Class hour "Reserves of Crimea". Class hour "Reserved places of Crimea". Class hour (Grade 7) on the topic Presentation on the theme of protected areas of Crimea

Reserves of Crimea

For the first time, in 1870, part of the mountain-forest landscapes in the Crimea acquired the status of a reserve of the imperial (royal) hunting.

The reserve fund of the Crimea over the years of its development has become the most important indicator reference scientific and natural resource potential peninsulas. This is a natural environment-preserving and environment-reproducing source of the plain-steppe, mountain-forest and southern coastal sub-Mediterranean nature of the peninsula. As of 1.01. 1998 in Crimea there are 145 territories and objects of natural reserve fund, with total area 140.4 thous. fund). At the same time, specially protected territories and objects, reflecting the degree of uniqueness of nature in different regions peninsulas are unevenly distributed over the landscape regions of the Crimea. The Main Crimean Ridge and the Crimean Sub-Mediterranean Sea are distinguished by the greatest reserved saturation. The landscape areas of the Plain Crimea, the Kerch hills and the Crimean foothills are characterized by much less reserved saturation. In general, the reserve fund in the Crimea accounts for 5.4% of the territory of the peninsula. This is 2.5 times higher than the similar average for Ukraine as a whole, but 2 times lower than the UN-recommended optimal level of protected saturation for the regions of the world.

The Crimean nature reserve is the oldest on the peninsula; it was established in 1923. long time(1957-1991 he was in a strange status of a “reserved hunting economy”, when instead of protecting valuable animals, they were hunted by a “reserved” hunt. Now the reserve, together with a branch, occupies 44.1 thousand hectares. upland meadow-steppe (yailta) and partly south-slope forest landscapes.1165 species of higher plants grow in the protected area (plus 84 species on the Lebyazhy Islands).The floristic richness includes 45 endemic species, 115 species of rare and stored species.39 species inhabit the reserve mammals), 120 species of birds (on the Swan Islands - 20 and 230, respectively). Of particular value are beech, oak, hornbeam and pine forests, which play an important role in water protection and soil protection. Red deer, moufflon roe deer, black vulture, griffon vulture and other rare animals live here. Up to 5,000 mute swans flock to the Lebyazhy Islands every year to molt, and the colony of seagulls numbers more than 30,000 individuals.

The Yalta Natural Mountain and Forest Reserve was established in 1973. It covers mainly the western South Coast (14,589 ha). Forests occupy 3/4 of its territory. Tall, mainly pine forests are widespread here (they make up 56% of all forests of the reserve), also beech and oak, in places with evergreen sub-Mediterranean undergrowth. The flora of the reserve includes 1363 species of vascular plants, including 115 endemics; 43 plant species are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. The reserve is inhabited by 37 species of mammals, 113 species of birds, 11 reptiles and 4 species of amphibians.

nature reserve Cape Martyan, located to the east of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden on the limestone cape of the same name, occupies, together with the coastal aquatic complex, only 240 hectares. The reserve was created in 1973 and is intended to preserve a corner of nature of the sub-Mediterranean type in the Crimea. A relict pine-juniper-strawberry forest with more than 600 plant species is preserved here, including 23 endemic species. High juniper, small-fruited greenberry, etc. are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. 71 species of algae, 50 species of fish, 40 species of mollusks live in the adjacent water area - a total of 200 species of marine animals.

Finally, in the east of the Crimean Sub-Mediterranean, there is the youngest Karadag nature reserve on the peninsula, founded in 1979. It occupies the territory of 1855.1 hectares of ancient volcanic mountain-forest landscape. The reserve was created to protect the rarest landscape, botanical and zoological objects. More than 100 mineral species and varieties have been found on Karadag: semiprecious stones- carnelian, opal, heliotrope, agate, rock crystal, amethyst, etc. You can observe the attributes of a fossil volcano: lava flows and breccias, dikes, mineral veins. The richest flora Karadaga has 1090 species of vascular plants, including about 50 endemics. Many species are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine: juniper high, pistachio pistachio, hawthorn Poyarkova, etc. The fauna of Karadag includes 28 species of mammals, 184 species of birds, reptiles, 3 - amphibians, 1900 - invertebrates. The flora of the coastal waters includes 454 plant species and 900 animal species (including 80 fish species).

In addition to nature reserves, numerous others are sporadically scattered throughout the Crimea, mostly small in area, specially protected natural uniques. On the peninsula formed 32 state reserves, which account for 51% of the protected area of ​​Crimea. Among them - 1 reserves are of national importance. There are 73 protected nature monuments in Crimea, with a total area of ​​2.4% of the total reserve fund; among them - 12 have national status. There are 25 protected botanical gardens and memorial parks of garden and cancer art in Crimea (their area is 1% of the reserve fund); 11 of them have national status. Finally, there are 11 reserved tracts in Crimea. They occupy 1.6% protected area peninsulas.

Reserves of Crimea

The presentation was prepared by the teacher primary school MBOU "Rodnikovskaya school-gymnasium" Mashakova A.Sh.

  • Reserve- a piece of territory in which the entire natural complex is preserved in its natural state. Hunting is prohibited here and any economic activity person. Reserves are usually closed to tourists. it strictly guarded territory!
  • In the Crimea 7 .


It was organized in 1928. More than 200 species of vertebrates live (half of those found in the Crimea). Red deer, Crimean roe deer, mouflon, black vulture, griffon vulture and other rare animals live in the forests.

More than 1200 species of plants grow on the territory (almost half of the entire flora of Crimea). Oak, beech and hornbeam forests are of particular value.

One of the largest in the Crimea. Created in 1973

Any economic activity is prohibited on the territory of the reserve, except for scientific and research developments.

In the mountainous part of the reserve there is Mount Ai-Petri, the famous Devil's Staircase, the Three-Eyed (Ice) Cave, and the Wuchang-Su waterfall.

Devil's Ladder Pass

Three-Eyed Cave

mountain slopes

  • Forests occupy 75% of the entire territory. On the mountain slopes - pine forests (57%), beech and hornbeam.

Cape Martyan

It is located to the east of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, the area is 240 hectares. Created in 1973 and designed to preserve the area of ​​Mediterranean nature in the Crimea. A relic Mediterranean forest is protected here, in which more than 500 plant species grow.

Of particular value are the communities of the rarest relic - the red strawberry tree, listed in the International Red Book.

"Red Books"


Juniper high

Swan Islands- branch of the Crimean natural reserve.

Here is one of the largest Eastern Europe clusters waterfowl: more than 230 species, 18 of them are listed in the Red Book.

Every year up to 5,000 people arrive here from the south. swans.

Colony of gulls

It has more than 30 thousand individuals. During the summer, seagulls destroy almost 2 million birds. ground squirrels and up to 8 million mice.

Karadag Reserve

The youngest on the peninsula (1979), located in the southeast of Crimea.

Flora includes about 1050 plant species.

Only here lives Poyarkova's hawthorn

Tulip Koktebel

Yaskolka (Crimean edelweiss)

Area 450 ha. It is located on the northwestern coast of the Kerch Peninsula (Leninsky district, Shelkino).

Founded in 1998 Represents virgin areas of the feather grass steppe.

Among the plants growing here are white violet, tulips, 5 species of feather grass, Galiev's cornflower, fine-leaved peony, etc.

225 species of plants are listed in the Red Book.

35 species of animals are included in the Red Book (yellow belly, snakes, steppe viper, steppe harrier, kestrel, ferret, ground squirrel, etc.)

Ferret steppe

  • The Opuk Nature Reserve was established in 1998 in the south of the Kerch Peninsula for the conservation and reproduction of steppe natural complexes of the Crimean plains and aquatic complexes of the Black Sea.
  • Area of ​​the Opuk Reserve is 1592.3 hectares, of which 62 hectares are the waters of the Black Sea with the islands of Rock-Ships, towering in the sea 4 km from the coast.

In addition to the reserves in the Crimea formed:

32 state reserves,

73 protected monuments nature,

25 protected botanical gardens and monument parks,

11 reserved areas.

natural resources needed save and multiply !

The Crimean Natural Reserve is a state reserve, the largest reserve of the Crimea. Area ha. It is under the jurisdiction of the Office of the President Russian Federation. The administration of the reserve is located at the address: Crimea, Alushta, st. Partizanskaya, 42. The reserve includes 5 forestries and the Razdolnensky ornithological branch "Lebyazhy Islands", as well as the Karkinitsky ornithological reserve of wetlands of national importance with a water area of ​​​​ha.

Crimean Reserve one of the oldest in the Crimea. The beginning of the conservation of the territory, which is now part of it, is the creation in 1913 of the "Reserve of Imperial Hunting". At that time, a huntsman service was organized for the royal hunting reserve, and on Mount Bolshaya Chuchel, forest areas were allocated to demonstrate animals of the Caucasian deer brought to the Crimea, Dagestan turs and bezoar goats, Corsican mouflons, bison. After the establishment of the power of the Soviets in the Crimea, on July 30, 1923, according to the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, a reserve with an area of ​​​​more than 16 thousand hectares was created on the site of the royal reserve. Later, in 1923, its area expanded to 23,000 hectares. A weather station, a laboratory, a museum of nature are being organized in the reserve.

During the Great Patriotic War the reserve was badly damaged by fires (more than 1.5 thousand hectares of protected forests died), bison were completely exterminated, a significant number of deer, roe deer and other animals died, scientific base and a museum. However, immediately after the liberation of the Crimea in 1944, the reserve began to recover. Its area was increased to 30.3 thousand hectares. In 1957, the reserve was turned into the Crimean State Protected Game Reserve. During the time of the Soviet leaders N. S. Khrushchev and L. I. Brezhnev, the former reserve turned into a hunting ground high-ranking officials not only from the USSR, but also from other countries. The status of the reserve was returned to this territory only in June 1991 by a decree of the Council of Ministers of the Ukrainian SSR. The branch of the reserve "Lebyazhy Islands" was established in 1949. in 2014, the reserve was transferred under the supervision of the UDP RF.

The main part of the reserve occupies the center of the Main Ridge Crimean mountains, a branch of the reserve is located in the west of the Crimean steppe zone and occupies part of the water area of ​​the Karkinitsky Gulf of the Black Sea. The area of ​​the mountain-forest part of the Crimean Reserve is formed from the sections of the mountains of the Main Ridge, the basin between the mountains and the slopes of the Inner Ridge of the Crimean Mountains. Here are the highest mountain ranges of Crimea Yalta Yayla, Gurzufskaya Yayla, Babugan-Yayla, Chatyr-Dag-Yayla with peaks: Roman-Kosh (1545 m), Bolshaya Chuchel (1387 m), Black (1311 m). Most of The massifs are elongated from the southwest to the northeast and have a cuesto structure.

A large amount of precipitation and dense forest cover have led to the fact that many Crimean rivers Alma, Kacha, Tavelchuk, Kosse, Marta, Ulu-Uzen, Avunda, Derekoika, Donga originate in the central part of the reserve. There are about 300 mountain springs and springs, among which the most famous is Savluh-Su, due to its healing, with silver ions, water. Limestone rocks, which make up the majority rocks on the territory of the reserve, led to the wide distribution of karst landforms: cavities, wells, grottoes, mines and caves. The general relief of the main part of the reserve is distinguished by significant elevation changes, ruggedness and heterogeneity.

Climatic conditions mountain-forest part of the reserve depend on altitudinal zonality, directions of mountain ranges and exposure of slopes. From the foot to the peaks, the average monthly temperature decreases and the average annual rainfall increases. average temperature January at the foot of the mountains is +2°С, July +22°С. While on the summits (on the yayles), temperatures below 0°C can be maintained until four months. Summer in the mountains is also not warm. The amount of precipitation on the yayles exceeds 1000 mm per year, and at the lower base of the northern slopes it does not exceed 470 mm. Most of the precipitation falls during the cold season.

The Crimean Reserve is rich in vegetation. More than 1200 species of plants grow here (half of the Crimean flora), of which 29 species are included in the European Red List (Crimean Eremur, Crimean cotoneaster, Siberian Sobolevsky, Dzevanovsky thyme, purple and red-headed lagozeris, tripartite prangos), and another 9 species are protected by the Bern Convention . 100 species of plants and mushrooms growing in the reserve are listed in the Red Book of Russia. These include the leafless beard, large astrantia, summer white flower, Pallas's larkspur, pale, purple, salep, male orches, hairy feather grass, stone-loving, beautiful, green-flowered love, Yaylinskaya tar, Crimean backache, coastal chill, yew berry, narrow-leaved and beautiful saffron , stinky juniper, deciduous forest griffon, curly sparaxis, red camelina and many others.

The distribution of vegetation in the reserve depends on altitudinal belts. At an altitude of up to 450 m, oak forests grow, consisting of downy oak (Quercus pubescens) and oriental hornbeam (Carpinus orientalis), and on the southern slope of the Main Ridge, up to a height of 400 m, oak-pine forests grow of downy and rocky oak and Crimean pine (Pinus Pallasiana). Above m meters on the southern slopes grow beech-pine forests, on all the rest up to a height of m forests of sessile oak (Quercus petraea), common hornbeam (Carpinus betulus) and ash. Even higher lies a belt of dense hornbeam, beech, consisting of Crimean beech (Fagus taurica Popl.), and hornbeam-beech forests, extending to the very yayla or to a narrow strip of pine forests. Frequent companions of beech and hornbeam are the species of maple, endemic for the Crimea, Steven's maple (Acer stevenii), mountain ash, euonymus, dogwood.

At altitudes above the m, forest vegetation gives way to meadow and steppe vegetation. This is where the yayly mountain meadows begin. Yaila is the realm of herbs. From late April to autumn, bloom here: crocuses, adonis, irises, violets, adonis, veronica, cinquefoil, meadowsweet, bedstraw, yarrow, St. Yayla herbs: fescue, steppe misfire, clover, cuffs, feather grass, bluegrass, fescue, couch grass, timothy grass, hedgehog, short-legged. Forty-five species of plants are found only on the Yayla, being Crimean endemics.

More than 200 species of vertebrates live in the reserve (half of all those found in the Crimea). 30 species of animals are listed in the European Red List, 52 species in the Red Book of Ukraine, among them: Crimean scorpion, common salpuga, Crimean empusa, dead head hawk hawk, yellow-bellied snake, yellow-bellied and four-striped snakes, black stork, gray crane, bustard, eagle owl, kinglet red-headed, pink starling, small and large horseshoe bats, several species of bats and bats (a total of 15 species of bats live in the reserve); badger and others. The diverse fauna of invertebrates (there are more than 8,000 species) has not yet been definitively inventoried. Most of the species belong to the class of insects. Of the crustaceans in the rivers of the reserve, it is interesting freshwater crab. The largest number species among vertebrates are birds (160 species). In second place are mammals (37 species), in third place are reptiles (10 species). 6 species of fish live in the rivers and ponds of the reserve, such as brook trout, endemic Crimean barbel, chub. The least represented in the reserve are amphibians, there are only 4 species: green toad, tree and lake frogs, and comb newt.

The reserve is characterized by the following species of birds: shrike and lesser shrike, garden bunting, nightjar, starling and goldfinch. There are also three types of nightingales found here: the western nightingale, the eastern nightingale and the Persian nightingale. In the forests, there are numerous species such as: Crimean tit, long-tailed tit, woodpecker, redstart, robin, warbler and jay. Mountain buntings are found high in the mountains. The largest population in the Crimea of ​​the Crimean subspecies of red deer lives in the reserve. In addition, roe deer, wild boar, mouflon are found in the forests of the reserve. From small mammals hedgehog is often found. The red fox is ubiquitous (occasionally there are black-brown specimens). Badgers and weasels live in the forests.

In addition to nature conservation, the Crimean Natural Reserve conducts research work. Under the program “Chronicle of Nature”, natural processes in forests are studied, observations are made of rare species plants and animals, the human impact on the environment is analyzed.

Song by A. Pugacheva.

1 slide.

Student 1. 2017 has been declared the Year of the Environment in Russia.

2 slide. 3 slide Student 2. LAW OF THE REPUBLIC OF CRIMEA On specially protected natural areas Republic of Crimea adopted by the State Council Republic of Crimea October 22, 2014. This Law regulates relations in the field of organization, protection and use of specially protected natural areas Republic of Crimea in order to preserve the unique and typical natural complexes and objects, remarkable natural formations, objects of flora and fauna, their genetic fund, the study of natural processes in the biosphere and control over changes in its state, environmental education population

4 slide. Student 1. The list of protected areas of Crimea, which are managed by the Department of Specially Protected Natural Territories of the Republic of Crimea, includes more than 50 unique natural objects peninsulas: Natural Park"Kalinovskiy" (12000 ha); State natural reserve "Lake Chokrak"; State Nature Reserve "Weeping Rock" (21.7 ha); Monument of nature "Suvorov oak"; State natural reserve "Plot of the steppe near the village. Klepinino" (3 hectares) and others.

5 slide . Student 1 . The unique part of the steppe, like the Tselinnaya Steppe botanical reserve, is located in the center of Crimea. This territory was left to monitor the existing steppe plant communities, to clarify the prospects for the development of these communities in the future.
6 slide Student 2 . The reserve was created with the aim of protecting, preserving valuable natural complexes and objects, their rational use and renewal.

7 slide. Student 1.
A section of the steppe near the village of Klepinino in the Republic of Crimea has been withdrawn from agricultural circulation since 1952. Scientists compare the state of vegetation in this reference area "Virgin Steppe" with the vegetation of agricultural land cultivated by man, draw conclusions about the degree of influence anthropogenic factors on the plant communities peninsulas. In addition, observations relate to the soil cover of these places.

Slide 8. Student 2. crying rock one of the most beautiful and fascinating sightsCrimea - landscape reserve of national importance in the river valley within the territory of Simferopol region . Created . Area - 21.7 hectares. The legend says that nature is crying, mourning for the lost deer that used to walk in these places.

Slide 9. Student 1. Rock that looks like layered cake, all dotted with karst cracks, from which water constantly oozes. It seems that she is crying with real tears, hence the telling name of this object.

Drops of water, rolling down the rock, come together and flow down in thin streams into a pond filled with clear water, which remains crystal clear and icy even in hot weather.

Student 2. This corner of the wild Crimean nature surprises with its amazing pristine beauty and naturalness, and the Weeping Rock phenomenon delights and amazes the imagination. Once you see these "tears" with your own eyes, and indelible impressions remain with you for the rest of your life.

Slide 10. Student 1. "Suvorov Oak" near Belogorsk, under the mountain in the river valley Biyuk-Karasu is a classic memorial tree of the Crimea.

Slide 11. Student 2. Age of this patriarch Crimean forest exceeds 700 years, its height reaches 18 meters, the girth of the trunk at the base is 12 meters. To hug a tree, you need at least ten people, which tourists enthusiastically check. Looking at him, you understand why they say: "strong as an oak." It is even hard to imagine that such trees once formed floodplain oak forests.
For its uniqueness, the oak received the status of a natural monument of local importance and is officially known under the name Suvorovsky.
According to legend, it was under this oak that Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov negotiated with the envoy of the Turkish Sultan in March 1777. This is evidenced by the shield installed nearby. It is quite possible that the tree was preserved thanks to the great commander, who was also revered in Soviet times.

slide 12.

Student 1. Lake Chokrak is perhaps the most mysterious, mysterious and unexpected interesting area in Crimea. Nevertheless, most tourists bypass it, preferring the more popular resorts of the South Coast. Lake Chokrak is often called generous gift planet Earth. All thanks to its unique healing factors, which include the most valuable mud and mineral springs.

Student 2. The total area of ​​Lake Chokrak is almost 9 square kilometers. However, the most great depth it does not exceed 1.5 meters. The shores of the lake are rocky, deserted and very picturesque. Lake Chokrak is located in close proximity to Sea of ​​Azov, it is separated from its water area by a narrow sand barrier

slide 13.

Student 1. In Crimea there is a large number of natural parks, nature reserves and sanctuaries. Landscape park "Kalinovskiy" is not difficult to find. It is enough, having entered the Crimea, turn near Sivash towards Dzhankoy and get to the village of Transparent. Here by efforts local residents a regional park was created. When creating the Kalinovsky park, one goal was pursued - the protection and preservation of wetlands in this Crimean region.

Student 2. The area of ​​the park is 12 thousand hectares. On the territory of the park there are several types of natural steppes of the Crimea. These types of steppes in the landscape park are the standards of vegetation steppe Crimea. About 150 species of birds live here. And another 60 species are observed as seasonal.

Teaching 1. Thank you for your attention.

Anthem of Ecologists.

2. Natural park "Karalarsky" (6806 ha);

3. Natural park "Aeronautic complex" Uzun-Syrt mountain Klementieva "(840 ha);

4. Natural Park "White Rock" (2256 ha);

5. State natural reserve "Dzhangulskoe landslide coast" (100 ha); 6.

7. State natural reserve “Plot of the steppe near the village. Solnechnoye” (5 hectares);

8. State natural reserve "Tselinnaya steppe near the village of Grigoryevka" (208 ha);

9. Sasyksky State Nature Reserve (5000 ha);

10. State natural reserve "Osovinskaya steppe" (3472 ha);

11. State natural reserve "Stepnoy plot near the village. School” (224 hectares);

12. Dolgorukovskaya Yayla State Nature Reserve (2130 ha);


14. Pozharsky State Nature Reserve (20 ha);

15. State natural reserve "Prisivashsky" (1000 ha);

16. Tepe-Oba Mountain Range State Nature Reserve (1200 ha);

17. Arabatsky State Nature Reserve (600 ha); one

8. State natural reserve "Lake Chokrak" (1000 ha);

19. State natural reserve "Astaninskiye Plavni" (50 ha);

20. Monument of nature "Coastal aquatic complex near the mountain range" Karaul-Oba "(90 ha); 21. Natural monument "Coastal aquatic complex near the mountain Ayu-Dag" (150 ha); 22. Monument of nature "Coastal aquatic complex between the village. New World and the city of Sudak” (120 ha); 23. Natural monument "Coastal aquatic complex at Cape Chauda" (90 ha); 24. Natural monument "Coastal aquatic complex near Cape Karangat" (150 ha); 25. Natural monument "Coastal aquatic complex near Cape Khroni" (180 ha); 26. Natural monument "Coastal aquatic complex near the Arabat Spit" (150 ha); 27. Natural monument "Coastal aquatic complex near the Dzhangul landslide coast" (180 ha); 28. Monument of nature "Coastal aquatic complex near the Diva rock and Mount Koshka" (60 ha); 29. Natural monument "Coastal aquatic complex near Cape Ai-Todor" (120 ha); 30. Natural monument "Coastal aquatic complex at Cape Plaka" (60 ha); 31. Natural monument “Coastal aquatic complex in the village. Solnechnogorsk and with. Malorechenskoe" (60 hectares); 32. Monument of nature "Plot of the coast in the village. Nikolaevka" (5 hectares); 33. Natural monument "Table mountain-remnant Tepe-Kermen" (5 ha); 34. Natural monument "Bakla" (5 ha); 35. Natural monument "Mountain-outlier Sheludivaya" (5 ha); 36. Natural monument "Rocks-Islands of Adalary" (1 ha); 37. Natural monument "Frog Mountain" (5 ha); 38. Natural monument "Rock of Iphigenia" (9 hectares); 39. Monument of nature "Tract" Mount Bolgatura "(1.9 ha); 40. Natural monument "Peninsula Meganom" (651.591 ha); 41 (0.09 ha); 42. Natural monument "Red Stone" (2 hectares); 43. Natural monument "Belbek Canyon" (100 ha); 44. Natural monument "Mount Ak-Kaya" (30 ha); 45. Natural monument "Mount Cat" (50 ha); 46. ​​Natural monument "Mountain-outlier" Mangup-Kale "(90 ha); 47. Natural monument "Hill" Dzhau-Tepe "(10 ha); 48. Landscape and recreational park "Donuzlav" (2335 ha); 49. Landscape and recreational park "Cape Takil" (850 ha); 50. Atlesh Landscape and Recreational Park (260 ha); 51. Landscape and recreational park "Quiet Bay" (1508 ha); 52. Landscape and recreational park "Fox Bay - Echki-Dag" (1561 ha); 53. Reserve tract "Bolshoi Kastel Balka" (20 ha).

General information:
The rock became a state type reserve on February 13, 1989. In a protected area natural object, hunting is temporarily prohibited and plants are under special protection. “Weeping Rock” is located in the gorge of the Western Bulganak River and occupies an area of ​​21.7 hectares. Belongs to the fourth category International Union nature conservation. The height of the block is approximately 9 meters. And the length is 110 meters.

According to one version, the origin of the name “Weeping Rock” symbolizes sorrow for animals mercilessly killed by man. Once upon a time, a large number of deer lived in the Simferopol district. But the hunters showed an unbridled interest in the production of these animals. One by one, the deer died, and when the last one died, the rock began to shed tears. The task of the reserve is to leave the area in its original and untouched form.

The reserve is popular today tourist place and welcome everyone. The light flickering in the morning or evening on the slopes of the Crimean cliff, along which droplets of running water roll into the pond, will not leave indifferent any guest. Here you can take stunning photographs for both the professional direction and for home collection.

Suvorov oak (Belogorsk district)

"Suvorov oak" near Belogorsk, under a mountain in the valley of the river. Biyuk-Karasu is a classic memorial tree of the Crimea.

Suvorov oak - a monument of wildlife, a witness to the historical events of eight centuries, majestically spread its branches in a wide field in that sacred place mountain Crimea where the steppes meet the mountain peaks. It was here in the second half of the 18th century that the most important historical events, forever changed the fate of the Crimea, after which the peninsula became part of Russian Empire. Since then, the oak has been called Suvorovsky in honor of the protagonist of the Russian victory.

State Reserve, the largest nature reserve of Crimea, established in 1991. Area ha. It is under the jurisdiction of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

The reserve includes 5 forestries and the Razdolnensky ornithological branch "Lebyazhy Islands", as well as the Karkinitsky ornithological reserve of wetlands of national importance with a water area of ​​​​ha.

the main objective conservation of the biological and landscape diversity of Opuk and its coastal zone. The area has great conservation and historical value to study in them. natural processes and phenomena, development scientific foundations nature conservation. The region is rich in flora and fauna.

Natural reserve in the Crimea. Area ha. Is in charge State Committee on forestry and hunting economy of the Republic of Crimea. The territory of the reserve is forever withdrawn from economic exploitation, its use is allowed only for scientific purposes or to ensure the preservation, increase of the wealth of the reserve. The territory of the reserve is part of the specially protected natural areas of the Republic of Crimea.

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