm) - on one side of the site. The instructor says: “The sun is shining outside, all the birds fly out of their nests, looking for grains, crumbs.” Children jump off hills, fly (run, waving their arms, squat, peck grains. With the words of the instructor “It's raining! All the birds hid in their nests!” Children run to their places.

"Crawl to the rattle" (crawling and climbing games)

Children sit on chairs placed along one of the walls of the room. In front of them, at a distance of 3-4 m, flags or rattles are placed on the floor. The instructor asks the children to crawl to the rattle on all fours, take it, stand up and rattle, then put the toy on the floor and return to their place.

"In the collar" (games with crawling and climbing)

Children sit on chairs. Ahead at a distance of 2.5 m is an arc - gates. Further, at a distance of another 2 m, there is a rack with a net, a ball lies on the floor at the rack. The instructor calls one of the children and offers to crawl under it on all fours, crawl to the ball, then stand up, pick up the ball with both hands and lower it into the net.

"Don't Step on the Line" (Crawling and Climbing Games)

The instructor draws on the floor two parallel lines 3-4 m long at a distance of 40-50 cm from one another. Children alternately crawl on all fours between the lines, trying not to touch them. At the end of the corridor, the child should stand up, raise both hands up, stretch or clap their hands over their heads, then return to their place.

"Be Careful" (Crawling and Climbing Games)

There is a gymnastic bench in front of the children. The instructor invites one of the children to come to the end of the bench, stand on all fours (leaning on his knees and palms) and crawl to the end, holding on to its edges. At the end of the bench, the child should get up and go down from it.

"Monkeys" (games with crawling and climbing)

The instructor offers the monkey children one or two to go to the gymnastic wall, stand facing it and climb three or four slats, starting from the first, that is, climb a tree for fruits or nuts. The rest of the children follow the exercise. Then the next children complete the task.

"Chickens in the garden" (games with crawling and climbing)

On the site, with the help of racks and a cord, a small space is fenced off - a "garden". Chicken children are on one side of the fence, on the other side is an instructor-guard. When the instructor sits down on a chair, the chickens make their way into the garden, crawling under the fence. They run, peck, cackle. The watchman notices the chickens, drives them out of the garden - claps his hands, saying: “Shoo, shoo! ". The hens run away; at the same time they crawl under the fence again. The watchman walks around the garden and returns to his place. Then the game restarts.

"Ball in a circle" (throwing and catching games)

Children sit on the floor in a circle and at first, at the direction of the instructor, and then they themselves roll the ball to each other.

Recommendations. The instructor stands outside the circle and tells in case of difficulty who to roll the ball. Explains that the ball must be pushed away with both hands and stronger; shows how best to do it; serves the ball to the children if it rolls out of the circle.

"Hit the gate" (throwing and catching games)

The children are sitting on the bench. In turn, they get up and approach the place indicated by the instructor, in front of which, at a distance of two or three steps, there are arched gates. The child bends down, takes one of the balls lying on the floor and rolls it, trying to get into the collars. Having rolled three or four balls, the child goes and collects them.

Recommendations. The ball can be pushed with one or two hands. At the same time, two or three children can perform the exercise, for this it is necessary to have two or three arcs. When the children have mastered hitting the gates, you can complicate the task, for example, offer to knock down pins.

"Catch the ball" (throwing and catching games)

Children become in a circle. An instructor with a large bright ball (diameter 18-20 cm) stands in the center of the circle and alternately throws the ball, calling the name of the child: “Vova, catch the ball! ". The one who was called catches the ball and throws it to the instructor.

"Aim back" (games with throwing and catching)

Children become in a circle, each child holds a small ball in his hands. In the center of the circle is a box or a large basket (distance no more than 1.5-2 m).

At the signal of the instructor, the children throw the balls into the box, then approach it, take out the balls, return to their places and repeat the exercise several times.

Recommendations. No more than 8-10 children can perform the exercise at the same time. If the child does not hit the target, he picks up the ball. When throwing at a target, most children throw objects with one hand from the shoulder. They should also be shown another way of throwing - with one hand from below: this way it is easier to hit a horizontal target.

"Hit the basket" (throwing and catching games)

A basket is placed on the ground. At a distance of 1.5-2 m from it, a circle is drawn. Behind him are 6-8 children at a distance of one step from each other. Each has two balls (bags, cones). On a signal, the children throw the ball into the basket, first with their right, then with their left hand. Then the balls are taken out of the basket and the exercise is repeated or passed on to the next children.

"Roll the ball" (throwing and catching games)

Children sit on the floor in a circle or semicircle. The instructor rolls the ball to each child in turn. Children catch the ball, then return it.

Throw High (throwing and catching games)

Children stand in a circle so as not to hinder each other's movements. Everyone has a ball in their hands. The exercise is to try to throw the ball as high as possible.

"Roll the hoop" (throwing and catching games)

The child, facing the instructor at a distance of three to four steps from him and holding the hoop, rolls it to the instructor, and then catches the hoop directed by the instructor.

Participants must be arranged in a circle. Choose a wide area to play. Choose a leader who stands in the center.

Standing in a circle between them begin toss the ball volleyball (or basketball). The leader stands in the center of the circle. He tried to intercept the ball, or at least touch the ball with his hand when the ball was in the air or in the hands of the players.
If the driver managed to do it in his place, which was the last ball players, the lead in the circle
Before the game, you can agree, can not only throw the ball to the other side through the air, and rolled on the ground. If the ball hits the ground the players can change their position in the circle. Take the ball and get back on then the place where they were and they keep playing.
Integrated game , you can choose between two lead . You can also agree to no more hugs in the air rather than throwing the ball lower. The teacher carries a responsibility for compliance with these rules, which introduced a new leadership violation (from among the violators) of the rules, as well as the circle.

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