The problem of the role of language arguments. Arguments on the topic "Language" for the composition of the exam. Problems: language, borrowing, clericalism, clogging of the language, attitude to language, quality of speech, spiritual tact, eloquence, beauty of the artistic word. The Problem of the Soldier's Judge

The composition of the exam in the text:"The greatest value of the people is the language. The language in which they write, speak, think..."(according to D.S. Likhachev).

(I.P. Tsybulko, 34th option, task 25)

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(1) The greatest value of the people is the language. (2) The language in which he writes, speaks, thinks. (3) Thinks! (4) After all, this means that the entire conscious life of a person passes through his native language. (5) Emotions, sensations - only color what we think, or push the thought in some way, but our thoughts are all formulated by language. (6) The surest way to know a person - his mental development, his moral character, his character - is to listen to how he speaks. (7) If we notice a person's manner of holding himself, his gait, his behavior and judge a person by them, sometimes, however, erroneously, then a person's language is a much more accurate indicator of his human qualities, his culture. (8) So, there is the language of the people, as an indicator of its culture, and the language of an individual, as an indicator of his personal qualities, the qualities of a person who uses the language of the people. (9) Much has been written about the Russian language as the language of the people. (10) It is one of the most perfect languages ​​in the world, a language that has evolved over more than a millennium, producing in the 19th century the best literature and poetry in the world. (11) Turgenev said about the Russian language: "... one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people!" (12) The Russian language from the very beginning found itself in a happy position - from the moment of its existence in the bowels of the single East Slavic language, the language of Ancient Russia. (13) The Old Russian people, from which the Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians later emerged, inhabited vast expanses with different natural conditions, different economy, different cultural heritage and different degrees of social advancement. (14) And since communication, even in these ancient centuries, was very intense, then, by virtue of this variety of living conditions, the language was rich - in vocabulary in the first place. (15) Already the Old Russian language (the language of Ancient Russia) joined the wealth of other languages ​​​​- first of all the literary Old Bulgarian, then Greek, Scandinavian, Turkic, Finno-Ugric, West Slavic, etc. (16) It not only enriched itself lexically and grammatically, it became flexible and receptive as such. (17) Due to the fact that the literary language was created from the combination of Old Bulgarian with the folk colloquial, business, legal, "literary" language, many synonyms were created in it with their shades of meaning and emotional expressiveness. (18) The “internal forces” of the people affected the language - its tendency to emotionality, the diversity of its characters and types of attitude to the world. (19) If it is true that the language of the people reflects its national character (and this is certainly true), then the national character of the Russian people is extremely internally diverse, rich, and contradictory. (20) And all this should have been reflected in the language. (21) It is already clear from the foregoing that language does not develop alone, but it also has linguistic memory. (22) It is facilitated by the existence of thousands of years of literature, writing. (23) And here there are so many genres, types of literary language, a variety of literary experience! (24) But poetry develops the language the most. (25) This is why the prose of poets is so significant. (26) Yes, a language needs its history, you need to understand at least a little the history of words and expressions, know idiomatic expressions, know sayings and proverbs. (27) There must be a background of folklore and dialects, a background of literature and poetry. (28) A language cut off from the history of a people will become sand in the mouth.

Native language. Is it important to a person? What is its value? The Russian philologist, linguist D.S. Likhachev answers these questions with his article. The writer reflects on the fact that language is the greatest value of the people. The Russian language is one of the most perfect languages ​​in the world. The author writes that the language of the people is an indicator of their culture. The “internal forces” of the people, their national character, were reflected in the language.

The position of the author runs like a red thread through the entire text. The author claims that if you want to know a person, his inner world - listen to how he says: the whole conscious life of a person passes through his native language. Language is an indicator of a person's personal qualities. By language we judge its culture.

I fully agree with the author of the article. The Russian language has been developing throughout its existence. And therefore, its history is very important for the language in order to understand the meaning of many words and expressions, to know proverbs and sayings. Folklore is the main basis of the language.

Many famous writers and poets wrote about the Russian language. I. S. Turgenev wrote in a “poem in prose”: “... you are my only support and support, O great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language!”. The writer, being abroad, deeply worries about what is happening at home. His native language is littered with foreign words. But at the same time, he expresses confidence that the language will not perish, since it is given to a great people.

I can prove that the Russian language is beautiful and complex based on my own observations. Only the Russian language has such a number of turns, epithets and phraseological units that are difficult to understand and translate into another language. And therefore, many foreigners often cannot understand what is at stake. My friend is a foreigner. And he says that not only the Russian soul is mysterious, but also the Russian language.

Of course, one cannot but agree on how important and valuable the native language is for a person and a people. Even when we make new acquaintances, a lot depends on how the person speaks and whether it is pleasant to listen to him.

Language and culture

THE PROBLEM OF THE DEVELOPMENT AND PRESERVATION OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE 1. I. S. Turgenev addressed the problem of the development and preservation of the Russian language in the poem "Russian language". It is impossible to treat one's native language without love. A person who does not respect his language is not worthy of respect himself - this is how not to love his homeland, his city, his street, his house and his relatives. The native language helped Turgenev "in the days of doubt" and "painful thoughts about the fate of ... the motherland." In the Russian language, the writer saw "support" and "support" in everything that concerned his native side. Turgenev highly appreciated the beauty and grandeur of the Russian language, calling it "great", "powerful", "truthful" and "free".

2. L.V. Uspensky wrote about the problem of the development and preservation of the Russian language in an essay on the language “The Word about Words”. The writer notes: "Everything that people do in the truly human world is done with the help of language." Indeed, words are a reflection of things, phenomena and arise as a result of the impact of the real world on people. Without language, it is impossible to work in concert, without it it is impossible to "advance science, technology, crafts, art - life a single step."

3. K. G. Paustovsky spoke about the problem of the development and preservation of the Russian language. The writer treated his native speech with trepidation and respect. He believed that "we have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language." After all, only with the help of words can you convey feelings, describe pictures of the world around you. Therefore, love for one's country is unthinkable "without love for one's language."

The problem of the role of the Russian language in people's lives 1. L.V. Uspensky addressed the problem of the role of the Russian language in people's lives in his book "The Word about Words". The writer called the Russian language a magic thread connecting ancestors and descendants, and believed that the Russian language not only strengthens the unity of the Russian people, but also contributes to its interaction with other peoples.

2. The problem of the role of the Russian language in human life was addressed (and) by K. Paustovsky in The Golden Rose. The writer leads the reader to the idea that the centuries-old experience of the Russian people, the entire poetic side of their character lies in their native language, and this, of course, shows the great importance of the Russian language.

3. A.A. Akhmatova addressed the problem of the role of the Russian language in a person’s life in the poem “Courage”. The image of Russian speech in the poem emphasizes the unity of the Russian people. It is speech that binds all Soviet people together. And we will save you, Russian speech, Great Russian word. We will carry you free and clean, And we will give you to your grandchildren, and we will save you from captivity Forever! Indeed, by defending the Russian speech, the “great Russian word”, we are defending the Motherland.


The role of art in human life 1. People believed in the magical power of art, in its ability to ennoble people's feelings. So, some cultural figures suggested that the French during the First World War defend the Verdun fortress - not with fleets and cannons, but with the treasures of the Louvre. "Put the Gioconda" of the great Leonardo da Vinci in front of the besiegers - and the Germans will not dare to shoot," they argued.

2. Many front-line soldiers talk about the fact that soldiers exchanged smoke and bread for clippings from a front-line newspaper, where they published chapters from A.T. Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin”. This means that the fighters needed a poetic word filled with warm light.

3. The outstanding Russian writer of the 20th century, M.M. Prishvin, recalled in his diaries such a case: in the mournful days of the First World War, people gathered in front of his house and the speaker began to tell people that Russia would soon turn into a German colony. Then one poor peasant woman in a white headscarf made her way to the speaker through the crowd and stopped his speech, turning to the people: “Do not believe him, comrades! As long as Leo Tolstoy, Pushkin, Dostoevsky are with us, Russia will not perish!”

Literature is a deeply responsible matter and does not require coquetry with talents. M. Gorky

4. The well-known publicist D.S. Likhachev draws the image of our Earth as a “defenseless museum flying in the colossal space.” He is convinced that the human culture created over the millennia is designed to unite all people living on the planet.

The role of books in human life 1. S.Ya.Marshak rightly noted that “a living person decides the fate of a book, the reader; without it, not only our books, but all the works of Dante, Shakespeare, Goethe, Pushkin are just a dead pile of paper; The reader always has the last word in the evaluation of a literary work.

2. In The Tale of Bygone Years, in an excerpt from “Praise to Prince Yaroslav and Books,” it is said that “there is great benefit from the prince’s teaching. Books are rivers that fill the universe, they are sources of wisdom.

3. M. Gorky addressed the problem of the role of books in human life in the trilogy “Childhood. In people. My universities. From childhood, Lyosha Peshkova's grandmother Akulina Ivanovna introduced her grandson to literature. It was the books that helped the hero to know the beauty of the world, endure the most difficult life tests and become a man. Thirst for knowledge, a mountain of necessary literature for one's own enlightenment - all this made it possible to form one's own vision of the world better than any general education institution.

4. The problem of the role of books in human life was addressed by (and) Jack London in the novel "Martin Eden". Thanks to the books, the main character has learned a lot. Being a gifted and deep nature, Martin Eden enthusiastically plunges into the study of literature, language, and the rules of versification. The books helped the hero "enrich his vocabulary and his mental baggage and get to know himself better."

The book is the life of our time, everyone needs it - both old and young. V.G. Belinsky

5. R. Bradbury addressed the problem of the role of books in human life in the novel Fahrenheit 451. The mentor of the protagonist Faber believed that a simple person could only see one hundredth with his own eyes, and he would learn the remaining ninety-nine percent through a book.

Books are just one of the receptacles where we store what we are afraid to forget. There is no mystery in them, no magic. The magic is only in what they say, in how they sew the pieces of the universe together into a single whole. Ray Bradbury

The problem of understanding the role of the writer 1. The role of the writer, according to V. G. Rasputin, is to “not be silent like a rag”, but to raise questions and try to attract the attention of the people to them: “What is the matter with us, dear fellow villagers? Where are we going, where are we going to end up like this? That's what the people's conscience is for."

Writers only learn when they teach at the same time: they acquire knowledge best when they communicate it to others at the same time. B. Brecht

The problem of the role of education 1. By studying certain sciences for a long time and stubbornly, acquiring skills and abilities, a person becomes independent, independent in his convictions. So, the hero of the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" Andrey Stolz, thanks to hard work and perseverance in achieving the goal, achieves personal independence and becomes successful. And vice versa, a person who is lazy, does not want to learn, is not able to assess the importance of knowledge in a timely manner, is less interesting, poorly erudite.

Education gives dignity to a person, and the slave begins to realize that he was not born for slavery. D. Diderot

2. A.S. Griboedov in the comedy “Woe from Wit” shows the hatred of representatives of the Famus society for education. This is understandable: education brings people light, it opens their eyes to the world, it makes a person seek the truth. And the order on which the power of the Famusovs and Skolotoubs is based contradicts reason and logic, opposes the laws of life. That's why they consider learning a plague, that's why, wanting to put a stop to the "evil" that frightens them, they propose to burn all the books.

In enlightenment alone we shall find the salutary antidote for all the calamities of mankind! N.M. Karamzin

3. N.V. Gogol's comedy The Inspector General shows the musty world of a county town, where free thought has long since died. The mayor in the spirit of Famusov believes that a lot of intelligence is sometimes worse than if it were not there at all. Fear of the mind makes even the grimaces that the local teacher makes, as they seem to be a hint of free-thinking thoughts.

In history, every cultural upsurge was in one way or another associated with an appeal to the past. D.S. Likhachev

The problem of preserving culture 1. In his travel essay, D.S. Likhachev describes his impressions of a trip on a boat along the Volga. The author's heart shrinks at the sight of ruined churches and old estates, which "cry with the eye sockets of their empty windows." But ancient monuments educate people, help to understand the special place of Russia in history.

The heart, imagination and mind are the environment where what we call culture is born. K.G. Paustovsky

2. D.S. Likhachev in his “Letters about the Good and the Beautiful” wrote that political epochs are changing, but in our country the attitude of the authorities “to the monuments of national culture, to churches, museums, libraries has never inspired optimism.” The ecology of culture should become one of the most important tasks of our time: after all, it contains the origins of morality, without which a person is unthinkable.

The problem of the influence of mass culture on a person 1. M. Bulgakov in the novel "The Master and Margarita" ridicules the writers "stamping" mass reading. M. Bulgakov awards members of the Massolit Association with speaking names: the novelist Beskudnikov, the poets Dvubratsky, Bogokhulsky. The main attraction and pride of Massolit were not the books of its members, but the restaurant.

2. V. G. Rasputin spoke about mass culture: “There is nothing wrong with the very concept of mass culture. Whenever a value culture seizes the masses, when its best examples of the past and present become daily bread, what could be more useful than its wide dissemination?

The text of Likhachev proposed for analysis is devoted to the problem of a person's attitude to his native language.

Arguing over the problem, the author compares the language with neatness in clothes. The appearance of a person, like his speech, speaks of his attitude to the world around him and to himself. The style of clothing testifies to the taste of a person, and the language, in turn, to a greater extent characterizes the degree of our intellectual development and upbringing.

To draw attention to the problem, the author says that rudeness in the language is an indicator of a person's psychological insecurity. Harsh expressions and irony determine the weakness of a person, and not strength at all. Any jargon, cynical expressions and swearing characterize the insecurity of the individual in society.

Likhachev believes that a strong and balanced person will not use rudeness in his speech, because he is confident in the weight of the words spoken.

The author seeks to convey to the reader the idea that a lot about a person is said by his attitude to the language. People should learn good, calm and intelligent speech, listening to their inner world.

I share the author’s point of view on the problem of a person’s attitude to their native language, and I agree with the fact that people should pay attention to the culture of their speech, excluding rudeness from it, because indeed, respect for the native language characterizes the level of intellectual development and morality.

The problem raised by the author was also raised in the works of Russian writers and poets. Let's consider it on the example of the epic novel by L.N. The entire aristocracy, dressed in luxurious outfits, expresses their thoughts with a patronizing intonation in a foreign language, the essence of which is not understood by many invited to this evening. All this complements the atmosphere of the salon and impoverishes the Russian language. The speech of the guests becomes incomprehensible, boring and ugly. This fact proves that knowledge of foreign languages ​​does not make a person more moral, because the neglect of the native language does not correspond to moral standards.

Often one has to face the fact that with the advent of the Internet, people began to use foreign words and expressions more. Communicating on social networks, they use profanity, which is full of jargon and foul language. With such an expression of their thoughts, they forget about the richness of the Russian language, its true beauty and expressiveness. This fact proves that the neglect of the native language contributes to the narrowing of the vocabulary, incoherence and monotony of speech.

Thus, D.S. Likhachev conveys to the reader the idea that people should change their attitude towards their native language. He calls society to calm and intelligent speech, which is an essential part of not only our behavior, but also our personality.

Updated: 2017-09-27

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Source: Irina Dobrotina. Russian language. Preparing for the exam with the best teachers in Russia. The project of the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda". (Sold at the Soyuzpechat kiosks).

Theme "Language reflects the state of society."

Possible formulations of the problem:

1. Is it true that language ensures and maintains the cohesion of people? There is an opinion that language, being a powerful unifying force, is also capable of dividing people. The group using this language considers everyone who speaks it as their own, and people who speak other languages ​​or dialects as strangers. Is it possible to agree with such an opinion?

2. D.S. Likhachev said that "language ... testifies to a person's taste, his attitude to the world around him, to himself." Do you agree that slang words, obscene language, an excess of neologisms in our speech confirm the correctness of the thought of the famous Russian scientist?

3. K.I. Chukovsky claimed that people who spoke a vulgar language for only a week developed vulgar habits and thoughts. Is not the growing anger of people against each other the result of our ignorant neglect of our native language?


Bulgakov Mikhail Afanasyevich "Dog's heart". If eyes are the mirror of the soul, then language is the mirror of society.

The author emphasizes this idea in the difference between the speech of Professor Preobrazhensky and the representative of the proletariat. M. Bulgakov explains these differences by the changes in society that came along with the revolutionary transformations. The book is relevant even today, because now, in times of great transformation, there are also serious changes in speech.

Chukovsky Korney Ivanovich. "Live like life". Stories about the Russian language. K. Chukovsky is convinced that at any time and in any society, the language reflects the state of spirituality, shows the educational and cultural level of a person, and these qualities are in demand always and everywhere.

The culture of speech is inseparable from the general culture. To improve the quality of your language, you need to improve the quality of your intellect. It's not enough to keep people from talking choice a or me n d love. Another writes and speaks without errors, but what a poor vocabulary he has, what messy phrases! What an anemic mental life is expressed in those musty patterns that make up his speech!

Krongauz Maxim Anisimovich. "The Russian language is on the verge of a nervous breakdown". Publicism. The Russian language is changing so rapidly that anxious and sometimes panicky moods arise in society. Increasingly, they are talking not only about damage, but also about the death of the Russian language. Especially painful are such topics as the language of the Internet, the spread of abuse, the abuse of borrowings, jargon and colloquial words.

The problem of preserving the language is very important today. It is over this that M. Krongauz reflects in the text. In the modern world, a lot of new things appear in the language. And not all acquisitions are useful. The author is trying to convey to the reader that all components of the language should be used wisely. M. Krongauz, although he calls for more use of the Russian literary language, is still not against the use in some cases of borrowed words and even devalued vocabulary. But he warns against excessive abuse of words and expressions that indicate low spirituality and culture. And he also convinces that before using borrowed words, it is necessary to understand their meaning. According to the author, the language should be literate, accessible and highly cultured.

I agree with M.

Krongauz. Indeed, the language, as a reflection of our soul, must be beautiful and pure. Unfortunately, in the modern world, this is increasingly forgotten. Every day the Russian language becomes more and more clogged, and many words lose their original meaning and beauty. This situation can lead to disastrous consequences in the future. Therefore, you need to protect the language and try not to let it fall.

In literature, there are many works where the problem of preserving the language is raised. This question has long interested people. Many great minds have thought about it. And so far it has not lost its importance.

In the prose poem by I.S. Turgenev "Russian language" it is said that the Russian language is a hope and support for the people.

The author calls him great and mighty. The poem conveys to the reader a simple truth: the Russian language helps to survive in the days of difficult trials: “In the days of doubt, in the days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland, you are my only support and support, O great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language!”. And that is why it is necessary to preserve and protect it.

In A. Akhmatova's poem "Courage" it is shown that it is more important to preserve the Russian language. Through the lips of lyrical heroes, the author says that, despite all the trials, native speech will not be lost: “It’s not scary to lie dead under the bullets, it’s not bitter to be homeless, and we will save you, Russian speech, the Great Russian word.” The whole poem is imbued with love for its language. It contains the most important promise: to preserve the language and pass it on to posterity.

So, the language carries the cultural heritage of the people. Therefore, its clogging and subsequent degeneration cannot be allowed. It is necessary to protect the language not only by protecting it, but also by increasing its incalculable wealth.

Updated: 2017-04-18

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