How to determine the full and short form of the sacrament. Brief participles

Everyone knows how mysterious and difficult our Russian language is to learn. It "has" a huge number of parts of speech and their various forms. Short and full participles are particularly difficult. Features Let's look at these verb forms in more detail.


Linguists have not yet decided what place in morphology to give participles. The authors of textbooks on the Russian language have completely different attitudes to this issue. Some argue that it is only a form of the verb, which expresses not only the action, but also its attribute. Others say that it is quite independent and refer it to parts of speech. But one thing is known: short and full participles are simply indispensable for our speech. Without them, we will endlessly use the word "which". For example:

A singing person is a person who sings.

A sick child is a child who is sick.

The work done is the work that has been done.

Having various dependent words with it, the sacrament is part of participle turnover decorating our speech.

For example: The wind blowing from the sea refreshed my face.

Full form

One of the features of this part of speech is the ability to form forms. More than adjectives, it is not subject to any part of speech.

The full and short forms of participles differ both grammatically and syntactically. How not to confuse them? The full form is called passive participles, which usually answer the question "what". They are called passive because in their meaning they imply an action performed by someone.

It is impossible to form short ones from it.

Example: Acquired - acquired, resolved - resolved.

Short and full perform different syntactic functions. This is because they have different purposes. The full form, answering the question "what", is a definition. This is its main similarity with the adjective.

Therefore, the participle, which is part of the turnover, is usually called a separate definition.

Don't forget about punctuation marks. If which includes only full forms, stands after the word being defined, then in this case commas must be placed on both sides.

The forest, shrouded in haze, is very beautiful.

If the turn comes after the main word, then in this situation commas are not put in any case: Job done on time was approved.

short form

As we managed to find out, short and full participles are in many ways similar, but they play different roles in sentences.

This form is formed by cutting off the endings from the full one and adding other endings: carried out - carried out(removed -th and part of the suffix, adding -a).

Consider the proposal: The trip was paid for. short form the full participle "paid" is no longer a characteristic of the attribute by action. Now she herself shows the process, being part of the predicate. Thus, the short form plays the role of the main member of the sentence.

The main feature is that short and full participles can change by gender. Written - written, laid - laid, lost - lost.

It's not that hard to tell them apart. A correctly asked question for the sacrament will help to easily distinguish the short form from the full one.

Topic. Full and short passive participles

Educational: Give the concept of short participles, their syntactic role in a sentence; repeat short adjectives.

Developing: Development of analytical thinking, mastery of techniques learning activities, independence.

Educational: Education of love for the Russian language, instilling interest in its knowledge


The short form of participles is formed from the basis of the full form with the help of endings:

zero - for masculine gender,

A - feminine

Oh - neuter

Y - plural

For example: glued th - glued, glued a , glued about , glued s

That is, the endings of short participles consist of one letter or may be zero.

Unlike full participles, short participles DO NOT decline (do not change in cases).

Brief participles answer questionswhat? what? what is it? what are

Unlike full participles, which are used mainly in book speech, short participles are widely used in everyday speech and are even used in dialects.

What is the difference between full and short participles?

3.2 Primary consolidation of knowledge.

a) Reading material p.45

b) performing exercise 103

Conclusion : short passive participles change by number, and in the singular - by gender.

In short passive participles of the feminine gender, the stress is most often on the last syllable.

The suffixes -nn- and -enn- (-yonn-) of full passive participles correspond to the suffixes -n- and -en- (-yon-) of short ones.

4. Consolidation of the studied

4.1 Insert one or two letters -n-

The leaves are illuminated..s; the letter was omitted..o; look; farm building..a; reject the enemy ..; read book; lubrication loops..s; thickly forced .. th; subscribed to .. newspapers; phone number issued..; glade, scorched .. by the sun; Zakova .. in shackles; church; schedule change..o; library pick up..a.

4.2 exercise 104

-Write out short and full participles, determine the gender, number, highlight the endings

Put on, torn off, wrinkled, stretched, disheveled, open, cut, stitched

4.3 Write down by rearranging the full participles into short participles, and the short participles into full participles.

Organized excursion; full person; hanging ..s paintings; faces are concerned..s; trees; brought up by a grandmother; organizational .. work; the lessons are over..s; the silence is broken..o; a message addressed to a comrade; grown crop

Organized excursion – the excursion is organized; full-fledged man - man complete; hung pictures - hung pictures; faces preoccupied - preoccupied faces; broken trees - trees broken; raised by a grandmother - raised by a grandmother; organized work work organized; lessons completed - completed lessons; silence broken - broken silence; a message addressed to a comrade - a message addressed to a comrade; grown crop - the crop is grown.

5. Summing up the lesson.

How are short participles formed?

How do they change?

What are the members of a proposal?

What do short adjectives and short participles have in common? What's the Difference?

Announcement of grades for the lesson.

6. Homework

- Learn the rule p. 46, complete the task in the notebook

Exercise. Read the text of a joke letter that was written by one fairytale hero. Write out short passive participles from the text, highlight the ending, determine the number, gender, indicate the verb from which this participle is formed.

We live very well. The house is always tidied up, the linen is washed and ironed. The room is very cozy: the floor is covered with a carpet, the curtains are starched and sheathed with frills, the walls are decorated with paintings. Flowers are watered and fed on time. The books are stacked on shelves. Toys are scattered, but in the evening they are always collected and hidden in special boxes.

Our children are washed, washed, combed. Their noses are always wiped, bows and laces are tied. The girls are all dressed up and dressed up. The boys are dressed and shod.

The Russian language is considered one of the most difficult to learn. And this fact is very easy to explain only by the number of parts of speech in it, not to mention their special forms. AT school course children are introduced to the Russian language with the participle as a special verb form, however, many linguists argue that it is an independent part of speech, which has its own grammatical features.

Communion in Russian

The definition in the textbook for grade 7 sounds something like this: the sacrament is special shape words denoting an action with pronounced signs of an adjective that answer questions which? doing what? and what did he do? In fact, these are verbs that describe the action of an object and at the same time determine its features in a certain period of time. It is this feature of this part of speech that is not only a stumbling block in determining its independence, but also a common mistake in denoting the function of words in a sentence that relate to it. Quite often, students confuse the participle with verbs or adjectives. Such errors lead to incorrect spelling of words and incorrect punctuation in a sentence. How to distinguish a participle from a verb or an adjective, how to understand whether it is full or short participle? Examples that will clearly show how participles are formed from verbs in different conjugations can be found in this article. Also here you can find a description of real, passive participles and verbal adjectives.

Similarities of participles with verb and adjective

The participle includes grammatical signs of two parts of speech: a verb and an adjective. Like the verb, it can be perfect and imperfect form, or, in other words, can mean a completed or unfinished action. It can take the form of reflexivity and can be active or passive. Like adjectives, there is a full and short participle. In addition, this form of the verb changes in gender, cases and numbers, which may well mean its independence. It should also be noted that the participle can only have the present and past tenses. It has no future tense. For example: jumping - imperfect view in the present tense and jumping - perfect view in the past tense.

Participle Features

All participles, depending on what sign they show, are divided into two types: passive (indicating the sign of the object to which the action is directed) and real (indicating the sign of the object that performed the action). For example: guided - guiding, openable - opening. Depending on which verb is taken to form the participle, a different tense form comes out. For example: look - looking, looking, looked; view - viewed, viewed. The example shows that from the verb of the imperfect form, where there is no indication that the action will be completed, the past and present participles are formed, and from the perfect form only the past. From this we can also conclude that the formation of the participle is directly related to the type and transitivity of the verb, the form of which it represents. In turn, passive participles are also divided into two types: short participle and full participle. Another feature of the sacrament is that, together with the words dependent on it, it quite often forms a turnover, which is separated by commas in writing.

Valid participles

To form real participles in the present tense, the initial form of the verb is taken as the basis and the suffix is ​​added to the first conjugation -usch-, -yusch-, and to the second -ash-, -ash-. For example: jump - galloping, treat - treating. To form a real participle in the past tense, suffixes -t- and -ti- replaced by -sh- and -vsh-. For example: go - riding, carry - carried.

Passive participles

Passive participles are also formed as a result of the replacement of suffixes. To form the present tense for the first conjugation of verbs, suffixes are used -eat-, and for the second -them-. For example: love - beloved, store - stored. In order to get the passive past participle, the infinitive with the ending -at or -et and adds a suffix to the verb -nn-. For example: draw - drawn, stick - pasted. For verbs ending in -it, when forming participles use the suffix -enn-. For example: dye - dyed, whiten - bleached. If the end of the verb -ot, -ut or -yt, then to get the participle use the suffix -t-. For example: inflate - inflated, smack - ripped.

Short and full communion

Passive participles have two forms: short and full. The short participle has the same grammatical features as short name adjective. They are formed from the full form of the participle and can vary in numbers and gender, but do not decline in cases. In a sentence, a short participle often acts as a nominal part of a compound predicate. For example: I am not loved by anyone. However, there are exceptions in which the short participle is used as a separate definition associated with the subject. For example: pale as hell. Full participles contain the grammatical features of both an adjective and a verb, and in a sentence they are always a definition.

Participles and verbal adjectives

Participles are characterized not only by the presence of morphological features of the verb, their meaning in the sentence is especially important. They have the ability to subjugate words to themselves, while forming turns, which have already been mentioned. However, if the temporary signs that bind the action to themselves are lost, then the sign of the object becomes permanent. And this can only mean that the participle has lost all its verbal attributes and has become an adjective, which depends on the noun. For example: restrained character, tense strings, high spirits. Given this possibility of the participle turning into an adjective, one should analyze the word very carefully so as not to confuse these two similar, but at the same time different parts of speech.

Scheme of morphological parsing of the sacrament

Although the participle is not distinguished into a separate independent part of speech, but only they say that it is a special verb form with elements of an adjective, nevertheless, morphological analysis is carried out according to the same scheme as the analysis of independent parts of speech. First of all, the name is determined, in this case it is a participle. Further, its morphological features are described: the initial form is determined. That is, they put the word in the nominative case in masculine and singular; describe permanent signs, which include the following indicators: real participle or passive, indicate the time in which the word is used in the sentence and the type of participle; next item - description fickle signs: number, gender and case (for full participles). At the end of the analysis, the syntactic function of the participle in the sentence is described (whether it is a definition or acts as a nominal part of the predicate).

Participle- part of speech, which is a special form of the verb, which denotes signs of action. Answers questions such as “what?”, “what?”, “what?”, “what?”.

As a verb form, participles have the following grammatical features:

  • Type: perfect and imperfect (for example: evening (what?) slumbering(what to do? - doze off); jumping cat(what to do? - jump off);
  • Time: present and past (grandfather (what?) Dozing, cat (what?) Escaped);
  • Returnability: returnable and non-refundable.

Morphological and syntactic signs of participles

There are scientists who believe that the participle is an independent part of speech, because it has features that are not characteristic of the verb. In particular, participles have some of the characteristics of adjectives, such as

  • object attribute designation
  • and agreement with the noun (that is, the same gender, number, and case).

Participles are real and passive, some have full and short forms. The short form of the participle in the sentence plays the role of the nominal part compound predicates. For example: Textbook disclosed on the tenth page.

Participles are able to decline in cases, numbers and gender, like adjectives. Even though participles have verb features, in a sentence they are definitions. For example: The book is lost, the briefcase is lost, the panel is lost.

Participles have an initial form, but only participles that are formed from imperfective verbs have it. Participles real and passive are formed with the help of suffixes.

Types of participles and their examples.

Passive participles.

Passive participles- these are the participles that denote a sign that is created in one object under the action of another. Passive participles are formed only from transitive verbs. For example: A picture (what?) Drawn or drawn by a student.

They are formed from the stems of the verb in the present and past tenses with the help of suffixes:

  • -om- (-em-) - for verbs of I conjugation
  • -im- for verbs of II conjugation
  • -nn-, -enn-, -t- – from the stems of verbs in the past tense

Examples: read, carried, kindled, divided, heard, sown, broken, baked. trimmed, beaten, split

Real participles.

Real Communion- this is a participle, which denotes a sign produced by the subject / object itself. For example: Boy painting a picture.

Real participles are formed from verbs in the present and past tense with the help of suffixes

1. Real participles of the present and past tenses do not have short forms. Passive participles have, in addition to the full and short forms. The most common is the short form of the passive participles of the past tense; heard, heard, heard, heard (heard); tied, tied, tied, tied (tied); fanned, fanned, fanned, fanned (faned); sown, sown, sown, sown (sown); bought, bought, bought, bought (bought); The gardens were empty, the huts were abandoned, the water meadows were not mowed (Es.); Where there was a poster, ohano yes akhano, the Stalingrad tractor was deeply plowed (Pr.). Short forms of passive participles of the present tense are used very rarely, as a rule, in a book style: love, love, love, love (beloved). [Bashilov was respected by everyone, but not loved by anyone (Paust.).]

2. Short forms of participles should be distinguished from short forms of adjectives formed from verbs. Short forms of participles are written with one n, and short forms of adjectives retain as many n as they are in full forms. For example: A girl is spoiled by her mother - a short form of the passive past participle of the perfect form, governs a noun in the form instrumental; The girl is spoiled and stubborn ■- short form of the adjective, denotes a property of character (‘capricious, wayward’), answers the question “what kind of girl?” and does not govern a noun in the instrumental form. Wed also:

The girl was modest and educated.

Her performance was thrilling.

The dishes were exquisite.

His answers were precise and thoughtful.

The guest was extremely stubborn and limited.

Natasha was distracted and inattentive.

All his actions were dexterous and concentrated.

Love for the book was brought up in him from childhood.

The congregation was moved by what happened yesterday.

Funds for the purchase of books were found.

Every detail of the operation was thought through.

The topic of the report was limited to one problem.

Through the efforts of friends, distrust of him was dispelled.

Troops were concentrated on the border.

3. Short forms of the neuter participle should be distinguished singular from adverbs in -o. The short participle always has one n in the suffix, and the adverb retains as many n as there are in the participle or adjective from which it is formed. For example: The case is thought out from all sides - the short form of the participle acts as a predicate, therefore, it is written with one n; He answered deliberately - the adverb is in the function of the circumstance, therefore, two n are written in it, that is, as many as there are in the word deliberate, from which the adverb is formed. Wed also:

He scolded him undeservedly.

Petrograd lived tensely during these January nights (A.T.).

He peered warily into the darkness.

From the first days of the occupation, the population was wary of the appearance a large number orders.

They don't deserve this kind of treatment.

The body of the athlete was tense to the extreme: he was ready to overcome the last obstacle.

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