It was described above by Olga Michi. “The Objective Side” is my interview with the magazine “Atmosfera. What to bring besides photos and films

Olga Michi never wanted to join the ranks of Rublev's wives. In the wild, she “forces” crocodiles to pose, swims with whales and killer whales, and even brought real Masai to Moscow for her photo exhibition “Following the Dream”.

My wife did! - 26-year-old African Wilson proudly displays a necklace, bracelets and headbands made of multi-colored beads, which go well with his gray sweatshirt. - On the leg, too, a beautiful bracelet! He lifts up the leg of his jeans. - In our tribe, the more a woman loves a man, the more weaves for him jewelry!

“It means that you and your wife are especially lucky,” Olga laughs and tells how she spent several weeks in East Africa, where she underwent a Maasai initiation ceremony, found a second mother there and received the name Naisula from the elders of the tribe, which means winner in Masai. “They must have felt how I have been struggling with my fears all my life,” Olya tries to laugh it off, but she has nothing to be modest about. Beautiful, smart, a great mother and wife, a great photographer, a professional traveler: of course, she is a winner. Swim without a cage with a six-meter white shark, Olga did it in Guadeloupe, who dares to do that?

“I carefully prepare for any extreme and meeting with wild animals, I don’t risk in vain,” she explains. “If you make eye contact with a shark, it knows that you are also watching it, and behaves more or less.

Per last years Olga has traveled all over the globe, but to African continent She has a special relationship.

- There, on the second day, the fuss and stresses that haunt you in big city, and in silence you begin to hear and understand yourself and the world around. You go to the river for water, cook food on a fire, you are stunned by the brightness of the starry sky ... Some friends, having seen my photos from Africa, lament: “Oh, how unfortunate and poor they are there!” But believe me, the idea of ​​happiness is imposed on most of us by civilization and has nothing to do with the meaning and course of life. Before, I came to some fashionable place for a narrow circle and understood: you must definitely dress up in something from the latest collections, drive up in a supercar with a personal driver, otherwise you will not be perceived. And now I don't have to puff up. This is the problem of those who have no other occupation. Of course, I like beautiful clothes. Recently, together with designer Anastasia Zadorina, we have released a special collection for travelers.

– In the stylish jumper with a lion in which you came, you can also go anywhere.

- And he is just from our collection, - Olga smiles, - I took this lioness while watching the pride in Kenya.

- Where, as I understand it, was the idea born to bring representatives of the Maasai tribe to Moscow?

- When the guys found out that I was opening an exhibition where a quarter of the pictures were dedicated to the life of their people, they themselves wanted to support me. Of course, I was worried, the case was unprecedented. The guys never left their village with a traditional way of life, and here the plane, winter, Russia.

But they don't seem to be afraid of the cold. And what have we, in the civilized world, impressed them with?

- A large number of unnecessary things that people use. And this despite the fact that they judged only by the hotel room. For example, a bunch of different cosmetics in the bathroom - for the face, body, hair: why so many, they asked. I remember bringing expensive perfume to my Masai mother, but the gift was rejected. Mom explained that this wonderful, in my opinion, perfume has a bad smell that attracts only hordes of flies, and good cosmetics should smell like a cow! The guys were delighted with how the shower works. “It’s hard to switch, but there is always water! And we need to bring water from the river, fill the tank, pull the rope. The usefulness of the towel was unanimously recognized. “At home, after washing, you wait until you dry, but then you quickly dried off and ran - a useful thing!” They were also fascinated by light sensors and light bulbs on trees. Borscht appreciated only one, but everyone liked the Russian bath, at first they didn’t even want to go in, and then they couldn’t get it out. After the steam room, Wilson stated: "I only sweated like this in Africa!"

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Biography, life story of Michi Olga

Olga Michi is a Russian photographer, traveler, travel blogger.


Olga Michi was born in Cuba in a military family. The mother of the future photographer died in childbirth. The girl was brought up mainly by her grandmothers, doing everything so that Olya would not feel deprived.

because of military service father, the girl changed her place of residence every few years and entered different schools. Dad tried to give his child a good education, so Michi went abroad several times to study. Olga received legal education. She has always been interested in history, political science and diplomacy.

Photo exhibitions and work

Olga Michi traveled to different parts of the world for more than 8 years, doing extreme photography. The woman dived with killer whales, swam with sharks and crocodiles, filming it all on camera. However, Michi showed herself most brightly, creating photographs from Africa.

At exhibitions, Michi reveals the features of African culture, for example, acquaints his admirers with the life of the Maasai tribe. The most famous exhibition called "Follow your dream", which was attended by various Russian celebrities. Michi's first photography exhibition featured about three hundred works. In addition, a film about Olga's life and work was prepared and shown.

Michi regularly posts all her unique works on Instagram, where she already has over 15,000 followers.

Olga is working on her own project "Extreme Photographer", which is a charity program designed to draw attention to endangered animal species. Anyone can help these animals by simply buying a photo they like. The income collected will go to National parks to fund animal rescue programs.



Michie has been writing her autobiography for several years. The photographer began writing the book during her first pregnancy.

Olga set the difficult task of telling people about all the stages of her difficult, but interesting life. She turned to her father, aunt and grandmother for help to learn more about her early childhood.

Michi's book contains information about everything from kindergarten to the history of meeting her spouse. She talks in her autobiography about her love of photography, travel, first romantic relationships and frequent moves.

Personal life

Olga Michi's husband is Alexander Bushuev. It is known that he is 41 years old, he is a Muscovite and comes from creative family. In his younger years, Bushuev was interested in various sports: swimming, Athletics, football, chess, table tennis and others.

After graduating from school, Bushuev entered the Philosophical Department of Moscow State University. After receiving higher education he began his teaching career. While studying at the institute, Alexander became friends with Olga, and a year later he proposed to her, to which she agreed. In the early years family life Olga and Alexander traveled a large number of US states. They traveled to Florida, Texas, Utah, Alabama, Vermont, Oregon, Colorado, Michigan, Indiana, Nevada and Maine.

Three years after the wedding, the couple had a boy, Andrei. Two years later, a daughter was born, who was given the name Anna. Olga's children go to art school. In 2015, the eldest son of Michi and Bushuev went to school.

I have to say that I have always considered myself

quite a brave woman. I myself was in Africa, I go diving, it’s hard to scare me in any, not even especially tourist place. So, anyway, I thought before meeting with Olga.

It turned out that my level of courage is flowers. And my, as it seemed to me, enviable travel-list of countries and cities where I visited, is still oh, how far from ideal. My interlocutor was in all (!) the most interesting and most dangerous places planets from Africa to Australia. But our conversation is not just a conversation about travel, it is a reflection on psychology, on female happiness and the need to find one's vocation.

Olya, the very first question that everyone who reads your column asks me is how do your relatives let you go on such trips, husband? Or do you run away “as if to Europe”, and then tell where you really were?

I hid only one trip from my relatives: an expedition to Guatemala in search of lost city Maya El Mirador. It seemed to me that they would not let me go if they knew where and why I went. After all, the Guatemalan jungle is one of the most dangerous in the world. Now I don’t do that anymore - there is no need, because now everyone understands the essence of my travels well. And my relatives are so confident in me that they easily let me go even to Africa. By the way, it was there that my husband at first did not want to go at all. “What are we going to do there, where to live, what are the conditions there?!” Eternal stereotypes about a country that I personally fell in love with for a long time and still cannot calm down. I remember that in order to change my husband's opinion about Africa, I personally took charge of organizing our trip. As a result of my efforts, he saw an incredible country where the highest luxury and authentic things that you will not see anywhere else are combined in the most fantastic way.

Many people think that this kind of extreme trip for a woman is to some extent an excuse to run away from something. Or to prove something to yourself. Have you yourself already analyzed the reason for your unexpected passion for everything unknown and dangerous?

To some extent, of course, it's not just wanderlust. And I am aware of this. There was a period in my life when I was completely different. It seemed to me then that, having married, my main task was to be perfect wife. I learned to cook, lived in the cares and interests of my husband, equipped the house and looked after the hearth. Until I began to notice that I was dissolving in my husband and ... becoming less interesting to him. He began to stay longer at work, sometimes we didn’t even have anything to talk about with each other. And I realized that being well-groomed, kind, caring and smiling is not all. You have to be strong and find your calling. Then you will always be interesting to the man who is next to you.

That is, you deliberately chose for yourself interesting activity that would cause delight and surprise?

Rather, at first it was subconscious, I did not have a clear plan. I just felt that I had not found myself, my calling in life. And I needed it like air. I have always believed that in order to earn the respect of the people around you, you need to do serious things.

Do you sincerely believe that every woman should find a calling in life? Is it not only a task to raise children and be a good wife?

Of course not. And my example is a vivid confirmation of this. Having found the profession of my dreams, it was as if I was born again. I began to look different, talk differently, as my acquaintances began to tell me, as if some kind of light was lit from within. Yes, I myself felt that way - life turned out to be truly interesting and fulfilling. And now it is I who becomes the center of attention in any company where we visit with my husband. People hear about my adventures, and I feel that I really inspire someone to do something similar, and my husband is especially pleased.

How do you choose places to travel, how do you form a team - who do you take with you?

Only proven people in difficult situations. It is important. We had such a case when people we did not know traveled with us in a group. And here we find ourselves in the area where the family of mountain gorillas rests. And one of the strangers violates the space of primates. To which there was an instant reaction from a large female. Only the professional actions of the Rangers accompanying us saved our lives. But before going to national park in search of gorillas, we underwent quite a serious briefing on the rules of conduct when meeting with anthropoids. It was real deadly danger. At that moment, I made a promise to myself that I would no longer travel with “strangers” - this way you can lose your life and obviously through no fault of your own.

In general, I can say that in the wild, in most cases of animal attacks, the person himself is guilty of creating life-threatening situations. For example, we once had a case when, during a walking safari, our guide underestimated the situation and led us through a herd of elephants, thereby separating an adult male from females with calves. Only a click of the shutter stopped a huge powerful animal literally a few meters from our group, which rushed to protect its family. You can imagine what might have happened if our guide had left his gun at home that day. But in Africa, quite often we were accompanied by members of the tribes, armed only with a staff and very rarely with a spear.

When people read your columns, they imagine a kind of girl-boy, with short haircut, in baggy trousers, sneakers, no manicure. You are incredible beautiful woman well-groomed and stylish. Is it a conscious life according to two scenarios?

Absolutely conscious. I understand that when I go to meet with African tribe I don't need expensive jewelry. And I choose clothes for trips that are comfortable and appropriate for the area where I am going.

But this does not mean at all that I should give up on purely feminine pleasures: styling, face and body care, spa or shopping. I somehow managed to divide my image into two parts inside myself: I am on trips, in extreme conditions, and I am in Moscow, at social events, next to my husband, in a beautiful dress. And in my head there is no duality in this: there is a working dress code, and there is a main life. On the contrary, girls who are on tourist trains, on the beach, for example, appear in stiletto heels - this is a clear overkill and absolutely not my story.

Let's say you go on another not the safest trip, do you really never think: “What if I don’t come back this time?”.

It happens, of course. In a sense, my travels make me stronger, show me where is the very limit after which I will be ready to retreat? Everything happens gradually. At first you are sure that you will not be able to live more than three days in a tent, then it seems that even a week is not a problem. You understand - in fact, you can do without a lot, feeling absolutely happy man. In general, it is very useful to break away from the usual Moscow rhythm and spend time among people who have different values ​​and who live, as it were, at different speeds. I don't mind secular life or fashion magazines and sites, I’m even very “for”, but in everything you need common sense. And in Moscow, the impression is that many people live in an artificial world with some of their own, only known to them, heroes and with their own strange values.

You often say that it is by doing what you love that you realize how strong you are. But what do you think, men still like it more strong women or weak? Many of my friends, for example, are sure that they are weak. So why then be strong?

Depends on the man - you, Yana, know this very well. If it is important for a man to assert himself at the expense of a woman, of course, the last thing he needs is to feel the strength of her character. But then I have a question: why choose such men?!

Recently I decided to learn how to shoot. I turned out to be a capable student - I hit the target regularly, no worse than many men.

Agree. But let's now move on to a completely feminine issue. You said that when you travel, you realize how much you can do without. But without high-quality cosmetics, for example, you don’t need, and you don’t want to do? By the way, what does your travel makeup bag look like?

She's big (laughs). It necessarily has masks and means for the skin around the eyes. It is clear that the cream or serum completely depends on where I am flying this time. But I always carry my favorite face masks with me, which restore the skin after flights. In general, I try to choose only those products from which I immediately feel the result - La Prairie, La Mer, for the face I also like the Italian spa brand Comfort Zone.

How much time do you spend shopping? For example, how important is it for you to buy a bag that others are queuing for, or to find ultra-fashionable sandals that stylists call a must-have for the season?

Doesn't matter. I love clothes like any normal woman, I love beautiful dresses and costumes. But standing in line for a bag of a certain color or size is too much for me, I don’t want to play these games. Yes, and there is not much time to follow all the trends. There is a desire to dress up-to-date and stylish, but, in any case, I am a fan of elegant classics. It doesn't have to be boring, but it's always worth it.

A woman must be wise, she must be able to make informed decisions, be able to be cold-blooded when required of her life situation. By the way, this is what travel teaches me. I recently returned from a trip where we were essentially captured locals and did not want to let go until we gave them a bribe. It was really scary. When I realized that neither the travel agency through which I booked this trip, nor the guide assigned to us could help, for a moment I was frightened. I sat and thought: “Is my life really going to end like this ?!”. But then I realized that I need to pull myself together and save the situation. And so I went to the leader of the tribe and began to ... talk to him. I said that we came to them with kindness, that we want to tell the world about their tribe and traditions, we honestly paid for all their services and are ready for negotiations, but there is no need to intimidate us and demand a ransom. I don't know where all these arguments came from. Apparently, my legal education had an effect. But at the end of our conversation, the leader of the tribe was imbued with my arguments and ... let us go. I believed it only when we got out. Since then, I will celebrate this day as my second birthday!

Details from Posta-Magazine:
Fascinating stories about the travels of our heroine Olga Michi can be read on our website:

Our today's heroine is Olga Krutaya, wife famous composer Igor Krutoy, his muse and support, the mother of two beautiful girls and just a beautiful woman. It was to her that Igor once dedicated one of his most poignant compositions, “I love you to tears.”

Photo by Jan Coomans

Staying in the shadows
famous husband,

At the same time, Olga did not lose herself, she is engaged in perfume business and - in between worries about youngest daughter and preparing the wedding of the eldest - thinking about new projects.

Our shooting took place back in Jurmala, during the New Wave contest, the permanent president of which has been Igor Krutoy for more than a year. In the same place, in Jurmala, he celebrated his 60th birthday, and one of the pearls of the holiday, of course, was his wife Olga. Being the muse of a famous and talented person is pleasant, romantic, honorable, but not very easy. And at the same time, not everyone can afford to maintain their independence and do their own thing. Olga Krutoy, with her energy, interest in life in all its beautiful manifestations (and, of course, with a professional economic education) succeeded.

Interview hero

My dream city Antigua Guatemala I can furnish the attic I have under my bed big and furry serval If I could, I would dedicated her life to volunteering

Arrivo: In February 2015, your first photo exhibition was held in Moscow. Even Ivan Urgant was on it. I would be awfully proud of myself.

Olga: Vanya is brilliant and very honest man, and I am infinitely grateful to him that at the hardest moment of loss for him loved one he found the strength to open my exhibition. He is a true professional in his field. I respect such people.

You have been to 70 countries on all continents, but you do not attach importance to numbers. Let's flip it over: seven places that are still worth mentioning.

You're right. Moreover, aimlessly wandering around the world has long been uninteresting to me. If I set a goal to visit all the countries of the world, I would already be close to it. I'm not interested in countries, but unique places, endangered peoples, rare animals. I want to drink adventure, not banal tourism.

If you list seven places, then these are: Antarctica, Patagonia, Yellowstone, South Africa, Kangaroo Island in Australia, Venezuela, Ethiopia. These are the places where you want to return for one reason or another.

I don’t know who said, I just liked the phrase: “There is only one attraction - nature.”

To each his own. I know many people who are completely far from nature and cannot live without city hustle and bustle. Others idolize Europe with its operas, theaters, museums and vernissages. And I believe that in my life there will also come a period when I will settle down somewhere on Piazza della Rotonda with a glass of dry Barolo, and the vanity of vanities will pass by. But it will not be soon. Now I live adventure.

I test myself by diving unprotected with Nile crocodiles, white sharks, killer whales, giant octopuses and other sea and river monsters.

I'm interested to know where the limit of my fear is. Albert Camus said: "Travel, as the greatest and most serious science, helps us rediscover ourselves." On each trip, I learn a lot about myself, grow over my fears, weaknesses and become better.

In preparation for the interview, I made a sketch: “Life on an expedition: campfire, starry sky, no internet…” You can continue the list.

If we talk about a solo expedition, then this is: a switched off phone, a ringing silence, occasionally interrupted by sounds wildlife, awareness of one's insignificance on the scale of the world, a huge sky full of stars and reflections on the meaning of life.

If this is an expedition as part of a group of people with common goal, that is: interesting people With unique stories, guitar and awareness of one's importance, because in a serious expedition each participant has his own role, and this is undoubtedly a team game.

It is believed that men are better adapted to field conditions. It should be harder for women, but you can't tell. Tell the readers of Arrivo how to look just as beautiful.

My experience is that it does not depend on gender. It depends on the individual, on hiking experience, self-control and physical training. I met completely unprepared people among both men and women. Over the years, I have learned not to mess with such people: on serious trips, as a rule, they become a burden.

At the age of 13, my mother took me by the hand to modeling agency"Triumph", where for six months I was taught professionally and in any conditions to apply makeup, walk beautifully, control my feelings. We were taught to smile on the podium under any circumstances, even if “well-wishers” poured broken glass into our shoes. And I smiled, took part in beauty contests and even won prizes.

Then there were studies and marriage. Dreams of a career were replaced by dreams of a happy family life. In this concept, I invested not only cooking and taking care of children, but daily work on my appearance.

I really wanted my husband to see in me not only a cook, but also attractive woman. I have developed and developed the skill of being a real woman over the years, and therefore there is no escape from this when hiking. Well, I can’t be a woman for years and suddenly become a kind of woman-man.

I know many women who are beautiful on the outside, but with steel inside, and they have achieved heights in different professions. For example, Cristina Zenato is a nice woman, but she does this with sharks! (two more exclamation points - approx. Arrivo). A real shark charmer. Leni Riefenstahl is my idol, a brilliant photographer and an incredible person.

I found your Facebook post “Time to work”. Counted: two DSLRs and one soap dish, 12 lenses, 4 GoPro cameras, headphones, microphones, several tripods, a laptop, an external hard drive and a huge suitcase with various gadgets. You can't be the only one carrying all this.

I carry a lot more equipment with me. Ever since I started the Extreme Photographer television project, I have had to take sound equipment as well as a quadcopter. During underwater shooting, an underwater camera box, photo and video light, as well as my personal diving equipment and a box with a full face mask are added.

Sometimes on trips, for example to Africa, I take two cameras and a full set of lenses. Often these are Canon and Nikon and, accordingly, optics for them. I had cases when the camera could not withstand the voltage or fell and failed. In one of the African countries, porters managed to turn my camera and a complete set of expensive optics into a pile of glass, so now I always make sure and personally take care of my equipment. This is the other side of the coin.

The expedition is not only romance and bonfires. Quite often I suffer from back pain, although I spend everything free time in the gym, strengthening the muscular corset. But I can honestly say that it's still nice to be a girl, because men always offer help. I myself am very proud and not used to asking.

Bags and a backpack with appliances that I spend as hand luggage, heavy and weigh, often, more than my own weight.

Are there any travelers and wildlife photographers that you look up to?

On which I am guided - no. But there are people whom I consider great, and have infinite respect. For example, Fedor Konyukhov. Mentally strong man! Not everyone can spend so much time on difficult solo expeditions and not get discouraged. Vitaly Sundakov, who made a number of outstanding journeys and discoveries. This is, if we talk about the living. Traveling to uncharted places is much more difficult these days. The thing is that there are practically no such places left.

Once we flew to Borneo with two transfers, and then we were shaking for 7 hours on absolute impassability in the hope of seeing orangutans in the wild. What was the surprise of our guide when, upon arrival, we did not find forest thickets: in front of us was bare land, disfigured by oil palms. There is a trend towards deforestation species, as well as unique nationalities. Many rare languages ​​and cultures have already been irretrievably lost.

The purpose of my travels is not to discover something new, but to preserve what is on the verge of extinction. The only way to save this is by attracting everyone's attention.

When it comes to contemporary wildlife photographers, I admire the work of Paul Nicklen. He not only has beautiful pictures, these are technically complex and hard-to-obtain shots. As a photographer, I understand how much effort goes into each of his unique shots.

How do male colleagues feel about your success?

Sometimes jealously and with distrust. But when they start working with me, they radically change their mind. During work, I am not a woman, I am a professional, and there is no place for snot and saliva. For the sake of successful shots, I can walk through the jungle for days, sit for hours under the scorching sun, eaten alive by flies, freeze in icy water, be in dangerous conditions.

In general, I believe that if a person is talented in something, then other activities will be easy for him. I am easy to learn and I want to know everything, although I live by the principle of Sherlock Holmes: “The human brain is like a small empty attic that you can furnish as you wish.”

You swam with a white shark without a cage and dived with Nile crocodiles. I could ask if it was scary (of course it was!), but I'll ask: who did you like best?

I love white sharks. They are much more beautiful and more predictable than the Nile crocodiles. Sharks are much easier to work with. In the Okavango, where I've been diving with crocodiles for two years in a row, it's hellish underwater.

You dive into the water and you never know what awaits you. Most often, this is poor visibility, strong currents and a lot of surprises, for example, resting hippos at the bottom.

Diving with Nile crocodiles is the scariest thing I have ever done in my life. This is truly Russian roulette.

In one of the photos you are hugging electric ramp. Doesn't he get electrocuted?

Knowing the subject of shooting is 70% of success. Knowledge is always superior to fear. I wouldn't have touched crocodiles if I hadn't studied their habits. And so it is with any animal. Ignorance breeds fear, and fear makes mistakes. In the conditions in which I work, any mistake can cost a life. In the wild, with dangerous animals, you can not relax. It has its own rules, and any person is a guest. You need to be focused and collected. The loss of vigilance can be fatal even for a professional. An example of this is the story of the death of naturalist and wildlife expert Steve Irwin. He died from a fatal blow to the heart with a stingray's tail. That is how I am hugging in this photo. I allow myself such "tricks" only because I know how to work with dangerous animals.

Judging by our conversation and your reports, I have an image of an absolutely self-confident woman. Is it really? Or there is still some madness in your expeditions.

I have not yet met absolutely confident people. Those who made such an impression played skillfully. I am convinced that overconfidence would lead me to regress. I am an Aries, and we tend to be constantly dissatisfied with our achievements. Even after making a great series, I keep thinking that I could have done much better.

Self-doubt makes me improve my skills and, as a result, grow and develop. I am interested in trying new things and learning from those who have already earned worldwide recognition, for example, in such unique personalities as Amos Nachum and Adam Ravetch. I am sure that my best photo not taken yet.

As for traveling, yes, there I am absolutely confident in myself, otherwise I would not have poked myself.

I am an idealist - I must do either very well, or - nothing at all. But also madness, and in some situations even stupidity, there is more than enough in me!

There are people who are afraid and do not. You have the opposite. What helps you overcome your fears? Take for example your expedition to West Africa- the place is unsafe.

I am a very curious and determined person. And now it turns out that he is also brave. But I wasn't always like this. This is how they made me life path and experience.

Every person has fears, and women have much more fears than men. No matter how much you fight them, it is impossible to get rid of them completely. Some are replaced by others.

For example, I am most afraid of losing my loved ones, but I am practically not afraid for myself. I rarely give up halfway. Often I even like to test myself and look fear in the eye.

As for my trip to West Africa, it was not frightening for me, I was led there by a terrible curiosity. Since childhood, I loved watching horror films, and films about the Voodoo cult frightened and attracted me at the same time. Go there to understand what voodoo is - witchcraft, religion, or just a way to control suspicious and led people, for me was a dream for many years. I rode with trepidation in my soul, but not with fear.

Voodoo - witchcraft good or evil.

Any questions related to religion require an extremely careful and tolerant answer that will not hurt or offend the feelings of its followers. I have a clear position regarding Voodoo. Voodoo is the same religion as all the others, but by its nature, rather, it is closer to paganism and the beliefs of ancient peoples. Everyone has the right to believe in what he wants. But sometimes (and we often see this in modern world) people interpret completely harmless postulates in a negative light, depending on the goal pursued. Any religion is a powerful means of controlling the masses.

Let us recall Aum Shinrikyo and its religious leader, who, on the basis of a fairly harmless yoga, managed to grow not only the most powerful sect, but also a serious terrorist organization.

Thus, I believe that in some hands Voodoo can be an evil religion and seriously frighten people, while in others it can be completely harmless. In Benin and Togo - the countries where Voodoo originated - I was at various ceremonies and met with adherents of this cult as " bright side", and with "dark". My opinion is this: any religion should be in the service of goodness, light and peace.

I left my heart in the Dolomites. Soul - in native Karelia. The mind did not give anyone - he wanders with me. What places can you say the same about?

My heart is in Africa. I sincerely love Africa, respect and never get tired of learning ... My soul is where my roots are, where my ancestors are, where my faith is in Russia, but the mind, according to my mother, sometimes remains “at home, on the farm”, otherwise I wish I didn't go to crocodiles, sharks, tribes, sick various diseases for which there are no drugs, would not go to dangerous African countries, and in general would be engaged in all those things that ordinary women do.

We know you as Olga. Who calls you Naisula? What does your African name mean?

Naisula is the name given to me by the Maasai. It means "Winner". In January of this year, I managed not only to live among the representatives of this tribe, but also to go through all the trials that they face every day.

They do not visit empty-handed. What do you think it should be perfect gift tribal people? How to win their trust and most importantly - not to lose?

There is only one way to win the trust of the tribe - the purity of their intentions. Often in tribes, any gifts brought from our world are treated negatively. However, this does not apply to medicines. This is the main gift, which often helps to save lives. Malaria pills, eye drops, antipyretics for children, antibiotics.

In other places where, for example, there are schools, great gift there will be notebooks, pens, pencils, crayons, erasers, paints and other stationery.

Often I see how tourists mistakenly carry sweets, not realizing that in many places medicine is completely absent. Such "gifts" can create a lot of problems with your teeth. For example, the Maasai do not eat anything but meat, milk and cow blood, while they are long-lived among the tribes, have healthy white teeth until old age and are distinguished by excellent endurance. This applies not only to the Masai, but also to other nomadic peoples who live off livestock.

It seems to me that the Russian sundress is somewhat reminiscent of the traditional outfits of African tribes. Are they similar to us internally?

Funny, never thought about that. Are they similar to us internally? Undoubtedly.

Usually in the tribes, all the hard work falls on the shoulders of women. Men are more engaged in "thinking" activities. Just like ours, fragile women carry heavy shopping bags with provisions and water containers, raise children, look after the hearth, fall asleep, telling fairy tales to children.

Tribes have leaders and weak ones. Heroes and cowards. We are all people with our fears, worries and troubles.

Why did you bring the Masai to Moscow?

This is what my good friend Louis Sarno once did for the unique Baaka people: he took them to Paris. France learned about the problems of these little people, and the pygmies themselves that there is a world around their world, and what is in it wide world they are known, they are worried about them and are ready to lend a helping hand. This story, told late in the evening by the fire, impressed me very much. I wanted to give a fairy tale to the same simple and pure people who never left the borders of their native country.

For them it was a dream, but it seemed to me also interesting experiment. So the idea came up to compare the two worlds and, as a result, understand who finds it harder to adapt to other people's living conditions. True, it was not easy to bring the idea to life. I had to do all sorts of documents and certificates. The Maasai had absolutely no warm clothes and no skills for living in the city. But we overcame everything and won a real battle with the bureaucratic system of Kenya.

Light bulbs in the trees! If I were one of the Masai, I would also be very surprised. What else surprised the Maasai in the capital.

Many things, very many. For example, they were very surprised by the subway. When they went down to the subway, the first thing they said was: “Now we understand where all people live and hide!”

The Masai were very afraid of escalators and elevators. Architecture was of little interest to them, but they were delighted with artificial cows on Novy Arbat.

Masai - wise people, despite simple life and originality. One phrase not only surprised me, but also changed my attitude towards material values. It sounded like this: “Olga, it’s so hard for us to understand why you need so many unnecessary things, for example, there are so many bubbles in the bathroom, and the bed in the room is so huge ... Why is there so much of everything, when much less is needed for life and happiness? »

But they are right! We ourselves create problems for ourselves in the struggle for the possession of this or that good and often become slaves of things without which we could easily live happily!

Social event in Moscow and a night by the fire in African savannah. What is real life?

Social events are a forced part of my life. It is the part of life that I could easily live without. Campfire nights are a necessary pleasure not to lose yourself. I grew up in nature. Nature inspires me, heals and gives strength.

Moscow is a nervous city: traffic jams, people always in a hurry. And here loneliness is especially acute, no matter what its origin. The gospel is a great book in which you always find something new. A couple of chapters before bed allows you to remove all the negativity accumulated during the day.

How long has your son traveled with you? I would not refuse such adventures as a child. How do you think it will grow...

I began to take my son abroad from the age of three, to Africa - from the age of five. I still believe that more early age this is not worth doing. Firstly, the airport has a huge amount of viruses and bacteria that are not typical for our region. Secondly, long flights. Thirdly, at the age of five, my son was just beginning to understand what danger means, that not all insects and other creatures should be touched. Now he actively travels with me all over the world and has already visited many places. I want my son to grow up to be a diversified, worthy person, benevolent and tolerant of all people. This year I sent him to study at an international school and I am very glad that he made friends different cultures, skin colors and religions.

Your motto: "Follow your dream!" What do you dream about the most?

Everything is very simple and trite! My dream is to do what I love, and for this business to benefit not only me, but also other people. The rest of my dreams are about simple female happiness, and I believe that all of them will come true sooner or later.

If I could be born again, I would devote my life to volunteering or go to India like Mother Teresa, go to Africa to make a revolution like the great Che Guevara. But seriously, it's hard to say: life is such a difficult thing and something is always sorely lacking in it.

Travel teaches more than anything. Sometimes one day spent in other places gives more than 10 years of life at home. Anatole France

For as long as Olga can remember, she has always loved to travel. She was born in Cuba, in Havana. Her father is a Russian officer. The peculiarities of his father's profession, when he had to constantly change places of service, were layered on his curiosity and desire to see other countries. These qualities are fully inherent in the mother of Olga Michi. So the passion for travel is in her blood.

Parents set off on the road, and even if it was an ordinary picnic outside the city, for Olga it invariably became the beginning of a new adventure. Became a journey to an unknown country, where the forest turned into a mysterious jungle, full of danger and secrets.

Once there was a case when she and her older brother almost got lost among the huge mugs. It happened on one of the hills of Sakhalin. Her father was sent to serve on this island. And in their free time, the family, out of habit, left "closer to nature."

Olga admits that she grew up in an "atmosphere of love." Her parents love each other. And, of course, she is grateful to her mother and father for the excellent selection of books in their home library. As Olga says: “I grew up on the right books.” Each new story she read about travel and travelers called her to a new path. These books, too, not least determined her fate.

Olga was on all continents. In the past, she has traveled to seven dozen countries of the world. More than once she went on difficult and dangerous expeditions to Central America, Africa, Indonesia... Repeatedly lived with wild tribes.

“But ... all this happened much later,” Olga recalls. - First, like all girls who dream of a prince, I found my betrothed, got married and gave birth to a son. My husband never restricted me either in freedom of movement or in the choice of places, but he himself was tied to the house. So I took the first steps to distant countries myself ... "

Olga has been to places where the natives do not let any of the "strangers" in. She has a universal key that helps to open places "locked" for most travelers. It's charm and friendliness. You can't deny her the ability to use such a key. And this is very clearly seen in the photographs that she brings from her adventures. After all, you can't fool the lens. It is like a magnifying glass showing how the people you shoot treat you.

Charm, friendliness and femininity are combined in Olga with the ability to stand up for herself toughly. And do not give offense to those who trusted you. Everyone who was close to her in difficult situations notes her talent for quickly and accurately responding to danger and difficulties.

And these character traits also come from childhood. Her grandfather fought. Defended Moscow. Liberated Belgorod and Belarus. My grandmother survived the blockade in Leningrad. And the mother, who has been influential person in business, she always told her daughter: “If you want to achieve something in life, you must be a leader, you must fight for your rights, for your place!”. And at the same time, she always added: “Never come to me to complain! If you go to complain to me, then you will be offended all your life!”

And Olga did not complain. She had to change schools every two years, or even more often, when her father was sent to a new duty station. And every time Olga had to fight again for her place in the new class. Once she even had to arrange ... a fight with one of those who wanted to subjugate her to their influence. And this conflict ended with the fact that Olga became the leader of the team - she was elected headman.

All this brought up the character of a fighter. It brought up those qualities that are very necessary for her today during extreme travels. If not for such a character, Olga would never, for example, be able to go diving. The fact is that since childhood she was madly afraid of water. But one day she took and overcame her fear. She understood that she could not give up and retreat. Of course, she took a sip of water, but since then Olga has loved underwater adventures. She literally feels like a fish in water, and underwater photography is a significant part of her photography collection.

By the way, Olga Michi is the first and only female traveler to dive with Nile crocodiles in their natural environment a habitat. Her portfolio includes unique shots of great white sharks and killer whales. Moreover, Olga was without any special protection from predators.

...Probably, for the first time she wanted to pick up a camera when she watched how her grandfather was showing black and white photographs. It took place in a tiny bathroom. Little Olga watched the contours of people, animals, buildings appear in the red twilight on the old sheets ... It seemed to her a miracle. And she dreamed that when she grew up, she would definitely show her beloved grandfather now her photographs.

Today Olga Michi is a professional travel photographer. For a year now she has been working as a host on the channel " Living Planet” and is a co-author of the Extreme Photographer program. As an ambitious person, she does not like to form an impression of the country from the stories of other people. Olga must see everything herself.

The click of the shutter… And now the camera captured a moment from the life of our planet. It will never happen again. But now it has been preserved forever. A series of such captured moments are photo maps of Olga Michi's routes. These photographs are about how Olga is trying to tell other people about her planet Earth. After all, each of us has her own. But only a few manage to tell about it in such a way that others admire the beauty of their personal planet. Olga Michi knows how to do it.

See, for example, her African Diary. In each picture, love for the "Black Continent" is visible. But often Olga has to take risks, making this or that fascinating frame. And to make it work, in addition to courage, you need a cool head and knowledge. Knowledge of the subject you are photographing is essential. Otherwise, an encounter with a white shark and Nile crocodile, African gorilla and komodo dragon, even a "simple" hyena can end in tragedy.

Olga was convinced from her own experience: one must literally “get into the shoes” of a dangerous animal in order to intuitively feel what it can do in the next moment. And the basis for such intuition is experience and knowledge about the subject that you see through the camera lens.

“Either you play by the rules of animals,” Olga is sure, “or there’s nothing to climb into the environment that they consider their own.”

Decisive character and willingness to take risks are combined in Olga Michi with the ability to plan in advance her actions in case of a dangerous and difficult situation. She knows that any improvisation must always be prepared in advance. Safety always comes first when traveling. Sometimes it, at first glance, depends on the little things.

For example, communication with the indigenous inhabitants of Ethiopia is a very risky business. Every second native is a carrier of deadly dangerous viruses, including human immunodeficiency virus. And Olga was helped out by the fact that she prudently took long trousers and closed shirts with her. They not only protected from insects, but also from scratches that the natives could leave. They often try to take travelers by the hand and may inadvertently cut themselves with sharp nails that are almost never trimmed.

Olga Michi knows well that when visiting any country - what a country! - each region in this country must follow its own special rules. Get ready for a special program. It is also necessary to analyze your ... habits. Even such innocent, at first glance, manifestations of character as gestures can either help or make travel very difficult. It is very important to collect information about the political situation in the country.

For example, Olga Michi's travels in Africa taught her to carefully collect and thoroughly check information about the country. After all, Africa is exactly the continent where the political situation can change as quickly as the direction of the wind.

When Olga was going to go to Africa for the first time, many people said: “Are you out of your mind? This is dangerous". But she decided that she was obliged, exactly, obliged, to visit the continent she dreamed of. And now it comes back again and again. So her intuition did not disappoint.

“People often ask me why I go to Godforsaken places, take pictures of various tribes,” says Olga Michi. - Why don't I shoot outstanding cultural monuments? And I answer that these monuments both stood and will stand. And the tribes are fading away. And if I don't go now, I might never see them again. The tribes will disappear.

And further. One of the main goals of my travels is to draw attention to these people. After all, we are with them - part of one world, one Planet ... "

In general, she is like this. Knowing how to clearly plan her life and at the same time acting paradoxically, contrary to “good advice”. If Olga is told: “You shouldn’t do something”, then she will definitely do the opposite. True, only if it is very interesting to her. Some might call this character trait stubbornness. But, most likely, this is the ability to "live the dream." This dream is the desire to experience the feeling of freedom again and again. And it comes when Olga is alone with nature. She wakes up in the morning not from the sound of an alarm clock, but from the fact that the sun is rising. And this miracle is not to be missed. He must be seen. And feel the warmth of the first rays of the sun. They give hope that the new day will certainly become happy.

And at night, a huge starry sky spreads over you ... A fire is burning nearby ... There are no city noises and smells that make life fussy. It does not matter whether you are surrounded by impenetrable jungles or the endless savannah spreads around. From time to time you can hear the sounds of wild animals or the Amazon is rustling nearby ... And it seems that distant, distant ancestors are whispering to you in this way ...

Maybe this is how Olga returns to her childhood, when her parents took their little daughter with them to an unfamiliar forest? And what is curious, this forest never seemed alien to her. How, probably, he does not seem now a stranger to her son Victor, whom she took on her first trip at the age of two. True, this happened in Russia. And in dangerous Africa her son went with her when he was only five years old ... Here is such a “crazy mother” Olga. But as she herself says: “There is very little madness in me. Everything that I do - I am sure of it, I am confident in my abilities, otherwise I would not be doing this.

Be that as it may, but in order to again and again experience the feeling of freedom alone with nature, Olga Michi is ready at any moment to go after a dream.

One day, she confessed, “…I am an adventurer, that's for sure. If I'm offered to go somewhere, I don't think twice. If I feel that I need to go there, I am interested there, I will move mountains, I will go. I always follow my dream."

A lot of the work of a travel photographer is based on intuition. Premonitions. Feelings that are hard to grasp. But the main thing, of course, is the ability to contemplate and see beauty even in the smallest. This ability turns any trip into an exciting adventure. Bright and colorful, as we see it in Olga Michi's photographs.

“I always envy those who come to interesting place for the first time. Although, in my opinion, there are no uninteresting places. Nevertheless, first impressions are a storm of emotions. An indescribable feeling of joy from what you see. And then I want to tell everyone about what you are experiencing ... "

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