What kind of sport is Thai boxing. Muay Thai Training: The Light and Dark Side of Muay Thai

Thai boxing what kind of sport is this? This question is asked by many who are just starting to be interested ancient world oriental martial arts. Most people have little or no idea where this contact sport came from and confuse it with kickboxing.

However, these are two different sports. Thai boxing is a fighting technique based on delivering a combination of blows to the opponent. In this type of martial arts, grips and painful techniques are not used. Therefore, opponents work in sparring at short and medium distances.

Due to the high speed of the attack, such fights often turn into a full clinch, where elbows and knees begin to go. What is Muay Thai compared to other martial arts? it is a modern, sports discipline, in which championships are held all over the world different levels.

It is also worth noting that the most eminent and titled K-1 Thai boxing championship pays the winner a prize fund of $1 million. Therefore, many professional fighters strive to be at this event and become part of the Muay Thai legend.

In addition to high sports awards, Muay Thai is used by many people as an excellent weight loss workout. This is due to the fact that all exercises and techniques of martial arts are designed for great endurance.

A large number of repetitions and constant cardio exercises have an excellent effect on the figure and cope with body fat even faster than classes in a fitness room with an installed diet.

Kickboxing and Muay Thai differences

The martial art of Thailand in the form of Muay Thai is quite different from kickboxing. If you take a closer look at them. On the example of sparring, you can immediately detect the visual and main difference.

Kickboxing does not use other parts of the body other than the hands and feet. Striking with other parts of the body is strictly prohibited. In Thai boxing, the shins, elbows and forearms are used.

If you continue to study sparring further, you can also find a difference in the distance of combat. In kickboxing, this distance is designed for medium and distant battle. In Muay Thai, actions are also carried out at short distances in the form of a clinch, when elbows and knees are used.

How to take Thai boxing classes

A large number of classes in this sport is devoted specifically to honing strikes. Athletes repeat each strike thousands of times, bringing the same actions to automatism at a certain point.

After that, the next stage of training is carried out in which. Practiced and studied techniques begin to be combined into 2-4 powerful blows. The whole fight consists of such developed combinations.

Particular attention is also paid to exercises for speed and endurance. This is necessary in order for all the tricks to be more mobile and biting. If you look at the main championships, you can see that all athletes with high titles have a lean physique.

The benefits of this sport

The main advantage of doing this type of martial arts is physical development throughout the muscles of the body. The complexes of exercises and strikes are designed in such a way as to harden the body as much as possible. High cardio loads are useful for both the respiratory and cardiac systems.

In order to sign up for Thai boxing, you can contact our club. Here, every day, experienced coaches with the title of master of sports conduct classes, both group and individual. For classes in the gym there is everything you need to hone your skills to a professional level.

Thai boxing [Professional lessons for beginners] Kovtik Alexander Nikolaevich

Chapter 2 What is Muay Thai?

What is Muay Thai?

AT last years among fans of martial arts, the terms “muay thai”, “thai boxing”, “thai boxing”, “thai boxing”, “kickboxing”, “K-1”, etc. have gained wide popularity. What do they have in common and what kinds of sports do they mean? How many world champions are there?

Let's start in order. There are three main sports where boxers fight in the ring with boxing gloves.

First, this is boxing: English boxing. Boxing is a great sport and the most popular martial art. It has the richest traditions, is included in the program Olympic Games and develops in almost all countries of the world.

Secondly, Muay Thai. I will not dwell on the history and traditions of this sport. Despite a rather long history (about 2000 years), Muay Thai has been known to the whole world relatively recently: since the 70s of the XX century. Now this martial art is just finishing its formation as a sport. It is for this reason that there is some confusion with the names. In Europe and America, the term "Muay Thai" has not yet taken root and is sometimes replaced by the expressions "Thai boxing" and "Thai boxing". In the first case, the name comes from the word "Thais" (these are the inhabitants of Thailand); in the second - from the country in which martial arts arose. It is more correct to say "Thai boxing", by analogy with the phrases "Thai language" and "Thai culture". This evolution of the name of the sport is quite natural. Traditionally everything national views martial arts were originally named after the nations and countries in which they originated. So, judo was once called Japanese wrestling, classical wrestling - French and Greco-Roman wrestling, karate - Japanese wrestling and even Japanese boxing, taekwondo - Korean boxing, savate - French boxing, sanda - Chinese boxing, boxing - English boxing, bando - Burmese boxing, etc. Over time, only real names remained, and "second" names are rarely used and rather as clarifying ones. The same will happen soon with Muay Thai. As for such a phrase as “Thai boxing”, it should be considered as a misunderstanding: the country “Thailand” does not exist on the world map.

And finally, the third sport - kickboxing. It is believed that the history of kickboxing began in the late 60s of the XX century as a result of the synthesis of martial arts and classical (English) boxing. Although, for the sake of justice, it should be noted that boxing using kicks in Europe has been known for a long time - this is savate (French boxing).

In the early 1990s, in Japan, by analogy with Muay Thai, began to develop the new kind martial arts - K-1. His rules during this period of development were actually copied from Muay Thai and differed only in the absence of elbow strikes and musical accompaniment. To date, the K-1 show has a huge popularity in the world and a lot of money revolves in this area. K-1 tournaments are comparable in popularity to classical (professional) boxing tournaments. The huge financial flows that exist in K-1 have led to the fact that copies of this type of martial arts appear already. So, for example, there were Muay Thai tournaments called S-1. Further more. In the world of martial arts appeared a large number of tournaments with similar names: M-1, B-1, I-1, H-1, U-1, Q-1, etc. Naturally, they all claim originality and global importance, but in fact they are ordinary plagiarism, and to the Nth degree.

Particular confusion with the names was made by the largest modern federation developing kickboxing - WAKO. Until recently, there were five sections in kickboxing.

1. Full contact.

2. Light contact.

3. Semi-contact.

4. Solo compositions.

5. Low kick.

In the late 1990s, a situation developed in which the popularity of kickboxing began to decline sharply, while the authority and prevalence of Muay Thai increased significantly. The leadership of WAKO, in order to maintain the competitiveness of their organization, made a provocative decision to introduce a section into kickboxing, in which, similarly to Muay Thai, knees and grabs would be allowed. The new, sixth, section received the incorrect name "taiboxing".

The history of the development of Thai boxing begins in the autumn of 1998, when the WAKO European Championship was held in Kyiv. The rules of thai boxing are significantly different from the rules of classic muay thai. First of all, elbow strikes are prohibited here. Secondly, there are serious restrictions on the conduct of combat in capture. In addition, there is no musical accompaniment duel and the Wai Kru ritual dance. The resulting confusion in the names had a negative impact on the pace of development and popularity of Muay Thai. Fortunately, over time, the WAKO leadership admitted their mistake - and the term "thai boxing" was taken out of use. The greed and growing popularity of K-1 led to the fact that the new section of kickboxing was renamed K-1. Now there is an amateur K-1 as a section of kickboxing, in which athletes compete in helmets, gloves and leg protection.

A large number of similar terms and related types of martial arts has given rise to a huge number of new "champions". If once the title of world champion evoked universal respect, reverence and even reverence, today there are a huge number of so-called "plastic" champions. How to understand this championship leapfrog?

Very simple. The title of Muay Thai World Champion can only be won at the Muay Thai World Championship. Kickboxing and thaiboxing have nothing to do with it. Moreover, until now, all Muay Thai World Championships have been held in the homeland of this sport - in Thailand, and only the last one in 2008 was held in South Korea. Real “gold” is class A gold. There are very few real champions. And therefore, to put it mildly, one should be very suspicious of the "Thai boxing champion" who received this title somewhere in Italy or the USA.

Things are somewhat different with professional Muay Thai. This is a completely different sport that imposes completely different requirements on athletes. As in professional boxing, in professional Muay Thai there are several international federations developing this sport. Here are the main and oldest of them (Fig. 2.1):

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Belts: a - WMC; b - ISKA; in - WPKL; G - amateur world championship belt according to IFMA

In addition, there are a large number of smaller federations holding their title fights and proclaiming their world champions: IKF, WKN, IPKL, KICK, etc. Each federation has its own rating of athletes. The boxer who occupies the first line in the ranking is the first contender for the fight for the title of champion - for the fight with the champion. To become "number one" in their ranking, boxers constantly fight among themselves. But this is ideal. In practice, it turns out quite differently. It often happens that the right to challenge the champion title is given to those athletes whose manager or promoter offers the federation more favorable financial conditions. Moreover, it often happens that the title of champion in a particular weight category in various reasons becomes vacant and is played by very little-known boxers. So sometimes you have to see how, so to speak, two “stars” fight for the title of European champion or, even cooler, the world, whose place is in the sawmill championship. In major federations, this happens less often, but in small, regional, claiming the title of "worldwide", such incidents can be seen all the time.

In this regard, I recalled a very revealing case. Once in Belarus I had a conversation with a very ambitious young man. He was engaged in Muay Thai at an amateur level and dreamed of conquering sports peaks. Incidentally, he asked me what my opinion was about his prospects for becoming world champion. I evasively replied that the world championship belt among the pros today is not something prohibitively difficult and unrealistic. As an example, I told him about the huge number of American "champions" who "won" their belts no later than in the vastness of their native Alabama, among the countless so-called "worldwide" American versions. At the end of the conversation, I joked that if he ever goes to America, if he has any means and connections, then he may well become a “world champion” according to some American version. After these words, the boy's eyes just flashed. A few years later, when everyone in our country had already forgotten about this inglorious fighter, I was surprised to find a “happy message” on the Internet, which said that Belarus could be proud of another champion who won his belt on the vast expanses of the American prairies.. .

When we talk about the title of world champion in muay thai among professionals, it must be remembered that boxers from Thailand rarely take part in the championship belt draw. It sounds paradoxical, but it is a fact. In fact, the truly strongest muay thai fighters in the world in most cases are the Thais. Geographical remoteness and low economic development create certain difficulties for the promoters of Thailand, and the promoters of Europe, America and Japan are in no hurry to come to their aid and invite Thais to their fights for the simple reason that Thai boxers are a head, or even two, taller according to the level of their compatriots. So it turns out that the boxers of Thailand are fighting among themselves, and everything else global community plays the titles of "world champion" from them autonomously.

In Thailand, there are a large number of stadiums where fights take place almost daily. The largest of them are Lumpini and Rajadamnen. It is in these two stadiums that the best fighters in the world meet, and it is considered a great honor to perform there. Until recently, Europeans could not get there at all because of their low level. It is believed that the first meeting of the Thais with the boxers of the world at Lumpini took place on March 12, 1977, where the world team suffered a severe defeat (this is mentioned in the chapter "National Muay Thai Schools"). Another interesting fact. In 2006, an international tournament was held on the island of Koh Samui. Three world champions among professionals in WMC (the most prestigious version in professional muay thai) from European countries met with boxers from Thailand. All three lost to the Thais by knockouts. One of the first European boxers to resist the Thais was the Dutchman Ramon Dekkers (Fig. 2.2). I will say right away that victories at the best stadiums in Thailand were given to him oh how difficult, and most importantly, rarely. Dekkers lost most of his fights in Thailand.

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Ramon Dekkers

The exception is the heavy weight categories, in which the people of Thailand cannot compete simply because large Thais are extremely rare. But even here there are paradoxes.

For example, the legendary Dutch heavyweight Rob Kaman (Fig. 2.3) was beaten by the Thais, although they were significantly inferior to him in mass. If desired, on the expanses of the World Wide Web, you can find a fight in which Kaman, in a fight with a small Thai, gets a kick in the head and ends up in a deep knockout.

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Rob Kaman

And let's remember baby Kaoklai ( real weight 76-78 kg), which, having gained weight and "fat" right up to as much as 86 kilograms, inflicted defeats on real K-1 heavyweights (including the legendary Belarusian fighter Alexei Ignashov). What is worth one of his fights with Mighty Mo, whom Kaoklai “made” with a kick to the head in a jump (Fig. 2.4).

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Kaoklai knocks out "mighty Mo"

In the last 5-7 years it has become popular in Europe to invite boxers from Thailand to tournaments. This suggests that the level of world muay thai has grown significantly. But, as a rule, middle-level athletes or professionals who have already left the big ring are invited to Europe. I had to see broadcasts of fights from Holland, Belgium and the Czech Republic, in which Europeans won victories over Thai boxers. But in modern Thai ratings, these athletes are either not mentioned, or they are far from the first lines. Yes, they were once strong, but today they have become fat, they smoke, drink beer and, at best, work as trainers in sports camps. A trip to fights in Europe for them is something like a cruise with the opportunity to earn a couple of cents. And if tournament organizers bring active athletes from Thailand to us, then from middle-class boxers in their homeland, all of them suddenly become no less than Lumpini champions. This is reminiscent of the situation in Bangkok with taxi drivers. There, if you get into a taxi and the driver finds out that you are interested in Muay Thai, then get ready: you got into the car with a “great fighter” who was a Lumpini champion in the past, or at least a Rajadamnen champion. The victory over such a "cool pepper" can really raise prestige a lot.

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Chapter 6 Muay Thai Striking Efficiency

Thai boxing or Muay Thai is the martial art of Thailand. Fights in Thai boxing are fought in full contact and according to very strict rules. The basis of Muay Thai is percussion technique. Blows to the enemy are delivered at all levels: to the head, to the body, with hands and feet, elbows and knees. Grabs and throws in Thai boxing play a less significant role. Applied techniques are also cultivated in Muay Thai: work with piercing and cutting weapons, various types knives and daggers, sticks, throwing knives and others. The Thai government in every possible way promotes the development of Muay Thai. Currently, Thai fighting is popular far beyond the borders of the country.

Thai boxing has a thousand year history. About 2 thousand years ago, this martial art had a completely different name, which sounded like “smell”. The progenitor of the popular sport of Muay Thai has its origins in Suwannapum, where it was founded by five great masters. A huge number of tricks from the “pahuyut” were used to train the Thai army. Thanks to this martial art, the Thai army could fight with its ancient enemies.

The first pahyutu competitions were held in the city of Auton in the 10th century, as a spectacular show for the whole people. In addition, the plow of that time was considered gambling. The competitions were friendly, which is why death was practically excluded. Over time, this kind of event was called “muay”, which means “fight”. Thus, Thai boxing gradually began to flow into a sports channel. This sport has always been very popular among the people of Thailand, but the peak of Muay Thai development came during the reign of Rama 5. Those who won the competition in those days could easily receive royal awards and various titles. In those years, the rules for conducting Muay Thai fights underwent some changes - special fences in the form of ropes were installed in the ring, and fights began to be held by the hour. The hands of the fighters were wrapped in strips of horseskin - this is in order to protect their hands and make the blows delivered much stronger. Over time, the horseskin was replaced with special ribbons made from ordinary cotton.

Absolutely any Thai could practice Thai boxing, regardless of his origin. Until the 20s of the last century, this sport was even officially included in the school curriculum.

Since the 30s of the 20th century, martial arts under international influence has undergone changes. The fighters began to put gloves on their hands instead of tape windings, and the most severe tricks and blows were also canceled. All this softened a little, in fact, a very hard sport. Back in the 30s, certain rules of combat were established in Muay Thai, which have survived to this day. But regardless of whether this sport was softened or not, it still remained close to a real fight. It is believed that Thai boxers are much stronger than others prepared for contact fights.

On space former USSR Thai boxing appeared in the 90s of the last century, but this type of martial arts very quickly became known and loved by everyone, so it took a cozy leading place among other martial arts. Today, Muay Thai is a very spectacular and effective martial art. Main Feature Thai boxing are a series of elbows and knees. In addition, Muay Thai includes a huge number of different kinds of throws and tricks that can unbalance an opponent.

Due to its effectiveness, as well as simple training, Thai boxing has become very popular not only in its own country, but throughout the world. At the moment, there are two main highlights of this boxing - this is traditional martial arts and sports muay thai.

Traditional Thai boxing includes a huge number of traumatic blows that can easily break the opponent. In addition, athletes involved in traditional Thai boxing need to devote a lot of time to meditation. Traditional Muay Thai does not involve official tournaments or competitions, and all knowledge passes from Teacher to student. The process of learning traditional Thai boxing affects not only physical training, working out techniques, studying various techniques, but also developing a personality in a spiritual sense - a person is preparing for life and a real battle, not only from the outside, but also from the inside. The doors of traditional Muay Thai are not open to everyone, because to master given art units can.

As for sports Thai boxing, it is worth recalling that this art was formed from traditional Thai boxing. Sports muay thai is a widespread martial art that anyone can practice. Competitions held in this species sports can be divided into amateur and professional - the difference is in the similarity with a real fight. Thai boxers are one of the most prepared athletes for contact fights - they can work both in close, middle and long distances. The Thai boxer can inflict the main damage to the enemy in close or medium distance, when elbows and knees begin to be used. In amateur sports, not everything is so tough - soft rules have been introduced, the battle tactics are a little different, and the fighters also have protection.

Thai boxing is a martial art that can enable a person to short time adapt to combat. A person is prepared, both physically and technically, as well as morally, spiritually and psychologically.

Boxing and Thai boxing on the one hand are related and very similar friend on other sports. They are united by the presence percussion technique hands to the head and body in full contact, also internal fighting spirit, volitional qualities athletes.

But on the other hand, characteristic distinctive features Thai boxing - aggressive, lightning-fast and tough work in combat with legs, knees and elbows in full contact. Moreover, in Thai boxing, you can strike three floors - on the legs, on the body and on the head. And in classic boxing, blows below the belt are generally prohibited and rivals handle each other only in two levels - to the body and to the head. And that is why boxing attacks with hands acquire greater seriality, pace and speed, the stance is lower than in secret boxing and pulling (shuttle) are more intense.

In Thai boxing (Muay Thai), the stance of the fighters is higher and protection from kicks to the legs cannot be neglected at all. In addition, by the very physiology, kicks, knees and elbows in Thai boxing can cause a much more destructive effect than punches in ordinary boxing. Although everyone knows how hard and crushing punches can be in big boxing for heavyweight professional boxers.

So what is better in the end - boxing or Thai boxing?

Which is better - boxing or muay thai?

So, to answer this question, let's try to consider three examples.

In the first example, let's make an ordinary boxer fight a muay thai fighter (thai boxer) according to the rules of Thai boxing. Let's make a reservation right away that the initial data of both athletes: weight, height, age, training experience, endurance and general physical training- the same. In the first case, the boxer will try to pull his opponent apart and inflict a series of punches, changing floors: to the head, to the body - to the head, to the body, moreover, if the case is successful, as he is able by nature, to finish off with a knee, foot or elbow, but not as professional. The Thai boxer is obliged to avoid middle distance and exchange of punches, because. the chances of gaining an advantage are obviously less. On the other hand, a Muay Thai fighter must constantly beat off his legs with low-kicks from a long distance, and also, at any good moment, transfer the attack with his hands and elbows to the opponent’s head and tie with the boxer in close combat in the clinch, attacking with his knees at once in three floors. By building a similar tactic against a boxer and adding kicks to the body and head through the center (type), from the side (kick) and from a turn (ushira, ura-mawashi, dragon tail or "pinwheel"), it is necessary to beat the boxer's legs with a low kick. But at the same time, the “Thai” needs to cover his head and body from the hands of the enemy and turn the fight into a clinch, imposing a deadly technique of elbows and knees. There is a huge probability that the Muay Thai fighter (Thai boxer) will win in this example, moreover, with a clear advantage, or ahead of schedule!!! Proof of this are the fights without rules, held earlier in Moscow at the Arbat Entertainment Center, which are still remembered with nostalgia by entire generations of athletes and coaches!!!

In the second example, let's make a tie-boxer fight with a boxer according to the rules of classical boxing with one hand in two floors: in the head and body. With the same initial data, we will notice a picture of the tie-boxer lagging behind in the seriality of punches, in the technique of moving the legs around the ring, in pulling (shuttle), as well as in hand feints and body work (evaders, dives). The boxer must win, but perhaps not ahead of schedule!!!

In the third example, let's consider a variant of free-style combat - each according to its own rules. The initial data for both are again assumed to be the same. The boxer should concentrate as much as possible on the opponent's yanks, pulls and failures from his low kicks and other kicks, and on delivering a series of punches to the liver and head under different angles. And if a boxer hooks his opponent with a blow to the head or body, then he is simply obliged to develop success and continuously finish off with series from his hands. But the fact is that a Muay Thai fighter is well aware of this. In addition, we should not forget that Thai boxers also use all boxing techniques in their training, but not so intensively, because. for the same time of the training process, it is also necessary to master the striking and defensive technique with legs, knees and elbows. And here, competent combat tactics come to the rescue of Muay Thai fighters. Task: the first is to use the long distance as efficiently as possible and meet all enemy attacks with an iron low kick, while protecting your head and body; the second is to avoid the middle distance and at least not to exchange punches on it, but to actively use elbows, knees and middle kicks; third, at any convenient moment, turn the fight into a clinch and work with your knees to the body-head, body-head of the enemy, while inserting a lightning-fast elbow strike to the head! As the practice of mixed fights at Arbat, Kristall, Korona in Moscow and other tournaments in other cities and countries has repeatedly shown, as well as the joint training experience of boxers and tie-boxers in the same hall according to different rules, the result is disappointing for a boxer when working with a "Thai" according to the rules of Muay Thai or fights without rules. A boxer must win a victory over a Muay Thai fighter only according to the rules of classical boxing. And it is not for nothing that Muay Thai (Thai boxing) is called the fights of the “eight-armed gods”. Muay Thai is one of the most aggressive types of power combat sports.

Why choose Club "BULAT"?

With all the great respect for ordinary boxing, our Fight Club "BULAT" (Russia) is a huge supporter of Thai boxing, because. Muay Thai has a minimum of restrictions in the rules and a maximum of freedom in striking and defensive techniques. Our school of Thai boxing "BULAT GOLD" (Russia) has raised and continues to raise Champions and Prize-winners not only in Muay Thai, but also in kickboxing, and sometimes in MMA, and in fights without rules.

The history of Muay Thai is intertwined with the history of the Thai people. Calm and peaceful Thais for many centuries had to defend themselves and their lands from aggressive powers. They came to the conclusion that hand-to-hand combat best suited for fighting off rude invaders.

Over time, training in this martial art and the initiation ceremony of Muay Thai began to pass almost all Thai men. King Naresuan the Great (1555-1605), was recognized as one of the most famous warrior heroes, in addition, he himself was an excellent boxer, and this is supposedly why Muay Thai was considered a mandatory part of military training. Another milestone in the history of Muay Thai was the triumph of Nai Khanom Tom, who was captured and chosen to fight the Burmese king. After winning the tenth consecutive victory, the prisoner was released and returned home a hero.

In the old days, Muay Thai was considered dangerous view sport, which does not provide for any protective equipment for fighters, from all the protection - only long ribbons, with which, instead of gloves, fists were wrapped. Over the years, according to international standards boxing, the rules have been slightly changed. In subsequent years, this sport attracted wide interest outside the country, and fighter training centers were opened in countries such as the United States and in the states of the former USSR. In 1995 was established International Association Thai Boxing, the purpose of which was to promote the national heritage, not only at the national, but also at the international level. At a conference held the same year, 78 participating countries voted in favor of establishing training school, where they will teach all the elements of Muay Thai. The Muay Thai Institute was founded in 1997 and is currently the only training school accredited by the Ministry of Education.

Muay Thai Stadium

You may have heard of Muay Thai or even seen it on TV for its furious, devastating elbow strikes, deadly punches, powerful grabs and cunning feints. But with what you see on TV, you can’t compare what the people present at the stadium actually experience. During Muay Thai competitions, loud applause and breathtaking melodies of the accompanying wind and a whole ensemble of percussion instruments sound. Welcome to the fascinating world martial art Muay Thai, which, like no other, is recognized as the proud heritage of the nation.

International Passion

Muay Thai, almost like football, is recognized as the most passionate sport in the country. Television broadcast networks and major print media, five days a week, report on the results of the battles taking place in the country's large stadiums. Very popular internationally, Thai boxing has produced dozens of world champions who started their journey with the art of Muay Thai. Therefore, it is not surprising that boys are sent to boxing at the age of seven or eight. Most areas have their own boxing ring, but the ultimate dream of young boxers is to fight in the largest and most famous stadiums in the country - Lumpini (this stadium is already closed) or Ratchadamnon. Competitions in these stadiums take place every night. Tickets for the evening cost 500, 1000 and 1500 baht on average, but for big night fights prices reach up to 2000 baht. On Sundays at Ratchadamnon Stadium, tickets can be purchased from good discounts, for example, 500 baht for each. Fights usually begin around 6:30pm, with preliminaries featuring younger, less experienced boxers, and the main event of international passion typically takes place around 9:00am.

Muay Thai wrestling takes place in five three-minute rounds, with two minute breaks between them. The fight is preceded by the awai khru dance, in which each participant pays homage to their teachers. Apart from the symbolic meaning, the dance is a good warm-up. The tribute dance is accompanied by the playing of the clarinet, drums and cymbals. The musicians are mostly very experienced, and their music always makes the hearts of everyone present beat even faster.

You will notice that each boxer has a headband and headbands. The headband, called mongkhol, is believed to bring good luck to its owner, as they have received the blessing of a monk or a boxer's own trainer. Since teachers in Buddhism play an important role in the life of every Thai, this item serves as a talisman and spiritual object. It is removed only after the dance, and only the boxer himself or his trainer. Meanwhile, it is believed that the bandages on the hands provide protection, and they are removed only after the end of the fight.

The results of the match are determined by knockout or by points received. Three judges count the points, and the one who wins in the most rounds wins the battle. The referee plays a very important role, since the safety of the boxer depends on his decision.

During night fights in large stadiums, especially in Lumpini and Ratchadamnon, tourists fill a significant part of the seats, and their number is constantly growing. Most prefer to sit in the front row to watch the action with maximum close range. As a rule, large nightly events are advertised for several days, so it can be difficult to get tickets. You can book them through your hotel or travel agent.

Equipment used in Muay Thai

Equipment that meets the established rules and is used in Thai boxing, necessary for Muay Thai matches, is provided by the stadium administration. It's a stopwatch, gong signal, boxing gloves different sizes and, water supply equipment for boxers, and other additional personal accessories for boxers who have not prepared their own, such as boxing shorts (red or blue), belts, kiper ribbons, or sacred ribbons. Thai boxing can be divided into two main types: the first muay lac, in which the main emphasis is on caution and patience, very rare in our time, and muay cues, which is full of tricks and feints that take the opponent by surprise.

Basic rules of muay thai thai boxing

A match consists of no more than 5 rounds, the duration of each round is 3 minutes, with two-minute rest breaks between them. No extra rounds are allowed. Boxers must regularly wear gloves, each of which weighs at least 172 grams. Gloves should not change their original shape.

Thai boxer clothes

Competitors must only wear shorts (red or blue) that are true to size.

Competitors must wear standard leg protectors or sturdy sports cups to protect the groin.

They do not wear a shirt or shoes, but it is still allowed to protect the ankles with special soles.

The sacred ribbon, known as the mongkol, can be worn around the head only in the period before the fight, when the ritual of tribute to the memory of ancestors and Muay Thai teachers is performed, after which it must be removed before the start of the fight.

Metal and other items that can harm the opponent are prohibited.

Muay Thai training

The martial art of Muay Thai, with its emphasis on attack and defense as well as endurance, can be learned by anyone: men, women, young or old. Due to the rapidly growing interest in Muay Thai, martial arts schools in Europe, America and Asia have added it to their curricula. Some hire former Muay Thai champions as instructors and other trainers who have learned the trade from Thai teachers.

In these schools they teach all the correct steps and maneuvers, because Muay Thai is not only punches and kicks. To truly learn about Muay Thai, its roots and purpose, it is best to do so on historical homeland this martial art. In the past, foreigners who wanted to "really learn" entered one of the schools, where education was exclusively based on professional level. For those who are not so strong, there was not much choice, and the language sometimes became a big problem. But not now, as there are currently open schools in Thailand for general Muay Thai education, both for professionals and amateurs.

Muay Thai Institute

The institute was created with the aim of preserving the traditions and development of the art of Muay Thai and is accessible to everyone. Institute, which is located in Rangsit, north of international airport Bangkok, offers accredited training courses for boxers, instructors and referees. Opened in 1997, the Institute is run by a professional team of Muay Thai instructors, promoters and officials. All of his teachers are former champions, have a bachelor's degree in physical education and speak English.

Graduates of the Institute receive a certificate recognized by the Thai Ministry of Education and the World Thai Muay Thai Association. Since its opening, the school has already trained hundreds of amateurs and professionals. Students come from Australia, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, New Zealand, Spain, Sweden, Great Britain and other parts of the world. All students, including girls and women, also have the opportunity to study in recreational and professional courses.

The Fundamental Thai Muay Thai Program consists of 4 levels (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced and Professional) with a duration of 120 days before graduation. The program is designed in such a way as to familiarize students with the historical and cultural heritage Muay Thai as well as provide physical skills and training. The course includes a field trip to the major stadiums in Bangkok so that students can experience a real passion for the martial art.

The Muay Thai Instructor Program is ideal for those who want to become a Muay Thai trainer or start a martial arts school. The program includes three 15-day courses.

Muay Thai for referees and judges is divided into three levels of language proficiency: local, national and international, each of which is 15 days.

The Muay Thai Institute occupies a complex next door to Rangsit Stadium. Classes are held in classrooms and in a well-equipped gym. Students have access to gym and to the muay thai library. They live in dormitories, with five bunk beds in a room, there is a TV and a refrigerator. For applicants for any of the courses, the Institute can arrange a visa and other necessary documents.

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