Top 50 richest Russian celebrities. Rating of the richest celebrities in the world. Creative pseudonym became an official name

Ovechkin, Shnurov and Kirkorov

Forbes magazine ranked the 50 richest and most successful Russian celebrities

From Philip Kirkorov's Instagram

Forbes magazine has compiled a ranking of the 50 richest and most successful Russian celebrities. According to tradition, pop singers, actors, TV presenters, hockey players and football players got into the top. The rating was compiled based on a combination of indicators: annual income, the number of mentions in the media and queries in Yandex.

Thus, the first line of the top 50 most successful celebrities is occupied by hockey player, Stanley Cup winner in 2018, Alexander Ovechkin, whose annual income is estimated at $ 14.5 million. Over the past year, more than 7 thousand times his name was mentioned in the media, and Yandex tried to get information about Ovechkin almost 1.7 million times. The second place in terms of totality of indicators is occupied by the soloist of the Leningrad group Sergey Shnurov. During the year, he earned $13.9 million, the media wrote about him 4.5 thousand times, but in the Yandex search, the singer's name was scored at least 4.5 million times. The third place in the ranking of the top 50 most successful stars in Russia was taken by singer Philip Kirkorov. His fortune is much more modest than Ovechkin and Shnurov, Kirkorov earned $ 8.9 million in a year, he managed to enter the top 3 ratings due to the fact that the media wrote about him at least 8.9 thousand times in a year, as well as more than 10 million people at least once scored the name of the singer in Yandex.

Next in the ranking are Grigory Leps ($8.2 million a year), Ivan Urgant ($8.5 million a year), Olga Buzova ($3.9 million a year), Dima Bilan ($7.7 million a year). ), Evgeni Malkin ($9.5 million a year), Stas Mikhailov ($7.4 million a year), and Ksenia Sobchak closes the top 10 ($1.4 million a year).

Interestingly, if you look at the ranking of the richest celebrities, then the top 5 would look different. Alexander Ovechkin would still remain the richest, but Sergey Shnurov, hockey players Evgeny Kuznetsov and Evgeni Malkin, singer Philip Kirkorov would follow him.

If the rating were compiled among those stars who are most often written about in the press, then the TV presenter, ex-presidential candidate of Russia Ksenia Sobchak would take the first line of the rating. TV presenter, singer Olga Buzova would be on the second line, followed by TV presenter Andrey Malakhov, singer Philip Kirkorov, and director Nikita Mikhalkov would close the top 5.

But the rating of stars, whose names users most often search for in the Yandex search engine, looks like this: the first line is occupied by a fighter without rules Khabib Nurmagomedov, whose name was entered into the search engine more than 40 million times, TV presenter Olga Buzova would take the second place, and singer Yegor would take the third Creed, rapper Basta (Vasily Vakulenko) would be in fourth place, and singer Grigory Leps in fifth.

Every year, since 1917, Forbes magazine has compiled a list of the richest and most influential people in the world. The publication is considered one of the most authoritative.

The list of world billionaires is especially popular among readers. The magazine includes articles about the ups and downs of businessmen and celebrities, the secrets of their success.

The publication has been printed in ten countries of the world, in Russia since 2014. The 20 richest celebrities in Russia included actors, athletes, songwriters, models and TV presenters.

The richest woman in Russia

Name: Maria Sharapova
Rating number: 1
Revenue: $21.9 million
Maria is the first Russian tennis player to win the Wimbledon tournament. The girl became interested in this sport at the age of 4, her coach was sure that Maria had talent and turned out to be right.

The athlete has repeatedly become the winner of various championships, Time magazine named her one of the 30 legends of women's tennis, and Forbes - one of the richest women in the world.

The singer who lost his voice, but not popularity

Name: Grigory Leps
Rating number: 2
Revenue: $9 million
Grigory Leps is an artist with incredible charisma. His life was not going smoothly.

At the beginning of his creative career, he had difficulties with alcohol and drugs, which led to a partial loss of his voice and health problems. He was able to cope with difficulties. The tests did not break him, but rather added vitality, inspiration and popularity.

Scandalous artist with obscene songs

Name: Sergey Shnurov
Rating number: 3
Revenue: $11 million
The Leningrad group can be considered the musical brainchild of Sergei Shnurov, it was this project that brought him current popularity.

In addition, the artist managed to act in films, be a TV presenter, voice the heroes of popular American films and even try his hand at painting. His works are exhibited from time to time in metropolitan galleries.

single father

Name: Philip Kirkorov
Rating number: 4
Revenue: $7.6 million
An important role in the development of Kirkorov as a singer was played by his ex-wife Alla Pugacheva. Although their marriage fell apart, they continue to communicate.

Due to his quick-tempered nature, Kirkorov found himself at the center of scandals several times, although colleagues in the creative workshop speak positively about the artist. The good news for the artist's fans was the appearance in his family of a son and daughter, born from surrogate mothers.

richest athlete

Name: Alexander Ovechkin
Rating number: 5
Revenue: $12.1 million
Alexander was born in the family of a football player and basketball player. From the age of 8, he began his career as a hockey player, playing games with the Dynamo junior team. Some time later, for high success in games, he was transferred to the main team.

Ovechkin's next career step was a contract with an American hockey club. He would later be named one of the best players in the NHL. Since 2000, Alexander has been the highest paid athlete, and in the ranking of the most beautiful hockey players, many women give him honorary first lines.

Two in one: a chic model and a mother of many children

Name: Natalia Vodianova
Rating number: 6
Revenue: $7 million
The story of Natalia Vodianova is similar to the story of Cinderella. The girl had a difficult childhood, her family lived in poverty, therefore, being a schoolgirl, Natasha already worked in the market.

School performance was low because of this, but the girl did not lose heart. For luck, she went to the casting of models in her hometown, and a week later she was already in Paris. In just 10 years, Vodianova managed to work with the best fashion designers and fashion houses, after which she left the business for the sake of her family and charity.

enviable groom

Name: Sergey Lazarev
Rating number: 7
Revenue: $1.3 million
A former member of the Fidget and Smash! groups, a famous actor, TV presenter and participant in various TV shows, a solo singer and the silver voice of Eurovision 2016 - this is all Sergey Lazarev. After breaking up with Lera Kudryavtseva, he again became an enviable groom.

Nevertheless, information periodically appears in the press that Sergey's heart is again busy, who she is - no one knows, but they say that the girl is connected with show business.

social media musician

Name: Egor Creed
Ranking number: 8 Revenue: $3.6 million
Yegor Creed literally burst into show business in 2011. The charming singer posted his track “Love on the Net” on the social network, which became very popular in a few weeks. The guy began to shoot videos for his songs, advertising them on social networks.

In 2012, Yegor recorded a cover version for one of Timati's songs, after which he signed a contract with the BlackStar Inc. production center, owned by Timur Yunusov (Timati).

Jeans and T-shirt: her timeless look

Name: Zemfira
Rating number: 9
Revenue: $6 million
Zemfira is a popular and mysterious star. Her songs and manner of performance made the singer a favorite performer of many, but her personal life attracts no less attention.

Zemfira was credited with novels with Renata Litvinova and Roman Abramovich, but it is not known whether this is so.

Ice is the element of Evgeni Malkin

Name: Evgeni Malkin
Rating number: 10
Revenue: $9.9 million
The son of a former hockey player followed in his father's footsteps, reaching incredible heights in this field.

Evgeny is one of the highest paid hockey players in the world, the owner of the Stanley Cup, was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation for his contribution to the development of Russian hockey and a personal award to the best player in the NHL.

The most famous hip-hop artist in Russia

Name: Timati
Rating number: 11
Revenue: $3.2 million
Timati gained popularity on the project "Star Factory - 4". He did not become its winner, but at the end of the project he created the Banda group, which brought popularity to its participants.

After some time, the artist went into a solo project, creating a production center "Black Star inc". In addition, he launched the Black Star by TIMATI clothing line for R&B and Hip-Hop culture fans.

Star Factory Winner

Name: Polina Gagarina
Rating number: 12
Income: $3 million
Polina Gagarina owes her popularity to the Star Factory project, although she never signed a contract with Max Fadeev.

Popular love for the singer came after her participation in Eurovision 2015. After that, she was invited to the popular television project "Voice" as a mentor.

Creative pseudonym became an official name

Name: Dima Bilan
Rating number: 13
Income: $4 million
Dima Bilan is the favorite of many young girls, each of them dreams of starring in his video. The first producer of Dima - Yuri Aizenshpis - did a whole job of creating a new image of the singer, and he succeeded, his protégé took top places in all charts.

After the death of Aizenshpis, the singer had to make his pseudonym an official name, otherwise the artist had no rights to it. At that time, Yana Rudkovskaya became his producer. Bilan's real victory was participation in Eurovision 2008, where he took first place.

Natural blond, there is only one in the whole country

Name: Nikolai Baskov
Rating number: 14
Revenue: $4.7 million
Singer and showman Nikolai Baskov began his career as an opera singer.

The hit "Barrel" opened the door for him to the world of pop music, where he gained many fans. Nikolai does not limit his activities to music, often acting as a host and guest of entertainment shows.

Highly paid professions of Ksenia Sobchak

Name: Ksenia Sobchak
Rating number: 15
Income: $1 million
Ksenia Sobchak is one of the highest paid Russian television presenters.

The blonde is known for her "sharp tongue" and great sense of humor. Despite the fact that she is the daughter of the late mayor of St. Petersburg, Xenia herself has achieved a high position in society.

son of a great father

Name: Nikita Mikhalkov
Rating number: 16
Revenue: $0.35 million
Whatever Nikita Mikhalkov undertakes, he succeeds. He is a talented actor, his directorial work receives the highest awards.

After that, his name disappeared for some time from the publication. Only in 2015, Basta reappeared in show business, as a mentor of the Voice project.

Famous actor and showman

Name: Ivan Urgant
Rating number: 18
Revenue: $2.2 million
Ivan Urgant's first income came from the position of a waiter in a nightclub, then he became the host of night shows, acting under the pseudonym Jean-Michel.

After graduating from the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts, he was invited to the radio stations "Russian Radio" and "Hit FM" as a presenter. Urgant dreamed of leading more serious programs, and he succeeded.

The most beautiful actor according to many women

Name: Dmitry Nagiev
Rating number: 19
Revenue: $3.2 million
Dmitry Nagiyev is one of the highest paid actors in Russia. Films with his participation are doomed to success.

His personal life arouses many interests, but Dmitry has been adhering to the image of a brutal bachelor for many years, although from time to time information appears in the press that he is still married.

Ex-girlfriend of Yegor Creed

Name: Nyusha
Rating number: 20
Revenue: $1.3 million
Nyusha is the youngest celebrity in the top 20 richest. From the age of 3, the girl was engaged in vocals. The singer's career began with her participation in the STS Lights a Star project, after which her songs became hits on all dance floors.

Nyusha's personal life is not advertised, but it became known that she had a relationship with Yegor Creed, which ended due to her father's dissatisfaction with the girl's choice.

The editors of the site invite you to get acquainted with the article about the richest celebrities in the world.
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It's no secret that celebrities make millions!

They have access to luxurious villas, cool cars, designer outfits for the price of an apartment, hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of jewelry and other luxuries.

However, let's figure out how much they still earn per year. Now we know the exact amounts and share them with you!

The income of the richest stars in the world became known thanks to the annual rating of the American Forbes magazine, which calculated how much celebrities earned last year and named their sources of income.

This year's magazine ranking was topped by an American boxer. Floyd Mayweather. For the last goal he earned 285 million dollars! He managed to overtake other celebrities in terms of the amount of money earned thanks to the fight with Connor McGregor in August 2017, which brought him most of the income - $ 275 million. By the way, Floyd has never been defeated in his career. Cool guy, no doubt about it! Plus, he's fabulously rich!

The second place in the Forbes ranking is occupied by a Hollywood handsome man George Clooney. His annual income was 239 million dollars. By the way, the acting profession does not bring George as much money as it seems at first glance. The second place in the ranking of the richest stars in the world, he took thanks to business, namely, thanks to the sale of the Casamigos tequila company, of which he was a co-founder. American journalists reported that he managed to sell the company for almost $1 billion!

One of the most popular Instagram stars, young Kylie Jenner, who in her 20s has already managed to build her own business empire, and she did it thanks to cosmetics. In a year, Kylie earned $166.5 million selling lipsticks, glosses, highlighters and other cosmetics from her beauty brand Kylie Cosmetics. We would like to add that the total fortune of the girl is already $ 900 million, and this is incredible, because a few years ago she was a little-known teenager. Miracles happen!

The highest paid solo singer in the world was recognized Ed Sheeran- the performer of the very hit Shape Of You, which is still heard on the best radio stations in the world. He made $110 million in a year, mostly from touring.

We invite you to find out with us how much other celebrities from the golden ten of the richest stars in the world earned over the past year. Read while seated as the amounts are truly dizzying!

Floyd Mayweather, $285 million

George Clooney, $239 million

Kylie Jenner, $166.5 million

Judith Sheindlin, $147 million

Dwayne Johnson, $124 million

U2 Group, $118 million

Coldplay, $115.5 million

Lionel Messi, $111 million

Ed Sheeran, $110 million

Cristiano Ronaldo, $108 million

We also invite you to see! This is a real fairy tale!

It's good to be young. And it’s even better to be young and rich, especially if the money was not inherited from rich relatives, but earned by one’s own labor. The ranking of the highest paid celebrities under the age of 30 was published by Forbes magazine the other day. In total, there are 30 names in it, but we present the top 10 young rich people of 2017.

10. Kylie Jenner, model

A participant in the popular show "Keeping up with the Kardashians" is the youngest of all the other participants in the ranking of the richest young celebrities according to Forbes. She was only 20 years old.

Kylie is also the youngest member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan, earning a "modest" $41 million a year from her family's television show, as well as the Kardashian-branded cosmetics and clothing line.

9. Taylor Swift, singer

Last year, the 27-year-old American country-pop singer received $170 million from her record-breaking 1989 world tour.

Taylor Swift continues to make multi-million dollar profits even in 2017, through music album sales and advertising deals with Keds and Apple and AT&T. Swift's income for the year was $44 million.

8. James Harden, athlete

In eighth position in the selection of sports and show business stars who have not yet turned 30, there is a professional 29-year-old basketball player with an income of $46.6 million. Harden's unique style and strong play has made him one of the best-selling players in the NBA. In 2016, he signed a four-year, $118 million contract with the Huston Rockets.

Adidas has made Harden one of the faces of its NBA campaign and will pay him $200 million for a 13-year contract. The basketball player's other advertising partners are Beats, Foot Locker, BodyArmor, and half a dozen other well-known brands.

7. Stephen Curry, athlete

This 29-year-old basketball player earned $12.1 million for the 2016-1917 season and was ranked 85th on the NBA's biggest payroll list.

In addition, Curry was named the NBA Most Valuable Player (MVP) twice, including the first unanimous MVP vote in league history.

Over the past 12 months, his income has nearly tripled. Curry has signed advertising deals with JPMorgan Chase, Brita, Vivo and PressPlay and has earned $47.3 million in the past year.

6. Rory McIlroy, athlete

The professional golfer, who just turned 28, won the Tour Championship and FedEx Cup in 2016. The trophy came with a $10 million bonus, the biggest prize in golf.

Between June 2016 and June 2017, he earned $50 million. The Nike brand signed McIlroy to a 10-year contract, and in addition, in 2015, the golfer became the face of Electronic Arts video games instead of Tiger Woods.

In 2017, Rory came in second in the FedEx Cup, and we should expect his earnings to be modest in the next ranking.

5. Andrew Luck, athlete

Andrew Luck, 28, has the highest salary among NFL players. In 2016, he signed a five-year, $123 million contract with the Indianapolis Colts.

Lak was runner-up in the Heisman Trophy for two years in a row (2010-2011), and in the same years he was named the best offensive player at the Pac-12 student sports conference.

Currently, Lak's annual income is $50 million.

4. Kevin Durant, athlete

The 29-year-old professional basketball player shocked the sports world when he left the Oklahoma City Thunder to sign a two-year contract with the Golden State Warriors ahead of the 2016-17 season (he could opt out in a year).

Durant has signed contracts with many popular brands such as Nike, Beats and Sparkling Ice. Only one ten-year contract with Nike will bring the athlete a total of 300 million dollars.

Durant's annual income was $60.6 million.

3. Adele, singer

Opening the top three of the youngest sports and show business stars with the highest income is the 29-year-old singer from Britain, whose album "25" was the best-selling album of 2016 and sold 1.73 million copies.

This album and live performances helped Adele earn 69 million dollars.

2. Justin Bieber, singer

The annual income of this 23-year-old Canadian hunk is 83.5 million dollars. He first appeared in Forbes at the age of 18 and is now steadily moving towards the first place in the list of young, rich and famous.

1. Abel Tesfaye, singer

At the top of the ranking is the 27-year-old pop singer, performing under the pseudonym The Weeknd. He started by releasing free mixtapes in 2010 under his mysterious username.

And over the past year, Tesfaye has earned $92 million, mostly through his touring activities. The singer is currently touring the world with his sixth Starboy: Legend of the Fall Tour. The tour began on February 17, 2017 at the Ericsson Globe in Stockholm and is due to end on December 14, 2017 at the Perth Arena in Perth.

The Weeknd is number six on the 100 list.

Collectively, the top 30 highest-paid celebrities under 30 earned $1.24 billion before taxes and fees between June 1, 2016 and June 1, 2017.

Due in part to the preponderance of professional athletes, the overall list of the world's highest paid young stars is wildly unbalanced, with 84% of the list being male.

It's no secret that some Russian celebrities are very wealthy. And most often, not only creative activity helps them to earn large sums, but also the correct disposal of the earned funds.

The business of Russian stars is a success among fans. The list of business stars is in the material.

Everyone knows him as a musician, composer and singer, but this talented person has another non-core business. Krutoy is engaged in the construction business, investing in the Moscow real estate market. Igor Krutoy invested in the construction of complexes near the Varshavskaya metro station. The project involves 538,880 sq. m of real estate for various purposes, including residential and commercial.

In 2017, Krutoy did not enter the top richest artists in Russia, however, on average, in previous years, his income fluctuated within $6 million.

Grigory Leps

The Russian singer tries himself in many areas of business. The artist's main source of income is creativity and his own production center. Taking advantage of popular popularity, Leps runs a restaurant business. He owns a shot glass “A glass of vodka”, the average check in which is about 1,500 rubles. In addition to the center and restaurants, he owns four more companies, including recently an engineering one.

According to Forbes magazine, Leps ranked third among the richest Russian celebrities in 2017. His income was $6 million.

Philip Kirkorov

Business stars did not leave aside and. The king of the Russian pop scene also decided to try his hand at commerce and organized a chain of Phill 4 You boutiques. In his stores, fans can buy personal items of Russian pop stars, including Philip Bedrosovich himself.

According to Forbes, in 2017 the artist earned over $7.4 million in total. This includes profit from the creative activity of the star.


Perhaps the most famous businessman among celebrities is rapper Timur Yunusov. - a popular artist and one of the most sought-after producers in Russia. Under his leadership - a well-known label that produces youth artists. Among them, and others. In addition, Timati is the owner of the Black Star Burger fast food restaurant in Moscow. In the near future, it is planned to open those in the regions.

According to Forbes, in 2017, the 34-year-old entrepreneur earned over $6.5 million.

Sergey Zhukov

Opening of "Love and Sweets" confectionery |

Compared to other celebrities, the income is much more modest, but in 2017 the star managed to break into the top 50 richest celebrities in Russia according to Forbes. Despite Zhukov's popularity, music does not bring him as much money as he would like, so in 2016 the artist decided to become an entrepreneur by opening a family confectionery with his wife. The family business was called Cupcake Story, but later renamed Love and Sweets.

The celebrity business began to flourish. Already in 2017, thanks to his work and his own confectionery, the singer earned $ 1.5 million. Thus, Zhukov took 43rd place among wealthy celebrities in Russia.

Natasha Koroleva

Russian and Ukrainian singer - the owner of beauty salons on Smolensky Boulevard and Mosfilmovskaya Street. Korolev's establishments provide hairdressing, beauty and cosmetic services. Obviously, only smart masters work there, because even a regular bangs cut will cost 1000 rubles, hair coloring in the salon of a star will cost 5500-14500 rubles, and styling - 2400-9500 rubles.

There is no exact information about the annual earnings of Natasha Koroleva on the Web, but if we take into account the above figures multiplied by the popularity of the artist, as well as the average fee for the performance of the Queen (at least 850 thousand rubles, according to some media), the amount is tangible.

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