Reserved places of the Belgorod region presentation. Natural monument "Cretaceous Mountain"

Belogorye... Father's field.
White smoke over the meadow.
Herbs thick radiance juicy
On the slopes of the chalk.
Curly Heather Snake
Rose over the mountain
And you can't see the shore
Behind the shore grass.
Midnight stars ellipsis,
The clouds move in a crowd.
Belogorye ... Father's field -
What they call their destiny!...
(Vladimir Molchanov)


(large explanatory dictionary D.N. Ushakov)

Geographical position.

Sites of the reserve
located in
Borisovsky (sites
"Forest on Vorskla" and
"Ostrasiev Yars"),
Gubkinsky (sites
"Bald Mountains" and
"Yamskaya steppe" near the city of
Stary Oskol) and
(Section "Walls
Izgorya") districts

State Nature Reserve “Belogorye”

One of the most famous and beautiful
natural objects of the Belgorod
region - state reserve
Belogorye with an area of ​​2131 hectares.
Plot "Forest on Vorskla" - the oldest
the place of the reserve, which preserves
centuries-old upland oak forest on Vorskla,
the age of some trees reaches 300350 years. The forest is inhabited by about 100 species of birds.
(dwarf eagle. Black kite, gray
owl, etc.), wild boars, European roe deer,
foxes, badgers, weasels, hares,
stone martens, etc.

Section "Ostrastevy Yars"

is a dense network of beams and
ravines reaching into
height 200-250 m.
Site vegetation
typical of the forest-steppe
zones - more than 362 species
plants: fescue, feather grass, sage,
astragalus, flax, etc.
The animal world of these places
represented by roe deer,
foxes, hedgehogs,
mole rats, long-eared owl,
buzzards, newts,
several types of toads and
frogs, etc.

Section "Stenki-Izgorya"

located in the floodplain
site and on river
slopes of Oskol. Most
beautiful places in this area -
numerous beams with
narrow ridges. home
the value of the site
relic chalk pines,
whose average age
reaches 200 years.

Plot "Yamskaya steppe"

can boast of
chernozem soils with
characteristic beautiful
steppe landscapes. This
place is the only one in the world
large massif of virgin
feather-grass-forb-meadow steppe on typical
black soil, thanks to which
he was awarded a diploma
Council of Europe and named
steppe ecosystems

Area "Bald Mountains"

unique in that it has
still ongoing process
active formation
relief. It's beautiful
the place is covered with chalk
remnants formed
water washout after
last glaciation.

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Reserve "Belogorye"

The reserve "Belogorye", created in 1979, is located in the Belgorod region in the area of ​​untouched oak forests, as well as in the meadow-steppe areas, where primary and riverine rocky limestones are common, the latter in the form of cliffs. The structure of the reserve "Belogorye" includes "Forest on Vorskla" - also a protected area, created back in 1925. In 1999, the Belogorye Reserve included 4 isolated clusters, 2 of which belonged to the Central Chernozemny Reserve.

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Natural monument "Cretaceous mountain"

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    Reserve "Belogorye"

    At present, the structure of the Belogorye Reserve includes the following sections: the Forest on Vorskla and Ostrasyevy Yars sections of the Borisovsky District, the Bald Mountains and the Yamskaya Steppe near the town of Stary Oskol, Gubkinsky District, and the Walls of Izgorye, Novooskolsky.

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    Forest on Vorskla

    Forest on Vorskla, a reserve in the southwestern part of the Central Russian Upland, in the Belgorod Region. Founded in 1925, has existed within its current borders since 1979. The area is 1038 hectares, 990 hectares are covered by forests. The relief is flat, slightly hilly, typical of the Central Russian forest-steppe. The forest on Vorskla is a centuries-old oak forest of the Central Russian forest-steppe. About 500 species of plants are registered in the reserve, both centuries-old oak forests and steppe vegetation, meadow steppes are typical. Since the reserve is located in a densely populated area, the fauna of the reserve is not rich. A total of 45 species of mammals and 70 species of birds have been noted. Wild boar, roe deer, elk, pine and stone martens, weasel, badger, squirrel, fox, hare are characteristic. Of the birds - gray heron, black kite, kestrel, tawny owl, hobby falcon, roller, saker falcon. Acclimatized raccoon dog.

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    Reserve "Belogorye"

    • Relatively recently, the reserve was transferred from local to federal subordination. Neither more nor less - directly to the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation
    • It is curious that in the 18th century the oak forest was preserved due to some paradox. On the one hand, during the time of Peter the Great, powerful oaks were actively used to build ships.
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    Reserve "Belogorye"

    The coat of arms and the main "chip" of the reserve are powerful old oaks, 250-300 years old. These giants are visible from afar. Ash trees, maples, aspens and other growths do not dare to come close to the powerful kings of the reserve.

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    Yamskaya steppe

    The Yamskaya steppe is part of the Belogorye State Biosphere Reserve. The area of ​​the reserve is 566 hectares, it is located 8 km from the city of Gubkin.

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    More than 250 years ago, the virgin steppe with an area of ​​1200 acres belonged to the inhabitants of the Yamskaya settlement of Stary Oskol. Coachmen and pits (parking lots for changing horses on roadways) ensured the movement of government officials and mail. The settlement had its own land used for grazing and haymaking. Communal use of them contributed to the preservation of virgin lands. As a unique virgin corner of nature, the Yamskaya Steppe was discovered in 1921 by Professor V.V. Alekhin in the study of the vegetation of the Kursk province. Since 1935, the site has become a protected area.

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    feather grass steppe

  • Slide 14

    There are about 500 species of plants in the reserve. The main wealth of the protected area is meadow steppes. Of particular value is the vegetation of the meadow steppes at the outcrops of the chalk. These are feather grass, low sedge, Cretaceous thyme and other species. There are also endemic plants (these are plants that grow only in this place, and nowhere else). This is ephedra two-eared, Kozo-Polyansky's breaker. All of them are relatives of the mountain plants of Mongolia, the south of Siberia and the Southern Urals, such communities are called "lowered Alps". Feather grass, cretaceous backache requires special protection.

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    Breaker of Kozo-Polyansky

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    Ridge Walls

    Protected area of ​​federal significance of the state biosphere reserve Belogorye. It is located on the left steep banks of the Oskol River between the villages of Peschanka and Tavolzhanka, 10 km from the city of Novy Oskol. Created by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 17, 1995. The site includes upland oak forest, black alder, floodplain meadow with oxbow lakes and lakes, artificial plantations of black poplar, Scotch pine, exposed chalk slopes of the southern and western exposures of Zhestovaya Gora and Tavolzhansky Log with relic groups of "lowered Alps" and thyme forests, slopes of the ravine and the edge of the tract " Walls, covered with steppe groups and steppe meadows.

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    Protected area "Walls of Izgorye"

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    • In the flora of the protected area there are about 700 species of vascular plants, 356 species of flowering plants. Of these, 9 are included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, 46 in the Red Book of the Belgorod Region, including: some orchids, feather grasses, onosma, Sofia's wolfberry.
    • It has a unique combination of natural complexes: upland oak forest with chalky pines, feather grass steppes, chalky outcrops, marshy gray alder forests. This is the only place in Russia where you can find Cretaceous pine, Altai wolf, Cretaceous pine. The plot area is 267 hectares.
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    Wetlands and forests of the "Stenki-Izgorye" protected area are an important reserve for the conservation of animals, including nesting birds.

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    Ridge Walls

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    Ostrasiev Yars

    A new section of the reserve - the forest-steppe ravine "Ostrasyevy Yary", or the tract Nizkoye (area 90 hectares), was created in 1995. It includes about 20 hectares of meadow steppe and a plot of ravine forest. About 400 species of vascular plants grow here. Among them are feather grass, various types of astragalus, Ukrainian flax, etc.

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    Municipal educational institution "Golovchinskaya secondary school with in-depth study of individual subjects" of the Graivoronsky district Research work
    Prepared by a student of grade 4-A Atamanchuk Evgeniy Supervisor: Savitskaya T.A.

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    Topic: Along the paths of the Belogorye nature reserve

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    The subject of the study is the reserve "Belogorye"

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    The purpose of the study is to study the flora and fauna of the reserve "Belogorye"

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    Tasks to get acquainted with the history of the creation of the reserve; to get acquainted with plants and animals of the reserve "Belogorya"; develop reminders of behavior in nature;

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    With the advent of man on Earth, his whole life largely depended on the abundance of animals, on the preservation of forests, pastures, and the purity of reservoirs. People guarded territories with rock outcrops, springs with clean healing water, territories with useful plants and animals. They called these territories sacred, and later - reserved. Already in the Old Russian state there were several protected areas where it was forbidden to hunt and cut down forests. Bison, aurochs, moose, deer, bears lived there, there were many birds and valuable plants. Such a protected place has become an amazing corner of wildlife on the territory of the Belgorod region - a section of the Belogorye nature reserve.

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    Reserve "Belogorye"
    The reserve "Belogorye" existed in the Borisov estate of the Sheremetevs since 1705, and was called the "Custom Grove". It received its modern name only in 1925. Of particular interest are the houses of Academician V.N. Sukachev, the estate of the former convent of the Tikhvin Mother of God.

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    Today, the reserve's scientists are engaged in experimental research on plant protection, create a reference herbarium, and zoological collections.

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    The reserve is represented by the Central Russian forest-steppe. The forests are formed by century-old oaks and occupy almost the entire territory of the reserve.

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    The reserve - the only forest in the Belgorod region - plays an important role in the preservation of the main complex of animals, upland oak forests. Its insular position contributes to the dense population of this territory by many species of animals.

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    The main water artery of the reserve is the Vorskla River, on the right bank of which ancient oak forests are located.

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    The modern vegetation cover of the reserve is the result of a long and complex history of the flora and vegetation of the forest-steppe zone. Although the territory of the modern Belgorod region was not subjected to glaciation, the cold breath of the glacier affected the formation of vegetation. During the retreat of the glacier, the liberated areas were inhabited by alpine, mountain-steppe, meadow, steppe species - the remnants of the pre-glacial steppes. Of the tree species, they were the first to leave the protected "shelters" in the south and formed small forests among the grassy vegetation, the most cold-resistant - pine, birch, and partly spruce. Subsequent waves of warming also produced waves of more heat-loving migrants from the south, including broad-leaved tree species and their companions. Oak gradually replaced pine and birch.

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    Within the limits of the Belogorye reserve, you can find about 200 plant species that are completely uncharacteristic of the forest-steppe.

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    Some trees are 250-300 years old.

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    Corydalis Gallera
    This is a perennial herb. The flowers are light purple, sometimes white, with a spur. The brush of flowers is relatively dense. Fingernail-length corollas. The fruit is a drooping oblong capsule. Seeds are black, shiny, small. The plant blooms in March-April. The fruits ripen in June.

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    Ranunculus anemone
    Ranunculus anemone is a perennial herbaceous plant. Flowers with numerous bright yellow tepals. Blooms early in spring.

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    goose bow
    The plant is a primrose.

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    Yellow-throated mouse, oriole, common dove, green woodpecker, in their distribution are closely related to oak ..
    The reserve presents favorable conditions for the life of many animals, so this area is quite densely populated. The Red Book of Russia lists such species of insects that live on the territory of the reserve, such as the stag beetle, hermit beetle, swallowtail. The bird fauna is very diverse. Already in early spring, you can hear field sparrows, great tits, blue tit, nuthatches, pikas. The sound of a woodpecker can be heard throughout the forest. In March, migratory birds are common - rooks, starlings, gray herons, white wagtails, finches, songbirds and blackbirds, various birds of prey.

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    The Red Book of Russia
    stag beetle hermit beetle butterfly swallowtail

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    Bats, squirrels, stone martens live in high hollows in the forests. Yellow-throated mice, redheads and bush voles live in old stumps and basal hollows. Shrews hide in the forest litter. Foxes and badgers forage for themselves in the area of ​​high-stemmed areas. Roe deer and elk feed on euonymus, while wild boars stay all winter in good years. Jackdaws, woodpeckers, roller-rollers, sparrows, swifts, nuthatches, common owls predominate in the age-old oak forest. A colony of gray herons lives in the central part. Black kites are settling in the vicinity. A large colony of rooks lives on a site of tall oak forests. White storks nest on edge oaks. Bark beetles, barbels, goldfish live in the bark of dying trees. A lot of insects and pests of the forest. Ungulates and blue hare graze on the edges at night. On sunny days, a lot of bees, bumblebees, butterflies fly over the flowers. In the southern part of the reserve, there are burrows of badgers, foxes, and raccoon dogs. In the thickets of willow and reeds, corncrake chicks, thrush-like and marsh warblers hatch. Various frogs and toads live in marshy places.

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    The feathered order includes the gray heron, black kite, roller-roller, etc. The most typical representatives of the reserve are the jackdaw, tree sparrow, starling, chaffinch, black-headed warbler, turtledove, great tit.

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    Mammals are quite widely represented by numerous pine and stone martens, weasel, badger, squirrel, ermine, fox, hare, and raccoon dog.

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    A very mobile bird, quickly and silently jumps from branch to branch in the dense foliage of trees. From afar, a melodic whistle of a bird is heard, reminiscent of the sounds of a flute - “fiu-liu-li”.

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    green woodpecker
    The GREEN WOODPECKER is a very beautiful bird. The dorsal side and wings are yellowish-olive. These are very cautious birds - individual pairs settle far from each other, and therefore it is not easy to meet them. However, during the nesting period, the birds give out their presence with loud calls: the female and male call in turn all day long.

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    The fox is beautiful: a magnificent tail, a red fur coat and a roguish narrow-nosed muzzle with beautiful brown eyes. In addition, the fox is slender, graceful, it has an elongated torso and slender legs.

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    In general appearance, the wolf resembles a large pointed-eared dog. The muzzle of a wolf is expressive: scientists distinguish more than 10 facial expressions: anger, anger, humility, affection, fun, alertness, threat, calmness, fear.

    Bats, squirrels, stone martens live in high hollows in the forests. Yellow-throated mice, redheads and bush voles live in old stumps and basal hollows. Shrews hide in the forest litter. Foxes and badgers forage for themselves in the area of ​​high-stemmed areas. Roe deer and elk feed on euonymus, while wild boars stay all winter in good years. Jackdaws, woodpeckers, roller-rollers, sparrows, swifts, nuthatches, common owls predominate in the age-old oak forest. A colony of gray herons lives in the central part. Black kites are settling in the vicinity. A large colony of rooks lives on a site of tall oak forests. White storks nest on edge oaks. Bark beetles, barbels, goldfish live in the bark of dying trees. A lot of insects and pests of the forest. Ungulates and blue hare graze on the edges at night. On sunny days, a lot of bees, bumblebees, butterflies fly over the flowers. In the southern part of the reserve, there are burrows of badgers, foxes, and raccoon dogs. In the thickets of willow and reeds, corncrake chicks, thrush-like and marsh warblers hatch. Various frogs and toads live in marshy places.

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    Specially protected natural areas of the Belgorod region Prepared by: Rozhnova V.M.

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    The reserve "Belogorye", created in 1979, is located in the Belgorod region in the area of ​​untouched oak forests, as well as in the meadow-steppe areas, where primary and riverine rocky limestones are common, the latter in the form of cliffs. The structure of the reserve "Belogorye" includes "Forest on Vorskla" - also a protected area, created back in 1925. In 1999, the Belogorye Reserve included 4 isolated clusters, 2 of which belonged to the Central Chernozemny Reserve.

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    At present, the structure of the Belogorye Reserve includes the following sections: the Forest on Vorskla and Ostrasyevy Yars sections of the Borisovsky District, the Bald Mountains and the Yamskaya Steppe near the town of Stary Oskol, Gubkinsky District, and the Walls of Izgorye, Novooskolsky.

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    Forest on Vorskla Forest on Vorskla, a nature reserve in the southwestern part of the Central Russian Upland, in the Belgorod Region. Founded in 1925, has existed within its current borders since 1979. The area is 1038 hectares, 990 hectares are covered by forests. The relief is flat, slightly hilly, typical of the Central Russian forest-steppe. . The forest on Vorskla is a centuries-old oak forest of the Central Russian forest-steppe. About 500 species of plants are registered in the reserve, both centuries-old oak forests and steppe vegetation, meadow steppes are typical. Since the reserve is located in a densely populated area, the fauna of the reserve is not rich. A total of 45 species of mammals and 70 species of birds have been noted. Wild boar, roe deer, elk, pine and stone martens, weasel, badger, squirrel, fox, hare are characteristic. Of the birds - gray heron, black kite, kestrel, tawny owl, hobby falcon, roller, saker falcon. Acclimatized raccoon dog.

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    Relatively recently, the reserve was transferred from local to federal subordination. Neither more nor less - directly to the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation It is curious that in the 18th century the oak forest was preserved due to a certain paradox. On the one hand, during the time of Peter the Great, powerful oaks were actively used to build ships.

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    The coat of arms and the main "chip" of the reserve are powerful old oaks, 250-300 years old. These giants are visible from afar. Ash trees, maples, aspens and other growths do not dare to come close to the powerful kings of the reserve.

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    Yamskaya steppe The Yamskaya steppe is part of the state biosphere reserve "Belogorye". The area of ​​the reserve is 566 hectares, it is located 8 km from the city of Gubkin.

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    More than 250 years ago, the virgin steppe with an area of ​​1200 acres belonged to the inhabitants of the Yamskaya settlement of Stary Oskol. Coachmen and pits (parking lots for changing horses on roadways) ensured the movement of government officials and mail. The settlement had its own land used for grazing and haymaking. Communal use of them contributed to the preservation of virgin lands. As a unique virgin corner of nature, the Yamskaya Steppe was discovered in 1921 by Professor V.V. Alekhin in the study of the vegetation of the Kursk province. Since 1935, the site has become a protected area.

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    There are about 500 species of plants in the reserve. The main wealth of the protected area is meadow steppes. Of particular value is the vegetation of the meadow steppes at the outcrops of the chalk. These are feather grass, low sedge, Cretaceous thyme and other species. There are also endemic plants (these are plants that grow only in this place, and nowhere else). This is ephedra two-eared, Kozo-Polyansky's breaker. All of them are relatives of the mountain plants of Mongolia, the south of Siberia and the Southern Urals, such communities are called "lowered Alps". Feather grass, cretaceous backache requires special protection.

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    Walls of Izgorye Reserve area of ​​federal importance of the state biosphere reserve Belogorye. It is located on the left steep banks of the Oskol River between the villages of Peschanka and Tavolzhanka, 10 km from the city of Novy Oskol. Created by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 17, 1995. The site includes upland oak forest, black alder, floodplain meadow with oxbow lakes and lakes, artificial plantations of black poplar, Scots pine, exposed chalk slopes of the southern and western exposures of Zhestovaya Gora and Tavolzhansky Log with relic groups of "lowered Alps" and thyme forests, slopes of the ravine and the edge of the tract " Walls, covered with steppe groups and steppe meadows.

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    In the flora of the protected area there are about 700 species of vascular plants, 356 species of flowering plants. Of these, 9 are included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, 46 in the Red Book of the Belgorod Region, including: some orchids, feather grasses, onosma, Sofia's wolfberry. It has a unique combination of natural complexes: upland oak forest with chalky pines, feather grass steppes, chalky outcrops, marshy gray alder forests. This is the only place in Russia where you can find Cretaceous pine, Altai wolf, Cretaceous pine. The plot area is 267 hectares.

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    Wetlands and forests of the "Stenki-Izgorye" protected area are an important reserve for the conservation of animals, including nesting birds.

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    Ostrasievy Yary A new section of the reserve - the forest-steppe ravine "Ostrasyevy Yary", or the Nizkoye tract (area 90 ha), was established in 1995. It includes about 20 ha of meadow steppe and an area of ​​ravine forest. About 400 species of vascular plants grow here. Among them are feather grass, various types of astragalus, Ukrainian flax, etc.
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