Julia is a Russian name or not. Julia. Meaning of the name

The name Julia has quite ancient roots and to find out its meaning, you need to look into the depths of history. Historians offer us at least two theories of its origin.

According to one version, the name is Greek and comes from the word yulos (ϊουλος), which translates as "fluffy" or "wavy". So according to this theory the meaning of the name Julia is "fluffy" or "wavy".

According to the second theory, the name is Julia, female form named Julius. Well, the name Julius came from the genus Julius and means "from the genus Julius." By the way, there is a similar theory regarding the name Sergey. This name is also attributed to the origin of one patrician family - the Sergeev family.

The meaning of the name Julia for a girl

Girls named Julia grow up as friendly and contact children. They are easy to find mutual language with other children. Likes to share toys, which is not typical for children. At the same time, they almost always rejoice and charge others with joy. Julia is an obedient girl and her upbringing will not cause difficulties for her parents.

Julia can get good grades in studies, but with knowledge it is more difficult. If she likes the subject and she considers it important, then knowledge will be on highest level. If the subject is not interesting to her, then this is knowledge for one day, as they say, "surrender and forget." Studying for Yulia is rarely important, which, in principle, does not affect academic performance.

Yulia's health is strong, but like many people she has weaknesses. Yulia's ears are usually a rather problematic place. She catches them easily, especially in adolescence. Nothing helps here, except as a precautionary measure.

Short name Julia

Julia, Yulyok, Yulia.

Diminutive names

Yulechka, Yulenka, Yulyushka, Yulchik, Yulyonok.

Name Julia in English

AT English language Julia's name is spelled Julia.

Yulia name for passport- IULIIA, according to the machine transliteration rules adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Julia into other languages

in Arabic - جوليا (read as Yu-li-ya)
in Bulgarian - Julia
in Greek - Ιουλία
in Spanish - Julia
in Italian - Giulia
in Chinese - 朱莉娅 (read as Yu-li-ah)
in German - Julia
in Romanian - Iulia
in Tatar - Julia (with an accent on the last syllable)
in Ukrainian - Julia
French - Julie
in Japanese - ジュリア (read as Yuria)

Church name Julia(in Orthodox faith) is spelled as Iulia.

Characteristics of the name Julia

If you try to characterize the name Julia, then it could most likely be called changeable. She can easily become sad from scratch and just start to rejoice again. The main thing is not to disturb her in vain at the moment of a change of mood. She can also be described as a "hostess". This trait of her character affects her life priorities and daily behavior.

Julia is a good employee at work. She rarely works for pleasure and achieves success in her work, but she performs her duties well. The main thing here is to find the criteria for evaluation in the work. She goes to work "from bell to bell" and happily runs home as soon as possible.

Family for Julia is the main thing in life. She evaluates her own success by looking at her family. Is there a car, what house, what food is in the house, how are the children dressed? She asks herself all these questions every day and strives for everything to be of the highest standard. She chooses a husband who is hardworking and appreciates such care. He brings up children for show and does not devote much time to education. But you can definitely say that she loves them very much.

The secret of the name Julia

A lot of what Julia does for the family - she does it not for loved ones. This is her fad and you will rather have a perfect picture than a friendly and loving family. From the side, it will almost always seem that everything is perfect at Julia's house. That's what she's trying to do. If she finds a husband with the same approach to life, then the idyll will be really close.

Another secret can be called her sentimentality. Knowing this, she tries to avoid situations in which it will become noticeable to others. Often cries while watching movies. Take care of this feature of hers, it is rare these days.

Planet- The sun.

Zodiac sign- A lion.

totem animal- Dragonfly.

Name color- Bright yellow.

Wood- Oak.

Plant- Sunflower.

A rock- Amber.

- paired female name male name Julius is of Latin origin, meaning "of the Julius clan." The nature of the bearer of this name characterized by calmness, firmness, the presence of willpower. However, Julia is rather sentimental, but prefers to hide her feelings from everyone, trusting no one.

Julia knows how to present herself, she never allows herself to be harsh, straightforward in communication. She is delicate and tactful, has a great sense of humor. Julia is an optimist in life, she does not tend to think about bad things, to be sad. Depression is not about her.

The main disadvantage of Julia is laziness, which relaxes her, even if the business she started is extremely interesting to her. To succeed, she will have to fight with herself and her laziness constantly. Julia is often overly trusting and allows dishonest people to manipulate her. When she finds out about this, it becomes a heavy blow for her, but her offender is also unhappy. Yulia's kindness is manifested in caring for all her relatives, even distant ones. In general, the family for her is sacred. True, she is stubborn in communicating with her relatives, but she can compromise if she does not feel that she is being pressured.

Julia strives for self-expression, but the same laziness prevents her from achieving success. In addition, she often switches from one to another, having many interests and hobbies.

Julia never weaves intrigues, does not substitute anyone. This makes her respected by many people. Respect and good attitude is much more important to her career development and financial well-being. But sometimes her kindness and responsiveness can work against her. Julia sees only the good in others, so she cannot always distinguish good man from bad. She needs to learn to understand people, to be more critical. Julia does not like quarrels and scandals, she always strives to resolve the conflict peacefully.

Insolence, rudeness and disrespectful attitude - that's what can drive Julia out of herself. She does not like it when someone behaves arrogantly, arrogantly, tries to subordinate those around her to her will. Julia prefers to live in peace with everyone, but some people may well become her enemies. She does not like to realize that she has ill-wishers, but she cannot go against her conscience and principles. Julia does not agree to the appearance of friendship with a person whom she frankly does not like, but she tries not to show her dislike, as she is used to being tactful.

Julia is successful among men, but her personal life is often not very successful.

Diminutive forms of the name Julia

Julia, Yulenka, Yulechka, Yulchik, Yulia, Yulia, Yulochka, Yulok, Yulyushka.


A friendly, open girl who knows the art of communication. She is sincere in everything she says and does, as she does not accept falsehood. She has many friends and girlfriends who appreciate and respect her. She dreams of her own business, she will be happy if her dream comes true.


Soft, pleasant in communication, but trusts people too much. He is not afraid of betrayal, does not understand why he should be careful and first get to know a new acquaintance, and then trust him. Sometimes she lacks a sense of humor.


Beautiful, charming, with charm and a sense of humor. It is popular with men, likes to flirt, enjoy attention and compliments. She loves sports, it would suit her rhythmic gymnastics, and if you start at an older age - Pilates.


She is attached to her parents, especially to her mother. She is her best friend and will remain so for the rest of her life. Such attachment turns into dependence, which prevents her from accepting important decisions. He understands his dependence on loved ones, but finds it difficult to start a truly independent life.

a lion

Cheerful, energetic, active. Can't imagine youth without discos and entertainment. She loves when others respect her opinion. Sometimes he behaves inattentively towards others, may inadvertently offend someone.


Smart, serious, responsible. She is well versed in people, tries not to communicate with those who she does not like. With new acquaintances, he behaves cautiously, even closed, in no hurry to call them friends. Has a penchant for art and creativity, especially writing poetry.


Although lazy, she loves sports, especially swimming. Friendly and cheerful, but a little superficial in assessing others. He can call his friend someone whom he does not know well, which leads to disappointment in people.


Versatile, erudite, serious. He is proud of his independence and independence. Often behaves arrogantly towards others, which pushes them away from him. She behaves proudly with young people, because she is very vulnerable in her soul.


Vulnerable, soft, naive. He considers these traits to be his minus, in every possible way he tries to hide them and seem stronger and firmer. She dreams of finding a person who would become a true friend for her, faithful and devoted. Spends too much time at the computer, in social networks.


Predisposed to business, she is able to raise the company from scratch. Always rely on own forces, never asks someone for help, even if he needs it. She herself is ready to give up everything for the sake of her family and friends, even if she had important plans.


Reliable, responsible, always ready to help. Strives for self-realization and self-expression. He loves and knows how to achieve his goal, but he treats money calmly, not considering it the main thing in life. He is fond of art, likes to go to fashion exhibitions and read interesting books.


Sentimental, emotional, trusting. Can't resist handsome man Because looks are very important to her. I'm used to seeing only the good in people. Knows how to forgive, ready to forget everything in order to save good relationship. She has many friends, but not all of them can be considered real.

We continue to introduce you to the most popular female names peace. This article will be devoted to women whose name is Yulia: the meaning of the name, the character and fate of its bearer will be described in detail by us.

In Europe and the USA, a slightly different form of this name is widespread: Julia, Juliana, Julie.

The astrological patron named after Julia is the Sun.

The name Julia has two versions of its origin:

  • According to one of them, this name came from Greek word, which means "curly", "fluffy";
  • according to another version, it originated from the Latin word, which means "July, born in July."

Description of personality


This is a friendly woman, but a little secretive. She does not like to talk about her life, especially if at the time of the conversation she is not going smoothly, and is not inclined to gossip about others.

Yulia is trusted friend from childhood and for life. Everyone wants to become her friends, but not everyone succeeds.

Very often she cannot decide on something, make a choice, in which case she will suffer for a long time, tormented by doubts, until she turns to her most trusted friend for help.

There is some incredulity and caution in relation to people.


These women don't have many hobbies. Since childhood, Yulia has not really liked traveling, because she is almost always motion sick on any type of transport, and she is terribly afraid of flying.

But she loves to read, watch interesting programs. In general, she is fascinated by everything that is connected with phenomena that are mysterious and incomprehensible to the human mind. She believes in everything supernatural and often tries herself in divination and conspiracies.

Relationships and marriage

Capable of rash acts, she can marry literally the first person she meets, whom she falls in love with without memory. Men are attracted by her aura of mystery and charm, she has very large and expressive eyes. Marriage will most likely be due to a sudden pregnancy.

Family life is not easy for her, she does not like routine. And the mother will turn out to be wonderful, who will be able to become a good friend to her child and will communicate with him on an equal footing. Julia quickly becomes disappointed in her chosen one, she will never forgive betrayal. The first reckless marriage is likely to fall apart.


AT professional field she is a hardworking worker, however, she has to avoid difficult assignments. She changes jobs often, especially when she becomes the mother of her baby. After all, from now on, the family comes first for her.

She can be fascinated by the sphere of jurisprudence and psychology. As a rule, he tries himself in various professions, and will rarely be able to find a vocation of his whole life.


Julia is characterized by diseases of the respiratory system and throat. The reason may be a strong dependence on smoking. She is prone to frequent colds, she may have bad teeth, but she is terrified of treating them.

The influence of the date of birth on the character:

  • spring - artistic and cheerful, she is very emotional, she is attracted to creative professions;
  • summer - sociable and kind, will be able to realize herself in ecology and veterinary institutions, since she does not have a soul in animals;
  • autumn - serious and responsible, has a penchant for science;
  • winter is mysterious, she is attracted by everything incomprehensible and mysterious, she is a skilled storyteller, she can realize herself in commerce.

What kind of life awaits her?

Characteristics of the name Julia. What fate awaits her

In the family, Julia, as a rule, is the eldest child, a copy of her father.

From childhood, she will notice and understand that things are happening around that other people for some reason do not notice. She may have the gift of clairvoyance and prediction of the future. But most likely due to the ridicule of the people around her, she will not develop these talents.

Julia will get married early, perhaps an unplanned pregnancy will affect this, or another nervous breakdown amid losses will push her into the arms of the first person she meets. She will be very quickly disappointed in her chosen one, but she will be patient with all his antics, or vice versa, inaction, until the man cheats on her.

She will never forgive betrayal under any circumstances. Upon learning of this, she loses control of her emotions and can greatly surprise a man who always thought that his wife was a meek and patient woman.

The child will be her comfort. Whatever the father, she will love the child herself pure love. As a rule, boys are born to Yul. She is ready to stop at one child.

In the professional field, he will not strive for distant heights. Most likely, she will choose a mediocre occupation that brings her sufficient income and does not take much time and effort.

In her old age Julia will be a good grandmother, very hospitable, friendly and sociable. She will be happy to help her already adult child and his children. Baking pies and preparing pickles will be her favorite pastime.

What will the girl be like?

If you name your daughter Yulia, what future awaits her?

As a child, Yulechka will be a calm and quiet child. She will quickly find a friend for herself, the same baby as she is, and will happily spend time with her every day, without causing any trouble to her parents. The girls will grow up together and become good friends in future.

Yulia's mood often changes: now she can laugh and rejoice, and after a minute she will withdraw into herself and be silent, staring at one point. Throughout her childhood, she can hear various inexplicable voices and sounds, see unseen creatures, their shadows. The girl will not be afraid of this, she will take it for granted and even try to answer something. But with age, she will lose this ability and most likely forget about everything.


School years for Julia will be very difficult. She is absolutely not prone to learning, she is terribly burdened by sitting at her desk all day long, and she would not look at homework at all. Just do not force the girl to do homework and succeed in learning. You will get nothing but more hatred. It is important to try to captivate and interest her, it is possible through the game, it is possible through encouragement.

Teenage years

As a teenager, Julia begins to notice that she is surrounded by boys. They show interest in her, and she willingly accepts their courtship. During this period, it may again fall out of educational process. A very amorous girl, it is important to talk to her about contraceptive methods as early as possible.

Notable namesakes

  1. Yu. Timoshenko (born 1960) - surname at birth - Grigyan, then changed to the surname of Telegin's mother; state and political figure Ukraine, Prime Minister of Ukraine (2005, 2007 - 2010);
  2. Y. Menshova (born 1969) - Soviet and Russian actress and TV presenter;
  3. J. Frank (born 1970) - German writer;
  4. Y. Norwich or Norwich (1342 - c.1416) - English spiritual writer, mystic, theologian, the first English woman who wrote the book - "Sixteen Revelations of Divine Love" (c.1393).

Historians do not know the exact origin of the name Julia, but there is a version that it is derived from the name of Yula Askania, the founder of the city of Alba Longa. It is believed that the famous Julius Caesar was a direct descendant of Iulus Ascanius. AT ancient rome The name Yulia began to be given to women from the Yuliev clan.

Julia is one of the brightest, simplest and most beautiful Orthodox female names, whose popularity has not only not been lost over the years, but continues to grow. And this is not surprising, because so many beautiful and talented women bear the name Julia. For example, singers Yulia Nachalova and Yulia Savicheva, actresses Yulia Menshova and Yulia Snigir, writers Yulia Shestakova and Yulia Voznesenskaya, figure skater Yulia Lipnitskaya, director Yulia Krasnova and many others.

Name days and patron saints

The main patroness of all women named Julia is Julia (Julia) of Carthage, who lived around 200-400 BC. At the age of 10, Julia from Carthage was sold into slavery in Syria, where she ended up in a pagan family. The owner treated her well, but could not convince the girl to accept the pagan faith - she still remained a faithful Christian.

At the age of 20, the robbers stole Julia from her kind owner, and wanted to force her to accept paganism. The robbers tortured and mocked the girl for a long time, but she did not give up, and then the pagans crucified her on the cross. Before her death, an angel flew out of the crucified Julia, at the water of which the robbers got scared and fled. Julia's body was removed from the cross and buried in a nearby Christian monastery.

AT Orthodox saints there are several more saints named Julia, so you can choose name days closer to your birthday from the following dates: January 3, 9 and 15. March 17, April 2, May 16 and 31, June 15, July 5, 19 and 29, August 30 and 31, November 14, December 10 and 17.


Julia is a sociable and direct person who is hard to miss. The energy of the name is characterized by such features as capriciousness, selfishness, stubbornness and the ability to achieve what you want by any means.

Julia is always a talented and extraordinary person, she simply cannot be stupid and mediocre. She is sociable and open, but behind external cheerfulness there is always a personal selfish interest. She will not help her neighbor just because he needs it. Julia never does anything for nothing. But at the same time, she has a penchant for adventures, unjustified risk and hasty decisions.

Julia's circle of acquaintances consists of successful and wealthy people, they must be the cream of the society in which she rotates. She is invariably tactful and correct with everyone, she demands the same attitude towards herself - a mentoring tone or pressure towards her is undesirable and ineffective.

Julia approaches any business in her life responsibly - whether it's a career, choosing a job or marriage. She does not suffer from prejudice at all, but in relation to herself is a little hypochondriac. He will not tolerate moralizing in his address, but he will not impose his opinion on anyone either.

All Julias have a sense of dignity and even pride. A woman always fulfills her obligations, her words rarely diverge from her deeds. She has a firm and honest character, although many mistake these traits for stubbornness.

Julia is perfectly able to restrain her emotions, so from the outside she may seem cold and indifferent. At heart, she is sentimental and vulnerable, but knows how to hide her feelings well. Julia tries to avoid situations in which her feelings can break out.

Julia is an incredibly dodgy nature, able to get out of the water under any circumstances. A great sense of humor, a sharp mind, resourcefulness and observation make her an outstanding personality that cannot be overlooked.


Little Julia is a passionate and emotional girl who knows how to infect everyone around her with her joy. She likes to be in the center of attention, the feeling of embarrassment is unusual for her. In childhood, it is often difficult for a child to get along with the people closest to her - her parents.

The girl is stubborn, will stand her ground, even if she feels that she is not right. Yulia has a rich imagination, she very closely and emotionally perceives what she hears and sees, and is often offended. In adolescence, a girl becomes withdrawn and silent - these qualities are likely to accompany her through life.

An excellent athlete or dancer can grow out of a child, so it is very important to give her to a sports or dance section as soon as possible.

Julia is a good student at school, as she is smart and reads a lot. She avoids quarrels and conflicts with her classmates in every possible way, gradually aristocratic manners and selectivity in acquaintances inherent in all Julias are gradually formed in her.


Julia is hardy and tireless, the owner of excellent health. She may have problems with her skin and teeth, her hair is also rarely thick and obedient by nature, and therefore requires careful care.

In adulthood, Julia may have gynecological problems possibly infertility.


Julia with early years a mass of admirers, whose attention she takes for granted and with great dignity. But real love able to awaken sensuality and passion in her, leaving not the slightest trace of external calmness.

Julia does not tolerate rudeness and vulgarity, but the sissy is also not the man of her dreams. Most often, Yulia leads an active sexual life that touches her heart and soul. She just loves sex, and she does not identify it with love. Julia's moral principles allow her to meet with several partners at once.

Marriage and family, compatibility with male names

Julia is extremely lucky in family life. Next to her is always a worthy man who can make her happy. A woman practically does not have conflicts with her husband and his relatives, but this does not mean that her family life will be easy. Julia has a difficult and changeable character, which not every man can get used to.

Julia is very fond of housekeeping, her house can be called exemplary. She cooks and preserves well, does not make unnecessary expenses and purchases. A woman gladly receives guests, she is not stingy and not envious.

For the sake of her husband and children, Yulia is ready to sacrifice successful career. She will not claim leadership in the family, but she will not allow herself to be manipulated.

For Yulia, the ideal picture of the family is very important - so that from the outside it seems that everything is fine with her, even if this is not true. She will never take out the "garbage from the hut" so as not to destroy the ideal picture. It is very important for Julia to find a husband with the same approach to life, then she will definitely be happy.

A successful marriage for Julia is possible with men named Vasily, Vladislav, Alexander, Maxim, Eugene, Cyril, Edward, Pavel and Gennady. An alliance with Andrei, Anatoly, Philip, Nikolai, Fedor and Robert should be avoided.

Business and career

In life, Julia is not too ambitious, therefore she rarely reaches career heights, especially since she is quite satisfied with the role of a housewife. Work for Julia will always be in second place after the family.

Julia realizes very early that every person has weak strings and skillfully pulls them, so she can make an excellent psychologist, teacher or educator. She can deal with difficult teenagers, work as a lawyer or human rights activist.

Hard work is not suitable for Julia, but she has an excellent sense of proportion and excellent taste. She can be a successful choreographer, designer, fashion designer, artist, makeup artist or make-up artist.

A good commercial sense will help her to be successful in business, the stars are generally supportive of Yulia in financial terms. Whatever profession Julia chooses, she will always be diligent and responsible, but she will always have to fight against laziness inherent in all Julias.

Talismans for Julia

  • The ruling planet is the Sun.
  • The patronizing sign of the zodiac is Libra. The name Julia is recommended for girls born under this constellation.
  • A good time of the year is summer, a good day of the week is Sunday.
  • The lucky color is yellow.
  • Totem plant - sunflower and oak. The sunflower is the personification of happiness, joy and good luck. The sunflower has always been attributed strong magical properties: it protects from the evil eye and damage, removes troubles from the house. Oak symbolizes wisdom, longevity, power and nobility.
  • Totem animal - dragonfly and deer. The dragonfly is a symbol of frivolity and speed, as well as grace and lightness. The deer symbolizes fertility and masculinity, as well as solitude and purity.
  • Talisman stone - amber and sapphire. Amber is able to absorb negative energy to attract love and good luck. Amber is a very strong love talisman. Sapphire bestows the ability to distinguish truth from lies, does not allow you to believe empty promises.

Horoscope for Julia

Aries- a real warrior, ready to trample anyone who does not go along with her. She is absolutely self-sufficient, but not indifferent to compliments and flattery. Julia-Aries is a good manipulator, but she herself never flaunts her weaknesses and shortcomings. Julia cannot be in a society where she will not be allowed to develop spiritually and use her many talents, so she always strives to get into aristocratic circles. Julia-Aries can easily do without a man in life, but, like any woman, she dreams of family happiness. The Sagittarius man can become the best match for her - their family union will be strong, fruitful and boring.

Taurus- selfish, stubborn and not very honest nature, but always restrained and well-controlled. Wisdom and a practical mind are bestowed on her by nature, but she does not always know how to find a worthy use for them, as she is lazy and not purposeful. Julia-Taurus in everything that happens around her is able to find common sense, which allows her to take on only those cases that are sure to be successful. She does all her business slowly, thoughtfully and carefully, and you should not rush her. The Virgo man will be able to make family happiness for Julia-Taurus - they are both rational and strongly attached to home and family.

Twins- a controversial personality who knows how to get out of any situation with honor. Her natural duality is both a weakness and a weapon of Gemini Julia. Lightness and sensuality easily coexist in it with rationalism and prudence, and self-confidence with vulnerability and sentimentality. Somewhere in the depths of her soul, Julia-Gemini considers herself an ideal, and everyone else is her faithful subjects. The Leo man can make such a difficult woman happy - this couple can always find a common language with each other.

Cancer- an impressionable, but secretive nature, for which love is very important. Life without love does not make any sense for Julia-Cancer, she is very hard going through love failures. Her attacks of melancholy are replaced by unbridled gaiety. She is very afraid of uncertainty, so she tries to live economically and save money. In love, Julia-Cancer usually becomes a shadow of her man, but she will never choose a financially bankrupt person. The support of her husband is very important for her, she constantly wants to hear words of love and approval from him - then her wings literally grow. The Taurus man will be able to become a reliable support in life for a woman - for both of them, the house and family will come first, and everything else is secondary.

a lion- A person who is demanding of himself and others, proud and confident. She does not tolerate any criticism in her address, if possible, she will always take revenge on her offender. Natural optimism allows her to easily survive all the mistakes and failures and walk through life with her head held high. Julia-Leo is a real fighter and winner, her place in high society, to which she always aspires. She knows how to live full life And it's not just about the amount of money. Pride is her weakness and strength at the same time. Living with Julius-Leo is very difficult, but the Libra man can do it - the natural flexibility and ability to adapt, characteristic of this sign, can make this marriage tandem successful.

Virgo- a strict and demanding woman, a fighter by nature. You should not expect impulses of tenderness and sentimentality from her, she will not flaunt her feelings. Julia-Lev does not like publicity, prefers spending time at home to noisy parties with friends. She is not one of those women who are able to fall in love at first sight, she needs to be looked after for a long time and beautifully. She values ​​spiritual unity much higher than mundane carnal love. She needs a partnership in which both spouses will respect each other's personal space. Ideal Husband for Julia-Virgo there will be a man born with her under the same sign of the zodiac. The union of two Virgos is just an amazing spiritual unity, so important for both partners.

Scales is a woman with masculine logic, practical and smart. She does not seek to demonstrate her talents to the world, but those around her always notice wisdom and sincerity in her. At the same time, she tries to avoid any responsibility, which prevents her from reaching great career heights. Julia-Libra is always tactful and delicate, absolutely self-sufficient. For her loved one, she is ready for almost anything, she will readily fulfill all his whims and whims. At the same time, she is an excellent manipulator, and her husband will not even notice that he is not the main one in the family. A good match for Julia-Libra will be a Capricorn man - their marriage has every chance to last a lifetime.

Scorpion- a mysterious and enigmatic personality, always self-confident, proud and independent. She is very eager for leadership, and the role of a stay-at-home mother is absolutely not suitable for her. Julia-Scorpio is almost impossible to deceive, she feels people very subtly and skillfully uses it. She belongs to the type of women who know how to make crowds of people dance to their tune. But, despite this, she is very sensitive and vulnerable, and like no one needs a loving and caring man. Make this family happiness difficult woman Virgo man can - they have perfect match horoscopes.

Sagittarius- a straightforward, fair nature, a real fighter for the truth. Because of her ambition and desire to tell the truth always and everywhere, she makes other enemies for herself. It is almost impossible to convince Julia-Sagittarius, she has her own opinion on everything. At the same time, she is not mercantile and not a careerist, she knows how to be faithful friends and sincerely love. She is capable of deep feelings, although outwardly it is not noticeable at all. Unfortunately, Julia-Sagittarius has every chance to remain an old maid, since she has very high requirements for her chosen one. A Scorpio man can correspond to them - they will be drawn to each other literally at first sight.

Capricorn- a smart, educated and well-read woman, usually making a good career. She is a maximalist by nature, she needs all or nothing. Julia-Capricorn is always extremely restrained and proud, especially with men. But in her heart she is a thin, vulnerable and very sensual woman. She is enthusiastically engaged in work and career, but for the sake of a loved one she can quit everything overnight. From a successful personal life, she becomes prettier and kinder, and without love, she becomes a bitchy careerist. Julia-Capricorn can become happy with a Taurus man - they will be comfortable together.

Aquarius- socially oriented woman, sociable and cheerful. She always has many friends, she is very sensitive and always ready to help. It is very important for Julia-Aquarius to feel needed and useful, but she is not indifferent to the opinion of others about her. She always stands guard over the interests of goodness and justice, but tries her best to avoid conflicts. Cunning and insidious plans are not about Julia-Aquarius, she will never go in pursuit of her own benefit "over the heads" of other people. She definitely came into this world in order to make it better. In marriage, the warmth and understanding that the Libra man can give her is very important for her - the partners will speak the same language and understand each other perfectly.

Fish- a sentimental, gentle and romantic nature, which perceives any minor trouble as a disaster. She has a sympathetic heart and always strives to give to people, and not to take, which many people use. She dutifully waits for her happiness, doing nothing to somehow bring it closer. Julia-Pisces has a very rich imagination. And often she lives in her own world, far from reality. This fictional world saves her from the depression and melancholy to which she is prone. A Scorpio man can become a reliable protector in life for Julia-Pisces - he stands firmly on his feet and will be a good support for his impractical wife.

She is gifted wonderful feeling humor, endowed with a wonderful mind, is distinguished by amazing observation and resourcefulness. She is able to show such resourcefulness that many will envy, and can come out “dry” in almost any situation. At the same time, she tends to take unjustified risks, get involved in adventures, be extremely unrestrained, which often results in getting into unpleasant situations.

Origin of the name Julia

The name Julia came to us from Eastern European areas, where he was taken from Greek. The name itself came from the Roman family, originating from "Yula", which meant "from the Julius family." Interestingly, in the Scandinavian countries, this name is mainly given to children whose birth took place in the month of December, because in their language the name is consonant with the word "Christmas".

The meaning of the name Julia

Translated from Greek, Julia means "fluffy" or "curly". And now let's see how Julius has a soft and fluffy character.

The character of the name Julia

Julia has a rather capricious character, but they may well, the makings of which lie deep in their soul. They are fascinated by everything that is connected with something fantastic and supernatural. They like to do charity work, help those in need, giving good and bringing happiness. The sense of responsibility in girls with this name is not so well developed, but they can listen to the advice of others and unquestioningly follow parting words. They, which, like air, need a strong will, so the girls will only be happy if there is a person nearby who has this trait developed from birth.

Julia is very touchy and vulnerable girls, and their mood changes very often and unexpectedly, and very dramatically: from noisy and cheerful to apathetic and lethargic. As soon as the mood drops, it is better to leave Yulia alone and not touch, it will take quite a bit of time and she will become normal again. It is very difficult for a girl to argue, she will stand her ground to the last, and only in the most exceptional cases can she admit that she is wrong with great difficulty. But despite this, she is always surrounded by friends, which she takes for granted. For the most part, Yulia is laconic and indecisive in her actions, so it is important for parents from an early age to start developing activity in her and.

Regarding learning in any of its manifestations, this girl does not feel much zeal and does it only because it is necessary. But her memory is excellent, so if you call her curiosity, she can show serious success. What most of them are really interested in is divination and everything related to mysticism. And girls prefer to read more romance novels.

High intelligence allows Julius to choose the field of activity to which the soul really lies. They make good lawyers, medical workers, art historians, artists, stewardesses and fashion models.

A girl with that name does not really like to take the initiative, but if she is entrusted with a task, then you can be sure that she will complete it on time and with high quality. Long and tedious moralizing is not tolerated by the spirit and she herself does not seek to teach anyone. It is very difficult for her to forgive and survive betrayal, as well as the failures that occur on life path. Circumstances and other people are more likely to blame the problems, even if they themselves are actually to blame.

Most girls named Yulia have a beautiful athletic figure from birth, they love to dress beautifully and fashionably, to look feminine. There are no indifferent to them, someone loves them, and someone envies them. But it does not bring them happiness.

As a rule, they are restrained and sensual at the same time, especially when a person appears on their way who they really like. These girls love sex, but there is little passion in them. Feeling her popularity among the stronger sex, Yulia is not lost and skillfully manipulates men.

But family life is built very problematic. She does not like to run a household and sit within four walls, taking on the role of a mother of a family and a housewife, although she succeeds in all these things perfectly. Yulia has many friends and she is always happy to host guests, and sometimes this approach makes the house not a cozy hearth, but a passage yard, which causes conflict with family ones.

The fate of the name Julia

Characterization of some areas in the life of Julius.

  • Health . Little Yulias are prone to laryngitis and pharyngitis, which by adulthood often transform into a stage of a chronic illness. Girls who were born in the month of December are more likely to have problems with an unstable psyche, they can often throw tantrums and become problematic in education. One more weakness of all Julius are teeth that start to hurt quite early.
  • Love and marriage . It is difficult for Julias to settle down even when they have reached adulthood. They tend to express themselves through sex, showing their partner all their whims and customs, without concealing anything. But it is impossible to say that these girls have a superficial attitude to sex, on the contrary, for them it is a natural continuation of personal relationships, so they still take it seriously. Relationships are most favorable with men named Eugene, Peacock, Titus, Julian, and Julia rarely gets along with Prokhor, Firs, Dasius, Varlaam.
  • Career and business . For girls with this name, there are no special barriers and they can achieve financial and career success, in principle, in any area to which their soul lies. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the wasteful generosity that is directed to relatives and friends. This feature is not in the best way affect the development of this area. It is also worth giving up bad habit sometimes throw "dust in the eyes" of other people.
  • Profession . Julia is endowed with the talent of a businessman and has a well-developed logical thinking, which can be used in the banking industry or in trade. In addition, with due diligence, Julia can become a wonderful actress, manager or producer.

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