The inscription on the cake with white chocolate. Phrases that can be written on the cake - recommendations and original options

It's nice to get a cake for a birthday, March 8 or any other special occasion. When you understand that this person tried especially for you, baked cakes, whipped cream, collected this beauty, it warms up in the soul. It is especially gratifying to see a personalized cake with nice words and wishes surrounded by roses and berries. The art of writing on the surface of the cake can be comprehended, but it's not just about good composition sweet "ink" - confectionery letters have their own rules.

Basic rules for compiling a beautiful inscription (theoretical part)

So that the inscription does not upset the culprit or hero of the occasion, you need to take into account several nuances:

  • Sure, you have a lot to say, but a cake is not a greeting card. No need to write a lot of words in small handwriting, try to state the most important thing, the rest can be said. The only exception can be a very large cake, the surface of which can be covered with praises and at the same time fill voids in the icing.
  • Write the name of the person you want to present the cake to - it's always nice.
  • Cake is an attribute of a holiday, and it should only excite positive emotions. The inscriptions on the cake, like, “To Ivan Ivanovich from grateful subordinates”, “To my beloved grandmother from my grandchildren”, “Dear Tanechka from Vasya” are associated with the texts on mourning ribbons. Avoid clarifications about the author of the inscription, and the ambiguous subtext will disappear by itself.
  • The text should be euphonious. Before you write something with chocolate, capture the project on paper and re-read it several times, then you will notice in time that "Teacher on Teacher's Day" and "Director of the Directorate" are tautologies.
  • Replace too long words with shorter ones or numbers. For example, "fiftieth anniversary" is better to replace "50 - Happy Anniversary!". If the word does not fit on the cake, it will have to be transferred to another line, only spelling errors are worse than this.
  • The cake will be eaten, even if you make a few mistakes in a simple inscription, but your literacy will be remembered for a long time. Don't skip letters, check the dictionary and don't forget about punctuation marks. An important rule for “tortoise” is that appeals are highlighted with commas: “Since March 8, Lenochka”, “Get well soon, beloved”, “Happy birthday, grandmother!”. Respect must be shown capital letter in the pronoun: "Happiness to you!".

How to make an inscription on the cake with chocolate (practical tips)

After composing the text, you can get down to business - think about placing decorations and writing on the cake, develop a lettering style, select the ingredients for the mastic.

  • The inscription should be easy to read against the background of the glaze. If the cake is light, it is better to make the chocolate inscription black, make the inscription on the dark cake white chocolate. The text will be well read even in photographs that birthday people and guests like to take.
  • Try to symmetrically position the inscription. You can show imagination, but it is desirable to evenly fill the entire cake with letters and decorations.
  • Don't write on an uneven surface - if the texture is bumpy, the letters will warp and look unattractive.
  • Don't write with hot chocolate on the icing - it will melt and ruin everything.
  • Draw lines with a toothpick so that the inscription is even. Correcting the unevenness will be difficult, and discrepancies of even a few millimeters will ruin the idea. Thin stripes from a toothpick are invisible, do not be lazy to mark the surface of the cake even if you are only going to write a few words. Mark the center, count the number of letters, spaces and punctuation marks, start writing with the middle letter, then move to the right with equal intervals, and only then move to the left of the center.
  • If you want to write not one word, but a phrase, do not be too lazy to mark each letter. This is better than suddenly realizing that there is not enough space.
  • The most important element of the inscription is the numbers. If they are, start with them. Then write the words and only then fill in vacancies flowers, leaves and berries. If you are decorating a cake for a women's holiday, start with "8", if you congratulate the hero of the day - from age (5, 25, 50, 70, etc.).
  • If one of the letters turned out badly, do not rush to remove it. Put the cake in the refrigerator, when the inscription has hardened, the letter can be carefully removed and replaced with another one.

Practical part: how to make an inscription from chocolate on the cake

There are several ways to make a chocolate inscription on a cake. A pastry bag in the hands of an experienced craftsman looks very simple fixture, but the ease with which virtuosos work is deceptive. When you paint your tenth cake, you will also be doing gracefully and effortlessly. Inexperienced confectioners will have to prepare to overcome unforeseen, but completely surmountable difficulties. First, you need to choose a tool for applying the inscription:

Special food marker

The simplest device that even a child can handle. A tube with a special hole is filled with melted chocolate. The letters are written by squeezing out the right amount of the mixture, the lines are neat, of the same thickness.

Chocolate letters

Cream injector

The use of a special tool greatly simplifies the task. Fill the syringe with melted chocolate mixed with butter, shake a little so that there are no air bubbles left, put on a nozzle with a narrow and straight cut. Squeeze out the contents with equal effort and at the same pace.

Plastic bag

Melt a bar of black or white chocolate in a water bath. Add 2 tablespoons of milk and a tablespoon of butter, stir until smooth. When the chocolate has cooled a little, pour it into a plastic bag, fasten the loose ends so that one corner remains. Cut off the small tip at a right angle to keep the letters neat and thin. Having got the hang of it, you can write out on the cake beautiful letters with curls.

Baking paper cornet

This is an improved analogue of a plastic bag. The inscription is more convenient to make, and the letters are clear.

Grated chocolate and your own stencil

Write a congratulation on a sheet of thick paper or parchment, the letters should be large and positioned as the inscription on the cake will look like. You can use a computer or write the text by hand. Cut out the stencil with fine scissors. Grate the chocolate bar, place the stencil on the icing surface of the cake, and fill in the letters with shavings.

Brush and melted chocolate on mastic

Write text on tracing paper or thin paper, it is better to use a computer and a printer. Attach the sheet to the surface of the cake and circle the letters with a needle. The outlines of the letters will be imprinted on the mastic, and you will only have to draw them with a brush dipped in melted chocolate.

Which chocolate to choose

The chocolate inscription should be contrasting, so white chocolate is suitable for a dark surface, and black for a light one. You can simply, but this "ink" is suitable for those who have already learned how to write fluently - chocolate hardens very quickly. If you are using white chocolate, add some cream or butter to it. You can replace dark chocolate with cocoa fudge.

chocolate fudge recipe

  • Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Butter - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Powdered sugar - ½ tbsp. l. (not necessary)


Cocoa gets beautiful dark color only in boiling water or fat, oil is more suitable for fudge. Sugar can be omitted, a little bitterness will not hurt a sweet cake.

  1. Sift the cocoa. Heat the butter at room temperature until soft.
  2. Rub the butter with cocoa and powdered sugar until completely smooth.
  3. Transfer the mass to a cornet or a plastic bag. Cut off a corner and try the thickness of the line on a saucer or hand.

Cocoa butter will melt from the heat of the hand, and the chocolate ink will retain the desired consistency.

Chocolate Calligraphy Technique

Prepare the cake - it should be smooth, even and cool. Mark the surface as described above and start writing.

  • Take a cornet or a bag of chocolate in right hand, and with your left hand support the brush so that it does not flinch from tension.
  • Draw lines in fragments, do not try to write without interruption, since it is difficult to regulate even pressure on the bag and draw letters evenly.
  • The writing tip should be at a distance of 1-2 millimeters from the cake. If you raise it higher, the line will stretch, lower it will smear or imprint on the cake coating.

How to write a congratulation on March 8 or birthday on a cake

The content of the inscription and the style of the cake design should correspond to the nature of the holiday. Conciseness and brightness are the main principles of the confectionery message. To prevent the surface from turning into writing, leave room for other decorations. On the congratulatory cake, it is desirable to write the name of the hero of the occasion. If the cake is prepared for the anniversary, indicate the number. You also need a beautiful "8" in congratulations on Women's Day.

Inscriptions for March 8

The easiest and safest option:

  • Beloved mother (Irochka, Tanechka, Lenochka) March 8!
  • I wish you happiness on March 8!

A woman will appreciate and forever remember more touching words:

  • To the most beautiful woman
  • Always in my heart
  • On the day of March 8, the most beautiful, sweet and beloved
  • Darling! Your smile is priceless
  • Spring starts with your smile
  • You are just the best
  • The most, sweet, kind and beloved - to you
  • Always in my heart
  • The best mommy
  • With love to my other half
  • I love you so much

Birthday lettering

A cake with an inscription that you made with your own hands will surprise and delight the birthday man. Start designing with a number, and then place text that you can come up with yourself or find on the Internet. Remember about literacy and conciseness.

  • Let life be sweet
  • To conquer all heights
  • The greatest happiness
  • Seas of love, oceans of happiness

Even the most delicious cake without a beautiful design will not be festive. Sometimes it is enough to make an inscription - and recipe becomes perfect, and the mood of the hero of the occasion soars to heaven. If you doubt your artistic abilities, start with the simplest inscription - you will succeed.

Chocolate is not only very tasty and healthy treat. This is a whole field for activity and creativity. If on the eve of the holiday you are tormented by the question of what to give to friends, or how to decorate the table in an original way, then chocolate will be a real find for you. For example, you can make chocolate letters with your own hands and put a congratulatory inscription out of them. And how to make them correctly, you will learn from this article.

Why you may need chocolate letters

Confectionery - cakes, pastries, muffins, - required attribute most holidays. The hostesses try to decorate them as beautifully and original as possible. Flowers, various figurines and decorations made of mastic, candied fruit, cream are used ... But in recent times congratulatory or romantic inscriptions made of chocolate letters are gaining more and more popularity.

Cake is an optional base for using chocolate letters. This original delicacy can be used as chocolates, putting them in a beautiful gift box in the right order. Just imagine: the birthday boy opens such a box, and there is an inscription of his favorite chocolates!

In general, letters made of chocolate are a great way to please loved ones. original gift. Many confectionery companies are engaged in their manufacture, so it will not be difficult to order letters of any shape and size. But maybe it's better to make chocolate letters yourself? Manufacturing will cost you less than buying, and, moreover, you will be sure of the quality of the products used.

There are several ways to make chocolate letters. For this you can use:

  • Silicone forms;
  • cookie cutters;
  • confectionery syringe or bag;
  • parchment paper.

The complexity of creating letters depends on the chosen method. In any case, you will need attention and accuracy.

Basic principles of DIY manufacturing

The first thing you need is good quality chocolate. It can be of any kind to your taste - black, milky or white. You can buy a couple of chocolates in the store different types, melt them and pour into molds; the main thing is that they should be without fillers: nuts, raisins, candied fruits, jam.

Note! It is undesirable to use aerated chocolate. When it hardens after melting, its surface is uneven.

Or you can make your own chocolate. Moreover, this will require a minimum set of available products.

Which chocolate to choose

If you decide that using factory-made chocolates is easier and more convenient, then you should take into account the features of each type of this delicacy. Both the process of manufacturing letters and the final result depend on them.

  1. Dessert chocolate in melted form has a high viscosity, and after solidification becomes dull.
  2. White chocolate melts quickly (melting point as low as 45°C) and can be very runny.
  3. Dark chocolate has a melting point of 55°C, which makes it quite difficult to work with.
  4. Chocolate fudge is easy to use and low cost. True, she loses palatability due to the low content of cocoa butter. But if you're new to making chocolate letters, fondant is just what you need to practice and get your hands on.

How to melt a chocolate bar correctly

This can be done in several ways:

  • in the microwave;
  • in a water bath;
  • in the oven or double boiler at low temperature.
  1. Turn on the microwave to no more than half the power so that the temperature is low. Put the chocolate bar broken into pieces in a suitable container and send it to the oven for 1-2 minutes. Remove, mix thoroughly and return to the microwave. Repeat as many times as needed until the chocolate is evenly liquid. Sweet mass should not burn!
  2. To arrange a water bath for a chocolate bar, take a small saucepan and a slightly larger bowl. Pour into a saucepan hot water(not boiling water) and put on a slow fire. Place a bowl of chocolate chips on top. Note that the bottom of the bowl should not touch the water. Stir the chocolate until it has completely melted into a liquid mass. Make sure the water in the pot does not boil.
  3. If you want to use the oven, turn it on to a maximum of 55 ° C, depending on the melting temperature of the selected chocolate (we wrote about this above). Place a bowl of chocolate chips on the top rack and a mug of water on the bottom rack. This will help prevent the chocolate from burning during melting. Every 5 minutes, take out the bowl of chocolate and stir the melting mass. Do this until completely dissolved.

chocolate making

Ordinary chocolate icing, which many decorate cakes, muffins, pastries, can also be used to make letters or other figures. It freezes well both in a thin layer and in bulk forms. For her you will need:

Attention! Use only butter! If you replace it with margarine (even cream, High Quality), the cooked chocolate will either be uneven or covered with fatty plaques.

Melt the butter in an aluminum saucepan over low heat, add the sugar. Whisking constantly, pour in the milk. When sugar dissolves, add cocoa and stir until smooth. Boil for 5 minutes and let cool a little so that the chocolate thickens a little, but does not harden. After that, it can be poured into molds.

How to make chocolate fudge

If you want to make letters and patterns on parchment paper or write directly on the cake using a pastry bag or syringe, chocolate fondant is the most suitable product. For her you will need:

  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 1 bar of dark chocolate;
  • 10 tbsp Sahara;
  • 1 pinch of vanilla.

The cooking process looks like this:

  1. Pour milk into a saucepan, add sugar, mix and put on a slow fire. Heat until sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. Do not break the chocolate, but grate it. Pour the resulting flakes into a saucepan with milk and continue to heat until the chocolate is completely dissolved.
  3. Cook until the mixture thickens evenly, then let cool. The temperature of the fondant should be comfortable for you, because you will need to hold a piping bag filled with it in your hand.

How to make chocolate letters

We figured out the chocolate, it's time to learn how to make letters out of it. We offer you several interesting ways production of letters and inscriptions.

Silicone molds for candies

You can use silicone molds. You can buy them at any kitchen supply store. The choice is very wide, and you can easily pick up the necessary form with the alphabet.

The cooking process is very simple. Lubricate the cells of the form with a small amount of butter (this is necessary so that the finished letters are easier to remove) and pour the melted chocolate mass or top fudge into them. Put the mold in the refrigerator for 5-10 hours. When the letters are ready, remove them from the mold and spread them on the sticky surface of the icing or fondant cake so they stick better.

You probably noticed that some silicone molds have 2 levels: a base and a notch in the form of a letter. This will help you make two-tone figurines.

For example, pour a little white chocolate into the recess, wait until it hardens, and fill the remaining cell to the top with dark or milk chocolate.

Video: silicone molds for making chocolate letters and other figures

Cooking letters with cookie cutters

This method may seem complicated, but with its help the letters are neat, thin. You will need:

Instead of cookie cutters, you can use letters cut out of thick cardboard.

  1. Cover the cake mold with parchment paper. Pour in the chocolate melted in a water bath. Smooth out carefully with a wide knife.
  2. Now take the edges of the parchment and shake it lightly. This will flatten the surface of the chocolate, releasing any bubbles that have formed.
  3. Wait for the chocolate to harden. When it doesn't stick to your fingers, place another sheet of parchment on top. Turn the form over so that the top sheet of paper is on the bottom. Carefully peel off the bottom sheet that covered the mold and return the chocolate bar to its original position.
  4. Place the cookie cutters firmly on the chocolate and press down to cut out the letters. If you are using a cardboard stencil, use sharp knife carefully cut out the figures according to the silhouette.
  5. Put the cut out letters in the refrigerator or other cool place so that they harden well. After that, you can lay out the inscriptions on the cake.

By the way, you can experiment and make shapes yourself from plasticine. This material is very malleable, and it will not be difficult for you to give it the desired look. The larger the mold, the easier it is to fill it with chocolate. The form must be covered with foil, gently smoothed, and then filled with melted chocolate. When it hardens, remove the letters from the workpiece and use as directed.

How to make chocolate letters on a cake using a pastry syringe

Confectioners have long used a pastry syringe or bag to decorate cakes. The method seems simple, but you will have to practice to learn how to create beautiful, even letters. In addition, it is better to use not melted chocolate, but fudge, which we wrote about above: it lies much better on the surface.

When the fondant has cooled down a bit, put it in a confectionery syringe and start applying letters.

You can write directly on the cake or do it differently. Lubricate the parchment sheet with a little butter and apply the inscriptions. After that, send the parchment to the refrigerator for several hours, placing it strictly horizontally on a flat surface. When the inscriptions harden, carefully separate them from the sheet.

To make chocolate letters with a pastry syringe correctly, follow a few rules.

Cute cake with cherished words - good idea for a gift. A pleasant edible congratulation will be to the liking of many of us. Chocolate inscription will make any dessert more beautiful and soulful. But the study of this technique will allow you to convey not only sweet congratulations, it will help you learn how to create beautiful twisted decorations for cakes and pastries from chocolate mass.

In order to get the perfect inscription, it is better to sort out the whole process, practice and choose the optimal chocolate “ink”. But everything is in order.

The first and most obvious question is what to write on the cake. Professional confectioners have whole line rules that allow you to create the right inscription that will look harmonious in the general surroundings.

The first thing to consider is the text itself. Sit down and think it over on a piece of paper, consider the options, imagine how it will look.

Some nuances worth paying attention to Special attention, namely:

  1. Text volume. So many nice and beautiful words that do not fit on the surface of the cake? Then it is worth attaching a postcard to it with Best wishes, and on the sweetness itself, a simple “Happy Birthday!” will look best! or "Happy Anniversary!". Big and clear for anyone to read, and the holiday photos made the dessert look irresistible.
  2. Congratulations scheme. Signing a cake like a postcard is bad form. How less letters, the clearer and more beautiful the text will look. So it’s better to forget about the notorious “from the husband and children”, “from the team” and other similar expressions.
  3. Tautologies. "Beloved Mom on Mother's Day!" or "Dear teacher, Happy Teacher's Day!" - does not look too pleasant and clumsy, it is better to rephrase it into something more euphonious.
  4. Conciseness. Long and difficult to read words are best left aside, they can put the birthday boy in an awkward position or take up almost the entire cake. Complicated "Happy sixteenth birthday!" it is better to replace it with “Happy 16th birthday!” or near the large number "16" write a concise "Happy Birthday!".
  5. Spelling. When signing a personalized cake, do not forget about commas. "Happy birthday, Sashenka!" or “With promotion, Lydia Stepanovna!” - seems to be a trifle, but it is read much more pleasantly.

A correctly composed congratulation will ideally fit into the composition and will become the highlight of the whole holiday.

The next point that should be considered before the process itself is the application features. There are four of them:

  • Surface. Text is never printed on a ribbed or dripping surface. Relief-curved letters will lose their attractive appearance and will look like unexpected guests. The surface to be painted must be perfectly flat. When applying melted chocolate, a refractory decor is chosen under the base - mastic or glaze. Creams can often melt under chocolate, and this point must be thought out in advance. It's good that there are other ways to apply.
  • Priority. Golden Rule a good cake - first the numbers (if any), then the text, and then all the accompanying decor, which in no case should overlap the inscription.
  • Contrast. For "ink" you need to choose colors that contrast with the coating of the cake. For beige cakes, regular chocolate is perfect, for dark icing - white. Well, if you want to make a bright inscription, snow-white cream will perfectly set off a sparkling congratulation.
  • Transfer. One of the most important rules- do not transfer words. Spend it all necessary calculations, measure each letter, but try not to divide the word, even in half.

Where to place the inscription is up to you. It will depend on the general idea and future decor. Feel free to mark with a toothpick under the ruler the line along which you will write. Even if you are confident in your abilities, it may happen that due to the tension in your hands you do not follow the process, and the inscription will turn out to be crooked.

The easiest option is to make the inscription on the cake with chocolate without any additives. For this, black bitter chocolate is usually taken, since its consistency is ideal for writing congratulations.

You can melt chocolate in the microwave or in a water bath. Consider the latter option, as it is the most suitable for beginners and allows you to easily add dyes to white chocolate.

For melting you need:

  1. Put a pot of water on the fire.
  2. Find a container that can easily fit in this saucepan without reaching for water.
  3. When the water boils, put on a slow fire and put the broken or grated chocolate into the prepared container.
  4. Stir constantly to ensure even heating.
  5. The mixture is ready when all the hard pieces have melted.
  6. At this point, the necessary food coloring is added to the white chocolate.

"Ink" is ready. With such a mixture, you can not only draw on the cake, but also create individual chocolate words and figures, which, after solidification, will look great.

The hot mix is ​​great for cakes covered with thick icing or fondant. Hot chocolate can slightly melt the delicate cream and spoil the appearance. For this, of course, there is a solution - cold ink.

For their preparation, soft butter and cocoa powder are used. Everything is extremely simple:

  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder are carefully sieved;
  • ½ tbsp is sieved on top. powdered sugar;
  • 2 tbsp is added to the mixture. tablespoons of butter, everything is thoroughly mixed.

It is important that the mass becomes homogeneous, and the oil absorbs all the powder without lumps. Such "ink" can be applied even to the most delicate cream.

In order to understand how to make the inscription on the chocolate cake even and neat, let's turn to geometry. If you are a beginner, you should not choose the inscription on the right side - this increases the chances of not fitting the word. Choose where the inscription will be located, determine how much space it will take and how high the font will be.

Feel free to use the ruler - a little more time spent will save a lot of nerves in the end. With a toothpick, make a shallow groove, in the end it will not be visible, but then all the letters will be perfectly aligned.

Drawing according to a pre-planned plan will go like clockwork. Even the first experience with such good preparation will be positive.

Like regular calligraphy, working with liquid chocolate takes practice. Do not spare the "ink", because for the perfect result you will need to work hard.

First you need to choose the correct hole diameter. In such cases, professionals choose disposable pastry bags - cutting the tip at the right height, they adjust the diameter of the outlet.

But since this is an expensive pleasure, many craftswomen came up with a couple of simple alternatives - plastic bags and soft packaging for milk, kefir or other similar products. Melted chocolate is placed in clean or washed bags and a corner is cut off. It is worth starting with a minimum diameter and increasing it as needed.

You need to take a clean plate and try to reproduce the intended inscription. If the line is too thin, you can cut more. If it is too wide, you need to organize a new package. After a few plays of the inscription, the hands will get used to it and you will easily get a beautiful chocolate inscription on the cake.

6 popular ways to create a chocolate lettering

Obviously, the world of confectionery delights did not stop at chocolate calligraphy, and a huge number of delicious congratulations were born.

The following methods are very popular in the world:

  • Drawing with liquid mixtures on the cake. Great for cakes covered with fondant or icing - they are more resistant to temperature than cream. The thickness of the letters and their size are chosen based on the general surroundings of the cake. If you make a mistake along the way, don't worry, it's easy to fix. Complete the text to the end and place the cake in the refrigerator for half an hour. The damaged letter will harden and can be easily removed.
  • Drawing with liquid mixtures according to the pattern. Confectioners often use a small focus - on regular sheet the text of congratulations with the desired font is printed. The paper is placed in a file, and you can "copy" the letters. Chocolate is poured exactly on top and sent to the refrigerator. Frozen letters are easy to transfer to the cake. However, you can’t take them with your hands - chocolate melts quickly. A knife or a strip of thin foil will do.
  • Volumetric letters. The method is almost identical, only a layer of chocolate is poured several times on top of the resulting letters. After each layer, the letters are cooled until solidified, and a toothpick can be inserted into the second layer, thanks to which the letters can be placed vertically.
  • Usage silicone molds. If you have the opportunity to use letter molds, this is a great idea. The most important thing here is to make sure that each container has the same level of chocolate, otherwise the letters will turn out to be of different heights.
  • Use of metal moulds. Many of us had aluminum cookie cutters - Christmas trees, stars and more. In addition, forms with the alphabet are also sold. In order to get such letters, you need to pour the melted chocolate onto a baking sheet covered with baking paper and refrigerate. Here it is important to make sure that the chocolate does not completely freeze, but simply stops sticking to your fingers. After that, the layer is covered with another strip of paper and gently turned over. The former bottom layer of paper is now on top and needs to be removed. The molds are well squeezed out and all the letters are separated, but you do not need to take them out. The layer with the letters is placed back in the refrigerator until completely solidified, and then the elements can be easily removed from the total mass.
  • Text from mastic. The chocolate mastic is mixed according to the recipe. Everything is simple - you need to cut out the necessary letters from the rolled out layer of mastic. First, it is worth drawing all the lines on the mastic with a toothpick.

Thanks to these methods, you can create hundreds of unique inscriptions for any celebration. The most suitable way to make a cake with chocolate letters with your own hands is up to you. What is easier to work with, what works better and which way will be more harmonious - practice will show. Successful creative achievements!

A person gets so used to gray everyday life that he stops noticing their transience. The year flies by quickly and only another birthday brings a storm of emotions into this routine. And the special solemnity of this day gives the cake. There are many ways to decorate it, but only a sincere inscription will create individuality! How to make an inscription on the cake at home? There are little secrets of this skill.

How to make an inscription on the cake to make it look beautiful?

The inscriptions should be applied to the surface of the cake first. It is she who is the accent of the celebration and should attract the eye. This does not mean that half of the cake should be filled with it. Just decorations have volumetric forms and when applied, the inscriptions can be smeared, lose volume.

There is nothing difficult in applying the inscription on the cake, but there are some exceptions to this rule. For example, before writing on a cake with an uneven surface, consider whether it will be readable. After all, uneven surfaces deform the inscription, turning beautiful wishes into something formless, looking more like a blot than kind words. Also, such surfaces do not allow you to correct minor flaws when applying text.

A deviation from this rule is only a tiny surface. If necessary, it can be removed and sprinkled with a new layer.

What to make an inscription on the cake so that the birthday boy is delighted?

1. No need to make the inscription very long. If the entire surface of the cake is full of only letters, then this will envelop it with gloom. Even if it is a poetic form of expressing love for the birthday man.

2. Avoid using the word "from" in the inscription. This is an obligatory sign of a mourning, funeral wording.

3. Eliminate repetition of words. "To the teacher on Teacher's Day!" Agree: hearing is annoying.

4. Spelling errors in short sentences are simply unacceptable. When in doubt, it is better to trust the dictionary than your intuition.

5. Writing long words also does not contribute to the emergence of a festive mood. When using an ornate font, the birthday boy will have to work hard to read the inscription. “Twenty years” is better to replace with “20 years”.

6. Try to place words evenly, on the same level, without hyphenation of syllables. Dancing letters, and even in syllables, are not a pleasant sight.

How to make an inscription?

When applying texts to cakes, experienced confectioners use syringes with special nozzles. This is a unique technology and it takes experience to master it. Using a syringe once a year will turn the inscription into a daub. How to make an inscription on a cake without a syringe?
You can buy a special cornet or stencil, make a corner - a bag of thick paper or cellophane bag and put the ink there. To make the inscription even, you can scratch the letters with a toothpick or “sugar pencils”, and then circle them with cream, icing or chocolate.

AT modern world there are even special printers that put text on the waffle sheet with food inks, so you can order such an inscription and simply lay the waffle sheet on the cake.

What to use as "ink"?

Each craftswoman uses her composition for applying inscriptions. Cream, icing, melted cocoa butter, chocolate.

It all depends on the coating of the cake. On a soft surface, such as, for example, the text will be easily lined with nuts, dried fruits, colored dragees. It can even be scratched or shaped with light pressure. Hard surfaces will not tolerate such simplicity.

And how to make an inscription on a cake from mastic? The easiest way is to use ready-made stencils or silicone stamps.

You can also make a stencil at home. For this you need to print required text, attach it to right place on the surface of the cake covered with mastic, and circle the contours with a needle. An imprint of the inscription will remain on the cake, which can be circled with edible paints or other “inks”.

You can also make stamps at home. For this, words are used in mirror reflection (for example, translate through the glass of a window) and icing. Words are filled with icing and dried. Then the stencil is applied to the surface and pushes the text. Then the print can be boldly traced.

For those who want to make an inscription on the cake with chocolate, you need to remember the following regulations:

1. Chocolate tends to melt and spread.

2. The surface of the cake should be slightly frozen before applying the inscription.

To outsmart the insidious chocolate, you can put the cherished words on the glass and cool in the refrigerator. Ready-made letters placed on the cake are less susceptible to heat.

But it is better to replace it with a mixture of butter and cocoa, combined in equal proportions at room temperature. The taste is identical, the mixture is elastic.

By the way, if you have not yet decided which cake you will bake, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with our

When a baked cake is intended not just for evening tea with the family, but is prepared specifically for a solemn event, I want to make a beautiful inscription on it. A cake with an inscription looks very beautiful, and the person for whom it is intended will be very pleased to receive such a cake for their birthday, for example. So how do you make an inscription on the cake?

  • by the most in a simple way inscription on the cake is the application of the inscription with the help of special food markers and helium dyes in a tube. The tube is equipped with a special hole. Through which a small amount of substance is squeezed out, which allows you to make an elegant thin inscription.
  • Before you put the inscription on the cake, make neat lines with a toothpick. This is necessary so that your letters in the inscription do not “dance”. When the inscription on the cake is ready, these lines will practically not be visible.
  • Do not write a large number of words. Still, this is not a congratulatory SMS and not a postcard. The inscription must be clear and concise.
  • If you made a mistake when making an inscription, or your hand trembled, do not rush to remove the mistake right away. Finish the inscription, then put the cake in the refrigerator. And when the inscription hardens, you can easily remove the missing fragment and make a new one.
  • great way make a beautiful inscription on the cake. Print the required phrase on the computer. The letters should be the same size as they will be on the cake. Then put the sheet into a file. Put an inscription on top of the file, and put it in the freezer along with the file. When the inscription hardens well. Gently transfer it to the cake.

  • You can, to apply the inscription on the cake, purchase a special stencil. Then you don't have to worry about that. That the letters will come out crooked and different sizes.
  • Highly beautiful inscription on the cake it turns out if you make it from mastic. To do this, you need to make mastic, and when it hardens a little (that is, it will be soft and plastic), we cut thin flagella and use them to make a beautiful inscription.
  • Using a stencil, you can also apply an inscription on the cake, which will be made with chocolate chips. This is done very easily, but it looks no less impressive.
  • A beautiful inscription on the cake can also be made using fruits, berries, nuts and candied fruits. In addition, the inscription on the cake, made with confectionery beads, looks very nice.
  • Before you start creating the inscription on the cake, think over the final inscription. Make it as short as possible. Also, avoid long words. For example, you should not display the inscription on the cake: “Happy twenty-nine!” This looks very ugly. Moreover, it is unlikely that the whole word will fit entirely in one line, and the transfer of words on the cake spoils the whole picture. Therefore, it is better to replace the inscription with this: “29 Happy Birthday!”
  • Pay close attention to whether there are spelling errors in your inscription. It will be very frustrating if you make such an oversight. If in doubt about the spelling of a word, it is better to double-check yourself by looking in the dictionary.
  • The inscription on the cake should be contrasting. Otherwise, it will simply merge with the cake. In addition, it will practically not be noticeable in the photographs of the birthday cake.
  • Do not write on other cake decorations. She will come out crooked. Do the inscription on the cake first, and only then place the rest of the decorations on it.
  • Calculate in advance where the inscription should start from so that there is enough meta for all letters. Correcting the mistake, then it will be very difficult.
  • If you want to make an ornate lettering on the cake, such as Roman style, look for different fonts on the Internet, print out the word and write on it.

How to make chocolate inscription on the cake?

If you decide to make a mixture for writing on the cake yourself, the following recipe will be useful to you.


  • soft butter - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Be sure to sift cocoa through a fine sieve, then combine the ingredients and grind until there are no lumps in the mass.
  2. The mixture is ready!

After preparing the mixture according to this recipe, do not use a tube for inscriptions on the cake, even if this tube is very small and thin. It is best, for this purpose, to use a plastic bag with a cut off tip or a disposable bag. Before you start writing on the cake, practice on a plate, is the writing thin enough?

How to make an inscription on a white chocolate cake?

On a white sheet of paper, write with a pencil the right words. Melt a white bar of chocolate in a water bath, pour it into a pastry bag, and make an inscription with chocolate on paper. Then put the leaf in the freezer. When the inscription hardens, carefully transfer it to the cake.

How to make a protein inscription on the cake?

Take the white of one egg, add enough powdered sugar to it so that the mass becomes thick. Beat briefly, then add a little lemon juice and continue to beat until the mass becomes firm. Transfer it to a pastry bag and write on the cake.

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