Natural areas of the Khabarovsk Territory presentation. Presentation on the topic "unique places of the Khabarovsk Territory". Fauna of the Khabarovsk Territory

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Khabarovsk region

  • Territory area -787.6 thousand sq. km or 12.7% of the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District and 4.6% of the territory of Russia
  • Population - 1427 thousand people.
  • Economic region – Far East region
  • Okrug - Far Eastern Federal District
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    On the territory of the Khabarovsk Territory there are 6 reserves:

    • Bologna
    • Bolshekhekhtsirsky
    • Botchinsky
    • Bureinsky
    • Dzhugdzhur
    • Komsomol
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    Botanical garden in the city of Amursk

    • In 1989, the Botanical Garden was founded in Amursk, it included a stock greenhouse with an area of ​​470.6 sq.m and a tree nursery with an area of ​​106 hectares.
    • The greenhouse contains 100 species of tropical plants and 30 species of cacti.
    • The garden is the center of cultural and leisure communication, aesthetic and environmental education of the population, scientific work on the acclimatization of plants from other regions of the country.
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    Array Conder.

    • This unusual formation of 8-kilometer diameter, so similar to a meteorite crater, actually has a completely terrestrial origin. It's called the Conder array.
    • A platinum deposit is being developed there, and there are gold placers on the river flowing from the massif. In addition to platinum, inside the massif and along its perimeter you can find huge crystals of black garnet (shorlomite), blue calcite, monticellite crystals, huge nepheline crystals. There is also an endemic mineral - conderite.
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    Suntar-Khayata Ridge

    The Suntar-Khayata ridge, on which the highest point of the Khabarovsk Territory is located - Mount Beryl, 2391 m.

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    Shantar Islands

    • The Shantar Islands are a unique attraction of the Tuguro-Chumikansky region. They have typical features of the northern taiga and mountain tundra.
    • Within the archipelago, a peculiar animal and plant world is not only land, but also the sea, many species are listed in the Red Book. The avifauna consists of more than 240 species. There are bird markets.
    • Five natural monuments of unusual beauty have been identified on the islands. These are separate kekurs-rocks, grottoes, outcrops of multi-colored jaspers and other gems, communities of plants and animals.
    • Kekura rocks in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk (Shantar Islands)
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    • Because of the cold water, there are constantly fogs that do not dissipate even with a strong wind.
    • Due to high tides, very strong tidal currents are formed, which in turn give rise to rips (standing waves) and whirlpool funnels.

    arch island

    • Feklistov Island impresses with its rocks, cliffs and kekurs
    • The area of ​​the Shantar archipelago is the coldest in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. This is due to the fact that the prevailing winds at this time are North-Eastern and the ice from the Sea of ​​Okhotsk drives to the western part and clogs the straits between the islands.
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    Monument of nature island Utichy.

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    Bureinsky Reserve

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    Karst caves

    To the north-east of the city of Khabarovsk, in the middle reaches of the Kur River, there are a number of karst caves: "Chipmunk", "Guarding Spear", "Giprolestrans", "Pipe", "Square". All of them are specially protected natural areas of local importance. When visiting these caves, tourists will be able to admire the valley of the Kur River, mountain-taiga vegetation, almost untouched by man.

    Farewell Cave

    The largest cave in the Khabarovsk Territory is located 57 km from the village of Solontsovy. A labyrinth-type cave on two floors, with a large number of halls, grottoes, passages of various sizes and directions, at the end of the White Gallery there is a small stream. The sum of the lengths of its passages is 2600 m.

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    Lake Flower

    • Located in the Vyazemsky district, in the floodplain of the Ussuri River. The area of ​​Lake Tsvetochnoy is about five hectares.
    • In late July - early August, the lake is almost completely covered with blooming lotus.
    • Lotus Komarov - a relic representative of the oldest flowering. Listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation.
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    Landslide Lake Amut

    The pearl of the Miao-Chan Ridge (translated from Nanai - “iron gun”), located in the Sunny District of the Khabarovsk Territory, in the basin of the river. Silinki about 80 km. northwest of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Height above sea level - 740 m, depth - 14 m, lake length - 800 m, width - 100-200 m, transparency up to 7 m, water temperature in July - 9-110 C.

    translated from Negidal - "sea, lake"

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    Pillar Shaman

    Mount Shaman or "Rock outcrop Shaman": a natural monument located in the Komsomolsky district of the Khabarovsk Territory, 20 km from the village. Nizhnetambovsky.

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    Rock Monastery on the river Koppi

    Sovetsko-Gavansky district

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    Petroglyphs of Sikachi-Alyan

    • Among the archaeological sites that struck the imagination of the first explorers of the Far East were ancient drawings near the national Nanai village of Sikachi-Alyan, which is located 75 km from Khabarovsk downstream of the Amur.
    • Travelers are attracted here by huge blocks of basalt, piled up along the rocky coast.
    • Drawings of masks, animals, anthropomorphic images, birds (about 300 images in total) were made on basalt blocks by the method of deep groove knockout with the help of stone tools. The most ancient drawings date back to the early Neolithic era (7-6 millennium BC).
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    Kiinskiye petroglyphs Sukpai petroglyphs

    petroglyphs on the Kiya River, located on sheer cliffs 8 km from the village of Pereyaslavka (Lazo district), age 10-12 thousand years. These are images of masks (masks), animals, snakes, birds, boats, anthropomorphic images. A total of 13 drawings were found, made by the method of deep grooved knockout. The images belong to the Neolithic and Early Iron Age and date back to the 3rd millennium BC. e. - I millennium BC petroglyphs on the banks of the river Sukpayokolo village Sukpai - age about 2000 years

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    "Stone Grove"

    • natural monument tract "Stone Forest" Cape Nitusi: located on the northern shore of Siziman Bay, "Stone Grove" with a radius of 2 km.
    • The stone grove is guarded. About 30 petrified bushes and stumps have been preserved.
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    Iony Island in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is the most remote point of the Khabarovsk Territory, rocks in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, 250 km north of about. Sakhalin, height about 150 m. Rookeries of sea lions. Bird markets.

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    In the Far East of great Russia

    The vast Khabarovsk Territory lies.

    Here the rivers are wide and the people are beautiful.

    Blossom beloved land, always prosper!

    Here the wind plays like an Amur wave.

    On the slopes of Khekhtsir, wild rosemary blooms.

    In the Far East in the Khabarovsk Territory,

    The sun rises over our Motherland.


    In the Russian region near the Sea of ​​Okhotsk,

    Where the native country meets the morning,

    I sing a song, and echoing her words

    A wave beats on the Amur shore.

    So be famous for the Russian land,

    Prosper with joy

    Great Russia, far and near

    You are dear, beloved Khabarovsk Territory.

    View all slides

    MBOU secondary school pos. Izvestkovy, Amur Municipal District, Khabarovsk Territory

    Animal world

    Khabarovsk Territory

    Work done:

    Kudryavtsev Maxim

    Lashina Zhanna,

    1st grade students

    Head: Ryzhkova Nadezhda Vladimirovna, primary school teacher


    • Designate the problem of the project, its relevance, goals and objectives, expected results.
    • Search for sources of information for the study of the problem.
    • Summarize the information by sections:

    1. Animals of the Khabarovsk Territory;

    2. Birds of the Khabarovsk Territory;

    3. Animals of the Khabarovsk Territory, listed in the Red Book of Russia;

    • Findings.



    The topic of our project is "Animals of the Khabarovsk Territory", related to the problem of studying the surrounding nature.


    We chose this topic because every person should know their homeland, which has a unique history and unique nature, filled with wildlife.

    Objective of the project

    Show the diversity of the fauna of the Khabarovsk Territory

    Project objectives

    • Show forest, mountain animals of the region;
    • Show birds of the edge;
    • Describe rare animals listed in the Red Book of Russia.

    Expected results

    • With the help of a creative project, to achieve a general idea of ​​the world around on the basis of the fauna of the Khabarovsk Territory;
    • The project should bring closer to the creation of a picture of the diversity of animals in the Khabarovsk Territory;
    • To identify the composition of the animal world of the Khabarovsk Territory.

    Himalayan bear

    Amur tiger

    Far Eastern cat


    musk deer



    By size Himalayan bear exactly half the size of a brown bear. Its height does not exceed 1.5-1.7 meters, height at the withers - 0.8 meters, weight - 120-140 kilograms. Average life expectancy rarely exceeds 25 years. The fur is short, black, rarely red.


    In the center of the chest is a white “V”-shaped spot. Thanks to him, the Himalayan bear is called the "moon bear." Most of the time the Himalayan bear spends on a tree, where he finds food and hides from enemies.

    The Himalayan bear, when climbing trees, makes the so-called bear nests. They are creases of branches that really look like giant nests.


    The Himalayan bear arranges its lair in the hollows of trees with soft wood (for example, in linden, cedar or poplar) and very rarely directly in the ground.

    Every year their number, mainly due to the fault of poachers, decreases by 4-4.6 percent. For the sake of the gallbladder of a bear (the "universal" medicine of China), poachers often destroy even females with cubs.


    Far Eastern cat, although it resembles home Vaska, it absolutely does not need a warm hearth or the owner's affection. His element is dense thickets and dense forests.

    The body length is 75-90 cm, and the weight ranges from 4 to 6 kg.

    It has strong long legs, a rather thin tail and a relatively small head.


    The coat of the Far Eastern cat is fluffy and very thick. Color mixed: on

    The hair is darker on the back and lighter on the sides.

    Interestingly, Far Eastern cats make very specific sounds, more like not the usual meow or purr, but some kind of bird chirping. For humans, the Far Eastern forest cat is not dangerous. As a rule, when approaching people, he runs away. The predator leads a hidden lifestyle.

    musk deer

    This animal is quite small in size, the body length reaches one meter, the tail is from 4 to 6 centimeters long, the height at the withers reaches 70 centimeters, and the weight is a maximum of 18 kilograms.

    An amazing look to this animal is given not only by teeth, but also by disproportionately long legs, due to which the sacrum of a standing musk deer rises 5 or even 10 centimeters above the withers. But the most important difference between musk deer is its ability to secrete the most expensive product of animal origin - musk.


    Ermine- an animal with a palm size. A harmless creature? No matter how! For small rodents, an ermine is more terrible than a lion for gazelles! Mice and voles have nowhere to hide from this clever hunter: he pursues them both on the ground and in underground burrows, crawling through all the moves. This baby is so strong that he will overcome a hare several times larger than himself.


    Stoats often settle in mouse holes, having previously let their owners in for a snack. In spring, in such a mink, a female stoat gives birth to offspring: from 3 to 18 cubs. Blind, not yet overgrown with hair, newborn stoats look like worms, but weigh like a two-ruble coin. Babies will open their eyes only after a month, and at 3 months they are already fully grown and ready to start their own family.

    Probably each of us, at least once in his life, saw squirrel. But many do not even realize how much is unusual in a small lump.

    Few people know that they are omnivorous - often squirrels can attack birds, steal eggs from bird nests and hunt small rodents. In addition, they feed on the larvae of various insects and even frogs.

    Few people know that squirrels "talk" among themselves using squeaks and tail movements.

    It has been observed that in the wild, squirrels live up to six years, but in urban conditions - up to 20.

    Proteins have existed on our planet for about 50 million years. During this time, they did not change anything.


    AT Khabarovsk Territory many kinds of birds.

    Often there are hazel grouses, capercaillie, waxwings, cuckoos, thrushes, etc.



    Steller's sea eagle - lives in the coastal areas of the region.

    Ussuri pheasant - lives in the Khabarovsk forests.

    Many animals of the Khabarovsk Territory are listed in the Red Book of Russia.

    Animals of the Khabarovsk Territory, listed in the Red Book of Russia

    It seems that the tiger and snow are incompatible concepts, because tigers live in hot jungles. But there is one species of tiger that has overcome the cat's fear of frost and settled in the Far Eastern taiga, among the snows. This tiger had to become larger than its tropical counterparts in order to better keep warm, and acquire long, warm fur, less bright than that of the southerners. Amur tigers entered into the Red Book and taken under protection, but, despite all efforts, it is not possible to increase their number. Today, the number of Amur tigers is gradually increasing, but nevertheless it is only 475 individuals.

    Animals of the Khabarovsk Territory, listed in the Red Book of Russia

    The red wolf is very similar to the fox. These are the only wolves from this family that have survived and survived to this day. Therefore this the species is considered very rare . In addition, it is on the verge of, if not complete, then gradual disappearance.

    Animals of the Khabarovsk Territory, listed in the Red Book of Russia

    Black stork - lives in lake and river places

    Berkut - hunts small animals


    • The nature of the Khabarovsk Territory is rich in various animals, which include the brown bear, musk deer, ermine, etc.;
    • Birds occupy a special place in the animal world of the region. Among them are many forest birds, large birds of prey;
    • Some animal species are included in Red Book of Russia Therefore, animals require special attention from people.


    • Red Book Khabarovsk Territory. - Khabarovsk, 2008. - 632 p.
    • Khabarovsk region . Atlas for students. 2002.
    • Dinets V. L., Rothschild E. V. Animals. Encyclopedia of the nature of Russia. - M., 1998.

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    Presentation on the topic: The nature of the Khabarovsk Territory

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    Description of the slide:

    Dear colleagues! I present to your court the developments in organizing and conducting the elective course "Studying the Khabarovsk Territory using the PowerPoint program." This elective course was tested in gymnasium No. 1 during the last academic year (in two semesters), I continue to work on this program this year as well. In the 2004/2005 academic year, 19 students were trained. In the 2005/2006 academic year, 26 gymnasium students studied. The level of preparation of the guys is different. Some already have the skills to create presentations, others start from scratch. I am pleased that mutual assistance and mutual assistance reign in the classroom, which allows every high school student who attends an elective course to present their work by the end of the semester.

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    Description of the slide:

    “The most difficult thing for me was working with the text. In the presentation, the text should be short, capacious and interesting. And processing text through animation is so exciting ... "" Thanks to the elective course, I got acquainted with interesting phenomena in the nature of the Khabarovsk Territory by reading "Stories about Nature" by A. Makhinov ... "" When I came to the elective classes, I did not know how to work with a computer and was worried that I can't handle. My presentation is not as cool as that of the boys, but I am glad that I learned a lot…” Here are some excerpts from the students' self-assessment after completing the course.

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    Description of the slide:

    A few words about the structure of the presentation I divided the presentation into several sections. Their names are presented on the left side of the presentation slide. By means of hyperlinks you will be able to view this or that section in more detail. The works of students are different in terms of level and forms of presentation, but all of them are aimed at a deeper study of the nature of their region and the acquisition of skills in working in Power Point. Program Thematic planning Activity Student work Useful links Recommendations

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    Description of the slide:

    Explanatory note The elective course "Studying the Khabarovsk Territory with the help of PowerPoint" is designed for 17 hours in the 9th grade. The current stage of development of society is characterized by the global informatization of all spheres of public life, including the education system. The content of education is enriched with new procedural changes, the development of the ability to operate with information, creative solutions to the problems of science and market practice, with an emphasis on the individualization of programs. New technologies are being introduced into the modern education system that make it possible to consider the educational process as the receipt of information by students, its processing and use. The modern quality of the content of education "determines" the formation of a new system of universal knowledge, skills, as well as the experience of independent activity and personal responsibility of students, that is, modern key competencies (The concept of modernization of education)

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    Description of the slide:

    The content component of the elective course is the expansion of the course "Geography of Russia" for grades 8-9 in the field of studying the Khabarovsk Territory. The basis of the activity of students in the elective course "Studying the Khabarovsk Territory with the help of PowerPoint" is the study of the nature of their native land and the processing of the knowledge gained through information technology. The course "Geography of Russia" is studied in this institution on the basis of an integrated approach, which means that ninth-graders have basic knowledge and skills in studying the relationship between nature and the country's economy. In this regard, the elective course is designed for students to independently study the regional component under the guidance of a teacher, generalize knowledge, collapse and expand information, and present it on the basis of information technology in Microsoft Power Point programs.

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    Description of the slide:

    The elective course "Studying the Khabarovsk Territory with the help of PowerPoint" is an example of the integration of geography and informatics. The content of the course is aimed at increasing interest in geographical science, the development of cognitive interest in the native land, in the modern presentation of the knowledge gained. The course is based on the development of students' cognitive skills, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, navigate the information space, and develop critical and creative thinking. The elective course "Studying the Khabarovsk Territory with the help of PowerPoint" performs teaching and educational functions. The content of the course involves working with different sources of information. The textbook by Makhinov A.N., Panevina G.N. was chosen as the basis for the theoretical study of the nature of the Khabarovsk Territory. "Physical Geography of the Khabarovsk Territory", text, illustrations, methodological apparatus, the extra-textual elements of which create the most favorable conditions for independent activity of students.

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    Description of the slide:

    The purpose of the elective course: teaching independent work with sources of information and practical skills in processing it through computer graphics, assistance in choosing an information technology profile. Course objectives: to expand and deepen ideas about the nature of the native land; develop the ability to independently receive, systematize, creatively process information; develop artistic abilities and creative abilities through computer technology; promote the development of personal qualities of students, create conditions for the formation of responsibility for the choice. Principles of organizing educational activities of students through the program of an elective course: The principle of independence: students learn to search for and collect information on the topics of the course and its processing; The principle of individuality: students choose the topic of studying the nature of their region, learn to plan and implement their educational activities, focused on specific needs and taking into account the experience, psychophysiological, cognitive characteristics of each; The principle of electivity: the choice of course, the provision of a certain freedom in the choice of content, sources, forms of activity and reporting.

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    Description of the slide:

    The axiological idea of ​​the course is to cultivate love for the native land and respect for nature; education of independence and responsibility. The methodological conditions for organizing training in an elective course should be friendly communication, a creative approach to information processing. The elective course "Studying the Khabarovsk Territory with the help of PowerPoint" is divided into 3 components: theoretical, where the main attention is paid to studying the features of the nature of the region and teaching the basic skills of working in the Microsoft Power Point program. The second part is practical, which is aimed at developing the skills to process theoretical knowledge through information technology. The third part is specialized, where the main task is to expand the professional horizons, to comprehend the material from the point of view of its use in various professions (climatologist, hydrologist, programmer, etc.). The main forms of student activity are the organization of individual work or work in small groups. Expected learning outcomes: Students' knowledge of the natural features of their region; Mastering by students the skills of project activities based on information technology; Development of presentations on the topics of the Khabarovsk Territory. The elective course "Studying the Khabarovsk Territory with the help of PowerPoint" is one of the forms of pedagogical support for students in choosing high school profiles.

    slide number 10

    Description of the slide:

    Curriculum and thematic plan No. Title of the topic hours Including The form of the theory. prak Introduction 1 1 1. Basics of working in Microsoft Power Point 2 1 1 Lecture, workshop 2. Features of the nature of the region 2 1 1 3. Topic 3. Collection and processing of information on the selected topic. 2 2 Independent work under the guidance of a teacher. Development of a presentation plan. Selection of factual and illustrative material on the topic. Topic 4. Creating a presentation 8 8 Creating a presentation on a selected topic. 4. Conclusion 2 2 Protection of presentations TOTAL 17 5 12

    slide number 11

    Description of the slide:

    Content Introduction (1h). Goals, objectives of the course. Activities. Topic 1. Features of working in the Microsoft Power Point program (2 hours) Acquaintance with the Microsoft Power Point program. How to create a presentation and design template. Creating slides. Working with images: inserting pictures and films, artistic design. Setting up animations and designing presentations.

    slide number 12

    Description of the slide:

    Topic 2. Features of the nature of the Khabarovsk Territory (2 hours) The uniqueness of the nature of the Khabarovsk Territory. Reasons for the diversity of natural conditions. The difference between the nature of the northern and southern regions of the region. Practical work. Identification of the reasons for the formation of the "Ussuri taiga" in the south of the Khabarovsk Territory. Topic 3. Collection and processing of information on the selected topic. (2 hours) Practical work. 1. Setting a goal, identifying a problem, formulating tasks; 2. Selection of factual and illustrative material on the topic; 3. Discussion of possible research options, comparison of proposed strategies, choice of methods.

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    Description of the slide:

    Topic 4. Creating a presentation (8 hours) Self-education and updating of knowledge with the advisory assistance of a teacher; Thinking through the course of activities, distribution of responsibilities. Research: the solution of individual problems, the layout of the material; Creating a presentation. Protection of projects (2 hours) Viewing and discussion of presentations. Self-assessment: analysis of successes and mistakes.

    slide number 14

    Description of the slide:

    Guidelines for the study of the elective course At the introductory lesson, it is recommended to introduce students to the goals, objectives of the course, activities and the form of final certification. The next two lessons are devoted to getting acquainted with the features of working in the Microsoft Power Point program. This program is easy to understand. 1-2 hours are enough to learn how to create presentations: design template, animation settings, inserting pictures and films, artistic design. The next two-hour topic introduces schoolchildren to the general features of the nature of the Khabarovsk Territory. The work is carried out with sources of knowledge: the textbook Makhinova A.N., Panevina G.N. "Physical Geography of the Khabarovsk Territory", encyclopedia of the Khabarovsk Territory, atlas "Physical Geography of the Khabarovsk Territory, etc.

    slide number 15

    Description of the slide:

    The practical lesson "Collection and processing of information on the chosen topic" includes the acquaintance of students with project activities, the selection of literature, statistical and illustrative materials. In these classes, the individual consultation of the teacher in choosing a topic, structuring the material, and assessing the quality of the selection of information is very important. This is the most important stage in the work of students. The teacher's help is necessary, first of all, to help students not so much in choosing a topic as in posing a problem, so that the work is not of a reproductive nature, but of a search one. With the connection of schools to the Internet, a new opportunity has appeared to obtain information both from the sites of the Khabarovsk Territory and from the sites of the country. In addition, the activity of students in the production of illustrations is stimulated (e.g., photos or drawings of their favorite corner of the city for the presentation “Favorite places in my city”). Training in scanning and editing reproductions and text.

    respect for nature; education of independence and responsibility. The methodological conditions for organizing training in an elective course should be friendly communication, a creative approach to information processing. The elective course "Studying the Khabarovsk Territory with the help of PowerPoint" is divided into 3 components: theoretical, where the main attention is paid to studying the features of the nature of the region and teaching the basic skills of working in the Microsoft Power Point program. The second part is practical, which is aimed at developing the skills to process theoretical knowledge through information technology. The third part is specialized, where the main task is to expand the professional horizons, to comprehend the material from the point of view of its use in various professions (climatologist, hydrologist, programmer, etc.). The main forms of student activity are the organization of individual work or work in small groups. Expected learning outcomes: Students' knowledge of the natural features of their region; Mastering by students the skills of project activities based on information technology; Development of presentations on the topics of the Khabarovsk Territory. The elective course "Studying the Khabarovsk Territory with the help of PowerPoint" is one of the forms of pedagogical support for students in choosing high school profiles.

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