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The husband and children of Glafira Tarkhanova were happy to learn about the imminent replenishment in their already considerable family. The actress gladly accepts every news about her pregnancy, and it doesn’t matter to her who she will give birth to next time - a daughter or a son again, the main thing is that the baby is healthy. On September 19 of this year, Glafira once again became a mother, having given birth to a fourth child, the gender of which the parents have not yet disclosed. This event is a reliable confirmation that the personal life of the actress and her husband is happy and stable.

Husband of actress Alexey Faddeev

The actress met Alexei in 2005 at film set adventure picture "Main Caliber", and it was a mutual feeling at first sight. Then Glafira did not even think about marriage, like Alexei, about whom they said that he would never part with a bachelor life.

In the photo - Glafira Tarkhanova with her husband

They met for six months before getting married, and the wedding was played quietly and modestly. Tarkhanova says that she and her husband wanted to protect this celebration from extraneous attention, so there were only six people with the newlyweds, Glafira and Alexei did not even invite their parents, who, by the way, were not offended at all and treated this with understanding.

In the photo - Alexey Faddeev

Almost twelve years have passed since that moment, but the mutual feelings of the spouses remain as strong as at the very beginning. living together and they hope it stays that way as long as they're together.

In the photo - Glafira and Alexei in the film "Main Caliber"

There are almost no disagreements between Glafira and Alexei, and if there are small quarrels, they quickly come to common decision conflict, which, thanks to this, quickly disappears. Tarkhanova believes that the last word must remain with her husband, although important questions in their family are decided jointly. They try not to interfere in each other's work, but from the very beginning they had a rule that Glafira would not act in explicit scenes, and the actress tries to adhere to this rule.

Children of Glafira Tarkhanova

Happy firstborn acting family was born three years after the wedding, and his happy parents named him Korney, an unusual name for the modern ear. Perhaps Glafira's first child could have been born earlier, but she had to reckon with the career that Tarkhanova was then on the rise.

Being pregnant with Korney, Glafira starred in the film "The Hunt for Beria", and she had to carefully hide her position. Almost until the very birth, she was filmed, which, fortunately, did not prevent her son from being born on time and healthy.

Tarkhanova also did not stay on maternity leave with her firstborn, and she sometimes had to take little Korney with her to the shooting.

Two years later, in 2010, Glafira Tarkhanova's husband became a dad for the second time, and this time Alexei and Glasha named their son Yermolai. In 2012, the actress again became the mother of a boy named Gordey. It was no coincidence that the actress chose such original names - she says that she did not want her children to be called the same as many of her friends.

Interestingly, the actress gave birth to almost all of her children not in the maternity hospital, where only Korney was born, but at home. Glafira did this quite consciously - she believes that a child should be born in a calm, harmonious environment in which the mother feels complete comfort, which an ordinary maternity hospital cannot provide.

At the birth of her first child, the actress's husband was with her and supported her wife, but she gave birth to her second son Tarkhanov when Alexei Faddeev was at a rehearsal, which there was no way to transfer. For the third time, Alexei was there again.

Nevertheless, Glafira Tarkhanova does not call on all women without exception to give birth at home - this choice is every future mom should be done consciously and independently. If such a decision is made, then it is necessary to specially prepare for home birth, which the actress did, studying special literature.

The children of Glafira Tarkhanova demand special attention, therefore, a nanny helps her and Alexei in their upbringing, but all serious decisions remain with the parents. Tarkhanova calls herself a strict mother and tries to raise her sons in the same traditions as she was raised. She wants the children to grow up intelligent smart people adhering to the basic principles of life.

Despite the large family, Glafira tries to take care of herself, because appearance is very important for an actress. She tries to eat right and teaches her household members to do so.

Biography of Glafira Tarkhanova

Glafira Tarkhanova's hometown is Elektrostal, where she was born on November 9, 1983, and later moved to the capital with her mother and stepfather, where she went to first grade. She was born in creative family actors puppet theater and from childhood she knew what a tour was - her parents often took Glafira with them. Unfortunately, mom and dad separated, and Glasha was raised by her stepfather. When she was already fourteen, her mother gave birth to her sister Ilaria, and later her younger brother Miron also appeared.

In the photo - the actress in childhood

Throughout her childhood, the future actress lived a busy active life - she was engaged in figure skating, synchronized swimming, studied at a music school, sang in a folk choir. All this did not prevent Glafira from studying well at school with a physical and mathematical bias and studying English language. Now Tarkhanova gratefully remembers her parents, who loaded her so much in childhood, because everything she learned then was useful to her in adulthood.

At first, Glafira was not going to become an actress, and her parents did not want such a future for her, but saw a doctor in her daughter. However, in the senior classes, the genes did their job, and Tarkhanova firmly decided to enter the theater and no arguments of the elders convinced her. As educational institution she chose the opera singing department of the Galina Vishnevskaya school, and after graduating she continued her education at the Moscow Art Theater School.

Already during her studies, the teachers noticed the talent of the aspiring actress and Glafira Tarkhanova began to be entrusted with serious roles, and from the second year she began to play on the stage of the Satyricon Theater.

Her first theatrical work was a small role in the play "Chantecleer", and then the young actress began to be trusted with more serious works.

Proposals from film directors also began to come to her quite early, but then she was completely absorbed in the stage and, due to being very busy in the theater, refused to act in films.

Nevertheless, Glafira Tarkhanova played her first small roles in the cinema - in the films "Theatrical Blues" and "Joke".

In the photo - Glafira Tarkhanova in the series "Gromovs"

The first film that brought the young actress immense popularity was the series "Gromovs", which marked the beginning of Tarkhanova's cinematic career.

Having received an acting education, Glafira did not stop there and entered the Moscow State University, which she graduated in 2008 with another specialty - a psychologist. The actress says that thanks to this, she can more easily solve life's problems, and besides, the knowledge gained at the university helps her raise her children properly. In addition, Tarkhanova believes that knowledge of psychology allows her to take a fresh look at her relationship with her husband every time, so that love does not become her habit.

The famous actress Glafira Tarkhanova shared the good news with her fans. She announced that she had given birth to her fourth child. The artist does not reveal the gender of the baby and the exact date his birth. She will probably reveal the details a bit later. Now Glafira is preparing to be discharged from the hospital.

“A miracle happened today! I became a mother for the fourth time!” - Tarkhanova wrote on the social network.

Fans were quick to congratulate their favorite actress on the new addition to the family. They wished mother and baby good health. Followers never cease to admire the artist who successfully builds a career and raises children. "Congratulations to you and your happy family! Health to your baby! Let Mom and Dad please with their achievements!”, “Congratulations! Grow up healthy and happy”, “Congratulations on the addition to your family! May your baby grow up healthy and happy. Always pleases his loved ones with a warm and sincere smile. I wish that the guardian angel protected all your strong family”, wrote the fans.

Unlike many actresses and singers who are happy to talk about the expectation of a child and share their observations, Glafira did not focus on pregnancy. In the microblog, she posted photos so that her rounded belly was not noticeable. That is why for some fans of the artist, the news about the replenishment in the family came as a real surprise. Nevertheless, about interesting position Tarkhanova became known in May at one of the social events. Then she appeared in a free-cut dress.

Despite the impressive period of pregnancy, the actress continued to actively act in films. She was not afraid of a harsh work schedule. She said that sometimes the shift ended after midnight, and the next morning she had to appear early on the site. Fans admired her diligence and commitment to her favorite business, but advised to take care of yourself for the sake of the health of the unborn baby.

Popular actress Glafira Tarkhanova and her husband Alexei Faddeev accept congratulations: a fourth child has appeared in their family.

“A miracle happened today! I became a mother for the fourth time!” Glafira wrote, without initially specifying the gender and name of the child.

Glafira and Aleksey also have three sons: 9-year-old Korney, 6-year-old Yermolai and 4-year-old Gordey.

Fans were delighted with the news and scattered in congratulations.

“Glasha, from the bottom of my heart I congratulate you and your entire family. I truly admire!”, “Congratulations from the bottom of my heart! Health to you and your baby! happiness to your whole family!”, “Clever girl, she managed everything in her years and was successful, talented actress She also became a mother of 4 children. Well done. Warmest congratulations. Health, good luck, well-being and happiness in children and favorite work. All the best!!!" fans rejoiced for the actress.

Tarkhanova, like a partisan, hid her pregnancy. AT recent months posted photos on the Web in which her rounded tummy was not visible. And she didn’t even stop acting in films, lingering on the set until night, then returning home, where her husband, an actor, was waiting for her. Alexey Faddeev and three sons. And in the early morning she ran away to work again.

Arriving last summer at the Kinotavr festival in Sochi, she stopped talking about her interesting position in the bud, announcing that all the rumors were provoked by her unsuccessful dresses. At the same time, in free time she swam for a long time in the cold and dirty sea or sunbathed on the beach, perched on the stones with her belly. In general, with all appearance she showed that others were mistaken. Particularly incomprehensible explained:

What nonsense, I'm not expecting a baby.

It turned out she was lying. By the way, this baby, like the two previous ones, was born by Glafira at home, in the bath.

Glafira Tarkhanova posted a post on her Instagram account with the caption that she gave birth to Alexei Faddeev's fourth child. It is already known that this is a girl and they named her Raisa. Only the first son Glafira gave birth in the hospital. Mom and baby are doing well.

Alexey is very happy that a girl was born. The actor has long said that he is expecting a daughter. Faddeev and Tarkhanova met a long time ago on the set of the film "Main Caliber". They went on a first date and after half a year the actor proposed to his beloved. Then the fans did not believe that this couple would be one of the strongest star unions. The couple always wanted a lot of children and now Alesya is already joking that they are not going to stop there.

Glafira Alexandrovna Tarkhanova - Russian actress theater and cinema, is part of the troupe of the Moscow theater "Satyricon". She gained all-Russian popularity after participating in the series "Gromovs", "Treason".

Glafira was born in the factory town of Elektrostal on November 9, 1983. In a provincial town, the Tarkhanov family stood out sharply against the general background. Three children had unusual names. In addition to Glafira, the Tarkhanovs had a daughter, Ilaria, and a son, Miron. Even the bows on the head of the eldest Glasha were different from those that were knitted for the rest of the girls at school. Thin and satin, they made Glafira even more sophisticated.

But the external elegance was deceptive. With early years every day Glasha is scheduled by the hour. The girl attended sections of synchronized swimming and figure skating, was engaged in ballroom dancing, folk singing and went to a music school, where Glasha was taught to play the violin. And Tarkhanova also managed to study English, study at a physics and mathematics school, and even spend six months at a local film school. The girl did not have time to idly roam the streets.

As Glafira Tarkhanova later admitted, everything that the actress learned in childhood and early adolescence came in handy in adulthood.

Glasha's parents dreamed of seeing eldest daughter doctor. The girl herself wanted to go to medical school, but before graduating from school she changed her mind, deciding to become opera singer. Attempts to dissuade the girl failed: when the stepfather took Glafira in order to scare and discourage the desire to become an artist on an excursion to the Shchukin school, where the entrance exams were just being passed, it had the opposite effect. The girl strengthened her desire to go this way.

Tarkhanova entered the school of Galina Vishnevskaya, choosing the opera department. Later actress She said that she did not have a formed operatic voice at that time. But the impudent applicant, who dared to enter, despite the lack of the necessary data, was apparently accepted as an experiment.

Tarkhanova, of course, did not become an opera singer, but she considers the years spent at the Vishnevskaya school, milestone in creative biography.

In 2001, after graduating from the Vishnevskaya school, Tarkhanova took the documents to the theater universities in Moscow. Of those that she went to, the girl chose the Moscow Art Theater School. Tarkhanova was crazy about the talented course leader Konstantin Raikin. Soon, the aspiring actress was given a small role in the production of "Chantecleer", which was staged in the "Satyricon". Glafira did it and got the next role of Polina in Profitable Place. This work was highly appreciated by theater critics and spectators.

During this period of time, Glafira Tarkhanova received more than once offers from filmmakers. But the aspiring artist often refused for the sake of greater employment in the theater. Glafira preferred the stage to the set of the film pavilion. For example, for the sake of working in the play "Profitable Place", the actress refused to participate in the remake of "Amphibian Man", although they offered the main role there.

In 2005, after graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School, Glafira Tarkhanova entered Raikin's Satyricon. The most significant works of Tarkhanova in this theater are the performances "Masquerade", "King Lear", "Money". Now Glafira Tarkhanova is the leading actress of this theater.

On the movie screens, Glafira Tarkhanova made her debut as a student. At first, these were supporting roles in the films "Theatrical Blues" and "Joke". The artist played a more serious role in The Fall of the Empire. This film became a real school of skill for the aspiring actress, because she had to play on the same platform with recognized masters - Konstantin Khabensky, Andrei Krasko, Nina Usatova and Marat Basharov.

Waking up the famous Glafira Tarkhanova helped the role in the drama series "Gromovs", which was released in 2005. Now the young actress was recognized on the streets. After this work, other projects followed - the series "Alien Wings", "Three Women of Dostoevsky", "The Heart is Not a Stone" and "Serov's Passage".

Another significant for the actress was the work in Dostoevsky's film novel "Demons". In this gloomy psychological and philosophical picture, Glafira Tarkhanova played Lisa. By the way, the actress was not stopped by the fact that in order to participate in the film, she had to learn how to ride well. Tarkhanova learned.

The role of the actress is graceful lyrical heroine. So far, the artist is happy with this, saying that there are enough evil furies on the screen. The main film genre in which Tarkhanova works is melodrama.

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